1. Subamiber; who do not [in eXpress notice to the contrir" are command as wishing to con- tinue their subscxi‘ptionn. * 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their perioéicals, the publismr may send them until all smears are paid : and subscribczs age re- sponsible for all numbers sent. . 3. ]! subscribers refuse or neglect to take their periodicals from the ofï¬ce to which they are directed, they are held respimsible till they have settled their'Bitl, and ordered their periodical to be discontinued. Sanding numbers back, or lear- irsg an. in the Ojice, is not such notice as the Law requires. ' 4. If subscribers remove to other“ places wit!» out infurmi'ng the publisher, and their perimiicais are sent to the former directions, they are held re- aponsible. Six lines and under, ï¬rst insertion . . . . 50 cents. .lach subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . l3 “ Six 10 ten lines, ï¬rst. Insertion . . . . . . . . 75 “ Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . 25 “ Above {enlincs ï¬rst mac xt’on (pen-live) 8 ‘ Each subsequent ifl‘C‘sliO (wrï¬ne) 2 “ Cards in the Busmess Dire-Clot} ten lines and under, per annum. . . . . . . . .. . . $4.00 D0. {OI-Six motltl‘s OOOOOOQOOCOOIOOOOOOO $3.00 HF. subscriber infomns the public that. he is prepared to execute all orders fur bathing and Piastcring, in the most workmanlike style, and at moderate ram. CHARLES D. MCMILLAN. Durham, Dec. 2. 1853. 2 All advertisements must. Written instructions, and no and without a. writu-n order. canon; R, I ICENSED T0 PR-\GT1<"B quSlC, S] RGL‘RY 3‘3) 33:} 3% “‘1‘: P), DURI‘IA 3:1. No adhrtiscment discr‘mtinuod until paid foi'at the time‘ of withdrawal, unless by consent cf flu.- publisher. All letters and commumcaticns addressed to the editor must. be Post paid. ‘ THE ammmmm Money lettew properh' mailed and mg} tered ‘t the “it Of the ph'dhfl’l“? L? 5'0 unpah‘} letters taken from Post Ofï¬ce. 8.L.H.LUKE, TUE Subscriber announces to the Public that - he has commenced the above businrss in the premises adjr-ining the SCHOOL HOUSE, Lately occupied by J. WiLsox,Tinsnu'a‘}: : and win he hapy)‘ to attend tn ail orders in the above firm, Which will be promptly executed, with mmtness and dispatch; _ JOHN ELLIOTT. » Conveyaucm', Commissioner mConrt of Qaum Bunch .lttorncy at Law,_So¢ic£lor in Chm: cm Cunt-cyan- ' "T, 3%. SAMUEL E.' LERXTE, 15511330!" BIARRKAGFJ L§C§IXSKZFZ I) URHAK‘L Durham. Deni}, 38:38. ‘ I J. 1-“. BROWN, IIRUGGIST AX!) (‘l’iEZS-IIS'I‘, Durham. I REPS constant}; on hand a large asgonmcna of Drugs, Chemicals, ’atent Medicines. D3" Btafl‘s, Stationary. c.. c. . Dnflzam, Dec. :, 18378. ) AND Issuer 0! Marriage Licenses. Chaï¬â€˜ey’ s )1i1ls,) GIeneIg,Jan12,18-39.S ' B. 199x923 at as, GENERAL MERCHAN’E Traveller’s Home San. (iamfmm Road, ï¬ve miles frum Durham ’Hanelg, Dec. 2, 1873, 1 Amhrot‘yp‘e .8 Photographic- GALLERY) DURHAM. (Opposite Hunter’s Hotel.) OPEN DAILY FROM 10 fnLL DUS 3:" Childrens‘ Likeness 13km in 3 seconds Nov. no, 1860. l‘OI-m Br. Dunbar, EPII‘E‘S :2: 61:21: AL 3.13:9 MOUNT FL-REST. Seasoned ï¬rst-class Lumber. Cattle,.grain, or reliable Novesgiu be taken in xohunge ROBERT DALGLISH, ‘ 3rd com. S. l). R. Benï¬nck. rm. 3, 1853. Durham, Dec u 7m: OFFICE, DURHAM, COESTY GREY, FRI DY MORNING, g0!) 931'! ES 0" WELLINGTON AND GREY. Haunt Forest, July 21, 1859 ' Durham,5 Dear, Y§?ï¬â€$3 E333 STOn?5 For sale, by private bargain. AID COUNTY OF GREY-ADYHRTISER, .. LIKENESSES. 400,000 feet TAILOR. Law Respecï¬ng Newspapers. f LUMB C11 Rates of Advertising. XS ’ ' .LILISHXD Vt- be accompanied by me will be discvntin- Proprietor 35339 Physician. Surgeon, and Accoucheur. \iEMRER OF THE ROYAL CO'LEGE - ~ of Surgeons, Lit-emiate of the Rotunda Lying-in HOspiml. Du¢b}in. Licentiate (if the Media“ Bound. Upper Canada. Formerly Clinic?! Assistant and Dresser in the Dublin Mammals. from 1817 to l851, and Surgeon to an exmnsive Dispensary District. Dh. S. bugs to intimate that he hue com- menced tin: pmMu-vuf his pruft'asiun in this inw-sfity. and having been in Camu‘a sinm 185‘} he may be cvnaultetl on a†(insenses in- «Men! to this crummy, as aim diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Stomach, c., ‘0 which he has devntvd specizrl attention. ALEX. B. MCNAB POSTMASTER, 34.3†Everfatton'ion paid to the comfort of the trawliing public. 113'" Good Sta Ming and an attentive hostlcr. Arthur, Dec. 16 1858. 3 "‘7’ A RMERS. CITIZFN ‘, AND '3 RAVELLERS, .3 “it: E d at the M10111 Hut 1 all the com- for ts of 11 11111119 durmg t}: 01? visa: 5; 11nd those reâ€" (11111115; mien 11131113111 will lz'mc the bsst we cow .tr)’ 3.3? 1: (‘3. RES!“$T.YCR~â€"flf the. Rev. A. Stexi'an’s, op- posite the P015! Gift 9, Durham. Durham, sz. 15m. 1861. llO-Iy Gm»! Stubling and aften‘tive and cavil Hoa- tlers. Stages C'tl] Gail! M the alu \e. Hotel:- THOMAS “' ILSU“. AGENT FOR The Canada Lanzzed Credit Company, nmnxcx POST 03mm, 011mm M, coux'r Y 01- G any Sblï¬lizlï¬'ï¬‚ï¬ 01“ CHI L BR EN Ca miles Durh.a.'n,J:m. 15:11.1561. llO-ly -‘hm.-._.-_ nzLI 0 mztmc m 110 mi MAIN 5T!.2.E i, MOUST FOREST, B '3' T343313 T's WV 32% LEEDS. TEEODGH E ZASSs The auhscribcr is Agent for the Com Exrhagc Fire and Iniand Yavigauon Insurance ('0. They are prcpured to take risks on reasonable terms. JOHN MILLER Durham. 30th August,1859. 39â€"tf DURHAM. (“ORG“)? FOR TLE (OENTF of ( REY. pumavxnm, . “5““ 5‘" E"‘b°'°"°h â€W M 7 but let me go on. Pr: m was sent for yester- BY w dav, but be was out. and Young Danezbury a 1“ (2365.119. WW a" right, th'ey say. esoep't G. . 3 3508. ' being a ï¬ttie shaky. and talked and. nheerrd, BIS HOUSE HAS L ATELY BEEN RE up Ann June: so p ’ensantl3.that she sang: glad PAIRED in an eflicient m' nner. The Bar 3 he had name. instead of the old gentleman. ’ «q supplied with the est wines and liquors; and t. e: “I am glad he was all right, †agai’li Hter; Lard r will at all times be found suited to (’Ei'np‘ed Thomas Harding - - , -- -» _ wants nd tastes of the travelling community, “4 Ymi h we dat‘heanl th'e ettd ,, said the Pncaï¬lk, men 13 1m 105â€"1! 3' ‘T-rm-P._Ilaï¬1m19_ “3'“fo. hall {than an DR. CRAWFORD, Good staining attached and a caretul hostlcr 31w ays on hand. Charges same as other Baffle. m town. ‘ THOMAS MAY, Proprietor. VOL. 3.- NO. 9.] ‘Y‘HIS Hotel has all the advantages ofn ï¬rst I c1333 ono,and is the most .conw-nicm to the Steambmt La: ding and Ca vrt House. Stages have this h. us «‘1 .in for Durham and Gauge-m; also fur CollingWOOd. daily, dgtrinsr “rim", ROB ROY HOPE! ,, » PRIC‘EHVILLE 'HE Par is supplied with the best “'ime9 ~' 1d 1 Liquors, and the Lax-dot will be found: ill 5mes unchicive to the comfor; of the trav -ng ommum.y. - ' Pricevillr, Jainism-y 20, 1860. ' 59-8 - n'u'mncer Commissioner m Queen 8 Bend. and ('ommzs: ion Genera; [W ~. L. M. LUKE, Publisher. Dur‘ mm, Dec. 2 18 Mount Forest Jam-18th. 1801; 73 rmth end of the ImiMiwg xecently «.zccupicd by the late Mu. JOHNâ€"BLACK. - Durham, July 5, 1850. 83-11y Durham, 28 June, 1850. ENSURANCE. A RGYLE H UTEL, BY A. MCPARLANE. SEBBEEN %§?EL9 MAY ’ s HOTEL, Oct, 17, 1860. DR. W C. SHAW, AR AND LARDER WELL SFPPLIED Good S‘abling and attentiv: hugger, Bur STREET. ()WEN- SUUXD, C. E. B. MCM;LLAN. 'l‘owrmhi p of Arthxz r, from Durham, 10 than .‘Juunt Forest, and 17 mules {run Fergus. {ITS PRICEVILLE, BY [Imus Inn, AND COUNTY OF GREY GENERAL ADVERTISER. ‘. I mm 'd not keep him home. 10 idienesa,†. . ¢ rig-d the farmer indignaml}. . u \‘r. Bartel-bury has no n'her resource:- :0“ - gd UP (“mum turn him on! to has: or ciarve."° {a :11. “ \VmIMn" l. thqngh. HP wmfld look out v Git Yuma)â€. ifhp were fnrred to itg-nnï¬ he g‘won’t *gve his father a ‘waxs hPrP. I should 59-3 pend Mm hack to London, ml let him shift mâ€" 1“!\. ‘l‘ML‘fl‘f†15 ’.' 2' :ILYou hive'h'oflxéarfl ‘t’h'e mid.â€- said the [y' 3 famefmgfliï¬m‘y- “MY Wifaha-d .L‘Oenin I hive sung of Spring ‘x‘s ith a smiling face, Of Summer with langmdmi: ; . An'l' nh‘, I‘ve sung of the my. iug‘com, And the fruits of Autumn rare. For I love to gaze on the datzz‘zin'; cloak Which thh hasty hand he ï¬ings ; An ': t.» hear the hmvl 0f his angy voice, As 11). my: every Chink it rings. . But in s'nte of their claims Isnill can love OH Winter‘s tottering pace; I can laugh at the frown on his wrinkicd brow, And meet him with joyous face. I Sp 'mgra summuns us out, with a. merry shout, Brigi It Summer with sunny smile L'Ircs us forth in the 1‘! wery meads to roam; And Autumn’s rich gifts beguilc. B :t Winter comes with :1. Mastering shout, ‘Aml shakes the old mken door; H: taaches the worth 0sz chémful ï¬re, And We kuvc our homes the more. What 1110 1:11 111:1 and 31111117 in his train 118 bnpga “1111132) 1 fmst 13. his c111cf111ly ; '1" long-.- 1 011“) the 10b111 W111 sing for him, At his cum 11g the flowers d1: , Yet Winter fu: me has powerful charms, Tm no seesun 015: can bunt; F02, at least. he brings merry Christmas time, The :me than. I love the mOst. Then friend cm moot friend by s< me social hearth Then fnes are reconciled ; ' And to many a father‘s sottening heart, Is clasp’d an crring child. And though we cannot when Christmas Games Bring fl )WL‘I‘S tn dt‘Ck his shrine; _ Yet the mistletm hti 'ht \\ 1th its her r"White, 7“ ith 11011) and b1) we m me. In ha“, in cm, ml in every spot, Is the joyous omhlvm seen,’ ’ ‘ And the dance goes round to the Beneath its buugh of green. And then as we sit by a Christmas ï¬re, We think of the‘old and poor; For we cummt dismiss the vagrant train Unpatied from the door. king. So 311% smite rtfm’g nee, 1“! mm 016‘. \\ inter dear; And 11 :il 11‘. m still with a right good will, As the bes‘ ufall the year. H “'9". it in Pratt’s own hmk nun†return- ed the farmer. “ but if hP retains Linnea} Daneshnry. he w n’t retain patients The wife. nf our carter, _Ann Jmma. was taken in 49. t: rda) afturnmn. Dr. Pratt had notice to attvml hm. and was asked tn come? himself for she wan afraid of young. Danashury. after \vbot she saw nf him when he came, half sent; over. to that buy who was camght m the threshing machine.†= Thomas: 'rmfling was 55mm. :He’ knew what few othi-rn din. ‘ ’ ~‘ Ho-v mm-h longer dnes Dr. .Pratl intend m lump on the at Her? Mr. Lionel " “ Keep him on,†echoed Thomas Hardinvy. ‘ Fe IS a partner †The months and the years went on, and We“ yarn of the )nth Daneshiry’s became a M -wnrd in Easimmngh. ‘Vhat “mail that w as l l:1nn..if:g Mrs. Dames‘l urv’s cheeks. and mmiinq their .ntiwr's heart ’3 “ The bmsimve he“ (â€'19. mmfir: :‘H‘ti (ilwtink mis. '†thny whis- nvrmi H- each other. . It \i a: so. Nut arca- ~‘i0YIfli ones. Hz was tho case when Robevt first“ went ,i‘ome, lmt habitual. Nigtt by night,» gmnmimes earh , snmetimes not .iH mnr zing. 2m“, “mild re 1 home partiiii} intoxicated, :1 1m bought in i Pipiess; 0m- (in) a farmer residing in the. neigh- ‘=+>r‘.:no<‘, met Timmas Harding. and Itoppeti him, “ \tht’s remit: to i‘flt'me of thosetwo vmmg Daneshuiy‘s '?†abruptly inquired he "T! ‘W are earning on their gnmp. †Thnmas Hauling, a hate 0%. man now a! nnk .nid head. “ It is A sad thing. TWI'. Robert never comes to tho: factory, and his father cannot get him in it.†‘ fur himself. , “I heard of that,†interrupted Thomaé Hartiing.__ 350%) PRIZE STORY. DE‘VO'I‘E’D To NEWS, POLITICS,, EDUCATION, AND AGRICULTURE, DURHAM, C. w.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1861. ‘ k u â€" i 31’ 31113. ELLEN WOOD. 9033‘ RE- CHAPTER XVIII. WINTER. E"! L COURSES. (Continued) music's sound, Mr, and Mrs. Panesbmy became 01d, mid! ' = “ He 35 Teavingi try, h‘hd bmkén Mm Baneï¬huty’s vmyit leave imï¬â€™ anhe. .34? ; n'atnte Scarab“ chanced. There was Kim? 3 “ Xo‘u leave (ff. v: anger or: mowing no v ; tears in pleutv, and (Uni you need mink a midujg'hit waiï¬ngs. T he dréadfn! hziblté h PI? 31%,; Bmg _ , mm inns had faHen into, were no longér hid-i Ka p.31 39, (1% d :0 fen from any; they can '(I not be; and she won; (‘- bzeak Ier. p: . was (fleas Empj‘fl‘l to ypvak .(L‘ them 1.0 the; sne had b came ( I; gummy. pr to fqenda 8993!: abs mus‘f, .to“: Lionel Danaybury ) to bee Ann Jones, and made her a present of a Dottie of brandy, knowing it’s sometimes wanted, and had drawn the cork. for’pï¬a ‘Jon‘eï¬â€™s don‘t poaess :1 corkscrew, and his}; but ‘tjloosely in, and left the bottle on théi kiwho‘n mantle-shelf. Ann Jones wasn‘t (we quick,‘amd Mr. Liane! was sometimes in h. mum. and sometimes waiting :11 t3 e-Wkitchet He spied out this brandy. and said; to one . the women that he would takeaspuuufulyf .. {mane was thirsty. and she bmugl‘xt hm: a glassand some CUM water. and left him. Au homo: 50. passed ; they wondered he did not come hack to the patient, who was getting very bad, and one 0! them men! to ca“)! him. There he was, loHing on the bench. as drunk as a Kurd, and the brandy bottles three parts empLy.†_ c I. I. . - ‘ ml t v“. 'f‘oo far zone to be of uze,†uttered Tho- mas Hardix‘zg. “Too far gone for anything. Am! who would trmt to a drunken mail? My wife happened to go there, just as Hwy found him, and she ran home again. and sent a messen- ger tearing at} far Mr. Pratt The Old dnomr was at home then, a 1d made hate. and was not :1 minute too soon. But. suppose he had not {own found? the woman might have lost her l’fe.†’ ' - o4 “ It is what we cannot put up with,†re- turnml the farmer. “ Much as we all res- pect Mr. Danesbur)’. we cannot be expected to lose. our lives at the pleasure nf his sumâ€"~â€" Sn. in future, if old Dr. Prattczm‘t atterd him- self wh. n anylmdy’s ill, we s‘-all call m the opposition doctor. I would 1:01 trusta cut ï¬n~ get to Lionel Dauesbury.†I . 1 “ It is very distressing,’ exclaimed Tho- m. .s Hardin". D The farmer’s prophecy proved to be carrevt Mr. Pratt was compPHed to put away Lionel Darnasbmy. He dinnived the patnership. and tank an‘othPr uerxtfemanin his placp; no that Lime] Mk0 Robert. was. an idle. Vagabond on the faciu of the earth. Their evening were. almnst without exr‘eption. consumed in drinking. and their mornings \w-re wasted in sleeping off-the effects nfthe liquor. Thvir mother scolded. and implored. and wept; and their father reasoned. and persuud d. and threatnm'd by turns. As'ï¬.)rthem.1hey would wrominse amemhnnnt in xhe Eight of thp mid- have nompthinz else. Stm-H-hih' they'mmm s p ~Cert-mathhis? else. of a’ difl‘ervnt natuie. amt go down stair-1. andâ€"stealthflyagain. for they. did not like. their mnther to see them drink it, in â€may: mnmepts'qf pmmiéml amendmentâ€"- resort to the ale harrei, andconsnme lung} draught: of its contr-nts. ~ ~°Ere half an hour-'3 elap‘sed. they would bets thirsty as beferes..~{ A-tumblgzr of brandy “’3“; what they longed}; for. ‘ nt Mrs. Danesb-u'y- rigidlv ltept spirits"! and wine..now. underlock and key; though" occasionally they would 'smu’gï¬/e‘ a botfle in; and hide it in their hed-m‘oms. Failing. bran-9'1 .dx, they kept pp mthe ale. and. by the tune} eveningcame, Where ,wquld betheir good m- j snltt'tign§ofthe mnniing? Unhe’eded. nng‘inr- ! ed fltré ’or,’if thought-bf; théir ph?sfca‘l and’; moral strength were: um equal VG'C‘nertï¬tem-ii Duty bt'thé textiptatidns‘of ,thegpubijcthgaegq andatheteliqwahin at their .1999? ,cognpgpipné’ 9 wereiriféhsi’éï¬mé" †4‘ ' .u ‘ The} mere not hm'kuard to decian‘ that they would give over thine practices. am! be- home steady men Their mmhpr “011M, over amTover again, put trim! in their word. and pity them. and carry ihem tea, or a AHIPBS of broth, to their rooms in a‘morking; and urge thvm to partake 0f it. to “ do them znmi. †They did not turn angrily away from hey. iv: 1 they (“(1,qu \giiat she nï¬eted themwthat was nf no mark #Pké iiréir 'linrst', ’ thembfl dm sun. \vhe- an the}: lwa s were racked with pain, and their heath snftmwd by comriti’nn. Mr Dane-shun rep? qtedto thgm the questjnn No F93? (lo. For it is the most insinua- ting vice that exists: no other evil whether of prime or failing, steals so "unconsciously owrtle victim it is fastening on. To what van its stealthy stormV be comp trad? I arr) at a lam-to say. Silvntl y asthedarkneus covprs the light at the lose of may: impercnptil l3' :3: 2mm arsthp ï¬ st :3 immer of morning; surn- l3 atitd quit kly ts wintpr sum emls to summer. aml Stlmtflt’r to “inter, ' or stem h3‘ stop, on- expectetlh nml sixht'y. M glides oh' the ap-, proat n (it (leztth ? It IS like unto all these. ' 3et unlike . tor though the zhukness of the coming night the light of the 9:1er morning. the gliding away of the seasons, nml the grasp of the grave are things not in our ownhaml‘s. or under our own power. and we could no 'inore'alter their order of working. than we oonhl alter the truths of Holy W'zit ; yet the other. the sin that creeps on its like unto these is miller our own mntrol,and we miglt arrest its progress in the onset. and thrust it farav ay Robert and Lionel Danesbury could ‘havé done. this. Thvy would not now Oh. no; it was scare eiy still in '1heii' power. SO lam: as the cup of liqmr («mid be obtained, thev flew to it: ‘they could not abstain : it was ‘like the ‘ ignis fatnus ’ which 311mm 21 traveller to his destruction. A yearnin I for amendment wmfld at chance periods come m'Pr them._ Thev gfï¬x ’f 15â€"41112}! 11:011111 they be ï¬t {61. what (i761: ~ 'e‘tr1111‘é~%f 1311111.?! Mimminagd' these courses? look at their ah‘eadv chmdvd 111111119013 and 111111111112 frames! HP wonh' $15110“? it Wa< that the dreadful habit was suffered to come upon them; to grow to mnh a hniam They would rep y. and with truth that 111171 1; (1011111 not tell ? they new-r thought W11; \1 1'" WWW! mm 11.131 15111211 111temnei~ J SUPP. smv mpn- {Round them the pYayf'eHmvé hflkeir childhnnd. flue cnmpanimm nf their ynmh. who were fulï¬l'mg thrir appnimed (1mm in the world. honored and respewpd ; hut they knew it wonM be as easy to turn the sun frnm in: enurse. a: to turn them from the-ruin they had empred upnn. p, 7.5" Bi1te1. 1i1131' re 9111111106 had 1..1-:en 1.011111 Mrs. Danes! -.ur) Her grief 1:111 led her 111 he only sure {01111131111101 con-1019111011, where :18 11'111 nayer gone in a right way wbcfom :her heart was 501111115111 and things were gleominn c ’eur 10 her. She lucked back 011 epastfaud111‘1ierse1fiéproac1121.11.110.111; 1181'- 1111' 11 3111: could never be 1111111111111, She 111.11» 311.311 her chihiren, been proud 0111mm, been vain at them, 112m indulged 111cm reprfliene'si~ My, winked at 111eir1au1111 joined them 111 (1c ceiving 11151111111121 in 111fles.111:1:1131111111113111 111111191 11111.11 worhllv interests. 15111111211 6. 911 111111 12118 dune ’2 S111ven 1111111111311 11. 15.1111 11115111 10 God ?-â€"-. 0116111111 1111. i1 1111111105, 11:11:11211 11mm in 5111c1 habits of 1cmpeiazzcc. (1111111113121311 in them nun-i111 virt11vs.5 1511111111 them their dutips made 11151111 1001; on home 215 11111. 1151' 111151 511111 011 1:31111'? N0: 111151.111‘11131'91' 1111111: 11111;. A1111 111113111111 as were 1111: 11111551111 fruits, she knew 111511 5116 was nnfy reapmg 11111211 5111:} 11321 511111.: Oï¬en 111111 011311 was 1118 11.45-10.55 wish now w: 1111:11 forth from 1101' 11e:1r1,111111 3111: had re- m ined Miés St. G801’gf.‘.01 1311312 been a. child- 1835 11.110. some one, or her heart wauM bréak. But about this time there appeared to he a change for the hetmr taking ’pi'nc; in Liane!) A lime for the better: 'r‘:()1“much. ' He less: freq-116ml) fm‘gut himsvwccame in earlier at night, and was more careful of his (tress ; for both he and Robert haul {trifle}: {into alatterrï¬y habits in‘ lhcir respect. The change was haiicd with“ Ihankfuméss by Mrs. Duxae‘sf’llry who looked Upon it as a' precucor toreform'a- 'ion. The ma} cause, however, mum: to light. ‘. ihn inn chiefly frequent} 111' Robert {111 1 1 Lionel was the\V':11«atshe21f. It W.. slu-pt b} t a man, named 81213.31“! i114 Witt-a. “ho had [111111ght up their children in 1.11.1131 a 511111111111 manner. Here were three of 1111-111. 11111 11- ters, stowyghls, tut) 111101111111 11111112111101.1311 to wait upon his 1'1 11st:1_111«r~, s1. tv‘ro of 111nm had ’3811 sent 1mm home 111 193111 the drm<~ making; the 1.1111.»r,11.~.1111m1;e, an vxceudh g- iy weHâ€"cuiflLwte-tt 3.3111. 11311111111811 111th 111:1 mother. It beg-(1'1 1.11 11911111111111! 111 Ian ~aborâ€" ough, 1t11.tL1'111:3| i)a1le~«.§1l11yï¬':}1zut hatter}: 1113811 313911 ““1111"? with P115 gir! "111. as is: 01111111111: 111se,t11e tait p1+2s011 111 su‘pect'lt- 1 .115 \‘Ixs. 13111:, 1111111 «me evening a gossip} I I I 1 1' 3. went into 1111‘ Wi1°dt~u1eaf and 33' {ed herif, she knew When: Kate was ? ‘ “She’ 5 up stairs,†amwéred M11. Bing " She \1 e111 11p attet tea.†" «Q 91M! f’tWthW 1101.- 1mm» 111mm 1111113. "' Sne’s not Jiwre nuw at an) tate. She-’3 iu the lane 30:11161', a walking with 31111112 Mr. D nesburs . his arm ruu‘11d her waiat, 3111111131 band 111 1113,35 51mg 115 1 I i 1 , 1 two can he.’ ‘ i i i “With mum! Mr. Dane a'bur) I†uttere “ the mother, 3111311111111 111 the 11e\\'-', :11111J1ctl tak ing 1efuge 111 11511131191.“ Yum eyes 1n1'iâ€"t me. )9 -7 3 , , , “ Marv: the. non39us9 r’,’ (-nntemptuoudy mt9reu Mrs. Bing ‘° A Dan: ï¬biirg, many gne of you ! .You had halter not letsuch a sï¬e‘eeh‘ get to. Mrs; Danedmry 1’8“: 5?:9’ d box ‘1).an And’ £196.9th man; My“. 21 “mm! be mm... for 416153 ureadfnk dunker. You knpw he 18. Katharina?" ,. . ,. .. '4. ' - _ ‘ t.’ A; A. -‘n “ WIIow long have ran been intimate with him? I mean Intimate 31.08011 t9 wail; with him.†._--.I2'. wt . . “ Nrrtlonx†_ . .( 1‘15 it a month ? -O! tgro ? ’ I “ No,â€":I_ dmr’t know zhariItMI rs." = I “ Kuherine,†resumvi 3mg, “ it I; Just mm and nothmg 91:83: ' Katherine stood upfher _gxe ntdngn'mt _ wanhat, don" I say 3 ch 3; tixiggr 0? me! I doyu?sdqge;ve1§,¢;hdr» ions 9! wants to marrf § .‘W \l' M. y r v -- .._. a ‘II’- :‘1 c Oil!!! 1 it He is Teaving it 0H. He says hé sb'ln several of their MGMHJWV MI!» 0 9‘ leave ind? Q:r1».maixmez 1;:th it 3.3m ’ {Greek ““3395 and two priegg, w MM ,. .. “ X011 leave rï¬f wallqng with . mi you need t; mic abou; Leaving O rammed theta 84%| .3 90199]. .~ 1“; Rm" ' ' " ‘ “' WWW Kaz‘ new {te- d d sot answer. fiche kg;a§';r {He 2 A acute! pm ‘8‘! †w ‘82 d bzeak 1 er. proxy“ 3! s': a! gang! i' - 3Maum‘Legldltug5â€"fsW’ W â€59?†me jhag! b came COxflP-flt64) 81311541163: by L‘9J: persons-damn?! 33' whip-"flu: ‘ “M" .n'l - up wirL †. “I ess us. the; are at†alike. Girls are grills and will have. their sueetheazts. - an . so did we, when we “ere youum' But ynunv Mt. Dane sbury’; not a snimble one for Kate.- Biug, and the MM n s 12:. king about- ..t I said I line“ 301) were n_oL encouraging that.†Katherine hmw her haul, and the mimson of her cheeks spread over her ta( 8 and net: 1:. “Kzzithe me, have fun: been walkmg with ing zefuge in d sheiief. “ Yum eyes mud h: we (lee: ived \uu. Katherm J would no! 18 walking, like that, with a'Dauesbuq, nor with un‘ybn'dy 9159. She is a properly brought up girl.†' a. 10‘ ‘1‘. 9 The visitor" left, am! Mrs}; Bing {writ m the side mom and looked out. tn†of lmnblc. She rumembvrcd that Kate"‘had “19111le 8: en! a good portion of her eveninggume away f: om her presence. but she h? d mspes xed nuthinrr. It \Vusa ought night, ' and Mrs. Bing preset“- iy saw Kalv cmne liViua along round t Bu)!- ner ofthe lane, 'her cheeks ( riz (1.3011 and her e)es knight. __- o a... o ‘ 9 I -- “ I \vnzmnia bit of ribbm . and I ran out» to buy it.†was the giri’s evasive answer. “ Now. if Von tell me another word of un- truth, I H maid you offlo 3mm“ «namimolher s to- ~morroxx. and mu shall â€eve: come back (I one \xhilc, †remitted Mrs. Bi g. “ You h we been “Hikiflg in the: lane wilh \0u1g_ Mr. Danesimry. †n u ' Q I n O him '2†; . . " Oh, mother,†she answered tnrouinw herself into her mother’s anus, and hidino: her face upon her neck, “ he. I} so loudpt me Iâ€) . ' ‘ ‘: Mrs. Bing 3 heart went pit a-pat. . , _ “ Whie.‘ n of them )5 â€ll PT 2: re 215kcd.“‘Mr. Robert or Mr. Li uel’ . “ Mr. Liouei.†“ Cni _,d †she said, simng flown, “I. :nd a grea deal rather- yuu had atruck me a. Ljow, than told me this.†“ Don’t say if-oyuu did but hrnught “lame seems brighter think of.†to Where have 'yox: been. '3†demanded Mrs. PRICE, $1 :50,“ ADVANCE. [mama NUMBER, 113. - _V -7, _ . , . . and belter sxuce [.had. bun to . ‘ . 1 (p, Lr. . m kiNMfllne happiness it ham Everything: in thg-xvnfld 3C?V3 gu the )Tear‘lesO, and thy! g. pdestwho ‘a’écompmï¬ed them had [aft this lic‘mé‘ri’ai‘ 9f " â€beï¬gléit; 'The bame'of‘he'ï¬i’i‘e'u his†"1’“ feds '1 Poisons.“ It alsb atmdwm the†bitter! ï¬riaviqurq had embaked on s vomv‘nf;w,u-_., I; pylordiiou, and had bungdrimn ft! 60“ kw? ; gthauhey had visitï¬dmnay lm'kmfldzzr ;. Lï¬ually had landed 5:53. thighly mil. :c'punuy. whereithe pmplmhad-mimm 34‘; ‘fkimlljllhjakingï¬hnm aspirin! innil-Mgm is {several of their wakeï¬iwhor Mm . ; l Greek. artigaslaand t3"! 99: M PM 1%“ “ You; ya’lking‘wifliï¬i , _ to no good; tuyou onto‘hï¬,â€v*i ‘ ~ bury, “ You cannot â€hit 312‘ m. @- sell and family to marry ner.’†, . _ , “ She is as good 5551 am,†mmmdei‘Ol _ “ whether to «alt with, or‘for’a wife."L ‘ t “ Lzuuel,†aternly interfuï¬iém mothâ€, ,‘ let us have no more of this abomdily._ Shh is not as good as you me, sad obe‘jrnot n 6! wife for you; and were you to “Clip tom such a persen me daughter “of teatime: pub- T {iv-house keeper, you must give Ip pin-fa- 7‘ mily. {ofthey couid not recognize you‘uï¬el'" wards. But, before you talk- of carrying my- wife. just ask youroelf how you no to hoop one. You are living now upon “I!†Lioual stood by the window 13 his moth" taikcd to him. drummino on one of its pun. He was mu gentleman y-looking in ï¬gurl, more so than Robert, {0! Robert had gran bioatcd, but hi»~ once clear eyes were clouded- his fresh coinr was gone, andhis wall-found features were sunken. No lack of talents-o: of intellect had been granted to Lionel Dunn- bury. and how was he making use of thong?â€- L' ’ ‘ ». L The news did much the en; “Mu. Dun.†but), am! she taxed Lionel with it. H. 00‘ awered in a somewhat flippfl Indiana-4M he should walk with an! Wham .. _ “(The place isxingingtyith hâ€"nnim- shame.†-~ ' > , ‘ ' ’ "3 The place may be swallowed! Let peo.. ple mind their «to business; it’s no concern 0! theirs. nge’s’my father coming in from the. factory: I’ll make myself scams, Ot’pdl'. Imps he will begin upon me.†v Lime. might have spoken more civilly; but (me great evil, in such training as Mrs. Daz'aes‘uury’s had been, is, that itcaniglqhils uiruu to furth theilfl inspect. An ho wanton! Mr Dauesbm‘y came'in. ‘ ‘ h‘ - “ Have you'lzeard the report“ about Lionol and that 8mg: girl ? ’ Mrs. Danesbury immrr diately began. ' ' ‘ ‘“ I heard it some dgya ago.†“ You must speak to him.†‘ “ [dial spea’lgto him,â€~rep)ied Mr. Duneis' bur'y. “ But ix-appem that it has no eflect: and the.xeport,_i5 that he‘mem491mmy M", I .r.- .-A " Limmi often saw pretty Jan'e Laughton,- he wa: manly always there. when presen- xahie, and it seems he had grown very much. _ attm'hcd m herQ On »3 day he told her so, 311% she answered him with undisguisedigcdm, t." flvmiug (:n his habits. Lionel Was halt mad. -- ’ The next day He was told that Jule Laughton was engaged to Thomas Boyd, and would b. ax’la'x'n'ietLshortly. He was in at the What!- sheaf, half tipsy, when he heardit, ans! he s: ore a fearful oath that he would make tn. offer to the ï¬rst girl he met, and be _m1fl'iod' hcl‘nre JaneiLauahton. '. Ail be was :iéaï¬l’ig‘i Le Wheatsheaf, he met Bing’s daughter eom--' 'iug in, and did make her tn offer, an‘ Iiflfl' then he has been much with her; “@359,- 3;:y, intends to ma ry her.†“ Whae didj'ou hear this ?†“From Wliiiam. He got it, he guys, from a sure source, and thought it right to inim- “6w.†- hive!» ~'*‘*"* ‘ W. :r-r‘ué : '. "' Who told you anything agent my walking wi: hi Kate Bing ?â€A he tesumed, “ He has but?!) hiss intim'ate with him In- ter‘yfl" ternarked Mrs. Daneslgury, “I have heard a curing: version of what :1 re said to be facts,†resumed Mr. Daneul-ury “ You re mem her that Lionfel ï¬ned {0 b0 fat.- ewe»: with youwr Laughton, the solicitorâ€"who in am that on}: going the; way ofdrguk: †â€"‘â€" « wy--wv -â€"a-â€"â€"_" VTâ€, \\ hat in he world can possess him 7" wttewd 3.1.3. Danaburyï¬ m academiaâ€. ‘71. he mad ?†‘ - If kit-.gm‘Mrs. Danesbury were indigum - at this propesed, (Hough whether in MD! earnest; theycould not divine) marriage of Lmncl’s, Bing and his wife were equally Manned. However they might beimpreile‘d by the honor done their daughter in.†notice ’ of a Danesbury, the unfortunate‘hlbm q! Liouei were too notorious t9 admit of my vhance of L‘Omfuxt for a Wife. Kate was 0|"- dered :0 held herself in readinels for: vieith her grandmother’s : a srxaâ€rp,“ar.!iva wanna-- - still who had eyes on all tides of her, where young giris were concerned, and {armed her late husband’s bit of landijust is we“ 8‘ ho used to do. ' __ Bing resolved to take her himaaif, in't'thc taxva t. “ N0 girl of mine shaft tiahandf- to a lazy boozing vagabond of agenthm’fi quoth he 10 some cronies, on the night - vious to the BXdeitiOII, “ and that’s Mr. Lionel is; and I don’t mean no oflem to his resperted father in saying it.†‘ “ Nor to Mr. Arthur,†chimed in one. . “ Nor to Mr. Arthur, nor to Mr. William,†acquiesced ihe hon. "‘ But as to the other two, they are no credit to anybody.†A. Rmmamanmovnmâ€"A «v.0 110‘: been (“wavered ‘in Alachua..oopnty,-Flo;-idgf . whiéh is Jes'éxibed enlarge? thin this Mali-if moth" "Cafe 6ffKemuhky,“and’u hm‘rinz'm' ‘ ancient Latinfintcri plibnaOI [In “110‘, which - states that a 138.11ij of Dance had; visited “i; rave gu the 38331050, and Q31! 8. meat 1110;? “ M r.'WiHiam’s not a saint. ihemJ-dsop of ‘good liquor’s concerned. “9 don’tâ€"M- “ And why shoijjd'he spate it!†criodétho landford, indignant a‘tthe insinuation. " He takes his glass with any gentleman b08110 keeps himself as a g‘emiemag; he do. [Ftho two young ones was like him, there wouldn’t be. no need of calling out.†’ Bing might havevspared the ’oction Of his journey m the tax-cart, and is Wife tho lmul le of u ritiag to her mother, to tell he: to expeu Kate, and to “ keep her up tight,†for when the morning rose, Kate was missing. ~â€" Liuuel Danesbury was also- missing. ' uni, when the two came back to Euhorough; they were mm and Wife. Mrs. Da1_|esbury’a doors wet. haughtily closed against them; but Mr. Daueobury, ever merciful, ever .con'siilemté to his effing chil- dren, w ho were fast breaking his heart, can!" not In! Lionel starve; and he‘ wan established; 3‘ What a come down †uoth tho goui “ for one of'me wealthy,Da?138bqryl.! ’ J". in a small cottage residence, to get what pm- ! .ce he miohtâ€"Mr. Danesbury being answer- ahle fur the rent, and allowing them My shit liu; 95% a week to live upon. Kue’a' father «as m veterme, and wvuld not notice herb ' ’9 63783 A ‘ ngk'; i-ixé a -w1 (To, an .cou'rmuxp.) imaau 3' 3331â€"133, 5 I 80. 5905750633300 019 migiaw him a 1 ad ?£:'.’. gm: