West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Standard (1857), 22 Feb 1861, p. 2

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9;)- William McDougull attempts to ho!- ater up his fai ure at Mr. Morrison‘s. magnum. hereon the 5th, by writing a letter to the Guelph Advertiser, oxer the signature of an individual in Mount Forest unworthy ol ruen~ t on, in which he falsities everything Connem- ed with the meeting. He makes liber: l and ungeutlernanly use of the name ot the Editor oi the S'ruttunn. We can Well afford to laugh at this ebullition of petty spleen ; for we runs. confess to a considerable amount ol‘ pleasure at {witnessing the tltSt~orrrforture the poor fei- low was put to on being questioned atom the manner in which he formerly rililietl his pre- sent master, Geo. Brown, also his attempt to pwintlle Government out of $2, 000 for old Ag- I’tcultural papers. He says that " the EtllIOl" ofthe Stuntman with a lew village boys ru- 1' terrupted the meeting.” Nothingcan be more false, ewt a production trom the Globe -- l 1133 Editor of the STANLARD left the hall be» “(are Mr. Mel‘ougall commenced speaking mid did not return for nearl) an hour ; t2 uring which time MacDougall was continually ail- traced by " tremendous applause,” in which 11110840111111: 0! the womgnny joined. The only silent parties were m or three dozenl brought from Mount Forest to “ pack ” the meeting. It was not until the Editor of the? Sunburn returned' that anything like orderl vru restored. But poor Mae Uougall ma) g (kite on in the same etrain,’ if it affords hit; my geliez, for we believe falsehood is more‘ 003899”! gobs . nature than truth. l l l Does Mr. Morrison’s Opponents charge him with corruplwn. No! They dare not; ml- withstandingtheir facilny [or hing. The-i: only charge consists in falsifying Roman Caiholic Charitable institutions, for nunncr~ The falsification of the Voters’ List will be made the subject 0! Parliamentary inquiry, and we are satisfied both Mr. Purdy and his mn-indaw wilt receive {mm seven to ten years in the Provincial Penitentiary. It is an insult to‘the morality of the Eieciuia‘ mr as man thus, 83 it were, COIH'lctHi of the mas! nations crime on record. excent murmur, tu wiicit their suffrage. Here we have poaitive proof of in. Purdy’s misdeeds; and which we think willjustifs every honest farmer in Grey in telling Jess; that they do not recognize him as one of their number. Jessy T. Purdy has never had the oppor- tunity of making hifnselfa great rogue and Icouudril; tut so far as his plivileges have gone he has made gum] use of them. An attempt has been made to prejudice your mtmls against M r. Morrison. because he voted in favor of granting Acts of Incorpora- tion to Roman Catholics. Are you aware that those Acts granted Roman Catholics are the lame, to a letter, in their provisions, liherties and endowment“. as those granted to Knox’s College, Trinity College. Upper Canada Col- lege. Toronto ; or Victoria Coileee. Col-0mg; or Queen’s College. Kingston. Is there a man in tne County of Grey so illiheral as not tr- extend the same privileges to Roman Catho- lic: that are accorded Protestants ‘? Biol-- The Hon. John Hillyard Cameron introduced the first Roman Catholic Eclewasiastical Bill into Upper Canada. Think you would Mr. , Cameron, Grand Master at the Orange Order, 4 give any ascendancy to Popery over Protea- tantism? If Mr. Cameron was a CandEdate ’ for the County of Grey at this election, every Orangernan in the County would endorse him. notwithstanding t! is action; why then dis- parage Mr. Morrison for doing according to the example of the Grand Master. The acts referred to in these handhihs are only a sim- ple act of justice, containing none of the f a- tures of Nunneries, but are calculated as there let betore you to produce a false impression. Is the cause of Mr. l’urdy honest, when he ha» to resort to falsehood to bolster it up"? ls M r. Purdy an honest man? Let us see. A few years ago he attempted to defraud Govern- ment out of a quantity of land which he was receiving in lieu of building a wharf at Mea- ford. He merely cmtmmced the work. and got two of his hirelings to certify that it “’15 finished. The township Council of St. Vin- cent exposed the fraud, and defeated ill.- -acheme. Last year he and lis son-in-law. Jessy W. W'right, who is town~hip Clerk ol St. Vincent, falsified the Assessment Roll to entitle them to a Deputy Reeve. They also. it: View of the presen' Election, talsitied the ‘ Voters’ List, adding 160 logos names there- i to; and made solemn oath that such list was i correct. As flint: is a heavy moral responailaility rating on every man invested with the Elec- tive Franchise, you shoxld seriously consider the truth, or falsc’homl, of the charges maile- against the Candidates now bcl'ure us ; for. il we are guided in our choice by faction, pre- judice, or political bias, the chances are two to one that the evil arising out ul’ smh t imive will recoil upon our heads to our extreme aonow. THE STANDARD. brandy. At one oclovk in stumbled up to bedâ€"an! chall never stumble up. FRHMY. FEBRU‘RY 22,183! (TD Bl: comment; the morning he bape you and I Sir Edmund Head and family have arrived ; from England. The American Ambassador I hare been refused admittance into Janna.â€" ' The Sardinians have evacuated the Papal ter- ritory; but have sent fresh troops to Naples. The bombardment of Gama continues, and‘it is thought will soon surrender. The Sardin- ian policy meets a lavorable respose from the Italians. The French Emperor’s speech in opening the Fretteh‘ Legislature on” the 4th inst. produced an, unfavorableimpression \ in Britain. The English Parliament was Opened on the 5th by the Queen in person. -â€"- The fugitive Kin" of Naples made an appeal to the‘Sierlians. Pmluve market Steady.-‘-'-' Consuls ”closed at 912 to 91" for money, and 91; for 86693:: t. Exrmmrmr‘ CASE.-Thts famous trial is at an end. A writ of habeas corpus was i:- sned in £33233qu by the Court at Queen’s Bench there; but as precedence was taken by 0112‘ Court of Common Pleas here, the writ had to be returned. Last Saturday judgement was given in the Court of Cnmmon Pleas, Toronto, setting Anderson at liberty, in con- sequence of an error in the indictment. Cf? We learn from the Spectator that a gang of burglars was broken up in Hamilton lateh‘. (If? The Hon. J. H. Cameron presented the address of the Orangemen of Canada to the Queen, who was graciously pleased to re- ceive it. Mr. Purdy was nominated by Mr. Frazer, lawyer of Owen Sound, but we did not learn hi~t seconde ’ n m . Mr. Pnrdy, instead of being the farmer’s Candidate, turns out to be the nominee of a liml» of the iaw. Indeed he was brough forward at the instance of this very indivi- dual, who knew he would havea pliant torl in Parliament, and also that he could displace him when neocssary to m nice an attack on the sntTrages of the Countyâ€"of which he has ser- iom intentionâ€"on his own at‘COI nt. The in- dividnsl alluded to had no other oljection to Mr. Morrison than that “ it a man of his (Mr, A onison’s) ability not a footing in the County, we vnnld never get him out." Thus it is: a few hnnury petty ("lire-seekers see in Mr. Morrison’s return for the County, an utter ‘ annihilation of their aspirations. And may: it be :0. l Mr. anzm was nominated by J. Grier, Esq., of St. Vinoeut, and seconded by J. Creighton, Esq, of Owen Sound. County, andsemnded by Mr. ‘Vhitlaw, of St. Vincent, one of the most prominent farmers in the County. The Owen Sound Comet has come to hand. contaFtling a short account of the Nomination lzust Monday, hut prudently alumnus from giv- ing any account of the show of hands in favor of the sewn-n! Candidates. The facts are :â€" Mr. Morrison had a very large majority ofthe rate-payers; while Mr. Pnrdy’s numher was made up of partieae who have no stake in the county, 3 great portion hei: g gravel real na- vie-s, paid and brought in tor the occasion.â€" M r. Gowan was Ito-where. Mr. Morrison was nominated by “7. K. Flesher, Esq, of Artemesia, Wardvn of the: These are the men who have the audacity to dictate to the people of Grey. Their wont of honor would not obtain them credit for a furthing’s worth of ginger-Mead in their own neighborhoods ° therefore the people most take- their assertion with caution. Why «lees Mr. Morrison meet any opposi- tion '? Bet-rinse he would not, like the other mtfrage-seekers, agree to the repeal of the Exemption Act. Mr. Morrison intends to ex- tend this Act to cover 50 acres of land; this has put a few credit-traders in our villages in high (lodgeon. If the farmers of Grey deszre legislation that will protect themselves and families, vote for Mr. Morrison 3 and in cuanuenve of Guvermneut very pro- perly tefttsing to prostitute the Bench It) ac vediug to his demands, he now tum-t round and plays patriot. "is gestures, intmtatiuu nf voice, c., when spmtking, would adapt him better for a Circus Clown than ajudge, only that he lacks the wit. Never in our experience have we witnessed such unhlnshing frauds asare being practised on the minds of the people by the Clear Cut agents at this election. The Globe has issU8‘ several thousand haml- hills, containing the most barefacetl falsehoods, and in other in- stances withholding a portion of the truth. which is tantamount to a lie.’ The 31 aven- ger M. P. for Kent outstrips all others for bouncers; for at a meeting in Durham last ‘ Friday , when referring to the disposal of the Grey Nuns’ property in Montreal, and its re- investment in lands either in Upper or Lower Charla he no uallycl argetl Mr. Morrison and the Ministn with hating introduced and sup- pntetl the measure. The farts areâ€"Mr. .‘Jorriemt was not then tn the House, conse- quently could not have had any connevtion with it; and it was introduced by Mr. Dorian a factions memlver of the Opposition, and Lower Canada Premier of George Brown’ 5 two- fnys’ Ministry. This taming derango-l gne sathlles the sins of the Oppo~ition on the bank of the Ministry. Our space “ill not ulltm's us to follow this libeler through all his assertions. Another person named John Mt-Nab, 3 Po!- ice lawyer from Toronto, is Vehemem in his Jeuunvizclmns of do Miuifitry, office-seekers. Sic. He omits tote“ us that he was seeking the Judge-ship of (hwy a short time ago, and is now seeking similar favors from Brm-u 2 Pox eign Items. The Nomination. Election Contest. favors from Bruce; _u u it was (inky jniiice to the peareablo. and wvll disposed of Itelahd [r-.a.rng=the Catholich'l/m Orange dSS‘EiGtiOflS ' and processions should be suppressed.. because they were a chosen means (.f. stirring up strife, and prodzcing breaches of the public; aged 33 Phclesiastical. Corporaaicnsfto do what no Protestant could : or that many such bills then became laws. and that all these proceedings-he. had, endorsed in the am, and m his Haldimand campaign, that the French had saved the? Reformpartv? Did he not thus denOunce figmesmnts f' Did he forget that a bill passed in 1810, when he was furnitg “ the organ ” to allow the ‘Popc in gang! 500szhaps fie", privtj- A}e. in the hope that his press could eflevt- Letty injure their oldest pub. tc servant \xith the people ufU. (3., Mr. Brown far and near the slander that I was an infidel. and unhe- ];evgr, c., as R’yerson has done before him I {0120: all these things at the Electien. and the sneer uf the nuns is the first of a new series. ' Brown as a Defender of C tholicism. (fj- ‘Vhen Mr. Brown addreswd the elem- ors of Haldimand i'l i351, he declared that withmt the Catlmlics in the Assembly. om must importmn Reforms could not have bees; z'arri dâ€"aml III the House of Assrmbly. hm neSaion he pretended to desire '0 base my“. «amnion upun populatio--. But i-: this as in everything else. he seems unstahlc am! in- sincere, for in It": Globe of Ovl. 17:11, last. he exclaims. “ “73 dd :10! mm: how many of our "Romania! Nether: are in 1h" ngisluture so that (here is a nwjority of Protestants ” in control ”It?” me'eeuiug.” “That majority.” he says, “can be secured, aye, mll be ere long.” From RIacKenzie‘s fifessage, Jan. 19, 1854. Mr. Brown as an Enemy to Orangeism. From the Globe, July, 1849. On the Fifth anuly, 1819. the great Globe ! itselt thus spake of the leaders of the Grunge I Association :-- “That the ravings of Thomas \Vilson and the dog and r'uck. of Wm. Alhm, Ogie R. Gawain, Sidney Bettinghnm, Bill Bnultten. H. B. Wilson, and Genruc and Crawford, of the .Wnutreal Herald, (Youriet, aunt Turmto Coton- 'i.~:t are but the (lying: waits of a miserable facliml. which as a muve, may, excite acme notice by its impatience.” veiied a” day on an Elcvlion Excursion.â€" There remum some very curmnszmd cedifying facts on net-ted with the Globe people [ha-l we shall keep for use at a convenient sea- son. Our present business is to argue \viih the Model ex-Tn-asnrer. who on (his side If the water sets himscif up as a paragon of VU'IUB. M R. MacDOl’GAL L SHOWS T" AT GEORG: BROWN IS A SAI- BATII BREAKER, AND SPEAILS 0F STRANGE AN’I‘EL‘EDENTS. By William fiIucDougall. QUEBEC, Step. 9, 1852. The unprincipYed and treachrmns Editor of the 3101». who being: within the citadel ufthe Refmm party. is industnuusly ptottittg with the: .mvmy ontsulc~stamls mnvivted as ’11» Guy Fawkes ut the mmntry. and if {its and ca/umnics and Tom; intrtgues. was as explusive as Guv Fatwkc’n gunpumtvt. tht- urewm Refurm Purlmmeut would be blown over the ramparts. From the North Amencan, Nov. 27, 1851. On Sunday week Mr. George Brown tra- The Guy Pawks of the Country. BY WILLIAM MACDOL‘GALL. From the North American, A’Iflfl'h 1!, 1852 The Editors of the Globe told the 'Wl'ilt'l (Mr. M I Doug I”) more than mu 0. that it “a: nut of mmh consequence if the Tom's IliII succeed ‘ ’ ‘ ' ‘ ’ ‘ H like the Globe we had lezied black mail upon ourpoliltcul fnends' III II” IliIeI: tiuIIs , if J _ 7 _____ - . ----.--. .......,....... , .. a purse 31' five Hundred pounds had been made up for us. as was now made up 101' him, by men he is now vilifyingâ€"i: jobs had been thrown in nur \\ 33' to the ume (.1 $10,â€" 000 a year, we might think it becmnimz our position to say as little as possible about bribes. l “ ORANGE Lance AT BaocxviLLE â€"-It must 3 be a matter at th .- tleepest rem; t to find ef- l forts still making to maintain Orange institu- tions. They hm'e been in lrelaml the great- est nbetacle to the PRU’l‘tSTAN’X‘ Religion. “ To the intelligent of every class, Oramze ‘ Societie< are most Minus. V i “To the Roman Catholics they bring: to lrememheram-e the pains a'i'l penalties to [W'lllt’ll William III. MOST UNJUSTLY sunscr- Enn THEM, when engaged in a most prai.~e~ lwnrthy enterprise, under which hardships lthey labored tbrthree generations. ‘ ‘ i ' ’ we hear not much now of :qnarrelings between Roman Catholics an} Protestants. The almost total cessation to Orange Lmlges, or the little prominence 1.0“ given to them, is: the great came at this. ‘ “Orangemen were “wt to profess tn lu- the lrlelnlsnf freedom and their t-mtntiy’s rights. They make no sm'h profession in this province. and npenly range themselves. mule-r the Slfllttlilltl nf the enemies of the. pimple. “’hat a farce it must lie lnr an Otangeman tn commemorate the era of th‘ revnltttiun of 1588 mnler the Orange flag, and at the same time. to lend his snppnrl to ever} tyramvcal (inventor whn takes away or ten- ders nuuaturv all the benefits which that mmlntimt was meant to cnn‘er! Of all thei inconsistent men an the fave of the earth. the 1 Canadian ()rangemen must be the chief.”-- (Signed) GEURbE BROWN. From the Mrssage, July 23rd 1853. The following extracts are taken from the ”'0th American newspaper. formerly pub- lished by W. McDougall. To-day he holds "P M'- BI’OWNas a paragon of perfection; judge for yourselves what his word 5;: warm- T1311 EDITOR 0E TUE (-LO" 3" A 'l 031'. AS!) A LEVIER 0!” BLACK MAIL. THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, FEBRUARY 00 An Old 0rangeman.â€"~The Globe’s Candidate and the orange- men. MacDougall’s Portrait Brown. [From the Globe, April 17th 1857.] yourselves what his word is worth- "U zd <e , The Globe has the audacity to rcyrcguquhat All the Reform Candidates haVe declared {heir ' sentiments, whiie minisaers have not. What if; ga horrible liar has been let loose on society. From the North American; Nov." 18, 1851 Mr. MacDougall proves his pre- sent Master tu be a henflne Liar; While contending that Hincka has nu; (flanged, and udmmmg that Ralph mm Camera", :15 ”H: _l'eprcacnlaln‘es ol'pwgres- sive principles which haw to bane with him he 5.1m)! oi the GIUbe declares frum. the but6 tum bl his heal! that he wishes “tucks may wzu it. Will any. Rclm‘mcr allow lumsell'lo be duped by the yrclguccs of this political proslilude ? of Mr. MacDougall, Proves that Mr. Brown is a Prostitute. By William AIacDougall. .March 18m, luaz. ” George Brown, M. P P., should uwer talk of CUlhlfltfiu), uu‘ul in: Law as: a Bill UN‘Ouuh Par. iamem lu change his name and 00.3. e UL“ 111 a 118.charzwtel. Nix. Brown’s Consistency. If we did not know that than: are persona. of suxue pretensions in respectability azznnugm us who sh“ countenance we moral prulhgaie whose shamciess talaehuuds are poured fufmh “1.4m Society through tuau pumlcu channel, the 161.106. we would not feel juslmeu in occupy :ulg our space with their wt'ututum. Tame nave been dates of anxiety when: the mum. (lvbaaemclzl u! the mass 1:3..3, Sunk so mw mm 'viccund crime wuuxu alum}. there nupmu m. the muzcu mrchcaua 01 we \‘uluuca, and send them abroad 13pm: 1m: cummunny \HluUu: puuxahmcut and Without :‘L‘pruug'll. anwu )‘c duped, )‘e duldled mcvlura‘ of Ktrut, and Iv Juice that you have any.“ a Wurlii)‘ rcpmacu 1 nun-c. 'l‘uc tank 01 mama-Hg but?“ a m ' “3m 0! putridny Ls disguslig. “‘2: fix! us 1]" wr had been cutting up a dead dug... ‘ ' “\‘t: repeat that s'uu use a ”1031 unknusnmg a mu» ucumgum We mum our leads“ to ucurngum 1111' up we wank. NORTH AMERICAN, April 281b, 1854. Mr. Brown does the thunder n! the Globe,- “ho (lacs its Meadmr.’ Fox mm the blubc steals whalesulu ur ruihcr is made a recei- mule 01 stolen gun is, 13 past all question. Antecedents of the Brown Fam- ily. Mr. Brown shown to be a profllg‘aze and, the (adobe 8. Mass 03 Puémdily. Even Iliackenzie looked black at lzim He i: «lwpised by a“ idillltb‘. huh-cu. so intense is the disgust ol severai of the Libend mum- bc 5, at his falsehoods, that they will no! speak to him. By "'ii'liam Blac‘Dtmgall. QUEBEC, 27m Aug.1852. The m mler {m mum rit) of the electors of Keut, has deliveted himmlt 01:: strange jumble 01 extrmls 1mm ncwspapers, pint- tlnms, dizuzers, umhmiichuy slutt-zlxems and confiivting urgmnenls. He mwun tu be ter- rih;y smote an the linis:n.Bu1 ailtmuwh he “as cheered b) 11m 'luries, m Ihc set} echo he mgt no lespmwe from the HOlIlSJ.-- Brown’s Debra? in Parlia- ment. From the Nnrth Amvrican, Dec. 9, 18.31. Hurrah for Ox‘furd! \Ve learn by Hale- graph last night that the. ”on. F. Him-ks has bven trimnphmztfy returned. nun-vim- stamiing the Hen-119m: ciforts pm forth 1y his enemies m defeat him. [Immense sums of money have been cquibuwd by the Tory party to carry on the war. ”any mam assunws tn speak on hwhaifuf the Reform party, and (1.3m ris that he takes Protestant ground, .s‘e proclaim h!!!) an inn- poster and an enemy. The present dltor of line (Rube on “Protestant E 950111).” ing riots and bloodshed. which have itlready launched into eternity eight or ten human beingsmnl vast Upmt {veilsul pain and anguish twenty or thirty others. many of \le in) will (lnulitles soszt tolluw seeit H the bluml on their shirt: make a (lvspm‘ate ellurt to shake off the guilt and turn the Public eye in some uther tiirecti all. They have kindled the tireâ€"(beg; have lighten! the canllagratinn that will smut sweepm’er the Provinceâ€"a (-(mt’auratinn that willcouvert our Churches, a'tl (our temples intu heaps Oi smoking: ruins. and evevywlwre leave in its tun-la, bleeding and mutant-«l hit man farms. Wlm has intrmlucml the tun-la intu Lowe. Canada w'vre all was peace be- t‘nre '? Who lms cvnst :11th held out the thrvat ul' robbery ul (Iutlmli Church pruperty '! And who urvt 93' that with the spin! 0! Flill‘ii‘ilb‘ --â€"rvmaw tlwsc threats \t‘lzilv Ilse ltluml ut tilt uf their victims is vet warm in tlw Stru 15 of Muntreal? We shall (l0 tlu' best to ptevem the sum-en; of snvlt Protestantism; becaube it is the Ptutcstantism of the Devil. A (‘hm‘r for éxferd and Mr. "lacks, by the prpsent [Miter of the GLOBE. “Tone than Highway Robbery. By William film-Dougull. present Editor of the Globe. From the North AmertcauJune 11, 1853. The Browns of the Globe who have at Iast succeeded in stirring up between Protestants am' Catholics the religions animosities 02 past generations, lmre at last succedcd in produc- The Browns’ Cause Bloodshed. The Globe says never was proposition so disgrm-eful~--t}:e model PIX-Treasurer being the judge, and no one can be so unfmt as to deny that he is deepiy skilled in all sorts of morality-"good bad and indifferent. peacp: can the dmy b: less in Canada?-: Have) the~e banvful moieties lost any of their malignity by seeing wafied on this side of the Atlau'ic. The Model Ext-Treasurer of Ed- Inburgh. By William lilacDougall, (98¢, Nov. 27, ’51 From tl‘e Nouh Amenican, Oct. 30, ’5] Fnon THE NORTH AMERICAN. OCT. 3 185]. By the psesent Editor qf the Globe. NORTH Amzzucs, 'cb. 26,1852. baa I‘ll ll 25. --Ifrq’tn and after the pa'ssinsrof this Act, idem! m: [10 mumcxpality snail IrauUavex'n license in a lithe la a greater proportion 1 an one for 250 souls "a warran readem therein ,as shown by the 135.: census, I haw mg IGAME mm roam: as THE is? or JANUAttY PRESS 1; 1.. From and alter tite passing of this Act, it shall not be lawful for any. municipal Council to grant or issue any. tavern-v license, unless upon petition fraying mrthc same 31g- ned by at lq-ast" thirty ol the Municipal Elec- tors of the muniu‘ipélit’; find no new license shall be granted unless the same shall bi; provided witfi such accommodations as here- inafter (lescribed ; amt the word tavern in this sec‘tiOn shall be held to-include'any inn," aleo‘ house, beerhuuse, or any other ptacent puh- I lie entertainment, in which spiri‘uous'liquors V are sold'to be‘druttk 0n- the premieep. 1861. The ‘v vuumeralcd 19.1..»ubâ€"5ecmm three, l<.ur, five "r SLY, of 190110“ (but of this Act, The debtor mpyselm-t out of any large: number the several cnamcs eXempt {mm seizure hunter tins Act. Nothing in this art mmt .imâ€"ui shall exempt from seizure m satuhwuon u! a debt cmzxravt- ml for such alanine-a} chattel. 0! any artivie . 5. One cmv. hm: shunp, two hugs, and 100‘) therefur for thilt)’ days. 6. Tools and impiemeuts u" or ('hdtze79 0r- ‘iinarly “an m the debtors m cupuliun, to the value of $60. 4. AH x'tecsscary fuel, moat firth. flour, and ngetahlos. actually pmvided for famiEy use. .10! r are than suffivent for the ordinary cm)- sinnptiun of the dehtur and his famii)‘ for this» ty day“. and not :‘xcccdmg in vdue the sun; of forty (tulizzrs. l. The bed, bedding and bedsteads in ordi» ' nary use by the debtor and 11.5 family. 2. The necessary and ordinary wearing .1 mm} of flu debtor :md'his family. I . 3. One Mum and - pipes, :21ch one mam: and its appeudagwsamd one pdi' of handimns. ame set ufrnokinz utensils. one pair of mugs 4nd «hovel. one table. 8i}; chairs, six knis’es. ~i.\° (mks. six phttes. z-ix teacups, 51x sazzvers. .me sugar lmsin,0ne milk jam one lvapol. 0... «ix npnmm. a“ spinning whress and " eawnzz moms in dmnesliu me. and M} vnhlmes of faults, one axe. one saw, «me gun, six trap.~. and such fishing fleas, and wines as are in wmmuu L809. IN SATISFACTION OF DEBT. The followirg chafieEs are hereby declared exempt from seizure under any wrh issued out ol'auy Court whatever in this Province, namely: ' Fatal of Territories. . 4U6,354 RECAI‘ITL’LATIOXB. Total free popuiatiur; or all Hates and Territories in the Umted Slates ...................... Slave population ........... Kaunas .......... Nebraska. ......... New Mexico ...... Utah ............ . Dakotah ..... . . . . Washington ..... . . 03:12ch U1 Cuzmuma 'I'Otal population ..... 31.241.144 3.699552 POPULATION or 'rul: TERRITORIES Kansas .......... . 143.6415 N c bra:1 k a .......... 528.893 New Mexico ....... 93.024 U! u h .............. 50.000 Dakotah .......... 3.839 Washington ........ 1 1.624 Dzflzh‘l 01 (0314111043. 75,321 'l‘enuemee Kpnlucky 0‘13” ..... Indmna. . Hliuoi; Missouri Michigan. \Visconsin [awn ..... Minesma . . Oregon. - . . California . The popula Ion ofthc United States, accord- ing [01110 n cent cciml: a i.~ as to '1'uua: F rec Slave I‘opit’inn Poph’mn Maine. . . .' .......... 619,953 Nr'w Hnmshiru ..... 3:26.072 Vermont . . . ........ 315.287 IV‘Iaesarhusetts ...... 1.231.493 Rhudl 1912311 ....... 174.621 (Tounevtii-ut ......... 460,670 New Ymk .......... 3.851.558 Pennsylvania ....... 52,916,018 New JUTHE‘). ..... . . . 686,084 Dc‘1é‘\"flfl" .......... 110.558 1. (3:3 R'Iaryland ........ . 643.183 85.38;z Virginia ........... 1497.373 4955.826 Nnrlll Carolina. . . . . 679.1155 329.1377 Suuth Carolina ...... 303.186 4517.185 Gemgia ...... _ . . - 615.335 467.461 morida ........... . 81.885 73.31.39 Mahatma .......... 590.444 435.473. Mississippi ......... 4117.051 479.618 L- uisiaiia ........... 354.245 312.186 A rkansas .......... 331.710 109.065 'l‘ezas .......... . . 415.999 184.956 Tenuemee . . . . . .. . . 359.528 287.113 Kwnlucky _ ......... 920A??? 225.4% 0510 .............. 2.377.917 1m1zalla ............ 1.359.312 Illinois" ........... 1.691.238 Missouri . ..... 1.085.595 115,619 Michigan ...... ' ..... 751.991 \Visconsin .......... 768.485 [awn ............... 632.1102 M inesma ........... 172.793 Oregon ............. 52.5 '6 Vermont H... .. . Maesarhuseus . . Rhuda Island. . . (Tounevtirut ..... New York ...... Pennsylvania . . . New Jume)’ ..... Dt‘ )t‘ wa re ....... R'Iarylnnd ...... Virginia ....... Nnrlh Carolina. Suuth Carolina. . Gaurgia ........ Plnrida ......... Mahatma ..... . Mississippi ..... Population Of the Uzzitec'i Stafies. Cf;- Qix of the Southern States have ac- tually seceded, and chosen Senator Davis, of Mississippi, President Other Slave Slates are expected to foliow. Hun. Alexander B. Stephens, of Georgia, is elected Vice-Presi- dent. 0:} Two lynx were kilied in Pusliuch (m the 11!?» in”. Thes'destroyvd aconsiderabie number of sheep and ponhry. (if? The sufibzmg is; Kamsa ml (MM is beyond dGSCriptiUn ave alrea‘h; d rd. To-day a defender of French Canadian in- siitmim:, and the opponent 63f Orange socie- ties; to-mormw, a self constituted Gustavatus and the parisile o! Orangemeu. Mr. Prince knew where the good lauds out west vrereâ€"â€"tl1e Government reserves, he knew mex'eerse the Western Railway would takeâ€"ho helped his friend Brown to 600 acresâ€"~-'tbe laud non in Mr. Street’s gzipâ€"it was a good thing: to be in the secretâ€"and Air. Brown pufed the Pope and Papists AND DENOUNCED THE Davu AM) THE ORANGEMEN, till his patrons lost their places, and is now WOrking for the new combinations. In 30 years we have seldom been far wrong as to men of Mr. Brown’s calibre. From Afichenz-ie’s files-cage, Feb. 10, 1854. ARTIELES BXEM PT [mom smzum flew LiCenSe Law for Upper Canada. From the Examiner, July, 1853 Idooodo..oo lshiru ..... 284.770 Kansas by hunger . 31 £45,489 3,999,853 Hundreds ['Uh- ‘NBf'Y-lâ€"Ts a‘ m§zgiatai¢ Swore he new; 9‘10“" owed me a ceglLanil L¢l(l,_,.n19.[ wag a 106‘ race. ‘ cal fut tr) ing idisiwifidle b3!) 53’ such a. bar?- ‘ AC" faced manner; Advised me to, maketncks In 59 i" a link: less than no {immog' he; 153mm get out 50““ ’ a warrant against me, as acommon cheat and “Gusythavv mc sent to prises. In by all odds thg l3 39 435 172) 479.618 312. £86 1(9065 184, 956 £1.11.) ‘2' "5, 1% 1.80:3 8538': 495.826 329.377 4f 17. 18!; 467.46 WEP‘S'EQVEWS ine- -l',.n - Aâ€"J’ up a“ mi; papeféQBE-‘Bafl'éiid sold them TO} half a pint pprmfhaihd Quehy keeper. to ,Nfi:‘5§::;-Is‘ an 613 (Irhnkafdf flagq’g got any meme}: and never expects to have. Gathered __,_ J__.- paper loiembIVâ€"M'miid 11kg“ it bglter if you pubi: sh d thm laces; find would (meal-ions“)! {rise an an 01m! 01 3; (€an fiuht. Hopes you “033‘? think 11- 'rd o. .1131! format paying you now, but has a prospect qf anon haviwv some louse vhange. as he; is aflcrua rich young- areeanom, who arnyed 1881 wecl3.:VV111 pay 301‘}? bill but 01112:: pluckungs. ‘ if Q ‘ ‘ . F‘fi? ‘. 1". . . -- ‘1 Nu.’ 4-4;“;{11 old gm’afd. Says you are al-. “:33: making: :f'flwhg at ‘xinifle 13 ‘308 of an uncertain. age. VVULiidu’t pay you 3: she wan (urging. with “132,113,, and y: n 11:13th gash. vr‘n‘fugh'm h} a IQflfuf 'hreml. Smut a” the papers the 5-311 ifixfi-‘fallh'IQulhiagu, and says now that fine has scum. she don’t owe ymx any- thing. ' Sayéi she is'é've‘u' With you, and intends to keep 80 umii the day ofjudgme‘ut, Nu. 5â€"â€"Isia gambler. Says he not com- pietnly cleanw} out last Week at the tares. Cduf’dn’t anvummmlale his' 3 ‘mkl-thulli6fWith a ‘h'atfâ€"dime if she was smrving. .L'rkes your h f ‘0: v g No. 2-45 in jail m.- 46m. He hasnnt seen a ha” a duélar to? a: year; Says he \muid pay ‘ with the utmost :(t'fiefltfuht'm. H'he had ihe ' money. but has: In lmrmw a slam tu pm on last Sunday. _ v.1dmires ymzr paper wonderfully, and hapcs you Win cnntiz u; .~w lldmg it in Him. Ht: Wishes you to l'ikC :x bud Jalzd in favor of the atmiitiun of img-rimnmvnt for debt. as he thinks it gunk} he a vary popular move with uwuwmeuju h;sz$1miatiou. Sends his best {33“8938. ‘ Nu. 3~ 1's 3 ynu5g’dxt-tor. Says your paper is beneath the noti'cela'ifa Egén lwnzm W’ou dn’t give a d- -n fur a car»! iuad. bays you inserted an article reflecting: on trze. pm fermion. In going in pcrsgrasfe “'eV‘cl‘y person that takes vow péipm "30 stup it. Cursed ynur hi”. and gay» You May get it the be»! way )(m can. {Deli ghts cf being a News- g paper Collector. L\o. l.-â€"â€"Is a minister. He cays in the first plan: he neVer mt onehafl of the numbers (a; lie accordina to the account ufihe post-master) in t .8 next place )‘Our jukers autumn was mo sunrnthaus. Besides he knows it; the tune of your editorial; that you drink. He wants unthinu mare tn do with 3" u again. , ' J the grievances (2f the Cunmluuzu l-el we the Imperial Parliammt When the rebellion Nuke out he was wind and imprisoned, charged with seditious pf.t('llt'tffi. Nu mutter was he {we to art :tgam Ilmn lie. rt-gainetl his liulfl tsptstt tlm pnpular zilct'ttm» an}! was re- Itltllt'tl to Parliament. He .sat for Three Riv- ers, if we. [LlSltskt‘ nut, in the first Parlia- ttwttt ul Ullllt‘d Caiu'nla. Wheat: Ltml Met- {t'all quatrellml will: lth‘ Lufuutnim»Baldwin 1 Cabinet, Mr. V13” was asked tn take part in the new Government :18 its anvr C1 .ada~ tender._ But although l-e secumithe. alliatu-e‘ nf Mt Papincatt, a hmtler (at the» much loved? l popular chief, wlu’fué vc‘ry namv, it was bev' ! lievctl. would prove a tower of strength, Mr. E L fontaine yet prove? too Won; tur him,aml ihe utterly faded tokrally the masses of his 5 0 .- t Countrymeu to his-aside. He was raised. if we remember might, m 1845. to the Legisla- ; ttvc Council, when: t 8 continued to sit and 3 vote fur some yems afterwards, but wtth the lfall of the Metculf'e Ministry, ltls pulitical- lcareer may be mitt to “hale ended. Hi2}- lhealm has p'rm'lutlml him for several years-- l past tmm attendance tipmt his Parliamentary ltlU:it‘S, (\lttl not long since his seat was 66- dated. varant for noumttcmlguwe, amid gene:- ul expression of regret. llc ltnd attained, we behave, a great age. He lvavcs behind tum :1 very (‘UHSitlL’Tal‘le cpmper y in Montre- :tl.â€"-â€".7Wzmtrcul (Fa/trill: u! H that. .- â€"â€"_â€" V‘v‘ rwâ€"w‘ -â€"._ Editor qf the Hearld (3f Truth~says:â€"~ You furnished me. as you rm'uilecet. with a list (sf one hundred and seventeen 0wiz.g subv scrilwrs. I have caik’d uprm one rnzxuiered and HVB!’ to ynur order three dollarx and twelve and one hail’cems, being the alumni! to which you are enzilicd. I remrn you the Iist num-~ berm! from are to (me iumdered and Sixteen, and n(:}\' gi-y'e repiy 10 each : Som: fellowâ€"a 0.unth for South Cam- lina papers, and other pt'eriodicalsâ€"lately threw up his commisiun. and sum bat-k the- uu; aid avcuuma with "41 tea” which the spiritâ€" hap' sued to lay huh! on and they were pre- snmed in a Iaugil le shape to the world. As- they are firing pictures.xnct with hereur else- where, we make cxlx.w.ts. The culiector saVé: Esnail oe consutere'das. having less than the ; number ol inhabitants required by the Act too éspecting the Municipal institutions of U, per Canada, to entitle a place to be incorporated :as a town. ' ' ‘ l 3 Every tavern hearal’ter licétiée'd shall {contain, in addition" to what shall be needed : for the use of the family ol the tavern- ; not less than ton? bed‘ rooms. ' 'alrle complemeutof bedding and furniture, and (except in 'eities and incorporated towns) 1 there ashall also be attached to it proper stab- .linu for at lea t six horses. 4 In cities and towns" the Municipal cor- poratioo may exempt a certain number of persons, having or entitled to have; a‘ tavern license, from the necessiy of havn g all the accommodation required in the third section ol this Act-that is to say : ln cities, a number not exceeding six. In towns. a mun her not exceeding three; 5. This Act shall not be onatrued to pre- vent Municipal Councils from impoeittg ad- ditional terms and conditions, or making further regulations, or further limitingr the number ol tavern license.» or from passing any other try-laws under the two hundredth anil forty sixth section (.t the Act resper-ting' the Munit-ipal institutions of Upper Canada, provided such lty-lnws'lo not conflict with' lh‘sarft. ’ i ' ' ' O3! 6. Any officer of the Munic‘p .lily, or petson zudhurizvd to issuv Iicenses by the municipality. who assues a license contrary in the pxovisious 0f this Act. shall be deemed guilty of a misdmuezumr. and upon convic- tion lhereofshali pay a line of nut {ens than ”me tannin-d du lzus, or may it: imprisionud (M a period. : «at exvccding thirty (13) s,ur both, ul 'ht: di~crelimu u! the Court. 7. This Act shall appfy to Upper Canada . !_- DEATH 0? 1m: HON awn: D. B. VIGER‘: â€"--The I‘lmmralssc D. L’. V1-31” died yea-terday a! haifoparl {wave u‘c'iuck. A laweu 0f standing and we“ read in constitutional lore- hu occupied :1 mm! pr mime“! place in the mmlm‘veri)‘ which 2.1“. In 15 e insurrection of 1837 and ’38. H4: craved the Atlantic to lav or by a special enumeration taken L the Municipal Counci} concerned; pronded' that no town incuqmrated by' Act of Parhameut‘ shall be consideféd as. having .‘ ' number 0! inhabitants requimd by the Act :0. spemipg the Municipal institutions of U nor Som: {CHOW-a it! C Me Hi; Mc‘ Mm Me} Md 'Ha PM" Cum Cur Ba [:1 for 1! pa ['1 [In '1 an ('1 got 3 age: cal, the 15qu you 0: ( )3 P01 1'01 Haj B; “(I V 'E

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