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Durham Standard (1857), 25 Sep 1863, p. 1

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rug“), swam“ AND Mmmwuv, .I. to the inhabitants of l’riceville and sur- “rounding country that he has commenced the: above business 111 Pricevilie, and hapes by strict intention to business to meritasharc of public an -L- ‘_L-_L A__-_,9--_ -__1 '3 ,c . ‘ - ' VERY attention péid ‘t‘o the" , of Guests apd Travellers. 939 .CnAmss Monuurn. ! ALF WAY BETWEEN DURHAM AND Mount Forest. Bar and Larder well sap- fio'd. Good stabling, and attentive hostlers. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE to the inhabitants of Priceville and sur- Toronto and Sydenh? .111 Road; 26 miles from Owen Sound; 16 do. from John Tow,n I ax tfl‘lefi. Road 6 do. from Flesher’s Corners. Bar and Jan-dex- well suppied. Good stabling 1nd atten- ve hostler. East Glenelg, May 9, 1861. 126-15’ HIS HOUSE BEING EXTIREIJ’ NEW offers sunenor atc0111n1(11111..im1 In that twins}- Iing public. (had sublime“ and attentive hust- Iers. Bar and Larder weIIs appli d. The sub- scriber being flee ofrer.ts :11 those war t mes, and the raiser of his own produce, can accommodate the public on reasonable terms. ORCHARD I’ILLE HOTEL,- BY THOMAS BARLOVV. EWMLQS WEN? PRICE VIL LE: BUTCHERS’ ARMS INN D n. .‘ . W1) 0 D 9 , ‘- CORONER, LICENSED TO PRACTICE - DURHAM. Dfirfiam, Dec. 2, 1858. JOHN KENNEIW’S cunt. Forest, Nov. '29, 1861. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice in the contrary are considered as wishing to con- tinue their subscriptions rDurham. EEPS constantly on hand a large assortmmt of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, 1m:- Stufi's, Stationary. c., .c. ' ' Durham, Dec. 2, 1838. l HE traveling pubiic will continue to find the Bar and harder of this House of the same good quality which has hitherto characterized it. W Good Stabiiug and an attentive Hostler. Durham, 7th Sept, 1863. 2444f Orchardville, 22nd May 1861. THE DUR HAM S T A ND A RD 1?. BROWN, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, October lst, 1862. HANOVER, c.w., BY‘ J . 1!! ’ G AW Money letters, properly. mailed and registered at. the risk of the publisher ’3' No unpaid letters taken from Post Ofiice S. L. M. IUKE, All letters and communications addressed to the editor must be Post paid. BUSEEESS DYBECTORY‘ - No advertisement discontinued until paid for at the time of withdrawal, unless by consent of the publisher. HANOVER HOTEL, Ail advertisements must be accompanied by written instructions, and none will be discontin- ued without a. written order. Six lines and under, first insertion . . . . 50 cents. Each subsequent insertion ..... . . .- . l3 “ Six to ten lines, first insertion . . . . . . . . 75 “ 4 Each subsequent insertion ........ 25 ‘* Above ten lines, first insertion (per line) 8 “ Each subsequent inseition (per line) 2 “ Cards in the Business Directory, ten lines and under, per annum ....... . . . . . $54.00 Do. for six months ............... ' ..... $3.00 Four miies Her“: of Buz-ham BISHOP’S BUILDINGS, MAIN SRREET, MOUNT FOREST. Conveyancing 4. If subscribers remove to other places with- out informing the publisher, and their periodicals ere sent to the former directions, they are held re- mnsible. 3‘. _ If subscribers refuse or neglect to take their periodicals from the office to which theyare directed, they are held responsible till they hare a""ttled their Bill, and ordered their periodical to be discontinued. Sending numbers buck, or lear- ing them in the Ofice, is not such notice as the Law requires. II the latest American and Foreign styles 1 [e as desired. ‘ 'riceville,2nd Dec. 186' ' 1y. ‘ 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher may send them until all arrears are paid : and subscribers are re- vgpbusible for all numbers sent. J. D. GRAY. noxonua’s Eidj'fi‘EL, FASHIONABLE TAILORING “FRIDAY MORNING, DURHAIVI HOTEL L, IA W, wummaau" AT THE OFFICE, DURHAM, COUNTY GREY, C. W. COUNTY OF GREY ADVERTISER, ‘IsrPanusunn EVERY Law Respecting Newspapers. J. K01 L KY, PROPRIETOR. (LATE mm FOREST 1xx.)f Rates of Advertising. GARAFRAXA ROAD, AND D. DONOHUE. AND to the comfort $4.00 . . . .~ ..... $3.90 acqompgnied by 128,â€"1y Proprietor 126-1y 198ztf. N VVVU Utam‘us m'flfl‘.‘1ll€nuve MOStler. â€";_“..J ----v---â€"-I:râ€".;_“.v-‘.‘.:‘ _ ;.--, \ - w: :1, ”'13.: ~â€" ‘7â€"""'"‘."'"!'" '.""7a".'," ‘j' ,, ': :Vrp ‘ .,, f‘,‘ . . . !' "I'2nde‘do , ' U ‘ HUGH‘H‘ACKAY; -!. ,Butuwhat hfiéymfi SUI”: 1139455er .111 {"~."Tbezexam-pleqf our-oppressed-Jerw-gztzg-5.39a3p0-tfnd:i Durham, 301b7Mfirbb; .1863. I: ,2“! tb‘e bell? This was-1 6 stanhpg qugrgh r.zmnanslfould amne untnoqlly ;:sympat-hy,abu'ti ”-ffindéd’d’ ‘ - T33 “’03" was not 1339’ ”mammggfiqfim f'emwwwn.- j‘ Tb9fe.""a'_5" difimcts u-hegw' Eh , :‘:B§’§F3d3c§z€n” .THE " subscriber, late of ~ thé HaItOn‘ House Mnltqn, County I Halton, begsfo‘ announce to thé publxc that 'he has commenced." businessjn the Argyle Hotel, where by strict attention to the wants of the public. be trusts be may merit a fait share of? public patronage. , - ' '} E’Liquors. .Wines, 850., of: the bes quality 8.1;. “POPE An hand: . ' .' . . ', A; .- ' . ' . r- '3 1, r, . But I remamexl Inactive only for the timeigazmn and ‘xespebt evw of the thfians who ‘1‘” (- ".3 , \-' J“ 'r' . -’ 3- “ (g litwuuld take to count ten. Reasoning thatigfiurwlmd them- , . . -. .. .9“ .5 L '. Eamg : my l'rleml hall come l0 life-{and needed [UP‘ It is no uncommon thing-for Yankee videtg - . » " _ W ‘ 3 ‘ medlam assistanz-e, I hastily procumd an- les to ride up to a mansion andorder the lady " aer light, and merely glancing at Carl, who i“ the house or__her daughter 10 ;cook armeal. ' AXE General “'hmesaie Mééchants, - IIANIILfl-‘omo Hamillon 09:. 14, 18573. W ' 2004f. .ARGYLE HO EL;~ [man 431, COUNTY or GREY. had fallen bncl: UPON his seat, \Vhlle and help- “01- them: and if‘flxeo‘rdep iS-'!10L4,at,oncdbom-. less from his suddexl fright, I rushed into the. (plied with, ball-1.5: it“suus, and; thrpqtsnflper-r apartment of the corpse. eXpeCQUg ‘0 ,firfld Isa-431 violence follow, untilhuman nature can Adolphe 1iVi“8’: if “01 actually fining ug oribear noimore andthe brutesare obeyed. If stand‘ing- . _ y . ' .. their ,blasp‘xernous smaledictions samelimes. To my utter amazement, bgwevergl-{oundl bringlegrs fgom Ithe evges of mad lag.ies,othelr- only the dead form of my friend, cold,.[igid, ’ \v'eepmg excxtgsia: ubalngpghtewpprQmm}- and moxionless. ”There was such an 1nflexf-.:§{able than CWSQS- - Evcty» day brmgs:-§9me. ble look of dealli q‘n lfi’éfeatures,_tbat I could‘ ,freshwrong - Homeg ;n.evw,. and motefitmmgus, nbt’liellex'e the‘i‘esms ‘3 sifigle ‘Spa‘tk’ 6f llfBr insult, t9 lgspgtbqifotmgdoe‘quxtgllgsg Mgdqmu_g-; in the body, and‘fi‘ clo’se 'examinatiqn‘fif the,_ oquirgmlansh_=_But‘ whflgflfietlasts‘thelg.m» lips‘aud heart proved ‘thefe was none in ref bleness of soul remains. Dsatlx.may gonqgen afli‘gy. And yet'th‘e'hands had' been'movéd; .lhamfihe‘Yau‘kees nevegr,.'l‘ha33§qa tooltanuch‘ alrd'WBré drawn to one side, but rather; aédl 0f: tneJowr-flupgz murderous, v1llg1n§,. ever; t'o1 jerked thexe' bv the bellchrd, Which was hepe’thatjheu prese‘nge,__9v_en asnelghbqrsr ' hanning SOIDBWhR‘lOOSG, than as if Stirred!“ . “11101113331 38’ “layers, W1“ beas bearablfl of q“ ‘ ' ‘ , ' 5p as honorablemsihs-graye, m,- . - any mtemal'fpbiféffk" . 1: m _ ”,5, ,_ ‘ Butwhml‘?dsm9Â¥ glhe' hifpdfifihd I}? ‘Tbexexampleof Gut-‘Oppljessedwfellowmtm .I’ THE "subsériber, late of - the Halton' Honse, Milton, County I Halton, begs’éo‘a-nnOunce to the public that 'he has commen’cediibusinessjn the Argyle Hotel, where by strict attention to the wants of the public. be trusts be may merit a fair share of:~ public patronage. - ' ' Eat-liquors. 'Wines, c., of: the best quality all. waysonhand. C ‘- » . \ E'Good Sgabling sedan Attentive‘ Hostler. ' . ' '- 1 HUGHmUm-an a , . . -3 l" -{_ -l ' ARI, General ‘W'hOEesaie Méfflhanisj - IIANIILfl‘ONo Hamilton 09-1. 14, 18673. “ _ ._ 2004f. Where he hopes by fair dealing- g', moderate prices, and excellence of workmanship to merit a. share of public patronage. ’ .E?’ Jobbing done on short notice! a GEORGE ISAACS. OPPOSITE the DURHAM HOTE' , HE SUBSCRIBER begs to intimate to the. 111- habitauts of Durhamc and surrounding can 1- tr), thathe has commenced t? e above business in the premises ' JAPANNED WORK MADE TO ORDER. Durham, 15th August, 1801. Jaw-1y COTTON BAGS. OLD COPPER, SKINS which “I" be sold cheap for cash. Th." inhzz‘nimnts of Durham and. vicinityarc hereby informed that the above establishmen’t is opened in the premises three doo’rs r. rth ofthe British Hum), where he will keep :1 00123121111; supâ€" ply Of mm? 0:393. Mao? w aw -....»m>.22m0 <<>mmm. The subscriber is Agent :‘m the Corn Exchage Fire and Iailand Navigation Insurance (lo. 382 312‘?” 5 5'3. 69??) R 22°.ZESSJHBG. The} are pr terms. 5° EVCI‘X am uiion paid to the comfort of 11193 ‘I had too bosom companions who came to travelling 313111121... America with me (says our informant) and 213"“ (111113 aiding and an attentive hostler. We three 11 ere nearly always tunether when Arthm, Dec. 16 180.1 _ .3 tour circumstances would permitz.3 We were I _ W .._- 311: ililte in nearly every particular, and from 3 3 3E 33‘” €513.30 o D E V- E ‘ 1333‘s reason, pe1haps, we liked each other all 3 1 3 3 31’} 3 3 3 1. , 3the. hittct. \Ve differed on nearly every '3'33‘3‘1‘393‘3191'3" 3'poi11t1'11 sconce, art literature, philosophy, 13 {Illa ‘22? (In. cons” ui religion, and argued on every po1nt. we Hart!“ 1381', GEOLQTICM ($29.. 3:333feretl on On one thine, however, we did .agree. 1111111111: was the possibility oi bealhg j ’3} :5 3:3) 311-383 {3; ' 5 13' “”3633 :13111‘, and the unutterable herrox which must atte 1113 the subsequent consciousness of 3:131; tin-L >11, in health, we solemnly pledned - 6'... J! 2311': geeeted m‘ the most approved form. iomselws that if within reach 113 one another' 3 HANOVER,‘25I Mareh. 18613. ‘ " int the time of ill: supposed death of eithei,‘ .._-. -. w.--” ~ wwwtm ~-â€" -~ 3the liti: 1:: should faithfully watch by the 33.x h P“ ’L‘fr i,‘ " \ ‘\- ii i . i ~ {‘35 ' k \S 3 3;... a ‘3; ’31. rf; 33 . 3’??? 3 e 13 111111 till the return of life or the a w” ) 33:3 3‘. - . 3. 3 3 .. , 3 3p. ‘3 certainu 11 11:13 1. "" ’ ’ J 3‘3 O I)... "‘ “" .‘31 1.111111! 31:e:11l. \1lz)lpl1e Hofer, was" the PRICE" ”LL hr 111. :1) tie 1111s:1l1eliever111 the unmar- --B1"- 111.11 113 the soul,audtl1eideutity of the spit- B B MGM‘ELLA}; i: \1ith that 111 coming the mortal tenement ' ‘3 O: marge we made our anangements for 3311'11tJ1 1i112' the corpse according to contract, rnlifl 31:11 is supplied \11th the best W: ms am 3 l Liqttots and ti 1e Larder Will be found at all bl" “ 11311111 "VB" the slightest b31093 or ever times conduciw to the comfort Ofthe trmelltnr'i ”"0”th another bpmk “f Me in that lo€°ed 001111111111; :1 3 f rm. . 1 . Pricetille,J.1n1 111-3 ‘30 1860 59-3 ‘11 was on the second nrght after the death . 1 i 3 1 t KERR, BROWN Harness Establishment, D [I R H 25 H. I THEODOI E_ ZA SS Durham, 19th Nov. 1862. Township ‘pf Arthur,- 2-5 miles {rum Durham, 10 from Mbunt Forest, and ‘ I} mules f'mm, Fergus. Dar} IN S U B. A. V CE. A cenunts E’éndered sémiâ€"a nnua 11y,.in the mouths ofJuiy and January , . , . Draham, May 23,; 1861 128-tf N, B,â€"â€"Dr. C. begs to return thanks for'the confidence and patronage received during his residence in Durham, and will continue to attend to all cans suppertaining to the Profession , \RADUA'I‘B OF QUEEN’S COLLEGE Kingston; of Lheél’niversity of New York Aylett’s Medical and Surgical Institute, New York; New York Ophthalmic Hospital; and Pro. vincial Licentiate, Durham. {*m'oncr for the (Tonnty of Grey. SURGERY ASL) Rssmnxcm.â€"Adjoining 'the store of Mr. D. Fletcher. ‘ ‘ - - DR. J . (R A‘x'VFORD, Tl'atcllcrs’ -Ikx’ome I’m, s. L. M. LUKE, Publisher. VOL. 5.- NO. 46.} taken in exchange for goods. ORCHARD’S ”Fin-ware Establishm 9nd I M PORTERS OI" 1 red JOHN MIL IER August, 1859. 39 AND AND to #32; BY (1333812112915; (/4 AND COUNTY OF GREY GENERAL "ADVERTISER reaSorxa'l 20 5. _ Carl Hellstein slowly and silently arose, as one who felt called upon to perform a fearful duty. but scarcely had he got upon his feet when the little bell connected with the corpse was rung violently. M} nervoux system never received 'such a shock before eor since It seemed forthemo- men! as ifI was paralyzed. The light dmp- ped from my ham! and was extinguished, and grzjut beads 03 pezspiratiou stood c21‘! over me. ‘Then, if there is anything, we must know what itis,’ said I, as I rose and took up the llght for the purpose of going to look at the corpse. ‘Will you accompany me, or shall I go alone '5’ ‘thhing,’ replied I, musing myself with a full determination to shake offwhat [conceiv- ed to be a foolish fancy. ‘Are we men or children, to get trightengd at the muse of a rat?’ ‘Husli! bark! I hear something still, lis- ten !’ whispered Carl, now fairly trembling wish fear. II was on the second night after the death Iof Hater that Carl and I were sitting in an nIijoiIIin r apartment, conveising about the decenset. and his religious belief We bet} ;a22:2Ir-‘ IIIi II small ("OIti to the finger of the corpse, and connected it v. ith II clittte be“ ictose to Us. so that we con 'd be warned of any 3mm IIIIII iii without beintr (lititg’I’ti to remain It ’5“! :” Ih; be M, which for various reaSous .zIIIIIIIII It have tIIIeII acceptable to us. IIf Aduipues I: ’e:Is in regard to the future <i'1IZU'i‘CdIfL‘Ci,’ ohs ervud“ III! ., in the course fof his IIIInaIks, there Is no certainty that he imax now be with us, even in this room.’ -â€".-~a- w--- “H on: is I'Is-ur «pinion, Jules, ’ said Carl, ‘imt (II; II. Ii I. Is do not make IezI.ities. ’ ' tIIIzI} IIIEI ) be presumed they are based ”II .III- ts \\ it?" they cannot be reasonably cou- trme: -!.toI It IIIIIII exIst after death as a rov- iI IL: spirit, gzve me some evidence of it, and the II ad; me to te» lieve it. ’ ‘AIIII IIIIIIt about alums ?’ said Carl. who \‘11< bu. II s’t'epticzll and superstitiousâ€"and he III. 'IIIL'L’Ii III: tivI, Iy and timidly about the room .Is he spoke, as ifhe halfexpected to encoun- ter some apparition. ‘BII‘II I’ exédaimed I, contemptuously . ‘you i: now IIII. ooi IIiOII IIfinosts and i10b"0biiltS-- that dim have no existence except in the IIerin (It timid IooIs. At this moment we heard, or fancied we heard, II strange noise in the adjoining aIIrIrtIIIIIIIt. . ‘WIIIIt was it 1” inquired Carl, in'a timid whisper Wes ’ returned I, ‘If the} are courect, which Inn nut beheic. When a man dies, he is de u , at law: so Mr as this world is concern- In .crm 0 parts of Germany. such is the gen- eral dread of being buried alive, that a sys- .em of precautaon agaxnst this premature fate 3 is in vogue, which more than one person has, ' heen’restored to life and friends after haviu eeu mourned as dead. .â€" The plan 13 for the cerpse to be placed in comfortable apartment, with face DUCOVBI'8(F and n ith a cord or wire attached to the hands in such a man 181' that the aliqhtest move- ent will cause ti“ .8 tinkling of a little bell 111 an aljoin: 11g ap:1rttnent,where some one is always 1111 the watch, till there are either Signs ot life or decompositiOn, to give the 35-, serum. e of hopeless death. Thisb custom has led to some curious scenes and striking revelations; and one 01 the most remark it)? e 0. these it e are now about to relate, as we 1e- c eived it, not long since, from t 1e lips of the narrator: "1:32: DEATH BELL DEVOT‘ED TO NEVIS, POLITICS, EDUCATION, AND AGRICULTURE DUQ l Gentlemen who have recently returned {from districts of this State invaded and for a llong time o ~cupteal by the enemy give most encouraging accounts of the spirit of the pea-e iple. In the northern neck. the peninsula and gthe eastern shore the people ere, it~ possrble, more loyal to the cause than at the beginning “of the war. They have suffered and still suf- 3 fer grievously, but their hope is as high, their courage as defiant, and their fortitude as ou- broken to-day as it was two years ago. Deâ€" Spmled of their servants and cattle, and com- pelled to perform menial labor not only for their own support but for the Yankees who are constantly billited upon them, subjected to every specres of insult and far from the strong arm of their natural defenders, they still look forward to the day of independence and of righteous retributiori. The more they are called upon. to endure, the stouter become their heart. _ Robbed and oppressed, but not ~humiliated they {maintain a derotion to their, tountry and itp cause which extorts ‘the admi- ration and ~respect even (if the .ru‘flians rihd' [surround them. " Spirit of Invaded Districts of the South. which haul a powerful spring lock. My friend Carl, ac'_°.(~.identally sitting down on this, had sealed his doom; and hlS subsequent groans, and terribie efforts to burst from his narrow prison, were the strange noises which had so disturbed usthe second time. The man’s death was a fearfui rvirihmion. and the discovery of his dead body, spoiled an otherwise woudeflxd ghost story.’ f it was _ that our supexnatural mystery had a natural tin: t ot‘t‘lble explanation .- ln that ehest was the black and decayed corpse et'ozze we heel hnqwn in life. The {allowing is our conjecture : . Cognizwt of Adophe Hot‘er’e money and jewels. 'of their place of deposit, and our mode of watching the dead, he had on that eventful night, entered the dead-mum thm’ a window at i.” early hour. unt’. concealed him- self' in the closet titl midnight, and then sat ".lmnt his work of robbery. Some accidental noise having alatmed Us, as he could tell from our conversation he had either in his haste to Secrete himself, or intentionally to to frtghten us still more, rung the bell in the manner stated, and then got mtothe chest, awéy into silence, after which we were dis- turbed no more. ‘lu the proper course 0.’ time our depeased {rigifiinnié‘hutiéi, and some time after :the funeral we proceeded to open his rtrong box or chest, (Lu-0rd mg to his diremimm. Then VII|| (33‘1‘1’3 teeth now as tuaHy chatteled with ter- ror, and I ma fee: 5 I never felt more courage- onsin my life Thaw strange noises only cmi‘itmed for a short Fimv, and gradually died _ -â€"v-.' uu-w ‘I now re- examined the corpse, to maxe SLire' there “ere no siIrns of life in it, and found not only death there, but the beginning (if decompo itmn. Pcilenll) aswred of this, we maul into 1l180ll3t3r aparunent and sat down. to watch through the_ rse ~tol the night and pundertlie mysteiy. Smrc ly weie we sealed, wuen “e lancied we lieaid dull, mul- ,flenlsounlsin the (lead room, folloued by someziiiug like a smothered hum "all groan (mun _ . _- .I‘, , ‘I Lelieve I mu a (-anr H3 {001 to be scar- ed at even dumY I (in not fear an3thin<r hu- man 1110: gh,’. he addeu, but this unearth13 business uumaus me.’ ' _' ‘l cautiously opened the door of a long deep 'clos‘et as I spoke, in which hung the clothes of the deceased, and went in and examined it thntoughiy. No other human being was there, and nothing had been distu'rhed. There was "to ontiets to the r00m,-exeept the door com- imnn‘ieating with the. apartment in which we [had been: keeping watch. and two windows fiddkjng outupnn a iaivn, land the sashes were closed and curtains drawn, showing no signs at" ‘rccent disturbance. I then reoexamined the room, and pzu'tienhu'iy the bed, but with-} out making any new (itscnvery. ' . i ' ‘Thia Very etrunge,’ said I, half 'mu<ingl ‘ and looking inquiringiy at Carl ’ ‘It must have been something supernatu- ral !; he replied, inme hollow wi'iispergnnd moving overto the (Sheet in the corner, he, gunk down upon it . .. As he dil so, he sharp click of the spring hick caused him to. honntl as if shot. Fora qmment or two he stood, trembling, and then; said with more nerve- > ‘That is the mystery I am trying to solve,’ sazd I. It is possxble there may be some person concealed 'her’e.’ ‘Merciml God. " he exclaimed Ixervouslyl gnsping a chair for suppozt, ‘what rung the} be” then?’ I _ _ _ .7 r- ‘ed at the door, pale, trembling, and cox'ered with a cold clammy persyiralion. ‘ fls he ahve. he rather gasped than said. ‘No,’ I replied, ‘nor has there been any Me in him since breath went out. amount of furniture, and was easily sea'ched. I had Just passed the light under the bed and around behind every‘hiug, when Cari appear- . n]_..! I (From the Whig Sept. ‘ '1 1.) l i 3rlf do 3 Best 2 bUShels of Spring Wheat” 2nd do '- smm machine for competition. Best: 2 buishels Barley Eddi‘da” " " 3rd‘é’o ‘ V Beét 2Pdih‘pkina' ...... 4- 2nd db Bestf ‘S‘ql‘zash..v, .. . . , . B’est citizen éars Corn" Qiid fdo Bed! pushel Potatoes, any 2nd do‘ ' Best ‘2 bushels Oats " ‘le d9 " 2M (16 Beat 20 lbs. Timothy . . -l 2113 Ha Best 2 bushels Fall Wheat” ' ‘ 2n’d do ‘ _ ledQ - V . ........ 6 "fig ass-sheep not sham this season not allowed to compete. ' , .' . ‘ ' Best Boar ........................ 9. an 20d (10 ‘ .......... '. Best Saw havmg raised pigs this season , 2nd do ............ Best Fat‘Pig ........ . .............. 2nd d'o Best aged Ram ....... 211d do | 3rd do Best shearling Ram. .. 2nd do 3rd do Best Ram Lamb. 2nd do . , .3rd do Best 2' Ewes ......... find (10 . '31?! do ' Best 2'sheaxling Ewes. 2nd do 3rd do Best 2 Ewe Lambn. . . . " “‘Qnddd ' “.3111 d0 ‘_ 3 ‘, Best Fat Sheep ....... n O . ~ . 2m! 49 Beat 33;”!ng Con. .-. . . . . .. . . . .. 2nd do C ATTLE. in at?! 2:7? Rest Besttspa'n' Working Horses . . . . .. . . "2nd do ....’,,...-. Best‘broodrMare having had a colt,. foot of the invader has never trod, and where l l-the war has scarcely been felt, and yet the - g property holders of these districts are, if re- l { ports be true, of all others, the most timid, fearful, doubtful. God forbid that invasion should extend one inch further; but it would not be the worst of evils if it sufficed to cure all the weak-hearted in the country. Those Who have been exempt from the horrors ofi war may rest assured that the alternate apa- thy and timidity which they now experience will sooner or later give place to a meaner . spirit unless they bestir themselves in every I possible way; to insure the Success of the 'cause“ Theirtime toendure the her inva~ion will surely come, and only when they are ,b‘eggared wrll know how much they. might have saved if they had displayed the hardy Virtue of poverty 1n thetr days of pros- rors of Will hold its ANNUAL EXHIBITION Q11 the same ground as last year, :1 Tuesday. October 13th, 1863 When the following premiums will be awarded. 2')ear-‘ld Colt . ... 52ml do ‘ @wa- mam PRICE, $1 50,137 ADVANCE GRAIN ROOTS. [WHOLE NUMBER, 246 SHEEP, HOGS, c. v ‘ HORSES. clean 'wheat in, 050 100 0. ‘50 .; We regret to learn that the health ofythe f Hon. Robert Spence, 'qulector of. Customs, is 'f much impaired. W'e aiso ‘ regret tb"'iear’n “hat, while he is ye’t? abie‘to attendé-lo trima- i ties, an unseemly-scramble for the position he qulds is .being'made’, byrcertain membennt 1:116 “clans.” Mr. GordonfBrowln, of the Globe ‘1 is spoken of as the chief 'and'retal’rer" for the mremature interment (f‘ M’r.“ Spéhce.- "The _‘.Gtobe’;s patriotism and blaster torâ€"Upper; Ca- nada’s rights look to, N5». 1.: and the (thinning gm: some {at 0er for HQBflFD Brassâ€"Cana- t dig.” Freeing/at ' " ' ’ l I I 9 v Mr. Camille Musy, an intelligent foreign- er, residing in Boston, has invented a balloon orflying machine which he claims can be raised or lowered at pleasure and propelled‘in every direction ifthe wind is light. He (Sails. his machine the Adltera. The receiver for thegas is. double, of, an elipeoid shape, with 1a gallerybetween in Which is a. safety' {an arid‘something very' like the steering wheel 'ofaehip; for rpgulatinglth‘e denéi'tj'ot' the gas invthe iower elipsoid, by whieh’t-he ia- ventnr claims to be able to rai~e or lower his machineâ€"suspended from the clipsoule-‘is a car for passengers. A model of this machine is on exhibition in Boston. ' ‘I l Tm: L-TE8CHLON1AL RAILWAY SURVEY.â€" The Quebec Jilcrcurg/ says :â€"-“It is under- stood that Messrs. Topper and Tilley, the representatives. respectively, of the govern- ment of Nova Scota and New Brunswick, propose to abandon so much of the plan-c per- tamingr to the Intercolonial Railway survey as relates to the employment of a second engi- neer. They concur in the appointment of Mr. Sandiord Fleming, who will therefore be entrusted with the responsibility of the sur- vey on the part of the provinces ; his only as- sociate being the engineer appointed by the 3 imperial authorities. The survey will beépro- ;ceeded with immediately, and the arrange- ments contemplated by Mr. Fleming are such as will ensure its completion within a com- paratively hz-iet period.” The object- ofthe survey it is stated is to find an interior route from Riviere du Loop, which Major Robinson considered impracticable. Ma. Lane's RAMS.-â€"Tl’te rams building by. M r. Laird at Liverpool, said to be for the Com- l'ederate Government are actually. on French. account. and the one already launched is un-. der the French flag, with the knowledge and authority of the Consul ofthat nation. Wheth- er the French house {or which they are built intends to. sell them to the Confederate Gov- ernment is another matte. But they have been built for the subjects of a neutral power, and will be delivered to them . for what be- comes of them afterwards, the British Govern- ment is not responsrble. 'Busr or BISHOP CRCNYN.--The WoodstOck .Tum .9 states that a movement is on foot a- mong the clergy and Iaity of the Diocese of Huron, to cause to be executed, a bust of the venerable Bishop of Huron, to be ptaced in the Theological Institute’ot London. This ac- tion onthe part ofthe members ofthe Episco- pa? church in this section is highlycreditable, and from the provinciat reputation of the ar- tist intrusted with the execution of the work, its gnoPer execution is guaranteed. The Rev E. Grasett, of Simcoe, has interested himself in giving it start to the kindly intention, and the clergymen of the diocese, with the good ‘4 efforts of the laity, will secure tts successful accon'iphshment. The man who was atrested on his own de- vlaration that he is the notorious William' Townsend, turns our to be .eomebody eigenâ€" His name is John Murray, lately of Wood- stock. He was at work in Southampton re- cently, and came over 10* Owen Sound-look- ing {or employment, aadtxtot readtly fallingot'n' with any, went on a spree, which he has been indulging in for the list three weeks, durin which time he conceived the queer~ idea of "sailing. .~ himself. Townswdyt‘ofIWhidié he’iik; now thoroughly “ashamed.â€"--0'tl'en' Sound Come! 2nd do ...... Best 6 Yellow Aberdeen Turnips 2nd do ...... Best 6 §xfedish Turnips ......... Best (IOZen Tomatbes.. 2nd do Best 20% Flax Seed .. i 2nd do Not. Town .0116.

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