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Durham Standard (1857), 2 May 1862, p. 3

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E is rising six years old, free from all natural blemishes, has proved himself 0. sure foal- getter, was sired by Grand Exhibition and has ukvn prizes in the Counties of York, Peel, North Wellington, and Bruce. He is now offered tor sale, cheap for cash or approved credit on account of the proprietors circumstances. Q a Q 0 ..... r--‘_~, _ For particularn 3} ply to the undersigned Lot 25, Concession 5, Township of Brant, where the, horse may be seen. 0: if by letter postpaid, ad; dun, THE COURT OF. REVISION for the First, Se- conl and Third Wards of the Township of Eminent will be held at Bax-law‘s Inn, Orchard- vill’, - on the 28th of April, 1862 ; and for the Fourth and Fifth Wards at Wilson‘s Hotel (Smith’s old Stand), as soon as convenient, aftrr the busio need of the first. three Wards, of which timely no- ;ice will he then given. 1’. ROGERS. III-1 Public are hereby cautioned sgainst pur- chasing or uegociuting a Note of H ad for 1". ur Hundred Dollars, payable at the Ontario Br nk Toronto, drawn on or about the 24th March, 1862!, four months after date, by R. V. Reid, in fun:- of Wm. W. Grafton, as no ‘vilue has been mama); IN nu: SIAISDARD. received for the LEASE take notice, that the accounts due to ‘Dx. MOORE, late of Durham; have. been pla ccd in the hands of Mr. Colles, of Durham, for collection and recoveryâ€"and all such accounts not paid on or befom: the 131. day of May, will most. positively he placed in the Divis on Court. tor recovery, without any further notice. This is 1110 LAST notice that will be given. 3 Durham, 16th April, 1894. l?!3in._-‘ . JAMES BLUCLEBANK, Wiikerton Post Office, Co. Bruce. 3. B.â€"-F;rm;8to'ek min: in exchange..- lurch 31, 1862. (mom ow as sown.) ‘V TILL be in-Dnrham aboutthc middlém' the month, to practice his professionâ€"will re- main one week only. For Ofice, sec circulars. THAT FIRST-CLASS ENTIRE HORSE MANUFACTURERS OF BAY MAI-TON. W HEELER W ILSON’S 8: SINGER’S E is riain six cars old, free from all natural ' . - blemishegs, ha); proved himself a. sure foal- seWIng machlnes, xer. was sued by Grand Exhibition and has Bgrcmont, April 15, 1862 Township of Bgremont. 131‘ of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinck Post (Mice, April}, 9 1862. Anderson, Saab Haj“, Joseph: Abby, Moses Reaper Chns. Andrews, Wm. ' - Jones Alfred ~ Jackson, John > B,urgess Susan ” Jamison, Joan , Black, Miss Isabella 2 Jainism, James Benson, Mrs. Ketch, W. l’ougha, George Lea,- Joe‘sph 8e11, Jno. Lawson, Wm. Black, Jno. i Livingston. John Brown, J no. ' ' LotbiaLn James Downlow, J no. Monger, Angril 2 tram William Mclh tied Andre! 31915130.- (Teacher) lchhh-ter, Andi! » -- h C! ‘9 on Elm??? Mo Bncyihgllam; Francis Durham, 17th April, 1862. 0017 RT 0F REVISION. 0011‘}, Donald Qampbell, Q1133. -â€"‘â€"- Dodds, Thomas Davis, I no. Donlin, Miss Catherine Edge, John Khmer, J obn jr.- 3 Guineas, G. -. McGilvorayLA. W. Manger, 43.3, . McEli-by, Isaak. Apt-fl mm, l862. 313? Of iflfifgls. ‘11.. nun», DENTIST, CAUTION. NOTICE. Lotbian James Monger, Angril 2 Mclh tied Andrew HcWhirter, Andlew McDonald, Neil lecolm, Mrs. Agnes McDonald, John Miller McYaI’Iy, Mama McDonald, Dulcan MpGilvorgy,“ . Vi. R. V. REID. C um: 174-2. 1 £3. l u f. 173:3. ‘ Wholesale and Retail ‘Dt‘tiggijSt's, .- DURHAM, OWEN sourm,’ AND GODERICH, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Colors, Varnishes, Tar, Putty, Rosin, Field-and Garden Seeds, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Stationery, Combs and Brushes of every. description. a. g -~ ‘.,,, . ' ' "‘* â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"--â€"-â€"- ”mi?“na Wines and Liquors'fbr‘ Medicinal usefffiorée and Cattle Medi- cines. Fishing Tackle, c.,'c. \Ve would beg to call the attention of the Farming community in particphr to 6;“: grant. “for? ment of Imparterl TURNIP, U‘ARROTT, BRET, and HANGEL ‘-WORTZEL’ SEEDS; Kamiing the vast importance Mid gain attached to huvmg good Seed, and the heavy lop «tail-d to both buyer ' be purchasing of poor seed ; we have purchased frcm non’e‘bnt the in at experienced and extensive growers. Corner of James and Vine id several rears~ experience in the man 1 Having h: . ufaeture and sale of SEWING MACAINE“ in the United States, we are fully confident that no Ma-' chine has been produced in the United States or Canada that can excel those of our manufacture in Stitching, Seaming, Hamming, Quilting, Marking, Felling, Gathering, Tuclcing, Corclmg, Binding, 81c. It is important to the purchaser to know that all the corresponding parts of these Machines are alike, and manufactured on these premises, so that if any part be broken or demnged, it. can be suppiied or remedied with the least possible .t ‘ A in order for one year Milan ur unnuu.., when properly used Every purchaser Jail] be instructed at 6111‘ office, or by our authorised ggent; We ‘w'm deliver them at. any poin on the-line of R'ilrmds‘ in the Province â€"' of Canada, free of charge. . - -a_i. ‘ “-1.“:nn (AF their own use will I of one- third from indigent widow in the same discount Orders to ‘be given man of the Parish.‘ ~“‘vâ€"~- _ OUR GARDEN SEEDS ARE PUT IN. PAPERS OF FIVE CENTS RACE“ l'lli‘léc. fi" Mi cicrgymen who 'SYIS . . their own use will be a ’ of one-third from the, re ail price; or any poor indigent Widow in their parish wiil‘be allowed the shine discount on «Machine for her on m ' 'ably through the clerg - man of this Parish; _ We‘ hove now running- in the; City Of Hamilton OVER 038'- HU-NDRED MACHINES, .. of our own manufacture,.to the entire satisfaction of the Durham, April 27, 1862 pREMIUM SEWING “IA-Utilflha: I? The ONLY PRIZE awarded for 'Fémfii‘nz Machines’by the Judges atthe Proving? Exhibition, held in London,.Sept. 24th, 21'26thand 57th,'1861,§vas yiven to R. M. WANZER 0038, Iiev'heeler Wilsop. The first Extra Prize was also given‘ for their Nos. 1 and 2 Sin‘ge‘iz'i Manufacturing Hdchiné."l Prize "of ash i'ir oh’aracter (werefilso imrde'd WANZER 3' Co. Wheeler 6: Wilsoxi aqd Wamer't Coo. Singer‘s Machines aver 3115mm; Hi the Fokibf Aft’a‘ afié Manufactures! at'the Hecbanics‘ Institute, Toronto. ' “They ain't) tookmmmlu at tfie‘ s¢ veral County Akficul'mral Fairyâ€"4M 'chiiton; .Pa ris, Gal},- 98$. We, Wine, Whith~ lace ‘where they havb’been’ exhibited film 5 Con: Cobonrg, Bowmanville, in fungi]! (every. . s- _ _ \"nggbgn a; Wmsox and Wuznn i Cos.‘ 136m, EXCEL, ‘anyflacbines that en: were manu- Iuctured in theUnited States. ' Hamilton, 35956va 15th,. 16). -. V :_ f” “gem 15$}; x0311: or muofi’s HOTEL, Dummy . . "F 0 R T H E 'P 9:3;1591; We: in- Hummus 819031; 01-131! FANCY mm snug uhaoonst 39¢th â€" t . - ‘ Call and, R0 hi! 2’ - - ..| th- » -A ‘ . ‘ca‘ymwcfflffflfi mgwmi'wx or 60005, TERMS LIBERAL. ALL MACHINES WARRANTED, ‘. ‘\r‘“ (\fi iiic general!) $311 of which-.1“! buddfihl 1WRM”¥°¢9‘°°“! -' ‘ ‘ ' .34: ~51" ,_ _'.‘_.-..- _ ‘-‘ -mifim' ~ The subset-it's: Ebnfinuéa as, W 9i .tho highest price for Black, Saba and h A: ”deified at his ' Pug Aghery', if Gluehelg‘gfl f6: 951;; ' :3 his Warehouse, Durham. '2; a B ntm'SWELL- “”1“ gag m 133-] T‘urham. J'm" â€" 2 small “mace on com. , F ANNING MILLS. LUMBER, AND hEDSTEAn- ARKER AND_CATTLE, THE DURHAM STANDARD. AND .RRANTED, and Sept FREE OF CHARGE, nd V755 Streets, (between Royal Hotel and Bank of Upper Canada.) - WANZER 60., PARKER GATT LE, Saw I N 'G "M AjE’H I N'ES! for Famly tame: _B{aclf inc: by the J udgea at DURHAM, Owns SOUND . Gammon. 139-157-175-1y 133â€"17 purchasers, which we consider one of the strong- est recommends. ions. V0. 1. u-l’lain l inish with Hemmer. . ,', ...... $45 No.‘ 5. ’«-Plain llalf Panel “ .......... 50 No. 3. mllalt Panel Black Walnut or Mahog- ony, with New Improved Glass Foot and lleinmer .............................. 55 1 \‘o. L-«li 11f Case, Plain l’aneled, Glass Foot and Hemmer ....................... 60 No. 5.--Half Case, Plain Paneled, Glass Foot and Hemmir Black Walnut or Mahogany. . 65 No. 6.--Full Case, Plain, with Hemmer 75 1V°~ 7.-â€"I-‘ull Case, Extra . , ‘1' ‘ Silver 3k Plated . ..‘ ........ . . .“. ..... ' ........ 99 Each machine is furnished with Wrenches, Screw-Driver, Oil Can, three extrai Bobbins, and six Needles. Binders, Corders and Markers,“- 11-9.. ' Binders $5; eorders $3; niafkéi-s' $2.!!- Thmad and needles for sale. In In Us; 3 we: cwnjvul an- m t I‘ tulgupodymi For dc I \‘o. l.-â€"-lron Stand, for Manufacturing Pun- poses .............. ... ..... .........$75 No. 2.--â€"lron Stand “ 85 53’ Parties purchasing from our Agents will have all the advan: ages extended to them, as re gards terms, etc... as :f dealing with ourselves. WHEELER 8L WILSON’S. Wooden- Earthen Ware All awfully sclectgd! 3nd minim to tha trade GROCERY, SINGER’S. ’WARE: 753??!) of COUNTY OF - GREY. ADVERTISER. 162-14 BE Public ere hereby cautioned against pun- " chasing or negotiating a. 3 Note of Hand drawn on the 27th larch, 1862, by Alex. ‘ Key A: Thomas Smith, Egremont, for the sum of One Hundred and [- orty Dollars, (or about that sum), pays! le about the let of March next, to Valen- tine Glebe, es the same has been lost or mislaid. It has $5 75- cents endorsed on theback of it. VALENTINE GLEBE. ATHIBD CLASS School Teacher, for Section ' ‘ "N6, ‘4, ToWnship of Proton; 00. Grey. Ap. pliatio‘n'm be made tothe Trustees in their own hand writing Application to be immediately to GEORGE STURROCK, .A. RUSSELL, ‘ Trustees. 'A. DINGWALL. Addreis Mount'lforou,’ C. W. April let, 1862. - 3in. OT 57 AND 58, DURHAM ROAD, BEN- rxxcx, adjoining the Town-plat“ Durham containing 200 acres, 139 of which are cleared, well fenced, and under good cultivation. Them- ia one of the best on this 'farm that there is in Upper Canada, ht v- ing the entire body of water-of the Big Sangeen River, and from fifteen; to twenty feet fall. ‘There in a. comfortable log houseand two; log barns on the Pot, and ample stabling. V A ‘L UABLE» LANDS Being lot 19, 15th concession, having ten acres chopped and partly cleared. There is an excel- lent Spring of water on the front of the lot, whhic is situated within three miles of the rising village of Néiistadt," Where there are Grist, Saw, and Cnrding Mills, and within four miles of the Gravel Road to Guelph. The quality of the land cannot be'exceelled in the Province. All ofthe above will be sold on reasonable terms, a portion of the purchase money on each being required down,and the rest in such annual in- stalments as may be agreed upon. Apply (if by letter, post-paid) to the proprietor - RICHARD HOPKINS, or :o the Susan!) Office, or to Wm. JACKSON, Esq, Crown Land Agent. Bentinck P. O. Bentinck, October 7, 1861. 147-160, COURT OF REVISION. 1’ iNoi-mfinby Council will méetvas 3' Court of Revision, _at the Tavern of David Kenny, Ennise kilien, on Monduy, the 2lst dgy of April next. *' GEO. NIEMEIER, UBLIC NOTICE is héreby given, that the Normanby Council will meet as a Court of Egreumnt, March 28, 1862. 2-) n Y Go 0 2-) 5, Hardware, Groceries, ace. HE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY CAUTIONED against giving credit. to my wife Catherine Brennan, she having left my bed and board with- out cause or provocation. - JAMES CRAIG. Glam-hr. 1th March. 1862. ’ 170-3. EMWEVMWWQ Executed in the most approved form. )hxoyxn, 25th March, 1862. ' STOVES, STOVES. v in- the best styie) . - 5- - $19 00 FOREST KING’S “ . “ 19 80_ BOX STOV ES for 2 foot wood .- - 6 5.0 ‘ 2g “ - - 8 oo Purchaser! of Stoves will be supplied with SW“ Pip“ "- Ii: pence, Currency, each length, land elbows at 10 pence ea ch. A at i. COCHRANE. i Durham Foundry, Jammy, 1862.1629tf KIN G ,of STOV’ESE (largest sue, furnished. Normanby, April lst, 1862. ’l‘HE HARP' OF FREEDOM. ---Now ready,s - new and superior collection of Ant1-91avery , Patriotic, and “ Contraband” Songs, Solos, Duets, Quertetts, and Choruses. Most of the Poetry and Music has been written expressly for this work to correspond with the times, and should be sung by the million 1n order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of- the “Contrabands, Whom God, in his providence, has cast upon the Free North to clothe and educate. . . . . “ Fair Freedom’s Morn lbs dewned at last;' “ Broth the Chains or: the Emancipatihg Sword; " “ Oh-l- Help ’ the -‘Contrabands'; " “Old John BrownbeSon'g; ’-’ “Song ‘of the ‘ Contrabands “ Oh Let my People Gog; ” “:Perody on the Song of the100ntrahend8’3” “- They worked me all the day without a. bit of pay,” “ Where Liberty Dwella is my 1.7.410th ” “ When Slavery dies there I! be Fréedom ;’.‘ “.Wake, Freemen, God has Spoken; " “Whittier’s suppressed Song of Free- Glam-1g, 18th March, 1862. 40m: mung, ,1’_nco my 5 cents stage 50 «with per dozen, $5 pen mo, postigf'e 1' cént. - ‘ ‘ HORACE WATERS " mmmwn v HE HORACE ’ WATERS PIANOS, MELO- deons, Amdte Organs, and T. Gilbert 8; CO 8. celebrated mun Piano, are the finest instru- ments for Parlors and Churches now in use. A large “anthem can be seen at the new Ware. moms, 481 Bandway, between Grand and Broome streets, which will be sold at extremely low pri- ces. Pienos and Melodeons from sundry makers, new anducond bend, to let, and rent allowed if pdrchasibd, as per agreement. Monthly payments teceived fot the same. Also, second hand Pianos end Stelodeons in great bargains prices from $25 to $100. Sheet Hueic, Husie‘ Boolm, and all kinds of Music Merchandise at War prices. April let. 1862.. . . ‘ “:16. B. A; GOODB‘VE, SUBSCRIBE FOR“ THE Aim A“- ' L..ILL.NO:T!GE. . IMMmfiommhm WEWILLSELL, FOR CASH ONL Y 100 ACRES IN NORMANBY. WANTED. walnut EU}! ',I II” , W 4N'D‘ARD. CAUTION. tea I!” CONTENTS, ‘IN *PA RT. General Dealer in Township CIerk. 74in. Bin COB @Efififiéfi Ag. 33?? Bentlnck Post omce, DURHAM, THE mum AGENCY ASSOCZM'BIQN, ’LOA 8 AT 8 PERCT. Upon Freehold Property in Upper Canada wi :11- in two years after commencing operations are prcpa regiAto negotinto tuftilei' loans. , 0N FIRST CLASS MORTGAGES . Apply to The TOR ONTO BOARD have received a large amount for immediate investment. and are now able to make advances at the. above rate of Inter- est, for periods of five years, upon Improved Farms. For form of application or other information, apply to A. R. ROCHE, Manager, Wellington Street, near John Street, Toronto, or to. . ALEX. B. MCNAB, The money can be obtained as soon asgte pro- pegty 151 values], ang the_ title approved of. ROYAL IN SURA N C E BUILDINGS Durham 8th Aug., 1861. ) Q) It" EI§EEEQ AND LOMBARD STREET ‘ Do You Want Money? CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling Durham, 00., Grey, lst May, 1861. INSURANCE ON LIBERAL TERMS.â€" PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS WITHOUT REFERENCES TO ENGLAND 0:}? A0 Charge for Polimes. . FR ANCIS H.11E‘S ARD, May 1, 1861., INSURANCE . COMPANY. FIRE AND LIFE. ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, Inspector; Messrs. BRYCE, MOMCRRICH 8; Co Toronto, “ Bnowx,GILLEspmCo., Hamilton. " THOMSON BURNS, Toronto. _ ROBERT Pusuaox, Esq. ., Owen Sound ALEX. B. MONAB, Improved and wild, situated in the Townships of Holland, Sull'nan, Proton, Anemosia, Gam fraxa. 8:10., c., at low priccs and on liboml term of payment. In' Durham,IHanovcr, Walkcrtou, )IOnnt Forest. Owen Sound, and other rising localities, many 0. such being admirably adapted for mechanical purposes and PrivatelfiResidences,application, if by letter. (pm-paid) will receive strict-attention. V JXIJEX. B. .‘ICN.B, - - ' General Agent. Durham- Mav I. 1861. l‘lf-lY- zIONEY TO LEND ALEX. B. McNAB, POSTMASTER,’ . Conveyancer,Commissioner in Queen‘s Bend; and Commzssion General Agent. ' I “Life flssurnace is the Cheapest and the sqfest mode of making a certain and secure inycstment for one's Family."â€"-anmmx F RANKLI‘N“. ' MMISSION MERCHANT AND llomcsteads [undisturbed BY [31‘7" [1.4 "y‘t’zflllo The subscriber is prelmred to offer for 9.1“: or Loxnox, (nxeuxo) AVING effected loans to the extchf' of, 531900090009 Durham, May 1, 1861. INCORPORATED BY SPECIAI ACT OF PAR} IAMENT. CAPITALâ€"ONE MILLION DOLLARS. HAMILTON, C. W. . . Paasmsxr. ‘ wcmpgasxnm. g . JOHN_.YOUNG, Esq., JOHN FEBRIE, Esq- ” BANKERS. . SECRETARY.- THOS. M. SIMONS. 0N iMPROVED FAR-MS FOR ANY TERM NOT EXCEEDING TEN YEARS. . ' William- McMasser. 38% 1.; - >Pm'sident. W P. Rowland; Es’q. ., M. PW? Vino Pnesident. George Mickie; Esq. ., _ Alex” Monty, Esq. ., Immense Hayden, Esq, -' Jas. ,Aussis, Esq, A T. Fulton, Esq, , _ John E053. Esq-, - ____.‘: . Sohoitor John 1595‘: E59: " 7-‘4 ”C1 "35 Solicitor : Bankéfi,.. .‘. ; . {$31130 Bank of Upper Canad‘. i ‘ v , ALEX. V B. ‘10NAB Durham, May 1, 1861. 0n Freehoid Property. PERMANENT (BUILDING THE FREEHO‘LD ~. fe: Assurance Company. ALSO â€".TOWN AND PARK LOTS. SAVEEQS SQQZEEYa FARMERS, London MONEY LENT REFERENCES: THE BANK OF MONTREAL. FARM IAD'E‘ ROYAL Esflnusasn, 1847. DIRECTORS :" :tor.‘ - TORONTO ALEX. B. DION AB, \gent. 1861. 125-132 HEAD“ OFFICE. . G. RAMSAY. ”THE MANAGER. AND COUNTY GR] i GENERAL AGENT JOHN smgK-EMAN A. R Mc’NAB, Agent; Durham. VALUATOR, Durham. 125-1y Mam get. 1394f- 'EY A {Gm VINE SUBSCRIBER desires 35; m; h“- tcntion of parties intendingktd 'Btflfflting the coming season, that he is prépared to furnish an unlimited quantity” of SUPERIOR BRICK, ON RF ASON \BI E TERMS. These. Brick are Lit'gor flmn any heretofore manufactured in this countn,‘ and at much lower prices »M~#â€"F SABBATH'SCHOQL BELL, No. 2. 75,000 ' Copies issued the first twelve months of its publication. It is an entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the tunes and hyms were written exlu‘essly for this volume. Itwill man be as peptilar as its predecessor (Bell No.” 1) which has run up to the. enormous number of 575,000 copies in 36 months, outstripping any Sunday- School Book of its size issued inxthefionntryw-o Also, both volumes are bound intone to accommo- date school's'wishin‘g them in that form.Â¥- Prices of 'Bell No-.-2,4-paper"covers, 15m, fiZ per 100 Bound, :25 cents5$i _8. per 199 Cloth bound embossed gilt, «30 gents, 221m 1091' 89“,,80- 1. paper covers, 12 cents $18 per' 100. 801153; 20 cents, $18 per 200. Cloth bound embosqefitgilt, 25 cents €400 per 100. Bel's Nos. 1 and‘2Mnd together, 40 cents, $30 per NO 25 e01l'38 fur- nished at the 100 priee. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40 per 100. Nail postage free a; the retail irice. . _ . ,. ‘ I ~ ~ - â€" . A“ m A wanna n--l.1:.’.‘ HE DAY SCHOOL BELL.« Book for Pay Schools, cal Bell is now ready. It. contains of choice Songs, Rounds, Cato 1 Book for Pay Schools, called t-her-Diffifichool Bell. is now ready. It. contains about 200 pages of choke Songs, Rounds, Catches, Duetts, Trim, Quarteets, and Chm‘uses, many Of them written expressly for this work, besides 32 pages of the Elements of Music. The. Elements are so easy and progressive, that ordinary teachers will find themselves entirely successful in instructing even young scholars to sing correctly and scientifically, While the tunes and words embrace such a 1uric- ty of lively, attractive and soul-stirring music and sentiments, that no trouble will inexperience ed in including all beginning to go on with zeal in acquiring skill in one of the most health-giving, beauty-improving, happinessâ€"yielding, and order producing exercises of school life. In simflieity _ M .1 .. .11- “I‘m-n Ac m‘lfl‘fl find B RICK! BRIG-Kl"! GOOD STOCK BRICK pl‘Uuuuuxg Kaylehn.” ., of its elements, variety and adaption of music and in excellence and number of its songs, original, selected, and adapted, it claims by much, to ex- cel all competitors. It will be found to he the best book ever issued for Seminal-nos, Academics and Public Schools. A few sample pages ofitbe Elements, tunes, and Songs, are gi¢en in a circu- lar; send and get one. it is compiled by-Hlii'ace Watere, Author of “ Sabbath School Bells.” N09 1 and 2, which have. had the enormous sole of 655,000 cepics in 36 months. Price, paper eaten, '20 cents, $15 per 100; bound, 30 cents, $221301- 100 ; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cent, $30,”?! 100. 2" c0pies furnished at the 100 price. Mail- ed free at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. No. 481 Broadway, New-Yank. * ' - '.. 14:16. Durham l7th April, 1862. 951mm 3mm nnmmc'ronx. Nervous Debiliiy, Srrofulu, Dyspepsia, ' Bronchitis, é-c, This is the most wonderful curative agent known 't-o medical science. It has efi‘ecmfl cure. in Every Stage of Consumption “UNPJRJL- LELEJ) IN TH E -JNNflLS 0F Ingram-2." ’In Nervous Debifity and Dyspepsia, the IIYPOPHUSPHITES may be regarded as an almost sovereign remrd)’. 11:1 re a twoâ€"fold and specific actionâ€"on the one hand. increasing the principl‘ which CONSTI- TUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; angon the other, being the MOST P01!’ERFUL"BL000 GENEILZ'I‘IXG JGEA'TS . KA’O'WNZ".’They. 3. ct with promptncss and certainty in all géhenl ' morbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus, Anemia, FEmale, Complaints, c., and in all disordmswpf the ‘ Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect. ifpdn the tnbcrcnlar condition is immedhit'eâ€"all the; gen- eral systoms disamicaring with a rapidity irhich is really marvelous. They increase the nervous or rim] energy. when: Cough, check Night Sweats, diminish Expectomhon, impmvc the Ap- petite, arrest Diarrhoea. and vacuo'rn‘mumso snap. . .4 11.411: '1‘1eI...-1L IS A. CERTJIN C URE. Winchester-’5 Genuine Preparation 2101* THE HYPOPHOSPHITES 13mg only :relinble form of Dr. Churchill’s nemcdy, 931d is ' approved by the Medical Profession wily.â€" USE NO OTHER, UR .4NYREMEDY;CON- l MINING 112 05'. 9 ’ 33’ PhICES:-In 7 oz Bottles, 31-6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles, $2~Threo “(‘35:â€" Circulars gratis. Sold by avllfrewecbbbd)mgo fists. and at the sole General Demt may. United Spermatoifliea, or Seminal Weakness, and Gonna! I;- ritability In either ieii’. This is {he only remedy for Sexual Debility, Impotcncy, c. which has the .pprOth of the medical prufssion Its suc‘eeu hi been most extraordinawâ€"efl‘ecting cures in mu. “here all other methods of- treatment hid£li10d One to six boXes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case of Seminal Weakn‘eg,‘ __._ A-- .Séâ€"iisâ€"‘Réixiting - Imp'btency. Ironm- WM. whether constitutional, or ”1883 from shale or excess. auuwab. - .. » . . .,-. .‘ ,‘7 ‘ j ‘ ‘ “J. Mum‘s Swofkéj MIL, LL 0‘ “we believe it tdâ€"be-as need" a ‘Sp’ecific ’ a any medicine can "be. "We hmv'flmdjpuny severe. cases thh from six to ten (1%.”7â€"Dr. B. Kmm JMWPJM 9”!“ W ‘ . success. “1. have new: your SRchm‘P'n-L ill“. may cases of Spermaborhea, and with the “We“ n'g v4: ”W "1"va In" wâ€". u..- “â€"vvvv M “I have fOund' them all that could he W. Their effect has been truly” wonderfifl. ‘5‘-- “'1‘va fi" This 13 not a Hommdpathio Remeylg. Mb there any mercury or 0 her delete“ mu.“ combinrd with it. PRICEtâ€"Sl pérho , six be” “85. by mail? pus-paid. For sale atrtho sgle Genoa! D.- ‘3 ‘ pot in the United States, by J. WYNCHESTER, (Dr. Chuuhill's Specific Remedy) FOR. CONSUMPTION,= THE HYPOPHOSPHITES HORACE W \TERS, Publm ho. 481 Broadway, New ALL 9.313" EXAMINB. IMPORTANT MEDICAL 138mm. AT ' . :; 5.23:: J. WINCHESTER, J. H. CLARKE. 175:1; 36 John Streei, N. Y. O: U ism,-

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