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Durham Standard (1857), 8 Feb 1861, p. 3

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The Lord Chief Justire; If our writ shoufil be treated wi'h contemnl. as an interfczeuce with the local gmwem, It Imuid be a VHy wr- ious matter. Wha' mealwrhave we M cnto c- ing our authoritv ? Mt. .Jamw ; By anach- mem. Mr. .1033in Hi”; ‘To I'Lum wank! the attaci‘tmcm mum: ? Mr. James ; It wmfld ‘ be for the EUV‘t‘tnOf‘k) ext-cute the wnt. Mr. Jumit-e Hit! : Suppose ‘he refused to du 90’? hit. JUMit'fi‘CflN‘Ifi‘b’Oh : Hate you considered \t'i'ether an itadirtm'em would lie for refining to obey sub 3 wm ? Mt. James: Canada: is a British pissession. and the persons tn whom the “7-1 is (Hun-ted are British subjects. The same objection would have been appli- cable in the lsie of Man and Jersey cases.â€" Mr. Justice Blackburn: Hamiiy in the [she a»! Man, but it might in the Jersey case. Mr. James submitted that, on the authoril y of the isle of Man and the Jersey cases, the writ ought to issue. “'7“. There was: ‘a High «mamfcstation of ap- plause in court on the conchwion of the deli- very of his lordship’b judgment. tj-Tbe next exhibition of the Uppet Ca- nada Ami: ultnml Association W!” take plat-e- at London, on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 2731‘ of Sepwmber, 1861. ilARRIED. On the 28th ult.. by the Rev. Mr; Campbell Noxtawasagu, at the residence 0! J. D. Steph- ens. 'I‘alylm, DR. J. CRAWFORD, Dutham, tn HILEN. daughter of the late John Findla} . of Renfrewshire, Scotland. BIRTII. 0n the 4th inst, the-wife of Mr J. Allan. Durham of a non. Bla Pk, Ca th Bamfurd. John (33mpheu. P Cnnk. Peter 2 C003“, John Hamil 0:1, “’11! Grier, Math 2 M 31c McCommak,‘ Don'd Mightun; ‘1: useph \McUec, James Flannel], Atfred Mchm‘id, Aleser McCumnick, Mr WRACTFC AL WATCH A.\D Cl {WK MAKER' Guldsmitb, Silversmithand Raga-am. = ‘s l- and Lodge eals made to ordex at [ml 9 hunt: novices {3" First door North of J. T. mnc‘mn’s Com fectiouery Shop, Poulen St, (hr-m Sound. JEWELRY NEAT-LY ‘RiPAilR D Orders from Du ham, whezher by mail or rs‘hzrr- wise, punctually attended to. Charg 3 moderate Owen Sound, Jan. 28, 1861. 112-1y Flum- per NHL. . . Wheat, per bush. Oats Pras ...... Pork, per cwt.. . Hay, per ton unnnr, lI'y ’BDITOR STANDARD. SIR: -â€" The Amman Meeting of the Durham Aglicuhural Society took place at the Old School House, on Sa- turda} the 3 21h Instant; when ”w following oflicets were glucmli‘fm fhe current 3“" ._ JOHN MILLER ................ Presvdcat. J AMES El GE ............ lice President 5. E. LEGATE. ....... Sec. 4‘ Treasurer. DIRECTOR-St 1 WILLIAM MCGIIR‘R, EZEKIEL ALDRICH, }RCH‘IBALD PA RK, ALEX. J. SMITH, JOHN DICKIE, ‘THOS. DAVIS, CHAS GRAY. JAMES HOPKINS. and HERBERT ROWSWELL. I: was moved. seconded, and Rmol‘red, Thu members failing to pan: up their sub- scriptionol one dollar on or before the fifteenth day of April negmonhall pay one dollar and fiz’ty cents to amulevthom to membership thereaflir. . The above ”solution, which wan mm}. mousl! carried by the Tooling, will be seen - _-__.L‘_ ._ _ - on reflection to 50 a most reasonable one; seeing that all monks paid to the County Trauma? before the first of May yields maf. Vy three times the amount by reason of the (‘vovcmmont grant ; a: xf‘stan‘oe Ins! yer: r. 35:; society id Sewn“ Dollars b) that dn «2. and receive In return One Hundred and St \ ~- I. _\ onefiyllau and 922‘ ty menu. A :1 {m n. k- {‘2 (“he vacating: inn rest 5 ma! [mm m 32: :3. ,- I -* -- ov- .! ‘ . m " "-52:89 "n- IST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- ' tinck Post. Office, February 2, 1801. A B MrKeohna 81. McCon- $5151: 01.? 1-2.2”: 123.5. Aé‘wertisements. ,‘ DURHAM MARKETS "" I (:3 FROM ENfiLAND, l “O ’meck Milclsnil. R. P Mat}; w , G McKiam I', Allan McFm-lane, Aleser .lntfat. Wm Bit-Fatigue, Bernard ilcvz'nnald. James Scott, \' i .‘am SCH", Rch §~weeny, Timothy Smilev, 'Willium ‘St‘ntt, \" Suthdu, \V Sholdice,Ci.1-ist0uz her A. ‘B. MCNAB, .Posnnastrr‘ H ‘0 ‘0 0.00 0.00 0.40 0 0" o) 00 Sec-.Ttes' an. 393w; mum mmm mmm AND CANADIAN IvIARK TS. Wonk! call the att-‘ntion of Blacksmiths,Carpenters, Farmers, Builders, and the pub“? genvrally, to hls large and well assorted stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices. Bellows, Hand Sledge HAMMERS, FILES, RASPS, NAILS of all kinds, Nuts, Bulls, ficrews, Bin-ts, Glass, PAINTS, ost, COLORS, SCALES, WEIGHTS, 41-, 4-6., (345., All of which he is prepared to Sr“ 9.1 or below 'l"«,~run'«.u prices, freight added. ‘ I» if The Subscriber’s stock contains as varivd an assortment as any in Canada West, Wthh parties wfllhud to their advantage to svlect from. W. KOUGH. GREAT R‘BDU STiON 8!. éc 11X Tm }::.-\(IT'1‘UR 3": ‘61 hp Eng Inc!” “hum «oxykm m .m CEmZ wcczu. - HANS, BIC DSTEADS. “U RF “"7 SORSM ' sum; Anus, 1‘31LES,au:1 .11 kinds “1' HULBI‘. 1111 U Fl’".\1l‘1’R1‘. on hand nr made to urder, of the Best Man rinl,\\m1\m.m bin and Dwign, and se11iug «H at the 1:. ”vest furonto Prices. Farmers and other; visiting ”won Sound, are resu-ctivciy invited to (will, wlwr: they can ob- tain Greater Bargains, than can be made at any mixer M21 me in this County. U‘Vlfl Sound, Jim. 28, 186.1. 112-311) *"WAKBS 'lhis opportunity of informing the in- } huh: ants of Smith (‘urPy 11m he has cono stamly un hand a great variety of Owns Sorxn, December, 7th, 1360. Furniture .2 Furniture 2 NINDS R ROCK MNC mamas“ Bu reaus. And all othvr articles required in the trade. NB.- â€".\To importer"! wnrk - - EVo-ry article man- -":xcmred an the premises, and warranted to give :3? tisfactiun. HE favor with which The Icn ’rr has heen . recei1ed 111 the 111; M11: mm he 31: deed by the fact 1. at. si1 eits commencement, in Jnl1 195? it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Editions, it h 3 5311111111. 11101 mun more suhac ibers than any other pay-er in Ca nnda Every exertion is being used to make it more and more indispensable for even-1 f. mily in the Proâ€" Vince. i 13 “mama every Friday, and “ THE PATRIOT’ sad the “ NEWS OF THE WEEK” are published even We 'ncsday at the rate of one dollar in ad- ' vanéa These par-Pr; are prin ed «on a large sheet ‘ an comain tha most important part of the read- ' ing matter of 11.5: Daily Leader. Market Raw-n3 6 are prficnhrly attended to in them. These are 3 the cheapest papers in the Provinces. § n... mm." vear is added to each Edition when llu LJUUU\IIII Ilsa-v v- - u--_.. lot No. 8,. Brnce-st., Durham, containing a 13 published every morning, in time fur the 93m . half acre of land, well fenced, with a commodious trains, at Sxx DOLLA'S per annum, in advance. Dd confor'table dwellxng house thereon, 21 X 2'5 his a )nrge sneet, .and conmi s the eatliest and ‘feet. cnnmimng , most reliable mtelhgence that can be obtained Four Elegantly Finished Rooms, from every part Of the world. i Besides a large kitchen atta ched. THE DAILY LEADER 17027“ 'H' * or m: LY FUR.\'I'I‘1'I:E i-‘MPURIUM. Is mab'ished on Tuesdays and Fridays at Tune: Douglas 3 year, in advance. It contains all the reading matter of the Daily Leader; and for par. ties who do nut reside near enough to a Post Of- fice to call every day, this my 1' Will supply them vith all the intelligence they could r.-ceive from a Daily. THE W EEKI.Y LEA DER On; donuts year is added touch Edition when net paid an advance. Owen S uncl, Jan. ‘38, 1861 1‘53 ADVERTE‘ERE‘. 2 Utah «1' C213 A305 9 Datim :33 mass per Box ~ n wiz' c'n is an creel ‘ent .3131 Site and only five . [an «irzen. or by the single Axe 75evms.‘ ° ' j mile; f,._.m D trial'l Terms liberal TM? lure ’“ 3‘33““: u. of Tie LC in ma. es ii : him-.- «iiiteiv 0-: the. mening‘ of \hvig n'uion: {G’ C'ear Deeds " :11 be .95in f9: ' ‘9 ab: "=- oiie ven: bes medium 01 Publishing nct 063 Of a ’3' i '! *rmmn Brothers V: I}! receive an immense E‘a‘addig . M‘Pll‘ am .0 {it .33 194533 prepaie if “fi‘h refer .4 * Nina tn their heavy stock of Hardware, which, «ace ‘9 either 0f ‘hé above " ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘n‘ 1in9~f 75““ “3’ ‘18)’ will sell very cheap, as 1131M i " ‘ ' ' G. J. MATTHEWS. w. *. Dmyxommce , ,, f _ .. . _ _ M, . tm‘ . __ - .h gfihsethent Inset-cont _ _ , HORSMKN BROTHERS: I _ V”, , Banting]; P_ n; HAS OPENED THE NEW STORE 1N THESTONE BLOCK, CORNER OF UNION AND SCROPE S'I‘Rlfli'l‘S. WITH AN EXTENSIVE STOCK NEWS OF THE WEEK.” (um L mm mm L OIL L \MPS! : SEMIâ€"WEEKLY LEADER OWEN 301.72% I) b'w PATRAOT” MONSTONE’S II. '3". \‘FRE‘E-fifl'!‘ Bedstoads. Which has been (.\' 51x r D009. TO R. PAleusms’s) OWE 1‘? Sit ‘JIU’D’ - °A.\'D"' AND Ta hl es , cupboards» FARM AN‘) :4 - w MILL purchased in the best, ll -1}?! m: 1) 33° L: till? M '7" attention of the Pub éc Lf Durham :15.“ vic- __* , inny to their in rgc and varied stuck ut’ Cabinet S L E I G H, A N D P L 0U G [1 Furniture, Cmnpris ng Ilia reams. Beszutcads. Sofas. . _ , Couches. ( upboa uh, "Ra" ”9 Man ufiwtorp I ames 3w. Pianos. kit-inimns, Fittinas, Aron-«icons and Otis-r 31351011 iuswurzwnts tum-d and repaired. R..'.-'~1.".-3.\-‘c:: â€"i’v.»u'ett St, near thf Market. i’mtivs visiting ”we 1 5mm will find it tn their admin-s2:- to call him» gun-ha iug slacwhrrc tin-r; :irticic made on the premises a .d can he \\':'.rrtuztca‘., February lst, 18H. itZ-ly 1 I . ’ ‘IIE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES To Tm: i inhabitants of Durham and surrounding: ! country, that he is preparer}- tn furnish. ' ny of the inth articles on shnrt noticr,and uf superi-«r i workmanship and quality, as nothing except. the ‘ bee.t quality of timb r wili be its d. i Gamd metrimntztble lumber or farm pruducc i . taken as cash. A. McFARLANE. CA BIA'E 'l' 1' UR NI TU R E . ~19"! SPENCER BROS fl with ".lnmt thin? cleared, and mvlcr f-fuc“. Tip Lat-n1 i: in {fund evaditi‘n, and wci: sinus. 319.1, win}: two Saw mills cluse by; a Lrist mill and Distinery with two miles; the Gram-led Road fmm Guelph u: Owen Sound passing at the same alisuaxu-e: and within five miles of the Vil- la go . f Dan-hum. For particahws apply (if by letter, ymstpmd) to JUHN MILLER, .flgcnf. " Bcnt'nck.’l’ 0. Durham, D660. 12, 188"). 10?» 4 {2'3" Gait Rnyurlrr vm-y fmr insertions and 39m! ncmum tn the abrvve. EOIILD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE fr HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE 1 the fidiuwmg valuable property. viz: Lot No. 1, 2nd mu Egremunt, cumaininrz IOO arms, 40 m which are cleared, an. a cmnfl‘rmhév dwelling house tin-mun. Them- is also am xcel- l-n! saw-mi" vn the {lb-2V9 farm. wizh 135 foot ‘ hmd ’ uf wa'er «m a n v r-faiiing strpam, undxs only fmar miies frox.. the rising town «pf Durham, HOUSE AAD LO FOR SALE. A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For parti‘ ula rs apply to the prnpv-iett 1‘ 0° t'r (- are $393, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben- inck, P. 0. To Besides a. la rge kitchen atta c! ed The above is situated in one of the must (ii 3 1:18 lncalities in Durham .Immediatc 1:05.: css ORSNAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have just received. 40¢: 3035613259 of AXES, which they vull sell by the Box a! fol'ows :- Date’s, all polished, 9 Dollars per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87gcents. HORSMAN BROTHERS 4 can recommend these Area as the bhst to be had 7 E‘â€" ..\ --‘ fl ‘~‘. fl 5." 0“ 7 . .Ioh u (in AM». s {In-12:3 w vnnm 2431' Box AARON VOLLETT. Egremont, 20 b Aug, 1860. 90. I OR‘..\113. LOT OF LAND CUVTAIN’IIJG 5n ACRES, Apply, in); 'léiiérj (pFe-paid) to the proprietoz D ROSE, Bentinck P 0. Durham. 15th Fcb.. 1850 63â€"1! Durham, 15th Feb., 1850 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR ‘S‘ALE TO CHOPPERS. TERMS R? TERMS LIBEP.A'_. FOR SALE. lmmgcrs, ASONABLE. S'I‘ANDA'RD;I)Ufifl_.\;\l, FEBRUARY 8, 1861. . 3 cents per [mg i . n which is am 0156113111 5‘ 104~1y 90-tf and will continue to receive supplies during the winter mouths. fmm the. British and Cuminenm! mar-km: by Vessels discharging at Portland, vC--, :aeuce by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. are now doing one of the largest Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"mm attribute their astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, ifnot lower, than can be had in any town in Canada. would draw attention to the fact, thata further reduction in the price 01 Hardware will take place immediately, as the following list of a few articles sold by them will Show: â€"- Cut-nails in q11a_1_1titiesâ€"-10 lbs. and upwards-u 4 cents pér 1b. Wrought nails, 10 cents per lb. A xes (warranted) $I each. Glass 7x 9 and 8 x10, 113 3d per box. Glass 10 x 12. 123 pgr qu, 10 K 14, 128 6d per box, and othersâ€"isles propoftionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. Shot, 10 cents per lb. Smoothmg Irons, 6 cpnts per lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per --v r-â€" gailoh. First quality White Lead, 153 per lb. Best Refined Iron, 17s 6d per 1001b3., and all other goods eqztlly cheap. To give a list of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSMAN BRO I‘HERS would fill a newspayer, suffice it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted tu give satisfaction. HORSMAN BROTHERS, Ironnwngers, Guelph. no. 9 man. tfâ€"55 ' ' HE Subscéiher will pay the high or in exchange fog,- fur any quantity oI'WOOL delivered at his resi- dmce, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Rutd. llQR'BNlAN BRin‘flERS H0824.“ AN 8 '{' YI' HER. Dec. 2, 1859. V U“. ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb, 1860. 62-13 {II-ZINC N03. 31 AN!) 2‘2, QUEEN STREET. 1 E in the town of Durham, containing UNIS ACRE.- with a. hwelling . uuse thereon. The site is cligxlli: and c0mn1auding,amlwm besol’ or. moderate terms. Apply, if by letter [1 ostpaid} t0 JOHN MUCFDiE, Land Agent, B‘entiuckf. 0. Bentinck, 28th Ma") 1.8350, ‘11â€"'18 i 01‘ No.54. 2nd (3037., 01,!) SU VEY, BEN- x tinek, one mile and a half frum the town vi Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Saingeen Rix'cr runs thrm gh it, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There is alsi- considerzmle excel- li nt pine timber on me Lnt, and a great. quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. â€"-ALS”,-â€" South half of Lot 7. Garafraxa Street, Durham enntaiuiug a 3 acre, with a comfortable house tiiereun. ‘l‘ille indisgiumble. ""+;.;4;;3 mgemblegawly or by letter» 90‘“ paid.) to B. B. MILLER, “jest Arran P. 0. Co. Bruce. or to the Srummn Office A ".41 4- mm- 7041’ Durham, 28 June, 1860. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED to DR. J. MOORE 1"“ are hereny rmuested to take notice, that all notes and bookz.mc..:unts, are in my hands for col .ection. ' E ‘rly attention to the above solicited. JAMES HUNTER. 'I‘O‘W’N LOQ‘S FQR SALE TOWN AND PARK LOT u\'l'-3 ACRE OF LAND IN THE (.‘I'JBITRE O? the town of Durham, fronting on thre- streeisoâ€"B rods on Gamfmxa-st., so rods on Chos- ter-3L, and 8 rods un Queen-5L: is within a fun rods of the Larket Square. '1 he lot is in the high- est state of cultivaaion, and 'is' planted with a large number 0? choice fruit trees, which have been hearing for éeveral years past. 'I here 18 a good frame dfi'ellip‘g house thereon, 24 x 32,. con- minim: 8 rooms, and aworkshop 20 x 30, besides, a never-failingsprinz of water. ALSO A PARK 1-01.! Containâ€"fining 4 acres and 10 perches, .is in a goon. statc'of cultivation, and only i a mule from the above. Am, £60 acres in finrmz‘zby, Am! 4, 1.860. U Q :1» 5'1"}, 33 3913 ‘W‘KGGOMQ Durham, 5th 080., 1860. Durham. 26.“? APP-“v. *9” 3101‘ In E. 3,13. 352111.413}. FLANNEL . McEAR LA NE. 82â€"132 3st in Cash, JUJ but Tm: RURAL is the most popular “agriruitural and Hartirultural authority of the day.-and combines YER. such an amount and variety of Reading. fogtiie 194'3111 Family Circle that it has become a favorite in : bath Town and Country. ! THE Rl'RAL is a National, aye, Continental 1401‘ ‘institution ;' being taken. [End and. admiygd- throughout the American U..ion, British Provin- :. ces, kc. because it seeks to promote the Best In- , r‘ i REX” i Tm; RURAL 15 pronounced, b1" b‘fih' Press and 1 time". Penile, the best combined .4277." ulz‘ural 1‘ 1.21197”? :1 CW Mm, pawl, newspaper publishedâ€"- and highly es- “ .f"“ i eemed b) tens of thousands for its inderenfience :ie :high- . and sterling merit . ._ -1- v__1.__4__.;. £1-21! 3 Lerchy gige @5139? that J BROTH 158.“, I) 01102012.;05, Gtglizb, ( trom this date supply Cunn’try'Storek uth r3 with POWDER, of all brand. us, at. the same priges charged at our 3 “u Lereby gig-é y‘ptige‘ Eh?“ H‘j’iSM-é“ BROTHER“, honuwgz.;;c:¢, {32.54121}, C. y!‘., ynll, trom this date. supply Cunn’try' Storekeepers, ant} nth r3 with POWDER, of all brands, .made by us, at. the same prices charged at our Mllls, there-:- by saving the purchaser the expense of transport: anion w Guelph. _ ‘ " ‘ 7‘1. _n -1 The folluwihg is a hst of our brands, all which can be had in any quant ty, at HORSMAN BR! 'THERS, Ironmongers, Guelph. Regs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of 251Ls. Rees Snorting I“ 213 3d keg if 251113. Regs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of 25113. Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251113. Kegs “ FF 263 3d “ Kegs “ FFF 28s 9d “ Canister FF 123 6d pe: doz ilbs. 203 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 133 9d per doz. in ilbs. 218 3d per doz, llbs. “ Duck Shooting 163 3d per duz. in i lbs. 263 3d per doz. llbs. . “ Patridge 163 3d per doz. in gibs. 268 3d per doz. in libs. “ Canadian Rifle 1‘13 3d ptr doz. in; lbs- 263 3d 181‘ doz. in llbs. “ Diamond Gmin 213 3d per doz. in ilbs. 363 3d per doz. in libs. “ Kelly Rxfle 23s 9d per doz. in §lbs.- 423 6d per doz. in 11b3, Capital SHE CANADA F'QWDER COMPAVY '71. '30]! li‘ President : Isaac C.Gilmor,Esq. Assnranrc Company OF TORONTO, C. W. ' Rice Lewis, Esq. Thomas: Hawnrth, Esq. James Beatty, Esq. Wm. Heudi-rson, Esq. T. P. Rubarts, Esq. ' Walter Macfarlane,Esq. M. Rossin, Esq.’ Svcretary (8‘ Treas,. .BERNARD HALDEN, Esq. Solicitor, .......... ANGUS MORRISON. Esq. Bunkers, ........... BANK UPPER CANADA. Benjamin Switzer, Esq., Inspector. Head Mice-«Church Street, Toronto With Agencies all over the Province. 53" The Business of this Company confined ex- clusively to the Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss 0' damage by Fire, on all descriptions of Buildings and their con tents, 0n favorable terms, and at rates of premium as law as that of any other responsible C‘mmany, {13’ Terms Of A!""‘.‘.ea1ion,and all necessary in; formatlon if, ‘09 had on applying to h {‘IIE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIE u'e public that he has on hand,and '1; nrepa-red; to make, - n short notice, an) articl. in the above 1. e. - n g a." ‘A‘ T HE subscrib ‘r, in eoncequenqe of his intendet. 5 remuval tn Eugand, ofie s for Sale the third mart f [mt N0. 1, la Cunpg‘s ion Nnmtanby, Gamfraxa Rum], couta‘ning 54) acres, 30 of .. hic .u'e cleared, fenced, and in a grand sta.e of cultio vatiun, with a good 10g hdUSCJDd double 10g barn (h. reon ; also an (-xccll nt string of water’eoni venient to the uildings. and a fine crePk rumnng ACTUSS the lot. 'he abuvo progerty is only No miles south ()1 Durham, on the leading road to ue plumd the land hemg uf first q-sa'ity, goffers .1 must desirable opportunity fox investment. For particuims amfly (if by lvttez, pre-pnid) at the STAND.‘ 1w Office, or to the proprietur, JAMES TURNER. \T,._mnn‘\t' ‘!0' 1 7 1860- 97-5 (1 U I\’ PU 1:? DE H. Jan. 27 1859. Durham” 5th 090, 1860. EV OORE’S RURAL NEW-YORKER, THE Leading and Largest Circulmed, as it, is concuied tn be the Best and Most Ugful Am“- CULTURAL, HOBTICCLTURAL, L1 mum? um FAMILY NEWSPAPER of the Age, will' e11te‘z_.qppn its TWELFTH VOLUME in January, 18151.. ' Now IS THE TIME To GET {Inc Best, Cheapest, and” Most Popular. Normanby, “ct. 17, 1860. WHAT THE mm L NB 4mm 1:. Q i Wit} be .511va or in gtfle an-z Cofliflaxs to '0’ itsnred (eS= rrs- with N'éw TV a», - Ipm‘vements Its Motto '1 D f 0 LL“ ‘0 PM“. I'D-o" ‘ ,. n ‘1'”; all“ §Uk|ntsnb .u- â€"-- Tm; RURAL is an advocate of 'Irdustry,-Skfll. Progress, Imyrovemenf, Mom-11y, Educatilm‘, and whatever tends to advapce and ennoble Human. V‘ “(I L‘- v ..... ityâ€"a Joni-nal expressly intended fur the Fire- sides of a Regressive Pearle. Tan RURAL is superior in Styie, Illlmemticmg, clea- employs the best Talent. -and is taken by hosts 0: leading Farm rs, Horticulturists, Mechan ics, Mere ants, kc" in Conn 1'), Village and City, frum Canada to California ' Tm: RURAL is the Cheapest Jamal. Ofifs rlazs in C riélon binâ€"the lowest club ran: }, relv cr Vering the heavy expenses, its pilhlicyafign ininivint; 2; larger putiay than any r‘fits CD’iemporazjjes. Trenm'al (.I‘QQIMTifl-g- 5A3 INCORPORATED, 185]. Opposite 1.0 VOLEI‘JIE XII, F051 3561’ FARM Fun sum}. MUEL E.’ LEGA’I‘E Agent at Durham. DIRECTORS: WESTERN A I ' 1151: of our brands, all of .0 Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER. Vi 66 P resid em! ' G 00 . M’ mm c 9 E sq $400,000. 1= 4 -6m in mm Mat er and Marner, ten-lering it worthy s largely incréased NatiO'fial‘UitcuIa'tiL-n.‘ ‘ ES? Next ‘0 your local g-aper, the RURAL Nur- Ynaxnn is the on: far your money,â€"-it pays good dividend . " ‘ ’ Foam, STY‘. E AND firearms. Tm: RURAL NEW-YORKE'R'cotmpx-ises Eight Don- ble Qua rto Pa gee, (40 columns) An Index, Title Page, 810., given at the close of each Volume, complae for binding. Tm: RURAL *sâ€"finally and summnrlyAâ€"THE PEOPLE‘S HOME WEEKLY; its v rious de- partments of Agriculture, Horticulture, Ladies' leading, Choice Miscellany, S .bbath Musing, Educational, The Tifiveler, The Reviewer, Useful. 0110, Young Ruralist Story Teller, Enigma, and last not. least, is ample News and Market Reports rendering it altigethi-i' the most comxdete Acm- cuucrmn, Linux? up Faun NIWSPLPIB extant. ' TERMS, m Ammanâ€"$2 9. Yang 3 copies f0r$5; 6for $10; 10 for $15; 20; {of $25- fi’Now IS 413- run- 7 scascnigr. 4x9 gout Cw“. 'Ihe most liberal inducements in Cm Agentsâ€"- the best yet offered. Specimen Numbers, Show. Bills, Inducements, c.. gent" free to all applicants. D. D. T. MOORF, *’ ‘ Rooster“, .£.Y. Great as was the impr-rtance of the newso , Japer Press when the Witness commenced ['15 year-a ago, every bucceeding yen has in- amok-man." WITNESS creased its influence, and even hit thin power is perhaps only in‘ its infancy. The varied contents of a newspaper, and the facility with which it is got up, and disfributed over any; extent of country bringing the latest and most desirable information to every home. give it material advantages over books or periodical: and accordingly newspapers may emphati- cally he called the liferature of Canada. How important then that this literature shouldbq. good ! The effe rt :0 circulate newspapers oh vhelesome and elevated kind. will. however, be futile, unless Adaptation he kept in View." It Will be of no use 'to appeal tomen’sprinci- ples to support a religious paper. unlespjit M. as well and ascheaply got ‘up’as the most sec unlm’ sheet with which it comes into compé-z tition. The fact is. religious and philanthroâ€" pic men should do “whatever they undertake L -.._ -- -..Ln-- -k::. Pi‘t ll‘cll DIIUUJU ‘év " tlwuv-v- "-'J not only as well and as cheap as others,_' hiit "9.118! and (-heaper; and if they do, they will nave no occasion to complain of want of sup. nurt. -,nu to As a commervial paperlee Witness stands «’9 belie 8, second to none in Canada, whilst 19 a newspaper. i: stands alro ingthe fitst ranks. As an advocate of eyéry r‘noral '“lll‘fio 41a ;-.s “...-__- _ . enterprise. it takes a leading part ; and as a literary paper, it “'1” bear com )arison with any. When we add to these claims rm pub-3 tic support, that in proportion tn the : mo =nt_0f ”’3‘“! g: matter it contains, it is pmbatny the cheapeet paper_ in Canad. ‘. it is not sum i-ing that its antiscription liet, all paid in advance, should be large, ' 'l‘heie will be me change in the general character and plan of the Witness. whic‘h will (mutt-me to be. as heretofore. non-sectar- ‘an in religum. and unconnected with party. m politics: but it will be free to expres¢_tle- nided opinions upon any measures hat afl'ect the welfa e of the country. and will state facts“. t'errless,whoever they may please or die- I please. TERMS' The Minimal Witness is published twrca a-week, vii... on \Vednesday and Saturday, and sent lily the early; mails of til )58 days, at the 'tni-ifo-rm,pg;i(-e at $72. per annum in advance. The Duiiy "fitness is published every after- noon. and will be deep-ruched by the evening ‘nails at the uniform price cf $3'per annum. in advance. Tlrs edition is p' culiarly suit- able. for biiaiuess men throughout the country who require to know the daiiy fluctuations: of pin-es. _ Subscribers will please specify the editit‘n they Wish. All the editions will stop WE gi t w time subscribed t'or expires; unless pre- rious y renewetlcâ€"as thie's the only way in which a piper so widely extended can be pub- 'ishetl at a low rate. Subseribens are, “9}" ever. notified a fortnight before there sub- $('-r!pll0l1 expires. I131“--- --.. non-macaw scrlpuuu tfxyuch. ‘ The friends of t" e "fines: are earnesfly requeSted m-do what they can to extend its "itemminn a; this time, when a good Ward, and perhavsga little efiun in he behalf. might securela great acvession to its subscription .list. Ad Whu'think such a paper beneficial in the (zounuym ill greatly obiige us by endea mring to get their neighbors to subscnbe with lhvm mam 3. > Ali letters. orders and remittances, to be addtcssed, post-paid. to JOHN DOUGALL.‘ Proprh-tor “ Monmru. ' HE nndcrsigned off. rs tor sale the- followng. valuabc property belongingt'o the 1.1 te'Ans drew Park, viz: Lot 51, 2nd Concession, South of the Durham Road, Beutinck, containing. 76 acres, 35 of which are cleare, ,‘ fenced, and in a high sin e. of cultivati. 1:. There is a goodlog house. and barn on the premi es ; also -~n excellent Spring of wan-r. This property has a leading road on‘two Sid .5 and' is 0 1y 5} miles-Iron}. c. rising town of Durham; The land is of excellent quality. TERMS LIBERAL. ' ' Application to be made to .‘nrnvrtnn'fi “ADV Blacksmith 13' Wrought Iron Shane; {flag {0; an! Mud c ploughs. ‘23:: Mill Picks Made and Sh! mm IS PREPAREDIO no Hill Work, Horse Shoeing, E’ Alias I “191194 am}!I w71%;“- ' . I} A”? 98:30:: 111 ncefl' 49" it to tbe’lrpvanfage to . of a Durhagz); $05. 25 ' . can c ‘- , A-“ $5201" Valuable Farm 1 0-1451 or sen. Bentinck,_0ctobcr 17,186... PROSPECTUS .53} a: Law, Solicimr in Chb‘wtéry. ‘ car, 5:12., ' OF THE Saddler Street, a?! s ARCHIBALD PARK, WILLIAM METHER, , E gecutors, BentinckgP. O. - ' , can C“ 1858. x V “ES - I , M V; I 0 - npeéd. of a F 311%: Win find AND GREY. 9'74!

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