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Durham Standard (1857), 17 Feb 1860, p. 3

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MW L00 L00 i065 10 ’4. Pl 860 3O LE 1860 'f H'E erea! Ame A gene}. -â€"- Mess r 1033 .0? the Sand-:3 announce the c :9. his 30V be sent to every insprtions to thi meat. The price will be 2d a. number, or 19. Gd. per dozen. News agents will be charged Two Dolâ€" lars per hundre ". No order wilil he attended to unless accnmpained by cash, nnr wili any Ian-gel- eéition be printed than is actually ordered in ad vance. INVEX has made As the publishers will possess facilities for the execution of this work which will enalle them to issue it earlier than the ordinary newspaper re- ports, and are resolved to make it a perft ctly fdir and truthful record of the Debates 1n Parlia- ment, they antieimte'a largo. circulation, and to prevent disappointment, would invite early orrlers. DA HE 11110391139;an have {1903694} on issvfing a daily sheet of eight, twelve, or sixteen mg” 8-?0. medium, (in th? same farm as the Pang- 1‘ inn Agriculturalist, new sorieal which will con- tain a careful Kmart of the Debates in the two "muses of Provinclal Parfiammt. Dre-pared ex- “regal; for this wm'k by a full Staff nf Shnrt- ham! Reporters. The whole sefies may he hmma mr in one or more volumes 3t the end of the Ses- aion, and will answer all the mlrposes of a MIRROR OF PA R.I_.IA.VIE‘:' for an; denre, JRosd. SESSIONAL REPORTIKG! Quebec Feb (”i-\NY-‘IHAN HANSARIP! who ronto, Fobmaryfl ,1-860 ANDREW Lenfinak, 82h Feb,1860. HF “‘ x utb‘CIET-‘l' r or in exchang- . 3*]: of W001, delivered at .f'mr r3399 WM of Durham, on W :\‘1E{“.H.é‘x\i( has mud twelve: momms m uuvauu-y guy of the MIRROR 0F PARLIAMENT! Free cgfeJ-tm charge nf‘iizis Juarmfl (Mirror included) Win ‘erery oxr‘imng'e paper giving a few to this and the prececding advertiseâ€" )RS \? \(TIU\ISTS. MIL! \\ RIC II'I AND 3.! 5. M"? KP T"'{ES. arrangements to sunnh' each Sillwcri in; mid twclu months in advance, WOOLBN CLOTH, ELY COLONIST. 11 hers D..‘ 1‘4 The promietnr of the 9. 1860 n fi- 8"! 1"».le EL I?Trdn 1131?. THOMPSON : CO , timers to the Legislature. H >3 HDMPSON (‘0, 9111'! .1! '2 has 0633‘- Tm? ze lug-st. circa}: me world. It is «3:99 a vaper pee-12:: vd in theme ”Hui N‘\(‘ID 38.9% LIVINGSTON: ’emit twen: I] intc est A the Durham u D \\‘ 19V m H 011 sch ' i lS’I‘ of unclaimed Letters remaining in g .e tinck Post Office, February 3, 1860. iBlack, L. McGilvmy, Arch lBlythe, John McCormack, John .‘ Crittenden Benjaain 2 McArthm', Arch, ' Connors, T. McArthur, {onald if Campbell, Miss BIcI-‘adyn, Miss Ann g Cameron, John McKinuon, C ha’s i Cotter, Con. McDonald, 331'sâ€" 5 Conner,. Edw’d-' McKinnon, Angus ' Carrie, 'Tho’s . McMahon, Mair-y f Cameron, Mrs. Mary McNelly, “a t’k lDraper, Joseph McLaughlin, J. A. i Haight, Marg’t A. Mathews, John , Hutton, Mrs. Chat-lone Moore, John Hanlon, Michael Magolly, John : Jardine, Robert 2 Keri“, George ;Kennedy, John Robe.tson, John ‘ Livingstone, Duncan By John . fLittle, John ‘ Bilgf’John mcuugblin, J’n 8am, Rev. wan: i. he stihseriher offers for Sale, Lot No. 20, on the 13th Concession, township of Proton, con- ltaining 9) acres of excellent hard-wood land, {with sufficient cedar for building and fencting I purposes. i There is a good dwelling house and a small improvement on the above properiy. also a good well of water, and situated six miles from the Durham and Colliugwood Gravel Road. Furnishing the material if so required, :15 he has a full_ Stun-15:31: SEASO‘SED LUMBER on hand. fl Furniture Cabinet Wage ALL KINDS OF TURNING five acres of excellent land, situated on the Dur- ham Gravel Road West, 16 rods frontage, one mile from Allanp-=rk P. 0., and is an excellent situation fur .3. tavern or Country store. (fl-ear Deeds can be given fl 1' both the above properties. Applications) with reference to either [Le abo ifby mail. (post-Dmd) to FREDRXCK RI ‘HARDSON. JUN" Messrs. M cxx 3:. Co.â€"It affords me pleasure to hear testimony to the able and efficient man- ner in which you discharged your duties as Soli- cit rs of Patents whileI had the honor of holding the office of Commissioner. Your business was very large, and you sustained (and, I doubt not, justly deserved) the reputation of energy, marked ability, and uncompromising fidelity in perform- ing your professional engagemnets. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. HUL'l‘. Communications and remittances should be addressed to MUNN 8: 00., fiTZ-J‘ 12...... KTLU rat» " :THIIY. LANDS FOR SA}. E. Immediately after the appointment of Mr. Holt to the office of Postmasterâ€"General of the United States, he addressed to us the following very gratifying testimonial :â€" The annexed letters from the last two Commis- sioners of Patents'we commiend to the perusal of all persons interested in obtaining Patents :â€" A Messrs Mrsx Co.-â€"â€"I take the pleasure in stating that while I heirl the office of Commis- sioner of Patents, more than one-fourth fall the business 0" the office came through vour hands. 1 have no doubt that the pi. blic coutiidence thus indicated has been fully deserved, as l have always observed, in all your intercourse with the office, a marked degere of promptness, skill, and fidelity to the interests of your employers. Yours, very truly, A pamnhlet of information concerning the course to be xmrsued in obtaining Patents through thrir Agent-y. the requirements of the Patent Of- fice, c. ,may he had gratis upon application at the Principal Offices or either (f the Branhces. Thcyalso furnish a Circular of information about Foreign Patents. hiventnrs will 030W“)! to bear'iu mind ‘hat the Enciish law does not limit the issue of Patents to Inventors. Any one can take out a Pa tent there. wrations and securing the Patents in the various PI 2 Japan curmrzes For the transactinns of this hm Sines; they have offices at Nos. 62} Chancery Lane, Lnudon; 29 Boulevard St. Martin, Pari3; and 22% 219 deg Epcmmde's, Brussels. We thinx we may safeiv say that threeofom'ths of all :he Enropnan Patents secured to American citizens are pmc ired through 091' AFDC) Dru-ham, Nov. 25, 1858. UHLMENCEMEXT OF A NEW VOLUME. Bentinck, 24th Jana HE Subscriber hereby infer; he is prepared to undermm h “ smigstmns may commence with any number; s an thu n .mhe rsare stereotyped back num- m aiwavs be furnished. All orders should \‘s‘ 5‘10“ ““9" “91'9“." Informs the pubiic that 5‘ prcgmrex'l ‘0 und crtake the completion of m kinds of Buildings, ark-Hf IE" Terms extremely liberal. =5; Order, on the shortest notice, at hisShop x00 .£.19 Garafraxa-8to’ 3.3 7 FT.” )fl {(731.1 Publishers, N0. 37 Park-row NewYork TH KNHR a: FIELDS, Publishers 9 3 135, “ashington-sneet, bo~ ton 'send U mtmher of January, 186 “h" 53/ m 11 enter upon CABfNET-WARE to H 'l‘mvhws, and gaziue at Two 1) u must, and ml La! galcnszue 1n mrzary Cuntains \KCE, entitled was ANNUI'XVEMENT, TUB 51%“)??? G. J. MATTHEWS. 1 cages, Twenty Dollars, tLeir own pustago, viz; ALSO, “at? {snuff t.) k in the Qt AND f,“ It-LU}? ; HT writers wlu‘se wmtribu- in the popular favor, t :hcir medium of com- hlic; and that the rela- h authms, on both sides 0. them to add materlally m1 value of the paper um in announcing that rntaius the first chapter; CHARDSON’, Jun, Bentirlck P. 0 a M 1860. (11115. Three do!- to an» part of the la ‘Ilar. - CHAS. MASON. 1800, the Atlantic 1“. by u I' H . simpiy. that 11 Man of the 1‘59 wmtribu- We (:0: OLIVER 111 8110- the ( number of su ‘ .ngmmary. ies, together wit] 1130 } announced it ~ 3 1 immediately ; IDCI‘OIIS {wine a re ( much as v 1. Tu (W 1‘]: Mmm whn sends us Fl ~"'!'31n‘!<, Hf ' m‘ {aw-*5! {mam (ff [flirty-:50 ‘ r't'nu‘s (‘-"".'.) “P will Wm}, In)“:- my”; (rt-n71?h0'1HIiffilI twenty-11w c ".‘llrdr . fun!" I" fur 19110. '.. T ; m wy pm‘snn who 91% .M .v .01!" «'vm‘s FT‘C-"H‘I (a. .3; «f (in: (:‘zjntsre ['11 uuru.’ -1,-;,.zrzr:/, pre-gxrlid 3 '1‘.) 'c‘W‘I‘j pvrsnn >111:5x‘ri?,w-1‘.:. a5 nhnv ' TH' [WIN/WT. WE :auri \‘11(‘ up u “:~'5 v‘. McKiunon, Malcolm Wilson, J: "3y must be 15th of Jan: 2. 'I'u'cnty us the secon 3. Ninetee send us the t 4. Eighteen The terms uf the Guns“ FARHER are: S ~<ubscribers, Bitty Cents a year, in advance : {Topics fur Twn Dollars; Eight Copies fur Duilars; amd any larger number at the rat-e. All subscriptions to commence wit year. In additinn to this reduction of one~fourti wife? the following List of Specific Prcmiu an extra inducement for our friends to form C sen a! send us the fi (5. Sixteen us the sixzh h 7' Fifteen us the sevent 8. Fourteen us the eig 1t 9. Thirteen send us the n 10. Twelve send us the tel 11. Eleven us the eleventh 1'2. Ten D01 its the twelfth 13. fine Dol us the thirteen 14. Eight Do us the fourteen 15. Seven. D us the fifteenth 16. Six Do us the sixteeut 17. Fire Do as the seventee 18. Four Dol us the eig'nteent 19. Tieree Do as the n'meteent 20.1‘wo D as the twentieth 'â€".vâ€". â€" v---‘ w- Culvy of the paper, and tell them its pric thy mm not help but take If. W'ill not a friendsâ€"will not you, sipâ€"make an effort (TC-4.53 our list of subscribers for 1860 ? W1 gladly send you Shaw-bills, specimen COpiCI ‘f'you will wt as agent. 4 us in your neighborhood? The Genesec is so cheap that everyone interested .in t tivation of the soil will subscribe, if asked few do so unless they are asked. Show t1 Below will be found our Premium List for Our Specific Premiums are the same as last except that we do not offer Specific premium larger lists than twenty-four, for the reasor any larger list than this will probably ti Cash premium. The January Cash l’ren are larger and more numerous than ever Few persons compete for them, and very lists will secure them. A few hours spenti vas ing is all that is necessary. If thvere is do agefiâ€"t for t'he town, will not you, kind reader, 100,000 Peat SEASON!) I? C LEA R L U M 8 ER AE'SOR TED. 21. One Dollar the twenty-first ' our beautihfi tweli Annnugl and. Horti in clubg of gigh of; We ofl'er the “ (R31 Sunday, January 15th, ’60 at the same place, and at same hour. Also ever} suéceeding Sunday until further notice, alternately at 10 o’clock, any, and 65 u clock, pm at the St Andrew’s Hall. A TWENTY-E me at 10 o’clock, am. in the St. Andrew’s Hall Durham; also on ' A STILL ’PHE REV’D S. 0. HAINES WILL (DV) JANUARY ENGLAND AND IRELAND. ( 97‘ ”I e Grcafl GENESEE PARMER. Durham, Dec. 29th 1859 December 21, 1859 Rural flanual i Sl’KDAY, JANIVARY 81!), 1860, V "'2 m. in nu m S'I‘ANDARD, BURHAM, FEBRUAIiY 17,1860 â€"_â€"-~â€"-‘ hold service on Set FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBE-1R, ALEX. B.‘ MCNAB. SPECIFIC PREMIU LIST OF PBEMIUES. mm] 'ASCl‘i the fo1 CHI} “(:11 lo“ LUMBERI! GREEN 3. ND DRIED .xl THE FOR 1860. -â€"ALSO-â€" ALEX B. McNAB , Post Master. APPLES Farmer it act as agr- James \4 tfâ€"56 and will continue to réceive supplies du‘ winter months, from the British yfiflm {tend eight copies of the “Fgmerv for one year md eight ‘copies of the “Rural Annnnl,” toggthet with a “ Rural Annual” fix the person whom ‘ the Club. For Eight Dollara we will send] $10”! copies of the “ Farmer " Md sixteen copies .. the “ Rural Annual,” and me extra 09113? at M for the person who gents la) the ‘club. ‘ . _ : Any person sending us Three Ballets {$3 , dub of eight of‘ the “ Genesee Farmer, "$1131 if“ icive one copy of the “ Rural Annual f0? ‘5 * taliHe. markets; by Vessels discharging“ A thence by Grand Trunk RailwapyathG‘l' 2,, : â€" Q: Subscription Money may be sent bv mail at mv risk, and )011 need mt “ register 'the lettérs. Addzess JOSEPH HARRIS, Publisher and Proprietor, Rochiuter,;N. Y. .m‘ ‘1‘ {Ire now doing one of the largest: Ham In Canada, which is npifilyffiinm'é attribute their astonishing yuccess‘ '10!- vu ULIV Our Agentgngxid Competitors for the above Hemiums, will remember our terms are always H ADVANCE, _ ,‘ , ‘ qested. . Posuce â€"The Postage on the “ Farmer ” sent Many place in the State of N2. York, paid (latterly in advance, is three cents s yearjto my other place in rhe United States, six cents agyeat. We pay the American postageon all pa- pnjs sent to the Canadas, or any other of the liftish Provinces; In all cases we pry theposf tdge on the “Rural Almual.” A .1 L-..‘ HORSMAN BROTHERS, 617mm gtâ€"ximuf'ibéi‘. bn his pa'per, as 1;? 0W 0: gelled 1:136 ill-ax1

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