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Durham Standard (1857), 4 Apr 1862, p. 4

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A debtor severely questioned as to the reason of his not paying a just debt replied: ‘Solomon was a very wise man, and Samson a very strong one, but neither of ’em could pay their detts without money.’ A countryman recently came to town to? purchase an article of household necesily,‘ and in passinga music shop observed ‘All sorts of wind ins:ruments for sale here.’ He forth wnh stepped in and asked for a pair of bec'lows. DOMESTIC QUARRELS.â€"Tl‘re folly of inter-1 fering betwixt man and wife is thus gram- matically put :â€"- ‘ When man and wife at odds fall out, Let Syntax be your tutor; ’Twixt masculine and feminine, What should one be but neuter? A Tnsnsn Pomr.-â€"‘ Is she old or young?’ inquired the surgeon. as they were carrying her to the nearest inn. The good woman,.the subject 0t this question, had been visiting one of our north country market towns with her husband, arzd on their way home at night she was accideutly thrown out of the vehicle. ‘Is she old or young?’ asked the surgeon who had so promptly responded to the call for medical assistance. ‘Middle-aged,’ replied one of the bearers, at venture. ‘Nay,’ said she finding her voice in self-defence, ‘aw’s nobbut nine-an’-t\venty.’ Povznrv AND HAPPiNsss.-â€"Poverty runs strongly to fun. A man is never so full of jokes as when he is reduced to one shirt and two potatoes. Wealth is taciturn and fretful. Stock brokers would no sooner indugle in a hearty laugh than they would lend money on a second mortgage. Nature is a great believ- er in compensations. Those to whom she sends wealth, she saddles lawsuits and dy- spepsi. The poor never indulge in wood- cock, but they have a style of appetite that converts a number three mackeral into a sal- mon, and that is quite as well. My deceased uncle, save a humorous writer was the most polrte gentleman in the world he was making a voyage on the Danube, and the boat sank. My uncle was just at the pomt of drowning. He got his head above water for once, took ofl hrs hat, and said: “Ladies and gentlemen, will you please to excuse me ?” and down he went. Annovr'rv or THE GAELIC.-A ‘Roving Artist’ sends the following amusing story: ‘While on a visit to the West Highlands last summer, I lived with an old Celt, who had a most profound veneration for Gaelic and everything tartan. Judging from the dirli- culty he appeared to have in speaking Eng- lish, it was little wonder he had no sympathy with that language. He was also a firm be- liever in the antiquity of his mother tongue ; but when slred what proved it so fully to him, he would only answer: ‘Got knows to me what is’t.’ The following verse was an Illustration of Duncan’s sentiments on the subject, and appeared in his eyes to be a clincher :â€" “‘Vhen Eve, all fresh in beauty’s charms, First met fond Adam’s View, The first words that he’ll spoke to her Wasâ€"‘Cumar ashum dhu.’ ” A Goon RuoxxnsmuAn Indianan writes of a son of the “Emerald Isle,” whom a man by the name of Haney had engaged to haul coal. On delivering it. Mrs H. wished him to takeit across the pavement and depositit m the cellar, which he would not do. ‘She told him he was “no gentleman.” “Faith, mum,” said Pat, “and if I was a gentleman, do you think I’d be hauling coal for the likes of Mr. Haney '3” just middling,‘just middling, Jenny," said WWWLW (”W 1., commit-himself,» “Wally,” says she “ye mann. promise to bury me in the atddkitks 3rd at Stra’von, beside my mithenwl, qqul n3 rest in peace among‘nnco folk, m-the dirt and smoke of Glasgow.” “Woel, wool,-Jenny.my woman,” amefig'uhco folk, ifi-tfie‘ d'irt arid- stk‘ewgf Glasgow.” “Wool. weel,-Jenny.my woman,” said, Wally. soothingly. “We’ll just pit you in the Gorbals first, and gin ye dinna lie quiet, we’ll try you sine in Stra’von.” Two KINDS --There are two modes of es- tablishing our reputation : to be praised by honest men, and to be abused by rogues. It is best, however,to secure the former, because it will be invariably accompanied by the lat- ter. His calumination is not onlythe greatest benefit that a rogue can confer upon us, but it is also the only service he will perform for nothing. The latest conundrum at Washington is “Why are Mason and Slide“ like conund- rums that can’t be guessed ?’ ’ Answer--Be- cause the Yankee Nation was foxced to give them up. Tho man who would try to stab a ghee; ould stick at nothing. h the kennel stretched we found him, All mops and brooms. With a crowd of people_ronnd him, uvcâ€"D â€"- All mops am! brooms. Out of shape his hat was battered, And his coat was torn and tattered, And his clothes, were much bespattered, All maps and Lrooms. All maps and brooms. Set his eyes were in their sockets, Inside out were turned his pockets, Vulgar voices cried, ‘Old cock its All maps and brooms !” StaggEx-ing on in zigzag travel, All mops and brooms. He had tumbled on the gravel, All mops and brooms. And his nose on that. occasion, Had sustained a large abrasion, He was deaft to all persuasion, ”it and Illtmour. Toby Muggins was in liquor, All maps and‘ brooms. Going homeA halos: his uticker,” --â€")L__..A_- So, upon his legs unsfable, All mom and brooms Or to go or stand unable, All mops and booms. Four policemen prisoners made him, On a stretcher having laid him, To the station they conveyed him, Song In m d Sobriety. All mop§ and brooms. All mo'ps and broomséâ€" Punch 1 win ohm-fly“ close. All pen-soil! wishing to cbtain good Likene§§e§ of thegnsglves,_tpeir chili!- ren, or Friend's, should do so during th'n month. A new stock of Fancy cases to. just amved. â€" Family groups taken, on one plate, at moderate prices. Likeness. for Lockets, Brooches he. ., and to send in Letters, taken on patent metelic NOW 13 YOUR TIME! STOVE PLOUGH TIN 8: SHEET IRON At W. B. CHOATB’S STOVE AND PLO UGH DEPOT, FERGUS There is a first class Picture Gallery over W. B. Cheate's Stove Depot, where you can get as true a Likeness as in any place in Canada. 1 Every picture warranted. 3 Fergus, January IS, 1862. lGl-ly Can be seen the best assortment of Stoves in Canada. West, and at prices that will defy com- petition. Qne‘ cal_l_ will convinoe you of first fact. Among the leading stoves will 'be found the King of Stoves at ...... $16 usually sold for $32 Davy Crocket or Victor. 18 “ “ 30 Golden Fleece ......... 17 “ “ 25 Maple Leaf ............ 26 “ “ 40 Iron Duke ..... . . . ..... 28 ' “ °‘ 45 Protectionist ........... 24 “ “ 35 The Stoves are furnished with copper bottomed furniture. Not Brantford make, but MANUFACTURED on me PREMISES. Stove pipe with Stoves ...... 75d per length. Five per cent ofl‘ Stoves to schools or churches. Agricultural Furnace. . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . $14.00 Morley’s Plon g1) ...................... 6.50 Scotch Canadian Plough ............... 6.50 - Coal Uil and Lamps, and Goal Oil by the bar- rel or gallon. A full assortment of Coal Oil Lamps very cheap. Pure Rock Oil at 50cts. per gallon. A lamp, a can, and a quart of rock oil for 3s. 9d. First class machine oil for 7bcts.â€" superior to olive oil. Tinware of all kinds on hand, or made to order cheap! very cheap.â€" meping paper at factory prices. Paper or Cash given for rags to dealers. Window sash 3d per light. A liberval discount to pedlars or country merâ€" chants. BOXES, very, very low. Agent for Hay, Platform, and all kinds of count- er Scales. PATENT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGGON N. B.â€"Rags, old copper, brass, pewter, old wrought or cast ilon, sheep skins, c., c. c. Every man who wants a Stove will save money by calling at -fi ‘ ~--A A â€"â€"-~ Coopers’ and Shoe-makers’ Tools, and .a variety of other things too numerous to mention. The subscnher is also desirous to as- sist the good people of th1s section to encourage HON-I E MANUFACTURES, And has therefore obtained the agencies of the justly estabiished _ ‘ - prize . Made by Messrs. Carpenter Warc -Co., Hamilton; both Safes and Scales are equal to any, and superior to most of-othe old Country and Americans makes, in fact in point of qualtrty, duri- ability and finish, they are not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes and Scales is k _, t on hand, and if at any time he should he out of Stock 0f 33)’ particular-.3129, he will procure it at very shdrt; 'le- tlce, merely charging factory "prices delivered at; theffactorv, and} adding a .small sum to cover freight if . delivered attire; store of L he Keeps on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. manufacturing districts of the United States, large supplies of everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both in Europe and America, he is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto. W. KOUGH at the opening of, and during navigation, will be receiving from vessels direct_fr01n borne markets and from the Ofers Ilardware at the Sign of the Big PLATFORM AND OTHER SCALES;- EiflflafiiRG®£ swag Oils, Paints a At such prices as will pay all customers in want of Mannfactory. Made by J. . J. Taylor, of Toronto, and of the SOUND, 3pm 23, 18614. W. B. CIIOATE’S, Opposite Robertson’s Mill, Fergus THE BERHAM STANDARD, AN?) COUNTY AND , KO'U'GH GALLERY l64-tf. NO SURRENDER. BY BIS DAILY INCREASING RBSH IN business the Pub!» Show that they are alive to the fact that it was the “ THE BRANTFORD HOUSE ” That brought BRM'WQM H3038 swyfis PLOUGHS To A A Fair and Rea’s’onblé Price. And it. is known to all that the Brantford House is the only bulwark against the return of the old and rmnons prices imposed on the public before it commenced. Have done ail they can to run it off the track, . still it stands good against. the Cook. BLEEEE E315 $383.12"? Twowgmfi Of all kinds, either on hand, or done to order, for quality, and workmanship, cannot be sur- passed by any House in Guelph, und everybody knows I? Inapectlcn Invited. REM EMBER THE STAND: Opposite Underhlll’s Taverns (Near the Post Office) CHURCH STREET, trial. in any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds. Olcl Sores, ln- finned or Soto Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and in every use waste on ointment is useful. It will recommend itselfi in: one trnl Cheaper than any Establishment IN THE COUNTRY. BEST WORKNIANSIIIP IN THE PROVINCE. FURNACES, Manufactured of the Finest Material and chmu, January 10, 1862. Although the mm of the Store Dealers A GOOD THING. ”on UOPE’S MAQNETIC pmmy-tx'r is well worth a GAN Gr PLOUGHS CULT IVATORS, A LVVAYS A-HE AD. Parlour and Box Stoves AGRICULTURAL AL WA YS 0N HAND .’ IN GUELP-H, And Sells ail kinds of W. ROUGH. 104 I) JOHN WEBSTER, THE AND lGO-ly. REL'IEF, and if you m not gamed of its sulwrioriiy, a1. ter using the medicingthc‘wne win'be refunded by tho mm, in all cases. Pnetfieoubpor bottlo. Sold by d Outlets in, mm HE Subscriber will pay the lughest in Cash or in exchange far FLANNEL on ‘WOOLBN CLOTH, Blacksmith and Farrier, Hill In the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prim l3” Wrought Iron Shares made for any kind 0 ploughs. 113’ Mill Picks Made and Sharpened E“ Axes Jumped and Tempered. n3- Any person in need of ,a. Farrier will find it to their avantage to call 0‘1. him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 Try the truly great PAIN KII.I.’E%.ISRIGGS' MAGIC _-_ n A __L1,.' Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y., writes: “Feb. 20, 1860.--â€"I have been subject to attack: of Asthma the lastgtwenty years. I have never found anything equal to Are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all h, l- lious disorders of the human system They 1eg11- late and vigorate the liver and kidneys; they rive tone to the digestive organs; they 1egulate the secretions, excretions and exhalatio .,s equal- ize the ciiculation, and purify the blood. Thus, all billious complaintsâ€"some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costiveness or LooseneSSé-are e11- tirely controled and cured by these remedies. DARLING’S Darling’s Liver Regulator, in afi‘ordimg immediate relief. It is a. thorough Liver and bilious remedy.’ DARLING’S‘ LIFE BITTERS, and was entirely cured. I have had no attack since.” . Mrs. Young, of Brookl yn thfC‘ “ P 1860. -â€"Iu May last I had a severz’attailllrgzlg 128: which confined me to the house. I took on {33:- tle of D. Westerv‘elt, Esq}, of South 5t.le near 8th Street Willinmsburg, L. 1., writes: “August 5 HBOâ€"Having been troubled with a difficult}, in the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks, I “as advised by a friend to try When our children or- out of torts, we give ”them a few drops -and it sets them all right I find it meets the general'wants of the stomach arid MW- els when disordered.” Removes the mot-bids and billions deposits from the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver and kidneys, removing every (bstructiou, restores a natural and healthy action in the vital organs.â€" It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, Otis Studley, qu.‘, 12.8 East 28th street,"N. Y., writes: “ August 14, 1860.â€"â€"-I‘ had a difficulty with Kidney Complaint three years, with con- stant pain in the smal of my back. I had used most all of kinds of medicine, but. found no per- manent relief until I used LIFE BITTERS. I passed blotted b10011 by the) uretlm. I am now. entirely cured, and take'plensure in recom- mending these remedies.” DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and f6und it to Operate admirably, re- moving the bile and arousing the iiver to activ in I haves. sonsed ita-s a. FAMIL Y MEDICINE READER, if you needeither qr both of these most excellent Remedies, inQili‘re’for them at the atoms; if you do not find them, take no other,’ but incIOSOOne'Dbllar in~a lettergand on a ti}- ceipt oftho money, the Remedy/'01- Remedies will be sent awarding fito yout directions, by mail, or expats! postpaid. Add!” ' ' 1 ‘ DAN’L S. DARLIYG,’ ,_ ' 7102 JTMnISt. New York. * It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attack, I had been tro..b1cd with dyspepsia several months ; I have felt nothing of it since.” DARLING’S LWER REWMWR Is a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent in cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, feinale weakness, iregularities, pains in the side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding piles, and general debility.- READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street, New; York, writes, August 18. 1860 ; “ I have been affliced with pxles, accompanied with bleeJ- ing, the last three years; I used Hon. John A. Cross, writes, “ Brooklx n, March 15,1860. [3 the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fever. I took two doses of Much betters than pills, and much easier to take DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR And now consider myself entirely cured.” Put up it 80. eta: 931 Bottles each. . 15‘. ~6m DARLING’S EE‘VER BEC‘EEEQJfiQfi LIVER ~ REGULATOR agflgna 1? LEE @QBDIEE; Darling’s Life Bitters Darling’s Liver Regulator. IS PREPARED TO DO Work,- llorse‘ Shoeing, LIFE BITTER S, LIFE mTTERs, Saddler Street, vt ptixlied of its superiority, al- 9*? wine R'unéef! .by tag AND AND AND AND PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW of MziRRlAGE. 250 PAGES AND 130 'ENGRAVINGS.â€" Price only TWENTY-FIVE cums. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union.' On‘ the in- firmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of bOth sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imginiugs,‘ iuv’ol- untary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indigestion and ' lassitnde, iwith, confessions of thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, a .Col-' lege Student, and a Young Married Lady, ya, 61‘. It is a truthful adviser to the'married angi those comtemplating marriage, who entertain secret. doubts of physical condition, and who are oon- scious 0f having hazarded the. health, happiness, and‘privileges to which every human being is en- litled. ' ' ‘ TO THE LADIESâ€"Who need a confidegzlial medical ad \‘lSEF-‘Witll regard to any of those inter- 'esting complaints to which their delicate orga- I nization renders them liable, are particularly in- ! vited to consult us. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weak- ness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forget- fulness, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author‘s NEW PARIS AND LON- DON TREATMENT. We have recently devoted much of our time in VISITING THE ' EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, availing ourselvesof the knowledge and research- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will. now have‘the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICA‘CIOUS REMEDIES which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distingmshed heretofore, as a Physi- : cian in our PECULIAR department of profession-I , al l’racticeLfor the past twenty-five years. FRENCH FEMALE Piusâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy cf which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any hail results, will use none but Dr. D Lancy’ 5 Female Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessarv to be oh served 13, ladies 'should not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the par- ticulars of which will be found on the 11rappe1 accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so aetive are they. P1icve$l 1331 box: They can be mailéd to any pfllt of _the United States or Canada. THE "ELECTRIC GALVANIC an‘ECTn'E.”â€"â€"For married ladies whose heaith will not admit, or who hai'e iro'desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It IS a penfectly safe pre- ventive to conception and has been extinsively used during the last ‘20 years. Price reduced to $10. The Secrets of" Youth Unveiled. .4 Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decayâ€" .3 solemn learning. Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male and female,] of thisfatal habit; dointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the nisease, from the cogmneneengezgt to the end, -A‘ “Has-combined Wilh its own peculiar merits all the really valuable improvements of the high- er »pric‘ed rnaehjnesfâ€"gliennsylvania213-; A.- A patented device of great utility to learners. prevents the possibility of the machine being run in the wrong direction, or the balance Wheel wearing n‘la dy’s dres’s. ' " ‘5“ LAB-Ia IV .V‘ V “-wwu Another feature \\ hich deselves particul: .r at- {Lennon is {13: 1726: WILco‘x Patent Needle cannot be set wrong, y‘alluvn‘ auN â€"--v â€" --vv--â€".------- ._._-_-_ -._.-.--_' be set _wrong._ 1 1J TIRCK, adjoining the 'lown-plot. of Durham TWO thohsand Stitches, or two yards of work, { containing 200 acres, 130 of which are cleared, can be- done in one minute-without droppingaiwcll fenced,vand under good cultivation. Theta stitch. - ' ' ‘is one affine best f9“ fé‘w'bimc‘éilfifilfhanzéfiniv, on'~‘°x_mwn;n=-â€"z It‘rankiin'klnstitufc EX ibifib‘il 1I’Ieport of 1m. " weeks’ exyenence with Wilcox Gibbs' Pawn? he has purchased one of them as the best adap ed to the Wants of his family,and as *hé least liaHIé to [flunk repair. ' OLIVER CRANE . fi' find for 4: Circular. ‘5: ~- ~‘ b 6" ’JJAMES “1.003,? Manufaomm No. 508 Broadway, flew Yuk. 2;? Dr. L’s Oflicé is still locatéd as established Under the same of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. " I'"'v".â€"":T<;". ~_ -.. . -. -- . . -. “This machine; m -the- opxmon‘ of‘ the com- mittee}, fills m: re nearly the- requirements of a per- D 17“..” ‘U'wtv ‘fau-w-v-vâ€"-~_v.â€"_â€"vv V .J v _-_r-_“ “We must, in justice, expressanr confidence in the merits of the Wilcox A: Gibbs ”Sewing Machine. We consider.- that a great desigéfgfilin has been supplied by it, in profilg‘Wfififibt, that two threads are no as-‘Wis éfifip'osed, neces 'sary to a. good instnflnfi ' inf-Clfiistian Advocate and Journal, m‘%,_1866 H ""th uWfii‘ Missionary to Constantino- ple, named more than twenty different kit: @spf Saying Mgghines, and aftfer some. six It will- “be sentib'y Mail on rezeipt of‘twO'[3] re (Stamps. 53’ Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning 39 atnight, and on Sundass from 2 _to. 5, P. M. Medicines with full (1 rections sent to any part of the United States or Canadas by patient com- municating their systems by letter. Busines cor re )pondence strictly confidential: THIS MACHINE HAS POINTS OF SU- PERIORITY PFCULIARY I"Sl OllN ‘ Stitching, llemming, and Felling vs ilh :1 Sins, le Thread. It forms a. flat, every and elastic seam, w. ‘.ich is \VARRASTED not to rip ixf “éiir, even it tl. e seam is cut at, frequent internals. 7md also under all circumstances; ‘ to survwe the wash-ml). ” ‘ Frankiin Insututc E§b1b1t1on ifiéport of 1€58 ‘ TakingintQ? onside {1911th sim licitg,chcap nets, dumbilihi’, gand g fig aii work the com- mutee xx ere unanimousl) in favor of the Wil- cox 3; Gibbs as a single thread ma chine. "wPenn- sylvania State Agricultural Seciety’ 8 Report. HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he is prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and qualit3, as nothing except the best qualit3 of timber will be used. Good merchantable‘ lumbex or farm produce taken as cash. . A. MCFARLANE. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH WILCQX GIBBS Opposite St. Nicholas Howl. Durham, 28 June, 1860. P ICE With HEMMER FELLER DR RR RRRRRR ‘WAGGâ€"OM’, Mauufactory. $35 00. 82â€"1)’. 147-1y HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on hand, and is prepared to make, on short notice, may article in the above 11: e. Opposite the Durham Hotel. GEORGE TUCKER. OT 57 AND 58, DURHAM ROAD, BEN- Tli‘xCK, adjoining the lown-plot of Durham nn A---â€" 10n_-£‘ _.l- 2...! -..- - GAQGLING UIL SUPEHSEDED. mmsrmuwx m. :: m'knnwlodged by all who ham B used it. to be snperior to (:argling Oil. or any otâ€"bt‘! Medicine now before the Public. for Sprains. Bmim. C - Gulls, and all injuries to lioraetlesh. Good for tam boast. ' "Ah-ice, 26 ”tum-bottle. Sou b :9 Bauer: in Hall- M to the Suzanna Oflice, ox: to Wm. LA GKSON, ' Esq, Crown Land Agent. Béminck P. O Bentiack flctobcr ., 1861 14? 160, T E I. S E E SE E O MERCANTELE COLLEGE, MAIN 89 SENECA STREETS, Is an important link to the National Chain of Colleges, located in NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO, AND ST. LOUIS. A Sehola rship issued from the Buffalo College, will be good in any of the others, either for completing the courSe, or for reviewing at «my time thereafter. The Designs of the Institution, is to impart to young men and ladies, a. thorough: practical busi- ness education. ' 'Funds in hand (Decr. 1860), ...... Invested in Canada, ............. . 6/9 6. 299 130. 00 2 0, 000.00 The Course of Instruction, is so arranged as to combine Theory and Practice, and thereby secure to the _st1_1_dent. a. perfect knowledge of accounts. MlLIg-SITES on this farm that. there is in Upper Canada, hav- ing the entire body of water of the Big Sau‘geen River, and from fifteen to twenty feet fall. There is a comfortable log house and two log barns on the lot, and ample stabling. 1' ALSO, 100 acres on the 3rd com, Bentinck, within two miles of Durham, 14 acres of which are cleared and fenced. There is a large quantity of value- ble Pine 'l‘imber'on this Let, which is within half 'a mile of e sew-mill. There is a small log dwell- ing houseand barn on the Lot. 1 3...,- . .100 ACRES IN NORMANBY. "Being-slot 19,.15th concession, having ten acres ehoppdand; partly cleared. There is an excel- lent Springsofweter onthe from of the lot, whhic is situated» withinthree miles of the rising village of ‘ Newtedt,,where there are Grist, Saw, and Cafirding _‘ Mills, and Within four miles of the Gray‘elRoed to; G9¢lPh_-. t-g‘he quality of the land ' For further information, please call at the Col- ege Rooms. or send for Catalogue and Circular, nclusing letter stamp. Address BRYANT STRATTON. Buffalo, N Y. October 7, 1861. J i7-ly Book-Keeping in all its departfiients, Commer- cial Law. Commercial Arithmetic and Penman. ship, are taught in the most. thorough and practi- cal manner. Scholarship, full course, payable inadvance, $40 THE LIVE POOL LONDON v-vv wâ€"â€""___.â€". â€"_ v..- _ -_ WAII ofthe‘above VIII "he. soId on Mutable terms, a po’rfion'of the purchase money on each being required dawn,and the rest. in such annual in- stalments 38' may beagreed upon. he ' Apply (fi’ by- Ietterposb-paid) to t proprietor .. - ’mcHAnn _uoI{Kl§s,-_f “_ “ ‘ The Spencerian System Of Penmanship is taught by W. P. SPENCER. College open day and owning z-no vacalions Resident prinmpals at Buffalo, J. C. BRYANT 8: W. P. SPENCER. HEAD OFFICE, CANADA BRANCH. Company 3 Buildings, Comm 0f I’lace‘d’Ar- mes awnd Great St. Jamcs Street, Montreal. CAPITALâ€" Tera Millions Sterling T.BANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mon- treal), Chairman. ALEX. SIMPSON, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) Deputy-Chairman. HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq. , EDWARD J. S. MAITLA\D, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P. ; J. H. MAITâ€" LAND, Es q., Resulent Secretary, Montreal; G. F. C. S\1I',I‘H Esq., Rcsiicnt Assistant Secretat y, FRED. A. BALL, stpectoz; of .4»;ch cs FIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y TUE SUBSCRIBER WISHES T0 INFORM the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity, that he intends to sell all sorts of Cabinet Wureat the lowest prices they can be had anywhere else in this Counts. BREAKFAST TABLES at ...... SS 3 each. BUREAUS at .................. 10 “ CHAIRS perdoz ........ ‘ 6 “ SOFAS, from .................. 7 to $30. “ASH-STANDS, from .......... 0.75 to 1.50 WRITING DESKS from ......... 7 “ 9 BEADSTEADS ................ 2 each. The puolic mm rel) upon the g00u quality or the workâ€"a. fact which cannot be said of the trashy importatidns from Toronto and elsewhere. as their cushioned Chairs. and Sofas are mostly stufled \\ ith straw. Shop, sc nth end of the bridge, Garafmxa street GEORGE KRISS. Durham, 10th Sept. 186i. ; 100-13. The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinit),f01 the above Cumpany, is prepared to take risk__s on model 2Ate terms. Durham, 5th Dec., VA LUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. General Coopering. COME Nfl‘v 0R. NEVER ! HERBERT ROWSWELL. Durham, 9th Aug. 1861. 139-13; " ' Qénac / E/i/Z/ _THE CHEAPEST _ ISIS-'1' WABEHQBSE DIRECTORS : nelph The quality of the land (1 an the Province. CORNER OF IN 104--6m

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