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Durham Standard (1857), 19 Jan 1863, p. 4

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e ”.24? YOU WANT CHEAP PRINTING » , GO TO THE ST ~\ND~\RD OFFICE . Iaife As§ugance Company. M Con vewncerflom2211'ssioner in Queen’s Bench and (7021;111:3310): General Agent. .“Lafc flsmnace is the Cheapest and the safest ;“made of making a certain and secure investment ’or 0112’: Family."â€"â€"Bst.uux FRANKLIX. Slcnnnx. GENERAL aczxr. THUS. M. SIMQXS. J OHN STRIKEMAN ‘ ‘.DUIUO§‘ 1' JOHN YOUNG, Esq, l JOE}? FERRIE,°E3Q- mammn‘unn BY SPECIAL ACT or PARLIAMEX ALEX. B. MCNAB, ‘AAâ€"---A____ A. T. [“ixltoh, Esq”) 7", -.- John Leys, Esq., thcin Btnkorsr . . . . . . . . . The Bank of Upper Canm ALEX, B. MCNA B, William Nelle-Stet, Esq, WT Pmflowland, Esq, M.P.P., George Michie, Esq. . Lawrence Heyflen. Esq" . 0N IMPROVED F Alt MS 1‘01\ \\Y 1‘17:va NOT EXCE1‘DING IE“ XEARS. In Durham, Hanover, Walkerton, Mount Forest. Owen Sound, and other rising localities, many 0, such being admirably adapted for mechanical purposes and Pri'.'ate:Resi(lences, application, if by letter (pm-paid) will receive strictattention. ALEX. B. McNAB, General Agent. Improved and wild, situated in the Township ofHolland, Sullivan, Proton, Aiumesia, Gam {ram kc” 310., at low prices and on liberal term of payment. CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling ALEX ANDER D AV IDSON, Inspector. INSURANCE ON LIBERAL TERMS- PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS IVITHOUT REFERENCES TO ENGLAND. CAPITALâ€"ONE MILLION DOLLARS BY CI‘TIL ‘W’Jhnllo EI?ER?QQE ; AND LOMBARD STREET ROYAL INSURAN CE BUILDINGS PERMANENT BUILD] N G AND SQVZNC S :S O C! ET?! MONEY LENT ' .1 Road recently occupied by Mr. David Coch- rane, situate directly opposite the Egremvnt Post Oflice, kept by Thos. Smith, Esq , will be sold, or leased fora term of years The property is only 2} miles from Mount Forest, the ambitious County Town in embryo. Terms, c., can be obtained on application, if by letter post-paid, to HAT VALUABLE FARM on the Garafmxa Road recentlv occnnied bv Mr David Unabâ€" Durham, May 1, 18m. hr Durham and surrounding country, all orders will beatended to with promptitude and dispatch T HE FREEHOLD connxssmx JIERCHANT AND THE PROPRIETORS OF THE ABOVE Distillery having appointed the undersigned GLENLIYAT BISTIL’ERY n,..¢;; FERGUS, c. w. DURHAM, canznag ggzxfig Bentlnck Post Mic e, Homesteads INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE AX!) LIFE. The subscriber is prepared to offer fob saw Durham, May I, 18.31. Aprii 9th, 1863. Durham, 24th March, 1863 Messrs. Bums, Mcltcnnxca s: 00., Toronto, “ Buowv, GILLsér-xk00. ,Hmnilton. ”15108801! Bums, Toronto Bonn Pnsaaox, Esq. ., Owen Sound. May1,1861. ‘ 125-1: Durham 8th Aug, 1861. PRESIDENT. MONEY TU LEN D THE BANK OF MONTREAL. ALEX. B. MON AB VALUABLE FARM For Sale or to Lease. WHOLESALE AGENT, TOWN AND PARK LOTS No Charge for P0! ides.- FRANCIS I]. HEWARD, \vfifin - A-Q- -_~I\â€" Lonéang HAMILTON, c. W. PpSTMASTER, FAR): Lam‘s, Esrlfimsfixn, 184 7. A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS: REFERENCES: HEAD OFFICE. RO‘TI" I.) ON ‘. .‘ CLASS MORTGAGES. Apply to ALEX. B. MCNAB. MANAGER. BANKERS. ALSO [T “dissmrbed ALEX. B. McN’AB, Durham. A. 'I B. MONA B, Agent, 5Durham. VICE-PRESIDENT. ALEX. B. MCNAB. , Vice Pres .-\Iex., Murray, $13., Austin, COUNTY GREY. Mama. ge r. President. President. 5OIICIIF’I'. 135n1v 1394f- I" IA‘ 0 a da Fm further infogmétioqrpléasemig’t the 0qu 1929, or send for catalqgugqu oiréu “ closing 1.2%?) stamp; aAddresfi BR ANT,“ ATTOX AL, P. 'P.. A'dam' ‘Bzoén,’ Esq-EVRxfihard'Jgo: ESQ-iHamiltou. ‘ v . _ For, further infogjm‘étioq,pléase 9331 g"; the C91»: Intro Bio nnnr‘ rn- Ah.n1A-.A 15-: -2..-“ A Alex. Murray, Esq.,. Arthur R. McMaster, Esq, Thos. C. Keefer, C. E., Rice Lewis; Esq.,1_John McDonald, Esq _. Hon. John H. Cameron, Adam Crooks, Esq,,_Torgnto; Isaac .Bl‘l‘Chanan,.-E3q., \r -'n 911 .23-.“ ‘ Bryant Stmtton’s Commcial The object of these Colleges [is. .‘to impart to Young Men and Ladies, thorough and practical instruction in Book-keeping, Com’merCial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Spencer-inn Business Pen- manship, Correspondence, c., and to fit them‘ for any department of business they may choose.â€" Scholarships issued in Canada, will entitle the student to complete his course in ,any’ College of the chain, and rice versa, without additional charge. The College is open Day. 31.“ Evening. , JAMES E. DAY, Resident ,Rrineipgi. ' . ‘ THIS Institution. locatedijh the Mechanic's‘ Institute, Toronto, has jun been added to Bryant, Stratum f: Co‘s. chain of Commercial :Colleges, established in ' " Wholesale Agents:â€"-Barc!ay_.‘Co., 75, Far- rington street: may behad from Megsrs. Parker 5: Cattle, Chemists, Durham, and from all Chem- ists throughout the world. mmwonoxro COLLEGE, c. 1 Tomato, November. 38, 1862. v - v-vu ' ‘ 7 Sold in bottles, at ls 1%d., 2s. 9d., 43 Cd., 113 Dr. Buchan’s invigorating Essence, For NERVOUS RELAXTION and GENRAL lWEAKXESS, at once restores and invigorates ; with magical rapidity the most Debilitated (Jop- stitntion, thereby insuring permanent health, in- creased strength, energy, and a redoubled devel- opement of the. muscular system. Failure is im- possible; for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general (lebility, nervous prostration, depression of spirits, '_diminntion of vital energy, enumcipation, and for all female complaints. 'l‘he’nedicine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity; and old age. The properties ofthis invaluable re~invigorating Essence‘act’ dirertly on the nervous and muscu~ lar sytem, enriching, ; increasing, ,an purifying each particular, vital fluid; its action is never-9 failing, and in perfect accordance With the laws of nature. ‘ As the falling rain yivifies the parch- ed vegetation, so will the power’of this all-potent agent restore the lust strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profession attempt to treat. 43. 6d., 11.3., or fimrquantities in one, 333. DR. BL‘CHAS’S VEGETAB; E SKIN O-‘NTMI-INT. lathe. only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores. Its etl'eets are wonderful, giv- ing instant relief to the suflerez‘. Many thbusnnds Lave used it, anel declare it to be the best in the World. It is the only ' ' ' PILLQ. ‘1‘ is a 'WEL‘LcLNOW-N FACT-that SARSAPA-s - RILLA is the greatest purifier of the. blood in the world; KEEP YOURBLDOIEPURE lâ€"Tbe lowels regnla r ! !â€"--And:DF}FY the»‘ DOC TOR l ll These Pills .gtrike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment Incidental to Man, Woman, and Child, such as all eruptiqna on the Skin, Indigestion, Billous, Liver, and Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Lita . Headaches, Sore Throats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of tbe‘boweis, obstructed perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. These Pills work their very tray to the root of each disease, cleansing in their passage especially where mercury has been taken, and re; moving every unhealthy accumulation, till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where. before they had been sad and weary burdens. . Do? “9t hesi- tateâ€"donof delay! a clean stomach Emust make a clean body. A clean body will contain pure' blood, when the stomach, body and blood are , pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain. Begin at the beginning, waste no time; strike at the root of your ailments- Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial of these Pills “'lll force conviction :1an sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Westminster \\ orship Street Pow Stre Used by the most celebrated Medmak Men gymen and others. DR. Bticum’s SUGAR-COATED Sum“) 113v 9" _ ...nd 1862 IlEALTII, IIAPPIXESS, AND . '11-'65 W'uhin athei'qg‘chgoffian; hs'flhamse of ' P: BUCHAV'S‘VBGQTA’BWâ€"inbfiasnc Medicines, prepared from the Prescriptions of late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicmns, _c.,. kt, Cures $313;in 'mgde, and their effimy‘grmovgdfiin thousTi'nBo-Qf ‘casea, attes- ted befoi'e the Aldérmen of Gufldfiél}, The warm "on. me Lon-Jinan} of . Loxpox, NEW YO RH, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, nxrkonx (nnCAeo, TROY, , I. BROOKLYN ST.L0{PS. ; BUFFALO, PDR LA\D AND PROVIDEVCE. For all kmt1 3 of 5e Pins \\ ill force conviction 01(1)!) bOIttPS, at 13 13d" 28. COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS, MATTE: .1 E; REM EDY fl REFERENCES: Book-keep- _ itg _.:. .. 216 Commercial Arithmetic, 320. ,JRWJ I | ~ 5 tra'tési of Marlborough Street. THE DURHAM -STANDARD,W . . . . 550 octave pages COATED ' SARSAPARILLA ’-v\' u Ullbvyo o - 1‘ ”D Street Pow Sgre‘et, 32c (l 6‘ cjosihg fl fl 1r. Cler- uuucuuwit. rrice us. and 333. per bottle, also 3T0: ‘ saving of 113. _ The Set _ Perry’s Patent Concentrated Essence of Copaiba ‘ and Cubeb Sugar-Coated Globules, the most spee- “2 Trw“ dy remedy known. The Globules,’ containing the fl solemn? Quintessence of Copaiba,Cubebs, Buchu, 9.,at the WW? once cure, without the possibiLit .. ottfailure,’ Go- SChfmp‘: “’0' non-men, obstinate Gleet,~Stri lire,‘etc., immediâ€" dryznfms .0“ ately subduing all inflammatory action; Encaeed manna an in sugar, free from taste or smell. _4s. 6d and usjiethox. . r ‘ , ~ \ u. Health Depends upon Pure Blood, Perry’S'Pm-ifying Pills,- an infalliblmcure for all . diseases of the skin,- suchzasi sourvy,-acrofula, ul- Ocrs,‘ boils; blotches. pimples on the 130.6 and body. kc: Price 113. andi333.,.pentiox. , . . «Sold at Meats. RA; L. Perry '8: 09,84 Whole-e .. Fill! Deputyfio. 19, Burners street, Qxford street, 'London.~ ‘U ’: - _ F rd under-the ‘ 3 5183; Bone]; 8; Co. 75 art-ins on street, , ‘ Loggia. I ’ Hand» I‘m ~~;.~ w ,“m'rf r, by madness. 7.... ,. H 13w ‘6‘ i ......... Dun“, wow] 0 a never~fziiling remedy for Spermatorrhma, loss! of i manly power, produced by early indiscretions, 'or :any other cause. It enriches the principal vital / . . . fluzds, enabling those who have deemed themselves ; incurable at, once to fulfill the most sacred obli- , gations of married life. Price 113. per bottle, or E four quantities in one, 333., which saves 118.; and gin £5 bottles, effecting ft eating of £1 123. Perry's Concentrated Detersive Essence, a. re- medy for Snjhilis in all its stages, also for purify- ing the system from contamination, recommended for secondary systems, blotches on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils, and um- 13‘; itsbeneficigl influengie on the the system is undeniable. Price‘lls. and 33s; per bottle, also saving o,f_lls. " by the use of ' Perry’s Cordial Balm of Syriacum Established nearly a century, known through- out the ‘world as the Grealest Rnupnornfnv . .. Messrs. R. L. PERRY .3: CO., are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19,‘ Berners street, Oxford street, London, as they never under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad, and they hereby caution the public against any person using their name, and as a further precau- tion against fraud, the public is notified that none of their mcdicines are genuine, unless the sub- joined fac-simile of their signature is attached to ‘the different wrappers; sznanzvn ”AND MUSCULAR POWER REGAINED I.-~V.\.\Q|llb LIIU l'UQJAUIlll) U1 UUULRUIIURIIOD. Also to be had from all Arrems in all arts of O the. world. Extracts from the Silent Friend, price 6d.,_wliicli contains dircgtions for the guidance of patients. ‘ ’ ~ ' ' ---v-- .vv wt. ICIJU U1! , 'Vllll an Essay on single and married life, containing a prescription known as the vaentative Lotion, preciuding the 1105: sibilitv of contamination. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION ANDEXHAUS- TIUN. New edition, enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engrav- ing; on Steel,just published, price 13. THE SILENT FRIEND, the Greatest Medicml Work of theaAge, on Youthful Indiscretions and consequent impediments to Marriage, des- cribing the Anatomy of the Reproductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restoration to manhood; with E3“ Wrought Iron Shares made for any .éiud o ploughs. £13” Mill Picks Made and Sharpened. ‘13" Axes Jumped and Tempered. {13" Any person in need of a Farrier will find it to their a. vantage to call 0:1 him. Durham, Nov. 25, 1858. 1 In IS PREPARED TO DO mu “7011;, Horse Shoeing, The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms. A HERBERT ROWSWELL. _ -- _â€"w v uv-anv “Cull Deputy- Ckairman.‘ . HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq; EDWARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P.;‘ J. H. MAIT- LAND, Esq” Resident Secretary, Montreal; G. F. 0.. SMITH, Esq.,‘ Resident Assistant Secretary; FREDIA. BALL, Inspector of flgcnc‘es T. BANDERSOW Es'q. (President Bank of; Mon- - treal), Chairman. ALEX SIMPSOX, Esq. (President Ontario Bank) TL..-“ .4 Funds in hand (Decr. 1860),. .~. . . $6,295 130.62) Invested in Canada, . . . . . . . , . . $0,000.09 HEAD OFFICE, C A ADA BRANCH, Company’s Buildings, Corner bf Placéjd’Af- lanes amt-Great St. James Street; Montreal. CAPITALâ€" T1L0 M 11120113 Sm [ma 0 Din-‘11":u 1- A -j I“ A ‘m.m The undersigned having purchased the Right ‘tmm’cm find vend the“ “Common Sense" £15m 1% tgwmtyzdf Grey. first”. state 033. Leisw 2910.503. Township Rifihts, to.” 50:13 desirous of mangfacturingthis justly “cele- brated Churn, whisk: is ugitersuuy pronounced (without exception) to,.be ~‘ ~ ‘ " . THE BEST CHURN 1x THE WORLD; It completes the churning in an almost incredi- bie space ct time, producing good, hard butter-- generally in FIVE MINUTES-~thu3 saving a. vast amount of time asd labor. --E’ The subscriber W1 be in Bit-@1330!» Friday the 14th October (Fair Day) at. the Brit‘s“ iihH‘ofll, “to dispose of Township. Rights, or re-; ceive orders for churns; ' w FIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y CHU ENS! CHU RNS'! T0 THEJNPEPENDM September 2nd, [862. the BEST STYLE and at Moderate Prica DIRECTORS : JOHN G. FRANCIS AND Spermato-rfhma, l'o'és; of Owen Sound: -‘ >9 139.1y 7 livid-h? uni: 621.1%! on. facility v.6 [ (2 (Stamps. * '1 ’ " fi'mtgudange Baily, from 8 if: th’e3fi\_-,{ i.. ' ' 39 at highfi and on Sundays 'frOm R’to 5 p, x - Medicinegwgithfpll dirggtions sent to ’a- 5â€" oz : L of the United; $153;th '9: Cépéddsgby pattip t 5031..., ,wuniéatingz’thjéiflr systems by mm; 'Bhsir .3 «w . ‘ .v'eisbondéfl’c‘e’figigfly‘ copiidentialz ‘ ; 3 ”13' Dr. L’é’ ce‘is ‘stfll'fiéfitédfah estz- .Slmlzr - under the same 03.3133“ 'LA CROIX, at N. . :; Maiden Lane, Albnygélg YL: ‘3 3; 3;; 5;; . L A Treatise on the Cause of Premature D" U4 solemn wmting. ‘Jgstpubliakedm books/z the iakidiousfi‘frogt'esg- and; pmvalence {schools} Iboth 1%: 1e andfemaleJ qf this fatal dointing out thefatality that invariably attp victim; and developing thqwhqle. progress . (tissue, from the commezzcement tontlze end. Tm: "Emicrnic Gamma PROTECTIVE.” Io: married ladies Vvho’se hEaith will not min t, 0, who have no desire to increase their families 1) I) be obtained as above. It is a 'p'erfectiy 3:11 p e ventiver to cohception, and has been (3an :11" used during the last'ZO years. Price redm~ ad ti. $10. The Secrets of Youth Unve’h d, . TO THE LADIESâ€"â€" ho need a. (on Ldt o ‘ L 0 ~.' . x 5 : " ’ t ’ mefhcal admse?‘ Wlth reg‘ld to any of um'; i it r egtmg comp‘a-lrljtSftQ whichtheir delicate . g l mzatlon renders them liable, 'ai‘e Particular ,i. 1~ 'vited to cthult tié. I ‘ FRENCH FEMALE PILLs.â€"-Lad-ies .‘Whowish o Medicines, the efficacy of which has been teste i: thousands of cases, and never failed to e: r speedy cures without-any: had results, will 1.: none but Dr. DcLancy’s Female. Periodical F “J The only precaution necessary to be observe 'i ladies :SIIOulcl not take them if they have re u tobelievethey are in certain eituations (the a. nicularsof which will be found on the wm. p . accompanying each box,) though always Safe .2 ‘ healthy, so gentle, yet,_so active areuthey. Pricve$l 1331‘ box; Tfiéy can’ be mane'd to part of the United States mgr Canada. - _____â€"â€" .â€" . â€"--â€"-â€"~ We have recently devoted mn'ch of em time VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPITAL ?, availing ourselves of the know'ledge ‘a’nd rcscarc 2- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons 11 Europe. and the Continent. {Those who p13 to themselves under our care, will now haveathe'f -11 benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIO»; .S REMEDIES which we are enabled to inn-0dr 'e into our practice, and the mmmma; rest - sâ€" snred of the same zeal, nssiduity, SECRECY a d attention being paid to their cases, which has in successfniiy distingmehed heretoforegias‘a Phi o-i cian in our PE CTILIAR department of'professi n 211 Practice, for the past twenty-five years. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with wcak - eyes, loss of memory, w 1th melancholy, may I a cured bv the authors NEW PARIS AND LO.‘ DON TRE AT \IENT. '.; 260 PAGES AND ‘1301 ENGRAVINGS.-â€" Price only TWENTY-FIVE csxrs. Sent free.~.of postage to all parts of the Union. On. the in- firmities of youth and matiirity, msclosing the secret follies of bmh sexes of alleges, causing debility, nervousness, .deyr'ession;of's'pirits, pal, pitation of the hearts, Suicidal imaginings, invol- untary emissions, blushings, defective. memory, indigestion and las’situde, with ‘cowgfessimzs o} thrilling interest of Boarding‘ School Miss, a C0]. 1 lege Student, and a Young Married lady, (in, é'c ‘ It isa.’ truthful adviser to the married and thos« eomtemplatin g marriage, «who rentertain secre doubts of physical condition, and who are con', scioqs of having hazard‘ed the health, happiness ‘ andprivileges to whiéh-ere‘ryihunian being is en Iitled. PRIVATE MEDICAL 'H‘REATISE :ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW of MARRIAGE. General Wholesale Merchants, IIAMILm‘OI‘To Hamilton Oct. 14, 1862. BOO-if. I cannot doubt ‘buttha't in the coming con- test you will rise above the feverish factions of the hour, and that your votes will be record- ed in defence of those principles which have made the British Empire, the envy and glo- ry of the world. dfifié‘amhxch devolve upon a” member of the Legislmre If I have .diecharged these du- fiéfisfifitidaclorily to you, it is refisbnable'to Iimpactt‘that‘your votes will place me at the bfifiof the P011. The Macdonaid-Sieotte Administration, whichI assisted to overthrow, has dragged itself along for a period of twelve months, through a course strewn with broken promis~ es, treacheries, and deliberate attempts to cause the log alty and good faith of the Prov- ince to be suspected in England. The Governor General having dissoved Parliament, you are calletl‘ upon to elect a person to represent you in the" House of Assembly. Having been on two different occasions, honored with your confi~ deuce, it will be my privrlege at the ensuingi Election to accept your verdict on my past "Phrlramentarx conduct and your animate of my m for the discharge of the important For a brief period, this Pravince has been ruled by a Government of which the greatest recorhrhendauon was its wéakness and in- efficiency. My fictive on the palitical and constitutional questions which must engage the attention of the Legislature Will be preSented to you at the various public meetings which I hope to be able to attend, in every Township, befOre the day of Electiom. ' GENTLEMENâ€" CQUNTYTDFGREY KERR, 330W Co Béntinck, May 20, 1863. am, gentlemen. Yours respectfully GEORGE JACKSON. IMPORTERS or 0F TH]; AND REEY It: ”I 3O t 11‘! h f‘l YAADY'ERTISER. Durham: 24", 135%. - 't 2274!? " 11:? Rich in partieé: NO . HUMBUG. LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAUTION 1m against purchasinga Note of Hand drawn}. on the 26th DeCehiber 1859’, for $50, due fqur yéars After date ,qy Mary Ann Nixon in fax-oi- of Do: ald McDonald of. the Township of Bent’mgk, as the consideration for which the same was giv- : en has not bgen received ' . ‘ JAMES NIXON. , Egremont, lst June, 1863. 232-3 .1'3’ Pigtxues W111 be, taken to the Medan oi n MHJAH‘ ’ ISERMS :rThe Auamic is for. salaiby, all Book 5nd Periodical 'Dea‘le‘s. Price 25 cam: a num- ber. Subscriptionsfor the year, $3,00, posyyge‘ paid. Yearly subscriptions waived, or qingke‘ umbersesu lied by;apy‘d¢a.leryor by the Lpnbs ‘ ’WSpé‘cimen numbers sent GRATIS on receipt of gig; cfenqtsfiffor pgs~tage- ., '. f’f " : :‘ TICKNOR 8: FIELDS, PUBLISHERS, : P 25 Washingtc-n St., Bostox}. 1r.~_- Which American tale'nt can furnish. The foregoing list it will be seen includes the And IS such as to warrant the pubiishers in pro- mising The Best Essays, 4 ~ .The Best Stories, The Best'Poems, 3-: l?:;~¥‘§’,11ipple, .' . J. .T._Tro;vbridga, ' Bayardi’l’aflor, Edward Emu-em," ‘t’ " Charles E Norm, _ . Profes§91§ A; D; White. I The proSpeiin of the fltlmziz'c enab es its con- doctors to en moloy the most eminent talent of the ‘ Cmmtry in its columns All the best- known writ-- ers in Ameiican literature, contiibuting constant- lyto’ its pages, give it: the sole right to Dbe known as 0111 natconal magazine. Its staff still comprises the following names among its leading, contribut- 01S: ' ‘ James Russell Lowell, George S Hillard, Hen “7y W.Longt'0110W, Henry Giles, 1 Louis Agassiz,‘ 1'1 alter Mitchell, Ralph Vi aldo Emerson, Henry 1‘. 'l‘uckerman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, John Weiss, C. C. Haze-well, Mrs H. B-Stowe, T. W. Higgison: Harriet Martineau, Authox‘uarrrretllowih Charles Reade, 13113. Julia W.Ho11'e, “The Country Parson, ” Mrs. A. D. '1'. Whitney, Rose Teri-1 0111 er W. Holmes, Harriet E. Prescott, JolmG. Whittier, Robe1tT. S. Lowell, E- E. Whipple, , . J. ..T Trcmbridga, 11111111111 Ta} lor, ~ Edward Everett, ‘7 1 ~ Begun in 1857, the Jltlantic ZlIontlzIy has now reached its sixtyâ€"eighth number. ‘ It: “hirculatipn. incrcasing largely ft om the start has given it‘sucha a currency throughout the'country as no other .5merican magnzinehas ever acquired. Its faith in impartial Z iberty as a principle, and its war- fare against Despotism in every form, have made it; 7». Welcome visitor, far and wide, every month. It. hoes not abate, one jot; of that firm belief in the Brighter (lays to come which Right and Jus::ce alregéurc always 1:. win, but future pages will show hn increased activity in placing before me minds of the pe‘onle an unfultering confidence in the pmrer of the North :0 limit the exi§tence of a‘ rebellion founded in cruel injustice and-Oppression m1 ° The J uly number commen es the Twelfth Vol- ume of the .fltlantic Mont/11y, and will contain such a list of contents as will entitle it to marked- crnsideration. - Nathaniel Hawtiorne contributes for the first number of the new volume “Outside Glimpses of English Poverty,” one of the most in- teresting of his admirable English Sketches. Ol- irer Wendell Holmes has written fOr it “The Do- ings of a Sun-Beam ” Ro'rert Dale Owen discus-- ses "The (‘laims of Labor or Service,” and pre~- sents some new views for the study of the people of America. Gail Hamilton continues her popular “Gala. Days.” Professor Agassiz oflf‘ers anotheri eloquent paper on Mountains. And many other articles, of'equal value with the above. ‘will be included in the forthcoming number. IST OF LETTERS REMAINING 1N GLEN- ELG Post Oflice on the let June, 1863. Donald Leitcb‘, Patxick Cumming, .. maxim Smith}. ,3- J 01111 Thbinasg .15 Mrs. Susan Smith, Robert Caldwell, Rot-ext Jordin',’ ‘ :Charles Nixpn, - John Mthchroh Thom: 18 Roach Alex.Li.v1ngstone,_ Patrick Kennedy, ' \‘l v f." ‘1’“. STRAY MARE. THERE came to the. premises. of the Subscriber Lot 29,2ud con. N. D. R. Glenelo' on the 20th a? inst, 3 Grey Mare about 4 or 5 ' years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay (charges and take her away. 4 ’ ' . JOHN McMULLEN. Glenelg, 25th May, 1863. " 231-3 \Irs. Susan Smith, ROLert JordinT,’ ' John \Ithchroh Alex. Livmgstone, John McLean‘e, Danqan Campbell, Malcolm Leitch, Anvus Leitch, John Tenet, '-. ‘Apprentice . Wanted. FICE, a smart lad as an apprentice toV the prmtmgbusmess Hemayfiwafi gbod Eng-. lish education. V ’ " LIST of unclaimed Letters rémaining 111ch tinck Post (Mice, Jime" 1,1863 Audgrson, John Hall, Willxam Allan, Robert McLeHan, Donald Benson, Mrs. ' > - M‘Cormack Mrs. M. Brown, Thomas ~ Maxwell, Wm. Gilrfian, M. M.‘ Sumivan, Dennis 0 Kellahex, John . STANDARD Office. Durham, 4th June, 1863. VVANI‘ED “IjiISIEDIA'EELY. AT THIS 0F; FICE. a sm‘art'lad as an annmntine tn the. A TLANTIC NIflN TIILY. . -â€"â€"‘ ..“ k . Â¥7u I O ,‘n a: mains ‘ D HANOVER HOTEL VERY 111111111511 paid 115 11.9 comm ’01? of Guesls and TravelJers. (if? CHAhGEs Mabnknn. 5, HRNOVQR, C.W., " BY SJ‘. M?G.A:W,,z PROSPECTUS OF THE LHST 0F LETTERS. yNoTxcE. TWELFTH VOLUME OF THE MARK APPLEBY, ' ' Postmaster ALEX. B. McNAB, ' Putmastar. William Grant, ' John Bovle, , ‘ * Alex. Sk: ne, ' Niel Ste“ art T. Ann Nelson. 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