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Durham Standard (1857), 22 Feb 1861, p. 3

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It Is my mtmntima tn visit tf-c variom tawn- ships of your County, tn make mywH aw q: Muted watt: their wants and wish». I hope to be an to ""303! the vim-tum frequent- 1y amt 'to 91pm” to them my views and up- inions. and to atlwd to thvm M'ery opportun- itv of receiving from me the. tulle-st c-xplmm- ticn they may require, with refcrcm'c tn the at t: at the present Unvemnuentmr the previnus fluvernments of Whit‘h l was a member or augpmter. "Camlzltell. P 'Connur, H'y ;Cuok, Peter 2 Comm, John B‘uwk. CA N; Bamfnrd. John Hamilton, Wm Grier, Math 2 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET The Best, {heap-9st, and Host Popuiar. .1 against purchasing or nvgutiating a nme .f Ham. 2: en M the 9- h c ihm tn "Lam-s VuiYot' for the sun“.- “hf: 5 D uli-zk, "rum i: zit-i .ttlfr part of ”(‘10th 01' fire first Uf Nmemlaor, 1908. as no value has been given fur the same. Tiwr‘: is. an endowment. oftwelve dollar-s on said sate. THOM AS VOL LETT Your local afl'airs will alwax's recrive m} shim attention. and l ska“ «m all ovcamiou: use my best mndea-vuurs and influence to pro- mote Stu"?! measure: as you may dec-m :c-qui- cite for the 'gmwr-a'lgnud am‘l impwvemunt of your necziuu of the Country. I have the hone:- to be. Your chad"! sc*r‘~°"t.. J. C. MGRRISON. M Me McCommak, Don'd Mighton, Jtrsegsh McL’ee, James Mnnnell, Alfred McDonaId, Aleur McCunmicla, Mr 1 F the request of man) of tie 1' Hen-m; s of \uur (mmn. I In: to offer n )selfl s a tam“: ate for )nur sutfram-s a! t} e a} pram-hing e161 tint). ’V' OORE’S RURAL NEW-YORKER, THE-2 1 1 Leading and Largest Circulmed, as it is conculed tn be the Best and Must Useful Ammo CCLT'CRAL, HORTICLLTL'RR..1I, anumr AM) Funny NEWSPAPER (f the Age, will enter upon its TWELFTH VOLUME in January, 1861. CleLnMIS, Tm: Hunt. 13 pronounced, by bah Press and Raw 19, thP best rombznedfmruliw,1.zternry aud Famu’y vewspaper publishulâ€"-â€" and highly es~ cemed by tens of thousands for its independence gnd sterling merit. Tm»: RURAL is a. National, aye, Continental ' immntion ;‘ being taken. read and admired (hronghout the American Union, British Provin- ces, kc, because it seeks to promote the Best In- tmst: and Home Happiness of all classes. Tn: RURAL is an advocate of Industry, Skill, Progress, Improvement, Morality, Education. and whatever tends to advance and ennoble Human- ityâ€"a Journal expressly intended for the Fire. sides of a Progressive Pwple. - No. 8â€"1:: a poiicémam Says ma! a’hho’ you profess to bublish a henna: paper. it‘ is not so. Thinks he has seen considerable aquiming toward:- thp side he is rpposile w. The collector covclnles with “accept my leaignntion, and strike me from the list of agents. 1 have been cane-J a swindler, ras- ca), villan, Hood-sucker. These are some of the names they think pr: per to bestow upon Tm: RI'RAL is 3‘38 most popular .x‘krirulfurm’ and H'rticuc’turrd authority of the day, and Combines such an amount and variety of Reading: fur the Family Circle that it has beetrmc a. favuritc in bo=h Town and Country. me. [tried 'fightinz'aéhile, m d thrasfned some of your patrons like blames, occasionally got licked like thunder myself.” WIHT THE BELL NE . JORKER ls. meanest man Ihave seen yet. Neva: will! go‘gea: big: again_. Tan RURAL is superior in Style, Illustrations, ta- enwloys the best Talent -and is taken by hosts 01 leading Farm rs, Horticulturists, \lechan la, MercLanu, c. .. in Conn 13, Village and City, Egremou’, 11th Feb, Hal. Fa“ “"1393! . Spiiuz “’hval 06th... . . . . . Peas . . . . .. . Barle) ...... Pork ........ Fa]! wheat 1-8! Lush. Spri'xg “ “ 6‘ . Parle)v “ “ “ Oats u u u Pork per cm. “ flour per M») ....... . “'heaf, per {Hr-tin. . - . Oatt ..... Peas ........ 157‘ "-f unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- mack Post Uff'cc, February ‘3, 1861. A B Mt-Ket-hnn A: McCon- HE PUBLIC $.13? 31? 1122-1" 1233’. :UXTY 0F GREY. [From the Daily Lender Advertisements. H TORONTO M .-\ RKETS. CHELPI? :‘JARHETS. [From the II. mid.) U A U T10 N. DURHAM MARKETS. )\ 'nl OF THE TO THE D. D. T. MOORE, Roousnn, NI. ......... $4. 0) to $0. 00 ......... 0.60 “ 0.6 ......... 0.15 ' ".17 ....... 0.30 “ 0.32 C “E REBY (7.417110th Dcnmx, Feb. 21, 1861 meek 'iu'hei‘, P P 313?)“ng McKinu: P, Allan Mchu-lano, Mesol- Muffin, Wm 3102313”! n'. Bernard Md) 1):. w Janus Scott, inhiam SCH”, "29V J $weeny, Timutby Smilr'v, William 800“, \V Suthcm, \" Sholdice,CLnstopher A. B. MCNA B. $1 9 $1 :3 0 b3 “ $0 90 0 53 H 0 56 0 25 “ 0 '27 F01). 19'. 1:35] 4 00 1.06 30 “.75 in U Til £0 ‘.10 In (144?. to 4.50 lo ’ostxuastcr 1.10 0.90 11+ 19‘ "5' 16 Farmers and others visifiug Uwon Sound, are respecziwh imite d to (all, when they can (ah- taiu Grcatvr Harv t,nins. than cm be mudca tauy other place 10 this Gummy . UWU] SUUIH], Jun. 28, 1351. 7 ;.l l N B. «No impnrze'i Wurk. -Every article man- t‘acmred on the premises, and warranted to give satisfiwtiun. ' ARES this Opportunity of informing the in- habx ants of South Grey that he has con- stantly on hand a great variety of (“BANKS BEDSTEA US. “UREA US, SOFAS, ’ SIIH'IBMARIBS, TARLI‘IS, and all kinds uf HOUSEIHHJ? FURNITURE on hand at made to order, of the licst Mall rial, \Vorkmzmship and Design, and selling 011' at the lowest Toronto Pricvs. And all other articles n-quircd in the trade. WINDS R ROCKING CHAIRS, Bureaus, GREAT 3’ EDUJTEOE‘E’S .' OWEN 30mm 3 11A] 1% 12mm) 1‘: >1 "HE far»: with which The Len-fer has been received hy 11w p: Mac may 1)0 judged by 2!; the: l. at Sim-e its comanv-“mem, in July 1552, it has Steadily increased in circa'lntisn unzii. in i-« various Editihns, it h s SEVIIRAL 'anUSASD mnrc sub.~c ibcrs than any other 1m; erin Canada Every mention is being used to make it nmrc and more indispenml‘lc fur eve'y f.mi$y in the Pro- Vince. THE DAILY LERINCR '1’» A- 0. Is }711b§i~h("1 every 1n<‘-rn?n£, in mm: trains,at Sxx DQLLA' 8 gm- ammm, It is a large sheaf. :intl‘ L'unfai S tho- most reliable intelligence that mr. from ever) pan of the World. Walsh) (tall NW :3” [115011 of Blacksmiths, Carpvntvrs, Furmvrs, Builders, and the pub?!" gcnvrazily, in his hinge and WV” assumed stovk Hf iron, Steel Anvils, Vices. Beilaws, Eiand Sledge ”A MMERS, FILES. RA \T’S, NAILS or all kinds, Nah, Rinks, ficruws, Rim-ls, Glass, PAENTR, 332.2, COLORS, SCALES; WEIGHTS, «1-, go... am, \H of whit-h her is {nwpnrrd :‘0 Sr” ‘:' nr bvluw 'l'umnto prices, 3“‘v‘.*i:_{3n addwl Hardware i1: fwan Sound ! 'I‘hu Suim-riiu r’s amok (‘untnins 1s vzried an assortment a~ :m in (‘nnmh “nut, which parties will find to NH 11 advuunwe In svlt Ct fem“. . Nfiflfimm ls pub'ished on Tuesdays and Fri~lay3, at Tum; DnLL-msa )ear, in advance. It cumainsnll the trading matter of the Only Lewis-r; and fur pa 1'- :iss who do not reside near ewmgh to a Pc-SI Uf- ficc m call every flay, thlsmp 1' ml} Sliprly them with all the intelligence they could :cccive from a. Daily. THE WEEKLY LEADER Iq ubiisnet‘ every Friday, and “ THE PATRIOT and the " NEWS OF THE WEEK ” are published every We nesday at the rate of one dollar in ad- vn nce These papers are prin‘ ed on a large Sheet and contain the most important part of the read- ing matter of the Daily Lead". Market. Reptarts are particularly attended to in them. These are the cheapest papers in the. Provinces. One dollar a jeal- is added to each Edition when not. paid in advance. ‘NEHS OF THE WEEK.” The large circulation Of He Leader makes it the very b-st medium at publishing notices of any kind. Rates : for Daily, {plugs-ace a line. fcr first in- genius, and one ponfiy o - ch subsequent insertion, For Weeklies, six pence 1 line for each 3.an Furnixnrc 2 Furniture 2! COIFN’V‘Y 0F GREY FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Owou S. and, Jan. 28, 1861. 0sz Sncxn, December, 7th, 1335. A. R B QW A B E 9 SE‘H-WHZ K Y [.3 \Dr R HAS OPENED THE NEW STORE IN THE STONE BLOCK,- (“URN ICR OF UNION AND SCROPE STREETS. (4‘9\§, 43L. {70.35; éiié :E I, *2 A 1‘) E ii. THE P ATRAOT "’ WITH AN EX TENSIVE STOCK 0F II. I". \V R! fl FIT Bedsieads, T0 ADVERTISERS. £1371") C'Al‘iADiAN EvIARK TS. --A.\'n~-- Which has been purchased in the best, AND Tables, Var IKGEJ rag ‘\â€"/\J ouwmw sotjmng (Burr 000?. TO R. PA'nzksUIs’a Cupboards. ; For the c‘lrlx’ in advance. earliest nu! be ohmined 112-ly (:3 CO 1:! CA 1; IA'E ’I‘ 1. (71: N1 '1' UR E. Pianos. Melodeons, Flutinns, Avcordeons and iuther Musncal Instruments tuned and repaired. 3 t Rasn-ascsâ€"I’uulett SL, near the Market. ! Partivs 'isitmg Hwel Suun will find it in their gadvanmgc to call bcfnre [nu-chafing (Isa-where ‘ livvry :urzivle made on the premises and can be ..o.§ -_.--- - I THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, FEBRUARY 22, 1861. L‘. "F OF LAND CONTAIXIXI'I 5"- AFRKS. L viz}. about thirlv cl '21rod,aml an it .' flaw: The Luz-d E; in gond condiiiun, and “13;. my“- Med, with two Sawmills cluse by; :1 hrist 111133 and Distillvry within two m iles; the Grawled Road from Guelph to Owen Sound passing at the same distance; and within live miles of the Vil- lage «rf Durham. 1%: particulars apply (if by letter. postpald) to 30"" o: nrnn 0mm SOUND, t€("OULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of the Pub EC 0! Durham and vic- imty to their largv and varied stock of Unbmez Farmtnrv, cumpris 11g Bu reaus, Bedsaeads. Sofas. Couches. ( upbonrds, Chairs, ’fi‘abzes 8w. Pianos. Molodeons, Flutinas Accordeons and uther Musncal Instruments tuned and reyaired. I‘ ’ ‘IIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE. the flplinwmg vahmhie prmmrty. viz: Lm .\'n. l, 2an cm: Egremunt, ormminin: 100 :1 cres, 40 m which me cleared, an a comfbrtahie dwelling house therenn. There is also am xcel- uwcmnq nnuse merenn. There is also an xcel- lunt saw-mill an the ahwe farm, with 135 feet ‘ head’ uf water on a n v r-failing strvam, andxs oan fuur miles from. the rising town of Durham. A CLEAR D'fitn own. For parti. ula rs apply to the proprietor 0' pre i5€'S, or if by letter (post-paid) to the tinck, P. 0. TO 3"if“? S-E’BscplflflR OFFERS FDR SALE i 111 No 8 Bruce-31., Durha 11 cmmiaing a half C o nf iaw', we” fmceu , with a conunodi(_1-1s nd c 1: ”table dwel ling house thereon, 21 x 215 fun. 6 nmimu Four Liegaauy Finished Rooms. Bmides a large kitchen 'vttachcd. The alm‘ve is situated In one uf the most dcsim ble lncalitics m Durham Immediate possession. will be given. anda ciear titlf'. TERMS LEBEQA’ . A3443“ ;f by letter, (”e-paid) to the proprietor ' D ROSE, Bentinok P 0 . Durham, 15m Fob , 1830 63â€"“ ,3 3 I 51*) A). D LO FOR SALE. ‘2 .‘V ..... .. “nu - unuo, UI uuelpn, have just received. 40 I) 1302.: E5 of AXES, which they mll sell by the Box 11’s fol'owszâ€" Date’s, all polishea, z) Dolhm per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87§cents. HO RSMAN BROTHERS SPENCER 0: 1 dozen, or byithe single Axe 750cm." Immediately on the openin Horsman Brothers w111 reoelceengmmm addi- tinn to their heavy stock‘ of Hardware, which, they will sell very cheap, as usual. HORSM AN BROTHERS. (managers, Gue’ph H onsmx .BROTIIERS, of Guelph, have 1' 4.3 "‘A‘l Durham, Dec. 12, 1860 53’ Gait Reporter o'c AARON VOLLETT. Egcomnnt, 20 h Aug, 18-30. 90. im Ci 1;,ij wé TERMS BféSONABLE. lat, 18.11 . i [‘6 , S \V IV]! [114 FOR SALE. W. ROUGH. mrs apply (if by letter, postpald) to JOHN MiLLER, flgenf. Bentinck. P 0. :c. 12, 1860. 105-4 Report” o-oyay four ‘insertions and tn H 9 a lv-vo OR SALE. prnm'ietnr 0" (Le «0.9., 104~1y 90-4! Beu- galioh. 7 First quality White Lead, 153 per lb. Best Refined Irma, 17s 6d per lOOlbs, and all other gonds eqally cheap. ._ To civc a list. of Hardware, kert on hand by 1109.531 AX BRO'I‘HERS would fill a flewspat Cr, suffice it to say, that anything required can be lulrchasod of them and their prices warranted to give sa tisfaction. Hardware” and win cmdnue to recenve supplies during the *1:- tt:-:v;t3;s. from the British and Cuminenml are now doing one of the Iargesr Hardware trades in Canada, which is rapidly increasingâ€"thex attribut: the .r astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices of Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brothers, as low, if not lower, than can be had in any town in Canada. ma meta n3: Vessels 'dischai‘ging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hard ware will take place immediately, as the following list of a few articles sold by them will Show :â€" Qut nails in quatttltiesâ€"IO lbs. and upwards-- for any quantity of WOOL delivered at his resi- dence, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Rozd. ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. 62-1, OR WOQL N CLOTH, J. inhabitants of Durham and surrounding cr:1111t13',t th‘ at h'e 1s prenmed to furnish $117: of 11113. :11) 1v auticles 011 sl1o1t n01icr, and of; '31111013'11 \1'01‘11111anship :1 11d quality, as naming except the beat quaiiey nftimb 1' wili be us d. ' HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH Gobd nimghantable lumber or farm produce taken as cash. - MIN"? -.\os.21.\Nl) 22, Q[ BEN STREET. " in the toxxn of Durham, containing ONE «.0133, u 1th a . Avelling nuse thereon. The size is eligible and commanding, a'ud will be sol. on moderate terms. 4 Apply, if by letter [1' ostpaid] to JOHN MOODIE, Land Agent, BenfinckiP O. I-Vf’.‘ ch 01‘ No.54. 2nd COX, UL!) SU-VEY, BEN- J tinck, one mile and a haif from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Sungeen River runs thro' gh il, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There is alsc- considerable‘excol- 1' nt pine timber on me Lot, and a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Dvecl will be given. â€"ALSU,â€" South hulf'of Lot 7. Garafmxa Street, Durham cont-lining 9. 3', acre, with a. comfortable house thereon. Title Indispumhle. Terms Li';ex‘ul)le:Â¥A1)I;-ly (if by letter, post- paid.) to 1 LI; PERSONSIXDEBTED to DB J MOORE 1 are herem req 1es {Pd to take notice, that all notns and book 400 no.3 a, are in my hands fm col 0 (:ti on. E‘riy. attention to the above solicited. JAMES HUN KER. Durham, 3th DOC-”1800. 194-311) {"NE ACRE OF LAND IV THE CENTRE OF K-’ the town of Durham, fronting on three streets-«8 rmls on Garufi':txa~st., sO rods on Ches- ter-Stu, and t? rmls on Queen-st: is Within a few rods of the .\.arket Square. ’1 he. lot is in the high- est state of cultivation, and is planted with a large number of choice fruit trees, which have ocen hearing for several years past. '1 here 13' a. good frame dwelling house thereon, 24, x 32, con- taining 8 rooms, and aworkshop 20 x 39, besides, a never-failing spring of water. ‘ 'I'OWN AN!) PARK LOT FDIR SALE. 3‘ HE Subscriber will pay the high»: in Cash, 1 qr in exchange for Containiuing 4 acres and 10 perches, is in a goon state of cultivation, and only 3 a mile from the above. Rm, 100 acres in-Normanby, “n which is an emellent Mill Site, and only five miles from Durban Terms liberal ‘ fivalear Deeds rill be given fox-fizz abnve. Eifxpli‘vation, (if by lettgr, prepait. 1 with i-efer «we t0 eithe: of the above. to Dec 2, 1859. lifl-R‘SNIAN BRGTH ERS FAR." AND TOVVN lfl'l‘ Durham, 28 June, 1860. Bencinek, 28th May 18:30. April 4, 1860. E‘GW’N HAYES FOR SALE 1973-”? received large additions to their HERSMANBQ()THER,_ ‘ GUNPO‘WDER. Durham, 26th April, 1960. 4 cents {91‘ 1b., Horsman Brothers. ‘W J‘GGOMQ ALSO A PARK LOT, MOT? E C '53. Man ufiu'tory. 13mm IIORSMAN BROTHERS, FLA NNEL West Arran, P. 0. Cu. B'ru'ce. or to the STANDARD Office VO-tf Ironmongers, Guelgfi. G. J. MATTHEWS, A. McFARLANE B. 13. MILLER, Bentinc] Jack P._ O. \fâ€"78 ploug 115. 93’ Mill Picks Made and Sharpened 93" Axes Jumped and Tempered. 53'" Any persnn in need of a szrri'er Wm find it to their avantage to call 0:: him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 1 Rice Lewis, Esq. Thomas Huwnrth, Esq. l James Beatty, Esq. l Wm. IIemhrson,Esq. '1‘. P. R‘sbitl‘ts, Esq. ' Walter Macfarlane,’l§sq )I. Rossin, Esq. ' Secretary «5- 'l'reas,. .Bsnmnn HALDEN, Esq. ‘ Solicitor, .......... ANGUS McmmsoN. Esq. Bunkers. .......... 3ANK UPPER CANADA. ismgamin Switzer, 13:511., Inspector. HE CANADA POWDER COMPANY hereby give notice that HORSMflA BROTHERS, Immmonge: s, Guelph, C. W, will, trom this date supply Country Storekeeper-1, and others with POWDE 1, of all brands. made by us, at the same prices charged at our Miâ€"sll , .hereo by a3\ 1111? the p111c‘11u: we1 the expense of transport- ation to Guelph. , The followihg is a list of our brands, all of which can be had in any quant ty, at HORSMAN BR“THERS, Imnmong'ers, Guelph. chs Blasting C I C B 185 911 per keg of 2511.11. 'JOHN DXCKIE} Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251b3.THOS.D . Av'lS, Kegs “ FF 265 3d “ CHAS GR AY, Kegs “ FFF 283 9d “ - JAMES HOPKINS, and Canister FF 123 6d per (307: §le. 203 pr doz. 11b. H EP E Y “ FFF 135 9d per (101. in ilbs. 213 3d per ‘8 RF ROWS“ ELL (102.1le. I It Was 1110Ved,secomleJ-. 91ml Resolved, “ Duck Shooting 163 3d per (102. in i lbs. T" ‘ members 1ailmg ‘" PHV up {H911 80‘” 263 3d per d0z_ 1113. 111 ription of 0116 120112111111 01 beforeghe fifit 311th “ Patridge 1133 311 per-dot. in gibs. 265 3d (‘11) 0‘ As‘ “'11 “9-“: mail Pd) One (JOHN and per 1107.. in libs. g6 13 ceuzs :0 131111113 them to mgmbexsliip' “ Canadian Rifle 1 3 311 pm doz. i115 lbst‘1ereuf1pr._ 11 2b5 3d ler d07.. in 11133.1 The 1.1 lime resolution; which war unani- l Diamund Grain 213 3d per doz. in ilb s. 3153 3d per doz. in libs. “ Kelly Rifle 23s 9d per doz. in $1113.- 423 Gd per (107.. in 1le. mouslv c awed by 1} 9 meeting, will be seen .011 nllcuion ‘10 be a most reuamiable one; <eeing that all monies pail 10 the County I :easmer hetme the 11st of May 3iel‘ds m-at- 1 thwe lime< the amount 19* reason at the C :3. 1W 1%.. H) 1%.. luvemment grant , as 11 git m1:é [an 3eat,this W EaTERN 111°1er p:. id 9.121113 Dollars by that dale, and , _ , , V , , Lcued 111 lt‘llllll One Hundred and Seventy / I t 1-‘1887l'? a ”J L /()"’”’/)“3"f lt‘. 91111111: and 14123113 tents. All friends of OF ’I‘ORONT()’ C. ‘V. the Avru ultuml 111111113813. and pallwula. 1y of the 9111-2111“ of the 8001143, will please go- . _ g..- vem lhomsehea accoxdinfvlsy. £apital $499,000. 1 ..E LEGATE INCORPORATED, 185.1. Durham, Jan. 14111, 1851. 'Séé-Trel. £13” The Business of this Company confined ex- ('lusively to the Fire Department. Assurances effected against loss 0' damage bv Fire, onall ties eliptions of Buildingsanu‘ thei1 con- tents, on fitvomble tenns, and at rates of premium as low as that uf :1 11y other responsibie 00111311 113'. Prem'dmt : isaac Cdfishzwmfisq. :iead office-«(hunk Sireet, Toronto, With Agencies all over the Province. 5:? Terms of A} )lication, and all 1120653313 in- foxmation to be had on apply mg to SAMUEL E. LEGATE Agent at Durham. Gumfr: 3:11 Hi 21d coma: '111i1 g 00 110185, "1 (f hi1; ’ 1 '9 cleared, fenced, and i: :1 {:and 51:1 e of culti- vaticm, with a good 10g house and douhie 10;: ha 1'11 :11 rum ; also an exceii nt 81 ring of water (011. venicnt to the nifdings, and :1 fine creek running across 1328101.. " he abm'P mayerty is only 1m; miles sunth of Durham, on 1he leading road to me ph and the land bqing of first qua ity, oii'ers :1 must 1 esirabi c Opportunitv for investment. For 1.xz1rtic.u321..s apply (if by lettez, [ire-1.51M) at the STA-SD! 110 Lh‘i’ice, or go the proprietnr, _ JAMES TURNEP. Normanby. “ct. 17, 1860. 97-3 T‘HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES .« the public that he has on handmnd is prepared to make, 2.11 short notice, an} articl in the ubswe h- e. S HE suhscrib r, in consequence of his intended remm'a! tn Eng'zand, ofle S for Sillt‘ the third part f Lutj No. 1, 13: Ounces iun ermanhy, 3W Goldsmith, Sil-m smith, a: (1 Eng .flvex. ' l and Lodge Leals made to order at twelve' flours noxicv. {I39 First door North of J. T. But-charts Con ft-ctionery Shop, Poulett 5L, Owen Sound. Blacksmith and Farrier, Saddler Street, JEWELRY NEATLY REPAH-IED. Orders fmm Duham, whether by mail or othPr- wise, punctually attended to. Charges moderate In the'BES’P STYLE and at Moderate Price - - IS PREPARED TO DO - Hill Work, Horse Shutting, ‘RACTfC AL WATCH AXD CLOCK MAKER‘ Goldsmith, Silversmith, a: d Engraver, c L}. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860. J an. .‘27 1859. Normanby, “at. 1?, 1860. Genm'al Cyapering. Owen Sound, Jan. 28, 1861. E3" Wrought Iron Shares made for any ”ad 0 J. m a Wham; fimgnna magma Opposite the Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER. FARE?! F051 393 ALE. nt : Viceâ€"Prez'n'dem: mafia}. Geo. Marnie, Esq. DIRECTORS: FROM ENGLASD, AND 1C4u6m 11;. ~13? . ‘Em'roa 'S‘rxxn.(fi$;Â¥"Sm.-:a=~"m'Wnual Meetigg of the DW Agdétgtqrglfwiety took piace at the Old. Suhmr «Luise; on Sa- ‘lurduy the 12m Instant ;_ gm the following {offirers “we ehjctetl for the'ctm‘wt year :â€" §JOHN HELLER. . . . . . . :Presideut. HAM ES E. G E- ............ J’ice Bresident. £3. E. LEGA'TE.‘ ....... Sec. 6} 'Y'rcasurer. i - -7 DIRECTOIS' WILLIAM MCGIRR; EZLKLEL ALDRICH, IRCHIBALU PARK, ALEX. J. SMITH 'JOHN glCKlE, mos. M13, CHAS GRAL' JAMES HOPKINS, 1nd HERBE RT ROWSWELL. It Was mowed, secomied. and Resolved, Th l members 1811380 to pay up mt!!! gub- dc riptivn of and doilarun or_ beI9re?he fifteenth (in) u! A. rii Hem, s halt pay One dollar and ‘6 t) cents to anti ‘e them to membershipr .1 r _ ' ‘ AMquh the patriarvh 01"th weekly press (heing‘mw m us.twmnthtrd-.year), [THE (heimr now in Its th’v’Niy‘ThiIl'd'. year), THE NEW YKOR MERCURY’teems with the fire and fig), of )0“ th, as well a: with the wisdom and dignity of mature years. Pre- .~eIItiI Ig :Is It does, the ‘ l reme (la la creme ’ of ‘it matureâ€"enriched “ith the entrancing maeter pieces Oi the Lneatest Iomancers In the W'WIII! tâ€"giit: eriIIg \Iith H: e iniliant wit and humor of the sharpest pens of the time-- iti'llllti altiiV garni~hed with the r1re<tgemn of natiw pOt‘ s)â€"IIIer{iuxx mg m ith “ thoLIghts that breat' I and “Chis that burns ’ from the great It Iiters of its contributorial staff, and homered Iil over the country for it: perfect freedom .Iom amthing oaicu ated to wound or repulse the must sensitive maralist Ior class Of people THE NEW YORK MERCURY FOR THE NEW YEAR. '“heLargestLiter ar3 H eeklyin thbWorld «it has been for-years the ILUXUR‘Y', 1:8: TEAC ER, THE \mszron, M50 1m: WELCLME Why or Hummus (.F THOUSANDS or Au- ERIC AN HUM hS. STAR OF THE PRESS. motto of its columns :3 “ Here shall young Genius wing his eagle flight. Rich dew-drops shaking from his plume. Of “gt .. :a . and during the prevent year (1851) it! grahd, nimnzilylc aim3 of \Hllel‘sâ€"‘ “liuse united < zlmivs exceed the total qt” those paid to the Prvsitlcut and Vite President of the United Stan S- and its [Mi li mt constellation of Mer- 31'} 55m ialtit-z “ill le materially extéxtdfd. Thus, we of the pmprieturs’ new engage- mem.‘ ts that at the. “my. W'wgisll. quizzical, whimsi< :i'. m rll ré’nmvned, and pungent Q. R; PE finance? Doesflcks, P;B. ., \le0 (:01. It: "bt'tvs 2!) THE M ERCURY a side split- ing series (18ml sque Bmzzraphlem Lectures t'I'hc pnh!i.~hers and proprietors of THE NEW YORK MERCURY, have made the Rormmm; Fashion . Anic‘es, . Criticiems O Paintings, Plan s. . 'atne‘s ,..c ., under the 290- eral and >1fl2|lޣ am title. of “ Dn’imsmxs or Dorzsncxs ; or, HARLEQUIN HITS AT Tm: TIMES,” ‘GRE-AT IN MOUTHS up WISESZ‘ CENSURE." 1“. Ike 13163.31 Department, appear the magnificent ila umminus ofthatp tinge of Am- 9m an mtists I MIX 0. C DARL BY. Throughout the mesem )931’, this magnifi- cent ani samuus Journal of American Lit- emtwe will v'mnain giuxious Ra'tfia‘nc'cn, .‘ketches, Stories Pnems, Gems of Harrier, flora! and Donwspig: hssugs. Limicisms. 8;} ., M the m0 t. noied Amerk an and English writ rs, xx ho hing been engaged at vast ex- pense to \\ me tor Tim Mme-UM; 8 may name the foi'oxziug regu1ar contributorial IUTCL‘: ‘ Q. K. PHILANDER DOE 'I‘ICKS, P. 8., ‘IIIIIUR M. GRANGER. JOSEPH BAR- BER. FI1‘..IIX O. C. DARLLY, GEORGE \RNOIHD RFV. R. M. D I’ENS‘, NED BUNTLINE. WM. ROSS IVALLACE, COUSIN MAY CARL-TEION. DR. J. H. ROBINSON. S. R. URBAN. MRS. M. E. ROB NSON. IO II. PA'I‘TEN. REV. R. B. II ELCII. II. EATON. L;E()1I(JE MAR- II..\L II.‘.TI‘I% 'I‘YN-G, R. H. NEWELL. is a bxilgiau: new kh’o'veien'é. entitled. CA'l‘ll‘QL’lflA 3 To snbscribaw {his .regulady mailed every Saturday muming,- for 33 year; than»- pies for 35; six copies tor $9; eight capios for $12, withean extfqgcqpy {reevtorthagatter- up of the club. Six.1\1911gh,s’,sub5griptiom reveived. Ah’vays 'u‘me p1ainLy.lhB.namfi;0f your Post-:Office.‘Co:Iftj', atid" Siatb. ' W'o take we note..- uf ’ an sprig-paying bahké' at par. ‘ Paymebt' ' I ma 'iuwiawyibe made in advance; '- 1 .-.. .. _ , 63' Specimen copies/sent fr‘eq‘figfall hp. Atcamm .- '. , , ‘_ . . [Addresé all let'tergapd {Emit_té§968, msgefiéid to . .cAULD. ELL, Sonmpam‘ . r 'ngTNEY,w , 5 -Prdp%;'éf6+s‘fnftl'14c'5Né3q‘Xé1Ffi‘Mciwry. 46"'?18’maSltfis‘eWfisktm. Omer cciébratcd-“wrimm an” aim' couh’in Tumu- ma king 11le _‘Mz'ngvmta great focus of The opening Chapters” '05 whifih a'ppefl i. Tm: Mancoar for January” 51h, 1861'. Tm: N aw YORK Mzkcvnv is sold by all Neu'supen find pgr‘gdicai de'idem 'irr "Pmierica. :le that is Eutertaiuiug, {ifslrncfiive3 V9511)“ h ‘Nib‘e. .- 0ng fpeci'ai Ne‘w‘ Yégxr’§ ,G2_ft_19 iiiir'maden COUVTIES OF WELLINGTON AND GREY. nym- Mada: 2.1, :859 4 BY DR. J. ‘H‘. ROBINSON. T HE Nzc‘a Es ttNETHE WML= A TAi‘ié‘ 6%:“ihm‘suxa. MOUNT FORES‘, 188:1.-

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