O. Kimmirmm Davy Crocket or V ictor .“ Golden Fleece ......... l7 “ “ 25 Maple Leaf ............ 26 “ “ ‘ 40 Iron Duke ....... . ..... 38 p“ °‘ 45 Protectiou'ut ........... 24 “ “ ‘ 35 The Stoves are furnished with copper bottomed furniture Not Brantford m'ake but MANUFACTURED on the PREWSE . Stove pipe with Stone ...... 73d pen len¢ih Five per cent 011‘ Stores to schools or churches. Agricultural Furnace. ._ .......... ..... . . . £14.00 Morley’ s Plough ............... . ....... 6 50 Scotch Canadian Plough ................ 6 so Coal Oil and Lunps,aud Ooal Oil by the ban- l-el or gallon. A full assortment of Coal Oil Lamps very cheap. Pure Rock Oil at 50cm. per gallon. A lamp, a. can, and a quarto: rock oil for 33. 9!. First class machine oil for hots... BOXES, very, very low. _ Agent for Bay, Platform, and all kinds of chunk- er Scales. _, N. B,¢â€"Rags, old copper, brags, pewtei‘,‘ old wrought or cast iron, sheep skins, kc, c. kc. Every man who Wants a. Stove will save moï¬ey milâ€"Rags, wrought or en Every man it: W. B. CHOATE'S, Opposite Robertson 3 Min, Fergus 31190333 ï¬rst dam Piotr we Gallery over W.- B. about" Stove Depot, where y'o’ir can get as in. a bikeneu as in any place in Canada. In}: picmge wamgned. A .A- ad pur'light. A iieml ï¬scount to pedlars or country men- chants. PATENT #1111an 5me WAGGON 8W to olive oil. Tinware of all kinds on hand, or made to order cheap! very cheap.â€" Wupping paper at factory prices. Paper 0: Cut: ‘givgu for tags to dealers. Window sash Parliamentary Agent, AS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUEBEC ' for the transaction of business of parties residing in Upper Canada, or elsewhere, with any of the Government Departments. - All pre-paid commuhicatiuns addressed m Box 336, P ‘8! Ofï¬ce, Quebec, will receive immediate Persons desirous of securing Patents for Lands, or having claims of any kind against the Govern- ment, or requiring an} information obtainable at the Crown Lands, or other Public Offices may have their business diligently attended to by t a Resident Agent, without the expense and in- convenience of a. journey to Quebec. ST{ W E PLOUGH Patents of Invéntion itakeni out. Quebec, Sept 30, 1862. a ttention vâ€"â€" FORâ€" THE TRANSACTION OF EUSI' HESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 100 ACRES of Vg‘hzahh‘: Property in the Township 0! ' an; ,‘ ' ' ° of ‘he East and West ‘ ' ‘1 number Nine, on the Second Coneession~with about from twenty- ï¬ve to thity acres owned, and aJood Log House thereon. For Tam; Ito. ,a'pply, post paid, ftp ‘ ‘ .â€" JOHN MILLER, Bentmck P. 0. for gay q‘nntity of WOOL delivered at his resi- denpg, four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Road. .. ~ ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb, 1860. 114-13‘ THE Subscriber will pay the highest in Cash or 1:: exchange for FLANNEL For. paniéulam app}; ( it: by letter pod- paid) ta the proprietor on the premises. R. PR11N_"GLE, Hï¬nI-wdeaieable caverns-mud known. as "i ‘be‘ Pï¬ï¬gleville otol, Half waif ‘b‘etioén- Durham; Pricoville, will be let for onqor more years as may be agreed upon. The building is .large and commodious, with ex- cellent stabling and driving shedâ€"all neatly new. There are also fifty acres of land at- tached, which will be let with the Tavern.â€" Imlhddiato possession given. Fergus, mery ",1863. Durbiz‘niif 13:51 Augï¬itFISGï¬ 5’ «A A’ TEACHER FOR UNION w wag x o. 2, Bentinck and Glenelg AMegflohs to be seht to the Secretary 1!: writ- ing, ohWore the 29th inst. Salary $160 per HUGH MOO-,ALL CHARLES MIGHTON, g Trustees. ' WILLIAM VZESSIE R: DICKSON, Soc. Becky Saugeen, Dec 17th 1862. 210-2 STRAYED from the premiles .. -._ of mg subscvibor on - tho-9m ‘ inst, a RED COW, giving milk,- ~ ’ rising seven years, The horns turn in toward -‘the béa‘d, and she' bu a small White spot on the flank. .Any person returning ho}-5 or giving sudh information as will lead to bagecevery, will be amply rewarded. 'ISAAC WILKINSON, or H EN RY WAKEFIELPL QUEBEC AGENCY. Glcnelg, 22d Oct, 1862. Normanby, 16th Dec., 1862. TAVERN STAND T0 RENT. WOOLEN CLOTH GIBBS, [Eamngsuan 1859.] F OR SALE. STRAY COW. ADD Bangin'ck, P. 0. ’ 2014f. Sentinel" P. '0. ' v 4, 46-y .L Inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country, that he 13 prepared to furnish any of the above articles on short notice, and of superior workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality oftimbet will be used. HE SUBSCRIBER HEREBY NOTIFIES the public that he has on had, and is prepared to make, on short notice, any article in the above [11.0. in the beat style) - L - $19 00 FOREST KING'S “ “ 19 so 301 STOVES for 2- foot wood . . 6 5o HE PROPRIETOR ANNOUNCES TO THE inhabitants ‘of Durham and sumundinz KING of STOVES, (lat-gut sue, furnished " “ 3%" “ -' - 8 0° ‘ ï¬mgg‘mgzazg“ "" P“ Purchuen of Stan: will be applied with Apply “(if by letter postpaid) to . Stove Pip“ gt six pence, cmrency,each length, ARGEPARK} ., and elbow: u. 10 pence each. . , Wm. ESTHER} Em A. a; A. 000mm. I Bentiack- ~15. Dnrhatr. Foundry, Jammy, 1862. , 1624;! Benï¬nelr, 22nd dag-1862. STOVES, S'l‘OVES. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH l tention of parties intending to build during the coming season, that he is prepared to furnish an unlimited quantity of supnmon BRICK, 0N REASONABLE TERMS. Those Brick are Larger than any heretofore manufactured in this country, and at much jlower prices. OT 13, 236 003., Bontinek, containing 100 acres, '9 of which are cleared, fenced, and under cultivation, is offered for ale on easy terms. The land is excellent in quality, and is situated only two miles from the rising village of Han- over. Address (if by letter poat-peid,) MATTHEW WYLIE, Allanpark P. O. Bentinck, 6th Oct., 1862. 199-1y. HE SUBSCRIBER desires to call the at- tention of parties intendinz to build during FARM FOR SAL; ,! GEORGE TUCKER. Durham, 5th Dec., 1860 m4 BRICK! BRICK†Durham. The whole forming a very extensive, complete, and. generahtodt of th e best goods in every departmen low prices for cash or merchantable leave to invite the a t, which he oifers at very Durhsm 17th April, 1862. THOMAS BROWN, Port Elgin, Co. Bruce. Septambcr 15, 1862. 196:18. cï¬bï¬ama GROCERIES, DURHAM BRICK MANUFACTORY. General Coopering. The subscriber users for a]. the following Town Lots in Bnowx'l SURYIY, mu nu: Inn: DRY-GOODS, . Rudy-Made October 9, 1862. GOOD STOCK BRICK WEWILLSELL, FOR CASH ONLY TOWN or DURHAM C§naihting of WAGE-0N9 Opposite Smith’s Tannery. M'CALL nu) nximxn. Manufhctory. WRMM AT .uuuuea as nerewmre to pay the highest pnce for BLACK BALTï¬y delivered at his Pearl Amery, at Glenelg F 3113, or at his Watchman»; J. H. CIIKRKE. . 175:1y. Durham. ,NE. HERBERT nowswn'nrz. 199-v. 01‘ 50,311! CON. BBN'PINCK, S. D. R. CON. umxo 75 ecu-ea, 30 of which ore cleared, fenced, ond under exoeilent cultivation. There II a. good Log House and Born on the mine. Immegiiate possession given. flatness Maker and Carriage Trimmer, Bogs most respectfully to inform the Farmers About IMPORTANT To ' FARMERS, AND cranks, To all who desire it, he will send. a. copy of the prescription he used (free of charge). with the.di-. rections for preparing and using the same, which they will ï¬nd a sure cure for Consumption,_ Asth- ma, Bronchitis, c. The only object of the ad- vertiser in sending the prescription is to beneï¬t the afflicted, and Spread the information Which he conceives to be invaluable, and be hope: every sufferer grill try his reroedy, 93 it will cost them nothing; and may prove a Missiiigfg" Parties wishiig the, pmcription will place yd- Rcv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williemsburg Kings County, New York. 1 ins few weeks, by 5 very simple remedy, at: ter having suffered several yearn ï¬lth a. severe lung affection,and that dread disease, Consumpo flanâ€"is. anxious tqmake known .350 his fellow- auï¬erere the means of cuter ‘ - . ' . THE tdvertiser having been restored to health inn few weeks. bV a verv aimnlc rempdv nf. Send for 3 Circular, which, with the’price-Iist, and samples of work done on the Family Machine, will be sent mail-free Agents wanted who will purchgse Machines. We never consign. 5th. With newimprovemeats constantly being1 addedâ€"with perfection of mechanical dim, ob-‘ mined by long experience-me aim to produce a Machine which shall be a source of proï¬t and1 pleasure to the purchaser. 1 6th. There is no Sewing Machine 80 fully guaranteed as ours; for we warrant every Ma- chine we sell to give bettey satisfaction than any other, or we willrefund the money. we furnish the but, and cheapestfno¢bing§in thy World 7th. We have still further reduced our prices, and when the quality of the Machine,“ considered, it will be readrly conceded that fcr 3rd. There is no Sewing Machine capable of doing so great a. range of work; no work ever required in Family Sewing, but what may be done perfectly on our Machinqgrom Lace to HeaviestOlotb‘, ' ' :* _. ‘f: 4th. Wherever our Kochheï¬â€˜mve been fairly exhibited in competition with other-ï¬rst ch35 Machines, .we have been ewe'reded‘; FIRST PREMIUMS. 2nd. There is no Sewing Machine l0 dunblg, and so easily kept in order. ‘ m’ Th‘m‘ ‘3 â€031301139, making tie ii'é'h‘t' 6i- Iockstich, which in so simple and ,0 0043in under. stood. THIS Company, being duly licensed, their Machines are protected from infringement litigation. Persons desiring to procure 3 Sewing Machine should purchase the _ FINKLE AND LYoN for the following reasons: OF SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, PINKLE AND LYON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 177.1%. TO RENT OR‘SBLL That he has commenced business in tint new building opposite Sigmund Brehm’s Hotel, where he intends giving (:1)- Goon wonnx .ca 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. TO CON SUMPTIVES. 'flll FINKLB 8. LYON STA NDAR-n; Scotland, and Cam} u..--..L_ _ "AA A HARDWARE", » ‘ amount, 3001's, snoEs, Fancy W'arel, Enchant. c., c., 205-3 m. “"*’ï¬â€˜ï¬b*" C oï¬N-Tȴa~:Oxâ€"waraeagvy ~:A~I-BgÂ¥ E R T I SE B. Dry Gaeds ! 630633138 IF’YOU WANT CHEAP PRINTING, co TO THE STANDARD! OFFICE "nu-u \o-ulv “I luv PIVIIIIDVI VI “vqu-VIIWI . Town-Plot, Dal-bun, last my, a. two-you: Baht, spotted white and red. The own» in re- quested- to come forward, pay chug“, and him her “my. ~ ' General Wholemé‘ mummy, Hamilton Oct. 14,1862; ‘ , my. THERE came to the pm‘niï¬cl of theisubtcriber, ' Town-Plot Dun-bun- Int In. a. two-tux. 1.1 no Post Ofï¬ce on the 22nd day of 1‘ vember, 1862.- Almsn, Miss Annie Leitch, Angus Benton, Alexander Leister, Wm. Boyle, John Mills, Mrs John Caldwell, Robt. Mills, Thos. Cnmmins, Patrick MeKechnie, J. Condrey, John McKechnie, Duncan Craig, James MoMullsn, Angus - Cromier, John Mclnnis, Hugh ' Collier, George McKechnie, Malcolm Coulter, Joseph McQusrry,,Angus Doggone, Cornelius ' McKechnie, Malcolm Donahie, Tho’s McDonald, Arch. Goodssll, Anthony ' McDonald, Eleanor Gwen, John ' Jr Fanny O’Brien," Jeremiah Gnsw, Tho’s Prisl, Michael Gttti'e, Augustus , - Smith, James 0. Kris, Martin ‘ , Venmrd, Robt. Leitch, Moleolm ‘ Work, Willism Leitch, Arch. ' ' Wan, Jnmes , Lynch, Dennis HE subscriber offers for sale that valuabl ‘ larn of land known as Lot 65, 3rd con Bentinck, Old Survey, containing-50 acres, 40 0 which are cleared, fenced, nndunder cultivation cud only two miles from tnc rising town of Dur hem. There is an excellent log house on the premises, and burn, with excellent water. The quality of the land cannot be surpassed in the Province. Terms liberal. Applications (if by letter, prepaid) to THOMAS MoASSEY, . Bentinck P. 0. Bentinck, 22nd Nov. 1852. ' 206-3 J. ‘the Subscriber, about Ltwo months since, a White Bull and Red .Sltlpe'rf, bqth “rismg {we years; The '-bwner is rednestedg 10* baffle forl- ward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away, or they will be sold on the ï¬rst day of January next to pay expenses. JOHN C. DUN SMOOR. FOR 12 months-,from'ilst January,"1863,'twd men, of good character, accusted to manage Homes; and td Chap and Clear Land, and do all kind of farm work, and to' make themselves genemlly'usoful. "One .of them can :have‘ 3 Log- bongo, .it'ï¬hg‘ should,- .\yjslg ituytoglive in. _ .4139 wanted a Boy about 15 to make himself generally useful. Jpply to ‘ ‘ A r ‘ THOMJS GEO. B. flLLJN, '; .4“an Park 1’. 0., Township of Bentinck, C.W Bonï¬nck, 2nd Dec., 1862,. 2074! , .STRAYCATTLE. I _._ THERE’CAME min-HE†rnnmsms. or: thé Subscriber. about him month. since. Ashbury, Thomas -_ Riddle, Thou. Bottnll, 81mm Connor, Edw’d Dunn, A-nl '- Deluuy, Michael Elliot, Mrs. Em. Falkinghnm J. McArthur, John McEnolly, Mina Ann , McFadgcl, Wm. Mutthur, Arch- McKinnqn, All“ ‘ Morrison; N 311 McKee, James - " M-u1%hy, 30511 3 ZMcL arty, John . McLarty, Arch. McLure, Rob’t McComb, Alex’r ' 7 Mqiintéin, Wm. Pétexibeau'gh, Geargé _, Pettigrew, L. ' Peter, Wm. . Quinla 11, J mmmh ALEX B. McNAB Postmaster. 181‘ of “claims! Lenten remaining 5n; Winch-Post Oï¬cy Deoehibet=~ 1, 1862. ' ‘ KERR, BROWN 00.. ed. - ‘ THOMAS NOBLE. Durham, 18th Nov. 1362, 2.0 STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber; 1n June last, a STEER rising two-yeer? old ofa. pale yellowish colon . Any oneneturning him, or giving such information as will load to the recovery of the name; will be Mndlomely reward- Rocky Saugeon, Glenelg Dec. 9th 1862. u}, we the Pï¬niisen oPï¬o'sm “â€"9 g. THE SUBSCRIBER begs tp intimate to the u:- habitduts of mimm and surrounding coun~ try, “it he Womegced the abomabusmm in nAnmaan mamas. DURHAM, c. w. »IS'I‘ 0F LETTERS REMAINING IN GLEN- December 5,’ 1862. ESTRAY HEIFER Durham‘,*19umhmmez. 3. n Durham, Dec. 17, 1862. LIST 0F LETTERS. 53' Jobbing done on short notice! .5; GEORGE ISAACS. WANTED TO HIRE. JAMES BROWN, N E W SADDLE chl FARM FOR. SALE. ESTRAY STEER.“ SMYEW pas Establishinont, D U R [I A M.- mantras or {a 188 UER 0F MARK APPLEBY, Postmaster Leitch, Angus Leister, Wm. Mills, Mrs John Mills, Thos. McKechnie, J. Mcchhnie, Duncan McMullan, Angus- Mclnnis, Hugh McKechnic, Malcolm McQuarry‘, Angus McKechnie, Malcolm McDonald, Arch. McDonald, Eleanor O’Brien; Jeremiah Pris], Michael Smith, James G. Venmrd, Robt. Work, Willinm Wall, Jomes _ $93..__ modemï¬qprieee: I}. erate prices, er“ a shim _ 'J. .~ 2054?; 5209-3 32074! 210.1! .THE SUBSCRIBER HAS DETERMINED TO ‘ open an Auction Meet at No. 14 Gersfrsn Street, Durham, at the Se'ugeen Bridge, in which he Will hate a monthly Auction Sale of Cattle and Goods of all descriptions, which may he brought to'him for that purpose, thereby saving Farmers and others who may have surplus stock to dispose of, the ? expense of calling a sale on their own; premises. The stock or goods will be Sold for Cash or on time as ordered, and his thorough knowledge of the residents in this pert of the Country ensure those entrusting him i‘rith Goods,- 810. {or Sale, responsible pat-tie} for their Notes. Every convenience for stabling Horses, Cattle, c., and storage for any amount of Fur- nimre and Goods. SUPERLATIVE TONIC and Diuretic; an excellent remedy in all cases of general de- biljtyu For sale by - PARKER CATTLE. Monthly sale, 2nd Wed nesdaj‘ of every month, noon. Posters with partiCulars of sale #211 be distributed previous to the Monthly Sales. Auc- tion Sales conducted in all parts of the County of Grey iii a thorough business manner; and on reasonable tennis. i E? Lands inspech and valued, Conveyancing and Divisibn Court bhsin‘ess‘ attended to? Backs and Aéc‘o'unia made up mth punctuality sud neatdeSQ. JOHN MOODIB, Libensed Auctioneer, (10“ Grey; â€"â€"‘â€"..v â€"â€"w v--â€" Terms will hey-very reasonable; either by per eentage 9r otherwiseLgs egregdhup'on. Made by Messrs. Carpenter Ware 8!. Co., Hamilton; both Safes and Scales are equal t6 any, and superior to most of the old Country and Americans makes, in fact in point of qualtity, dur- abilit and ï¬nish, they are not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes and {tales is kept on hand. W. ROUGH. OWE-N SOUND, June, 1862. Keeps on hand a large stock of Iron, Steel, Anvils, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japanned Saddlery Hardware. To buy from him, rather than go to Guelph or Toronto. ~ w . n6. 0 U (l: H is receiving from vessels direct from home markets and from the manufacturing districts of the United States, large supplies of everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both in Europe and America, he is enabled to offer at unusually low prices. Coopers’ and Shoe-makers’ Tools, and a variety of other things too numerous to mention. The subscriber is also desirous to as- sist In encouragmg HOME MAUUFACTURES’ And has therefore obtained the agencies of the justly established pl‘lZB ' Ofers IIardware at the Signaf the Big Dï¬rhsin; Jury 15th; 1862; Just received the Best White Canada Coal 0i], Of all kind and of the best quality. A choice selection of Teas, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use. Horse and Cattle Medi- cine:. Light. Light. Light. PLATFORM AND OTHER SCALES. “Wholesale and Retail Drugg-ists, DURHAM, OWEN SOUND, AND GODERICH, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Oils, Paints, Colors, VaxmsheshTar, Putty, Rosin, Field and Garden. Seeds, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Stationery, Combs anduBmshes of every description. â€ARLING’S LIFE BITTERS. Oils, Paints and Colors, EEREEEPRQQE SAEES Durham, April 27, 1862 AUCTION MART. At such prices as will pay all custemers innwant 01 mm @m ggwysg NEWï¬m ‘ EM @Eï¬ï¬ï¬mo GILT MOULDINGS FOR PICTURE-FRAMES. PARKER AND CATTLE, Made by J.- St. J. Taylor, of Toronto, and of the OWEN SGUNB, W. ROUGH AND A LARGE Asso'mnm' or At Very Low Prices! 187-Iy. PARKER CATTLE, DURHAM, OWEN SOUND 8L Gammon. 139-157-176-1y The undersigned having purchased the Big“ to mnutacture and vond the “ Common Sense " Churn for the County of Grey, begs to state that he is prepared to sell Township Rights, to per- sons desirous of manufacturing this justly cele- brated Churn, which is universally pronounced (without exception) to be THELBEST CHURN IN THE WORLD. It completes the churning in an almost incredi- ble space of ting-producing good, hard butterâ€"- generally in Fm: macawâ€"thus saving a vast. an‘mu‘ht of time and labor. CHURNS! CHURNS! The Best Ever Invented! ! 13' The subscriber will be in Dnrhsm or Friday the 14th'0ctobcr (Fait Boy) at the Brit- ish Hotel, to dispose of Township Rights, or re- ceive orders for churns. THE root of ail diseases lién In imp um blood, . which becomes thoroughly puriï¬ed by the use of Darling‘s Liver Regulator. For «in by PARKER a: CATTLE, Price of Chm-nu $8.00. For Terms of Rights, Certiï¬cates, ta, apply Sepmmbet 23¢, 1868. . Innmmc’s LIVER REGULATOR ! JOHN G. FRANCIS, Owen Sound. 156â€"1)