Times & Guide (1909), 12 Dec 1963, p. 14

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SPORTS l "---rste mu nvumn~rmm mm: Plans are jelling for Minor Hockey Night gt Wea. ton Aron: nut hlday, Dee. 20th. Last week Dodger and Arena mlnuement announced that they would make up for the November 29th disappointing show, and haw boon working up the program for Dec. 20th ever “not Full damn will be announced in this paper next ThuriiCiGiGvi// ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN under 12 yam of up will beyyimitted F.YT. Dodger Manager Ken Avarell did mention that there will b. autographed hockey sticks and souvenirs handed out free to the youngsters attending next Fri. day's game, but could not commit himself further at this time. Weston hockey fans who turn out will be assured a good how on the ice when Whitby v . are. and there will defiantly be something spoc' I, heal a free admittance, for the kids. girls will be eluding the Christ- mas Story. Also special music by some of the children. ing League. TEAM $YANDIN65 Wrens It points Woodpeckers " points Chiekadees 13 points. Loans 13 points. Bobounks ' points Wippoorwiiis 5 poms. Ravens 5 points. Bluebirds 4 pomu. HIGH AVERAGES Doris Dodwell got. Marg Taplin 188. Kay Garden: wr. Erlmn Mitchell 182, HIGH THRII FLAT Doris Dodwell TOT. Joan Pulford 700. Mary Long 692. Marg Taplin 689. HIGH SINGLE FLAT Kay Cam: no. Edie lorrimer 299. Doris Dodwell 291. Doris Hunter 200. HIGH THREE HANDICAP Clan Ashbee 784. Joan Fulton! 760. Mary long 743. Doris Graham 743, Erlma Mitchell 743 HIGH SINGLE HANDICAP Kay Cardona 322. Edie Lorrimer 317. May Fuller 307. uing'Royal York Plaza Bowl. BANTAM TEAM STANDING ies. 1nd. Suits: Greyhounds 5 points. Spaniels 3 points. Bulldogs 3 points. Seotties c, points Hounds 2 points. Poodles 2 points Shepherds 2 points Huskies " points HIGH AVERAGES Girls - Judy Cairns 123 Boy - Vince Langman 152 HIGH SINGLE FLAT Girl - Karen Dobius 220. Boy _ Kim Kennedy '00. HIGH DOUBLE FLAT Girl - Janice Fergulon Mi, Boy - Bill Kritjer 414. HIGH SINGLE HANDICAP Royal York Plan Udies bowl. Huck DOUBLE HANDICAP TEAM STANDINGS ind. Suits: Bloodhound, 5 points Pointers 5 pomls Beagles 5 points Setters 3 points Boxers 0 points Dalmatians 2 points Collies 0 [pints Terriers o points JUNIORS HIGH Girl Boy HIGH Girl Boy HIGH Girl ' lucelinc Mitchell Boy - Bruce Abel 479 New SINGLC HANDICAP Girl _ Marilyn Phohn' 257 Boy . Rick Valentino AU Boys and Girls Saturday mor, The Hounds won the first scr. {Connnued from page 13) Girl Girl . Laura McCabe 418 Boy _ Peter Willem 383 The Boxers won the m series Elmlea And District x“ Jitt, 'ire W510" TRAVEL SERVICE non 244-5324 - . Karen Dobius 220. _ Kim Kennedy too. DOUBLE FLAT - Janice Ferguson 34s » Bill KritJer 414. SINGLE HANDICAP "Incas . Wendy Herbert L15 . John Gun " WILI FLAT - Burma Curm 164 t Allen Lord IM SINGLI FLAT Dale Broad 28T, Ken Hunter 315 luceline Mitchell as GOING OVERSEAS P in: Laurel: BOOK NOW AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT HIGH DOUBLE HANDICAP Girl - Barbara Burke 453. Boy _ Brett Suthctllnd 666, Thursday evening mixed lea Enos. Shea's bowling lanes. Vim STANDINGS whats " points. Carpet hue" as points, Pint“ so points, Way Outs " points, Head Pins 56 points. Untouchables so points, Strikers 56 points. Slow Poke: 60 pointL Roadie: 54 points. Beatniks 54 points. Flintstones " points Andy's Rockets 46 pomu, Top Cats 46 paints. Pitt Pickers 38 points. Scrubs " points. Alley Cats 80 points. ira AvnAcn Men - Fred McKenzie 175 Stan Lieberman 174. l Best Bowlers of the week were: Men - Art Hackney 167. (iii 213 total 562. Stan Lichen man 179, 200, 172 total 551. Doug Grigor 135. 178. 185 total 549. ludies - Marie Leroux 169, 169, Ill'. total 532. Ruth Lieberman ‘205. 166, 161 total 532. {Kitty Bramwell MB. 150, 203 tot. al 516. Ladies - Marilyn C 171; kitty Bramhiu 162. HIGH THIIE FLAT Men _ Doug Grigor at); Fred McKenzie 599. Ladies - Marie Leroux 549; Jean Atkisson 516. HIGH SINGLE FLAT Men _ Bob Murray 245; Doug Grigor Mi. Ladies - Doreen Hackney 218; Marilyn Callaghan 215. HIGH THRIE HANDICAP Men A Doug Grigor as; Don Humor: 635. Ladies - Marie Leroux 642 Loriane Hodgson 622. HIGH SINGLE HANDICAP Lidies - Doreen Hackney 256 Lorrime Hodgson 237. Men'- Don Branton 210; Doug Grigor 243. ‘A fuurty vote of thanks in ex. Greg Merril tended to Mrs. Ann Staple! who l 30570" 0 viral convene! of me bowling 3 Xmas dance held " Rorsl York _ DIYIOH’ 2 Plan restaurant on Dec. Tth. \Sjteve Pmly Bowling Boy and Girls Rex. dule Lute- League, Saturday mornings.. '" WEES TEAM STANDINGS Mice 34 points. Squirrels 21 points HIGH AVIIAGI‘ Brian MeAulay " Peter Eccles 60 points Wendy Pugh as points IANTAM‘ TIAM STANDINGS High scohs . Wendy Pugh no Brian McAulay 126 Robots 25 points. Road Runners 22 points Martians 21 points Beavers 20 points Strikers 20 points King Pins 18 points Jen " points. Play boy: I points No Name: ' points man avotadgs _ fume Mncdonald 132; Harold Roomy ut, - - __ HIGH ImOLI FLAT Gel _ Juice Mzcdnnald 210 Boy Ron Allan MI HIGH DOUILI FLAT Girl _ .lunice Mlcdnmld 363 . " Wm " Marilyn Callaghan Minor Hockey league VICTORY SIGN: Jimmy Johnston rai- ses his stick in the traditional victory sign to affirm to his teammates that he has finally beaten Georgetown netmin- Mrcthth, Fm Sluts MINOR ATOM OSHAWA , Pat Kennedy 1 goal Glen Newbold 1 goal KITCHENER I Bob Richards t goal IAIN! t Bob Fraser 1 goal Ricky McAlister 1 goal GUELPH I Dave Dorsey ATOM WINDSOR 0 Im Wagsuif v Goalie MAILBOROS 0 Mark Presley - Goalie HAMILTON 4 l Tony McKinnon Goalie Jim Shaw 1 goal Mart Kehoe 1 goal l Dave Wales 1 goal Carl Godfrey t goal BUFFALO tt l IOCHIITII 2 1 Peter White 1 goal Les Dodman 1 goal ( CLEVELAND l 1 Don Copleaton 1 goal Charles Grosse - Go Jed Hanna 2 goals Peter Harmon 1 goat Don Willon 1 goal PITTSBURG " i Steve Ogilvie 1 goal l, Gary Smelling 1 gual . IANOIIS 1 Doug Carmichael 1 goal l MIMIT l DUKIS ' J l, Gary LaRoquc 2 goals Ross Porter 1 goal Doug Barnes I goal i Brian Cooney 1 goal FEE WEE OWEN SOUND I POVIDENCE t Doug Banker! 1 goal WATEILOO 2 Sartell 1 goal Gibbons 1 goal STRATFORD , Whelan 2 goals MINOR BANTAM QUEBEC AC" 4 ma I in Path} 1 ngl ( Dcve Frner 1 not! I nous , BANTAM NEW HAVEN 2 Larry Ireland Goahe Doug Hall 1 goal Greg Merrill 1 goal John Farmer l goal CANADIENS 0 Dave Cross 3 goals ohn Colleu 1 goal CHICAGO S Dive Pierce 3 goals Tart Wyle 1 goal Ron Campbell 1 goal Tom Bum; 1 goal Dave Beasley 1 goal Plan Hamilton I guai IIAVII} ' JUVENlL! RANGERS I Doug Copleslon 3 goals Len Ingle 2 goals John Lundy I goal Ian hirley I Ito-l are. Vernoic 1 gout PLVIIS IO Harold Melntyre I,oal4 Don Cousmuu 4 goals Peter Brown , goals Dave Mortimer 1 you! in Hodges 1 gm! "Gill . Weston Dodgers Check Gegrgptpwn _lltttt.ra.frl1!t,,t,isti.,tt,t,, Bor . Harold Rooney MS H.“ 'INCLI HANDICAP Girl . Durban Munro M8 Boy Ron Allen 281,“\ HIGH MIL! HANDICA' Boy Izmir Marian 410 Girl . Inher- Munro 0!. Goalie BULL Ill'l'IERS BOMBERS ANDY CAPPS FLIGHTS MISFITS CANDY HAPPS HUGGETTS BEAUS & ARRUWS MISSEBS CHIPMUNKS JETS DART LARKS HOT SHOTS SLOW POKFS RED CAPS LASTLNS HIGH SCORIS - DOUBLE OUT Den Strudwiek 12; Dave Ford 12. STARTS - LADIES - Jean Ford 14, Betty Whitlock l4. MEN . Den. Strudwiek W. BASEBALL - ONE INNING __ LADIES _ Mar) Shortt 6. Doris Nao er ii, Isabelle Ute ll. kene Brown 6, Jo McLean 6. MEN -- Gord Morris 1. John Evans 7, Dave Ford T. HIGH GAME -- LADIES _ Doris Nazer tit, Audrey Penicud 19. MEN ._- Dave Ford 29. HIGH TEAM INNING -- "THE FLIGHTS" 14 HIGH TEAM GAME - "THE FLIGHTS" 71 HIGH SCORE DARTS -. LADIES - Cathy Yeoman 165. MEN . Bob Wilson IM. LADIES -- Betty Whitlock 144, Doris Nazer 121, Jean Ford 120, Elaine Strudwiek 112. Fla Walters 109. MEN -- Dave Ford 144. Den Strudwick 142. Barry Yeomans 126, Joe Brown 109, Les Moore 101. HIGH INDIVIDUAL POINTS - TOP FIVE INTERNATIONAL DART LEAGUE [ CANADA - DOWNSVIEW MIXED DART CLUB ENGLAND - HARLESDEN LABOUR A SOCIAL CLUB LEAGUE STANDING AS AT DECEMBER 3rd. I963 ‘ 501 PLAYED WON LOST POIN'I IIARLESDEN CLUB 18 t 13 5 13 DOWNSVIEW CLUB l8 5 13 , BASEBALL DOWNSVIEW CLUB 6 3 3 3 HARLESDEN CLUB 6 3 3 3 INDIVIDUAL LEAGUE STANDINGS . . LADIES A MEN Playod Won Lou Points DOWNSVI CLUB (LADIES) HAR EN CLUB (LADIES) DOWN " CLUB (MEN) HARLE DEN LUB (MEN) BARRY YEOMLVS won 1 Game of MI TEAM FOR THE 10th. Dee, 1963 - THE CHIPMUNKS - Cathy Yeoman: (Captain); Gard Morris, Jo Mcuan, Barry Yeomnns. TEAM FOR THE 17th. Dee. 1963 - THE DART LARK! __ Pauline Riddell (Captain): Reg Gterliek, Ethel Moore, Hamish McLean. TEAM FOR THE 701.. Jan., 1964 - THE HUGGETYS Marty 'l;imlr(nins (Captain), Jim Morrison. Audrey Pentcud. Ernie Whit. t or INDIVIDUAL MATCHES LADIES I MEN Elaine Strudwick V Alice Watson Dec. lOth. Audrey Wilson V Doreen Blackman Doc. 17th Betty Whitlock V A, N Other Jan. Tth. IA's Moore V Vic Roberts Dec. 10th, Norm Ridden V Pat Collins Dec 17th Joe Brown V A N Other Jan, 7th These 'lt the Jesuits if melehes played on 3rd. December. FLO WA won 2 Games of 301 Many thanks tor again next week . . . International Bart league TEAM cr" Don’t be alum!“ til: XIII. Us. ‘nr lay-w" pln TODAY. GIBSON. CREW". HARMONY. Ear 001‘. Ind {any other min A and selection II'I’I an tmtd. CR LT1lllllll UK msuuuc: Gordon W. Alcott, tho. Mm LIFE ASSUIANCI co. b? CANADA l-6584 I" “I“ Best Selection of Guitars a Banjos 1001 Items For ThefMuoic Maker. der John Went as he added another goal to Weston's 7-2 ride over the via- itors last Friday night at Weston Arena. another enjoyable nvenmg of gamma see you BUS lEE MUSIC 1762% Jun. Strut Weston Phone: 241-4711 PLATED WON 40 27 w 26 YOUR MOST VAlUABlE PROPERTY 55 40 qu 40 40 40 40 40 25 25 Ladies. Betty Whitlock 8. Men WHERE ? 27 26 24 24 22 2d 22 2 l 19 l8 IS 15 " ll] LOST POINTS 13 " 13 " 16 II ttt IT 18 ID 20 21 22 2;5 26 15 21 (tutumllyl POINTS I3 24 24 22 " 19 18 15 15 " 10 Fl! In by Dave Pal-hall's two- pnl can. Velma Dodgers ex, Mad ht but lumen in m In] period last Pridar night tpdownNttegetamst-8iot Mar B hockey scum u Wes. M Areal. . The third period told the uh d tho outcome. when Dodgers checkod In mummy that Geor- ntown did not mm“ a dual. that on Weston ttettninder Stu Chapman. Georgetown, who were expect- ed to be easy marks, sutpriged Dodgers in the opening minutes when Johny Gay beat Chap- nnn to give his visiting club a l - 0 lead. Al Osborm netted the equaum balm-e the first bell to tie the "ttro. Jimmy Johnston put Dodger: thud tar an um time in the match " the five minute mark of the middle frame, but Georgetown mum: luck gnmely when Jnek Gudgeon made I breakaway ply off " midAime. Dodgers went thud to May on the ntrenxlh of Mike Fender's [all within fourteen minutou of we mean! period, and then Ken Avlrcll's crow ulnar] a chock- ing fest that would make the N.H.L. look slightly sick by comparison. Although Georgetown skated bard and well, the Dodger unit Md not alow them one single shot on Chapman from that Weston Magerman & Page Barristers . Solicitors 1630A Wlllon Ave. 241-2131 Crane Plan -., Estate Funds avauoii%r Mortgage Loans Weston Bull lt Ashboume amt-m . Sollcllorl Geo. W. Bull B. Comm. Howard G. Ashbourne, BA. " KING STREET CH 4-5547-8-9 Evenings by Appointment so“ set WISE! Barristers & Solicitors ROYAL YORK PLAZA 1500 Royal York Rd, Weston Suite 201 ACCOUNTANTS L i. Braithwaite Chartered Accountant 1730 Weston Road Barrister & Solicitor 1415 Lawrence Ave. W. M Keele M. um 101 147-61“ Cha Hand Accountant. Marsh, Goulding c. W. LEASK ht. B. Uilli BARRISTERS 1969 Weston Road CH 9-2288 AND ‘MORE OF A BUY’ AT YORKlEIOH HERE’S PROOF -- THE BEST BUYS IN TOWN! Professional " Business CH (-6061 CH 1-H” 30mm vary eaeltinq be”! action. Arch Yuruv end Jock: my unit. who combined In play a (mute mm luau check”! any launched slum betwe- en Fender’s uaom to hem» More Ind. Goon-um man-[ed to get away only fire M " Dodger goalie Stu Wynn». but may made Iter-eentagey pay as they registered two of them for Man. On the other hand, Georgetown let minder John Went and nub-goalie Robbie Irons had to handle I mm d Wooten Collegiate opined their hockey season lot Monday. The senior tum at Walton, coached try Mr. Thompson, playod unin- It A iron: Northern (gown-luv School turn. be Norma turn is coached by a tbrmer Wanton pupil, Clark Fulton]. m, is IMO the brother of an N.H.L. layer, Bob Pullout Northern mod the scoring with I goal by Bob Gauging. Again Northern scored on I drive by Bill Fisher to mike the score Weston "e Opposite John Street Weston, Ont. Cl! b19tt Weston Northern Beats Weston 4- Mortgage Money To Loan Evenings By Appointment Use The Classified Section Alfred ll. llama, BA. Barrister & Solicitor DIRECTORY By John Latimer, Barristers - Sollclton 1923 Weston Bond Fraser 8. Simms Barristers " Sollclton IM4 Walton and (iii: BARRISTERS Heakes and MacDonald 1936 Weston Road Call crh 1-5211 % Mlle B. of "l Your N that.“ Ina-m Cor. on " And a"gt'lt'd'. uni-o new r tut Westlm Road A Weston . . lc m M a RADIATOR SPECIALISTS CB (-5314 CE 4-5697 "i0EWiiRnirais no 4-Door Sedan - Itadio; champ-Inc color 4-Door Sedan - 2279 Red mple color ' For A "Home Demonstration" Call a We” "hot can". Item I!” W by: an - at mu hall-way uni-k tid In: third when Went. who had a tremendou- m in the MU. strained I lei: muscle. In that only other game mt wok. Dodson dropped a a . 1 decidon to Brampton Thursdly will! tulle Terry Tracy prov- ed almost Invincible in the host- ing nets. Jim Johnston was the only Dodger able to point“!- the mm at the Brahman eager, spoiling " otherwise shutout performance in the dying minut- es of the game. 2 - 0. Weston fought luck and finally came up with a goal by Don Couslnenu on I clue-in shot Weaton pressed hard but could not break Northern‘l defenle. Northern fought back and bonu- " of a plaque of penalties to Weston, Northern got , quick goals by Rick McKay and Ron Claire to give them I substant- inl Ind. The more ended 4 t 1 in levour of Northern. Weewn lost their first exhibition Mme, but neat Monday they'wm he look. ing for I win lulu! North Toronto. A-l Radiator & Glut Service Ltd. While At Yorkleigh Have A Car Wash ,,',it,l'i?,h,:eraNiB I964 VAllANT 'tTi-rio/tj/Cosa" - Just Next Door! 247 " 5481 I964 DODGE n PAYS To ADVERTISE IN THE LOCAL ausmsss DIRECTORY Wheel aiirihieiiilti.iii" FREE Courtesy Car. Pick-up 1778 Jane st. CH 7-6590 Wdter's Garage FULL GUARANTEE Mt. Dennis My.tt.or _&_.§utomatjc Rfyrffr J. It. Currie, 0.0. Optometrist 1891 Weston Rd., Weston For Appointment Call CH 1-0701 Plumbing & Huang Repairs - Convenlom . Alterations Guaranteed, Ettieient 24 Hour Service . Piano Tuning And Repairing Wm. A. Riggs - 1230 Jane Street OPTOMETRY GARAGES Donal: RO 9-284] Work Guaranteed ad tMerry [-4410 . . Ontario MUSIC CI] (-3870 DRAY

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