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Durham Standard (1857), 18 Sep 1863, p. 3

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THE subscriber desires to inform the travelling publ‘c that he has opened the premises re- cently occupied by Mr. McNab as a general store nnd Posh-office, as a Hotel, where he hopes to merit a share of public patronage by fait‘ dealing and staict attention to the wants of his guests. I3" Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. There is a Hall 24. x 60 ft. in connection .with the Hotel, which ml! be given free tor pnhlic meetings, Concerts, arc. .vâ€"â€" in the . BRITISH 110nm, DURHAM, and hopes by auention to business and ex- ceHeace of workmanship to men! a share of pubhc patronage. 63> Jewelry neatly repaired. {:3 F. H. EDWARDS. Made by Messrs. Carpenter Ware (30., Hamilton; both Safes and Scales are equal to anv, and superior to most of the eld Country and Americans makes, in fact m point of qualtrty, dur- ability and finish, they are not to be excelled ; a stock of both Safes and Scales is kept on hand. cw Clock and U arch-ma}. mg Establ zslmwnt 222 Durham. Time! OWEN SOUND, June, 1862. Gm MOFLDI‘sG SFOR PICTURE- FRAMES. @323 E m @910: Coopers’ and S000- make‘l‘f "huh, md 21 variety of other thin ‘00 numerous ‘10 112811110“. illt‘ Slit} SCHbPl‘ IS also (Ipslrnnu In . sist in encouraging Ilqnmm; E gar-11.3mm EL." firinmrn‘mrnms, And has therefore obtained the agencies of the justly established prize is receiving from vessels direct from home markets and from the manuflncturing districts of the Uiitmi States, iurge sapplies of everything in the Hardware line, which from his practical ex- perience, both 111 Eumpc and :hmrrim; hp. ig mmmmi in am". 0+ Keeps on hand a large stock 0:" iron, Steel, Anviis, Vices, Nails, Chains, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws, Hinges, Window Glass, Putty, Cordage, ()akum, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Hames, and Japzâ€"umed Saddlery Hardware. I W’hich we are prepared t0 sell at VERY LOW PRICES. CFC? We invite the Pubiimns andrFarmers to give us a call be- fore purchasing elsewhere. J. W. GALBREATH. Dmhsm, 13th Aug. 1863. ,- “1.13... BRXN DIES, “TNES, c., C-, Which having been purchased in the Best Markets, and on the most advantageous terms, we can offer an article which for Quality and Price CZ-iNNOT BE 5' URPA SSED “’8 have. on hand a' stock of Durham, 4th Aug., 1863. (lfl‘ers IIardwarc at the Sign PLATFORM AND OTHER SCI‘LE‘S ALBION HOTEL, DITRHA’JI. ' Durham, April 27, 1862 3'" “’5‘. At such prices a To buv from The subscriber desires to inform the Inhabitants of Durham and surrounding country that he has commenced the above business Made by I. (75:, J. Taylor, of Toronto, and of the Also a imc’ "° . . . Ime! -â€" -â€"\--J- -4 VIVIV‘JL‘II \4“ in Eumpc and 3111915031 he iscn abled to offer at unusuaily’ 10w plices. Receceived, :1 LARGE S him, rather than go to Guelph or To onto. as Wii 241-1)? 1);“ L - to [1‘ r3 ‘ “ a1 It 01 DURHAM, OWEN SOUND GUSERICH 139-157-175-224-242-1y mds, and a variety of other things he subscriber 18 also desirous toas- ) THE root of all diseases lies )1) impure blood, w hich becomes thoroughly puified by the I use of Darling's vaer Regulator. For sale by a ANNOUNCES to the inhabitants of DURHAM and Vicinity, that he has on hand, and will make to Order, any article in the above line.â€" His stock on hand comprises Bureaus, Cupboards, Tables, CANE-SEAT CHAIRS, C., C., Which will be sold at very low rates for Cash or merchantabie Farm Produce. (frCall and Examine Durham, 23rd Dec., 1862. 211-13’. CABINET-WARE,- k CERTAIN CURE for in diseases of 111 Throat and Lungs. Facade by ’ PARKER CA_TTLE. muuxa’s LIVER REGULATOR I 3H. SUPPLY of AND ALL KINDS OF DARLING’ “EGG '. KOUGH. PARKER CATTLE, DURHAM. W THE DURHAM STANDARD, AND COUNTY 01? GREY ADVERTISER " the AND 156â€"1y IF YOU WANT CHEAP PRINTING, GO TO THE STANDARD OFFICE way between Durham and Priceville. - will be let for one or more years as may be agreed upon. The building is large and com- modious, with excellent stable and driving shed- all nearly new~and also well adapted for a country store. There are al=o fifty acres of land attach -d, which will he let with the Tavern.â€" Immediate possession given. For partléulars appl; (ifâ€"6y letter post-paid) t0 the Standard Office, or to To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the di- rectiuns for rreparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, .fisthma, BTOnChit'lc, 8c. The only object of the advertiser is sending the Prescription is to benc- fit the afllicted, and spread information which he conceived to he invaluab’e, and he hOpes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothi g, and may prove a. blessing. HI‘ ADVERTISER H AVING BEEN RE- srom-zo to health 111 a. few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years wit‘ a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow«sufl‘erers the means of cure. Partiés wishing {be prescription'will please ad- dress. lRev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. A. above house is open for theiraccommoda tion. From its central position and size the Proprietor flatters himself that all who may favor him with their patronage will be perfectly satisfied. The Stable is capable of accommodating forty horses, and an attentive hostler ready at all hours to ac- commodate teams. Bar and Larder well sup- pfied. Charges same as other houses in the village. WM. K. HENDERSON, 'T‘HIS ESTABLISHMENT IS CONST ANTLY 1 turning out the very best Spanish Sole Leather, Which is offered to dealers on the mcst favor- able terms. B’The highest Cash Prices paid for Hides. March 23d, 1863 223-6m. THE public are respectfully informed that the above house is com for their annnmmnda firm Consult3our own interest, and patronize the mill where you can get your logs sawed during the sleio'hiug .1 above mill is now rea'dfto manufacture Lum- ber, of all descriptions, to any extent, and more eXpeditious than any other mill in the Township of Normanby. r HE Proprietor hereby gives notice that the above mill is now readv to manufacture an- Ayton Circular Saw Mill. {:1} Stages run in direct connexion with this House daily. @1120 Best Ales, Wines, Liquors, and Cigars always on hand. A well furnished Livety Stable m connex- ion with the Hotel. (3? Good stabliug and very attentive Host- Iers. 1118 Fine House has been Refitted, and every Accommodation provided for Guests GEORGIAN B AY J. mums», Information left at the Stand'ard Office will be thankfully received. ‘ROM Mount Forest on the night of the ' 27th of April last, aDark Bay French Horse, 3 )ears old, mane a little short at the time; legs black, also mane. Any person or persons giving such information as will lead to his discovery will be suitably rewarded. TAVERN STA N D Six \ears old of a small size; a small White spot mid-wav on .he off side. She had no 311088 on. -\n_v person leaving such information at the “Stan- daxd’ Office, 01 to the subscriber as will lead to her recover} , will be suitably rewarded. JAMES BEAR. TANNBRY! (JOLLENGWGOD I 1. ed large fund; fox-investment upon improved Farms, for periods of from three to seven years. '53” Patents from the Crown taken out. For further information apply to A. R. Roche, Manager, Wellington street, (nearly apposite the Parliament buildings,) Toronto, or to A. B. MCNAB, Durham, H. H. STOVEL, Mount Forest, Valuers to the Association. N.B.-â€"The Association have no Agents in any pa rt of the Province. Glenelg, July 2nd, 1863. Meaford, Jan. 18, 1863. DARK BROWN MARE, THE Canada Agency Association have receiv- ed large fund: fm-inqufmpnt nnnn imnrnvpd MONEY TO LOAN !] Afton, Dec., 1862. R. LOWELL, Proprietor. Mount Forest, Jan. ‘10, 1863. 214-y. HENDERSON ’S HOTEL, July 15m, 1863. Mount Forest, July 23, 1863. Anglo-American Hotel, MOUNT FOREST, (3. w. September 3rd, 1863. fiTRAYED ROM THE TOWN OF MOUNT FOREST, ON the 25th of May,a STOLEN OR STRAYED. TO CONSU M PTIVES. Gravel Road, Meaford. FARMERS, JOHN W. W'ALKER, Mount Forest. 53. 238. R. PRINGLE, Durham, Bentinck P. O. , 1863. 2264f. - Proprietor. Pnopmmon. 210-tf 240. 239-3 Constantly kept' on hand Standard Works, School- Books of all kinds, Blank Books, Station- cry, Paper, Envelopes, Music, Musical Instruments, Wall-Paper, Toys, General Fancy Goods. Cheap for Cash. . W. H. CARNEY. Feb. 4, 1863. 215-13; {3" First door North of J. T. Butchart’s Con- fectionery Shop, Poulett St., Owen Sound. Ordersfrom Durham, whether by mail or other- wise, puctually attended. to. Charges moderate Owennound ‘an. 28, 1861. 112-1? 1- Guldsmith, Silversmith,and Engraver. Club, and Lodge Seals made to order at twelve hours notice. SUBSCBIBE FOR THE JEWELRY NEATLY REPAIRE D. 100 ACRES of Valuakle Property in the Township of Egremont, being composed of the East and West ends of Lot number Nine, on the Second Concessionâ€"with about from twenty- five to thirty acres cleared, and a. good Log House thereon. For Terms, 630., apply, post paid, to JOHN MILLER, Beutid Ck P. (). Durham. 13th August. 1862. 19l-tf. F you want a Good. Cheap and Durable Pump, get one of STOVEL’S IMP-ROVVED LARGE BORE. Itwill throw more water, work with more ease, and is far- more durable than any other pump in use. iderfcé 6f Dr. Dunbér and Wilson’s Hotel. SAMUEL STOVEL. RACTfCAL WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER‘ Goldsmith, Silversmith, and Engraver. Club v in the best style) - -: - $19 00 FOREST KINGS “ “ 19 80 BOX STOV ES for‘Z foot wood - - 6 50 21 “ - - 8 00 Purchasers of Stoves will be supplied with Stove Pipes at six pence, cuxrency, each length, and elbows at 10 pence each. PUM?S H THE KING of STOVES (largest stze, furnisaed in the best style) - 1 FOREST KING S “ “ BOX STOVES for 2 foot wood - - These Brick are Larger than any heretofore manufactured in this country, and at muchjlower prices. , n An STOVES, S FOVES. HE SUBSCRIBER desires to call the at- tention of parties Intending to build during the coming season, that he is prepared to furnish an unlimited quantity of SUPERIOR BRICK, ON REASONABLE TERMS. OT 13, an Con., Bentinck, containing 100 acres, 19 of which are cleared, fenced, and under cultivation, is offered for sale on easy terms. The land is excellent in quality, and is situated only two miles from the rising village of Han- over. Address (if by letter post-paid,) MATTHEW WYLIE, Allanpark P. O. Bentlnck, 6th Oct, 1862. 199-1y. \ FARM FOR SALE! Ashery The whole torming a very extensive, complete, and general stock of the best goods in every department, which he otfers at verv low prices for cash or merchantable produce, to which he begs leave to invite the attentiOn of his numerous friends and public generally, all of which will be sold for a small advance on cost. FANNING MILLS, AND LUMBER FOR SALE. BOOK STORE DRY-GOODS, Read y-Made CLOTH I N G GROCERIES, December 5, 1862. Apply‘sLt the: Shop on $12} _i_n_St. ,_ bggwegn the res- Durham, 13th August, 1862. A. 8; A. COCHRANE. Durham Foundry, Januray, 1862 1624f BRICK! BRICK” Durham 17th April, 1862. FANCY AND STAPLE DURHAM BRICK MANUFACTORY. Mt. Forest Jan. Int, 1863. J. K. VICK, Consisting of GOOD STOCK BRICK WE WILL SELL, FOR CASH ONL Y mum: mass; :3? DURHAM, C. W. mung BROW N, OWEN SOUND fifruLL AND EXAMINE. h Fresh Arrivals FOR SALE. FROM ENGLAND; ISSUER 0F AT “V HANDMADE?" J. H. CUARKE. . 175:13'. 212â€" 1y. 2 0 T-tf 0F ‘r HE PROPRIETOR AN} OUNCES TO THE E inhabitants of Durham and surrounding { country, that he 13 prepared to furnish sny of the above articles 011 short notice, and of superior Workmanship and quality, as nothing except the best quality of timbcr will be used. MORRISON SAMPSON BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, souon‘ons,- 8:0. omce,--Western Assurance Buildings. CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. . nuns 1102310032,. 1:. A. sumac):- 130-11P as» Bar and Larder well supplied â€"â€"-â€"U.Uâ€"â€"â€"â€" 03’ OFFICE :â€"-â€"Ovsn THE STORE OCCUPIED BY JOHN MILLER, asq . Persons desirous of securing Patents for Lands, or having claims of any kind against the Govern- ment, or requiring any information obtainable at the Crown Lands, or other Public Offices mav have their business diligently attended to by a a Resident Agent, without the expense and in- convenience of a journey to Quebec. Patents of Invéntion iakeri out. Quebec. Sept 301862. The subscriber begs to announce to the public that he has commenced the above business, Where he will sell any article in the trade cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere, and of better quality Every art cu: 222222129 aczm "d9 the p2e27zzses.-â€"â€"â€"1Vo unpovtcd was]: CORNELIUS Héépfiié All pun-paid commu'hications addressed 10 Box 336, Post Office, Quebec, will receive immediate attention. for the transaction of business of parties: residing in Upper Canada, or elsewhere, with any of the Government Departments. f ' FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSI" NESS WITH THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. The subscriber is manufacturing Superior Pumps to any yet brought into this SGCthIl of country, at Caeton’s Mills, Bentinck, and solicits the patrons ge of the community. CHAIR FACTORY, DURHAM, Opposile the Orange flail. i123“ Good Stabling and attentive hostlers. .5; C- HAHN, Proprietor. SLEIGH, AND PLOUGH British Canadian Hotel. DURHAM ROAD BENTINCK, HALF WAY BETWEEN DURHAM AND HANOVER. Bentinck, 17th April, 1863. Atiorney at Law and Solicitor in Chanmery, March 12, 1863 July 13, 1863. JOHN SHEWELL. Durham, lst May, 1863. 226â€"1}' PU} “’8. P UEIEPS. QUEBEC! AGENCY. All work Warranted E Parliamentary Agent, [AS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUEBEC CONVEYANCER,C. WAGGOMS BERHAM, a). w. H. J. GIBBS, 93’ TERMS EASY. Manufacton'y. [ESTABLISHRD 1859.] HARDWARE, cnocnnus, 3001‘s, SHOES, AND Fancy 'Wares, J. IIANES. v 4, 46-y 225-137. 221-tf 38. i ETH N 3 LOGY, the Katmai Hlstory of Man, nowatira Cling much attention; and we shall record in this JOURSAL What may be developed Iconcerning different nations, races and tribes of . mun. QUARTERLY Jocsmu. DU GM!) Moms. Circulation 40,000 [largeSt in the World,] .and the only Mags zine devoted exclusively to the Fashions. Each nnm’c-er contains large and magnificent Fashion Plates, Splendid Illustrations of all the Fashionable Novelties for Ladies’ Dress, including Bonnets, Cloaks, Waists, Sleeves, Jackets, Wrap- pEI’S, Sacks, Under-garments, Jewelry, Head- dresses, Bo'ys’, Misses’ and Infants’ Dresses New, and Elegant Braid and Embroidery Patterns, Trimmings, Useful Novelties, etc. etc: Four Life- size Patterns, out ready for use, combining the most useful, and practical Magazine for Mothers, Milliners, Dress-makers and Ladies ever issued. Published at Mars. Damoassr’s Emporiumof Fashions, 473 Broadway, N. Y. Yearly, One Dollar, with valuable premiums; single, 25 eta. A splendid chance for lady agents and Extraor- dinary Premiums for clubs! Including Extra. Patterns, System of Dress Cutting. Magazines, Photographic Albums, Elegant Gilt or Steel Combs, 3. Wheeler Wils n’s Sewing Machine with atta chme' ts, ora Patent. Lever Gold Watch, any of the above valuable Premiums to be obtain- ed, without paying any money for them. For particulars, see the “ Mirror of Fashions.” Do not fail tosend- for it. The Full-size Patterns alone are worth more. than twice its cost. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE STANDARD. 51%;}. $3239.13} Face Bivine’-â€"A New System of Physiognomy, Eyes, Ears, fose, Lips, Mouth, Hea d, Hair, Eyebrows, Hands, Feet, Skin, Complexion, with all “Signs of Character, and How to Read Them,” to be given in con tain- everything new tions. reiming to OUR NEW PROSPECTUS. p 4Y$l " _O(; Y in which the “auctions o the be ‘yfi such as Heart. Lungs Stomach, Bones, Muscies, inctujing the Nervous Swimsâ€"their ‘Us- 5'1 9 . and Abuse o"--11i11 013 amp!) illustrated and de- scribed In a popu ar manner. PH RENOLOG Y, in its application to all“ the various interests of the Human Ila 09., includ- ing the Temperaments, and Man’s Inteilectual, Social, and Moral Nature, and How to Improve it. PHYSIOGNOM Y, With the “Signs Of Character, and How to Read Them,” on scientific principles, with numerous portzaits of remarkable persons.. PSYCHOLOGY or the. “Science of the Soul,” including Man’s épintual Nature, and his relations not Only to this life, but to the life to- come, ducidated on principles in perfect harmony with Revelation and Christianity. The Pizrmaiogica! Joanna} And LIFE ILLCSTRATED for 1863, which HAVE in my possession one yoke of 0er and one cow, left to be pastor-ed, supposed be 8m. len. Any one havingmisscd the above will please call, prove propertv, and take them away, as I shall not hold myself accountable for them frcm 532A New 1Volume, the Thirty-eighth, commen- ces July, 1863,. published on the first of each month, in a beaufiful quart-o form, suitable for binding. at $1 50 a year. Clubs of five, $1 25- each; of ten or more will be suppliei at. $1 each. Sample nu -.'.bers, 15 cents. Please address FOWLER WELLS. June 1'7, 1863. At which they are OHering their Goods 1 Far surpassing both Foreign and Bamestic Manufactures in point 01‘ Eiegance, AND REAL DURABILITY! 6'7, WEYBOSSET STREET Pasavmgmgg a. 1., IV THE EASTERN STATES Beg to call the allention of- the co: genemlly to the very SURPRISING CHEAP RATE for any quantity of WOOL delivered at ‘his resil- dennpg four miles west of Durham, on the Durham Road. ' ‘ ANDREW LIVINGSTON, Bentinck, 8th Feb., 1860. ' ' 114-13 ' HE Subscrihen will pay the highest in Cash or in exchange for FLANNEL aSi:si)mjs, Bros. C 0., Ne. 37, 1201111331012 STREET, ONE OF M M E. DEMOREoT’S MIRROR OF FASHIONS, 2% July, 1863. NB OF THE MOST EXTENSIVE Jewelry Manufactories__ ll 0 WOOLEN CLOTH, ROBERT WILLIE, 31; 7th can. Artemesia, 1 mile west of Haskeu’s Hotel. FOR IMS' TA NOE .- PROPRIETORS OF NOTICE. 303 Broadway, New York. us!) {or 1863. which wit and useful, with illustra community 234,9.

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