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Durham Review (1897), 10 Nov 1898, p. 1

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The rich pure blood which it makes, l circulating through the delicate pass-1‘ ages of the mucous membrane. soothes‘ and rebuilds the tissues. giving them a tendency to health instead of diam, l l cand ultimately curing the "ecuoo, At the same time Hood's Snruparilla "stren them. invigorate. and energize- ’ the $530k ”new Mid "when the de. t _ q,ititatad victim at mun-h feet that new f. ', P" in. been imputed. _ ' " with-n inhalants or "V s. . o2o.'t,t,t'lu1llipli',ltittt4 w. ai2iGJiFiiiikriditeei.Leeeer. Irthut. village is electrically lit from “mud Valley 13 miles distant. Mr Kenneth McKenzie had a two yr. ..ld heifer killed hy lightning last Satur- .hv. ",.-k nu jury duty. nun't forget Sparling’s Live Turkey Juliwry an 14th inst. Mr. Robert Bowl of meneitt, lost " "luable mare this week. Miss McLeay is visiting her aunt Mrs. bark and het brother the Dr here. for " r?iiifdd,tSt2'st. '!'? w, L time To Iu-mmrvly relieved of the aches .ml [millsof Iheuumtism means a great Lad, and Hood's Fhusarsarillts does it, THUR. BROWN lLL.~'l‘he whole town nun-ts to lea-In that Mr. Thos. Brown [s N,' riumly m with hemorrhage of the Messe. Dan Greenwood and Wm. Ihlt'hio of Edge Hill. visited at Mr. Irirkr.vson's. Cariek and Greenock, rev l n‘ning by 1 nrgill. Hm; Mr.Crozier, Grand Valley, the Pror"'Pt' pastor of Amos Church. Dro. umrv, is to preach in his old charge on "umlar the 20th inst. ilit iiilitluta gamma “huraday, November 10, 1898. vr tio. winter. M i,,,, Alice Johnston has been staying mu ltr" aunt Mrs. Peter Reid. ERC. 3w past few weeks. Nl-tsits in vm-y pn-vnlent in our town t pl'i-w-Ilt. Mr Wus. Renton’s young~ «I child is nut. expected to live. Miss Maggie Cameron value home M stun-day flow a sammer's outing t, Muskoka and near Kincardine. Ill-mums run SALE cggEAm--severnt T"" and top huggies, all in good order. \pply at once. F. NEST“. \lr. C. L. Grant is in Owen Soundms time. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDougall of ll .v. Mv. “my of Laurel, is visiting 1 PFEOWSR“ Mich., hare been paving a "q duughu-r Mrs. Richard Banks of, visit to their brother and sister Mr. and lenl‘nmlt‘n. IMrs. Colin McDougall of town. They ' are visiting Prreeville friends for a few upward: League of Methodist church, I days this week and leave on Saturday -' Monday night, Topic takett "Ltuspend a few days in London with "HV Wright. _ I Mr. and Mes. tRev,) Boone. (Hi1 NIH. McComh went to Funnel-stun: The Weekly Sun. Toronto, is con- ' u MI to remain with her sun there irilmtecl to every week by the famous: , :in- “inter. [write-r Goldwin Smith. " also con- w,“ Alice Johnston has been staying Mina mutter especially interesting to I'lt lot aunt Mrs. Peter Reid. v4,rt.rfattt"'rsand stocktnen, It is clubbed ,' put tTw wet-ks. with the Review at $135015}; front 110W ( ”lo-- is wry pre-vnlvnt in our town I to an! of 18:99.. Will our 1o"lf speak . . '_. .uf this to theh. neightrovs? Stumples iul‘t'M'III. M. “in. “onions young-1 . , PM“ :_ ..... ”nun“. m tHrs, Inlay he soon at this office. Mullahs Murphy. father of the well. I 1 known Eugene and James Murphy l h grain huycrsn. Mt. Forest, died last week 1 a the age of 87 years. " old Mrs. Lawrence has been visiting" lu-r granddaughter Mrs. G'. Moore for” , the pastweek, She is nearly Q yea”. M hut well and hearty. 'l l M r. Haven. o. Sound. and Mr. and l h ths. IV. Burt have a case hefore that .~~izmthia week in which the formerli‘ vlittsrtsthelitttet. with wounding with i , Into-Ht. it t'xmx s. S. SucuL. -The Sunday}I <1lmul held at the Grange Hall. Edge!I Hill during the autumn tnnnths was: luv-ll Irlt Uctnlier 24th last. AS an a-i', (lw-nlilc- wind up the ladies of the sec- " l on [mid the worthy superintendant _", 'l'lp n. fl,unk, and his "Irie staff of tench- i, I ',, tin. "oroplitttertt of " social in their', twin-r .u which n tine prugrmn war', me-ml hv the children. Prizes wcrc t 'A mlml th" children fur uticudanch‘ -,'" d wmlnrt and well learned lessons. l Llw- "l v--ml.im " for thc year wus H and A l. m .1 din/mu did not Iniss one Sabbath ‘1 wing tht, Hutu)“. Mr. Banks, the sup- ',, lllllt'litlt'lli w h rakvu by pleasant slur-1‘ ,-risc sshsut " \nllllm- containing the liiogrnivhy :i'nl (‘lmiw- Scrnmns ot John Weltlv um pn-wntml to him hv the m‘lww who nuisi him frnm Sunday .. Sunday Hwy-why showing that Supcr- .nh-mh-ni. lt‘ilt’lll'l" ond scholars are making it in \cry rculity a Union S'un- "ay Stimulus it shullld he. After the prugrum. and distribution of prizes all; vepaived to their hotties well pleased at: ‘having had another pleasant gathering; .1: Edge Hill Grunge Hall. l Catarrh Can so cum l By eradicating from the blood thei icroftt1otts mints which - it. Hood's} Sampntills cures march promptly and permanently. because It “rites at} the root of the trouhle. lugs. LOCAL AND GENERAL in“: the season. 3 ntendent w-us take so when a vulun E701 ' -X.Ff.,, NO, 45. V l Mr. Yeonmns. Toronto, " cousin of L. . . H. Yenmans. Mt Forest visited at r jDurnnch last week and made a call on B. ', Rev. Mr. Jansen and others in town on : his way to Mt, Forest. We publish this week a paper on the teaching of Geography, which received much commendation at the recent con- vention here. It will he tend with in- terest hy many not in the ranks. Pnounc PwrA'roes.---Mv. Wm. Moe rison, pun-based a bushel of Depewa from Mr. C. C. McFuyden, (agent of Stone ' Wellington) which yielded 18 bushels of good potatoes this fall. MONTREAL tyrAm---We club with the newsy paper as usual at 31.75 (will for Review and Star. All subscribe” through the Review will also Ret the famous picture "Thin Red Line" which may be seen at this oft1ee. TRM'T & Hook SOCIETY. The Annu- al Meeting of the Durham Branch of the l'ppel' 1'anada Religinus Tract & Hook Society will he held in the Meth- odist, Church Lecture room at 8 p. m., onTuesday,13inst. Rev. Dr. Moffatt will give an address from the topic "What would Jesus Du”? Special col- lection. Crowd the Church. PROPERTY HAt,E.--Messts McKechnie on Thursday Inst bought. the tine brick store in Upper Town last occupied by Messrs. Ramsay and Morloek. The property held drifted from the {tic-Master estate into the hands of the North of Scotland Loan Co., am agent of which was in town And made the sale. l At a meeting of the Town Council last night accounts were passed for over 3200. E. Hartford, gmvel 354. Posts $17.50; T. Daniels. graveUintt $91 l Cr. Meikle IW, days work $19.50 XE', Burnet, work, $4.50: R, Ward, work, 81.00t A, McLachlan, posts 310: John McFarlane, work $5.50: J. Davidson. work. $1.50. The committee on m-anolitbic side- walks wlll report at Council meeting on Monday evening next. \VHAT SHE B,rtcrarvEs--'/1 believe Hood's 'darsaptrrilla is " good medicine because I have seen its good effects in the case of my mother. She. has taken it when she was weak and her health was poorand she says she knows of nothing better to build her up and make her feel strong." Bessie M. Knowles, Upper Wcod Havhor, N, S. Bood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed for 2.5c. by C. f. Hood (C: Co., Lowell, Mass. (h'ELrH FAT S'rocK Suow.--\Ve have receivcd the premium list of the seven- tventh annual Christmas Fat Stock and Poultry Show. to he held in Guelph. ()nt .. Deccnihcr 6. T and 8. This is the olUvsit and most successful institution of its kind in Canada. the famous stock- r;ti~ing district of which Guelph is the huh giving it n. recognized preetuirreru'e "s" fat stock ccntle. With it will he llt‘lll the annual meetings of the Ontario lit-ckccpcrs‘ Association and the Ott, tutit Agricultural and Experimental l'ninn. llctlnccd rates on all railways. l'vize lists can he had by dropping iii card to J. 51ct'ovkindale, or Mel-clllyl ot1icv, Guelph. , Mclmx y-Fox ItecvrAL.---Last Thurs- day night, in the Town Hall, these two talented performers catered to an audi- enco not quite tfiling the place. Miss I Mth-ny is an artiste of no mean excell- ',, ence, and her stage presence is extreme- 1 ily pleasing "Seein’ things at, night" showed her pcssessed of good dramatic 1 power. while the decayed musician Adm '; dressing his old violin showed some flue jtouches of pathos. The "PUstiqaes" land sword studies showed a fine adapt- ,ahihty. of pose to represent expression. .The black draping of the platform Pe.'..?.'.'. off the plummet to nplendid . adventure. Mr. Foxis an old favorite land his music was much admired. though we fancy moat of his audience i would admire “Home - Home" {and " Annie Lutr5e"moeqthaat though ':et-aaueutetetrttieht- new to he irttt's The purity of his bones and bit Astt in pinyin; two; if not dam panama in madam. Mr. au. Mtookmnumheu on the po- mn-Ib'aru “army "an“. Amman“ - ,5. T The induction of the Rev. John Little linto the pastorate of the Presbyterian ichurch of this place took place in the ichnrth yesterday afternoon, Rey. Mr. iSmith of Daywood, Moderator of the iPreshytery presiding. Rev, Mr. Hun. lterof Markdale preached the sermon. taking for his text verse 29, chap. V of ll Corinthians, "Now then We are am- bassadors of Christ, as though God did beseech you hy us; we pray you in Chrisr’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. He explained that an ambassador at a. I foreign court was the representative of Ibis sovereign. with no interests other than his sovereign's and showed that I in like manner a minister of the gospel was the ambassador of God. After the I sermon. prayer and song praise the new pastor was invited to the front, answer- , ed the usual questions and formally in. ducted into the charge. Rev. Dr. ESomerville of Owen Sound then ad- dressed the congregation The follow- 1 ing clergymcn were present during the 'indnction ceiemony and warmly con- l granulated their brother on receiving "tis' new charge. Hev's Dr. Somerville inf t)\vcn Sound. McNuln of Kilsytll, i Hunter of Murkdalr, Burnett of Keady. 1Mclmrcn of llncklyn. Smith of Duy- lwood. Davidson, \‘eonmns. Reilly and i Scot i . DUREAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1898 The imlm-lion ceremony Irving over 1tev.Dv,rioiruwviile and Mr. Mitchell Conant-ted Mr. Little to the basement where he and Mrs. Little were introduc- ed to and received the warm congratu- lations of the members of the congregation and a large number of friends from other congregations, after which all enjoyed " social time discuss- ing the excellent tea generously pro- vided fornll by the ladies of the con- srtespttiott.---Uharswot'th News. IMPROVED sTocK.-Mr. W. T. Cook, Crawford, believes in progress and has secured a thcrough bred Yorkshire Botw from it well known Burford breeder. This will be greatly to the advantage of farmers in the neighborhood. See his ad. Hott'rIt'ArrJrURAL SOCIETY.- --All mem- hershave not yet called on the Secre- tary for their free fall bulbs. Please hasten as it is time you had them planted. Full Is Here. Pumpkin pie and apple cider '. (lut‘er looue and open Wider I Ain't no time like fruitful autumn t. H ick'ry nuts in river bottom t Who said fall was melancholly ? Just the time to be real jolly l Stir that steaming apple butter! Fry them donghtsutse--hetw 'em splatter! Bee them trees with apples laden ', Bee the buxom country maiden l Scones of plenty, biiss Arcad'n. Spdrkling eyes and rosy features l Joyous, blessed, happy creatures; Apple suits and pumpkin slices l Eggs and butter luring good prices t. Gmu’ries full and running over: Bulging hayntows sweet with clover. Country sausage '. Goodness, land sakes! Hurry up them buckwheat pancakes! My, o my, hut don't we pity Poor folks livin' in tho city. WALLACE-- In Stratfm'd, at the resid- dence of Robert Dass,tDougras-sC, on Oct. 25, the wife of Wm. Wallace, tor. merly of Winghant, of a sun (still MARRIED. IbmEwrsoN--ArmAN- At the residence of the bride's patents by the Rev, J. M. Millar, on Nov. oth, Mr. w. J, Robertson of Tot onto, to Miss Lizzie ll, Allan, (laughter of David Allan Card, Barrister. W. S. Davidson. Boots and Jackets, C. L. Grant. . Carr's Cough Cure. Macfarlane & Co. Winter Hardware, w. Black. Ready Made Cloth'g, Rtunstsy& Morlock. Improved Boar, w. T. Cook. C,redit Sales, Geo. Ryan and Norman Me Intyre. Publisher's Notice. Strayed ooafTirs" premises early in October, 1 red and white 2-yr old steer t l heifer calf and 1 red bull calf. Imn'mx'r 1'0 lu-tss.--. have an order for a earanad at llve turkeys for which act- a m. will he paid live weight. Buyer: are through the county but anyone uncalled upon will he" the - . ..__._.-, L-' “In! Inl- INDUCTION 0F REV. J. LITTLE. i7Gifiirifjjutru1r. hr Roy. “a when .n. Muriel-wit he Inuk- roam-M we'sthett - 'te , h burn). ijiur, Holstein. iiiiitt NEW A ItVE1tTIb'EM ENTH. CATTLE AST RAY BORN. 'unxsutnwney Spirit. R. McGOWAN. '.--I have an ttttt Full Returns give a Majority of 13.884. The ofiicial returns of the Plehiscite Vote wereullin last week and are as follows t For Prohibition. . . . . . . .. 123931 Against Prohibition.... 115047 Last Monday was the tvs,rularuiieetiuit of 1his body. There wvro present. Mayor. Hveve, and t'oocillov's Moore, Whitmove, McKwhniv. Hunter' and Elvidgo. A large number 0f acwourots were handed in. Quilon numher were laid over for veeificarion or some other (-uusc. and will he considered in omn- It wus decided to meet with Mr. Conn- m-y. Pros. ol’the Guelph Paving Co., at 1 o'clock on Wednesday to formally go ovet the new sidewalks and act-elm the work if according to tgpeciiications. mitlv The accounts passed Were as follows: 1 Paving Co. for cedar-Mk5: S. Arrowsniith _ 1 day, 81 ; C. Brown 11 days 3 hours, 8H.30; D. Stewart, plank, $37.49: D. McKmnon 4days work, 84; Wnt, Mc- Fnyden 21 days, $2.50: Wm. McFarlaue iron pins for survey. 75c; Wm. \Vhit- more neckyoke and plntes, $1.55. Sel- ecting Jurors. Wm. B. vollett, G. Rus- sel. Win. Calder, each 82; Wm. Irwin advertising. $2.50; Hrm, Irwin printing $10.75; N. Kelsey work, $2.75; Hugh McLean ft days. $6: C. Falkinghmn. 1 day. $1; Wtn. H. Benton, 3 mos. salary Ch. Engineer. $8.75; C. heavens 3 mos. salary as Engineer. $2.50; Jas. Mc- Cracken 1 day, 81: John Mitchell 25 days, $2.50; 0. McDougall rep. windows $1.25: John O'Donnell 7 days 3hrs 87.'30 - ' unuu v Ih._%'....* .. _ “n4 - _ -- ' S. Orchard work, $13.45: It. Torry, tire Bligude Inspector. $11.50; Clerk‘s salary $17.50. Total $1l1).33. Editor Durham Review. s"uv--Petmit me to address Fruit Grown-a, through the colmnm of your paper concerning Blue]; Knot. Majority for Prohibition 13884 The net results by Provinces are t Maiorit les for Pt ohihit ion 'c--- 0ntm-io,.......... 39.224 Nova Scotin . . . . ' 29,216 New Brunswick. . 17JN5 Prince Ed. Id. . . . . 8,315 Manitoba... . . . . .. 9,412 Brit. Columbia. . . 913 N. w. Territories 3,414 Members of the. Horticultural Society, having suffered from its existence and l while not wishing to be omeioua hy ', those whose attention was directed to 1 the. pest, and not, desiring to invoke the _,') law-penalty 820 fine. and costs, have I appointed an Inspector. I Will every person having plum treesl or cherry trees please exmnine them _, closely lemming and burning all Black '; Knot found. The leaves having fallen, 3 the wmk can be easily done and now IS I the time. It, is during the ruins of win.! ter and spring that the spores are liber-l ated, waited hither and thither by the ( windtlll falling on plum or vheri y trees! they grow. i, I Durham, Nov. 7th, Nominal] McIntyre nu Tuesday next 15th inst.otfers for sale at the Knapp House, 2Phead of cattle, steers and heif- ers. 12 months' credit, 7 pee cent off for cash, At 1 o'clock. Hugh McKay, Auctioneer. George Ryan, on Monday 14th inst. offers for sale at the Rob Roy Hotel, Glenelg. over 50head of cattle. consist- mg of one pure bred bull. cows, steers. and heifers. Also sheep, pigs, horses, vehicles, implements, halvest-ing mach- inery, &e., Ike. The farm ard hotel are oftered for rent at any time. 6 months' credit-6 per cent off for cash. At 12 o'clock sharp. Hugh McKay, Auction- u "t Total . . . . 107,890 Majority against Pro ' --- Quebec. . . . . . . . . .. 94,015 Net Majority for 13,881. CREDIT SALE REGISTER. FARM FOR SALE. PLEBISCITE VOTE. .- v 909 A - TOWN COUNCIL. BLACK KNOT. WM. (RORSLINE. Inspectm'. r','.,'," "s System . We take this opportunity ot thanking our eustomres for :past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system ir111 merit, a continuance of 'i, the same. ADOPTED BY N. G. a: J. McKechnie. “Large Sales & Small Profits." cm Il,',!",' 111% oil,ijl(l,lfj,l,l),INa. ite,'",,?"'?",:,".???:?,????,???'.,', it New Foundry & Machine Shop ft iii FLESHERTON STATION. AUG. 4ru. - __ ii, - Durham. Aug. 9th. .. Having equippod our Shop "ith the mood approval wmrhhwry. and engaged the twrpirett of a fhoAntwhly practical man to lake charge of name. ure arc in a positiqn to do a General laundry Bwiumw in all m t".tt""'LT't? . AT fH It Ira-nchcn... . . . mm \Boiler and Engine Work a speeiaiifiT. fsttoves Gutters Our Piano and Organ trade is (lpnly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do ”Exam 3 We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ONTARIO ARCHIVES V TORONTO At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS. Supply our Cushmwrx with Mlu'hinery of all kinda Make all ttot-ttt of Caut "gs amide all trorfx of Mm h i "my repairing on trhort "OHM and a! moderate pritwm C. 1llhKrl)iCl)il0N'8, Gins--- mr, ext . M f in exchange 1)trtdr.i" 1) or O. HcKINNOI. N., G. 80 J. McKECHNIE. 3 Sem’ Hashim? T the New o""."""'" aghast price pa? for Wood R. P. LEGA TEdt CW. of all kinds, Cutters and Sleight-3 of the best quality and at prices away down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES WHOLE 'do. 1078. iahs Ce'FF riifta "

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