Lt? Statistic: recently collected in in United States reveal that 83 percent at all murders, robber- ies, up†and “nuns occur " ter dark and that good meet- 'ighting reduces crime. CASE FOR LIGHTING 184 Richard Clark Dr. See Your Local Hardware Dealer W. THORNTON COMPANY Priced from 5ss to 62ss (of 1.25 Watson's tide And Sports 797 coma gt. (II Sin) ll 3-8549 PRICE Ci,rii, SALE Halli Wool Wihon Iterates to nit """U'g', [gulch of bicycles and HOCKEY STICKS SKI SPECIAL Bobtt, In" I -. =.--aA, "N.-----" Protect Your Outside Christmas Lights From Theft 247- Complete Line of C.C.M. Bicycles and Accessories 2062 Lawrence Ave. W. at Weston Rd. Professional Slum Sharpening 1.69 - IAI 1826 WESTON Ito. l7. SKATE 24 S2 EXCHANGE 72 BAUER and ttlil SKATES Wide Range Boys and Girls Sizes BROADLOOM DISCOUNT RUG HOUSE - n, CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR COSMOPOLITAN RUG PROTECT - A - U6NT AereBe $11.95 $8.95 " n by Sun Loch Many new clubs have been formed alter the exams. Some of‘the clubs are listed below. age, T plastic unnamed SALE PRICE Textured Wu"? SALE PRICE tft! Sculptural aho Scarlett ACT Jdliiti, FAST no}: INSTAllAIION st. Moritz "Mttrregt" Barrymore All WOO! mulled 3.51:: I 9.93 Regular $29.98 peanut-1‘ Heavy Downaview 247- 7252 $5.9sl a. YA.) Yd. SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 1 A nap, my friend, is a brief 1period of sleep which overtakes ‘supe’rannuated persons when "hey endeavor to entertain un- lwelcome visitors or to listen to _scientifie lectures. The 1dbrary Club h" ar mem- bers, win an ttttder Min Tou- gtt's supervision, these students will look after the 1200 book library. The Senior Band is comprised of 32 nudenls and instruments and is under Mr. Foamâ€; super- vision. The Junior Basketball team has 12 members and Mr. Me. Kenzte is eoaehing them. Mr. Pautz is looking after the Junior "B" Basketball. Karyn-on Canadian SW No. Mt yup-n The Intra-mural basketball is catching on both in the Boy's amCGirl's teams. Mr. Vipond and Mrs. Butler are supervising. The newly elected Boy's Ath- letic Association IB.A.A.) re. ports Steve Thompson as Pres. ident, Bob Mundy as viee-Pres., Alan (Chuck) Porter " secret- ary. The Girl's (G.A.A.) has re. ported that Doreen Ford-King is President. Sheena MacPherson as Vice-Pres. and Joan Gray is Secretary. Girls information is supplied by Janice Tripp. Little minds are wounded too much by little things, great minds see all, and are not even hurt. F It E E UNDERPAD Mylo}: Iii-rd twist Heights a?" Double_ Baehef qr'eretireehalrerohi- - George Bernard Shaw. OI 9-1410 NM - La Itochefoucatdd. $1 L50 " u. $6.75 k Yd. PHILIPS Egg HIGH “0:an RCA 23" TELEVISION VICTOR -ilII-itgIigIIIIgit- FURNITURE. & BEDDING DEPARTMENT Features Top Quality Chesterfields, Bedroom and Kitchen Furniture by Famous Manufacturers Which Include Brae- more, Trainer, Diamond and Bedford. rl E-Z - TO " SEE _ PICTURE! Long-Range New Vista Tuner Picture Stabilizer Circuits Copper-bonded Circuits Automatic Channel Equalizer 23" Full Picture Screen 2 Pee. Suites Priced From AT 9mm on†CAPLANS PRICE ONLY doubles the enactive sound AM . FM Mo Tuner with temperature stablllzed compon- ents to reduce drift to a mini. mum. Precision engineered chassis. PHILIPS 159.06 189.95 $3310 y ' is; c, if Cc?; o J:', This “Inc-packed It ell. n. refrigerator . fen any outstanding mvenlem features including a large " lb. {toner section. ' tuea shelves, mm:- - shelves, mu widths chiller my. Met compartment. (wing-out vegetable crisper. man-em: door Inch, straight - line design. CGE written warranty plus man! new: :1". math MW', Depth 28%†etieck-rated tea. (ASH N" CARRY SPECIALS Sh“! At Cttphns Only 'i" I 3 8-33 ture Control Selective Drying Control Low Humidity Drying Efficient Lint Filter Quiet Operation Size - 26%" Wide, 26%" Deep, M" High All ngrics Tempera- At apuns Only I'lll0ltA01'0lllumt DRYER