A man named MeHugh was hann'ed a few 1 days ago, in Cincinnati for the murder of his l wife, and the day before the execution hel told Mr. Shockley, an ofï¬cer of the prison, that he had had a presentiment of the murder and his own death on the gallows for thirty years. His remarkable hallucination is re- lated as follows: One day he was ascending a dark stairway to his room. He was sobeil and in good health. Suddenly, it seemed to] him as his right arm had been infused with; a Camsonian strength. Just then he reached; the door, and he was tempted to test the new- ly possessed strength upon it. He gave the door what he supposed was a slight tap, {on he scarcely telt the blow on his knuckles.â€"i The d. or, however, quivered under its force, 'and parts of the plastering on the wall fell down. He looked to his arm to see it it had been increased in size. Just then his head became transï¬xed, and he could move it iwither one way not the other. \Vhile he was in that positi’m, a strange voice spoke terrible words to him. When the voice died away, his head became movable. He looked up and around, but no one was near him.-- Again he ganced at his arm, again his head become transfixed, and again were the ter- rible words snokon. As soon as he regained power to move. he fled to his room, and tried in vain to forget what had passed, but the voice continued to ring in his ears. Often in after years, he heard it. “ 1’†not tell you what the words were,†said he to Mr. Shock- ley, “ for they are to go with me to the grave You know what I have done, and what is my tate. Put the two together and you can con- jecture the nature of the words. Such was the vision that haunted llttS unfortunate man through his whole manhood. Impressed with the idea that fate had decreed that he must kill his wife and die for the crime, he perpe- trated the atrocious deed. and willingly sur- rendered himself to the gallows. Population of the World. The population of the world is increasing, and, rt we give to the term Christian the widest latitude, it is by no means certain that the number of Pagans in the world is not new as great as aw it was. Twenty years ago our highest estimate of the pepnlation of the globe was about 8M),(l00,(}00. It is now admitted by all to be not less than ten,and by those who are the informed, to be at Feast twelve hundred millions. This change of tignres is due in part to a more accr rate knowledge of the geography 0f the world; but there has been a great increase in many onuntries, and no doubt in the aggregate, a decided advance in the papillation of the globe. From the best and latest sonrees ol' mr ~:: aw derive the following estimate: The Presentiment of a Murderer. Christianâ€"â€" é HE undersigned viii-rs tor sale the following i valuab‘e prnyerty belonging to the late An- drew Park, viz; Lot 51, 23ml Concession, South of the Durham Road, lientinck, containing 76 acres, 35 of which are cleare ', fenced, and in a high state of cultivatin. There is a good log house and ham on the premi es“, also '11) excellent Spring of water. This pronerty has a leading mad on two side-s; and is 0 iy 5% miles from t c rising town of Durham. The land is of excellent quality. TERMS LIBERAL. Application to be made to . “1.11111 QT n n |13L" A “'10:! Asia Japan inï¬rm». Muhmmnuhws Flour per 1.111.. . . . "\\ hc1t,p11 b115L1. â€1115-. l’ms ...... 13:1 rivy " “ Pork {01‘ (Wt. . llay, per ton . . . HE PI’BLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONEI) against purchasing or negotiating a note of Hand gr; en by the subsoniber to Charles Vollett, for the sum of Fifty Dollars, drawn in the latter aunt. of October or'tbe ï¬rst of November, 1858, as no value has been given for the same. There is All endorsment. of twelve dollars on said note. THOMAS VOLLETT. 181‘ of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinck Post Ofï¬ce, February 2, 1861. A 3 m ’ McKeehua McCon- Bhek, Caï¬hw‘ ; - mock Bamford, John Mitchell, R P Spring “ Bar 10)" flats “ Pork per cwt. Fa“ wheat 'crmn Campbell, P Connor, U‘y Cook, Peter 2 Conan, John Hamilton, Wu} M Mc McCommak, Dnn'd Mighton, Joseph McGee, James Monnelt, Alfred M; A Menomxd,_ gm" Grier, Math 2 E aim-able Faun 'l o-Let or Sell. ‘ \V S McDonald, A1681 XcComnick; Hr Bentinck, October 17, 186:2. Bgremont, 14th Feb., 1861. :H'il [From the Daily Lmder Feb. ‘2 wheat per bush. . . .81 7 " E“ ‘5' o. ....()85‘ .ac “ c; __._()53l l u u u 0 Q5 ‘ Aciverhisements. Protestants SS.()()",OGU Pupist . . . 130.000.000 (:rwks , .. . 63.nm,0(2() Other seats TJKMJNN) TORONTO MARKETS. DUEIII All MARKETS C A U TI 0 N. ARCIIIBALD PARK, WILLIAM METHER, Executors, Bentinck P. ‘0 H DL’ mn‘ ..., F (:1) Mathews, G McKinnop, Allan McFarlanc, Aleser Mofl'at, Wm McFarlane, Bernard McDonald, James Scott, William Scott, Rev J Sweeny, Timothy Smiley, William Scott, W Suthon, W Sholdiceflhristopher A. B. McNAB, Postmaster. 1 200,000,000 63x1 11.000 265.0LOJ100 1 15,000,000 700,000,000 35,000,000 22,000,000 3~15LCQO£OO 64:00.0(1‘) 1 1.4.()(?(),()i)() 71¢).(zmme) :(i(),(‘u’}(),0(.‘0 ‘6 ‘4 H Sl i3 550 9:) U .5) 0 '27 1861 6 m 7 U0 186]. 97-tf 17 114-6 Hardware in. Owen Smmd Would call the attention of Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Farmers, Builders, and the pa blie generally, to his large and well assorted stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Hand 84 Sledge HAiVIMEllS, FILES, RASPS, NAILS of all kinds, Nuts, Belts, Screws. Egin‘ts, glass, PAINTS, OlLS, (:23: ca: SCALES, â€111011713, lgc. ,. All of whi(l1 he is prepared to sell at w; below Toronto prices, freight added. The Subscriber’s stock contains as varied an assortment as any 1n Canada Wear, whlch parties “'1†ï¬nd to their advantage to select from. W. ROUGH. GREAT REDUCTEONS .’ ‘H-\l {9. BEDSTEADS, BURFAUS, S(')F.-\S, 4" SIQ’I‘IB‘L-ARHS, '1‘;\BLES,:‘.nd all kinds «.1 IIOUSI‘IIIULD F 'RXITURE on hand or madc- tn nrdor, nf the Rest Mat ‘riznl, \Vurkmanslxip and “t'riigll, and soliiug off at the luwcst Toronto Prices. Farmers and others vishiug Owen Sound, are rosyectiwly iuviwd to call, when they can oh- tztin (h‘catvr Bnrgyins, than can be made at any mlzcr place in this County. Uwun Sumul, Jam. 28, 186]. 112-311) " ARES this opportunity of informing the in- hnbn ants of South Grey that he has con‘ stantly on hand a great Van-icky of ' OWEN SOUI‘ED *C H. AI R l‘l\(,"1‘() RH WINDS .' R ROCKING CHAiRS, Bureaus. .l tllllt ï¬g tupboaraw mun-1 AND saw MILL And all other articles required in the trade. FOR SALE N.l§.â€"--.\"u imlmrtc'} work: -Every article man- filCtnX‘Od (in [110 lH'UHIiSCS, and \Vilrriluth to give L (F111;) SIvngCRIP)FI{ OFFFRQ FOR 81L U! â€0 U4 Furnaiiure OWEN Socxn, December, 7th, 1860. ‘IIE favor with which The Leader has been received by the pnhhc may he judged by the fact that since its commencement, in July L52, it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Editions, it has sm'nnAL rnorsaxo more SleSCl ibers than any other paper in (‘anada Every exertion is being used to make it more and more indispensable for every f..mily in the Pro- Vince. THE DAILY LEADER Cabinet Uph 315.1:er Is published every morning, in time for â€10 early } “31‘3â€": trains, at Six DOLLAY‘S per :inmim, in advancel ‘nd 00““ It is a large sheet, and contains the earliest and ' feet. 00‘“ most reliable intelligence that can be obtained " Four from every part of the world. 1 SEMI-WEEKLY LEADER HQ 321:1“. qu'x’a‘l' «a? «may FURNI'I‘URE é'TMPORlUM. 13 published on Tuesdays and Fridays, at THREE DOLLARS a year, in advance. It contains all the reading matter of the Daily Leader; and for par- ties who do not reside near enough to a Post Of- ï¬ce to call every day, this paper Will supply them with all the intelligence they could receive from a. Daily. THE WEEKLY LEADER Ispn blisned every Friday, and “ THE PATRIOT and the “ NEWS OF THE WEEK†are published every We inesday at the rate of one dollar in ad- vance. These papers are printed on a large sheet and contain the most important part of the read- ing matter of the Daily Leader. Market RBpurtS are particularly attenéed to in them. These are the cheapest papers in the Provinces. tisfactinn. Owen S~_-und, Jun. 29, 1861. “bié’dénar‘a 5'ch is added. to each Edition when not paid in advance. kind. The large circulation of The Leader makes it the very b-st meï¬inm of publishing notices 65' any semis-.1, and one .penn3 e-.. ch subsequent insertion, For \\ eeklies, six fence a line for each insertion HAS OPENED THE NEW STORE IN THE STONE BLOCK, CORNER OF UNION AND SCROPE STREETS. --A.\'D“" NEWS OF THE WEEK.†WITH AN EXTENSIVE STOCK é 5'39 J’Riaï¬ THE PATREO'I' " kpgï¬hfln,aï¬ggaflflm ")0! m. - O/ZHE mOCZ T053 L- UlL! {30A L OIL LAMPS! ! 32. ‘3'. “JR“; [IT Bedaivads, TO A D" ERTISERS. AND CANADIAN iVIARK TS. Which has been purchased in the best, (NEXT D002 T0 R. PATEksox’s) OWE‘ scumâ€, J 1‘: 131 D E t g A '1‘ AND Tables , 112-1V‘ H in- THE DURHAM STANDARD, DURHAM, MARCH 1, 1861. O a» IN 9391 N D, 175-7 OULI) R A S‘PIICTFULLY CALL THE ' ‘ attention of the l’ubfic of Durlmm and vic- inity tn their large and varied stuck of Cubmet Furniture, uumprie‘ 11g sL‘cuclms. Cupboards, Chairs, ' ‘abacs 80. I’imms. .h‘lmh-mis, Flzitinas, Avcordcons and other Musical ltzstx'umMIts him-(l and rep: ii‘cd. RESIDRSCEâ€"PHHICU St, near the Market. Pariics visiting: â€WM 801111 i will find it to their advantage In mil lwfurc purvha.»ing (lscwhcrc Evmy article made on the premises and can 13-0 CABINE T FURNITURE. wa rm n 1m, Fcbmar)‘ 15t, 186 SPENCER 35303., ‘ P'f‘ 1 j. with ahmat tl1i1‘tv clc-z11’c1l,:1n1l under fence. The Land is in gum] c111111i1i011,:1111lwell situa- :1tecl, \1itl1 1110 Saw mills Close in , :1 (2 1ist. mill and Distillmv “ithin 1110 miles; the G11 W1111l1‘1l {0:111 110111 Guelph to 011011 80111111 passing at the same distmue: 111111 1-. itl1i11 lixe miles of 1110 \ il- iagc cf D111l1z-1111. I“ or 1":11 ticulms 1111111) (if bv letter, postpaul) to JOHN \IILLER, 231 mum. i 1111] SI 1380111131311 OFFERS FOR SALE 1 lot No. 8 1311100-st.,l)11rl1a1111, containing a half 1‘1010 0f1111111, well fenced with a commodimis 111d comfortable dwelling house theieon, 2111 ‘ feet. containing Four Elegantly Finished Rooms, flgézzt. Bentinck, P 0. Durham, Dec. 12, 1860. 105-4 “â€"7031: Rzr'pmtcr mpx four insertions and send amount. to the above. HE SI'RSCRIBEI’ OFFER RS FOR SALE 1the following \aluable proper“, \iz: Lot No. 211110011.Eg1',cm0nt containing 100 acres, 40 at which are cleared, and a comfortable dwelling house tl1e1e011. There is also an- xcel- lent sun-mill 011 the above ï¬11'n1,\\itl1 13 gfeet ‘l1ead’ of “3101' on a 1111". r-fail'mg stream, andis only four miles from the rising town of Durham. ‘ Besides a large kitchen attached. E1: ahave iss . situntcd'in' one of the most desim My lc‘unflitit-s m Durham Immediate possession ’z will by gh'eu. my! a clear title. . A CLEAR DEED GIVEN. For mrtimlars apply to the proprietor 0:1 the pro ::ises, or if by letter (post-paid) to the Ben- tinck, P. 0. TO AARON VOLLETT. Egrcmont, 20:11 Aug, 1860. ' 90-tf HOUSE AND LO [1 just received. . .‘ 400 BOXES, of AXES, which they “ill sell by the Box as follows :â€" Date’s, all polished, 9 Dollars per . Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe, 87§cents. ' HORSBIAN BROTHERS can recommend these Axes as the bhst to be had Holt Co’s Axes 8 Dollars 50 cents per Box of 1 dozen, or by the single Axe. 750ents.’ Immediately on the Opening of Navigation Horsman Brothers will receice an immense addi- tinn to their heavy stock of Hardware, which they will sell vex-3 Gheap, as usual. 11n“6\l A ‘T ‘nnnmnrna FOR S A LE. LOT OF LAND C(‘IN'I‘AIXING so ACRES, TERMS LIBERA‘ . Apply, if by letter, (pm-paid) to the proprietor D. ROSE, Bentinck P.0 . Durham- 15th Fcb.. 1850. 63â€"1.). Durham, 15th Fob., 1860. Bedsieads, :i(:§:s DI.“ ORSMAN BROTHERS, of Guelph, have T0 CHOPPERS. TERMS REASONABLE. H‘ORsM'AN BROTHERS, Ironmongers, Guelph 2833 104--Iy 11 l ! AV E just leccived large additions to their S ock of - Haidware†and will'continue to receive supplies during the winter months. from the British. and Continental markets, by Vessels discharging at Portland, thence by Grand Trunk Railway to Guelph. are now doing one of the la rgesm Hardware trades in Canada, which israpidly increasingâ€"they attribute thei‘ astonishing success in business, to their having brought down the prices 0 Hardware in Guelph. Now Hardware can be purchased of Horsman Brother-s, as low, if not lower, than can be had in any town in Canada. i_\' would draw attention to the fact, that a further reduction in the price of Hardware will take place immediately, as the following list of a. few articles sold by them will show :â€" Cut nails in quantitiesâ€"10 lbs. and upwards--- 4 cents per lb. Wrought‘nuils, 10 cents per lb. A xes (warranted) $1 each. Glass 77. 9 and 8 >410, 113 3d per box. Glass 10 v. 12, 12s per box, 10 >4 14, lils Gd A 11-- -1---_ \-I|\.-~ -. ' -â€", â€"â€"â€" râ€"â€" I ¢ per Box, and other sizes proportionally cheap. Putty, 3d per lb. Shot, 10 cents per 11). Smoothing Irons, 6 cents per lb. Barn Door Hinges, 4d per lb. Paint Oil, (raw) $1 per gallon. Paint Oil, (boiled) 1 dollar and 10 cents per gallon. First quality White Lead, 155 per lb. Best lit-lined Iron, 17s Gd per 1001bs., and all other goods eqally cheap. ~ To give it list of Hardware, kept on hand by HORSMAN BROTHERS would ï¬ll a newspaper, sufï¬ce it to say, that anything required can be purchased of them and their prices warranted to give sutistitcticn. lIORSMAN BROTHERS, Ironmongers, Guelph. mo '2. 1959- tfâ€"55 I * : . -\.L\T’~."12:H'.f,fC for "5‘ NE Salmcriher will pay the highzst in Cash, for any quantity ot'VVOOL delivered at his resi- deuce, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Hï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬‚iN BROTHERS (Old. SLL ’IGH AND PLOUGH HORSMAN BROTHER,‘ Dec. 2, 1859. . ‘1]1'3 PROI’RIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE . inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country that he is prepared to furnish any of the nimv..- articles on short notice, and of superior \rmnnnmr-ship and quality, as nothing except the best. quality oftimbvr wiii be us; (1. e at.-.“ “uni-I‘l‘nn “ " l“"""~' _ ‘mnd merchantublc lumber or taken :13 cash. in the town of Durham, containing ONE IRE, with :1. dwelling house thereon. The 'site is eligible and commanding, and will be sol : on moderate terms. Apply, if by letter [[ ostpaid] to JOHN MOODIE, 'Land Agent, Bentinck,P. O. BEING N03. 31 AND 2'2, QUEEN STREET, \( Q“- .-\.\'DREW LIVINGSTON, 3cntiuck, 8th Feb., 1800. GZâ€"Iy 1' OT No.54, 2nd COX, OLD SURVEY, BEN- -J tinck, one mile and a half from the town of Durham, containing 100 acres of good land, twenty of which are cleared and fenced. The Saugâ€"een River runs through it, forming an excel- lent mill-site. There is also considerable excel- lent pine timber on tne Lot, and a great quantity in the vicinity. A clear Deed will be given. â€"-ALSO,â€" South half of Lot 7, Garafraxa Street, Durham containing a 7', acre, with a comfortable house thereon.- 'l‘itle Indisnutable. .-n Q g .- m'lerms Li‘:;erab1e::-â€"APP1Y (if by letter, POSt. paid.) 10- B. B. MILLER, West Arra n, P. 0. Co. Bruce. or to the STANDARD Ofï¬ce A LL PERSONS INDEBTED to DR. J. MOORE 1.1 are hereby requested to take notice, that all notes and book accounts, are in my hands for cokecï¬on. E .1 rly attention to the above solicited. , JAMES HUNTER. Durham, '28 June, 18%} TOWN AND PARK LOT ’l‘iï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬â€™N Lii'E‘S FQB SEALED --V"“ vâ€" i-) the town of Durham, fronting on three streeés-«f-s ims on Garafmxa-st., s0 rods on Ches- ter-313., and if rods on Queen-Sn; is within a. few rods of the .‘ï¬arket Square. 'lhe lot is in the high- est state of cultivation, and is planted with a. large number of choice fruit trees, which have been hearing for several years past. There is a. good frame dwelling house thereon, 24 x 32, con- taining 8 rooms, and aworkshop 20 x 30, besides, a never-failing spring of water. Horsman Brothers, Containining 4 acres and 10 perches, is in a goon state of cultivation, and only § 9. mile from the above. Also, 100 acres in Normanhy, nn which is an excellent Mill Site, and only miles from Durham- Terms liberal {If-f Clear Deeds ï¬ll _be_given fox-.2119 above. 3c11u'u ck; 28th May 1 860. U’lbub uvvw , Application, (if lip-léitgr, prepaid) with refer once to either of the above. to . ' ' ~ ’ G. J .' MATTHEWS, Bentinck P. O. #â€" ï¬ns-ham “th Ant“. 1960. 73'tf " ARM AND T0‘VN LOT April. 4, 1880. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860, 'ï¬r‘ï¬if xfl. G @035’9 FOR SALE. NB ACRE OF LAND IN THE .CENTRE OF Durham, 26th April, 1960. IDIOT-THEE. ALSO A PARK _LO_TA, 53 a a! as ï¬u'tm'y. E‘LANNEL I] 1\.}ILF;\RLAN E. 82â€"1)’. '11 rm and only ï¬ie produce \fâ€"78 194-301 T HE CANADA" POWDER COMPANY hereby give notice that .HQRSM/YN BROTHERS, 11 0112710113923, Guelph, C. WC, will, from this date supply Country Storekeepers, and others with POWDE l,‘ of all brands, made by us, at the same prices charged at our Mills, there- by saving the purchaser the expense of ,transportâ€" ation to Guelph. The following‘is. a. $102 our brands, allgf Which can be had in aiiy . vntity, at HORSAIXN BROTHERS, .. Ironmongers, Guelph. Kegs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per keg of 251bs. Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251bs. Keys “. FF 268 3d “ Kegs Blasting C I C B 183 9d per Keg or 243108. Kegs Sporting F 213 3d keg if 251bs. Kegs “. EF 265 3d “ Kegs “ , .FFF 2-85 9d “ , , Canister FF 123 Gd per doz élbs. 208 pr doz. 11b. “ FFF 13s 9d per doz. in élbs. 213 3d per doz. libs. ‘ “ DuclgShoqting 165 3d per daz. in 2. lbs. 2:33 3d per doz. llbs. ' ‘ . . . .u An n‘ Capital . life†The Business of this Company conï¬ned ex- e'lusivel) to the Fire Depa1t1neut. Assurances effected against loss or damage by Fire, 011 all desc1iptions of Buildings and tl1ei1 con- tents, on fax orable terms, and at rates of premium as low as that of any other lesponsible Company. 53’ Terms of Application, and all neeessa13 in- .formation to be had on apply mg to President : Viceâ€"President: Isaac C.Gilmor,Esq. Geo. Mickie, Esq. D l R ECTO RS: Rice Lewis, Esq. James Bea/(1y, E‘sq. 4831;714:3316 Lamp: gag; OF TORONTO, C. \V. 'I‘. P. Robart's', Esq. Walter Ma ciarlane,h.‘-sq. M. Rossin, Esq. Secretary (3- '1 â€was. .BERNARD HALDEN, Esq. Solicitor, .......... ANGUS MORRISON, Esq. Bankers, ........... BANK UPPER CANADA. Bengamin Switzer, Esq., Inspector. Head Mice-"Church Street, Toronto, With Agencies all over the Province. HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES . the public that he has on hand, and is prepared to make, (It short notice, any articl') in the above 1114:. ’v . c ' ‘111‘4 auuau nu .1, nu euugvuucuvv v- _--_ ___-__ J. 'emoval to England, oï¬â€˜e. s for Sale the third part « f Lot No. l, lst Concession Normanby, Garafraxa Road, containing 50 acres, 30 of which i are cleared, fenced, and in a good state of c,nlti-‘ ration, with a good 10g house and double log barn tln reou ; also an excellint spring of water con- venient to the l. uildings, and a ï¬ne creek running across the lot. The above property is only two miles south of Durham, on the leading road to t-:118‘ph,:tnd the land being of ï¬rst quality, oifers a most desirable opportunity for investment. For particulars apply (if by letter, pre-paid) at the STANDARD Ofï¬ce, or to the proprietor, J AMES TURNER. IIE subscribwr, in consequence of his intended 'omoval to England, oï¬â€˜e. s for Sale the third (C (K GUNPO‘VDER. u Jan. 27 1859. u ’ Durham, 0 th Dec., 1860. I, Guldsmith, Silversmith, and Eng1aver. Club and Lodge Seals made to 01 der atc twelve hours notice. 7 . General Caopcring. RACTfC AL WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER‘ Goldsmith, Silversmith, and Engraver. _Clu}3 LIV t'lvw 0 $13†First door North of J. T. Butcha'rt’s Con- fectionery Shop, Poulett St, Owen Sound. JEWELRY NEATLY REPAIRED. Orders from Duzham, Whetly Wise, punctually attended to. :Owen Sound, Jan. 28, 1861; Normanby, (lot. 17, 1860. Blacksmith IS PREPARED TO DO . Mill Work, liarsc Shoeing, AND In I the £13†Wrought Iron Shares made for any kind 0 ploughs. _ ’_ . . -‘ _ __ if? Mill Picks Made and 8113?de 53"Axes Jumped 'and Témpered. ‘ ~ it? ‘Any person in need ‘Of a Farti’erâ€"will ï¬nd it to their avantage to call 0:: him. Durham; Nov. 25, 1858. 1 â€"‘-v v- .. .. w‘) I’atridgc 163 3d per doz. in éibé. 265 ad per doz. in llbs. '_ ‘ . Canadian Rifle 165 3d per doz. ing lbs, 2153 3d 1 er doz. in llbs. Diambnd Grain 213 3d per doz. in %1bs. 368 3d per doz. in 11133. _ Kelly Rifle 233 9d per doz. in 5135.â€" 423 6d per doz. in llbs. SAMUEL E. LEGATE Agent at Durham. Opposite thg NCORPOPATED, 185]. FARR! FOR SALE. BEST STYLE andat Moderate Prize WESTERN W'ICKQ Saddler Street, FROM ENGLAND, 1: ham, whether by mail or otherâ€" attended to. Charges moderate IO Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER. Thomas Haworth, Esq. Wm. Henderson, Esq. Walter Ma cfarlane,Esq. $400,060. Farrier, 104--Gm 112-1y Em'ron SPANDARD, Sm: - The Annual Meeting of the Durham Agticultural Society took place at the Old School House, on Sa- turday the 12.1h 1115mm; w hen the followmg ofï¬cers vs ere elected for the current year:â€" JOHN MILLER ................ Pres'ï¬ent. JAMES EDGE ............ Vice President. 8. E. LEGATE. ....... Sec. 4' Treasurer. oInECTons: WILLIAM Meal-RE, EZEKIEL ALDRICH,‘ ARCHIBALD PARK, ALEX. J. SMITH, JOHN DICKIE, THOS. DAVIS, CHAS, GRAY, . JAMES HOPKINS, amt, _ HERBERT ROWSWELL. . It was moved, seconded, and Reselved,' That members failing to pay up their sub- dcription of one d'oll'aron 91' before the ï¬fteenth day of April next; shall pay one gotlar tutti ï¬fty cents to entitle them to membership thereafter. ; ,The above resolution, which was unani- mously carried by the meeting, will be seen “on reflection to be a most reasonable one ; seeing that all monies paid to the County Treasurer before the ï¬rst of May yields near- :ly three times the amount by reason of the Government grant ; as 1r-stance last year, this society paid Seventy Dollars by that date! arid “received in return One Hundred and'Seventy me Dollars and eighty cents. . All frientl-s‘of 'of the Agricultural interests, and partiCulaily of the success of the societyâ€, will please gb vern themselves accordingly. ‘ S. E. LEGATE: Durham. Jan. 14th. 1861. Sec-Tree. STAR OF THE PRESS.’ 186:1.†THE NEW YORK MERCURY FOR THE NEW YEAR. TheLarg esiLiicl an 3- W eekly' m theWorld Although the patriarch of the weekly press (being now in its ttvettt)'-third"5!ear), THE NEW YORK MERCURY teems with the ï¬re and vigor of youth, as, well as with the wisdom and dignity of mature years. Pre- senting as it does, the ‘ cre-me'de la creme ’ of literatureâ€"enriched with the entrancing» master-pieces of the greatest romancers in the worldâ€"glittering with the brilliant wit and humor of the sharpest pens of the timeâ€"s ' abundantly garnished with the rarest gems of‘ : native poesyâ€"overflowiug with “ thoughts that breath and words that burns †from the great writers of its contributorial staff, and honored all over the country for its perfect freedom from anything calcu'ated to wound or repulse the most sensitive moralist‘ or class of people ‘GREAT IN MOUTHS OF WISEST CENSURE.†--it has been for years the LUXURY} Tâ€"HE TEACRER, THE MONITOR, AND THE WELCCME GUEST 0F HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS 01" AM- ERIC AN HOM ES . The publishers and pmprietors of THE NEW YORK MERCURY, have made the motto of its columns : “Here {shall young Genius \\ mg his eagle, light†' _ and during the present year (1861) flagrant-i, inimitable army of writersâ€"‘ whose united salaries exceed the total of those paid to the President and Vice-President .of the United Statesâ€"and its brillimt constellation of later- ary specialties will be materially extended. Thus, one of the proprietors’ new engage- ments is that of the witty, waggish, quizzical, whimsical, world renowned, and -. pungent - Durham, Jan. 14th, 1861. flight Rich dew-drops shaking fnom his plumgs 9f. Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P.B., who contributes to THE MERCURYï¬ï¬dg-splil- ing series of Burlesque Biographies, Lemmas Sermons, Fashion Articles, Criticisms o Paintings, Plays, Statues, 810., under the gen- eral and signiï¬cant title of “ DIVERSIOM 6r Domsncxs ; or, HARLEQUIN ' Hu‘s AT THE‘ TIMES, . _ _ - __ ‘ {L‘L‘ "In the Piclmial Department appearstha magniï¬cent illusnations of that prince of Am- eiioan aitists FEIIX O. C. DARLEY. Throughout the present year, this magnify. cent and famous Journal of American- Lit-a erature will contain glorious‘ Romances, Sketches, Stories, Poems,__Gem's‘ of Human}; Moral and Domestic Essays, Criticisms, he“; by the mest ‘ noted American and English writers, who have been engaged at vast e», pense to write for THE MERCURY. -'.We’mayf name the following regular contributorial’ force : Ivnvv Q. K. PHILANDER DOESTICKS, P.;B.;,- ARTHUR M. GRANGER, JOSEPH BARâ€"r BER, FELIX O. C. DARLEY, GEORGE ARNOLD, REV. R. M. DEVENS, NED: BUNTLINE, WM. ROSS WALLACE-y COUSIN MAY CARLETON, DR. J. H. ROBINSON, S. R. URBAN. MRS. M. E. ROBINSON, J. H. PATTEN, REV. R. B. WELCH, W. O. EATON. GEORGE MAR- TIAL, HATTIE TYNG, R. H.'-NEWELL.~ Other celebrated writers will also contri- bmeâ€"making the MERCURYa great focué‘iâ€"‘of at] that is Entertaining, Instructive',‘Witly' 8!. Wise. ' - ' Our special Néw Year’s Gift 'to our‘reades is a brilliant new novelette, émiiled' ’ TH ibpening Chapters 51' which appéarin THE MERCURY for January.51b,,1861_. ' f . Tm; N EW YORK Mm??? isrsqldjby.’ 31} Newsmen and periodical ï¬llers 1n; Amencag. TO subscribers. it 16 reps-«1y. malletzlf’g‘ygrx Saturday murnmg, {0y a year} three??? ies for $5 ;. six coplex} or $9;‘;§1gh_t CW? For $12, with: 3.11 exï¬apgpy 928319 Eh? $3 3313: .: .__4_-_- p‘s {Ci Add: .p-‘ MOUNT Pena!“ I. to B Y 5.555:sz (My: _ ow. ‘ ._.Im 261m .2 41m Sm! rum», COUNTIES 0F WELLINGmx AND GREY. Mount Forest, July 21, 1839 ' ‘ o†CAULDWELL SOUTHWORTH‘ 3: - WHITNEY ~ Proprvetors of the New YorkMercury 46 8:. 48 Ann 8%, New Yank 0m. TALE 0F Lovisumgv 0 DR. J. H. ROBINSON, .soldigbx' all 35