West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Nov 1898, p. 4

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('ti'ee" " which izn'nl’qla ' 'si/i,'")'. '... Amt, the lrc/tuulmlr,. ltlmsv Hints thc .1hi,ttu. in ulul again»! the dct'cnda e a verdict with Gusts fur liquidzuur. Tin-m am: nun -mcmbcrs atTccted by the l that number having jun contesting the claim, a gr. hersdid tiot take action a u summarily judged lial nuts. The total amount said W in the neighborhc but owing to the scaneri efendnms a considerable n 1mm ::;:n:.>' im- urn-mum“ " a \‘cmu't ttith ("-05 hr tlu. lxvluuimw'. 'l'hun- air hutl‘i‘.‘ 'lld‘lllih'l" .‘Iii‘n'fwi lry ti,c di. , that lilllli'm‘l' inning jnrlllt‘d in C I‘m-hing thr, t'iJilll, it grout tom-rum I. " tuk" uctiun and en slunumril)‘ judgul liable nuns. The Mall unmmt at said tov'lw in the neighlvrhooU l) but owing to the scattering et'emlunts a etmsitltwable por- this is ttnevllectable. .heqnestiun of the continued of suspemlul membem in a ol society is not a new one and can: have been similarly in the courts. the present case y ot consideration by hundreds em'al satiety men in Canada fact that there are today s m identically the same posi- e ex-members of the Select It is dimcnlt to conceive a tion ot circumstances in a simi- tht would be more favorable oxalic-hers than was the. “dilation and yet they’ b but “other evidence, of not. thumb: -- 1. tu, ttrr" work: the Fall Assizes were held in ' Sound lhst week. Much interest taken here in the Raven-Burt I no"! le liuru though merely hid "mttiiriiir,it" unobtainable wont, many will have to live in tn winter. th Grey petition was dropped tet on Monday.- - West Damn it have nominated Mr. Robt. Les, of Clinton for the Commons, ar. Barrow for the Legislature.- - .Aylesworth will again contest ,_,n_ v. . ' I'Y‘J ”mined qould but be budged. (ii, latest We hear is that Hungary “greed and the case may mp. ‘Idvertiser says they are being or atoning checks from J. P. t by force and threats. bison City has had a and» laisn Note and Comment and Lady Aberdeen had all ed just as soon as the new Gov. l, lord Mime, had been install: Icy disappeared dttuwatieally e scene and are now on the The series or brilliant fare: will now give place to brilliant ions ofthe new Viee Royalties, they lay otr their harness at the their term with as much eehit Ahertlecns, happy will it be " a November 5th, A case of [lintorest to a large section ol as is that which was disposed ' the Master in "rdinary at St. its this week, when judgment an in furor of the oftieial liquid. hu Delunct So'lect Knights ot who claimed arrears of dues .tnentbcrs, who had defaulted paynu-ms during the last six Very briefly the facts are, that ikeiety was cumpelled to tier t insolvent a year ago there . riding liabilities of some inert while there was only 001 in the treasury. The otti. atur hn'thwith tlvtnatulol all Lol'ducs during the. Iri'cviirirs' six 'rt'ornplirmec with this dunmnl 'he Spanish American peace com- I) in likely Income ton (IL-ml lock. lea wants all the Philippines, and rill pay a?! pacific debts. Spain iher soyereqtnity acknowledged. Pin is still calmy chip on her shoukh k it ott', who dart-s. " Verge at a revolution public may tall. She r of governmen: suren'ision in the interests 0 such a apsed Insurance infuranee and u the great ".tthirx of in! " r trtthdeol p. I]! U"! 'elguity acknowledged, some at the islands, to assume war debt tho, be tbreed to "Mum: eilht Will this not pumlruf " n w ti ml f to um " will want. , appropri- " captain ', look like IV at St. l Rev. William Wye Smith has trans- hlgnu-nt lated the New Testament into broad illiquid- or lowland Scotch, and St. Matthew's ights ot gospel has been published by Imrie. of dues Greham h Co as a specimen of the cranked work The completed work will cost lust ,.ix ie. lt is a decidedly curious literary up, that. I performance. The parable of the sow- ul to m.. l or in the thirteenth chapter of Matthew '0 there _ is thas given ; - t" some) "3. And ile slink many things till as only i tin-m In parables: and tIttir' He: "flak “to om. tent l Tlu. snwvr gaed nut to saw. MINI all "l. 'Avnl in " snwin " neitru. was Ill ll It Ul ll I All ordinary vegetables come to perfection but corn, sugm'canv. pea- Inutsuml the like are not a success. Wee grow them but our summer nights are You cool and delightful to furnish sullicicnt heat for these and other similar products. Apples and crab apples are now shown every year at our fairs, but We are having the same trouble with these trees that all new settlers in wooded countries have. n " ttt We have rhubarb stocks 4 feet long and Sinches round with a leaf wider than an ordinary door, bat no: as long. i We have seen tields of oats that stoudsix feet in height all over the field, barley yields Well. but thcdews are apt to discolor it. Wm.\\'ilson and W. J. Schweigler have grown If”) bushels of turnips to the acre. We have no pea weavils so far, but pens must be sown early. and the sample is grand. cultural possibilities ot the region. Also two able editorials on the resour- ces of Western Ontario, with an article on the great ptxmitrilitiet., of ttqtftie likely to be encouraged by the open- ing cf the Thunder Bay, Nipissing and Algoma Railway. No mistake the country hasa future before it. Here is an extract from the Managers’ Report: "fl or successlul farming here we must have fall ploughing, good drainage and earlv sowing. With these there is no doubts as to the results. This district is specially suited for wheat, oats, barley, peas, hay and root crops, and when we get more of our black bottom lands cleared up we will be able to grow flax successfully. One Alexander McKenzie of Oliver, grew Ir, bushels of spring wheat to the acre, on his last year's potato ground. Ont, holy Martyn ot Oliver Townshiptook tie tirst prize in our $100 potato competition, by growing uW-l' cg, bushels on the sixteenth of an acre. The Algoma p utatoesare simply matchli-ss tor quality. We have no potato hugr and the average yield of the district is about 19() bushels In We are indebted to Mr. John Ritchie Principal of Port Arthur Public Schools “or a copy of the Weekly Herald putr lished in that town. It contains the Annual report of the Managers' of the "Illustration Farm," in which may be tound surprising evidence of the agri- " ll ll IN ALGOIA. tt l was thi Iles (HIS " tty Illtl ve. been translated than Babel ever trained to translate Burns and Sectt. - It neitru and it its, whaut Wtt m' tt ‘Ul [on A ONTARIO Niel-WES TORONTO _ They dare to fight for God and tight, , For hortuwaud kindred dour. ‘ Should foreign powers invade hen-st rand. 1 And taunt her with their boasts: l Her free-horn sons from many a land “ Would rally round her coasts. i America would send her share l Across Atlantic's wave: _ In Freedom's cause their swords declare . Their mother-land to save.' 5 From Canada would gladly Ko.-- , Rose, Thistle, Shamrock green ' i They'd help to Rght a common foe, . And shield their Royal Queen 1 i From far across old Neptune's line. I Behold , u loyal hand: i Australia, India would combine. ( To lend a helping hand.' I From distant islands of the sea Would rise a gallant silt," m To prove that England SHALL be free, And guarded well her coast._ The suns of England are her boast, Tiwv love her. ith of ybre: Then pledge to her a loyal toast. As oft We've done before'. (Mum's. . Lunch was again se alflor which altut a". it took llu-ir dvparturv. the! v Wus one still In tl The cake fur the- occasion, a four story one, was pu-scutml by Mrs. Adam Little and all present mm testify to its "xeollvtuv, Caldwell, Orclmnlvlllv; Uhter wrvlrv. Mis, John Furnish: Gentleman's gloves and rnunlm-pmw. Me, and Mrs. Jus. Allan. 'l‘lmrnlnury: Lady‘s lumm-l. Mrs. Chtvk,0ttervule: Fruit Set. Mr. and Mus. Jas. Adams; Gentleumn's slippers, Archie Little : Gold brunch and gentle- nmn‘s cult lullluns, Mrs. Stewart ", Gerttltursau'r,. pipe and wur and lady's brunch, Mr. sud Mrs. Weir, Walkevton: Geutlensan's own-cunt, Mrs. T. and Mrs. hi, McComh and Arch Littlv: (it-Inle- mzul's and lady's set of mulling glasses olit'nsml in gulll rims. Jas. Allan, Durham. ished Sun l l lady's and a gmtlenmn's easy chair by the sons and daughters. Lady's dun-e and grmt's lined kid gloves, Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew: Silk Handkevvhiet Kul gloves and jurdinm' by Mr. Mrs. and Miss lint-lulu. lit, Fun-st l Lady's and gvnllvmnn's t'ulrs" having engrave-n scenery of Kim-urdixw harbour. Mrs. Miller: Hanging lamp and sluulv. Mrs. Hum. Miller: Lndv's Dress Cup, Mrs, )lrvan: Sugar howl encased in silver. fr;um-, Me. llr. Jatuieson: Nicely thum- ed painting, (Qnm-n of the garden) Thos. After having partaken of all the tur- key allowable, speeches were mnth hy Dr. Jamieson M. P. P., Rev. Kin-hing and others after which the 'guests re- tired to the house, of Mr, Adam Little, after which games and other amuse- ments were provided, among which were found Messrs. Jones and Galbraith as the musical part. We next visit the presents and on our way are shown an excellent proof of a photo of the old couple taken by Mr. Browne. Durham, which delighted all. An ex:ellent dinner was prepared by Mr, and Mrs. Adam Little, and served in the Or-mgo Hall. to which about sixty guests sat down. Among the guests were some from Hamilton, Kin- cnrdilw, Mt. Forest, Walkevton, Thorn- bury and Durham, Tuesday Nov. 8th brought with it a very pleasant scene. the celebration of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and MIS, Archie Little Sr. of Varney. Mr and Mrs. Little are now 73 and 72 years of age respectively, were born in Dum- fries, Scotland. coming to this country in 1811, In 1818 they were nmrried in Galt and came to this neighborhood in 1859. Their family consists of three sons and tive daughters. chest. always ready, " . ways ancient. “ways nab P I I tstaetnry; prevent . cold ll s or (ever, pure all liver ills, lick Nancie, :jndtcc, constipation, ete. 25. The out rm- to at. with Hoof: 333W The presents are as follows '. [I aspect!!! in. of Hood's Pills. tor no and! clue ever eonuimdwo great cuntlvo Power 3 no and] "sets. They we . whole median: Filood's Much in Little nus are free.' by land or sea y know not maven fear.' Il I following spirited song was pub- nlm- yours ago by John Imrie, 1. and in the present strained lSUf the powers is applicable. is ttutey now than it was 0.vears KL; Th/E SONS OF ENGLAND llnwin GOLDEN WEDDING. still In the future 1848-18 98. Wed about lo-',)) .m.. the friends all wishing that (HI) (l/tite, J1e, iili9" C'. a a thaw .6??? a iit?P" Wea. 7w. tii] Jil,,,, :ifiri: £59314; .._.., __....... - -"""'""" _'....---"-- - ---___'_ a}; is it , . .. o,,,.i1i,frs,,,.vo,, ... ' . ._ .. MW '.www'm. v,.,,,,",,.')" 1., H 1i--Lliliculis) #31 _,_i_.',f'--).i,--.'iieri.sii,s-,iia,res, LA; F,rva, _hiil'tcir"'gsii, _ii'-',i'/-)'-.'i-if-ii-?-i?j, figazyawamu?rumâ€"guyzwz LAKE} "A. 4:WLEE‘3‘:%‘}:AL§;F%£PI"EJ teid,b'ih"d.L- ”mm: MrJIE-Ir-ur': 'iitr?5itrayh?e5i'ierit'h't rum. rrfiirmfmm.-,.:rn.r’".1.r:1‘:r‘1.imarmrna‘rn‘rn‘rnrrn co r1. Inn. rrtfi,rrhtriei't 'rr ' Wag/v 22srte ssirt, via/9 2 f .l". It 'si: ttre' 43,720: dab? Cash and One Price , TAX NOTICE. __ w , All ratepayers and others who have ( not raid their first instalment of taxes shou d remember that 3 pet cent will he f added for "Month... nu‘ . riasrir%fdd," trp/di 'fat,'," A good hand-made new buggy. A very desirable article. A second hand. platform spring dem- ocrat. Alglgst 393v}? ASecon an n g in good order. Can he seen at 'lt I/ll/gre,,',',,',' Car. riagp Shun lTn-uu TT-., -~r- v . »AA|\IILD now being made are completed, about, the Ist of January' next, they will be prepared to execute all kinds of custom work in their line....... C. MIG. WATSON. beg to notify the) Public that the business here-l to-fore.c011ducted under the frm _ name of P. & G. Watson, will henceforth be known as C. & G. Watson...... FAIRWELL Mia's. l --'---, .. Th e I od e ,. s i, va/ %M%% ill, That Touches the Spot------" {a iii' 'thoLii()l)'y ii',s'iji'l,'j.iii/.l RENOVATOR F2 BUGGIES FOEEKLE Calder’s Block, Lower ToanQE tte, Vie "it'", key, _ __ rt---. - fimmwwmwww A ir--.-.., Weak" &, impure Blood Ask Draggim. or write direct Sold by H. PARKER. Durham When improvements Liver d; up at r l Kidnev Diseases, Female Complaints, dx write direct to m}? ( JI? The 1.ttyieryisrned has a tirntt.cl thououkhhred Durham Bull for Servmice on Lots 58 and IB. con s, Beulinck, Terms.Laihi' pm..- - - The undersigned will keep fr season 1808, at lotto, con. 2, N. thoroughbred Durham nun, ~THRESTON - aged 2 years, purchased from . of H. Parker', Durham. Pedig be seen tt on application. Ten payable R,?,'. Itif, 18m STRAYEI) from Lot. 20. can. 3. Bentincid five (3) Sheep. " mm. and 2 lambs. lnfnrnmtinn may at this office or McFarldidiu' dn That clmimhlel res anhmn Strut. he. occupied by the nm of [and in cunncctio formation "ppltio THOROBRED DURHAM BULL J. M. MacLEOI). cherici., Out BULL FOR SERVICE House fi’Fâ€"iFH'rE‘rfi‘Fl-Jfifififir _-ik-_-' SHEEP Esra” GED. RI‘SSEL ALFRED Husk-g McFarlaue’s di:uGuirC. " MMFARLANE, Prop. and Lot to Rent :- ”mm-m1! property on t. 1e/1t'tly's'tratia," lately ' undersigned. 8 "ct'e.s action. For further. in. r In -- '1 "tullnok. Pedizree any be Been ”wide-nee Ld from . the hold PediRI-ee may Terms 76cti, 37E Hlr Arr n I r u;- ?if p for service L. Prop. i. Prop, . 2eid.d V he left tatt and” TOW" orrlt ma 0 ll off s00! '" Pl NO" - ------ mambo: u.’ th, n bet . x am ()fficvs, uomiays and Cur": ' . DU “OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOC ameliwwan TOWN. DURHAY. w was, WRIGHT a ic?,,."., :2: '., . ”hut, "ary, Cyl-r. Educ", te., Sec.... 1rol1 ttt taan at reasonable mt: ' t on tqrrns to suit borrower W“ ‘llang/rr JAtorl,. ”In, //,, IL iii-1852 ARRISTERS. SOLICITO V 0710118, CONVEVX: ', C r I; C" "0 TO LOAN-c, w RA‘ f I. - - t, In: TEA. SOL/0:70. I arm-ac, canvtvnncr- AL lm To Lean. -Hr--otr-o-- MN; and PRIVATE 1 I “01nd on term~ f tirtit Itortg ir,ssf,ts, Property.., “as. Quick d, hp. and Ann-my Pl' w Mortgages. l, ),"t,td'a'a','Jre F. I ter, "tul i. W: Anglia“ p.11 , LtrrLK FOLKS ttf' h '\ {pound a Special Baby's Coug tor Vamp. b'rr,nchitis, I “It N",,',",:',",: Suimhlu M II M delicate infam. THE M ICES-1t (hon h r Conn Bauhaus-u tt Muniulmruiuu ' MILE» made I W on. In! and private "stiow, It rm»- ot Icon-pawn! nu} r is only been on the mm H in Canada for one ye; in! yet we have never ha remedy for Coughs an bids that has proved s Laxssful in curing hot icipient and chronic cases hmbcrs have, without N J, itation, spoken very high wf its efficacy to HF, ir. e do not wish to an " nut it---the medicim ,,ri.: teak for i'self. All Irs,' ;.~; ‘a trial. Oru, six tCir;' Ter IT‘R. VCITOR IN SUP PUBLIC. COMM! Was a Special on l!. G. 110: it FIR-RT i k',,',:,',?,,",::.', l' sldvm-u (ir kxr, “In-hum CFARLANE LEFROY MCCA‘U '" A!irs FI by . COR?) '38 0c. 5- bottle. n Iw'lh ttext door t S, DAVIDSOIx. ‘I and on M'l'llh 1., ~u,z (on Flint Mortgngv trll MW, mperty.) Lotvcst N Quick despatch, ”his dimes: THE BABY FF? 11mm Gun" tttt tttt, JEWELL ARR’S HUGH“ "Ullll TELFUR lf ll L. Fire I an I" latax LtwerTown Durham In! '97. ce' 2'63 .'/ McCaul ll! a ll i

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