0t: seng‘gccord ing to yggljï¬irections, by m: express, pqstgaid. Addresis, .-..-.-..4~ï¬AN'L' s. DARLING, as, - â€I r . -' 102 Nissan St- New York rattan-“ct. athoach. minim, if you .need either or both ofthese most excellent Remedies, inquire for '1 them at the stores; if you do not ï¬nd their, take no other bu} inclose One Dollar in a Ietter. and on a re: cexpt, at the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be sent according to your direction. x. .....n' meets the general wants of the elswhe; djsordered.†D. Wosterveh, Esq, of South 5th, near 8th Street; Williamsburg, L. 1., writes: “Angust5 mewâ€"Having been troubled with a diï¬cultv is: the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks, I .was advised by a friend to try and was entirely cured since.†'thrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Strec writes: ‘ Feb. 20 1860.-â€"-I have been s attack: of Asthma. the last twenty years. never fo’und anything equal to I passed clotted blood by now entirely cured, and take mending these remedies.†It Broke up my cold and fever at once. to this attack, I had been troubled with several months; I It Previous dyspepsia ave felt nothing of it since.†Dtis Studley, qu. 128 East 28th street, N. Y., writes: “ August 14, 1860.-â€"I had a. difficulty with Kidney Complaint three years, with con- stant pain in the smal of my back. I had used most all of kin-.33 of medicine, but found no per- manent relief until I used DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR Darin] 8 SL 3' “81‘ Re FA MIL Y MEDICINE. Hon. John A. Cross, writes, “ Brooklyn, March .15, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fever. I tookamo doses of And now consider myself entirely cured.†Is a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, iregularities, pains in the side and bowels, Mini}, protruding and bleeding piles, and general debility. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: Jas. L. qumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New York, writ-es, August 38. 1860; “I have been afflic ed with pxles, accomparied with bleed- ing, the last three years; I used azvga 33 fliï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ 7‘ FAMILY .fuch betters than pills: lemoves the morbids and billions deposits from the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver m3 kidneys, removing every instruction, restores a zigtnral and healthy action in the vital organs.â€" It. is a superior Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all 1),]- lious disorders of the human system. They regu. late and vigomte the liver and kidneys; they give tune to the digestive organs; they regulate the secretions, excretxons and exhalatlo-‘s, equal- Quebec, 315! October, 1861. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT those lots in the township of Proton, in â€ma County of Grey, U. 0.; remaining unoc- cupied and unimproved, the purchase of which shall not be completed within three months from the date hereof, will be resumed and again offered at public sale. Occupants of lots thus: furnish evidence of their improvefnentsto the Agent of the De- partment at Durham. ' â€1‘50?er Royal correspondent of the N. Y. Herald Says that the steamer Peerless, ol the naval expedition, whtch was wrecked in the gale, Was the boat of that name so well known to our citizens, as having plied between Lew- tston and this city. That is $52,000 gone 3-â€" Leader. ' AgEuc {xx B911L2.~â€"To accomplish this Lseemmgly xqcremble‘act requires the follow- ing pregarapon: You must take an 6,9,0 and . D 44.5†-I. -â€"-. u-.. DARLING, wwvv Vâ€: â€"--u seek it in vinegar, and in process of time its shell will become quite soft, 30 that it may be extended lengthwise Without breaking; then insert it into the neck of a small bottle, and on routing cold water upon it, it will assume its onuer ï¬gure and hardness. This is really a curiosity, and baffles these whe are not in he secret to ï¬nd out how it is accomplished. Yawnâ€"~39}! 09:? pound of flour, gaging- of Eiféï¬TiRIEF browr’: sugar and a Bittle salt in twdggllona of water {or one hugr. When rpm: warm bottle and cork it cLose. It will M ready for use in twenty four hours. Darling’s Liver Darling’s iMIB ékéa; CROW’N LANDS. ~ ~1~152Lou _- LIFE BiTTERS LIFE BITTERS, DEPARTMENT MILY MEDICINE, DARLING’S DARLING’S '. VANKQUGHNET, AND Chgitatophor Street, N. AND I have had no attack AND o- ulator. egulator, It is a thorough Commissisner. 152-6 I, we nge them . AND William McMaster, Esq., W P. Rowland, Esq, M.P.P.,‘ George M10116, Esq, ’ Ale: Lawrence H: yd :n, Esq., Jas. _ A. T. Fulton John Lays, FIq., ’ Esq, n‘__‘_- _ 7.... _â€"-â€"’\-.« ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR ANY TERM NOT EXCEEDING TEN YEARS. MANBY, 50 acres AGENT FOR The Canada Landed Credit Company. BENTINCK POST OFFICE, DURHAM, COUNTY OF {3RD PART OF LOT No. 6, 1:. t CON. NOR e Mum, 50 acres, 16 cleared. with a m"? v- v â€"", Canveyancer,Com.missioner in Queen’s Bench and Commzssion General Agmt. ALB X. B. McNAB POSTMASTER, (1.....A- ___ _ _ In Durham, Hanover, Walkerton, Mount Forest. Owen Sound, and other rising localities, many 0. such being admirably adapted for mechanical purposes and Privateer-Residences, application,if by letter (pro-paid) will receive strictattention. ALEX. B. McNAB, General Agent. ‘ Durham, May 1, 1861. 125-132 g Improved and wild, situated in the Townships of Holland, Sullivan, Proton, Artemesia, Gara from c., c., at low prices and on liberal term of payment. THE FREEHOLD Durham, 16th May, 1861, Durham, Dec. 2, 1858‘ ALEXANDER DAVIDSON; Inspector. INSURANCE ON LIBERAL TERMQ~ PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS WITHOUT REFERENCES TO ENGLAND. 3:}- No Charge for Policies. FRANCIS H. HEWARD, A113" A \Yhnh f\ A irrnnn‘v CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling ROYAL INSURAN CE BUILDINGS IV£RP@@E' AND LOMBARD Sql‘REET ruv .. â€um“, uuu um um: approved at. For form of application or other infrrmation, apply to A. R. ROCHE, Manager, Wellington Street, near John Street, Toro‘nto, or to. ALEX. B. McNAB, ’ VALUATOR, Durham. Durham, 00., Grey, lst May, 1861. 125-ly. nun: H) mm“? advances at the above rate of Inter- est, for periods of ï¬ve years, upon Improved Farms. The money can be obtained as soon as the pro- perty is valued, and the titie approved of. DA- rAâ€"â€"- â€" p ‘. INSURANCE COMPANY FIRE AND LIFE. The subscriber is prepared to offer for sale THE Durham, May I, 1861. LOAN S AT 8 PER CT. MONEY LEN T DURHAM, (622823.52: QEEREEQ Bentinck Post (mice, may. Messrs. Baron, 513510123108 8: 00., Toronto, “ Baowx, GILLESPIE 00., Hamilton. “ Tnousos Bums, Toronto. Roam-r Punason, Esq., Owen Sound. Durham 86h Aug., 1861. ’FARM FOR SALE. MONEY TO LEND i‘ . CANADA AGENCY ASSOCIATION, or Loxnos, (ENGLAND) AVING effected loans to the extent of, $190009ooog ALSO TOWN AND PARK LOTS. London: DIRECTORS You Want Money? Fill!†LO'I‘S, FARMERS REFERENCES ROYAL not. TORONTO. ALEX. n. McNAB, _.B. MCNAB MORTGAGES. Apply to ALEX. B. McNAB. COUNTY GRI Y. I. O 659 Manager. Agelit. l 25-1y. 1 7 125-1y 1394f ° . '51.: ALA? m mamu PREPARED FROM .1. full and complete surveys of the entire Pro- vince, and will show Upper Canada with far- greater minuteness of detail than any work of the kind heretofore attempted. The Map will be, drawn on the scale of six miles to the inch, and ‘ will show each County divided into Townships and in each Township the Concession and Lots will be shown, with‘ their respective numbers-â€" ,All Roads will be shown, and those which are 5 travelled will be designated from surveys!) roads which are not opened. Particular attention Will be given to main, gravel, plank, macadamised roads. The location of all Towns and Villages will be shown, and those which have Post-ofï¬ces will be designated, than those which haV'e not. All the Rivers, Lakes and :Hills will be shown, with the general topography of the country. The" rations mums Linesjwill be a prominentefeas . >tnre o“ the Map, and each Depot and Station will be carefullx shown: Prominencewill be given to the prineial -Qitieg- “Mom by “Enlarged . we" etesalï¬ethe mesh? eitheflerz; .2 : HIS MAP IS BEING PREPARED full and comnletp mlrvnva nf 4!... -...A ABE ABOUT T0 PUBLISH A LARGE. CANADA WEST NE‘VCOPPERPLATEMA OF ' d surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of timber will be uscd. Good merchantable lumber or farm produce taken as cash. '0 SLEIGH, AND PLQUG -__--_J Vv IIIIIIII Ul“l. 5'3- Dr. L’s' Ofï¬ce is still located as establish-MI under the same of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y Durham, 28 June, 1860. 53" Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning .9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 to 5, 1’. u. Medicines with full d‘rections sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patient com- municating their systems by letter. Busines cor resnondence strictly conï¬dential. A“ J1 Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay-â€" .0 solemn warning Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male a-ndfemale,] of this fatal habit ; dointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and develoPing the whole progress of the visease,from the commencement to the end. ,‘ _ ï¬ll ‘ - Tue " ELxcrmc GALV’ANIC Pnorecrxve.â€â€"-For married ladies whose heaith will not admit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe pre- ventive to conception, and has been extensively used during the last 20 years. Price reduced to $10. The Secrets of Youth Unveiled. Itwéiz be Qeï¬tviguï¬givz rc_ 1810mm. beneï¬t of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS , REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce [into our practice, and the public may rest as- ; sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY and attention being- paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished heretofore, as a Physi- cian in ourPECULlARdepartment of profession- al Practice, for the past twenty-ï¬ve years. szxcn Fauna Pittsâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efï¬cacy r‘f which has been tested in thousands of cases, and Speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DcLancy’s Female Periodical Pills. accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any. part of the United States or Canada. TO THE LADIESâ€"“7m need a conï¬dential medical adviser with rega ' esting complaints to which their'delicate orga- ° ' iable, are particularly in- 33, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author’s NEW PARIS AVD LOKT D(_)_N TREATMENT. 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.- Price only 'rwnxrr-mvs CEXTS. .» Sent free- of postage to all parts of the Union. On the in- firmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the ' ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal- pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginings, invol- untary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and lzissitude, with ~confessi0m of thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, a Ca!- scion: of hinting hazardcd the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is en- litled. PRIVATE DIEDICA ON THE A SPAN 0F 299 a light Bi)’ color Tbeze came into the enclosure (Lot 2 Garifmxa Road Normanly) of the subscriber 118$ Sunday morning, the 27th inst.. N omanby, 29th Octo‘. er. {G THE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS ourselves of the knowledge and research- most ski!led Physicians and Sufgeons In 1nd the Continent. Those who place es under our care w-il! now have the full DURHAM STANDARD Manufactory. WRMW} AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.- :NTY-FIVE cnxrs. .Sent free‘ of parts of the Union. On the in- ,th and maturity, disclosing the bomb sexes of all ages, causing Rn9§§ dn'tmfl:nâ€" -L 7 0 ~. YOUNG HORSES :, FULL AND COMPLETE J A MES ALL A N. r, 1861. 1503 rcuipt of two [3] of MARRIAGE. THEATER l47-ly _ - ""J ....... 6 J“ in this respectâ€"though any improvement is hardly possibly But THE POST also aims to instruct; it cotitains weekly AN AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT, CHOICE RECEIPTS DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN NEW-S TIIE MARKETS AND BANK~NOTE LIST LETTER FROM PARIS, . MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION, 61c. But to see exactly what. THE POST 13, Write for ‘A SADIPLE NUMBER, which â€Dill be ....... BEST, but the CHEJPE Sr OF THE Splendid Premiim‘s 'to_ Subseribers: 2 DUB ENGRéviNG‘ 15121251105194 MAG-4 THE BEST: )WRlTERSj,‘ w. will alwaygbe fou'nd in‘ THE, POST. .,.Ou.1"Sto- ties for the last yes 1- have b‘eeï¬ géï¬efitllfr a6? knowledged to-be of the most interesting charac- ter; and we design not to allow any falling off- in this respectâ€"many}: ' mm? {mmmmmmr :-_ no long array of promises. They may state that they design ina’k’mg f'I‘HE P1 ’the future, ï¬vhat it. has been for the†past, : itory alike of delightful amusement and entertaining instruction, interesting Stor: choice Sketches b5; IN laying their Prospectus again" before public, the Proprietors of jhe “ OLDEST A BEST OF THE EVEEKLIES’? need enter 1 Splendid Sioriérs; son‘d mmFma. tlon, Instruclive Sketches. ADVERTISE IN THE VSIMNDJRD, Another 8; More Spléndid Engraving. TWO LARGE AND VALUABLE WORKS PREMIUMS! HZ? Wrought Iron Shares made for any Mad 0 ploughs. 53’ Mill Picks Made and Sharpened £13" Axes Jumped and Tempered. £13†Any person in need of a F arrierwill ï¬nd it to their avantnge to call 0‘1 him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. l T n E Saturday Evening Post. In the 3 DURHAM, NOVEMBER 22,1861 of IS PREPARED TO DO ~ Hill \Vork, Home Shaving AND A-“mumlg Blacksmith and Farrier, Saddler Street, The large ci culation of lee Leader makes it. 1111: very best medium of publishing notices of any kind. Rates. ' for Daily,ufo11r pence a line, for ï¬rst 1n- ser1i311,and one penny each subsequent insertion, the Weeklies, six pence a. line for each 111801 non _ 1"] --- -.- anILIVLQo One doliar a. 3 car is added to each Edition 11 hen not paid 111 advance. Is publisned every Friday, and “ THE PATRIOT, and the “ NEWS OF THE WEEK †are published every We Lnesday- at. themte of one dollar in ad- vance. These papers are printed on a l? *ge shoot and contain the most important part of the read- ing matter of the Daily' Leader. "Market Rapurts am particularly attended to in them. These are theï¬ cheopest papers in†the Provinces. ls published mi’l'uesdafs and Fridays, at'Tmzm-s DOLLARSR year, in advance. It contains all the reading matter of the Daily Leader ; "and for par- neswho do not reside near enough to a; Post Uf- lice to call every day, this paper wxll supply them “ith all'the intelligence they could receive from a Daily. . - 13 published every morning, in time for the early trains, at SIX Donuts per annum, in advance. It is a large sheet, and contains the earliest and most reliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part of the world. THE favor with WhiCh The Leader has been received by the pubhc may be judged by the fact that since its commencement, in ‘July 1852, it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Edit-ions, it has SEYRRAL THOUSAND more subscribers than any other paper in Canada Every exertion is being used to make it more and more indispensable forevery feunily in the Pro- Vince. THE DAILY LEADER T H E LEADE R, “ NEWS OF ~THE i'WE‘EK." See froâ€"m the Prospectus in the Subscription Buck, that it is TACKABURY BROTHERS’Map of Canada West I The size o'f‘ihéiiiipKvï¬I’i)? éï¬ty-ffbuauches Square, will be ~ - . . ’ ' Handsomely Engraved mi Clipper beautifully colored and mounted, and ï¬nished in the highest style of theart, and will be furnish- ed to Subscribers at SIX DOLLARS. per cowâ€"- while other works of a similar style sell at ten dollars. Agents are now canvassing or Subscribers in ose parts of the Province not already canvass- ed, and all will be called uponi n due time. . The public are cautioned to beware of imposition, as parties are endeavoring to obtain Subscribers tor a Map which purports to be similar, but is only intended to be a. Lithograph Map, made on stone, which'can-in no way compare with a Copperplate EngraVing. ' Q L.) 1 J There will also be Geological and Meterologi~ cal Map, as Well as a Time Table, Table of Dis- mace, and the GeneralLShtistics of the Province as shown by the new Qe‘ns‘usi; also, a Business’ Directory of the Cities and principal Towns. OT 15 AND 16, 2nd RANGE SOUTH OF Durham Road. .F‘or terms, c., apply SEL‘JI-WEEKLY LEADER THE WEEKLY LEADER TACKABURY BROS. "Co. London, Feb. 21, 1861. . , 120â€"tf. BEST STYLE and at Moderate -Prica “THE PATRIOT " ADVERTISERS. WM. R. ROMBOUGH,‘ Bentinck P. 0. 12 7-20 .o'j neeu enter upon . They may simply king .4 TH E 1’ OST for J ' ’ ’J .erestin g 2 Stories; and OLDEST m3 l, a repos- 1 ‘equally" IS AS the Township of Glenelg. Application, with reference to any of the above Properties, (if by letter, post-paid. \ ‘_o the Sub- scriber, y ill receive prompt attention. ’“ JOHN MILLER. Durham, Feb. 3, 1859 10 KDVEETlmthimE _ L. 200. ACRES OF LAND Quarber Acre 133. ch, _ n eu suxted (1101‘ B2621 (any, Distillery or (Hunter’s Survey,) _ . Containing Three Acres, with u HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE the following Property, viz.: nership for the more efï¬cient prosecution of their Profession may be consulted at their resi- SPLENDIDOPEN’ING FOR A BREWERY’ ï¬gnie,§e3peetively, between the hours of 8 and Distillery 0r Tannery. 1 Br. Shaw, at the ’ ev. A..Stewarvs. ' h!) (WHY? --..--.. -h-.. ...- --.. nnxrr nun i THE undersigned having entered into a part- yu\'uv A. “LL the Uhited States, Tackébâ€"ï¬tiy', Brother then the Subscribers shall not be bound or ed to take Map ordered. . v.._.â€"â€"â€".a‘v VVIâ€"IVI 'EH, . With the distinct. understanding that If this does not turn out to be a more Valuable Mapâ€" if, in all things considered, it daes not. give better and more general Satisfaction than any Six Dollar “ Copper Plated Map†(sec Globe of the 5312 Feb- ruary), advertised or offered by those Parties from 4)“. 17-34- 3 n. It will be Engraved (not Lithographed) on Stone well Printed, Colored, put on Canvas, Varnish- ed and Mounted, and will be. furnished to Sub-i scribcrs for FIVE DOLLARS, payable on délivery of . the Map in Good Order and Condition. {1:53PM} up for the Pocket at $4.50. --â€" ------VII nIIVI‘ Of a General Patromge, the Price has bee manently ï¬xed at SIX AND A-HALF DOLLARS. ble (only) on delivery of the Map in Good and Condition, handsomely Colored, Var: and Mounted. {3" Put. up for the Pocket: 50 to $6.00. Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harhors and Ports ; Canals, Rivers, and Principal Mill Streams; the Railways, Railway Stations, and Stage Routes in Connection; the Post Ofï¬ces, Money Order Of- ï¬ces, and'l‘elegraph Stations as shown on the Map prepared by order of the Post‘Mastcr Gener- al, by Jens Dawn, Esq., Post Ofï¬ce Inspector: the general Boundaries, THE new Dzsrmcr or ALGOMA, Counties, Townships, County Towns, Cities, Town, Township, concession lines, and numbers designatinn the location of Farm Lot's ; and Incorporated Village in the Province; and other Important. and Appropriate, lnfotmation, reonipiled from the Census Statistical Returns of l at.“ “h..- -- .: â€"-?V.VUIKI'\UC~U To accommish this Important Work, the (Size, including a Border formed by a ta arrangement of the emblems of Canada, at n 9...; 1‘_â€"â€"â€"- "' VII ID UL \Jtlllllde. u_L 6 feet from East to \\ eet, >4 4 to 4; feet North to South), “ill be completed here, in one and :L- -half to thlee )ears. u ‘1“ “bill View of the Falls of Niagera ; a View k ara Susyension Bridge, accompanied by a De- scription of it; with a View 0 Bridge and Brook’s Monument. the Provincial Buildingsâ€"the New Houses 0: Parliament, the Normal School, the Lunatic Asylum, Osgoode Hall, Trinity College, and the Toronto University, the last said by competent Judges to be the Finest Building of its Class in America. By Well executed Views of th mugston, Toronto, Hamilton the ï¬resent. year THE ‘undersigned. Projebtor‘ and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of‘ the POPUIOUS and Wealthy Counties â€of Noriolk, Oxford, v-Brant, Hztlton,‘ gYork, 9nd Ontario, all of which have been Favorabl)'-;l\’0tick>fl by the Cityand’Country Press, proposes to Publish, Drawn to as Large a Scale as six miles to an inch,â€" A TOPOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, AND ILLUSTRATr-tn __ , ' OF A . NEW. ‘, IMPROVED MAP GEORGE C. TREMAINE, TORONTO, January, 1861. Publisher. afr'l‘he Best Map will W'in 24:1) Magniï¬gen‘t Engraving, 3A Merry Making in the‘Olden' Tim'é,â€$5.' ' Fora club of thirty. copies, of THE POST, and Thirty Dollars, we Will send as a PREMIUM a copy of the Engraying, gratis. For a club of forty, and Forty Dollars, we will send the Engraving, and an extra. copy of THE POST. - Subscribers in the British Provinces will re- quire to remit 26 centsextra to pay the postage __o the; lines. ~ - -~ ' - - - - - "“c '“u â€N" 4 Copies ..................... . 5 00 “ 8 Copies ..................... . 10 00 “ 13 Copies. . ..... . ............ e. . . 15.00 “ « ' 20:00pi68. .'. . ‘. L . .' .'. .-. . . . .' ....... 20.00 ‘ “ To the getterâ€"up of a. club of 8, or either of the larger clubs, we send a com; GR“? TIS. THE POST AND-OUR PREMIUM PLATE. For one copy of the PUST yearly, and oee of the Maggi ‘gen‘t Engraving, FA Merry Making in 4!»;x‘l‘5kn.‘ m!_-e â€â€˜mâ€" - ‘â€" Single Copy....._............;...$2.00ayear. 200pies.....‘. ............... $3.90 “ . 1 00p}? of Post Arthur’s Mag’zine 3.00 “ NIFICEN'L PICTURE; miuth this year :3 the cc] g r a WPE . ' ‘A Merry Making SPLENDID SPRING, Deacon Peterson, N0. 319 I'Valn.u-t Street, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Nov. 3, 1860. 1 OUR COUN T RY. ADDRESS Wï¬mw 01' all Of Wthh there nnnnni Pal"? Let _ N0. ' S, ORDERS SOLICITED PROSPECTUS .WANT‘C'PATION !FENC9URAGED Well suited for ELLUSTRATED GEO. C. TREA_{A_I§\fE, f the \3 iap in Good, {)raér nely Colored, Varnished up for the Pocket at $5. - OF LE.â€"-â€"- Our Engraving Pre- celcbratec} Steel Plate En- in Olden Times.’ the Cities of Ottawa, )n and London; a :a. V' lew of the Niag- :ompanied by a De- w of the Queenston Primâ€"has been per. E A D R I I A; ‘7', . If this does :, the Mgp Co. ~â€" ‘I‘ expect- [7 Rafa" least from frum 100 THE ROYAL MAI}; swmm “ohxrrqxn 13 now regularly running between Owen Sound and Collingwond leavmg Dmn Snail flail-ï¬at "A M. and Collingwood at 1 3 -, ,. . _. 5“". R? Sll% COLLINGWOOD lots are fer cod m. For particular: apply (if by fatter, postpaid) to HENRY BUTWVHU'“! ' Hanover R 0. Apr2127,1851.5 _Â¥ ‘ _ 125-09, ' HE Subscriber Offers 'fcn'Saleftsxm forty to . ï¬fty. village lots in the above t1..riving vil- lage. Shtn¢ of the lots have, W3 tev '-px§vileze, suit-15k fur: Milk? :1- Carding Mil}, Chair Fnctbry, kc, and wiil be,sold cheap, and on 'rba ,Ynablo terms. Thc. other lots are well adapted Forrfo't'eg,‘ or Mocha nic Shup‘s. The greater portion of 11173" Owen sound; It: 9,1361: .4, »« LAND for SALE 5:1 HANOVER County Grey. " ' 0 IVEZV S“ I is removed to the capacious premises op- posite his late store, and fronting Osborne’s Hotel. THE HARP WARE ESTABLISHMENT w human, away 30mm, OW'EN SOUND. EzReceipfs bearing Interest are given for specml deposits. HE Agency of the above Bank is now open for the transacti n of its ordinar -' business, in Cm wfurd‘s Block7 Union Street; DR GUN , NEXT DCOR 10 m: BOYLE'S. . All Professlonal cans promptly attended. to. W'. I“. ISIA-VV M. R. C. S; “-uhlin ' JA'HES GUN, \I. D. Montreal. Durham, 2nd Sept. 1861 - 1162157. Where be his line. 'ï¬â€˜aiï¬ori nag Business In the upper rooms of - J surrounding com); ry are informed that the subscriber lms commenced the Pianos, Melodeons, Flutinas, Accordeons and other Musical Instruments tuned and repaired. RESIDENCE-Poulett St, near the Market. Parties visiting Owen Sound will find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. Ewry article made on the premises and can b. warranted, Medical (Tm-Partnership. Omen Scund, 101%] Sept, 1861. 0%‘EN semvn, ‘ TOULD RESPEC'IFULLY CALL THE attention of the Pub 1c of Durl am and vic- inm to their ’21ng and varied stock of Cabxnet Furmtuxe commis nn‘ “ Bureaus, ' sBedfleads, ‘ Sofas. Couches, Cupboards, (mars, Tables 8w. Head Ofï¬ce - - f - - ‘ Toronto. J.;~+C.f(3ilmor,>Presidcnké L" B. Halden, Secretary. The undersigned having been ap'ï¬â€™omtcd solo agents for this Company at. Durham and ,vicinity‘ are pmpared to insure loss or damage by ï¬re,“ modulate rates ofpramiums. ._ .,; _ 1g,» . Full infurmation to be had on : pplying to Musszzs. CAMERON 6; ROSS, DR S. SHAW AM) GUN. ‘All of the above will be 501d on reasonable terms, a portion of the purchase money on each being required down, and the rest in such annual}!!- stalments as may be agreed upon. . Apply (if by letter, post-{mid} ti) the prom-inc: RICHARD HOPKINS. or to the STANDARD Ofï¬ce, or to Wm. JACKSON, Esq, Crown Land Agent. Bentinck P. O. Bentinck, ()uobcr 7, 1861. 147-160 WILLIAM COLLINS. Priccvillc, 30111 Sept. 1861. 147-1} icui 0111111}; 01 wa ter on the front of the loti which is oituated within three miles of the rising village of Neustadt, “2‘.ch there are Grist, Saw, and Carding Mills, and Within four milé‘s of {the Gravel Road to Guelph. The quality of the land cannot be emailed in the Province. mue or a sum-mm. There IS a small log gig-£11- ing house and ham on the Lot. ' ’- ' 100 ACRES IN. NURVANBY. Being lot 19,15th concession, ha ‘ iug ten acres chopped and pm my cleared. There is an excel- lent Spring Qt “atel on the front of the lot, which IQ -2flln Ont; ‘nr.lL... Al.--“ 100 acres on the 3rd ,con.,-' Bentinck, miles of Durham, 14 acres of which and fenced. There is a large quantiw ble Pine Timber on this Lot, which is a mile of a smxwmill. There is a sum ing house and ham on‘the Lot. is a comfortable'log house and-two log Sam: 0n the lot, andample stabling. C'ABINE T F UR NIT U ’E SPENCER BROS February lst, 1861. 0T 57 AND 58, DURHAM ROAD, BEN- -‘ 'nxcn, adjoining the Town-plot. of Durham, containing 200 acres, 130.‘uf whiéh are cleaned, well fenced, and under good cultiiation. Then: is one of the best :ptcm‘ucr 27, {861 SIMPSON ’3 HOTEL Durham, Oct. 10, 1861 Commercial Bank of Canada. VAL UABLE LANDS . WESTERN . Assurance Company. E IXHAQITANTS OF PRICEVILLE AND OT 57 will be happy to attend to all orders in ., compriseng N(_YI‘ICE. A ND :1, 14 acres of which are cleared ere is a large quantity of mina- on this Lot, _wbich is within half OF LL80, 146-4 Agetits. 147-3 [Holy