'. l, CLASSIFIEDS yrrimeoiuartre' i tkdrGdinur%r"s ment, close to everything CL LONG Branch - Bachelor apt. Frig. slave. Parking. Washing facilities. Suit 1 - 1. LE 3- 6638. LONG BRANCH ,. Two bed- RN E056 Branch, , bedroom apart- ment, electrically equipped, Washer and Dryer, puking. CL. 5-9548. We Invite You To Visit Cur Model Suites Church & George Sts. In Wench i7i9Eti To liar-a or f room home. Adults. Full dry base- ment. Ounce. Runnable. Call EM 4-8245 after 6. 43rd St. Long Bunch Modern one bedroom from sm Two bedroom from 895. Decorated. opposite park. free parking, TV outlet, equipment optional. Children welcome. n t a r Ichools. transportation and mopping. 255-1706 - 255-2557 259-3108 1 BEDROOM. large mmlmaa - 1-bedroom an. in PAL-king. Washing. tst.utl triplex, Mor., aid... - APARTMENTS Prestige resident!“ humus; sinned In In Idéal location "trtootiittt nu number live:- at Bloor In. I extremely large mites. “willle now. A , - bedroom. , - batman: suite with prints baieonr - $280 A lane comer 3- bedroom suite - 3110. A most attractive 2-bedroom suite on the (In! fioor I: also available now - 8150. Heated gatage accommodatin- is " course tunable with these suites, It - APARTMENTS TO tar carcinoma!) 12-9 WEEKEND 12-8 rooms in upper duplex, fridge ind stove. Parking. Adults only. CL. l-6055. apartment, equipped. Quid. clean building. 390. and $97. monthly. CL. 5-9022. BEDROOM basement apt. - large. living room, fireplace, equipped kitchen - parking - On Lake - $80. per month - CL. 5-1442 or CL. 5-3576. LONG BRANCH ECONOMY 1-2-3 BEDROOMS Children Welcome Model Suite Now Open For Your Inspection CLOSE TO ALL SERVICES Coll MR, GOLDMAN CH. 1-1882 Just West of [slington Ave. JACKLEN MANOR A Good Place To live RIVERVIEW PLAZA Dixon Terrace " - HOUSES WANTED ' ALL CASH ' A CASH OFFER FOR YOUR HOME MR. FORD, 259-8445 LONG BRANCH APARTMENTS $80 and up CL. 0-7004 90 - 25th Street 290 DIXON " Toronto (ll) MILL Cull Mr. Ball HU. 7-159] Ev“. HU. 8-1211 244-3309 Apply Supt. - Apt. 6 Iti-33rd STREET - LONG BRANCH CL. 5-3346 SEAVIEW APARTMENTS 1 MONTH FREE RENT mun oceanic! m min! “comm t h , Badman trurtsithet or Unmmilhld) from $79.00 Close to everything Thedroom ? HIGHLANDER w APARTMENTS ONE-SEEK???“ ooarirhettt, in apt. buildlnl. â€5-9397. NEW TORONTO. 5-bedroom "artment, Ivan-bio m 6t Doegmbq. Ill-ML THREE room spammem. BE 3." um after m MlMICO - 2-bedljootn apt, in icimiR6i% Qt, RirrtFeT. 8‘43 Lake Short Blvd, W. " 54037. NEAR MIMICO Station - bl- ewe: "0ttment, electrically equipped. Private can-um. _t)rtrru, 279-7037. 4 ROOM basement tyttryouF"""iii,irii,e I FG Taciri i'iii trig. "M f1urSt_wie.tt.tri parking. 259-9666- 3 BOéMSFJuth 'ar-Kira-e," equlp. ped. Adults. BE 3-2596. LONE Branch. a bright rooms. MIMIco --U beau-Bum apt. itTaif at Lt 2ititr, l rTGifiFri" .1t1tlt1c18eft"9e. 29-03% bedroom apt. mom». nu NEW Toronto - triplex, bright, upper am. 2 bedrooms. Park- ing. Clone transportation and shopping. Electrieallr equtp- pod. Adult! only. CL 1-6724. LAKEFRON't, Long Branch - duplex. Private beach. 5 rooms, equipped. Breakfast room plus sun room. Large garden, trees, quiet. $120. Adulh only. CL 9- 4534. LONG Brunch, new large ' bed- rtrortt upper duplex. fridge. stove, garage, balcony. l at 2 children. tits. CL 5-4877. rm Credit . o ENJOY INDOOR SWIMMING ALL YEAR ROUND . STEAM BATH o EXERCISE ROOM For Rental Assistance Coll CR. 8-0614 or CR. 8-2760 MIMICO - 1 bedroom in 5-ptex, equipped. Good transportation, shopping. TAr., washing, park- ing facilities. Coup1is only. Hillside Avenue. CL 1-6617 after 6:30. LARGE. rrTodeFriVtredtGrdG am. Kitchen equipped. $100. Avail- able Dec. 15th, 255-7968 after 3 ROOM Unfurnished htrt. Shr. arate entrance. 352 Royal York Rd. Call 537-3747. 1011-! Street - 2 bedroom span- mént, electrically equipped. Call after 5. CL IA)235. 1287 LAKESHORE RD. E. PORT CREDIT 1 Block West of Dixie Rd. For Information Call CR 8-1914 or WA 5-3442 $107.50 and up. CLOVBRDALB Twp bgdrpomn, ALDBKWOOD TOWERS Luxury one. two and three 1e1rems. Fully, ewipped. ped. CL} i2iiiii. T"'"" G. L. BOLAND REAL ESTATE -t'lith'cEtiiCiN-rirMEN-dE- 3 Bedroom upper duplex - fully equipped, 2 baths, gu- 150. $200. BE. 3-3337. if; Large Party Room with Bar 'hTte For Children FA Music Thrguahout 0l27. Quiet tin-plex. tq u ipVe d _ Adults Only. 91 Hanan St. ( Balcony. Garage. Adult: pre- ferred. CL 9-6025. Hwy. 8t - Queen Elisabeth run "In or IT! nub IN TORONTO rowusnlt Occupancy Dec. lst luminous mam I u I-BIDIOOM no.“ no; z-annoom FROM 8115 8.330300»: non use SPECIAL BONUS FOB, 1110512 RENTING IN NOVEMBER. Extra Large Patios Ind Heated Swimming Pool Plus 30 Other Features 1 lug-hem St. N., ' Igti" CL 572367. MALL North 3110. Equip- MIMICO ' one bedroom "t. ONE bedroom Ipt.. etuihted. Utility room in basement. Laundry. Rea-enable. Adults. 235-9013, 6rr6i2RWifid like. unfur- nished 2 bedroom and bache- lor. Redecmted and fully equipped. 155 Lakeshore Dr. NEW Toronto - 70 Lakeshore Drive. Self-contained. 4 rooms Adults. Private entrance. Park- ing. CL 9-6174. LAKEFRONT, Long Brunch - Ont bedroom apartment in special triplet. t'ityturt window overlooking lake. Print. bat. cony. landscaped "rden, park- ing. Adults. 151-0974. Rchnm and mm room. Fri-- Ttttt washroom. [10 Superior Arenat, Mimico. CV 9-9700. AT 24 vaery St, one bache- lor apt. for rent with trig. and stove. Close to transportation and shopping. Call 259-6751 or 259-9134. BIDOR - tslington, 1 bedroom lpértmenl, parking. 239-8630 after 8. MIMICO. 2 bail-own apartment in five plex. $85. Adults. 921- 6186. FREE rent for first month - large 2 bedroom on main floor, free appliances.' hot water, parking and decorating. CL 5- MM. MIMICO - large 2 bedroom apt. Washing, drying, p a r k i n g. Close to transportation. Days 741-0786, evenings 255-3603. Mrit7d6 - l bedfotnn mm: 3 LARGE apartment, 2 bedrooms, opposite Hydro plant. $110 monthly. 1095 Lakeshore Rd. E. CR 8-7093. Migiltkf - , Roma, :3th100:. Parking. Reason-bk. 259-1703 after th LONG Branch - 39th Street. 1 bedroom apt. in 5-plex. Park- ing. laundry, etc. $78. CL 1- 2t08. BACHELOR apartment. " block carline. Stove, fridge, electric supplied. Fireplace. $18 week- ly. CL 5-2491. BEDROOM, kitchen, recreation. bath, private entrance, park- ing. 20 Brown’. Line. Ask at back yard, Mr. Mirtmchniktrw. QUEENSWAY district - tour rooms, basement. CL 5-1768 after 5 pan. MIMICO - 2 bedroom "apnfiréé washing and parking. WAlnut 4.3683, m-DRY basement apt. Own en- trance. Utilities supplied. Suit- able 1 or 2 adults. $60. 22 Su- perior Ave. CL 1-7040. Evgs. BE. 3-6383. LONG Enrich - $85. CL 5-4046. NEW Toronto. 1 'tred/org-; Stove, trig. 385 CL 5-5173. tCrrW" Toronto on Lakeshore Dr. BwOR-Royal York. Partly fur, nished basement apt. in pri- vate home. Business person 231-1300. m duplex, modern large 4 mom, 4 piece bath, kitchen with many cupboards, equip- ped. I entrances, from. porch, storage space, parking. Clean. quiet, wlrm triplex. $105. 134 Portland Street, Mimico. after 6 pm. or Week end. " - "Aims to 1m wards-m» mum) mum. GUM AM convenient 151mm. um rret parking. ttN like an" IM Nan, Form-naub POOH ‘MHL NEW. Available In of Domini)". 'tsta ONI-BIDRCX)‘ MU - ttttr, TWO-BIDROO‘ "I. . OM. It.---)"' rooms and 1 pee. bath." $90 Adults. CL 1-1937. 0 "r square toot oeimming NO PETS RENTAL INFORMATION Mn. [lemma Mu. Roch" 219-199! 211-931. otnee , mm. - I Path. 211-06.! O Sonar-u radio. pool 0 Tennis our! . " new ot husband "th q Picnic tables and barbecues o Rev-bu . Moon“ corridor: . atudnebo.kt Ind hop scotch o Cloth lined drapes . Fire-proof buildings I Free path. 060% visitor parking ROOM apt, for rent with ga- rage in Mimico. Separate en- trance. Not equipped. Avail- able Dec. In. Middle aged couple with one child only. 890 per month. Can be seen, CL 1- 6883. 3 rooms. $85. Stove and trig. CL 1-4593. -RTxrId unfurnished basement apartment. CL 5-3580. LUIUII 'r, htit lowers - 1 bedroom ape apt. DAY CARE given pre-school UNFURNIéi-IED a room flat, self-contained. With stove and fridge. CL 9-1895. UNrimMsHigirn7t. Two rooms 4 ROOM flat, untu/WsGr, Long Branch. 259-3841. ALDEBWOOD - Day care giv- LOVING day care for I or 2 pre-school children. 77 - 16th St. CL. 5-2193. DAY CARE L, 1 or 2 children welcome. Hot meals. CL. 5- I468. DAY CARE available for chil- dren in Cloverdale ares. Large play room. 239-6017. DAY CARE, l minute Parkview School. Large yard, playroom. and toys. etc James and list St. Phone cu 1-5152. FURNISHED flat {In rent. No children. Mrs, J. Kraieer, " Mimico Ave. CL 1-9905. QUEENSWAY -- 3 room apt, 4 piece bath. verandah, private entrance, 2nd floor. Parking. 259-8812 after 5. 4 ROOM flat, unfurnished. pri- vate bathroom, private ent- rance. CL. 9-9960. MIMiCO. near Lakeshore. three rooms, furnished. CL 9-9906. NEW Toronto, above furniture More. 1 bedroom apt., fur- nished. Business couple. No children. 259-2568 after a. LAKESHORE '8; Royal York Rd. Furnished 1 bedroom base- Tent apartment, suit couple or 15 - FLATS TO LET FURNISHED or [INFURNISHED FURNiSHED 2 - bedroom apt. Mimico, near Lakeshore. $28 weekly. Adults. CL 1-0303. FURNISHED apartment, 22 Bradfield. 2 blocks north of Queensway between Kipling & Islington. YOUNG man has 2-bedroom apt. in New Toronto to share with 1 other. Prefer mature person. Phone after 5 Thursday & Fri- day: after 8 pm Saturday & Sunday. 255-4663. CHI-BIDROOM an, furnished too a month. On: bunch" IDL, turnilhed 380 . month. cu 142'") after ' o'clock. A BIG tannin, large bright l or) bedroom Iplrtmeni. equipped, furnished or untttrttishtd. Te- lemma. free parking. Stone- ute Plaza, whack. "unwr- tation " door, 164 Berry Road, 233-2053 - HU. 3-2353. LARGE modern kitchen. bedsit- PORT Credit - Bright fUritiahed apartment. Suit couple. Pri- vate entrance. 318 weekly. 271- 02il, BASEMENT 1 BEDROOM apartment in pri- vate home, close to transror- tation. Furnished or unfur- nished. CL 1-4288 after s. " - CARE FOR CHILDREN I l 2 bdrm up“. from $75. Immune III will; shoppm. and trNsqtortntum. Nady Sum. All. IO 5 Buck Ave, Long Drench children. Rathbum and 27 Hwy. 239-9550. en. References. Bab} weieoine. CL. 9-1941. and kitchen. Private bathroom. 53-Third St.. New Toronto. Unfurnished " Room WIMEG 21 Nursing Home: " Artie) for “I. II Article. Wahted I Pet Steel! It sunning Sana: as Iquimn! b 1 It his. “out: A Minna“ †Can for Baie I Truck. & hum f 2 girls, reasonable. Cali 255- 8890. ROOM furnished apt, Long Branch. CL 1-4038 after 6. ting roam, bree. bath. One lady. After I! pm. CL. 5-0449. ASEMENT apt., stove & Ridge Suit two gentlemen. Furnished. 259-5559. or Unfurnished " Care for Children " Room and Bonn: " Rooms to Let - Farm-had " Room: to Let ' Furnished 13 Abutment; Wanted " Shared Accommodation " Flat: to Let - Furnished I Real Estate , Properties Wanted 3 Lot; for Sale & Wanted 4 Mortgages s Business Opportunities ' Office Space to Let & Wanted , Industrial Space to Let & Wmted t Stores to Let & Wnnted ' Houses to Let " Houses Wanted " Apartments to Let - Unfurnished " Apartments to Let - [OW RENT " - SHARED ACCOMMODATION (l. 94423 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFIED INDEX 3 FtikfifgiiEEi mans. GiGGGr, ONE large furnished room. Suit THREE large moms with kitch- FURNISHED bedroom for rent. PhonerCL 5-7523 anytime. EVAxs’Avg-Brown'. Line - ROOM for rent, 153 Sheldon Ave., 255-4792. FURNISHED bedroom, private entrance and washroom. Rea. sonable. 1 block north of Rath- burn off 17 Highway. Phone 231-4431 _ CHOICE bedrEom, warm. cheer- ful and comfortable Conveni- ent location. CL 9-3060. MIMICO - Bright and warm bed-sitting room. light house- keeping, nice residential dis- trict. close TTC. CL. 1-3602 WISHED room, clean home. . Horner and 30th sc area. CL 9-2915. fURNISHED room tt weekly, Wanted " Dancing Schools " Dressinlking " Musical Instruction " Tuition " Moving A carnage " Gardening Supphe! " Psinting & Decorating " Carpentry " Repairs " Piano Tuning " Service- Offered at trdrtaporutiort " Person! " but " Found " [manna-m " Mufti... I Birth. Cl Dam m " My Cl ht We. 00 GIN. " “mm 6 can. Imu- LARGE bedroom, suitable for student or mature lady. Kit- chen privileges. 255-4527, Long Branch Ave. SINGLE room for gentleman, CL. 1-1303. Repairs " Garages to Let & Wanted 38 Summer Resorts & Camps " Summer Cottages for Sale " Summer Cottages to Let " Summer Cottages Wanted " Employment Wanted " Female Help Wanted " Domestic Help Wanted a Male Help Wanted 4t Skilled Help Wanted " Male and Female Help ROOM and-tGa-rd-. Lady. Refer- ence. CL 9-0543. - In] um I. {3313 BW"RWirTiiip Wind EEirEitiEWEi5 babysitter Tiii) Toronto. _ ( (we day cue. 'tlt and Lake-ll ammo room attd kit. shore Drive, CL 1-637]. _) Chen. completely furnished, BABYsmG nun-Me. Inv‘ $16 weekly, CL. 9-9059- ROOMiand board, irar-agURinTr" day shift, CL. 3-1022. isttiiihig home. Mminérove and Richview area. One gen- tleman. Parking. MI-IIN. ENN and board, Gentlgh’ar; Good food. Nice home. Park. LONG iiriACeri - Room and board, young gentleman. CL, 5-0719, NEW "Toronto at earline. iaG' man. Pa beds. Parking _Ittse. (3L 5-0703, ‘3 LARGE yard, 251-2903. -e---- W‘mca warm-idols-rein-s 't WEEKLY dar are my children; CL. 5.1541 Any age. In my home. CL. 5-‘PURNIBHED roan i; gentle- 8852, 1 man. 48 - 11th Stud. Null ROOM â€him.“ for one. Young) Smit. Near Campbell Soup, " gentleman willing to share1__M_ur_ rue Street, room with sum. in private FURNISHED room Ind kitchen, home. Brown's Line area. singée room. garage and park- Phone 2554910. ing 88 . 6th Street, New Tor- nmm mm. Mar-d sq‘m:;.'.; onto, ROOM wizh’boud. 'stsfrrGdris Street, cn 94711 BOOM and Eaitor one, Good YOUNG mm to shame room, single beds, full board, priviL eges. No shift workers. CL. 1- 2832. " Car & Truck Rental, 3t Automotive Service & BABYstttt)Vt5_GGlGtG, . a? WEf 61125?! - IE, or week‘- V can given for Baby. 278, PRIVATE or shared unmanned:- tion, own T.V., packed lunches - in Cookwille. 277-3020 WM and Board for gain Cen- u-cgumcnuux, "-. Bed-sitting room and kitchen. CL 5-6839. l or , adults. " Gait Dr. CL 9-9398. en on lake front. Parking. CL 5-8685. quipess couple. Dec. Ist, CL. 1-8137 woman preferred. New To}; onto. CL. 5-7883. meals. Large bed-sitting room CL.' 9-1717. OTEL rooms with TN., phone, restaurant or cooking. Near Humber Loop. 10 minute: downtown. CL. 9-0578. 6iiii'mWiar"r.ii-aiCcxn"mtrhNu" r5?†ettyet "a, (MM a. " home. I, than. Minna. Ml. m. Chan hunt. lane IL m;- CL "Mt. use, m: St, New Toronto asf cm. W TOtt W7:Duminir' baby or young child. Other children for comm. CL l- â€10. WK STREET - Day an giv. en to children. 2 um and over, Hot lunches ind fenced yard, 251-2901 ing. CL. 9-8946 tleman, Clo“ to [Luella-ore 359-2640. " - ROOM AND BOARD " - ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED BirTiri, A." ' C": l R‘ALDERWOOD - Two 1-00ng2 pce. gen-1 furniture optional. Close FO‘CHES‘I i 'ITC and all conveniences. sun‘SUITE ---l married couple or ladies. cul ' 1183-: 1-3882, 1 RUGS (JONES nice -trrriisia room. 80 - ( Sixth St., New Toronto. " bed-sitting room. Kitchen fully equ:pped, all conveniences, TV ( outlet. Refined business lady, couple or students. Available _ Dec. 2. 251-9243. l,FiiiiNWiiEii room for gentle- _ man. Parking. CH. 9-2014. [BASEMENT furnished room Ind ( kitchen, Private washroom, ( sink, Near Campbell Soup. " 1 Murne Street, [ Room for "sum/a. cu ' f 1m. UNFURNISHED two rooms and kitchen or one room and kit- chen. Free parking. At 63 Mac- Donald, Mimico. Phone 239- 2253. FURNISHED room. Suit gentle- man. Close to transportation. 30 - Second Street, New Tor- onto. CL. 1-0584. ROOM with kitchen priveleges. 28 Bellman Ave. 255-9548 " ter six. KIPLING South " Ndrth Queen - 3 large, bright rooms, new- 1y decorated. Balcony and pr- age. CL. 1-3605. BRIAR CREST Nursing Home, licenced, Islington. 244-2375" FthtNTsiiii6 room. Fridge and hot plate. 255-1495 evenings. ROOM for rent. 3 Orianna Dr. Brown's Line - Homer. CL 9- 5749. . ROOM for genfiéman 637-793 St., after 6 pm NEW TORONTO - Newly d-e-j6 pce. Mismatch, corated room, central, light DINETTE SUITE housekeeping. Parking. CL. tV 5038. 115 eCt_tttfittettt, CRIBS, ONE nice furnished room. 80 - complete "_.......... FURNISHED room for rent, 53 - 27th Street, CL 9-1m. FURNISHEIS 'rBom a tent. as LAW WmCubf " may . “and"? mull? WV roan tut rent. I - 'ttl 'tFeet. - NICE eGEGTaisiiii room in quiet home. Autumn. " - $th strut, New Tom. BURN HAMTHORPE - Tunbridge, comfortable room, Mr busi- ness lady, w i th family, Ill home privileges. " 1-1317 at- ter 5:30. LONG BrtANerr_-BFi-gt7t, clean, ngEzN‘sivKY - Royal York. Fr 37 Elma St., iiraGr, 2 loam furnished rooms, modern tthprin filled chen, prune bath. A','lrA"NI's'h's CORNER Royal York M and, Queensway, comfortable m‘BOX m adun's private house. Young man preferred. Phone CL l-‘SPRINGS 2678. ‘__-___ 368-2328 OPEN ALL on “was" Take your pictures to In ex- perienced inner. The nun who may: the mint: mom beet what will bring out the Minty In your giants, All work done 011,th pm- isâ€. We also have I than. auction of oil 'airttttt0h prints, molding Ind m has purchased all the carping Topic Picture Frames RooMsrdduFV, only, Private entrance. Reasonable rent. 940 The Queensway. CL. 1-2tn3. " - ARTICLES FOR SALE stove front. OFFICE FURNITURE & Equipment ("In tho Telegram Newspaper (on Buy Sin-e1) SIX “0038 0' Robert tit,, Mimico. Call 251- 7754. MIG: room Mama. twin beds, in: two friend-b:th or working 90091.. nun 221 Lao-inn Drive. Phone 251-8161 URNISHED roan " [enth- pan. " - 11th Street, New 21 - NURSING HOME! OFFICE SUPPLY m on“: an. nut TORONTO l9 - ROOMS TO LET UNFURNISHED EQUIPMENT NOW ON SALE Everything Must Go Cooper's C00per’s t furnished rooms/ich and fridge on Lake Parking. CL, 5-8685. Ll! 'THE “NEITHER... iADMIRAL PORTABLE TN, SYMPHONY STEREO CONSOIJ BEDS, all sizes CARD TABLES BAR STOOL, Chrome, Phenol CEDAR CHESTS, famous makes _ Famous Make BED- CHESTERFIELD LEWYT VACUUM CLEANER -r WESTINGHOUSE POLISHERS 'r.... . Doluxo PLATFORM ROG K ER . _ i3 pce. Walnut ‘BEDROOM SUITE CHROME CHAIRS Unfinished WARDROBE K "then WOODEN 'TOOL McCLARY FRIG Maple BUNK BEDS _ . FINDLEY Fully Automatic 30" STOVE _ CONTINENTAL, smooth top ensemble . .. Luxurious Puff- Quilted foam MATTRESS, PORTABLE HAIR DRYER Portable Electric HAND MIXERS f pce. Mismatched STEP and COFFEE TABLES ARM CHAIRS 10 cu. ft, CHESTERFIELD RUGS 9' x 12' Arboote DESKS Plastic HEADBOARDS DAVENPORT SUITES DAVENPORT SUITES, frieze Sit or Sleep DIVANS _ (N-r... RECORD CABINETS CHIFFONIERS 5 pee. CHROME SUITES MODELS WAREHOUSE SECTION MSI um than an. I. unmea- Gun-bod Extra Salesman to “no you Plenty of In. puking. No phone, mu] or COD. _ pee "ih0'S" SALES ! Nov. Ill. If a Save up to 50% l frieze on DUI") I lf , Anti-non Since "" .3 . (OLD) ROXY MARI ", "AMPXON . j If IE AUCTION SALES .r. ' I Every FRI. ' RM. , 95 Good used and on furniture, _ Ippllences and antiques, on . sale daily, Mon, - Sat. I-Q 1 pm, Wed. - Than. - Fri. ll (E 9 - 9 pm. . l ALUMINUM SIDING . I No. 1 Grade Alan . if 955 $699.00 ' Complete home installed up l to 1.000 sq. ft. Nothing to m Ill 95 until April. Written guaran- . I tee. Canadian Building Pm I ducts, Call 766-3351 or 24F. ill (E 5285. â€-95 Trade in your used skates on brand new Bauer Skates or It IE good reconditioned this. . I Stephenson': Rent-All I um we“... u 129 IE , blocks south of the 401 "iiiii, TOMMIE'S . i TROPICAL us! a l PIT "or" l 18th " " We Clue . I 255-005: I om "il an to ' pm. Ill IF, s2'rdll"il'at'. “6pm ’ I ': Tiger Barbs, each ..........4ic 7 95 Blue Gouramia, eoch was ( -----r---- a 1 T . IIE ypewnters . _ Special student rental rates Ask ebout our medal Renal- Ill (h Purchase plan. . ucoxnmom mm tts ill) 95 Prompt Delivef'y . A C M E BUSINESS MACHINES 19 IE ch. “as: _ . . 3 we: Specie]. - Netunl we thi- 349 places. $77. and up. tum . I bronze tire-se- free. it at- dered before Danube! m If 95 30.84011 . 1rvr'Ewatezrt, Underwood. Ad Ill) (ti comm} 255mm. V . I ALUMINUM SASH (ill 95 Glass and cereal replaced. CONTINENTAL GLASS 00. T q LIMIT“) 3388 Lake Shore Blvd. qt.. Wh tee "m . . snowman amen 34 IIS Wall-towell In your home or rugs " the factory - "tiqfae- . . tion guaranteed, reasonable rates. .. 1 CI. 84123 _ GARAGE dtrtrr, Ml, FF x CT". 1iti $25; double bed spring $1.50. . . cu 0-3676. ONE Westinghouse deluxe stave. 149 95 46" wide, 2 even. Please all . l 251-0407. I norm we If you have reproductions. _ 59 95 oil painting' or photograph: . l um need framing, bring than I experts, reasonable, tho an 7 IE supplies. . 1 man “sum†_ Mirrors, glass tor tll purposes, I Venetian blindg cleaned end WE, repaired. anery track in- l stalled. Rename denier. ot “not: some WW I ms mean u. on. â€on If 1Ef5.'.l,i.T'i.)', am. good mu 1 tttMM. , Cash or can!†for an l IIS â€warden-Immo- . ton q9-0680. _ Ill 95 mé'muus‘m. ' women m -110 a. nu. an m a b m1! menu-z I . 0 In“ - um... k m o..-...-......" I Its wxnoe 'ds-riff . o IIOIIHNO Ill c: ff g a†ABiMht one. [ . . a.“ - ttrt . 'ttttt " can. . a... 'ttttt r- a ' do. - I 5 '. ' Dan in... I 3 - T _ 2 , " In -, _ _ ' ,,rs mun an. good “In; mam. can Sl'll'l1 t an. of " qum'nwm Size: 343631 ms mm: an duh“. warm m "" It {pom-gun " BLUE - :.ii.::i.:.i-.f.la,'d,) I con 't1aiiirr.'Cif.U"i a. mm um will b momma an ...an I. %III ..........I " at. in. in. In pm 111 I 'tlitt i'trlttt “a. - ‘10.. m- I atllt g“ dtqgttBt . - '."l'dMtr..P"t'tt In -. _ A “A; oil panting. or incur-phi that need twain. hm than experts, reasonable, Ibo art supplies. muons “sum†Mirrors, XIII! for all purponl. Venetian bllnll cleaned Ind repaired. Drapery truck in- Mailed. Benton: dollar. “a!†It!!! Wall-to-wgll In your home or rugs " the factory - aatigtae- tion mum unambi- rates. Trade in your used ables on brand new Bauer Skate. or good reeonditionM shin. Stepherrson's Rent-All I“. WW II. 3 blocks south of the 401 Special student mm rates Ask about our medal Rental- Purchase Pleat. “CONDITIONED mm 335 Fromm Delivery L30 RM. SAT. DEC. thumb-Id!“ madman-’- um “MB-I'M†f.ery "‘11.“th ALUMINUM SIDING . No. 1 Grade Alan $699.00 Complete home installed up to 1,000 sq. ft. Nothing to w unnl April. VII-Man gunn- AUCTION SALES 5 Every FRI. ' P.M. Good med and new furnitun, nun-nee- and Intiquu, a: sale daisy: MorL- Sat. I_-_Q leg.:gic4 Phi. tgb.aiit a, “All * R. ASHWORTH F.V.l. â€null“.