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Durham Standard (1857), 25 Sep 1863, p. 4

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Orders fo} the half volume, commencing ls: July,takonat‘25cts. per copy; discount {or a‘number of copies in same proportion as SUBSCRIBE FOR THE STANDARD. The back numbers of the present volume can be supplied at the above rates. All orders tovbo addressed {dthe Socetiiary of £136 Boardof Agriculture, Toronto. EDITORS : Professor Buckiand; University College. Toronto. Hugh C. Thompson. Secretary Band of Agriculture of Upper Canada. An- drew Smith. Licentiate of the Edinburgh Vet- orinary College and Consuming Surgeon to the Board of Agricultgte of _Uppe_r Canada. This long established periodical is publish- ed’ in Toronto on the lst of each month, malt- ing 12 numbers in the year. ‘ Each number contains not less than 40 pages, the size'of the page of this Prize List, occasionally illus'rated by Wood Cuts, thus giving a large a rd handsome volume of about 500 pages. TERMS : Single copies, 50 cents a year , . Five to twenty copies, 10 per cent. dis- count. . : Twenty to thirty-five copies, 15 per cent. ‘ i Thirty-five to Fifty copies, 20 per cent. Fifty copies. and upwards, 25 per cent. dis- count allowed. ' ' Subscriptions payable alwayn strictly in advance. ' I s 1 l Encourage Home .Mamtfacture In preference to buying Former Goons that pay duties, and are difficult to get repaired. R. M. WANZER 00., Sewing Machine Works, Hamilton, C. W. Hamilton, 20th Dec. 1862 261-6m ,. Circulars with Testimonials furnished (post free) to all persons requiring them Encourage Home .Mamtfacture' WANZER 5: Co. still make a. few of the WHEELER WILSON MACHINES which they warrant to be equal to any iml‘norteld from New York. R. M. WANZER a; 00’s SINGER MANUFACTURING MACHINE Also received the FIRST PRIZE at. the late Provincial Show, and at all other places where it has been exhibited. Its good qualities and per- iect construction are so well known all over the Province, that it needs no comment as to‘ its working capabilities. It cannot be surpassed, if equalled, by any other, either of Foreign or Pro- vincial make. No Tailor or Shoemaker should be without one of “Emma 8.: 00’s No. 2 SINGER MACHINES. Evei-y family should have WANZER Combination Family Sewing Machine. _‘_ â€"- - v- V“ to, and at all the County and Township Fairs wherever it has been exhibited. The preference given to the COMBINATION Machine is due to the extreme simplicity of its construction, and the perfect case With which it is worked, The ab- sence of all complication renders it little liable to get out of repair. Children from ten to twelve years of age frequently learn to sew on it after a day’s practice. HAS been pronounced by all competent judges to be the most complete and best FAMILY stme MACHINE ever offered to the. CANADIAN public. It is a lock stitch Shuttle Machine. It works equally well on the finest material or on woolen goods. It has had awarded to it all the FIRST PRIZES at tlie Provincial Fair in Toron- Family S COMBINATION FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Send for a. Circular, which, with the price~list, and samples of work done on the Family Machine, will be sent mail~free Agents wanted who will purchase Machines. We never consign. ‘ DARLING’S LIFE BITTERS. 130:1!!!) OF AGRICULTURE OF UPPER CANADA . we furnish the best ‘ahd cheapest Machine in the World. 6th. There is no Sewing Machine so fully guaranteed as ours; for we warrant every Ma- chine we sell to give better satisfaction than any other, or we will refund the money. 7H). We have gtill furfléer reduced our pfiées, and when the quality of the".\lachine is censidered, it. will be readzly conceded that fcr » THE Canadian A‘gricultnr lst 5th. With new improvements constantly being addedâ€"with perfection of mechanical skill, ob- tained by long experience-me aim to produce a Machine which shall be a source of profit and pleasure to the purchaser. ' 4th. Wherever our Machines have been fairly exhibited in competition with other-first ch33 Machines, we . have been awarded FIRST n---_‘__- ‘A‘ PREMIUMS. 3rd. There is no Sewing Machine capable of doing so great, a. range of work; no work ever required in Family Sewing, but what may be done perfectly on cal-Machine, from Lace to Heaviest Cloth. 2nd. There 1: n3 Sewing Machine so durable, and so easily kept :11 order. ]st. There is no Mabhine, making the tight or lockstich, which is so simple and so easily under- for the following reasons: Fmons desiring to procure a Sewing Ha chine should purchase the FINKLB AND LYON 1.1.1Cmm BIS Company, being duly licensed, their Machines are protected from infringement a Jtigation. SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, PINKLE AND LYON Encourage Home Manufacture I I SEWING MACHINE COJHPAN Y. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. .. 5:. figs 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FINKLE 8. LYON AND JOURNAL OF THE ‘-’ Combination: ’9 :- Wing Machine ! THE 177.1911). Co’s i (icing‘Physioian: 7 "m .. WW, 1 mu Price” per bottle. . c. acnum, co. - f iii-For sole at Wholesale by 15 S. BARNES. CO., New York. A. . cm. C; GOODWIN, CO., Boston. J. F: HENRY 8: CO., Montreal. You will thus save yourselves trouble and obtain relief from the greatest Female Regu- lator of the Nineteenth Century. ,MQ’getflGfiO‘) Bottles of this medicine have .b’éeméold Within :the last six months, and every Lady that has used them, but for the nature of the care would furnish us with her sfir’n icertificate of their efficacy.-" It‘ takes but one Dollar to make the experiment, and I appeal to those of you sex who are suffering will you Jwast‘e away when a single Dollar will givbjou instant relief. ‘ DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! . DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON! if}: ‘71:? DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! ; i . DO NOT BE IMPOfED UPON! mendfiheir own nostrums, thus appropriating to'titeznselves the constant demand for my Periodical Drops, as a medium tor seiling something which is worthless and inefficient. Bnt'ivhen‘ the Druggist you apply to has not got them, either make him buy them for you, or eise enclose one Dollar to the nearest gen- eral w 1 ’s’aie agent, who will return you a bottle return Express. For my Drops slam] before the world as the 122 plus ultra. of all remedies, for the cure of all diseases of the kidneys and bladder... Leu- coreach, Prolapsus, and the mild, but positive correction of all ”regularities. USE NO OTHER ! USENO OTHER 1 USE NO OTHER! USE N O OTHER! The cure all those ills to which the female system is subjected yvitl) despatch and a de~ gree of cenainty Wlllcl’l nothing but a scien- tifically compounded fluid preparation could reaCh. ‘ . RELIABLE AND SURE TO DO GOOD! I ‘ - RELIABLE. ANI‘P SURE TO DO GOOD! ; RELIABLE, AND SURE TO DO GOOD! I RECIABLE. AND SURE TO DO GOOD! I K AND CANNOT DO HARM, * AND CANNOT DO HARM, . AND CANNOT DO HARM. I AND CANNOT DO HARM, I I IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADIIERED TO! , IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! . IF ’I‘HF DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! I IF THE DIRECTIONS ARE ADHERED TO! ’SAFE AT ALL TIMES! I SAFE AT ALL TIMES! SA FE AT ALL TIMES! ‘ SAFE AT ALL TIMES! except when expressly forbidden in the direfi- Iions which are wrapped aruund each bottle, and have the written signature of DR. JNO. I L. LYON upon them. NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! N' NE OTHERS ARE GENUINE ! NONE OTHERS ARE GENUINE! BEWARE OF COUA TERFEITS ! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUN'I‘ERFEITS! BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! E LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, LYON’S‘PERIODICAL DROPS, :LYON?S PERIODICAL DROPS, 5 FLYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY=I . THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY! LYON’S PERIODICALDROPS LYOR’S PERIODICAL DROPS LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS 5L‘Y01‘1’S-RERJODICAL DROPS sat» ~ , ARE BETTER THANPILLSI ~ ARE BETTER THAN PILLS 2 ~ ARE BETTER THAN PILLS z “ ’ r -.. ARE BETTER THAN PILLS! Lyon’s‘ Periodical Drape are THEONLY FLUID PREPARATION THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION THE ONLY FLUID PREPARATION ' THE ON LY FLUID PREPARATION ever brought, before the public, and as a diu- retic qiigl specific {or irregularities, chal~ ‘qérfeesihe world to produce an equal {they are in Ihe most . obstinate cases, u instâ€"ébiv'fil'i'éz" - musw .891er bny. Jno. L. LYON OF AMERICA ! Alex. Murray, Esq., Arthur R. McMaster, Esq,2 Thos. C. Keefer, C. E., Rice Lewis, Esq., John “McDonald, Esq, Hon. John H. Cameron, Adam Crooks, Esq, Toronto; Isaac Buchanan, Esq.) 51., P. P., Adam Blown, Esq, Rlchard Jason, For further information, please call at the Col- lege, or send for catalogue and circular, .inclosin 2 letter stamp. Address, BRYANT, STRATTON CO. 'IHIS ’Tnstitution', located in the Mechanics’ Institute, Toronto, has just been added to Bryant, Stratton Co’s. chain of Commercial Colleges, established in NEW YORK, PHILADELPHL, ALBANY, CLEVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO, TROY, ‘ I BROOKLYY ST. LOUIS. l BUFFALO PORTLAND AND PROVIDENCE.) The. object 0! these Colleges is to impart'to Young Men and Ladies, thorough and practical instruction in Book-keeping, Commercial Law; Commercial Arithmetic, Spencerian Business Pen- manship, Cdrre'a’pondence, c.‘ and to lit them for any department of business they may choost.-â€". Scholarships issued in Canada, will, entitle the student to complete his course in any Colkge; of the chain, and ' vice versa, without additimafl charge. The College is open Day and Evening. 1 COLLEGE ' TEXT mom, I l Bryant Stiattbn’slhmmcial‘ ' - - i Tomato. Nnvemhnt, 38, 1862. THE Tonéisrro COLLEQE, For all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surl'at‘e 0le wound Whilst full of matter,‘but will first bringr all to the sur- face, and finally heal without. breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the following- Piles, Boils, Bruises, Excoriutions, Blotcli‘es on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-wolms, Sore Heads, Eyes, and Lips, Baldness, Ulmpped Hands, Chafed and Blistered Feet, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Frost Bites, Scalds, Cuts, Bites, Freckles, Stings, Scru- fula, King’- Evil, Bad Legs, Bud Breasts, Con- tracted and Stiff Joints, Fistulus, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lt mebago, Rheuma ttsm, Whitlsw, Sore Nipples, '1 re Threats, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Rush, Tumours, ()Id and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms, Itch, c. Is. lgd. and 2s 9d. per pot. Patent Medicine Warehouse, 19 Berngszsueet, Oxford street, Loniion. " ’ " ' ' Wholesale Agents-‘S-s-‘Barclayfi Co., 75, Far- rington street; may he had from Messrs. Parker ; Cattle, Chemists, Durham, and from all Chem 1 ists throughout theworld. l u - . “-v---‘.J LLMLVULlC prostration, depression of spirits, diminution of vital energy, emancipation, and for all female complaints. The medicine not only restores health {and strength at once, but increases the natural ' vigour of man in youth, maturity, and old age. The properties ot‘this invaluable res-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscu- lar sytcm, enriching, increasing, and purifying each particular vital fluid; its action is never-E failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws ‘ of nature. As the falling rain vivifies the parch- ed vegetation, so will the power of this all-potent agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few 01 the medical profession attempt to treat. 43. 6d., 118., or four quantitiesin one, 333. DR. Bucnan’s Yeoman. 1: SKIN O'NTMENT. Is the only one yet discovered that cures the most inveterate sores._ Its etl'ects are wonderful, giv- ing instant relief to the snilerer. Many t.‘.onsnnds ha ve used it, andxleclare it to he the best in the l world. It is th‘e'only l Westminstetg-Jdl'orship Street, i‘ow Street c. Used by the” est celebrated Medical Men, Cler- gymen, and .others. Du. Becnan’s SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA , -. PILLS. T isa WELL-LNOWN FACT that SARSAPA- RILLA, is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR'BLODD PURE fâ€"é’l‘he Bowels regular! lâ€"i-And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment meldental to Man, Woman,iand Child, Such as all eruptions on the Skin” Indigestion, .Billous, Liver, and _ Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, .Lumbag'o; ‘ Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore Threats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of thebowels’, obstructed, perSpiratlon, and deteriorated and- unhealthy blood. These Pillb‘TWOrk their very wayz'ito the root of each disease, cleansing in their passage especially where mercury has been talgcn, and re- moving every unhealthy accumulation, till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated,and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of lifé become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesi- tateâ€"do not delay ! a clean stoma ch must make a clean body. ‘A clean body will contain pure blood, when the stomach, body and blood are 1 pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, i health is certain. Begin at the begi’nning,gwaste i no time; strike at the root of your ailment.â€" . Again, I say, look to your stomach. One trial of E these Pills will force conviction, ' ' Sold 1n bottles, at ls Ed, 25. 9d, 4s Cd., 5; 113 Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence, For NERVOUS RELAXTION and GENRAL WEAKNESS, at once restores and invigorates with magical rapidity the most Debilitated bon- and sittingfilagistrates of Marlborough Street. ‘ statution, thereby insuring permanent health, in- creased strength, energy, aud a rcdoublcd derel- opement of the 1ndsCular system. Failure is im- possible, for success is as cet tn in as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general debility, nervous . Isa-.xcfv-nesnu AA---” A.. May 22nd~1862 fl ll Are within (he vac}: Of all, by the. use of R BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DOMESTIC Medicines, prepared from the Prescriptions of late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, c., c. Cures are daily made, and their eflicacv pg‘ove'd’in thohsands of cases, attes- ted before the Aldermen of Guildhall, -- “ The Righénism" me Lord Mayor of f L Y'A‘anx\w IIEALTII, NATIRAL Rs: ”335 N (I Law. . . . , . 550 octwo pages .Book-keep- ' izg 216 “ “ Commercial Arithmetic, 320 “ “ % REFERENCES: CR: 1’ LON DON. HAPPINESS, no PHILADELPHIA CLEVELAND CHICA GO, BROURLYR' BUFFALO, “Asvvn--__ - __ ‘ ' I. - r ‘ _ J .VJ. ‘wvwllv Unbl'fll-A, I Esmblished nearly a. century, known through- VELAND, out the 'world as the Greatest Regenerator ;- a {CAL-7'0» never-fliiling remedy for Spermatorrhqea, less of )0me 5 mainly p'ower, produced byearly indiseretions, or :‘FALO: anv other cause. It' enriches the principal vital ENC 3-. fluids, enabling those who have deemed them’Selves m impart 'to linétirable at bue‘e tq fulfill tlxe most sacred obli- and practical gations edmareled llfe.’ Praeedls. per bottle, gr mercial Law ' four quantlties m ope, 333., \yhlch saves 113.; and Business Pen: in£5 hem/gas, effectmg f1_savmg of£1 123. l99~1y face; enlargement of the throat, tonsil ', and mu- la ; its beneficial influence on the the system is undeniable. Price lls. and 33s. per bottle, also saving of ‘l is.‘ Perry’s Patent. Concentrated Essence of Copaiba ° and Cubeb Edgar-Coated Globules, the most spee- dy remedy knowin. - The Globulesg‘ containing the Quintessence of Cobaiba, Cubebs, Bnclm, c., at once cure, without the'possibility of failure, Go- nmrnuaa', obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc., immedi- ately subdning all inflammatory action ;‘ Encased in sugar, free from taste or smell. '43. 6d and; he. per box. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ . Health Depends upon Pure Blood. . Perry’s Purifying Pills, an infallible cure (forall diseases of the-skin,'3uch as scurvy,‘scrofula, ul- cers, boils, blotches, pimples on the face and body “to. Price 118; and:33s'. per bait. E Sold at Messrs. R. L. Perry 5; Co’s Whole- FleDepot, No. 19, Berners street, Oxford street, ondon. Agents : Barclay 6; 00., 75 Farrinfidon street. .nnt‘-.. I -w----..c -v mv'AuS UL J..L ‘Laa. Perry’s Concentrated Detersive Essence, a re- medy for syphilis in all its stages, also for purify- ing the system from contamination, recommended for secondary systems, blotches on the head and 2.--“-.‘L‘J ' Messrs. R. L. PERRY £5 (30., are only to be consulted at their residence, N0. 19, Beruors street, Uxford street, I ondon, . as they nevcr under any circumstances, travel either at hnmc or abroad, and they hereby caution the public against any person using their name, and as a further precau- tion against fraud, the public is notified that none of their medicines are genuine, unless the sub- joined facâ€"simile of their signature is attached to the different wrappers. GENERATIVE A} _- --- -.---.a-v 55"“. Also to he ha‘d from all Agents in all parts of the world. Extracts from the Silent. Friend; price. 6d., which contains directions for the guidance of patients. 1‘." '_ . ‘ .-v ..â€"-\~----\I\Iu‘ I'LLkl an. 13qu on Single and ma med fife, containing a. prescription known as the Preventative Lotion, preoiudmg: the possibility of contamination. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION AND EXHAUS- TIUN. New edition, enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Engrav- ing: on Steel,just published, price 15. ”‘IIE SILENT FRIEND, the Greatest. Medial 1 Work of the Age, on Youthful lm‘liscrvtions and consequent lmpediments to Marriage, des- cribing: the Anatomy of the Ileproductive System in health and disease, and pointing out. the sure means of perfect restoration to manhood; with -._ 1.1__.- ~ ’ 313’ Wrought Iron Shares made. for any Mad 0 ploughs. fix“ Mill Picks Made and Sharponed 53° Axes Jumped and Temporéd. 523” Any person in need of a Farrier will fin " it to their avantage to call 0": him. Durham: Nov. 25, 1858. 1 In the BEST STYLE and at Moderatei’rin» Blacksmith ancl Farrier; Saddier Sia‘cst, m U; ma: E15: 1m mm IS PREPARED TO DO Iii” YW’ork, flame Siwcing, AND The undersigned having been appointed Agent for Durham and vicinity, for the above Company, is prepared to take risks on moderate terms, =1 ' I‘IERBERT ROWSWELL. Durham, 8th‘Aug. 1861. 139-13? G. SM'ITH,‘ 'Es.,' Résidéh’tfi'sasi's‘z'ék'i”ESL-{stayg PREDIA, BAL°L,..I{28110€I(OT of .figcnc‘cs T.BANDERSON, Esq. (President Bank of Mon- treal), Chairman. ALEX. SIMPSON,‘ Esq. (President Ontario Bank) _ Deputy-Chairman. HENRY CHAPMAN, Esq. ; JAMES MITCHELL. Esq; EDIVARD J. S. MAITLAND, qu.’; HEN- RY STARNES, Esq. M. P. P. ; J. H. MAIT- LAND, Esq,nRgsidethccretary, Montreal ; G. F. (VI-Tm" HEAD OFFICE, _CA. ADA BRANCH. Company’s Buildingé, Corner 13f Placefd’Ar- ’mesandfireat‘St; James Street, 111072treal. APITALwâ€"C Two fllillions Sm [in Or Funds' m hand (Decr. 1860), ...... $6, 299 130. 00 Invested m Canada ............... 2 0,000.00 ‘ THE LIVEP 00L LONDON to FIRE ea LIFE INSURANCE COMP)? I The undersigned having purchased the Right fto manufacture and ve’nd the “Common Sense ” Chum for the County of Grey, begs to state that he is prepared to sell Township Rights ,.to_ per- sons desirous of manufactming this justly cele- bra ted Churn, which is univezsallx pronounced (without excep mm) to be V ' THE BEST CHURN IN THE V UP LD. It completes the 0112121111195 122 an almost mcredi ble space 1 1 time, proddeing good, hard butter-w- generally m FIVE \luUT-ES ethos saving a. vast amount. of time a: d 12:001. $13” The subscriber will be in Durham or Friday the 14thOctob r (Fair Day) at the Brit- ishiflotel, to dispose of Township Rights, or re- ceive orders for churns. The Best Ever Invented! 3 CHU {VS {,HUk‘Jm' by the use of Per22 J ’3 Cordial Balm quyriacum A..-.LI-'_ ”'â€" September 2nd, 1862. Price of Chums $8.00. For Terms of Rights, Certificatesffch apply DIRECTORS .' ND M USCULAR POWER REGAINED JOHN" G. FRANCIS Owen Sound. .jtwill :be. tent by Mail On ‘ret'eipt- of re (Stamps. ' 11 a3, Attendance daily, from 8 in” the! 1' L9Za‘t flight, and on Sundays from 2 ix 3’ "Medicines with full dErections sent to a. of the United States or Canadas, by patie municating their systems by letter. Busi: t: respondence strictly confidential., B3" Dr; L’é Office is still located a'sest': 3: under the same of DR. 1LA- 08013; M" {Maiden Lanai Albany, N;i:Y.2 _: _. . ma” \- «2 Tredfise on the Cause of Premature Dr 1 A solemn'ibamifig. JuSt pubflished, a book 3' t the “{néizi'ious progress and, prevalence n schools,‘[both male andfemale,] qf this fatal q Wing out the fatality that invariably attel d victims, and developing. ethewlzole progress / fisease; from the rgmmep‘eement to the end; _ -w v. ms 51“ ‘46.. TO THE LADIES;W110 Reed 3. confid: 4 medical adviser with regard to any of thosei t esting comydaints to which their delicate ‘ ‘g nization renderS“~ them. liable, are particular vited to Consul; us. ‘ - THE “ ELECTRIC GALVANIC PROTECTIVE.” I marriedlladies‘ whose heaith win not ado t, who have no desire to increase their families 0 be obtained as above. - :It is’a' perfectly 5:11 I ventive to eponception, and has been exten r used duringâ€"the iast 20 years. Price 'redm 6 $10. . , The Shafts of Youth ; Unveh .., .,.-.- u .- -.â€" r'"J."" {I ""' FRENCHTFEMALE Primeâ€"Ladies who wish Medicine's}. the efficacy of which has been teste thousands of cases, and never failed to e: speedy cures Without any bad results, Will none but Dr. DzLancy’s Female Periodical F ‘ The oniy, precaution necessary to be observe ladie‘s'jsiiould not take them if they have re: to'believe‘they are in certain situations (the ticulars'of which will be; found on the “Ta 9 accompanying each box,)- though always safe u healthytsogentle, retso active are they. Price $1 per box. Thev can be mailed to :1. - Aha 9933.... V part of the United States or Canada. MA m'-‘ â€" We have recently devoted much of our Iime VISITING '-THE: EUROPEAN HOSPITAL 1, availing ourselves‘of the knowledge and resent-c :- es of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons 1: Europe and the Continent. Those who 913 e themselves under our ca re will now have the 1‘ ll benefit. of the many NEW AND EFFICACEO S REMEDIES which we are enabled to introds e int-o our;practice, and the public may rest - s- s'u’r‘ell of the; same zeal, assiduity, SECREUY a d attention: being paid to their cases, which hassm successfully distinguxshed heretofore, as a Ph} i cian in our PE CU LIAR department of professi n 211 Practifififflw pastimnty-fivc years. n" r ' C FDD\'I‘ [33(1113 Dav-yr- _. ’12-- -LI P ~YOUNG MEN who are troubled with wsai. . nehs, generally caused by a bad habit in ynut) , the effects of which are dizziness, 1.vaitis,forge - fulness, sometimes, a ringing in the ears, we? ; eyss,‘ loss-mP memory, with melancholy, may ’ 3 mixed byhtslje-aathor‘s NEW PARIS AND L02 - DgN TREATMQ‘INT. ‘ - _,,_.__v. __-----..v-v..~, ~.uuu1uéc, uunxxuwc thlUf‘Y indigestion and 1:1 ssitude, with oozgfossions 0} thrilling interest of Boarding School Miss, (1. Col- lege Student, anda Young Marrzcd Lady, 5-0., 5'6 his a truthful adviser to the married and 11103: comtemplating marriage, who entertain score doubts of “physical condition, and who are con scimts of having hazarded {lie health, happiness and privileges to which every human being is en litled. “i'GUNG MEN who are troubled with me. 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS,-â€" Price only NEXTY-FIVE CENTS. Sent free of postage, .10 all parts of the Union. 011 the in- firmitiés ‘éf youth and maturity, uisclosing the secret follies of tom sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, derression of spirits: pal pitation of the hearts, suicidal imaginings, invol- untary emissions, blushings, defective memory, :y,",.,,-‘:_._ ,__ J 1 n, s ._. .. i PRIVATE EEEB‘ICAL 'R‘R‘EATISE ON THE ‘ Pifi’SiOLGGEC.-EL NEW 61" MARRHGE. . Efslwcimon numbers sent GRATIS on receipt of six cents for postage. TERMS :4-The Atlantic is for sale by ail Book and Periodical Deahc s. Plice 25 cents a num- ber. Subscription: for the year, $3.00, postage paid. Yearly subscrimions I‘GCEiVCé'}, or single numbers supplied by any draler, or by the pub- fishers. Which Anie‘rican talent can furnish. And IS such as to warrant the publishers in 1:10- mising * The Best Essays, The Best Stories, The Best Poems, LEADING AMERICAN W’RITERS JameszufisegllfL‘owell, George S. Hillard, Henry W. Longfellow, Henry Giles, Louis Agassiz, " * Walter Mitchell, Ralph Walglo Emerson, Henryr I‘. Tuckerman, Nathaniel 'Hanifhorne, John Weiss, ‘ C. C. Hazevb‘ell,‘p ‘ Mrs. H. B- Stowe, '1‘. W. Higgis’on, Harriet Martineau, Author‘MargretHowth,’ Charles Reade, Mrs.,Julia W. Howe, “The Country Parson,” Mrs. A. D. T.-'Whitney, Rose Terry Oliver W. Holmes, Harriet E. Prescott, J ohan. Whittier, Robert T. 8. Lowell, E. P. Whipple, J. T. Trowbridga, Bapardi'l‘eig’lof', l-Idwa rd Everett, Charles-EL; Norton, Professor A. D. White. The foregoing list, it Will be seen, includes the â€"1v â€" vâ€"v-V D- ’lhe prosperity of the .flllam‘ic enab es its con-1 ductors to employ the most eminent talent of the countxy in its columns All the best known Wiit- ers in American literature, contxibnting constant- ly to its pages give it the sole right to ::be known as 0111 nati'onai magazine. Its stafi still comprises the foliowifig names among ltS leading contribut- OI‘S Z l i The July number commen es the Twelfth Vgl. :nme of the .vilflantic Monthly, and will contain f such a list of contents as will entitle it. to marked ‘ consideration. Nathaniel Hawtoorne contributes for the first number of the new volume "oufs‘iae ; Glimpses of English Poverty” one otlthe moss in- teresting of his admirable English Sketches. "01- iver Wendell Holmes has written. for it “The Do- ;ingsfbfa Sun-Beam.” Robert Dale Owen discus- ses-“.The’01:iims of Labor or Service,” and pre- sents some new views for the study of _ the peoyle of America. Gail Hamilton continues her popular “Gala Days.” Professor Agassiz offers another eloquent paper on Mountains. And many other articles, of equal ”value with the above, will be included in‘the forthcoming number. “ Begonia 1857, the .A’tlanlic Mont/iz’y has now reached its sixtyâ€"eighth number. Its circulation increasing largely ft om the start has given it such '1. currencythroughout the country as no other flmerican magazine has ever acquired. Its faith in impartial ibertyas a principle, and its war- fare against Despotism in every form. have made it a welcome visitor, far and wide, every month. It does not abate, one jot of that. firm belief in the _‘b£ig¥é§l}£§3§é§)§cfll‘ng .which Right and Jus:zce areagéfiwstgrlym, but future pages Will sh‘ow‘an increased activity in placing before the mindspfrthetpeople an unfaltering confidence in the power OF tlie North to limit the. existence of a rebellion founded in cruel injustine and oppression "VI, - ~ STE; ANTEC HON THLY. "PROSPECTUS OF THE 5,-35‘TWELFTH VOLUME 'IICKNOR «*1: PT LDS, PUBLISHERS, V r 25 Watshiugu‘n St, Boston OF THE a M? X». the D )1 i it :1. )2 01 01 U it HAT VALUABLE FARM 0n the Gamfmxa Rpmfrécently occupied by M}. David, Coch- rane; situate directly. opposite 1110 Egremont Post Office, kept by T1103. Smuh, Esfi, willbe 0913,01‘ leased fora term (if years The prolsertyis only 2; miles from Mamit Fdrest, the ambitious Qounty Town in embryo. Terms, 430.,- can be obtained on application; iii-by letter pea-pane {no '35 ALEX B McVAB For Durham and surrounding country, all orders will be ate‘nded “to With promplitudc and dispatch ’3 ALEX. ~13: 51c5fAB. I r rAgra-iimh, 18633.~ . f f. K; "' "’Ir: 5,“ ’_'" "' *'_‘.7â€" â€" â€":â€"-â€" 'aTu“ Disâ€"tiilgrv having appointed the undexugm WHOLI‘ ALE A ‘ \J GLEIVLIVAT BISTIL’ERY ' FERGUS"C“W‘” ; THE PROPRIETORS 0T THE: Asévz â€"â€"_â€"â€"_ n ' ' VALUABIgE FARM F0? 541,6 Ortoheape; connissmw 3mm, “ANT ””””” Mkâ€"vâ€" Q23 3A1 Aafififg ; Bentinck P95: 09, ' DURHAM ‘ . ‘ 00U3W GREY. SECRETARY. THOS. M. SIMONS. JOHN YOUNG, Esq, 1 may Begum; ESQ° Durham, 24th March, 1863 INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. Life: Agasm'a‘nce Cdnipany. 7 POSTMASTER, Conveyan cer, Commissioner in Qn'eén’s Bén/c}. and Conumssion Gene-ml Agdnt. “Life flssurmre is {he Cz'wapest and the safest mode of nudging a vermin and” serum investment ”or onc’s Family.”-â€"-BEXJ.1MIX FRASKLIX. . . ‘ ON FIRST CLASS MORTGAGES. Applyto ALEXJB. MCNXH. May :1, 1861-. John Less, 15 Ba nkers, . . . J m W P. Hu:»w1and, Esq, George Richie, ESQ” Lawrmcc Hoydefi, Esq gut-3313. un11,'5:'nxu.fiLxulUfl C1 UlL, 1117071“) “ BROWN, GlesmnazCo. ,Humilton. “ . TaousoschBNs, To1on!0;‘~. ROBERT PA WON, Esq., WNW William McMaster, ON IM PROVEB-*I“A HMS FOR A \ Y TERM NOT EXCEEDING TEN YEARS. Méssrs. u 1 Durham 8th Aug, 1861. CAPITAL, Two Millions Sterling INSURANCE ON; LIBERAL TERMSâ€"- PROMPT ‘ SE'ITLEMEN’I‘ OF CLAIMS WITHOUT REFERENCES 10 ENGLAND. 83? No Charge for Fabrics. FRANCIS .HEVVARD, ALEYRNDER DAN IbfiON‘éx Manager. Inspector. TORONTO. x10\ 3 1i LLNJ R on L ~ I N 5 IN: A N; c E B‘Ui‘LDfNGS bLV§E§QQ‘ H 2 AND 111.0518 33 3 ,§31‘REET Improved and wild, situated in the Township: Of Bonand’gfi‘m‘iv‘m‘ P ”0.1011, Artemesia, Gram fraxa 86914505 3??qu le‘ fs and on liberal term Of-ph3men‘tzF*-2F:. 1.4; ._ F CAPITA Lâ€"~ONE M lLLlON DOLLARS. ALEX: 13 MQN‘AB‘, The subscriber is ptepared PL RMANENT BUIIAJING .AND SQVLNCS SOLE “TY: MUNL} LEN T ~ 15.203715‘ !1 INSURANCE COM PAN Y Dmham,’ May 1,’ 1‘8‘3 THE FREEHoLD H HEAD OFFICE. : HA MIL'I‘ON, C.” PRESIDENT. 1 was BaNKEi,. .. THE BA\}{ OF UO‘VI‘hLM REFERENCES: Bnycv- Mamiaiic’fi 8: Co .TQWNVAND PARK LOTS, FIRE AND LIFE. ‘ ESTABLISHED, 19-17; DKRECTOR G: er, Esq, .‘ .Pmsid 19$}, 11. 3:1)“. _ ViLie I’maid 1'. Fhlton, Esq., . . The Bank of CPIK’!‘ Calida; ' £‘IJEX1 B. MCAYQA B, MANAGER. ALEX. B. McNAB, ~ .. .- * .fig'ent. TH E ALSO Gsxsmx. mm” .7on STRIKEM: A. B. .‘LCNJX B, VICE-PRESIDENT. J’qasiden t. 3 Vice PWCOL Alex . Mumay, Esq , 13$ 1 A“ SUP J ESQ - Agen;, Durham. 3.5 ‘5 ‘J 913941”. Solicitor. '12 5:157. Agent

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