u7 . V N . {.3ij arr. J as. R. ennis returned on ."', Wednesday. after spending three c?. months touring age West. " _ a W“WW7§\ "s , . '_.'"::,,',' st WESTON To the Pupils of the WestorrPublie T and Separate Schools. Those pupils who received seeds from the Weston Horticultural So- ciety last spring will please take notice that the Show of these vege- tables will take place in the Town Hall on Thursdgay, September 2nds, All entries must be made and the ex- hibits ready for judging before 1 o’clock p.m. on Thursday. The Bee- retary will be at the Town Hall after 8 o’clock Fa.m. to receive en- tries. Full particulars, conditions,. etc may be obtained, from the Secretary 0! the Horticultural Society, J. M Pearen. i. Mr. J, C. Steekly, District repre- sentative of the Farmers’ Institute, Children’s Gardens Department will act gs judge in this class. t BIRTHS. _ GALE.--on Mq‘nday, August' 23rd 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Gale, St John's Read,.Weston, a son. Any pqrson,masr' vnicr exhibits and compete)" for prizes by becoming a member of the society. One of the features will be a Decorated Table Competition, best decorated table tor four persons, of f16wers grown by ex- hibitor. l, The Show is open to, the public, free admission, full particulars re- garding emiries may be obtained from the Secretary, J. M. Pearen. About fifty pupils of the Weston Public and Separate Sehools were supplied garden seeds by the Society last Spring, the'results will be on ex- hibition and prizes awarded. Over one hundred dollars will be awarded in cash prizes for exhibits in Roses, Gladioli, Snapdragon, Asters, Stocks, Ho11yhockir, Begonias, etc. Annual Floweri Show. Thursday, September 2rrd, ,tierpoon and evening from 4 to lo, o'ey?clr. The winner ot] the prize for best workingman's gartierr published last weelrshould havegpead Robert Dodg- Bon not George D ‘dgson. C'" Wesion Lodge, u.om.w. hard a;READY FOR BIG tum OPENING.‘ very successful Sm er in Irwin’s Hall, War Demonstration . . _ . _ , . . s and Military Mount Dongs, mg. 'Bnday evenmg. Features“ to be big attractions _ Some fhut. meWs Mare shown by Bro. of a moot 'year I 'etirrt Armstrong. Which was verv ir, - 2mg" . Telephone No. 26 The inaugural greeting of the new Weston Driving Llub on Wednesday was held on the 1trew halt-mile track at the fair groutrd). Mona won the I trot after, dropping two heats toi Royal Bell, the latter tiring after] the second heat. §Brown Hal landed} the pace after thigee hard heats with; Victoria Poem. iEel Jr. was right there all the time. Starter T, J.) Burns had the fierlts always in hand.‘ The Judgls were? A. C. Mitchell (Winnipgg,, Wm. j’Pears, and Thos.) Bartram. 'r" I subscription Price. 'Misses Ada, anti Adele Adamson have returned frém their vacation which -they spent? at Newark and Palmyra, New York. l Some fhus -prews wine shown by Bro. tiet' Armstrong, tie) was very iTI- teresting. Mr. B ker and Mr. Wm. Nithor1s orrtertairited the audience With music and soilg. " Chas. Calhoun #ho carried on the Repair Business at; Weston Garage on Little Avenue has {Severed‘ his connec- tion) with the séme, and wishes to notify his lforme I customers that he is still in the repagr business and will do any' work in i?onnection with re- pairing automobile at private gara'- ges until such this as he can secure suitable premises ' r the. same. All orders will receivie his )careful' and prompt, attention. l Satisfaction guar- anteed,. private iesidersoe, west slde Rosemounb Avenue, near Church Street. I (: l -“Rough on Bats" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. ‘ Don't Die in the House. 15e. and Me. at Drug and Country Stores. Jaseph Burgers, it Preston, former- ly a resident oi Weston, and father of the Burgess Bro$ who had an oper- tion performed in/the Galt hospital, is now 'in a eritieaf condition. A. J. and J. W. Burgess; spent Sunday last, with their father. 'i" _ . F0}: Infants and Children. 1118' Kim? To 'i"rittirr'thriqs Bangui Bears the fiysgaatare of d%jiia-iiii, CASTOR EA WESTON HopTICULTURAL, B0CPTY. IMPORTANT NOTICE Weston, om, Friday, Avgaiisss. 1915. ADVERTISING RATES CN APPLICATION PUBLISHED EVERY F"RIDAY " E. WHINTON, Proprietor ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO (Hiram emit Guitte .', Friday, Sept; 3. Le i11ar Meeting I,, Ancient 011135: Uggtquorkmen, in Assembly Hall,', oveigBank of Nova Scotia, Mount Dtarris at 8 o’clock. I Friday, Sept. 3.--Reg111ar Meeting , Euryal Black Perceptory, in Odd- . fenowtr' Hall, Church Street, Weston, [at 8 o’clock Fm. l 1. A penalty d $25.00 tor the owner of any bull who allows the bull to be at large or t,o be off his (premises when not qor1theed or led by halter. i , Wednesday, Sepf. 1.-Regular Meet- Mg Canadian 0 er Chosen Friends, in Oddtellowa’ all, Church Street, Weston, at 8 NHL: Thursday, Se , 2.-Wsip1ar Meeting, ot the Weston olunteér Fire Brigade, to be held in ple Tthwrp" Hall, at 8 o'clock p.m. ll ,' , , Tuesday, Aug. 3I.-Reg111srr Meeting Canadian Order of Iroretrters, in Odd- fellows’ Hall, Church Street, Weston, at 8 o’clock p.m. Thursday, Se . f).-tg111ar Meeting of High Schoo Board, in the Board Room of the H lvcSehoot at 8 o'clock Monday, Aug. 30.--Regular Meeting I. o. O. B'., in Oddfellows' Hall, on Church Street, Weston. The Act does sbt, apply to New Ontario or the pidvisiof1irt county of Haliburton but applies to all parts of Old Onrtaz‘io. r.':," A bull will be eqbsidered to be at large even though 'e may have btok- en out of the owngg’s field, the onus being on the owiler of the bull to provide a fence 1:; keep the animal 1n. _ st? days. The corrdany has purchased LETTERS pe?,', SICK CANADIANS tei. d a 1r1 U DDU-LV the plant of the @ominion CarriageiTO REID 011028 C)OMMISSIONER. agent for the following Company, Ltd., at _ West Toronto.’ I thank you fior1your letter of 12th Fit d Lif I , The Model 490, is t "Real Car†andlinst informing‘ use that our son was C an e nsatancc Co s may .be seen in 1Py Tynser?ytio%roing well. W were anxious, as we TARIFF. Bu11_dlhg at the qanadian yat.ior1a,1APew it Hwas he third week ot the Royal, Guardian, Canada National Egh1b1trion in To onto. Equipped disease, and y rgletter took a load North British& Mercantile and Atlas. vszn’iléaa?)(atodo'rnes’cor,t lectricPnght s'e1)1)/rg11"t'er,' heal-ti? i N0N_TAR,FF ' " ' e - arrurrg " 'ty. r1ce . If the _ 1rrh11nieations are as . T fully equipped, 17t... Toronto. 1h-jmautry erefi1)?s)1)11it" u: anxious ones‘Methantan London Mutual,& Factories woulNbe well for rtiit,igytetsjii?,t",i,i,eir" through the whole 1gll2)/d7e'l'olltrt';'l “AND“ F secumngtï¬mac-EE-ggtoï¬ Bee H. Cousins, 'Force as the (gnadian Red Cross EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS W2e.rte1eti3titgttr'-'sit" Tiusretiasing. lsdoiety do theirsr)many weary pgrenta ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance .5?†I “ (waitinis for newirwou1d find relief. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Att the 1914 se,hon of the Legis- lative Assembly 0: Ontario "The Protection oi Pure- red_Catble Act" les passed. It provides as follows:-- 2. The right of; an owner, of a pure bred cow to {recover full dam- ages from the owner of the bull of his COW should be got with oalt by a bull running at large. ' Everything has been done. to repro- able to advise the farmers, inthel - -__.. AAA Any 1 A " " hl\ duce as faithfully as possible the con- Western, PIOVIITCGS the “Entomologluail The cleanly, economical, flexible ditiomrundcr which the boys in Flam 1rayh. of the D9mi.niorr pcpartmeu Hydro is helping greatly to solve ders are now living, and the war de- 9f Agtticulture 1yyve-9vts.tig.ated this manufacturing problems under pre- monchations at the Model Camp and @56ch The fes11W1 of this investiga- sent day conditions. It enables users in other parts of the grounds will tron, thh. was conducted by Mr. to meet rapid changes in policy, in vividly picture the difficulties and Norman Griddle , for†several years, demand, in competition, dangers besetting both Army and have bow been PUbIIShefl by the Pri POWER ItATEB--Serviee charge of Navy. The activities of the [Flying Dartm'en‘} IT1 Entomological Bulletin $1 Del: TLP. per month, and a Con- Corps will be showh by military No. Il., In fn.rde.r sttp enable farmers ,0 s11mption charge of 3 cents per K.W. avaitors from the training carnpr.ree?g.ms? the' 1r1Nry of. the 111593", in H. for the first 50 hours use per who will drop bombs and,. with the it1cipiene stages. and, yeing th.1y.s iorty-, month on the installed capacity, 2 aid of hidden' mioes destroy mir1ia- warned, they will be In a pqsmon to cents per K.W.H. for the second 50 mm hattleships on the Waterfront, in prevent loses that are liable to hours, and all over these amounts at a spectacular portrayal of 50mg,magma:,mhcao,/T,§h9,a‘3mst iyz-svieessect,:, 3L tte" -11.sth Cerlt per K;'W.H_ less the) the difficulties the min of Fleet forc- control methods tare also descrétge _ followmgl discounts. ing their: way to the heart of Turk- In addition, the WeSteI‘n.WhBat L ieril) Class ' A" 24 hour unrestricted use dom are exper1'eceing.') , IMaggot has been. studied and des-l -No class discount. f Ieribef. This IS a; native insect flat. Glass "B" 24 hour restricted Wie-- ----+--4-- lhas turned its attention facing trstivel C 10 per cent discount. . irs t Hender- to cultivated grasses on .W 119 New lass "O" 10 hours unrestricted 8 Bring ytggicigme EEEIZnteeg ybeconqe a serious ' pest. It. habits, -10 per cent discount, Us sons, sa s on g . _life-history and means of control are Class "D" 10 hour restricted limb ‘fully described in théhsarlnie bulls?†I 33 and one-third p.e. discount. which is entitled i/ e essrat1 Y n a dition to the above Clas dis- DEPARTMENT o AGRICULTURE,,\aud the Western Wheat Stem Bawfly counts, a discount of 10 per CUT, Live Sto Branch, {in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- given in all Classes for prompt pay- Toront -,. Aug. 9th, 1915.herea." The bulletin is illustrated Tpit, of Bills. r cei ll ‘ri s oeeasiona11 and may be obtained tree on app ica- e Hydro Electric Power belongs f,,5ae, 2fifil2nte21lld eof the proving: tioo to the Chief Q/fieer, Publication to the people of, Ontario. We are with reference toi, bulls running at Branch, Department of Nyif111ty.rfrhere to serve the large and as the Editors ot the local Ottawa. All PSulffir? tor informatics CITIZENS OF WESTON papers are quite fréquently asked torregarding insect p.etr.ts should be l tllf ll h e 1 information with reference to points dressed to the 130111191011 Entomo1ogLstp T hi av any power prob ems, or of law by their subscribers, I thought Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Eire Hitleutlk'm ofh Wir1rlg your house it might be of in crest to you ic/s-ere------::--.------,,----"------------------- tgrhav:r;:1 Jie I', Jd" cggtulgf lit: Stage information with reference "rr-trr----------, Ciii'rentper month, consult Us. Mi. H. 001mg, ffi?ttg1ig) the sole agenCy for Weet n nil tunity of the Chevrolet Auto ar. This car is made in Canada al d was first placed on the American? market in June, 1915. 47,611 cats were sold in 17 DEPARTMENT O AGRICULTURE, Live Sto Branch, Toront -,. Aug. 9th, 1915. We receive enquiirires oeeasiona11y from different parts ot the province with reference toi. bulls running at When the eli'ti'if,)'i'tt',' National Ex-" hibition is forniéli y opened on Mon-{ day next there will be inaugurated what promises ‘to be (me of the most successful fairs in the whole thirty-' seven yearn" history; of the big tr) stitution. Held,, as it isnlat a time when the Empire is/embroiled in a' world war, and wheh Canada is doing) 1191; bit to the extent of heriresoureesj to keep her place beside the Moth.“ Country; the Exhibitibn has made al peculiar appeal to tht national pride and all indications are for a demon- stration of Canadian strength, indus- trially and agrieu1tuira11y, that Wilt be.a fit answer to outsiders who may think that Canadian unity or faith has been', disturbed by the events in Europe. T $1 MEETINGS' NEXT WEEK. per Annum in advance. Yours véry truly, ' R. W. WADE, w ESTON. ONT Director. --_ The children {bf the Red Cross so- ciety, Weston {Branch held a most successful tea And shower ot soldier's "--.iC)llrll'f'7l'cr'/t'/, on Firs. Dalton’s lawn on oC,ral?,?y,ee1y aftegnoon. About thirty tty Sole‘children were; present, all bringing of th.elcontritrueions ist soap, tobacco, choco- car 19 lates,, etc. ik collection amounted placedfto over two d llars. ' ‘ Out of twvlve éandidat‘cs who wrote on ydtrieiuatioh, only one was a loomplete failure.;' Since annouMing the results bf last week, Elsie Cousins and A. Mae- donald have cgmpleted their matri, culation. 'ii, MATRICrULATIQN EXAMINATION s. The ladies are requested to turn out in full force to the Red Cross on Monday next. Work and more Work is the motto. , It is expected that those who have/been away on vaca- tion jWill turn oiit in full force. Lester Vardong who was writing on the MoMaeter fUniversity matricula- tion, obtained sécond class honors in Science and History. THE HESSIAN FLY IN THE WEST The Hessian Fly is well-known to farmers as a sierious pest of cereal crops; during the present season it, has caused the," loss ot millions of bushels in the"United States. In Western Canada ite depredations l tor- tunately have not attained the ex- tent experienced ‘in other regions of the continent and in order to be able to advise ‘the farmers, in the western, provinces the Entomological Branch of the Dominion Department of Agriculture hive-investigated' this insect. The resultg of this investiga- tion, Which was conducted by Mr. DR. W. E. PEARSON, Physician, Surgeon, etc. tfiee--Westan Road, Mount Dennis. Office Hours:- 8 to 10 a.mo 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures REDUCED RAILWAY RATES ~~FROM ALL POINTS I WAR TBOPHIES I Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits Belgian Art Treasures Creatore's Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show Aug Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air ԠTORONTO $150,000 'U/Riu/lf $15 EXEEEWN 'il] Canadian Iii) N ational "PATRIOTIC YEAR" Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Naval Spectacle REWEW OF THE FLEET One Thousand and One V New Things to See 'Phone Weston No. 87. RED CROSS NEWS. THRILLIN G MAMMOTH (an $150,000 The cleanly, economical, flexible Hydro is helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent day conditions. It enables users to meet rapid changes in policy, in demand, in competition. POWER ItATEB--Serviee charge of $1 per H.P. per month, and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W. H. for the first 50 hours use per month on the installed capacity, 2 cents per K.W.H. for the second 50 hours, and all over these amounts at tte" 4214,11 went per K:W.H. less the following discounts. Class “A" 24 hour unrestricted use -No class discount. i Glass "B" 24 hour restricted Wie-- 10 per cent discount. Class "C†10 hours 13nrestrio+.es,q “no Also -10 per cent discount, Class "D" 10 hour restricted uk 33 and one-third p.c. discount. In addition to the above Class dis- counts, a discount of 10 per cent is given in all Classes tor prompt pay- ment of Bills. The Hydro Electric Power belongs to the people of, Ontario. We are here to serve the No waiting. George M. Lyons MAIN ST., WESTON Tungstén Lampé ana- Efeetrieal Appliances at cost price to consumers. BLUE WILLOW WARE CHINA Cups, Saucers and Tea Plates. Khaki Bloomer Pants and Shirt Waists for Boys. INDIAN HEAD excellent quality at 20o per yard. ALSO MIDDY CLOTH very smooth and close twill ot 16e. Farley’s Shaving Parlour HYDRO . THE HANDY POWER Gluten Meal, Oilcake, Calf Crushed Oatsl Chopped Oats, - and Straw. Cigars, Cigarettes and _ Tobaccos. WATER, POWER fl LIGHT COMMISSION SCARCE GOODS MOODY BROS. Ill kinds of Poultry Foods and Specifics. TlMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. New Oftiees. Thomson Block, Main Street: Hours: 9 to 5. Them 199. ROLLING and CHOPPING THE BANK OF Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS "A Dollar In Time, . " saves Nine _,s'" VISIT to The Bayk of British North America for the trurpose of depositing part of your tarnihis, becomes a pleasant and profitable habit, s8vhts,t' once you have , acquired it. f ss"'" E. J. MUSSON agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. " Years In Business. Capftaiang Surplus $7,884,000. WESTON BRANCH, N. J'r'"ii)rcEvvEN, Manager. EAGLE BLOC WESTON Telephone No, 39. British l)liiitr!ilf'"jllBtriitt DEALERS IN PHONE 26 A. G. PEIRS ON, Superintendent The dollar you ute to open an account in the Savings Deyrtminthrturn saves others, as the habit of saving gtows. Y.H. for the suorir5i)' over these amounts at per K:W.H. less the Careful operatihg. gab Meal, Hay} V All kinda of Roofing, Eavestrough- Eng and General Ttnsrmittdntr attandv " to. McCLARY'B SUNSHINE FURNACE Paints, Oils and Phone No. 16. PEASE, Pedlar Steel Shingles, Portland Cement NEW TOMATOES, OUGUMBEBS, GREEN ONIONS, RADISHES, POTATOES, CABBAGE, Show and Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Btoves and Furnaces. Screens, Doers and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers. Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. Spripg'opems a new open the latest Spring Men, Women and Chil T ,V. _r..u5 “wk-Au. Men, Women and Children. Outing and Tennis We carry a full line in all able prices. THe SHOE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Eagle House Block. WESTON. Main Street, MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT, LEMONs, BANANAS, " PRUNES, MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR, LARD, BUTTER and EGGS, FULL LINE OF TEAS and CANNED GOODS. w. c. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor CON CRETE MIXER FOR HIRE For warm weather. canvas g feet, we have these in all lines Repairing. Don’t forget our repairing, a! strict attention on the premise; tion guaranteed. Geo. sainsbPursr Carpenter and Contractor CoulterAvenue, - WESTON BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES BURGESS BROS TINSMITHS (ittji,r/,ypt,irtisoif 'tit CLARE BROS., HECLA SUCCESS FURNACES GRIN M, M05. rear ot tyldh'amm Hardware Store HENDERSON’ 3E, ECONOMY. VICTOR AND BRAMPTON FURNACES. Joseph St., Ready Rooting. Oils and Vann'shes. ORDERS DELIVERED. LETTUCE JAS. HUGILL, Phone No. i06 FRUIT Agents Rtr, a new line of anvas Goods. repairing, as this is given the premises with satisfac- Tennis Goods line of buds, while we display of footwear, for Ann“ WESTON styles at reason Eagle Block. goods for tired Weston. RHUBARB, 118 Bloor street,TFest, Toronto. 1 Consultation hours, 10 a.m., 3 p.m.. and by appointment. Tel. 001. 260% . - Barrister, Solicitor 1751 Dundas St., W l G. W. GOUL'EER, V. S. I Honor Graduate (Ontario Veteri hollego. All diseases of Cattle and Horses [ Treated rseientuicaur l Calls by mail or phone Drctrttnfh, (above Han'yé'I Real estate loans Eur, Nola aruiHiiGiii,' Maria Street, oftiett-Oppatsite Bank J. EDGAR PARSONS, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary _ offices, . Canada Permanent Bldg., 18 Toronto St., TO WESTON, Phone 3 r 13 l DR. W. J. CHARLTON. Physician and Surgeon. l Oftietr-Comer Rosemount Ave. and _ John Street. Weston, Ont. Otriee Hours-8 to 10 aan. f) to 8 pan. Sunday. 8 to 10 mm. C. LORNE FRASER, Barrister, Solicitor Bank of Nova Scotia. ( 'Phane 152. WE G. HOWARD Barrister, Solicitor, Nova Scotia Bank B1 Mornings and Toronto ditiee-43 Buildings, 'I 'Phone-Main 2389 ----a-q DR. J. M. ELLAH, l Veterinary Surgeon, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of Domestic Animals skill- fully treated.. _ Night or day calls pro_mptly attended to. Phone Icalls long distance at gr expense. Offiee: Lammy’s Hotel, “If A T mnxT Gnome (iniytiitf',' TEAS, COFFEES. Etc. 4 Butter and Eggs 6 Specialty.†Lambton Ave., MOUNT DENNIS. ANDERSON Barristers, Sell? Offiee MALTON, DR. JOHN TILSON, I Osteopathic Physician ot Toronto,; 1057 Weston Road, Mount Dennis. Specialist in Nervous Diseases and Women’s troubles. Mt. Dennis Bramslr-Bauk INSURANCE J. T. LOCKE (a co IO Adelaide Street East 'TORONTO TELEPHONE. MAIN 1967 A LOANS REAL ESTATE J. MARSHALL "c'":, Graduate Toronto Consex Piano-Teachers N C Pupils prepared for Con: Studio, Room T, Nova ( 1veston---lyepnesday, S and Thursdnv r MARGARET R 0ifit Afternoons, 2.3I to Tuesday and Thur: Private funds Nerve, Liver and Kidney Disease; successfully treated. THISTLETOWN MILL NIAGARA POWER _ OAT ROLLING MI) illli)?plliii, W. J. STINSON.z Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. Money to Loan at lowest rate: City, Farm and Suburban moped Fire, Life, Accident, Slckness, I: antes. Automobile, Burglary Plate Glass Insurance effected Companies. _ [ms t"MIcti--Bank ot BFiTish North mnhiiiit moons, 2.3t to 3.30 o’clock. day and Thursday evenings, 8 to 9 o’clock DR. J. WARD, B.A Chiropraetme Physic: 1057 Weston Road, Mount Dennis, SEE Us ABOUT s, Solicitors, Notar 1699 Dundas Street, TORONTO. . J. T. HACKETT. Dentist, Main stat," Weston, Ontario. funds to loan on ti: class t9eeurity. euncsday, Saturday, I Thursday mornings.- DEALER IN rates. w _..--.. Tidephole, Junction 981, d rsoientificaur †sil W Phone promptly attended. Phone 48 u LIVINESTONE, EDMUNDS . van-"‘1 " ' Insurance affected In a.†. GILLETTE, A.T.C itor, Notary Public. , VEST TORONTO? Hardware Store), IS Unwed at current So1iei.tor, etc. Scotia Chambers. WEESTONt Ont; & McMASTEE, tonservatorv of Music. _ s Normal Course. t, Conservatory Exams. ova Scotia Bank Bdg. RD GRAY, tor, Notary, etc, Bldg., WESTON. nd Evenings. A3 Imperial Life ' Toronto. 1. Notaries, tste., Physician, of Nova Beotia, " M.Ae, TORONTO,, ‘u 8 to 9 o'eloek ONTARIO. Props ietc 1 ONTARIO, Westâ€. Monday Public. "