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Durham Review (1897), 10 Nov 1898, p. 5

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Vrum the ttrail Pedigree any Terms Ttietr. y.ica"FFN- mks. Prov. u). 3. w. G. tt ram. 20"” may be, left 's drug al.079- CANE. Prop. ICE. ntinck. may be Ll ent for HELL D, t, liaeiy ti acres ber igt- service. t. R.. O 'n 'P on , d REMEMBER If FOR THE BABY .vml LITTLE FOLKS we have ptiitiriu'sl " Special Baby's Cough Cure fur Crop. Itrouehitis, Colds .m.| t'oughs. Suitable fot tue “le (lvhruh‘ illfiklll. TRY IT'. 250. M "MIN. and o. LUCAS, WRIGHT a BATSUN. BARRISTE.R$. SOLICITORS. NOTSIRIES, CONVEY‘NCERS. dc. _-__ --w# 1h :tfaN---srv,q runs EASY TERMS At Durham Offices, Mondays and DURHAM OFFICE. OM . ., ....s ugly omee - - MONEY T Unluc' fl" lav '- --- Collections and Agency promptly an “ills. Decals, Mortgages. Lama. A} are. vnrtecuj manual. Elana o pen-suns looked utter, and Executor! Giuistrtstort'. Accounts wowed In Sulrnguce Court Bushman. Probate Letters " Muniuimruion and (in Obtained. Sanchez: made In Bey,istry Titles reported nu. _ -t...bes Funds h ( Baum) Owd by Hal as. Frtrirfovortea on Company um Norm»; vs at low-1 made b y 3601mm jnlvls that has proved so cuccssful in curing Ill) azipicnt and chronic cases. l fx' mn'ocrs have, without sol-l, Dilation, spoken very _11is,t-l 3.; of its efficacy to us, but C a}. not wish to blow a- bout it---the medicine will speak for itself. All we ask is a trial. One size only, BARRISTER- HARRIS I an. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME Ci NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONERl -' - ‘1' MONEY Oftitv. nwr Dr. 'fl. (l. HOLT L118 or'f,Y"f FIRST DOOR EAST 01 \va Durham Pharmacy Calder", Block. Ittssnlentu' first door west of th Poct ttttice, Durham. _ BARR! 1 El No.15" ru-uc. 509. a bottle. r 'Url I I In. I I 'rn only been on the mar- '. in Canada for one year '. tit we have never had UP o FF! t ' x member COMPANY and PRIVATE Funds to I Lor, in sums and on terms to suit! borrowers, (On first Mortgage Ott) Town or Farm Property..) Lowest‘ rates of Interest. Quick deepatch, ! and lowest possible charges: l 1.211333 PPF.R TOWN l a was , 1ti fl), ii iccii.1irr1tcyTB5r. s.---- arrister, A'etar , Gem coyancar, etc” to.... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. . Apply in G. ;.efroy McOaul Barrister, Lower Town Durham. Durham, Sept. 2m '97. ' Watches, tCocks, & . sitvrrware, ttlatware, LBFBOY kIcCAQL. o LOAN LOWER fown. DURHAM. "B. Jun-uh) Charges money To -- Loan. Repairing “MI! I"' - Ind ' " “Le! ot "uv-nt sud l}; xt door wry Bottle ix guaran- me. we are Sole Agents. Chat gas . TELFORQ, S-- Meint.trre Burly., and vrisuet if To LOAN JT) 5 PER CENT. , E F F SOLICITOR. we. convunnczn, ace, tor oa,c,, store. Lower l)l' “HAM. S. DAVIDSON. RE 230131.10") ll I g!" 'F""" .VV, _ Fire Insurance Secured. ;'. CALDER'S BLOCK. to Hutu Unit»! 01500) EWELLE S. "tt tirtu mode-raw. 011 Lrlts an '5 Speciality. proved so l, Funds to Loan on interest. V'Il'mlious sretut Valumtm'. Moderate. Court Days ll Ma " V. _"'"'" "orts' and Ad- " lull patted. ‘mm of Wills, t Guardhmshiv [any Otttee and (Dyer the Bunk.) J cwellery. , & Specs. trml attended to. i Amwuwms. l of Jeetetd l lat, ouRT. g are. DURHAM- Mr. Foster's Panegyrie, 3 oeen .flte farewell banquet given he the i :9“; (humans of Ottawa to the retiring Gov-i p . emor General last Tnesdav was; V329: memorable in many ways butowing to i t I the unfortunate lack either ot experi- l lenee " common courtesy on the part', 4:11:25“ (:21??th "of management, 1 a“ 'r, _ ., epi'escmtatix es of the "eip i press were excluded, no adequate re- u, l tort of the pl" eeedings. outside of the 'cttessl i very excellent speeches of the chair- two] E man and the distinguished guest has M, i been published. ' 1.13111 l But the remarks of Hon LI. F.. rust, villa i or are deserving tt publicity. Speak- 'P, l mg of the ideas which sti'l prevail in ', '.', -‘L {some quarters, that the Empire was '3 l growing decrepid and infirm, and that , i k i her pOWer was waning the ex Finance I .. '(; Hiinister indignantiy denied the mr ,‘t , sutnption and protested against the L Wu: .Einterence. “The expansive, the as-1 _ ' similatire, the Cohesive power of it ‘ I Great Britain" said he "is neither dead ', - ‘ nor stagnant. The plastic crust from [ v Hwhich, in centuries past, has burst 'i, 9.1:: i'ierth that splendid energy that has wir I even and anon vivitied the world has 'r, Ilu , I not been stiffened to adamant. The i. if]: typical vigor, the eruptive enterprise, ', ha " the steady overflow of her higher life 3 ltr, a. and potency are there still, and the p18 march if empire is ever forward. .2: i who dares to say that the Imperial 3 tin . eye is dimmed, the Imperial hearti -ee l numbed. or that the irresistible might I i i might of her strong right arm is shat. i t l tered ? Rather do we aftirm that the l E linsuiar has become world-wsde, that: i. the merely national has broadened g i into the truly Imperial, and that the 'r, isphere of Britain‘s infiaenee and ther, '\ grandeur ot her power are immeasure- ' ' i ably advanced.‘ ', ! i The "open Door" Has Done It I, l i Ah ofwhieh will be, entlmsiastically , I rc-eehoul and endorsed by c'vel'.N' _ Ill. i loyal Canadian. and it will nordo any Cossm, OUR 01TAWA§LETFER. policy of absqutc 1m: u allv adopted when the L torn with internal diss people suffering hunger her mills closed, basins: and the national lite at tht Whercser,ond just in I the extent ot which, those Miss Kate De by returned COL-main lately. Misss Jessie in {by ' l p,ntr,l MNs \lsiill'il sisiitirrr. ut her via Mom“ Mm. L. Warp" r ni’ U', yiriiqu Iriends hv-rv. Mini "/. l',rnutigatt is friends ncttr Cliff'mi. w, Henry Fritz rm- m his Imrn Wei.c,, In) 'l‘lw usual lIr-"\L':'- i' Incl-I 3' Inn-may menus-4 um church, ilcv, Ct presiding. Mrs. W. Cruwliuw “ hug Mauls mu! rmmm l Luv. Mr, (when vt mum , sktF' i punch In Alums church on Sun-"w , ins" and many of his old fluett , f lighted with the mowed vt bee! ‘1 hearing lum. it is l spcc'ud , I giving Sehice an] a special collecti I be takeu up to defray the expense K eenttine unprovemrntu. 1 Mrs, John Snell is home from 1 a sick brochur who ha.» been /t,1?l'.e,',1 fever. John wvars hf , ! phitr-ant smile. i Miss Mary Taylor who has bet iiug an old neighbor Mrs. Gum: l other friends in Dundus can)! I recently. . " Mr. Jno. Wilson has receiwd Ir",,' ”w. nun I 1v,,malr, left day hm Sir“ pauymu he” ll) and M r Mr. Jon. Wilson a and of furniture. ( Mr. Wm. John 1 i inn for Gall, called '; suit between his rai!way cunpauy. thw twicli It Humpdvu loads in men- up", "V...“ In collector Lawrence has been a- l, "iiiii it sr.-Itrte rm round making his otticin1 culls. i glee, Pt,',.'?- E‘s-tun. J ' art r. --- eaume Rev: It Cnmpfell s aunt of Mt. For Cutie. Alice Donnelly. est paid him a visit last week. lst iii.--WM? Noble, , Mus Many Scott. is m It. Forest tak- F.--rurl Vclleu, Vict in: up the trade of type writing. F I T N. CHAD T W. Cruwliwv G unis mm humu- ' le,rt lur in-r 1mm r sister Ir. 5 Ha sick li-t are Mi.- Mr. T. Little. ptt 'l'uenlay ind inst., lwmlv. a so", . John Hay left Sumrtlny morn- t, called as a mtness in a law On his late employ-v and the HAMPDEN. ruzier, vf Gland Yulh)’ is to us ouureU on Sun-in} 20th ny (If his old flvee are dr- tbe prorpet't vt yeema um] ' It is a Spccial Thad?- ', Am] a special collection: is to ' - --- at,., nvnnlme of te. DROMORE. t umml ir, at we t “hn ha. New vi-iz- no- hue tor I: o pu~l “Irwin Weliunu Fai- Hntue Byers tumm- h; f-nes‘u runs In nu ___'" [ l i, Report m a. m. =F' _ - "T _. . . , 1 C0ass IV sr.-Wirmie Hopkins. Tims a ityilo ot Mr. aml 'ipytint Annie Petty. Champ Duns- lately, “new. Class 1V;- JP'CBthar 1:10:10". m e cm this vem- . Albert Noble. Al rod Noble. e lingmu 'dd' was: of L/vin “lumen. Class lil. - Alfred Ashley, -- .. . f iTom Stinson. Toto Milligam. Lily Hop- A _ m...” n Sr. _-Alice LawrenL-o. No om- hurl. 1] hour) irvm he t'rusit n mum's} n is a ptei11 expense of Hi been Hait- Cummins and came home and M. tl IH!..', - ill mm his usual irm Mr. and Mrs. McDongal. who have been living in Manitoba the past Fear returned last Friday and intend to take up their abode in Ontario. CSUIII visitin " n Misses, Fihza and Bella Wtlson are visiting friends in Markdale. 3% aways}; Wedding bells will ateiu this wcek. Mrs G. P.. Cilruy mastuf Mrs, f. H. two last week, Motif-e and S an Tube left on Thur-lay lad. fur Calvary where their rumba took up hand. The boys will be missed in the another Wm. ( We we sorry to chronicle this week the (loath of one at the first pioneer farmers of this part in the pen-5m: of Mr. Peter Momlm. who departed tlushie nu Sunday morning. IN has been ailing tor a. low,' time but was always nbln to new to the ‘mtexestu of hrs tttrm and help with tlm work. He h aves a widow. one son and tour daugh- ters. Asa neighbor Mr, Mmulia was al- ways ohliging. ohen getting lip from his sleep to attend to his Ui lghl-om sick cow '; or hon-m. He will long he missed alumna l the corner. llll s to 20th Mr .sumgeuu \Vednémluy 16tlt. All are lcoxue, Hey. Mr. and Mrs. Ma,r.ovood Were ldenly ealled mun ma Saturday to ut- ol the funeral of their i,rothir.iu-1aw We L-ulies Aid of the 11ethorh t elsutch Lgive n M1tll parlor coneert at. the J, l llnlmr Hall ot uni-mum W. __. __ 1 Hr. V Class- ~Bert Moc/lee, Maud Whel.. . fr. ‘ an, Fred Ryan. Allie lihwklnun. Waltew l , Willis J". V ii.ts.s--Ethel lmnin, Ann- l ': iv anreuco. Laura Hutton. Pettit' Rmu- l 3. age, Ives. Hunt. Sr. IV Class --- Otto ' Knapp. \Vm. Brnwn. Jessie 1tohettson, I Maggie Hutton. Mable ('mnemn. Jr. 1 i V "i"iass---Etly4 Sibley. Susan McCluck- to lin, Maud Irwin. Grace Barclay, Duncan 0th ' McKenzie. Si. IIIClass---Tena Ncslcr, m. , Mary Sharpe, Andrew Williams, Esdon “.4 i Wolfe, Clara Aljor. Jr. Ill Class---. Js".. , Mamie Itygley Violet Willis, Edith :mv Everlu. Minnie Cameron, Willie La- '; velle. Sr. 11 tiass--Kat11 Cliff, Charlie te. u......u mm Fox. Alice ittuuaye,,,Ly,,trt, ie fl? i a iii: blight. of your rmstcncc. "n " tPM." u I are”? ‘33, h ECts'ali'A'ldt'iC0ciriic: . n5 , 1i"o matter buw serious your cute nu; - A- ' . _.. not 'rvttt' It,'1" 'cvvu thjL l 1n a V 'rdi TTeller". 8') t'NF'. " "4 T "t a.“ r' . f . ". l 'cp "/t'up are s.1trEiC,t,rgycf Mg! L253“ riii1rtirlil it... Laiab l 4 i l I s. . ' - velle, hi, 11 Class--- Moore, Etta Fox, Ah and Geovge Harlsott - . sa _ -. Tttr, - _Essie Laidlaw, Rim Irwin, nun um. l “ell, Jewel Little, Victoria Park. Sr. Part ll Class-Lizzy': Cameron, Arthur thirnmn, Fred Smith, Bertha Spat-ling, Effie Barclay. Jr, Part II (A) Class-- Marion Gun, Charlie Ramage, Russell Purine. Kate Hester. Mary Harvey. Jr, Part II (B) iralss---Eftie Hunter', Pearl Murdock, Beatrice 1ijjitutrwrrrlrtrk- son McCaul. Lizzie Kinney. St. I Class --Nellie Bakers-Ella Kituireet Lena Wil- son, Irene Laurens, J. Park; and Bert Saunders. 'i2t'ir'iii'edittF-cr?thtE Saun- l ders, Bern Hartford and Tommy Holt, l eq. Jr. A - Maggie Mitchell. Herbie 1furdor,'sc. Jr. B~L0uisc Telford. Brock Grant . rs of GHQ. BOOTHVILLE. HOLSTEIN. Roll of Durham '2 .ruy M Ilt, I’mes't was the H. Brown for a any or 00¢» be ringing l'ON, nun. .......“,_,, . Harbottle, eq. Jr. 11 Class llaw, Itita Irwin, Hazel Cald- Little, Victoria Park. Sr. rsa-rizztp, Cameron, Ar.t.hut' M serious your CCA? w, you :My' have thA!II!.. I )1; T REA my.) ' -Jeuu|uc A9.""'P"Te'-"' tonnelly, Florence Cutie. mobie, Wtliie Bauer. Is! at, Victor Noble. N. Grumman. Tend or. - School for Oct. iu Ilol- H A pplpa, per bag TomrNTo. Liberal receipts of cattle made a weak nmrkm. Fur best lambs sold well, Butt wero in fair (lunmnd. Bulls y s'tovlous demand not brisk, Miiurows.,........-.A'"y Expnrt cattle. . .... 3 Buichetm' choice cattle. 4 Bulchers' cont. cattle.. 3 Bulls, heavy, ... ..r.r'" 3 BulN,lighr. ...r...-... 2 Htockeis. ..... ........ 2 Feeders................. 3 Slu-ep.....,............ 3 Spring lambs ........'. 3 Bn(-ks.................. 2 Calves. per head .. . . .. ll Choicts hacun hogs ....' 4 ‘Tlnrk fat. hogs, . . . . .. ... l Suw<.... ............. 'd _,iv:nl 'Y Oct, 'dist, otlt Viliuut- ha} nu excitlit'..'. rtl,'tiiW 'Y I} a team u" horses he- lm [mug to thurp’slivery, Dlmdulk. Alter a run ci two mikes they were traytorcul. The buggy W113 C(Hsmeruhl)’ t,roaslia., Sun e ol out winds, iii-:LdviseJ. Went. to l‘ chuuvuri a man, bummed to be getting; mum-J. All i, quiet again. The [herald Came out with a kind of apology to Mr. MeMurdo Inst wcck. Home McKenzie was looking after mum road jobs in our village He is n fuithml Maker [at the township. The Pres Church. 11 can. Writs to he opened, Nov. 6th, but is delayed as the calm-act. 18 not. quite ready. _ My last mpg“ refund to a that was wanna! but lruke ul Numiutment. Arvirtyr lengthy some would any a funny accmu zapped-s in the Haul-I. A l autumn)“ tlure me denied bv tr,,-,,.,--,-,"'.)":"' ishin: 1L e 'iiirTiGl/iil "vi, 60 copies or more. authorized the editor ox Mr. Harri 281' Live Stock Markets. uh HOPEVILLE. 's Hera“ comes t..o baud with as to our lunnslnp‘s supplv of warts and Votem‘ Dish. P. cattle and hugs‘ Fur sheep and Butcher’s cattle Bulls wow steady. wish, 'Nequnle: ..$30 cn to $45 00 .. 3 7.3 to t 00 P. 4 (I) to I) 00 ' . 3 ()0 to 3 50 rm. 323to 37.3 . . 2 00 to 2 25 ... 275to 325 0 lil It It Tttt ft 05 to 6 50 to 25 to M to 5 00 ts '0 00 m 60 to 9.5 40 3 25 to 3 (I) to 3 tG to 2 I010 30010 4 13to l “No 3 OHIO 51) to to to to to 01 (n n Oh 6 50 SPRING 81 SUMMER “OM arriving daily at All laws or tiitAtgtgttYrHARRis I Binders. Mcweys, Drills, Rakes. Halrinvs, these are the Best and f houposf Goods NI ADiVih'S' LVAGGONS : 1 full Cuin'oud MN m r, ot) wedding The RAYMOND sewing machine and the eeMoney to loan at In and Gr, payable on ly attended to. Manor of Marriage L 3o " 10 l ll) i,-A'r-C-iz'i i-iiliii':k't'r2 ': d»ayLâ€"I.uuwwsyeg Ly} H‘W‘Lrgu‘firfi'r‘fi'fi'wfi‘r' iTft'iti.itiiis'i5/i'i-ri6".rr 2 75 6 “U U 00 30 a 'i/j:')';, Parker's 75 3t? CASTOR OIL CREAM. IfGUIES: [tiii. Dit. BUDDS IONIC AND ALTER. 1E The Great Blood Builder, Purifier, 3.4.: Nerve Tonic and Regulator, 250, Box. E mt. BUDDS WHITE _Crtlrt.. EH: UU " " A MO . _ _ rm" 'ii1sirs-iuis'd1i2/e" ALE-3."- AL "p,Liisr-ilh.ilil: EL! y.ruiAr.Ncry. ws,ss,rrssrs.se:se..eer.-.s,e?, n irHieitthlr.Tr mart” '.ir?ir'j.rrh'rb.irrarhir mr nrmr :1 r-GF-rt; Iii-1:1. rmrnrasr ram-1 _--------" MS' VIAGGONS : A full Curloml mil orrire this wei'tt--- f sare./Niy/t t, buy at close priros, and um sell c/tcaper tho other Agents. :37? Full, Line I" all kinds of repaint. P.) v n . , 1'11!" A fun stock “r uwTI‘mmPI-z & McLAI'GHLIN nu..- --- . . .1.- 1“I'u_»...l s-s-----", - A - O Au Exquisite Toilet Lotion for Chapped Hands, Roughness of the Skin. Rednesa, Sunburns, Irritation eta, also for use after Slmvin; get this township prnperty. while a section of the tnwnsiupis only partly supplinl ? mum are ratepayers. and nu: In“ maueit compulsary on Councils to get this printing done for certun omeals mm for rutepnvern in the mttui:tiimlit.r. Ir, [S the Bernd says. one man got 50. any sensible person known it in an injustice to our municipality. und in tome quarters m lave-timid: would In ukod for, _. __ L‘-- Ohm-Int thae ' A. v _ “.§%Q.$Q -i"i""i--"" - nu "Inning-nun. w-___ Thou elite any has thought they were doing qritat T?' just. but surely no ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO NEW GOQD$ 130st, Table Lrtlciotn +0 "8V0qG", m... ..- -'__ ,7 . IFyott u-unta ”and pair of IVinh'r Boots or Show: (In no! buy before you twe our Hed Made Boob: am] Show for Men, ”’omon. Boys and Girls. Hwy mum)! be haul. "re can give you a pair of Frenurh, Kip Long Boots. E,ts Icnkiou Sole, ”and Made a! 84.00. Don't forget to call. It will pay yum to come up town Beam a (30.... th Lower 'hRirriiiiilarq 1lljy1's1)glllfj, l", Sc A full stock nf the TFDHOI' u k, . Ries, helium-rats. and Carts H \RRO\\'S and the yon-y Lust you P" Fancy figure11 lulu-K Lustres. . . . . ...Ill, iiir. .l Heavy plain Muck Lustre (a snap). HI Fine all wool Serge: 40 in wide. ' . T 2.1 Nice tlirured 1treGGoods. . . . .. . . .. 25 Heavy winter Dress Goods douisle fold........-- .IS, an. 271 We have a few nice "was Letrgtltg at $2.75. and $4 GO each. FLA NELETTES 're ham a good lim'fmm Jr up In for a I‘m-y hairy hm" .1: i riches wide. Table Oilcloth THE BIO Al. Try a Ge. pm r-LFtAfRllKiiEfR, Clllihl LST (I ml [IR CV iGlh; T, Oilcloth 45 inches wide at 2.5c a yard. lagoml pairof Whttet' Boots or Show: do we you see our ”and Made Boob: am] Show 'omon. Buys and Girls. they (-011th be ball. e you a pajrpf E33151: K ip Lung Boots, Em- WITCH HAZEL L REA 3?, A Pleasant and Reliable Remedy for Coughs, Colds etc., 25 & 50e home. 1"ii"ii)"i"."1::rpctDEyR. For Infants and Children. A Per fectly Palatable Preparat inn. i0. packet otu'tya1tuta" Ceylon Tea-mark ot' Mixed. , PINE EXPECTORANA". DURHAM. J AND ALTER-VFIVE K'ELLS “we Store. HARRIS MACHINERY. 1nkos; T,%irtnvs, AW. Fun-11mm, 1sest makes of " your own mulls wwgflmwfi tDHOPV, & NcL.tUGHLIN lhW ud Curls. All kimisnf PUHVS and tit you um buy at right prices. t makes of Pl ANUS and ORG ANY. IP own mulls. " luv-unnum- prompt' UPPER TOWN, DURHAM mum. outside of our mm wwuslnp. has A right to grab up our property, glad to use it u to tourist our own supply. I think the Hamid in pluing fast and loo.-e nth Been McKenzie when ho u- vnll such proceedings. and it we any I). “loved to my so " would it would he has”: tor tho use}: to tahe 'et" : iurteau qua-lions om rut-m “Mon be M nth. a” any Dominik luminary. . avrire th is aw s, ate. Farmers, mu can My. tic . " I, l. Wr, we .. 25r . I Ww . . mm, M [Ur yam. 'i-ii: 'c:,)).; 411E § § LL”! 3‘3? 115 At-: 33: Fur. (lg 333. at gas: 31E Ji', . li? IC/ Ell

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