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Durham Review (1897), 17 Nov 1898, p. 3

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yd. ind!- tow/rill". owe (M the nu". testimony og then. 7. bacon). . um " au any: My}? I: l pl! T, hind-i - A new». it tho organ Alluvial! k and ’3' '0 'ttte I" tree. ' the - - se' owl. "ti a )6. ovary tTIF m‘er- ing. may: [I] rare: and.“ (BESS orden )pttrt' d that ..'1Mr, F,rr'd, id "ninth." abound Pom 1Huwo11 to his better half, n he “upland his mad 0'. " the (lunatic bruit-st ublo, " Nippon. you strongly ami- Oped “minim prooiivitiu will not - low of your forgoing, for one. in I my, the delirious delight. of "how ouch 'lpring clunin'!” "if, Patel-J13 plain Englishyon mean that you wish me to thin-k my duty " 3 British housewife by mediating to clear away a twoivomonth'l accumu- luion of grim and cobwebo. you sup- pose correctly," rotorted Mrs. Grieve!) in a dry, mattor~of-fact tone of voice that ought to luv. nuanced any "or- But Peter had become so mlimtiud u it were. to his wife's "I" own style of outcry that it had mood to in- press him our no slightly. Peter can hi- wife . Innovating clan“. having a hazy notion that she was trying to [at at him, as the saying goes, but n she bore his unmet-like lure without “Inching, he appeared utinfiod, and laid: Up the handy pair of our my: Peter, bucket and brush In ut An without unnecessary dehy he and. dash No. Int tho oeutni--whith, try the my, he had forgotten should have first bun wutor washed-. with the brush heavily charge: with the bum- ufying mixture. T result was not "Twatva, would cried. in well-rein "Why, I ban nlw “You will find that your silly tad will coat you dear in the end," retort- " Mrs. Griawou. wtitt 5 atrium laugh: _ - ‘ Peter t", the remainder of the loreuoon n gettin‘I together ell the old newspapers in t 0 house, And with the aid ot a large lobster tin full of paste. . brush and a pair ot garden shears, be fashioned from several of the broad sheets mysterious looking things bearing aweird resemblance to inordinately roomy trousers, and an expansive coal with balloon-like sleeves. Next morning Peter was up in sad time, and set about mixing his white- wash in a zinc bucket, so as to be in readiness for his work as soon ill break- fast was ou' of the way. My 10 o’clock the course “as clear for Peter to com- mence his wrestle with the distemper business. lie, with calm politeness, re- quested that he might be left alone, as he required no assistance, and the whole thing would he done) within an hour. Mrs. Grigwell gave her hus- band a Kin/inc look, then silently left him to is own demons devices. Thea Peter set 'to work in desperate anneal. With anumber of newspap- are he enshruuded the various arti- elea of furniture; then spread a fur- ther quantity all over the carpet. Next he proceeded to invest the walls with the order of the paper collar, as one might term it. Al this done, Pe- ter looked around upon his handiwork, a smile of satisfaction meandering across his face as he did so. "Who said it was impossible to whitewash a ceiling without spoiling everything in the room?" he aoliloquiz- mt. "PII show 'em how it's done." The "it-ttdiesel Peter then pro- ceeded to conceal his own retund form with the mysterious paper combina- tions previously mentioned. Certainly his appearance was more that of .edr.. eus clown than of a respectable rate- paying citizen. especially when he eon- cluded his toilet bf plating on his massive (some called t fat) cranium a paper cap of the orthodox - lea! shape so much aneeted by grotesque at the sawdust. However. there was nobody present to see his. a what did it matter! - . " A "Yes, I nun determined to distemper --tbsy can it new in tho bill-the coil- ing; ennui, on my own. thet" Mrs. Griawou (on the situation to be desperate, indeed, but knowing from uperionco unload in tho put how nt- teriy futile would guy attempt. bran her part to reason with the sol! opin- iaxed Peter, aha determined to try the “1ch of ridicule. "Pour Gr‘wweu." she aid, in her most withering menner. "you will surely never be quite such en idiot u to “tempt to whitewash the ceilings of this house!" - A -- A __ "Madam." total-tad Mr. Grigwoll, grimly. “your remarks are in Cloud- ingly bad unto, and ill become the wife ot n far-swing husband, whose solo in- teac in the welfaro of his family, and to preserve them from being plundored by rapucious djslempering 6.1110113."- "Theia in one thing lam fully do- termined upon. thuugh." said Mr. Grig- well, calmly, "and that is, I am not going to be mutated to the lame tune as I was last year. Dushor'l bill wt" . paralyzer. A few more like lt would compel me to undergo the process of wy.ty.twtvutimr myself." -- "What do you' lnténd to do, than!” naked Mrs. Griswou. in a. vole. as Bard " tht prime-c cat of beef-teak. " inland," answered Peter, In . golf-ruling: tom, "to whitewash my- “! ." "Yon." obnrvod Mrn.0ritrwesluweeb. Ir-bitter sweetly. In luck. "but who itrsointe to whit-wag!) the ceilings!" nun ll ms now [NEW But Pater " the able to attend to my farm work, ihtpt strange to say every four months after as regular as a clock I would be l seized with a fit, which always came on in the night. Various doctors and spe- ‘cinlists were consulted, and [took tMN- yeml different medicines, but without tfreeting a cure. Several doctors said Ithe disease was incurable. I read of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the news- papers and was advised by friendswho had experieneed cures from other seem- ingly incurable tilments, to try them. ,In November 18:36 I commenced and lkt-pi on taking them regularly for a 'ymr. The urt-atled period passed and lpnssml again uni again without a re- ' petizinn of my trouble, and I felt that i I wan at last released from this terrible ‘malady. I am now in the best ot healthand I attribute my cure to Dr. ;\VlIlitims' Pink Pills." In conversation :with Mrs. McGee she said thet her {husband's trouble was the cause of most seriously affecting her nerves and gem-rut health. as she was llways l, living in dread, and could never enjoy a night’s rest. The slightest noise would sturtio her, and It it had not been for the kindness of a. neighbor who elways some and stored at the house over night. she believes she would hove broken down altogether. She also is thankful for the great chinge that has been wrought-end is only too glad to let others with simi- lor afflictions know that there is e remedy for this terrible disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills core by - ing to the root of the disease. They renew and build up the blood, and strengthen the nerves. that driving Ghee-e from the ”new. Avoid in“, otioos by jnasathy that - box {on we] At Ionlar “luv-III lo “as "trbtrt to Flu. and Mon Told I". am Troublo vu- "qmrautq--Row Free Mill the Handy. Pern {In Waryter, Lindsay. Ont. Mr. Robert M0000, of the 9th con- cesslun of Fenian. Victoria county, any: in speaking of bis cure from this terribly maladr.--"1 am 85 years ot age and live on the old homutend where l was born and have lived " wa" since. and whom my own little family were born. This part of Fenlon is known as McGee‘s Settlement, there are so many of that name living in the vicinity. Never in my life did Iknow wh it a day'ts lickness was until March, 1895, when without any known "UM, and without an Winning I was stricken down with an epileptic fit. It came on in the night. causing great consternation in the household, u my wife, who never saw anything of the kind before, thought it was myend; no for myself I neither felt nor knew any- thing that was going on about me, After coming out of the convulsion, which they tell no usually [sated from fifteen to thirty minutes, Iwould fall Into a heavy sleep from which [would awake with a dull, heavy feeling, and all the muscles of my body would be sore. This would pass awai and in a day or two allot the any: Iwould With an injured took beneath his metal headpiece, the fireman threw down his hose and, going ta the street door growled out to his colleagues outside: "Turn ortt" q . . The following dsy tho professional "ditstemporera" name us heretofore, and st Christmas their little (t) bill will come to Peter Grigwell as usual. Tho house furnishers too, will benefit by Peter's laudable but misdirected ef- fort to economize. Taken altogether, Mrs. Gricwell's prophecy wss pretty uocursto. All EPILEPTIU 8llli'li'lilfllilfl, "use ls enclosed In 3 wrung" ruining the full tnde mark, r. WIIliems’ Pink Pills for Pele People. " your dealer does not keep them they wlll be sent pqet 13393} page a 130: However, he Icon found his tongue Buttieient to overwhelm the fireman in some choice vernacular that near- ly had the effect of Matting the fire afresh. A IENLON PARKER TELLS OF HIS REMARKAB ll CURE. 31:11: iiiauHerrist, by addreussitstt the Dr. Willi-mt Hulk!» tht., Brock- vnle, Ont. the unture ot his improvised overalls. The next moment the tongues of the fiery "rpentn crawling on the £100,“ had lickqd Peter’s _"reedranadtss'r Bud he was soon frantically qccuplod' in touring off the paper Ter_iryrye,d burning his hands to a rather 'suh; phury" tune. r , Open the goat end all tor assistance. . . Mrs. Gr.itrw.ll ml“ forth from the um .1" my lllillllilllllllll 'btck reglonl, end, giving a. wild look into the room, tied, screaming. to the: - street door, which she flungk Open, and! The title of the young princess who "ext; J,"r"Jn,tif, to shlr_i0 lot“: 1118.: just been enthroned at Amster- r 'oiice we " I Suddenly . “:0” "d,1'i','d,d,,, wee! dam is, of course. Queen of the Neth- heard in the front, the street door was erlands. ttnd not Queen of Holland, thg‘w? avio‘lently mien ty a {blmtlls‘ which is only one, although the larg- , e o more come a n y est, f t . . through the thick smoke whichmled The: he (SI,' United Provinees the entrance halt. The next instant 3.5 o never as een a Queen of Hoi- shining copper tube was pushed mp: lend. except tor the four years from nerd i/I/och,'.',',':",',' 't','1 Bernie Pet-1806 to 1810. Wilhelmina is the last "oul m rear to e e man ml ll ho pointed the nozzle lull at him that t C, of the ”fond line .u. the House all dunner was past he was almost off . tuttre. wh eh came into being In hm feet by “powerful jet of water 1747. when Prince William Charles which drencbgaj him 10 the .skin. ‘Henry Friao became Stadtholder, e ”$83th ‘20 J't'ru',?,,'ftle" 33:15:13; post which had remained vacant. since in some choice vernacular that near-l “If? death: in 1hy2, of Winn”? HI., ly had the effect of starting the fire King of England ind Captain-General "ath . ju d t k b h h ot the Netherlands, who left no child- " Bn tn " oo eneat is ren. Should Queen Wilhelmin-L marry t l . . my: 2"yteiyi.t,a tt.d.tet1 RISK ma have issue. . new dynasty will The situation threatened to develop into ”mulling serious, as the tire had commenced to mount the WIlll, BO Pet- or was roiuctantly compelled to fling "trn the door and yet] tor assistance. mat, Ptt eves sue '" mum-- v- _-- ,-___, 7 ogether. V., who, when he oeme to the throne 8 great wee himself entire? controlled by his .and in wife. Frederike Wlhelmlne, niece of " gimi- Frederick the Greet. This is enother are is . precedent for the exercise of German me. Influence which will not be overlooked e by tro-' at Berlin.' The dimtent ereneed by e. They the Prince“ of ttnt wee eo intenee A. and end wideepreed that. 1137, the Pree- driving elem bed to interfere end occupy Am- " sum- eterdem for the {emcee of rein-nun. box you the trtadtttoldor, Or Ill-held. who bed 1'."W. been driven out. The Mt United 'k, Ll Province tr"ttrital under um: ee- ' People.I unduly until 1 ' when?» French. . ‘ ----- -.a... A tun-n rv. F Scrotum in emphatically e dieeeee of the blood. It causes eruptions, in- flammation end cores. When it ei- fecte the glands of the neck they be- come swollen. can in: disfigurement and discomfort. Attaining the eyes. it c uses blindneee. Though most com- mon in childhood, it is liable to break out et eny time, fully equipped. for its :terrible work. Borofula may be thor- l oushly eradicated from the system by IHood‘s 8arsaparilin and ell in ptftr1- _ ful and diseetroue consequences avoid- ed. 'lhie greet medicine has made thousmds of people grateful by its on es of this disease. It attacks the enemy at once and with the first few doses the healing work begins. If on have any taint of careful: in your Q',',,,' it in your duty to yourself and to other-e to take i "tood s Barsaparllla That Fill. Your Llfo wltll Na and Over and over egein have the Neth- erlands. or a part at them, been gov- erned by a. female sovereign, and sei- dom have the results of the experi- ment been satisfactory. In 1417 Hol- land and three other provinces tell to the Countess Jacqueline, who, for tome twenty you". led a. romantic and agitated life, In the course of which she allowed herself the luxury of tour bushende. She was unable to transmit her lands to her children. ell her territories being seized by Duke Philip of Burgundy. miseailed the Good. This was a precedent not overlooked later in the century by Louis XI. of France. and, probably, it Province. "lulu; undu- Pnluim u- mdsnoy until 1 ' when the Fronch. under Pinball-u, man the country, and the Batu!“ Republic WA: or- ‘nnizod. It lasted until 1806, when, for the first and last time, a Kingdom of *- - _A_-‘-.I Lu RTr, (igrtl lit litithtt be started In the person of her child. and. as history has taught the Neth- erlandere to regard new dynasties with distrust, they will be profoundly interested in her choice of a husband. is remembered to-dar at the Court of Berlin. When Charles the Bold was killed at Nanny in 1477 the Nether- lands and almost ell his mansion“- volved upon his on.) daughter end sole heiress. the Duchess Mary, who, 2 her marriage with the Archduke aximilian. transferred her subjects to the Houee of Austria in the person of her eon. Philip the Handsome. who, by his marriage with Juana, the half- orazy daughter of Ferdinand and Isa- bella. became the father of the Em- peror Cherie: Tr. For some Iixty years thereafter the Netherlands had to endure what John Knox was to describe an “the monstrous regiment of women." In 1507 Margaret of Sevoy, the daughter of the Emperor Maximilian. and aunt of Charles V., became Governees of the Low Coun- tries. and continued to rule them un- til her death in 1550. She was suc- ceeded in the office of Regent of the Netherlands by her niece. Mary. Queen of Hungary. In 1559 another woman. Margaret of Panna. a natural daughter of Charles V., became Ite- Bent. and continued to rule until the errivei of the Duke 9t Alva, eight years later. Even after the revolt of the Netherlands, women played a con- siderable ‘pert. When l' ’llliem IL, the trretrt-nephtw of William the Silent, died in 1650, hie widow, Mery of England, gave Birth to e posthumous son. who was destined to become William m. King of Eng- land. For some twentL teen, 'hott'? er. after the death of William II. the office of Stadtholder was suspended, and it was not revived tor his son un- til titer the invasion of the Low Coun- tries by Louie XIV. When William m. died without heirs in 1702, the House founded by William the Silent became extinct and the Netherlands once more asserted the right of self- rule, being, henceforth, governed by BtatetrGenssral for nearly half I cen- tury until, in 1747, as we heve said, the StadtholdsrahiP was restored in the persona of Prince William Friso, under the title of William IV., when, for the first time, the office was made here- ditary in femele, on well u in male lime. On his deeth, four years later, his widow, Anne of England, dough- ter of Geome n., nominally cerried on the Government for some fifteen yearn, in behelt of her young eon: WiLlliun Is It Scrofula Holland. no Mood's Pills hind-'- 01-th Medicine. Bold by d! Juana“. " ' 6tur " bit only Hcod a. Anmmwhmcmuou Lira, TaGroatsd by Nk- """"%""iirtrriiurrihst of donghtor of the Emperor and aunt of Charlet v., no the only gull to tak- Mth Hood's cry-paring when. who, etter ellowiu his broth- er Louis to reign oetenalbly for eome four yous. ineorponted the Nether- lends with Me empire. In 1814 the Prince of Ounce wee recalled from Englend, whither he had fUd in 1795, and declared Iowereinn under the title of William I. King of the Netherlands. The monerchy we; by law made here- ditarr in female us well as male lines, in virtue of which provision, his greet- granddaughter, Wllhelmlna, has now received the crown. Mr P. Duboie, who resides " No. 100 Napoleon Road, in, this place, mile the story in these words: "For many months my daughter endured the agonlee of "Female Weakness" and Kidney Disease. No remedy we used gave her the least relief. and she became so ill, finally, that she was obli red to remain at home from school for 'ith,' three-quarters of the time. "By a friend's advice. I bought uhox of Dodd'e Kidney Pills for her, and was delighted to see she began to get better almost immediately after begin- ning to use them, _ _ Wotmsn who suffer from any of the diseases peculiar to their sex, can find no other remedy to relieve their suffer- ings and permanently cure their com- pHints so quickly and thoroughly as Dodd's Kidney Pills. The testimony of thousands of women who have been cured proves this beyond dispute. Dodd's Kidney Pills Ro to the root of the matter. They heal and strengthen the Iridnor, and so ro. move the cause of disease. for the hand of the young Queenl Wilhelmina there are already manyi aspirants. by far the met conspicuous? of whom is the eldest son of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Should he prove successful. the heiress of the Netherlands would have made a match exactly correspond- lng to that which the Duchess Mary of Burgundy accepted when she gave herself and her dominions to Maxi- milian. the son of the Emperor Freder- tek m., and later himself tsutmetrtsivts1y King of the Romans and Emperor. The Austrian alliance plunged the Low Countries in woe for nearly a. hundred years. but of murse there would be no conflict of religion in the event of a marriage with the Protestant House of Hohenzollern, and the present suh- jeots of Wilhelmina would have the satisfaction of knowing that the son of their royal mistress would become head of the German Empire, as well as Lord of the Netherlands, and of their rich Indian Empire. Ot course, so long as the Queen lived the Low Countries would retain their separate political existence, as was the case during the lifetime of the Duchess Mary of Burgundy. Only on the BC- cession ot Wilhelmtna'a son would they become a constitute State of the Ger- man Empire, and thus part with some of the attributes of sovereignty while retaining as mach local independence as is gunned by Bavaria or Saxony. The etherlanders. however, are re- luctant to abate s Jot of their national dignity, and, for that reason, they have thus far. shown themselves averse to the project of union with the Hnhen- rollerns. Should the young Queen. however, marry the heir of any of the German principalities which are com- ponente of the Empire, the same pro- cess of merger would eventually take place in the person of Wither, mina's heir. Tho only certain method of averting the ultimate peaceful air sorption of the Netherlands in the German Empire is to bring about a marriage with a nonUhsrrmut prince and to this end the influence of Dutch patriots will doubtless be exerted. Bt. Cunegonde, P. Q., Nov. T.-- The one of Mrs. Ellen Dawson of Gerrard St., Toronto, but a parallel in this place Dodd's Kidney Pills have brought hrppinus into a stricken home, by naming a beloved daughter to health and strength. _ "Bhe has taken In all four boxes,and in upday in better health than she ever enjoyed in her life before. She is strong and healthy and goes to school everyday. .- An 1nnovation.--Meeks--Mr wife is nothing if not original. Now what do you suppose she said when I asked her "I cheerfully certify to the wonder- fully beneficial effect of Dodd'a Kidney 'Pills in cases of Female Trouble. for besides my daughter'ts cure, I know of a. number of instances in which they have completely (grad the sufferers." to marry me? Weektr---0h, something about its being so sudden. I suppose. Kaela-No, indeed! She said, Well, I think it's abput tyne; ' I've, ‘been ex- peering you months. Paper with small figure: designs are the heat tbr the novice to experiment with. Tley are more easily matched on the wall, and slight misfits are not no noticeable. A border adds finish and covers not a few shortcomings. The colors in the border should be somewhat in keeping with the colors in the pnper. A high ceilinged room will admit of a broad border; a low- ceillngod room should have a narrow border. Ttu she Irma " [he Dodd's Kidney rill- Now she " Healthy and Strong -nodd'g Kid-e1 "In Cure Won-en‘s COIPELLID BY FFMALE WEAK- NESS TO GIVE UP SCHOOL SELECTING WA LL PAPER. l QUEBED GIRL. td make at break for three Mme. Worth, wife of the great Pull dreasmakat, who has recently died,wu a remarkable woman in many we”, uni her charities were enormons.even tor a woman of her ample means. It is not known that she ever took any active part in her husband's business. but her married life was a happy one. i‘houch her huaband was brought so closely in contact with so many beau- tiful women, Mme. Worth never con- cerned herself about it. M. Worth, in speaking once of the jealousy of a friend‘s wife, said: if“: ad id.' In a Book tgtore.--Havts, you a book entitled Short Road to Wealth' Car- tainly; and I suppose you'll want . copy of the penal code, toot From a b'ovsl.--Adohsr was bewitch- ed. Never had the Countess seemed to him BO beautiful as at this moment, when, in her dumb grief, she hid her "What would I ever have done If my wife had A bee in her bonnet like thatt Bowen be praised. Mme. Worth is too sensible for that." Be also said that his wife's most seriom thoughts were always for her home, while thou ot most women were given to dress. What in the difference between t donkry’s tail and Hopkins! Give it up. A donkey's tail is the end of an use, but Hopkins ts no end of an “a. The render- of Ibis plum- will tteettd, to loam that there in at. least. on. dm, ed Mum that "stette'O has been able to cure in all " Mama And that in Unlarrh. Hall', Caurrh Cure in we only poo" cure now known to no nvdicn' trsternitr. Cuban-h 10113 a 'tOtt. I” wionu dines”. require n comm tumour-.1 trontment. Hall's Cum-I'll Cure is 'lkPn in. tently. tuptime directly upon the, blood and mucou- rurfuoeu of the iy-tem. then-by 60'- trotipit the roundttlnn of the (Mariam. and ptr. In: the pal-lent ""11th by buildin‘t up no communion and cpl-Ming name in doing in: work. The nroprlolore have“: mm b In"). in In dram!" pnworu. that the: of!” One Han. dred Doll-r- for any (11,-. thw it (all. to cure. Send mr1ut, of TesHmnniall. . Adan-w. F.J. CHENEY t00..'l‘olodo, o. Sold birDmgvh! I, The. Rull'l amfly mm are tho beat. HEALTH RESTORED WITHOUT MWH. UINE (m EXPENSE Lojhe Mo fune- umlEitED BI‘UMACH. [Whoa NE {VICE LIVER. BIMRD. BLADDER. KIDNEYFL BRA AN and " E kTH " I} tt RRY’S REVALEN'II? AL’ABICA D Foot', which SAVES l VALIDS mud “MINIMAL nnd also ibara mcle ulnlly In. tent: whnee Ailments and Detail“; have re. Film all other men-meme. It (that: when an other Wood u rejecwd. ave: so than in mat In medicine. YEARS‘ INVARIABLE SUCCESS. 60 100,000 ANNU ~11 GURU! ot Com-Mp. Mull], “among; Dyspen-le Indigestion. O m. uumptlon. Dis lei, Hr nohmn. Ir.tttuertms, Coughs. Lemme. Camrrh. Phlegm. Dlmrrnm. Non-rota new”. Sleepleeeneer. Deipomitrusr." U BARRY and Co. (United). " Regent" sheet. London. W.. eleo In Paris, ll Rue e Cuticltone. and " tit Grocers. Ctutrttirth end Stores everywhere. I. this M.. a... 6d., on Mb. Me. Sent cert-nae tree Alec no BARBY'E} _RIVALENTA BISCUITS. tn the. SALVATION TO SUFFERERS FROM CATARRH. "The Farmers Gazette." published in Dublin, in an article on "Thomas-Phos- phate Powder aaimanure," in July number, reanarktr.--"Though an in- valuable manure for ell root and for- age crops, the large proportions of phosphate and lime present have a wonderful effect on clovers and trimi- lar legumiuous plants, st'muletintt their growth to a surprising degree, and it is in this fact that the value ot the manure for pasture. lies. We have seen old meadows, which were unre- munerntive previously, become cover- ed, after application, with white and crimson clovers, excellent alike for hay or grazing purposes. Like all mtv nures which exert a. continuous effect over a number of years. it is a little slow in showing the beneficial results of Ita action. and it is for this reason that we recommend its use during the autumn and winter, so that I suffi- cient, time will have elapsed for its ef- fects upon the crop to be seen by the summer followlng. T0 CURB A COLD m ONE DAY. "" but!" Iromo Quinin stlm. All Dru. :1». "(and thq nun " it hill to Gun 35.. to the undersigned for ample bottle of their famous preparation and inhaler, pre-paid. It is neither a mull nor a wash, nor an ointment, but a pleasant remedy which is carried by atmos- pherio air to every part of the throat, lungs and nasal passage: and fully warranted to cure. ddresl. N. E, Polaon & Co., Klngeton, Ont. " hyuhd white folks put in heaps o' time, said Uncle Eben, ahgutyin' 'bout whethah we's descended t'um monkeys. nat ain' do question. It's what direo. tion is we gwine now.. All those suffering from Cutarrh. Bronchitis, Irritable Throat, &ts., and who wish for an ubaoluto cure, send Remember TBE RARE-- IHE LAPE MALE. WORTH. The best and most economic“. Excels in every nudity. Lend packages. . . - - - :5. w, so and 60e. $100 Reward, $100. SLOW BUT SURE. W. P. c. 916 LUDELLA GEYLON TEA “at. “nun to ask. 'tOtt in non . an". tttfr " Mr 'th-ttr-au" 'u'or. w. R. Arte, ll, RrttyjeditdtuGid 3:123}: V ad Alum pulm- nu. 'rlrai'ttlatrgll.Nt.et' an. to.“ - --, Gi .. ree (no 'sartsgrU of gumm- [£1.15 ht2t ttm ti%"J,1','l,%tt at.“ mu no. q a n, h griffin. Jl2tll?fll Median: '8t'.'RlXill. L',',',.',',', - "ritt"tr--A rt“, M3 mum". and not. mm ST, Pine "ttre Ot " trr'."; wanted. The OWELL 'toprt 06mm Y. am “.191“ch .mu. - Ar qttlying to III 'llIlil MIXING WW. I“ A05“. tiiEitRiLtU, EMU-III“ s In. ad Austrian lla- d3.alhaw-rottahu, L COFFEE & M., P.lhe, Bad comm “their; iU'ld'l'A can“ * [in It Wan. NEON“). Mhm Jon-Lo.”- Bominlon Line Steamshlpo. Manned And Quebec tn Liurpool In alumna. 1mm. Montreal Ind Quebec to Liverpool In ”and. l-nr‘. And fart twin Ion-v Steamship. 'ubrsdor ' " t couvor.‘ 'Dominron ' ‘Mnumunf ' FiiAoiiE t,'rgsti I060" GLhtiG or Fin-t Cabin, 80. on Cabin Md mar-nae “avengers. Eulo- of 'INS; First Cabin. "trr. Finland Still. as; "rervt' new and 137t',1',t according h Immer Ind berth. For I I Information at?” to Local Agents. or “AVID “hummer: I 0931 Menu. " so. Bunnie-t Bt.. Moan-“J Manufacturers OOIIIO " TORONTO 'AITIIG HEIRS}, Can be accommodated with almost I!!! Jtyritt Atr. Mg - mum-um ot any nurture new». fully treated. Consult n 4tttalittod prud- t one". who Wu tor you.“ I Yuan” “Ammo!“ will?! ottd, 19am! ttttttAt PAytepe".trt, ""-ll-FTCl=ee'""""" new , unnum- - - kinda ot Ink-dot Friar. BrStatt put. Him " ”was Alb. an . Doro-no. tr you." My APPL", IIImI. “I“ UNULTI‘ “chip, Ihip tb m to The Human Comm‘csion 00., L vith elevator, heated, water - " conveniences and my amount of 9-9 Mwi-i My P ti: 'Prsmm - 9m W173; W371} iiUYCifi herni'b» COCOA EPPS'S GRATFaru'L--coht PORTING. mmumumm mums TESTED ',p,dd5, “All All! GOIIIOSIOI MERCHANT}. THE MOST NUTRmous. TORONTO TAMMERERS. ortlrmstltrttloo in 0":st for the our. on" - oi ape-oh drfret. 'uaatAi+ h: Tomato. I390 Gun rm'M'h CHURCH? AUTO VQCE_NGITITUIE. " Ill-mm: - I III In: I [nun-Iv - I no hot. W J ELLIOTT. “may“ MILIOS BER RY. R A. no ’ - 10 at. Bun-Amen an. Iona-ed. Ore. BRtrAKFAsT--sUPPER. " ma I” M. Camp's“. " be had only from I. lunar“. ll Queen BL E.. Tom: 0 arm! stamp tor about»: And mums. of cloth before buy,“ elsewhere. Superior'll',,t'/t Four Dollars Rotary Book Cases. ANY SIZE FLAT rer/g.ery",a?trt"U,"gfl" 33’- your dark. he (Mice Wlilllr M. 60.. name: Toronto an! 1eteteb. Ont. Cantu! Toronto. ' Aiuiai it: fo'ni-mJiii-n. gum") gut. I'iieii,i,tfi, Share. In um! gel Fixvuyu, ' Wm.MI|!ur&°G iiery, ' I «new.» . ths., ?illi"4')'i'i'a' 'FY'LQ'TIL‘EI Innulgcuwon ot To ati others. Germ -proof do“ I?!“ My“ I' (k,

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