On Lot l. 22nd Con., Egremont, viz :--l Span of Horses; 1 yoke of Cattle ; I yoke nfSteers rising «I years: [yoke rising 3 years: 2 yoke rising 2 years; 2 milch Cows; one yearling Bull ; 4 spring Calves ; 1 2-year old Heifer; 5 Ewes; 3 Lambs ; 2 Bureaus; 2 Sugar-kettles; 3 Fanning-mill ; l Cutting-box ; l fltove : 8 acres of Wheat; 12 acres of Oats ; 3 acres of Peas ; 7 acres of Grass all on Lot 5, 22nd Con., Egremont. Also a quantity of Lumber, consisting of Inch, Siding, and Plank, beside many other articles too numerous to men- tion of Oats ; 3 acres of Peas ; 7 acres of Grass all on The Scientific American 1133 the reputation, 3‘ Lot 5, 22nd Con, Egretnont. Also a quantity of home and abroad, or being the best weekly jour- Lumber, consisting of Inch, Siding, and Plank, 113.1 devoted to mechanical ‘and industrial pur- beside many other articles too numerous to men- 3““9 now Will shed, and the proprietors are de- tion termined to keep up the reputation they have TERMS...A11 sums of $4 and under Cash, I earned during the seventeen years they have been above that amount 8 months credit will be given connected With its publication. on furnishing approved Joint Notes. 'l‘he Scientiï¬c American is indispensable to eve- At EX, tVEBSTRR. 1" ""91"“, as it not only CODE-t ins illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they come, but each number contains an Ofï¬cial List of the Claims of all the Patents issued from . ' - the United States Patent Office during the week LIGHTB lb. G ! LIGHTNI‘A‘ G ! previous, thus giving a correct history of the pro- gress of inventions in this country. We are also PROTECTION TO LIFE AND PROPERTY receiving, very Week, the best scientiï¬c journals of Great Britain France and Germany; thus pla mug in our possession all that is transpiring in mechanical science and art in these old conn- 300,000 feet 0/ the tries. We shall continue to transfer to our columns N E W P A 'I' E N 'I' E W G L I S I] COpious (gnu-acts from these journals of whatever W me 0 Of . . EL ECTROâ€"GALVANIZED. ' e " e m mm“ ‘0 our readers No person engaged in any of the mechanical N N E A L E D C A R B O N I z E D , pursuits should think of doing without the Scion. , tttic American. It costs but four cents per week; A LIGHTV 1 \TG. RODS every number contains from six to ten engravings . .i i G . 9 of neat machines and inventions which cannot be Just arrived from England. Spratt’s renoum- found In any other publication. It is an BStilh- . . . ., liehed rule of the publishers to insert none but a: Plattna T'PPCd Pomt 3““ Eï¬iarged 1'“ original engravings, and those at the ï¬rst-class suitors and Attachmen‘ s. ' - . in the ar drawn and et raved b ex rienced This Rod ts p"Ppnl’t’(l m England Wlih es- ‘1 '8 3' p8 . , . artists, under their own supervision. expressly for ,pecnal reference to its great conducting po‘w . ‘ this paper. Egremont, 2nd July, 1862. 186:tf. AGAINST wasn't. EFFECTS or LIGHTING. I Just arrived from England. Spratt’s renown; “PM“!!! ï¬pped Point and Enlarged In? whom and Attaehmen‘ s. This Rod is [VPpnl'Ptl in England with es- pecial reference to its great (-Orrductinq pow era; is highly approved and fppnmmended by the brast authorities. The White Non- coroding Surface prevents rust and greatly increases it conducting power. completely obviating the great “bier-lion to the oltl rod -â€"- Prof. Croft had a Spiral Copper Rod removed from the University Buildings. Toronto, and aubsituted this. on account of the perfect con- ducting power of the surface. and not being liable to rust. We have erected them upon the Crystal Palace. and Custom House. at Hamilton. as well as manv of the best build- ings in this city. Ev importing larcelv f 1' cash. we are enabled to erect them at a toll- ing advance upon the Carbonized R: (l. Com- mon Iron Rods. such as is heing offered by parties from the States we. do not erect, as we consider them nearlv useless. Good Rods. properly eret-ted protect 25 feet from the point. ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR CHAL- LENGE to the worlJ to prmlneu as good a R0“; for the same price, as‘ the liairn-m'zvd Rod whit-h we are now prepare-(l to offer to the public thumgh our authorized Agents; allow no man to protect your buildings who has not our cenifivate of agency, with can- tion on the bark against imposition. Orders sent to our address from the principal cities of C. “L, will be attended to by 0. R. Ken- dall in person, without extra charge. We subject afew of our numerous relvwm‘es. noï¬â€˜v“ A ' ' Spratt’s Platinum Tipped Point is undoubt- edlya very superior upward termination for a Lightening Rod. (Signed.) JOHN HERBERT SANGSTER. Lecturer in Chemistry and Nat. Philos- We? Pl. N. School, and Prof. Chemistry. e cal Department, University, Victor-ta College. I am satisï¬ed that Galvantzed Iron Light- ning Conductors, such as )ou recently at- tached to my house and ofï¬res. afFIrIIa . averv ofï¬vieut proteminn against lIglmi g. Not onl) is the. condIII-ting power of the RI»! \mry much Increased by the coaIIng, but It II more dugatgle, not being -iiable to r_ust._ Gsnrs,â€"-The Lightning Rod erected by one of your Agents on my Howl in this place, was struck with a heavy charge of lightning, ybich it conducted safety to the ground, rend- ing the earth, and covering the rod with a sul- phuroue mould. No harm was done. The Spratt’s Point was as good as when ï¬rst put up. I recommend them highly THE subicriber will sell by PUBLIC AUC- TlCN the following prOpeny, on Umvsmnv Cox.1.l:cl:, Toronto. Minna, Pxpzns 8; KENDALL.â€" ium, from the piatinized point to thevearth, and likewise, that you adopt the precaution nt bending the bottom of the Rod from the Building, and continue It until you come to some permanently moist stratum. l 3130' approve‘nf vom made of connecting your Rods by means of Malleable Iron Nuts, which secure a continuous conducting med- {5p in an essentisa part 3f it. ed: His Brains and Wood be‘sp Atered evgry- thing in the house. even to the 0mm bible before him.---0. S Times. The Marmng Star an Engiish paper. we 289's th» appmv thnt of the Hun J, A, Map: donald lo a co'onial govn‘n .rsbip. Thomas Duncan, who had occasionany duro ing the last e‘tghteen mouttsshuwn symp- toms of insar i8y, committed minute _in his own house in Arran, on the county line be tween Grey and Bruce, on the morning of Saturday last the 28th ult. Frightful Self-MIn-da' in Arran. DLHHAM Aumnnumt. Sven; (“221 um um: ul' H-r Dime-mu of !! rivn “14‘1â€!“ pm 9 :4 1'".- ‘ lï¬': Whitby, April, Toronto Observamty. Sept. 9, 1857 [consider Spratt’s Platina Ti ed P ' t 01:10:36 (or Lightning Roda. p'g‘be piano: 5 In an n---noinl __-O -f _.A Durham, llth July, 1869.. AUCTION 54A LE. Wednesday, July 23, 1862. A MAN BLOW’B Has OWN HEAD OFF Advertisements. II' . N. PlPER 8: KENDALL. 83 Yonge Street, Toronto. (‘IREDI'I‘ izursday n M JOHN MILLER, Passwzxr. J. H. LEFROY. } haptain R. .A.; W M. GAGE. .., ; lin. naive: .‘ . many others. Western'and Canadian money, or Post-ofï¬ces? stamps, taken at par for subscriptions. Canadian 3 subscribers will please to remit 25 cents extra on } each year’s subscription to pro-pay postage. ! MUNN it. 00., Pmlsms, ; No. 37. Parkâ€"row. New York. " To mail subscribers :~-â€"Two Dollars a Year, or One Dollar for six months. One Dollar pays for one complete volume of 416 pages; two volumes comprise one year. The volumes commence on the ï¬rst ofJan:.ary and July. CLUB RATES. . Five copies, for Six Months ...... . . . $4 Ten copies, for Six Months. . . . .. . . . . 8 Ten copies, for Twelve Months ...... 15 Fifteen copies for do ' . . . . . . 2 Twenty capies for do ...... 28 For all clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only $1 40. Names can be sent in at different times and from different Post-ofï¬ces. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the_ country. » In announcing the above hot, the publishers embrace the Opportunity to thank their old pa:- rons and subscribers .or the very liberal support they have hitherto extended to this journal; plac- ing it, as they have, far beyond that of any other publication of the kind in the world, in point of circulation. The Seventh Volume of the New Series of Sci- engiï¬c American commences J uly 5. 1862. TO THE CHEMIST AND ARCHITECT. Chemists and architects will ï¬nd the Sciehtiï¬c American a useful journal to them. All the new discoveries in the science of chemistryare given in its columns, and the interests of the architect and and carpenter are not overlooked ; but all the new inventions and discoveries apperuining to these pursuits are published from week to week. Everyone who can read the English language, we believe, will be beneï¬tted h) sucscribing for the Scientiï¬c American, and receiving its weekly visits; and while we depend upon all our old patrons renewing their subscriptions, we would ask of each to send us one or more new names with his own. A szngle person has sent us as many as a h ndrcd mail subscribers, from one place, in a single year! The publishers do not expeCt every one will do as much ; but if the ï¬ve thousand subscribers, whose subscriptions expire with the present volume, will each send a single name with their own, they will confer a lasti g obligation upon us and they shall be rewarded for it in the improvement we shall be enabled to make in the paper by thus increasing our receipts. The following are the TO 'IHE MAN 0F LEISURE AND THE MAN HF SUIEN E l Individuals of both these classes cannot fail to be interested in the :‘cieutitic American, which eontains the latest intelligence on all subjects ap- pertaining to the arts and sole ces, both practical and theoretical; all the latest di=coveries and phenomena which come to our knowledgz being early recorded therein. Useful and practical information pertaining to the interests of millwrights and millowners will be found published in the Scientiï¬c American, which information they cannot possiblv obtain fr m any other source. To this class the paper is respectfully recommended. ' Our summary of th‘ war news, which has been so nigliiy Complimented by 0 1' readers and con- temporaries, will be continued in the coming vol- ume so long as the wa lasts, accompanied with copious illusu'utions of new war implements of various kinds, such as cannon, ï¬rearms, projec- tiles, dzc., c. Jae. lo; Subjects in :wbich planters and farmers are in- terested Will be found discussed in the Scientiï¬c American; most of the improvements in agricul- tural implements being illustrated in its columns. ‘Ve could multiply such certiï¬cates and statements as above to almost any amount did space allow us. We givethe names of a few persons whose Rods have protected their Buildings under exactly similar circumstan- Trafalgar ; John Raine. Chingtnécdï¬gi; Align, TrulL. Darlington ; “Tm. T021, Magposa; ‘I'l ' ces. Sirratt’s Points in every case have stood the test while others failed :--James Beaty, MR. 0. R. KENDELL, DEAR SlR,-On Saturday last, during a violent thunder storm, the Lightning Rod erected on my house by your Agent, P. C. Himes, received and conducted safely to the ground aver}; heavy charge of Lightning covering the Rod with a dark blue mould and melting the ice where it went into the ground The flaeh was blinding and the report stunn- ing. violentlyjarring the w'nlows, bot doing an injury. Feeling satisï¬c d that the life of mysell'and family have been saved in this instance, I hasten to express to you the joy I feel to think that I was persuaded, almost against mv will, to have the Rod, and to urge others to do likewise. ' I ruiireiy cuncur wnn (‘apL Lt-lmy wrvaixom. HEN R" ' C!- OFT. TO THE MILLWRIGHT AND MILLOWXER. PROSPECTUS! VOLUME SEVEN-NEW SERIES TO THE PLANTER AND FARMER! .3nle. Whithy'; Clement Dawes, Brook- THE BEST PAPER IN THE “'ORLD SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN TO ALL WHO CAN READ! i. N. PIPERS: KENDALL, " 2?“ “312‘: “£33: 83 Yong. Street, Toronto § mm’ maï¬a“ AR! WAR! \VAR! Gratefullv yours, C. F. SCHLEGEMILCH. Bowmannlle, Ju!y 18, 1860. 3; Sterling, Greenwood, and THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND. COUNTY OF GREY ADVER'i‘ISER. TERMS. Chumidnu x° ob 1‘17 the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS MOD ‘ RELIEF, and if you no not satisï¬ed of its aupcflorhy, ‘- , it: using the medicine, the price will be refunded . M“: mum-nines... Pdooï¬unuporbottb. 803 C i 5 § ANUFACTURERS’ Agency for the sale of 100, 000 Watches, Chains, Jewelry, 3m, worth $500, 000, to be sold for one dollar each, no matter of what value, It not to be paid $0: until you knoy _wh§t__) ou_ are _ goiqg to get. ' All of the following list ofvgoods will be scld for $1 each. Certiï¬cates statnig what'each one minnow)» placed into “MW given out regardless of favor, and on". meat t’of certincate you can see what article on the fol ow- ing list of goods will be sold to you '0: .$1, and it is then Optional, after receiving your certiï¬- cate, whether you send $1 and take the article it calls for or not. Articles to be sold for $1 each. 100 Gold Hunting Watches. . . ...... $100 each 100 “ W'atches ......... . . . . . 65 “ 100 “ Ladies’ Watches ........ 35 “ 500 Silver Watches .............. 15 “ 500 Gold Guard, Vest and Chatelian Chains ............... . . . 20 “ 5000 Vest, Neck an * Guard Chains $5 to 16 “ 3000 Cameo Bracelets ........ . . . 4 to 7 “ 3000 Mosaic and Jet Bracelets. . . . . 4 to 7 “ fl 1‘ 3000 Lava and Florentine Brooches 4 to 7 3000 Coral. Emerald and Opal “ 4 to 7 30 #0 Can-e0 Ear Drops .......... 4 to 6 “ _ 3000 Mosaic and Jet Ear Drops. . . . 4 to 6 “ ' 3000 Lava and Florentine “ . . . . . 4 to 6 “ 3000 C ral, Emerald Opal Dr [)8 4 to 7 “ ,9000 Mosaic, Cameo and Band u. u.--ua so, ULu supper DIE. SS, pGWteI‘, Ola Established 5"! September 1860-; wrought or cast hon, sheep skins, Arc, kc. kc ANTED T0 RENT A TAVERN IN - 200d locality. Apply (postnaid) stat: HE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC 0F Dmnun and vicinity 1s directed to the above houSO. Its vicinity to the Court House and 0th: centres of business must recommend it to the tavorable consideration of the travelling eon- munity. Charges same other Hotels in town. Owen Sound, 10th June, 1862. 182- - G'This is the_only legal and reliible gift en- terprize in Canada. All our certiï¬cates are got up on especially prepared paper, and s'gned by us, and none ere genuine unless so signed. . P.S.-â€"-No unpaid letters taken out of the Post Oflice. 182-13. (LATE MAY’S) OWEN sown BRODIE’S HOTEL, LL persons indebted to the estate of the late Mr. John Whitely. of Egmmont, are hereby required to make payment of the same to the un- dersigned, f0 thwith; and all persons having claims against the said estate are requested to hand in the same, for the purpose of settlement, Bracelets, ...... . ..... 4000 Gents‘ Breast Pins. . . . .. . . 3000 Watch Keys ...... . . . . . . 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides. . . . . 9000 Sets of 803011) Studs. . . . . . . 4500 Sleeve Buttons............ 7000 Plain Rings W. 9000 Stone Set Rings ..... . . .. . 7000Lockets.... ....... 7000 Sets 0! Ladies’ Jewelry. . . . 4500 Gold Pencils ....... . .. . . . . IST of unclaimed Letters remaining in Ben- tinck Post Ofï¬ce, July 1, 1862. ' Alexander. W'rn. Garnett, Thus. 2 Bugging, Michael Howard, Julia A. Brown. John H: oper, Isaac Billsdou, Benjamin Haley. Edmund ~ Brown, Thos. McNally. George 2 Buchonn, Francis McPhail. Miss 54, Comlon, Bar’m McDougsll, Jame) Campbell, John Shaw, Samuel Dubney, John Stewart. John Develin. Wm. Sharp, Wm. D. Gunnis, Fred’l: .1. hard and vicinity that he will supply hem with ml kin s of Fresh Meat during the swan, delivered every Wednesday and Saturday 11: Inch week. ROBERT LITTLE. Durham. 2nd Julv. 1862. 185-5. A GOOD THING. 1 ‘HE HORACE WATERS HANDS, MELO- nR Pom-2's MAGNETIC ()lNTMl-ZN’I‘. in we 3nd. . “P0113: Alexandre Organs; and T- Gilbert 3‘ trial. m any case nf Piles. Burns~ Sraldem Old . rég-Inâ€" Co's celebrated .Enlin Piano, are the ï¬nest instru- mo‘fjgï¬rggznhggmï¬oï¬ziï¬km and glam ments for Earlors andplntrches new in use; A ’m... ind . large assortment can be seen at the new “are- , _ grooms, 481 Bmadway, between Grand and Broome . ‘ ‘ ‘ ilreetis,‘ which will be sold at extremely low pri- N 0 1 19h. ,. ces. Pianos and Melodeons from sundry makers, ‘ . new and second hand, to let, and rent allowed if THE subscriber notiï¬es the inhabitants of Burâ€" ‘purehased, 83 per agreement. Monthly payments ham and vicinity that, he will supply Clem received for the same. Also, second hand Pianos with all kin s of Fresh Mm during the semen, jand Melodeons atgreat bargains, prices from $25 delivered every Wednesday and Saturday in uch ' to $100. . Sheet, Music, Music Books, and all kinds week. ' - 'v‘" ~ of Music Merchandize at War prices. . ROBERT LITTLE: HORACE WATERS, Agent. Durham. 2nd Jnlv. 1862. 1856. April lat. 1862. vdtlï¬. A Canadian Institutibn ! Normanby, June 17, 1862. Durham, 2nd J uly, 1862. NO YANKEE HUMBUG! ALL PRIZES, NO BLANKS! $139.9 OE $393â€"$533. TAVERN WANTED. NOTIC E. CAUTION. oooooooooooooo OWLU Pins.......... 2m 8 . 2m 7‘ nSlides....... 2:0 6 Studs......... 2w 7 1........ ..... Zto 7 2to 5 :3 ..... . ...... 2m 7 ...... ....... 2t015 Jewelry. . . . . . 3 to 15 uard ChainsSf- to 16 I........... 4m 7 'acelets...†4to 7 line Brooches 4 to 7 Lnd Opal “ 4m 7 )3 .......... 4:0 6 6 6 7 .ine “ 4m : Opal Dr p8 410 ALEX. B. . McNAB, Postmaster. 3mm 183-3. “ u (t H u u H N fl u u (I H H H .3011! SOUND, June, 2862. . wruugut UL‘ cum. non, 8086p BKlDS, C, Kc. C. I Every man who wants a Swve will save money by calling a: W. B. CHOATE’S, Opposite Robertson’s Mill, Fergus There is a. ï¬rst class Picture Gallery over W. B. Choete‘a Stove Depot, where you can get as true a Likeness as in any place in Canada. Every picture warranted. ? At W. B. CHOATE’S Made by Messrs. Carpenter “Fare 87. (30., Hamilton; both Sales and-Scales†are eqpal to any, and superior to most of the old Country and Americans makes, in fact in point of qualtity, dur- ability and ï¬nish, they are not to be excelled ° t - and Scales is kept on hand. ’ a s OCI‘ 0f both Safes BOXES, very, very low; 7 Agent for Bay, Platform, and all kinds of count- er Scales. Can be seen the best assortment of Stoves in Canada West and at prices that will defy com- petition. One call will convince you of that fact. A libefal discount to pedlars or country mar- chants. PATENT THIMBLE SKEIN WAGGON HOME MANUFACTURESQ And has therefore obtained the agencies of the justly established ' prize STOVE AND PLOUGH DEPOT, F E R G U S Among the leading stoves will 'be found the King of Stoves at ...... $16 usually sold for $32 Davy Crocket or Victor. 18 “ “ 30 Golden Fleece ........ l7 “ “ 25 Maple Leaf. . . . ........ 26 “ “ 40 Iron Duke. . . .' ......... 28 “ " 45 Protectionist. . . . . . . . . . . 24 “ “ 35 The Stoves are furnished with copper f-ottomed furniture. Not Brantford make. but Coopers’ and Shoe-makers’ Tools, and a variety of other things too numerous to mentlou. The subscriber is also desirous toas- srst in encouraging Keeps on hand, a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, - Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, ()akum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. is receiving from vessels direct from home markets manufacturing districts of the United States, targ everything in the Hardware line, which from his perience, both in Europe and America, he is enabi TIN SHEET IRON STOVE PLOUGH Ofers IIardware at the Sign of the Big PLATFORM AND OTHER SCALES Feig'us, January 18, [862. April lst. 1862. FEï¬EEï¬RQQE SAEES 011:5g ‘Paints and Colors, gfl. a At such prices as will pay all CUStOUK’l‘b in want of To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto GILT MOULDINGS FOR. PICTURE-FRAMES. Manufactory. Made by J. J. Taylor, of Toronto, and of the on} copppr, brgss, pewter, old ADD . ROUGH UIS 01 me United States, ardwarc line, whic _ , . . . large supplies of h from his practical ex- Dpe and America, he is enablea to offér‘gt unusually low prices. lGl-ly I ")Y HIS DAILY INCREASING RUSH IN 1) business the Publzc show that they are l alive to the fact that it was the “ THE BRANTFORD HOUSE 9’ TIN°$?RE Of all kinds, either on hand, or done to order, for quality, and workmanship, cannot be aur- pms d by any House' 1n Guelph, und everybody knows Cook. PLO'UGHS Have done all they can to run it off the track still it stands good against the TOA Fair and Reasonbl‘c Price. And it 18 known to all that the Brantfo rd House 1| the only bulwark against the return of the 01d and ruinous prices imposed on the public before' it commenced Although the rest of the Store Dealers B3“ Inspect-en Invited. REM: MBER THE STAND: Opposite Underhlll’s Tavern, (Near the Post Ofï¬ce) CHURCH STREET, THE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIEOS the public that he has on handsanq 13 prepared to make, on shcrt notice, an) arucl in the above In 3. N0 ‘ SURRENDER. Bï¬ï¬ï¬?$$ï¬‚ï¬ ï¬ï¬ï¬SE Cheaper than any Establishment {N THE COUNTRY. BEST WORKMANSIIIP IN THE PROVINCE. J0me WEBSTER, GUILPH, January 10, 1882‘. ‘ 160-13'. FURNACES, Manufactured of the Finest Materiél and Durham, 5th Dec., 1860 GANG PLOUGHS . V ' ‘ - General L’oapcrmg. CULT IVA TOR S, A LWA YS A- HEAD. Opposite Smith’s Tannery. GEORGE TUCKER. Box Stoves AGRICULTURAL “râ€"-‘) 'â€"-'. W‘"‘r 1 fl ~-\-- r-â€"-~ ,. m; a {22-33 33:51:21? U5...â€" --_.¢ L. -0 ; . xï¬du... AL WA YS 0N HAND .’ IN GUELPH, And Sells all kinés of flour and ’. K OUG‘rH. That brought AND THE AND 'fl and from the 104-on For all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter, but will ï¬rst bring all to the sur- face, and ï¬nally heal without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the following-â€" Piles, Boils, Bruises, Excoriations, Blotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-woims, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Chapped Hands, Chafed and Blistered Feet, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Frost Bites, Scalds, Cuts, Bites, Freckles, Stings, Scro- fula, King’: Evil, Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Con. tracted and Stiff Joints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lumhago, Rheumatlsm, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rash, Tumours, Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, 83c. 18. lgd. and 28 9d. per pot. a ‘I ‘0 "' Wholesale Agents :-â€"Barc!ay : Co., 75, Far- rington street; may be had from Messrs. Parker Cattle, Chemists, Durham, and from all Chem- ists throughout the world. May 22nd 1862 1y. _ v -v rv- rvv- Page'ht Me'dicine Warehouse: 15 Berncrs street, Oxjpydpt-rqet, London. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE. STANDARD. Dn. BUCHAN’s Vscemnz 1: Sam O'NTMEN'L: Is the only one yet discovered that cures the moat inveterate sores. Its effects are wonderful, giv- ing instant relief to the sufferer. Many thousands have used it, and declare it to be the best in the world. It is the only NATURAL REMEDY The Right lion. the Lord Mayor of L LONDON, ‘and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street. Westminster. Worship Street, ow" Street, c. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Cler- gymen, and others. ' DR. Bvcnm’s SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. T isa WELL-LNOWN FACT that SARSAPA- ; RILLA is the greatest puriï¬er of the blood in f the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE lâ€"The Tanels regular! lâ€"And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man, Woman, and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indigestion, Billous, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels, obstructed perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. These Pills work their very way to the root of each disease, cleansing in their passage especially where mere ry has been taken, and re- moving every unhealthy accumulation, till the blood is puriï¬ed, the whole system renovated, and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesi- tateâ€"do not delay! a clean stomach must make a clean b0 ‘3‘. A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste no time; strike at the root of your ailment.â€" Again, i sav, luck to your Stomach. One trial of these Pills will force conviction, Sold in bottles, at ls léd, 28. 9d, 45 6d., 8'. 11: hr. Burhan’s nviaoratiug Essence, For NERVOUS RELAXTION and GENRAL WEA KNESS, at. once restores and invigorates with magical rapidity the most Debilitated bon- st‘tution, thereby insuring permanent health, in- creased strength, energy, and a redoubled «level- opement of the muscular system. Failure is im- possible, for success isas cei tain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous prostration, depression of spirits, diminution of vital energy, emancipation, and for all female complaints. The medicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity, and old age. The properties of this invaluable re-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscuo lar sytem, enriching, increasing, and purifying each particular vital fluid; its action is never~ failing, and in perfect accordance with, the laws of nature. As the falling rain viviï¬es the parch- ed vegetation, so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. 43. 6d., 118., or four quantities in one,_333. Sold at Mersrs. R. 6: L: Perry Co's Whoie. sale Depot, No. 19, Berners street, Oxford street, London. Perry’s Patent Concentrated Essence of C Opaiba and Cuheb Sugarâ€"Coated Globules, the most spee- dy remedy known. The Globulesg containing the Quintessence of Copaiba, Cuhcbs, Buchn, c., at once cure, without the possibility of failure, Goâ€" norrncea, obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc., immedi- ately subduingall inflammatory action; Encased in sugar, free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d and 1 as. per box. Health Depends upon. Pure Blood. Perry’s Purifying Pills, an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as scurvy, scrofula, ul- cerg, boils, blotches, pimples on the face and body, 8:0. - Price 118. and 338. per 'ox. Agents: Barclayé: 00., 75 Iarritxgdon ski-cc? London. May 222d, 1862‘. 1y. HEALTH, HAPPINITSS, AND 140M127.- LIFE Are within the reach of all, by the! use of R BUCHA"S VEGETABLE DOMESTIC Medicines, prepaied from the Prescriptions of late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, c., c Cures at daily made, and t' eir efï¬cacy proved in thou sands of cases, attes- ted before the Aldermen of Guildhall, _ v -ub u. ~L ADD. Perry’s Concentrated Detersive Essence a m- ;ncdy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for ,pnrify- ing the system from contamination, recommended for secondary systems, blotchcs on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, toxzsil , and um:- la. ; its beneï¬cial influence an the the svstem is undeniable. Price 113. and 338. per bottle, also saving of_l ls. Messrs. R; L. PERRY 3: ('O., are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19, Berners street, Oxford :treet, London, as they never under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad, and they hereby caution the public? against any person using their name, and as a further precau~ tion against fraud, the public is notiï¬ed that none of their msdicines are genuine, unless the sub- joined facsimile of their signature is attached to the different wrappers. . annsnnvn AND M ascents Power. Reamer. by the use of Perry’s Cordial Balm. of Syriacum Established nearly a century, known throat; out the world as the Greatest Regenerator never-failing]: remedy' for Spermatorrhma, loe; manly power, produced hyearly indiscretions, . any other cause. It enriches the principal vitsl fluzds, enabling those who have deemed themselves incurable at once to fulï¬ll the most sacred obli- gations of married life. Price 113 per bottle, or four quantities in one, 333., which saves 118.; and in £5 bottles, effecting a saving of £1 123. n O 0}? REEVOUS RELAXATION AND EXHAUS- TIUN. New edition, enlarged to 1% yagcs, iilustratéd by 100 Anatomical Colored Engrav- ing on Steel,}ust. puizlished, price Is. 7" BE SILQNI F-RIKN D,_ 3.1m ï¬remen. Medial â€"" wâ€"vw‘ J. Work of the Age, on Youthfu; Indiscretious and consequent Impediments to Marfiagcl des- cribing the Anatomy ot‘thc Reproducuve {system in health and disease, and pointing out the sure- moans of perfect restoration .m manhood} .with an Essay on single and ma-med Infe, cgntammg a prescription known gauze vaencguvg Louon, preciuding the poasibnhtgyf of contammauon. Also to be had tram all Agents in all parts of the world. Exuacts from the Silent Friend, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients.