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Durham Standard (1857), 25 Jan 1861, p. 3

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frV° )3 IS‘ 2d rlf r. the St. ’xer “HE. ions, F by of R nd “Ty nv rm! the FH’ ml he be of ity, :a! red :11], Inf! 3‘ n' D‘- m- I? CC I!) DR. W. C. SHAW, Physician. Surgeon, and Accouchenr. DISEASES 01" CHILDREN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE of Surgeons, Licentiate of the Rotunda L ing-in Hospital, Dublin. Licentiate of the edical Board, Upper Canada. Formerly Clinical Assistant and Dresser in the Dublin Hocpitals, from 1847 to 1851, and Surgeon, to an extensive Dispensary District. 10 which he has devoted special intention. Rusxnsxcnâ€"at the Rev. A. Stewart’s posite the Pu»! Offixe, Durham. DR. S. begs to intimate that he has com- menced the practioe of his profession in this locatity, and having been in Canada since 1854 he may be consulted on all diseases in- cident to this country, as also diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach, 81.0., ‘, ‘E the undersigned hereby lender Ollr beany thanks to those inhabitants of Dur- ham and Vicinity, who with 30 much prompo made and energy assisted to prawn! Nu: 8pm m! u' 1wa (mullagrutiun, which took plan: on the Mth mist. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLICATION will be made to the Municipal Council of the Township of Glene‘g,nt it; :essiun to be lu-h! on the twenty-first day u! Iammn‘, 1860, or June subsrqm-m session, for esmblishing a new rum! aflecting In! No. twenty-eight, in the :~H’cu-‘h toncessicn of the said township of (Re-mm. as shown on a pan of survey, f3 led in the Clerk’s Office. JAMES BROWN. C Kerk. flush, to Grent as was the impt rtarzr'e of the news- .mpvr Press when the Witness cmnmetwed i5 years as". every Sltt't'L‘Hiittg year has in- creased it.~inflnencc,nnd excn yet this power is perhaps oniy in its infancy. The varied mmtents of a newspaper, and the facility with which it is got up, and dis'rihuted on-r any c-xtcnt of country bringing the lam-st and n:n.~t desirahh: infurnmtiun to every home. 1!)Vt.° it imam-rial advantages nt’cr bouksor periodicals .and accordingly newspapers may emphati- uraiky .hte railed the literature of Canada. How ‘intpnttmtt then that this literature shouid he agnott‘! “The effect to circulate ncvt'sprtpors Ufa vhe'eaomc and elevated kind. wiil. however, he futile, unless adaptation he kept in \‘i8\\’. {1; “‘tiii‘bc of no use tn zipper-ii to men’s princi- MONTREAL WITNESS Folk :flfldfl‘flo aples In {III} for! a religious pap: r, uIIless it be «18 well am. as Ielzeaplv «rm Up as the most se- .cu lat slwet .Irile \IlIIclI it comes iI. to compe- jition. The fact is. rcliquIIs amIl philanthro- pic men shoal-J Ilo whalever they undertake amt only as well and as I'henp In others, but be Her and I heap”, - and if they do. they will have no OI casum to complain of mm! of sup- \ \NTED a 'lcwather for U. 101‘. Schm)! “cation No. '2, Behlimk a: u! Gmnelg. Applications to be 3911! cm or beture the 201}: Q'hk‘:‘pe:! paper in (‘mm 3"“? h" subs-'Iiptiun Us ximuM l-e brim. Thur WEI: he 1:0 ('I vnterptise.'It hikes a leading part; and ..s a JIteIar} paper, It Wt” bear Iom I:I:I~'o:I \\ ItlI ;all\ . “I ht‘ll \\ I: add to these vi: IIms I'm pub- III: support, that us proportion tntlze :IInoIIIItoI IeaIIII :1 mnIIer It ("12I1.ill.~‘ It Is pII-bah'y the Iht: pest paper In ( hum} . . It Is not snIp I Inc .I'IzI’. It< .~ul:.--wIptIun Iist. II“. [I :III In advance. in ionic-u 5min! hg-I“-i ”w \u- '.; i‘ “fife“, w \S’ and 38!!! "w unifi T? 1* DUI/II "31:1! ‘ < '2‘ 3‘? (‘1! t‘\'I'l'_\‘E " H'- 10111..«I.“11.1111‘f1u=i;;z1‘:.-. I} Ihu 1411.121: male in IN: 111112111111 1:11-11 .; $3 per amalm in advmzve. TI". 5 9111111112 15. pvruhmly suit- am» for buaincus m 11 1%11'01123 u 'I Ihe I'mmIr) “I10 I: quilt: to kmw'I Iuc daiiy flmmalmns o fur-n (’5. r The Weekly "Viness. published every Tnumlz-y mom'u 2:. containing 1'). pages. will 1 hence forth be at the uml'mm rate ul $1.50 per, annum. in advance, as the Club system has not worked well. Subscribers will please specify the edition they wish. All the editions will stop when the time subscribed for expires, unless pre- vious‘y renewe¢l,â€"â€"as this 's the only way in which a paper so widely extetuled can be pub- lished at a low rate. Subscribers are, how- ever. notified a fortnight before there sub- 5crtption expires. " .- A‘ ' The frienlls of the Witness are earnestly {requested to do what thev can to extend its ctrculation at this time, {vhen a good word, and perhaps a little effort in its behalf. might 8:96;? a great accession to its subscription liSt. All who think such a paper beneficial to the countrymifl greatly oblige us by endea voting to get their neighbors to subscnbe with th- at. All letters, orders and remittances, to be addlesaed, poat-paid, to JOHN DOUGALL, Proprieu r “ Montana Wrrszsa,” Montreal The 31m: .- Wt’t' k . '~ I; Totvnslz'n' 0‘ Gh-nl‘lg, ’ SUV. 3‘), ‘36”. ’ Durham, Jan. 15:11, 1861. Dmham,Jan. Nth. 1861. Scc. 'l‘reusurer. Rocky Saugeeu Mills, anlinck l’.0 January 1011), 186]. CARI) 0F THANKS. '1' EA C H E R W A N '1‘ ED. PROSPECTUS NU’I‘HW“. T E R M S ’01 ”7:12.339 ROBERT D! CKSON, .P. Mt AB. - mfg.) " .\\‘ I z ITCHER, 52308. \YAL'I'ON’, KHA.LLACK. EON-LP“ MiGHTON. ALEX. {‘OCEERANK. \-\’ll.LlAM JACKSON. OF THE E-.;~.‘ 9:2 t‘Vt'l'V ' Mu nms- .l} the m: 1 22:2 .‘53 p't’r am; I: m is. p u: 'Imiy sh?- nugf ow Hhe ('mum'y d shed lwutc l Sauurdny. we days: :3! H :nh'um-e VLF-4 llO-ly \Vmsld mall the attrntiun of Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Farmers, Builders, and the publv- generally, to his large and we” assorted stock (if . Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Hand Sledge HAMMERS, FILES, RASPS, NAILS of all kinds, Nuts, Bolts, Screws, Rivets, Glass, PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, SCALES, WEIGHTS, ($6., €11, ago, All of which he is prepared to sell at or below Toronto m‘ices. Haraware in @wen Swami E TthargestLitflar)‘ Weeldyin theWorm STAR OF THE PRESS. THE NEW YORK MERCURY FOR THE NEW YEAR. ”though the [nation II OI‘IIIe II eek'y Ipress (Lainey IoII III Its III'I-IIII'- IIIirII Iear). THE NEW \ORK \IE RCURI Ieems IIIIII the tire and vigor of yuIIIIII, as well as with IIII: V-IS(IUHI(1II(I IIigIIIII of mature Iears. Pre- sIIIIIIIIg as it does, IIIe ‘ Ire-me III: In I'Ieme ’ of IIIe raturcâ€"enriI‘IIeII WI' III (III: cIIIIaIII'iIIIt mafia-pica (Is III II It! QIcaIcsI Iomancers in We \"IUI'I lâ€"LIIIII eIIIIg IIiIII IIIe inIIizIIII IIiI and humor of the sIIzIIpIIsI pens of the IIme- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII garnishm. II ith the rarest Irems oI‘ IIzIIIIe poen \'*"‘(I\£‘IIIU\\ III2 II IIII “ IIIoIIgII Is that IIIeIIIII IIIIII IIurIIs IIIIII burns” Irom Ihe great II IIIers oI its cozIIribII-IoriIII staff, and honored :I. I mer the I-OIIIIIr) for its perfecI freedom Ilom :sIIIIIIiIIg um II :IIeII Io II oIIIIII or repulse Ine mosI seIIsIIIIII ImoIaIIsI or class of people -_ 31 has been fur years the LUXURY; 1:115: 'rmc: an, Tm: Moxnon. mm 1111: wmcuua was? or. HUNDREDS or 'ruovsnns 01: AM- EWCAN nomas. ma H) ‘EEEWN Mgmm The Subscriber’: stock contains as vanieri an 3350 any in Canada West 1, which parties will find to tl1ei1 z to select fiom. The publishers and proprietors of THE NEW? YORK MERCURY, have made the motto of its columns : “ Here shall young Genius wing his eagle and during the present year (1861) its grand, inimitable arm) of writersâ€"‘ whose unitetl salaries exceed the total of those paid to the President and V'ce-Presitlent of the United Statesâ€"and its Thr'ill'i ut‘t constellatiwt of titer- ary specialties will be materially extended. 'l‘hns, «me of the proprietnt's’ new engage- ments IS that (it the witty. waggislt, quizzicnl, whimsical, \"ttt'iti t'euownetl,raml pungent Q. R. l’hitandcr Doesticks, P12 , w}; 0 contributes to Tm: L‘ll-JRCURY a side-split- i: .«r se ries nt l’url sqne Iliuurnphies, Lecture-s .‘t-tmntzs, Fatsltimt Attlt'lcs, Ct‘itiri: ms of Painting“. Plats. S'zttnes, t'., under the gen- «-rnl nml >i2hlfit'4’lltl title 0f “ Din-:Rsmxs 0F )mzm‘wxs ; or, llanuzqvxx Ht'rs AT Tm; 'l‘mss " ‘GREAT I}. MOUTIIS ()F “ ISEST CENSURL. ‘ â€" v v flight. Richldew-dropa shaking from his plumes of fight ” 0 mug}: enmm Q. K. PHIL-\NDER DOE-"I’ICKS, P. 13., ARTHUR M. GRANGER. JOSEPH BAR- BER. FELIX O. C. HARLEY. GEORGE ARNOLD. REV. R. _M. D VICNS, NED BUNTLINE. WM. ROSS WALLACE, COUSIN MAY CARLETON, DR. .1. H. ROBINSON. S. R. URBAN. MRS. M. E. ROB’NSON. J. H. PA'I‘TEN. REV. R. B. WELCH, W. O. EATON. GEORGE MAR- TIAL, HATTIE 'l'YNG, R. H. NEWELL. Other celebrated writers WI“ also contri- bmeâ€"making the MERcURYa great focus of at] that is Entertaining, Instructive, Witty 8L Wise. Our special New Year’s Gift to our readers is a brilliant new novelelte, entitled CATHOLINA ; The opening ChapteuI of which appear iin Tm: Macon? for January 51h, 1861. Owes Socxn, Feccmber, 7th, 1860. ha 3. n.- BY DR. J. H. ROBINSON. THE NICHE IN THE WALL. HAS OPENED THE NEW STORE IN THE STONE BLOCK, CORN ICR OF UNION AND SCROPE STREETS. WITH AN EXTENSIVE STOCK f3 A TALE, OF LOUISIANA. "‘ \l “H" . P‘Nnrial Depmlmel-t appvar the ml H nsl'ulinns nflhzut prince 0f Am- ::~:s “:le 0. (i. DARLEY. 12.01:! luv Dre's?!” \‘c’nr. Hais' magnifi- ‘88:... {rm ”H‘s?!" \Pnr. this' magnifi- : .~ J()l_n nu! of Mlmmzum Lit- AND CANADIAN IVIARK TS. Which has been purchased in the host, (NEXT D009. TO R. PATEKSUN’S) OWEN SOUND, on, «red to sell at or below Toronto prices, 'z‘eight added. (70A L OIL [JAEâ€"5P3! I ---_ -.....“.;au rs SUI” by an Newsmeu and per‘udir'al dealer-:4 in America. To subscribers it is regulariy mailed every Saturday muruiug, fur $2 a year; three cu- pies for $5; six copies tor $9; eight copies for $le. with an e.\'I":r copy 1': 0c 10 {he getter- up of the club. Six Mumha’ subscriptions received. Always write Mainly the name of your Pest-Office, County, and State. “'9 ' pucie‘paying banks at 51 invariably be made in , LOT OF LAND CONTAINING 50 .1 with about thirtv cleared, and um The Land is in good cundiiion,un«1w “ted, with two Saw mills close by; a l and Distillery within two miles; the Road from Guelph to Owen Sound passi same distance; and within five miles 01 lagc cf Durham. Fur particulars apply (if by letter, no: Address a“ law E3“ Galt Reporter vopy send account to the above. HARM AND SAW FOR. SALE. MILL v. ' "I- .L the following valuable pm} No. 1, 2nd eon. Egremont, contain 40 01 which are cleared, anc. dwelling house thereon. There i. lent saw-mill on the above farm ‘ head ’ of water on n m v- r-failin only four miles fron. the rising m IIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE tile t()lln“.‘n" \‘u ‘Iun !‘ln . I hereby canticn tavern-keepcrr generally. in heware of Robert McBride, who, through his pretend: d friendship for me, nb.ained two 3!; sses of liqm'rat I") har on Sunday the 4th nfiast NOVBIttitet‘, and then informed that I had dune so, causing ".8 to he fined Five Pounds ;â€"-he. of course, ItOCthittg one-ha”. and Which, I believe, vas the only incentive to commit the nefarious action. He is new thoroughly ash; med of his deeds, and wishâ€" es to padtiate his conduct by saying that he refunded me his hire as an informer; which is a total falsehood. A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For parthuhrs apply to the proprietor 02: :14? [we £593, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben-- linck, P. 0. T0 AA RON VOLLE'I‘T. Egrcmont, 20 b Aug, 1860. 90â€"tf HOUSE AND LO FOR SALE. _ - _ - v _--_..-- v- . uuu 1; Wu. 0.1146 1 lot No. 8. Bruce-5L, Durham, containing a half aore of land, well fenced, with a commodious end comfortable dwelling house thereon, 21 x 26 feet, containing Four Elegantly Finished Rooms, THE DURHAM STAN DARD Cf? Specimen capig; ”villus. E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE lOt NO. 8 Bruce-“ nnrhnm an“.-. :.... L... - 7 sides a large kitchen attached. The above is situated in one of the most desim~ ble localities in Durham Immediate possession will be given. anda clear title. .TERMS LIBERAI . Apply, 11' by letter, (pm-paid) to the proprietor D. _R_OSE, ' TH E N EW to Durham, Dec. 12, 1360. Pmpfiel’ors oft/w New 46 5; 48 Ann .51., New Dec. 19111, 1860. Dafham, 15th Feb, 1830. TERMS REASONABLE. H lenvrs and remittances, past-paid AULDWEIL, SOUTUWORTU 8: “" HIT N liY. aried an assortment as YORK Mmurcnv is sold by all {‘S‘OR :LI ll. mg valuable p1'«.)porty,viz° Lot Egrcmont, containing 100 acres. '. ROUGH. CAUTION. oou C(mUIllon, and well situa- w mills close by; a brisl mill bin two miles; the Grzlvcled to Owen Sound passing at the 1 within live miles of the \iilo - "7-va ottllll’ “ll" 10} {UP-I. . a m v râ€"faiiing stream, andxs . the rising town of Durhmn. if by letter, postpmd) to JOHN MILLER, flgcuz‘. Bentinck, P 0. 105-4 W. BOWERS, East Glenelg. nrcd, and under fence sent fuse to a” ap~ four insertions :1 m1 .- York .Mc-rcm’ w York City. a d m maze ‘. a comfortable is also an xch- Bantith P. 104~1y feet and will continue to receive supplies during the winter months. from the British and Continental markets, by Vessels discharging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. are now doing one of the largest Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"they attribute their astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Borsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than can be had in any town in Canada. AVE just received large additions to their Stock of Hardwareii would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hardware will take p111 cc immediately, as the following list of at few articles sold by them will show :â€" Cut nails in quantities-40 lbs. and upwards-43 per box. and Other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per 1b. Shot, 10 cents per lb. Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per gallon. First quality “'hite Lead, 153 per lb. Best Refined Iron, 17s Gd per NEWS, and all other goods cqally cheap. To give a liSt of Hardware, kept. on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS would fill a newspaper, snflicc it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give satisfaction. 4 cents per lb. \\ rought nails, 10 cents 1391' lb. Axes (wamauted) {5| cad]. Glass 7/ 9 and 8 410,113 3d per box. Gla3310><12,1‘23pCr L-qx, 10x14 _1 3 6d W (7 9:44» x'i'ljjfw wits for any quantity of WOOL delivered at his resi- dence, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Rozd. ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinc‘n', 8th Feb, 1860. GZ-Iy SLEIGH, AND PLOUG Hfl 'IIE PROI’RIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants. of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the abuv: articles on short notice, and of supericr workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best. quality of timbrr wili be 113. d. I. C a‘rood merchanmblc lumber or farm produce taken as cash. , DURHAM, JANUARY 25, 1861. [HUNG Yes. 2.1 AND 22,QUEEN STREET. 3 1n the [mm of Durzhim, containing ONE :\Cl’13.nith a u veiling inusc 111019011. The sits: is eiigil: It: and commanding, and will be sol on lDOdCl‘ltC terms. Apply, il 1)} letter [1‘ ostpaid] to JUIIN MOODIE, Land Agent, Bentinck,P. 0. I 01‘ No.54. 2nd CON, OLD SU ’tVEY, BEN. J tinck, one mile and a haif from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Snugeen River runs through it, forming an excel- lent- mill-site. There. is also considerable excel- lent pine timber on’ tne Lot, and. a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. â€"-;\LSO,â€"-â€" South half of Lot 7, Garafmxa Street, Durham containing a 5 acre, with a comfortahie house thereon. 'l'itle Indispumble. Terms Liuex'ablezl-mkpply (if by letter, post- paid.) to ‘â€" LL PERSOYS INDEBTED to DR. J. MOORE :1 me heienv requested to take notice, that all notes and book 400 unis, are in my hands for COLCCtinn. E‘rly attention to the above solicited. JAMES HUNTER. Durham, 5111 Dec, 1860. 194-3113 TOWN AND PARK LOT FORSALE. ONE ACRE OF LAND IV THE CENTRE OF the town of Durham, fronting on three streets-8 rods on Ga1mfraxa-st.,so rods on Ches- ter-st,a11d 8 rods on Queen-st; is within a. few rods of the) iarket Square. 'lhe lot 15 in the high- est state of cultivation, and is planted with a 1:11 ge number of choice fruit trees, “hie-h have been hearing for several years past. There is a good frame dwelling house thereon, 24 x 32, con- taininrr 8 rooms, and aworkshop 20 x 30, besides, atxeverttailing spring of water. HOR§NHAN BERGTHIERS Containiuing 4acres and 10 perches, is in a goon. state of cultivation, and only‘ a mile from the above. ' Dec. 2, 1859. Also, 100 acres in Normanby, ”n which is an excellent Mill Site, and only five miles from Durban Terms liberal H3” Clear Deeds vill be given for the above. tApplit-ation, (it by lettEr, prepaiC.) with refer once to either of the above. to ' ‘IIE Subscriber will pay the higlnst in Cash, - or in exchange for Durham, 2 FARR! AND T0$VN LOT TGPWE’N 1.01% E9431: SALE Bent-inch, 28th May 1860. Aptil 4, 1860. HORSBJIAN BR6THER, Durham, 26%: April, 1960 Horsman Brothers, 196.7 {afimomg WOOL N CLOTH, ALSO A PARK LOT, MOTTECEQ R!amsfa~rtory. HORSMAN BROTHERS, FLANNEL 1:} “'cst Arum, P. 0. Cu. Bruce. or to the Smxmnn Office Ironmongers, Guelph. “~55 G. J. MATTHEWS, A. MCFAR AXE. 82-1y. B. B. MILLER, Bentimk P. O. 73-“ \fâ€"78 '10 --tf IST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinck Post Office, January 2, 1861. Barry, Wm. Batchlor, Thos. Boyd. Dongald Baseher, James Cameron, Allan Clarke, H. H. Cook, Arthur Campbell, Alex. Clarke, Wm. Rev. Doleson. James Ellison, Wm. Flynn, Patrick Foley, Mary Mrs. Field, James Glover, Allison ‘ Giiffish, Mr. Rev. Grahame, David Gardin, .R. Henry, Jam?! Hopkins, Samuel Kennedy, Chas. Lamson, John McLeod, Don’d Malzony, Nicholas Morrison, Robert McNeece, Daniel McDougall, Allan McKinnon, Allan McDonald, Archf McAnhnr, Amh. M c N alighton , Laugli’n McPherson, John McEllistrime, Eliza McMires, Dongalu McLaughlin, John McLean, W. Rev. McGilvray,Malcolm 2 McQuarr}, Don’d McGe‘voray, Martin McDonald, James McCallum, Niel McArlhur, Arch’d McDonald, Sweden Moffat, W’m Nixon, Jacob Noble, Georg e O’Niel, Michael Orr, Samuel Pailden, Harris Ransberry, Joli n Reikard, Tlio’s Smillee, W’m Scott, J. Rev. Slelclier, \V’m Steel, Mrs. Turner. Ja nee Vollet, Henry \Villonghby, Geo. ‘2 Willson, George SPLENDID OPENING FOR A BREWERY, Jy'z stifle dry or January. HE CANADA. POWDER COMPANY hereby give notice that H ORSZlIflN BROTHERS, Itomnongezs, Guelph, C. WC, will, from this date supply Country Storekeepers, and others with POWDER, of all brands, made by us, at. the same prices charged at our Mills, there- by saving the purchaser the expense of transport- ation to Guelph. The following is a list of our brands, all of which can be had in any quant ty, at HORSMAN BROTHERS, Ironmongers, Guelph. Kegs Blaming C I C B 183 9d per keg of 251bs. Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 252132. Kegs “ F1' 263 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 283 9d “ Canister FF 123 Gd pe: doz 511331.203 pr doz. 11b “ FFF 133 9d per (102. in 3133.213 3d per doz. llbs. “ Duck Shooting 163 3d per doz. in g lbs. ' 263 3d per doz. libs. “ Patridge 1‘63 '3d per doz. in iibs. 263 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Canadian Rifle 163 3d pfl‘ doz. in; lbs. 263 3d 191' doz. in llbs. “ Diamond Grain 213 3d per doz. in glbs. 363 3d per doz. in llbs. “ Kelly Rifle 233 9d per doz. in gibar 4'23 6d per doz. in 11133. Park Lot No. 8, (Hunter’s Survey,) Containing T hm: Acres, will, a. SPLEN DID SPRING, For eith :r or all of which there canfiot be a better opening. PARIS LOT No. S, (Hume 1’s Survey) Containing 3 Acres, with a never failing Spring AND Four éBthvr Building Lots. Quarter Acre Each. ALSO, “200 ACRES OF LAND Township of Glenelg. Application, with reference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, post-paid.) to the Sub- scriber, will receive pmmpt attention. Brewery, Distillery or of AXES, which they will sell by the Box as follow:s â€"- Data’s, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87§cents-. just reached. 1 '1‘ o G R 1 ‘f 9 aafl BQMES, iBlacksmith and Pamer can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt «5:. Co’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe 75cents. Immediately on the Opening of Navigation Horsman Brothers will receice an immense addi- tion to their heavy stock of Hardware, which, they Will sell very cheap, as usual. HORSMAN BROTHERS, Capital M. Rossin, Esq. ' I _ Secretary (5% Treas, . .BERNARD HAanx, Esq. Solicitor, ....... .ANGUS MORRISON, Esq. Bankers, ........... BANK» UPPER CANADA. Benjamin Swit'zer, Esq., Inspector. Presidem .- Isaac C.Gilmor,Esq. Rice Lewis, Esq. James Beatty, Esq. T. P. Rubarts, Esq. Head omco-'--Church Street, Toronto, With Agencies all over the Province. E‘s" The Business of this Company confined ex- clusively to the Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their con- tents, on favorabg beans,- and at rates of preminm, as low as 'tb‘al't'gf any other responsible Company. E’ Terms of Application, and all necessary in- formation to be had on applying to ‘ ' SAMUEL E. LEGATB ' Agent at Durham. WESTERN! Ass-mantra Lampuny OF TORONTO, C. W. Durham, Feb. 3, 1859 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the foliowing Property, viz; Jan . ‘27 1859. GUNPO‘WDEE. ORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have ‘ just received. O CHOPPERS. mg; 5% fig? - - - - - $400,000. INCORPORATED, 1353. HO RSMA N B ROTHE RS DIRECTORS: Well suited for Imnmongers. Gue’plz, A. B. MCNAB, Postmastet Thomas Haworth, Esq. Wm. Henderson ,Esq. \i alter Macfarlane ,Esq. “ice-P resident: Geo. Michic, Esq. JOHN MILLER. 10 i Sflfifliiéfififi EBPQW. V \HE Subscriber hereby notifies the public of Durham and vicinity, that be has commenc- ed the Cabinet business in McNab’s old stand, three doors north of the British Hotel, where to has always on hand, (or will'mnke to order) a choice assortment of Buregus,_ SUPPORT B3ME MAKEFACTURE H! HE SUBSCRIBER‘ HEREBY ROTH-‘13"; the public» that he has on hand,and I: prepared to make, m short notice, any articl- in the above lu-e. CABINET. WARE Cupboards, Centre Tables, “’riung Desks, Book-Cases, And every other arzicie in the line, as cheaply on they can be purchased in Guelph or Toronto, 0! as good quality, and at as low rates. HE undersigned ofl‘vrs tor sale the following value hie property belonging to the late An- drew Park, viz; Lot 51, 2nd Concession, South of the Durham Road, Bentinck, containing 76 acres, 35 of which are clearezi, fenced, and in a high state of cultivation. There is a good log house and bx rn on the premises galso 91.!) excellent spring of water. This property has a leading road on two sides: and is oily 5; miles from t. a rising town of Durham. The land is of excellcm quality. Teens LIBERAL. Application to be made to F ARHERS CITIZEN f, A‘xD TRAYELLERS, “in find at the. above Hotci,a11 the com- farts of a home duxmg their visits; and those re- quiring entertainment will have the best the country aii'ords. ANGLO AMERICAN HOTEL Good Stabl ng and attzntive and civil Hosâ€" tlers. Stages ca 11 daily at the above Hotol. THOMAS WILSON. Co: hinobhina Foul of this year ( bred {tom stoc k impor‘ted ( irect from Cochin-China) a1- so '1 horough- bred Game Fowl now for sale at Mr. C01 ms’ 3 farm, Durham, Co. Grey. Address as above. Bemiuck P. O. FEW YOUNG SOWS OF THE ABOVE f Superior Breed, (with which Pedicreu will be gxypn) 3nd 5-1155) fgme Thqrpugl‘l-fyred VI‘HE subscriber, in eonsequence of his intended removal to England, ofi‘e. s for Sale the third part f Lot No. l, 13L Concession Normunby, Gamfmxa Road, containing 50 acres, 30 ofim‘hich are cleared, fenced, and in a good state of culti- vation, with a good log house and double log barn thereon ; also an excellant spring of water con- venient to the l uildings, and a fine creek rimmng across the lot. The above property is only two miles south of Durham, on the leading road to b mph, and the land being of first quality, offers a most desirable opportunity for investment. .- '" 'ES}"1$A}Ti’c'uiA}s'Qinifisr'fi'ffifieitér; " bié-Eiid) a: the STANDARD Office, or to the proprietor, ' J AMES TURNER. In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Price IS PREPARED TO DO . Hill EVork, Horse Shocing, E3” \\ rought Iron Shares: made for any 131d 0 ploughs. 313° \I 111 Picks Jade and Sharpened; . 93“ Axes Jumped and Tempered. 53"" Any person in need of a Farrier will find it to their amntage to can on him. ‘ ‘ Durham, 5th Dec., 1860'. ‘ Ambrotype Photographic GALLERY, DURHAM. ‘u _ "w,”vmr- -~ "‘“"""GEUT€GE Kmart. Durham, New 9, 1860. 100-1}'. Bentinck, October 17, 186 A L. Val name Farm '1 o-Lct or Sell. (Opposite Hunter's Hotel.) 1 OPEN DAILY FROM 10 TILL DUS 23" Childrens Likenesses taken 1n 3 seconds Nov.16,1860.1 101-m MAIN STREET, MOUNT FOREST, BY TflflffiAS ‘VILSON. \f § ) : ,_ ’ J from ; al Cooper mg. Cam and See for Yourselvcs, November 22, 1860. Normanby, Hot. 17, 1860. ‘Iount Foxest Jan. 18th. 1861. Durham; Nov. 25, 1858. Mi M 3A3... g‘figgmg, Opposite the Durham Hotel. _ GEORGE TUCKER. THOROUGH-BRBD E S S E X S 9 W’ S. LIKENESSES; - FARR! FOR SALE. Saddler Street, ARCIIIBALD PARK, WILLIAM METHER, _ kEAxpc‘utors, Bentiuck‘P. ‘0. AND AND 97-tf 97-591

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