West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Nov 1898, p. 6

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' 7 .. WANT and IT btttu b """ns and rs, H m m -. , To" 'r Farm - * hum-q m t..es, Ivssil 0m: JI"IH/ M..." Ill (i I , ' Us I "w.’.. I A.g'3w .. ' " 2t'iiii',j'i'/,'itc,: "3014;an at moMerms to Bl: Km 6 0am Mom , , . ' - .. sings and Court Days MAM OFFICE. CALDEn's BLOCK. on Duh-I t. cttsir'iii, “McOaul HMS. 'h'RYJHT ' BATSON. "l,lfj(i) 3 .. Co. IV FF ’Jlu me? To fan - I - _ - - - - V f to Lear. at reasonable rates Ott terms to suit borrower. 'ris:er h' T 'sr. ' d scary, Gon- 333”" etc” atom. ' S. DAVIDSON. lammerRs. SOLICITORS. fJOTARIEJ. CONVEYANCERs. dc. V '3 L'JAN N, v arr: EASY TERMS [ci';,,;-,:': BABY iBE" 5,1 I I Inn-I gunk been on the mar be in Canada for one year and yet we have never had l remedy for Coughs and Colds that has proved so successful in curing both ocipient and chronic cases. Vanilla; have, without sol- :imiiun. spoken very high- ”.r‘ in cfficscy to us, but re i, in»: wish to blow a-. m: l 4.1a; medicine will oc-c'.. {a Lwlf. All We ask, l ,rrs'i. ()nc size only,l P, T;-:;.F0RD, Pter, Lower Town Datum. 39% 23rd '07. 500. .5: bottle. LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. Nt and PRIVATE Funds to "rand on terms to tmit EFFIGY MCCAUL. Ttst. Quiék' detspetertt, jssible charges: .Applv l0 On at QUGH ir!,, R 55 i] W iRR’S 711’ Block. F. SOLICITOR. "o tiyst Mortgage on l'roperrty.) Mug oeeial Baby's Cough up. Huawhitis. Colds tiuit,-tble fot the wilful“. TRY IT.' 1 Speciality. CONVIYANCIR. ac. 3 lvtadezate. ZUPREME counr. .IMISSIOHER. ETC. iLANE , trcourptly attended to. . Lens g, Amounentn. Estates of don-eased " _,1fryic,1"T..U"ILei, prepuvm ttt . as. Pro‘mw of Wtna, m mul Gaurdiunlbiv 'lll Rush-try omen um Hirer the Ba 70k.) Funds to Loan on in term.t. Valuations tutu! Vulmuor. TRY CENT. anee tix ewellery k Spa-s All e Secured. m-r Town, is yum-nu- we have DI'R HA M. .\ST G F mic tlilt 'f th lama/M new-eomer"3. whatever their national- ity, are thrifty, intelligent, and law abiding, some prepared to earn their own homesteads by compliance with he none too easy regulations, and others to pay for their land in hard cash to the tune cf nearly one million dollars. the country will be satisfied to let the practical evidences 'of‘thoir suitability as fellow citizens outweigh the lamb-tam "We! inwa- " . ,-___‘__.. , 3",, punditurcs the,proseeution of costly permanent public Works of incstiniable value in the development of the Country as for exznnple the deepening of the St. Lawrence Canals and the entirely new item oi Yukon adminis tration ; in spite of these, at the end of two years his successor is able to Show a surplus ot'ovet' a million and a half dollars as against the, annually recurr- defie'te which in tour years totalled over six millions. The Finance De partment seems to have changed for the better, at least, as far as practical results show, and the Oppositionist has yet to appear who can point to any ocher Department where the same statement is not equally true. I The Way the West is Moying. l Whilea great deal has been said and written respecting the work of the Immigration Department it is doubt. fal Yeitizens generally appreciate the tremendous progress that hos been made this war in the Work of evening ‘up and settling the North West. ‘Nchl'llas there been so much land taken up and returns oi both home. swad entries and railwitV land sales (ll-innnstrate this to a remarkable de- gree. During the. tm-lve months cud- inc Sept ."rth, " in,tanee, the hnuu- stvhd entries gi’hnted totalled 4,337 as against L',2l;', for the previous twelve mmth, or an increase of nearly ICO p-rci-nt.. though the figures (it tle year ending September 30th, It17 wcrc.h)pcrtint. in advance of the previous year. The statement (l tl e C. P. ll. land sales " the first nine months of this year are just as indica- tive ot'the. lupid strides with which the country is opening up. In law the Company disposed of 48.234 gen s ot'its land during the fimt nine months i ofthat year, the price obtained being $168,406 and in the first three-quartets of man, 114.496 acres were sold for the total ot $383,281, but this year up to Sept. 30th. no lese an area than 288, 395 acres has been disposed of for the total of $930, 974. Nothing The Matter With These. The Increase here is even 'tteate than in the homestead entries qooted above. It is all very well as I matter ot election pyrotechnics to declahn mm: one”, nonhuman. Hen; nonitos and otherclaues dimmigrants, bat while it can be shown that the tvstimony of unwilling witnesses be. fore Conservative committees of Par. tinment. Mr. Foster evidently im- agines that Canadian electors have mighty short memories. Moreover, in spite of unusual and unexpected ex- loss. and a dozen other pre election undertakings which have been faith- fully carried out during the brief two years that the Government have been in power. He declared that the two things upon which the next election would he decided (decided of course in a‘manner, favorable to the Opposition) Were "the honest square policy of the Conservatives and the disregard of principle shown by the Liberal party since its advent to power." Two Policies Compared. Ot'tllelntterenough has been said above ; asto "the honest Square policy" Mr. Foster gn re no pttrtiettlars, possib- ly he was thinking of the Langevin Block mu_lChwron Bridge steals, the Section B and Caron scandals, the Sheik's Island Dam, the Galops Chan. nel and Little Rapids Lock jobs, and a score of other boodling scandals which wr-rc unearth and admittedly proved, ahsoltttely, not by irresponsible news. paper investigation but by the sworn The formal opening of the new Con- servative head quarters in this city on Thursday night was made the occasion of a characteristic address by the Hon. (Geo. E, Foster. There was nothing new in his remarks, which followed l closely upon the lines of all his speech-. ea since the House adjourned. He de. clared the Liberal party and failed to keep ante election promises, but in this connection omitted to call atten l tion to the repeal of the Franchise Act, l the radical remodelling of the civil service superannuation scheme, the taking of the plebiscite, the tariff re- ductions, the rushing ot the work on the St. Lawrence Canal, the reorgan- ization of several departments which are now ran at a profit instead of " a OUR OTTAWA LETTER their with and hard To mwmn'ngn new sulrstti!ters to these two grout journals wr' oihu. both from dan- In Janis: "o, fur $1.50. Over15 month; nf tho two paper'" at, flux In Ls, (if tot , the price of 1:2! I and no one is in a position to know its wants and needs as well. Hon. Sifton is a hustler. He is a full working cousin of Ttu'te's and the two make a spanking general purpose. team. We wish Canada had a hundred thousand of j ust such men. " Just One Little Spasm, By the way there Was one little spasm the other day in the Mail- Empire, where a paragraph appeared to the effect that the Minister of the Interior, having pretty well provided tor all his relatives, had now arranged for the entryof his brother into the North Wcst Assembly. Of course the fact, in this instance. Mr. A. T. Silton contested the seat held by the leader of the Opposition. a gentleman who had sat in the House from the beginn- ing and was regard as one of its fix. tapes. all this counts lor nothing with the dear old Mail. ht any rate the electors seemed to be well pleased with the oppm'tnnity afforded them to return a relative of the Minister of the Interior (seeing the opposition insist upon puttingit that way) though as a matter of fact any unbiased observer knows that the candidate was elected on his own merits and not on his fans ily connection. £1,250,000 cufngpfi 's Nlii00ll8,Wliihk, " T DISEASE) was a“ NO CURE- N0 PAY g" Already indications are appearing that the time of Parliament wiilbe much occupied next Session with the consideration of numerous enterprises looking towards the furtheropening up and developing ot the gold fields. Al- most ever y number at the Gazette con- struct, and operate A line of railway from the Stikine River to Teslin Lake end on to Dawson City and also from l the Stikinc south to some point on the coast capable of being made an ocean port, also from the Lynn Canal.by way o" Fort Selkirk to Dawson, together with branch lines in the Yukon dis. trict, and in connection with the said railway to put up telegraph and tele. phone lines as may be necessary. I This is only one of the many that will be on the order paper when the Session starts. Stamping Oat The Disease. A whole week has past without a return ofnny bad symptoms of what the Globe has aptly termed "Siftoman in." The drastic treatment of the disease by the Premier, when by his anqnalitied denial of the rvsignotion stories, tlmthnd beeome as monoton. ous as they were ridiculous, appears to have killed out the lastgerins, The Port Arthur IIernld npproprintely closes up the discussion in that section, by remarking “Premier Lamicr says that Sil'ten is too valuable a man to be made Governor of Manitoba and to this we, say, "omen." Western Cun- ada has no better friend in the cabinet And restorq 1311 my“ to a. normal condi- tion. Ambition, lite and put? no ro- newod. and one feels hymn] a. mug; anon? men. Every one as treated indi- vidun ly-no ey.redlir.hetrtttts, our wonder- ful success. No matter what um you. consult at eottfidentUW. We can fur- nish bank bom.U.to sumac to moon» plish whst we chum. We treat and can: EMISSIUAh, VARICOQELE. SYPHILIS. GLEET. ssiirrtTru.u,'s,, IMPOTENCY. SECRET BRAINS. t .srNA.'rJe'p.A,F, I..tWIJJARu- , BS. KHDNFA and BLA‘DDER Duane. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS ' FREE, It tumble y; can. wnto for 'i! tiiiiiriirE8_BLANh" for HOME iectgtEMPtrrEtlcy Thousands trf young and_ mj.4dlts-tured. men hue than vigor and vitality upped by early ebuws. leter excesses, mental wan-y. em. No mutter. the eatt8e, our New Method Treatment " the refuge. This terrible Blood Poison, the terror 1r.ty.s:ayJ,ri,ry,l, yields readily to our NEW TREA JDIENT. Beware of Mercury, Potaeh, etc. They may ruin your system. If rou.hay,? songs m tho mo nth or tongue. poms In tho gonna. sore throat hair or eyebrows falling out. pimples or blotcltu‘. stomach derangement. sore eyes. head-. eshe, ete., you have tho secondary Matte of this Blood Poison. We solicit tho most. obstinate cases. and chullengo the world fora case we accept for treotmcnt and cannot cure. pr our treatment the ulcers heat, the but crows min. puns disappear. the skin becomes healthy. and marriage In posnblo and “to. CURES GUARANTEED t?.rikiriiiGi,ti/rrrrf. .E K., will posit tively cute forever My f tttst " Hood or ' Sexual rlisettscs. 1.t is the result. of by u. s.'yars',.csperiemm n the treatment. or, these tti.t'eWe'ed. V WE CURE SYPHILIS t t I a TUE NEW )1}.an Ti.'sy'A"irl.itNT., REVIEU' tte IV. GLOBE NNEDYa KERGAN Elohim Ave. and sum Si, Development In The Yukon. Jfll.iti, The use o' barley hree. 7 Not a' the steeple: on her hills Not a' the bluid that dyed, her nus But her breweries and still- That made Mud Booth; free. Mair than ta Munch or ta brow Mir khan teateyiteAt or Greek pm The whiskey's fate decreé." Thus reasons Geordie. so do I With sure unerriug fallacy- So it! P' dtini.c.rhen ye are dry But walk bit cannily. - ___ . Besides auld Bcotia's grandeurs rest Not a' on valor‘s shining crest. Bat more on this essential lest For caol' Ila. bree. Not so the kinglest o' men In palace, hovel. butt or hen He drank and filled his munch again Wi' death and don-us glee. And lhuugh he had cavic control And (we the trame took a toll He {Ever I"."?' sa.il.'rLet the Pell Ot wet his weathee en. John was a sickly staff recluse Upon the wilderness let loose Nowonder he had little use o" sic an agency. I The noblest man o' woman horn Was tsottsewhttt o' his glory ~imru In that he never took " horn Wha humrusts “hm-tin Like Gem-div I mmmt, but Hunk That, God ordained guid attld Scotch drink Ta luau-h mm hoo ta walk ihe Inn-ink ft' frpmlmn; yet he free. In God's method o' government Temptations, unto us are sent Tltelife takes on divinest bent ' Did I not write to thee. Tell Geordie, Heed O' u' the staff Wha screen the wheat and scour the chaff In cullugn hulls nu 0m- lwlmlf I'll Ilmuk him till I dee. I \w-nt to turlh1.,re mice mysel I love my alma mater well But hate the nmn 0r thing Ii Oh learned, pious, Hunted clerk _ O' quon‘s~the Light O' the auld Kirk My Q9911 should sail-l}: shirk events which neeured during the grim-t strike among the mm miners in the sunnneruf ISG, and which were wit- nessed by the "tttlust.. Everyone should rend it. The Poole Printing fJrrIttpatty, Tux-unto. have already published seven of Fiheldon's hunks, and every one in haying u very large sale. The titles of the nthers are: 'Uvetvotuing the World' "The (Mu-diction of Philip Strnng,’ 'Roh. orb Hurdv’s Seven Days,’ ‘Riehnrd Brnec’ and 'The Twentieth Door,' For sale by all dealers. Or. if your dealer cannot. supply them, any one hook will he sent, post-paid fun 2..5 cents. tht' any six for81.00, by sending to The. Poole Printing ('mupuny, Limited, 28 and 30 Melinda Ht., 'lortmto. Ontario. We have veeeived frnm The Poole Plinling Company, Limited, Toronto, Ont,, " copy of "His Brother‘s Keener," hy (‘vluulos M. Sheldon, the well known author of “In Hiss Steps.“ This is not Indy " (lvlighlful story, told in an in- th-szing IIHIIHH'I', but is full of helpful- norm. One of the greatest pruhlems of the day i: ably dealt with. The scenes in the mihihp: regime In”: lmsfd upon uuu'OWLC/ Dll. GRANT AND PW)HllllTION. L POPULAR RE ADING. lil, lie h ll The lad was never frae me hame ' Ho Springs o' guid ancestral fame , Wtui namely knew they had a VIE!) Ifot stowm’ barlev bee. h booth foe hark; I)??? m fueordie I hae done my pnirt I Katy m' n' a. faitLer's heart T at you will tt my boy a stuirt In sipping rley brie. See that my boy with watch and pray And keep bun in tempution’u way Bub'dinpa In. big PP1t astray _ But if when he went Lu the still He stapK‘d ttrt wi' a smup or gill But o' t " hree he tak' his till He w'nlked na' cantuly, A nd were sic' men to wield the sword OI preach the neconciling word 'e--- The_\_v_0r_ld has never seen or heard A wee hit barley hree. H - Since cups to character relate I would advise the church or state Tn opp at ech.col.tetre. gate Produiie (let Jul the small" hymn Without some harley Meg. Ta gie a man guid stiff hack bane A will he can ca' a' his ain Sure he 'uNIn tak' or leave Mane Without some lurid; hit-9:" .. N00 I agree wi' Geordie G rant The highest (yr: of man Foucan't Proee.t.f1etyil the.sm.al fry rant) For she denied no 1mm the right Ta brew and drink wi' a' his. might And If he did nu.' get fu' tight He used his liberty Muir than m wise well-enforced lasts Than skit-ling pi M' m- scaling tnu s Mair than la zeal! foe holy mum- She owes la barley Irree. (tteps-s' 'n I‘m ', r: jiii, I/c 17, _-i-li-'),',:-" 'r,?its' 3:3 "i3,'rlii' 3'32: - v . . "--Ca--t"-i-' 'alnna let him in”: Mt! In sipping mue le hree. BUGGIEQ. A full Mock of the TUDHOPE & Bit-LAUGHle Bug- k . mes. Democrats. and Carts. All kinds of Pun, S and HARROWS and the very beat you can buy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewing machine and the best makes of PIANOS and ORGANS. " Money to loan at 5 and .5.W. payable on your own terms. "Insurance prompt- ly attended to. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ADAMS WAGGONS '. A full Carload tei/ (write this treek. , Iaeefreigh.t, buy at close prices, and can sell damper tht other Agents. IS" Full Line cf all kinds of' repails. ( . -ii"A"rI'="'d'r"'t.t-trie1ret-e----. All kinds of MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINERY. Binders, Mowers) Drills, Rakes, Barrows, &c. Farmers, these are the Best and Cheapest Goods you can buy. (A? - - - "'"""---=fii.' SPRING d gunman GOODS arriving daily] Best, Table Oilcloth 45 inches wide at 2.5c a yard. IF you manta good pair of IVinlcr Boots or Show: do "ot buy before you 8015 our [Imul Jlmlc floots, mu] Shoo, fur Men, Wotu'iur, Buys and Girls, "my mme be Imul. ure, can give you " pair of Frmu-h Kip LINN] L'oots, Em- Icusion Sole, Hand Math ttf 84.00. . NEW 707t2S"iiciccca-si, All kinds of 'Xmas Goods. _-l:. FOR q Darher's Shristmas Jril.. Next “Leek. Fancy figured black Lustres. . . . . ...30, 35, Heavy plain Mack Lustre (a swim. i Fine all wool Serge: 40 in wide. ' .. ', Nice figured Dress Goods. . . . .. . . .. : Heavy winter, Dress Goods douisle fold.............) 20. 2 We have a few nice Dru-as Lengths at $2.75, and $450 each. FLANELETTES we have a good lim'frnm :70 up It fur a wry heavy twill Jd inches wide. THE BIG 4 Don't forget to call. Try a Go packet ot"'h'ahuta" Ceylon Ten-mack or Mixed. the Lower Town Implement Warero'oms H. PARK E R, CllhyMlST am] I)ltUGGls'T, DURHAM. / at to call. It will pay you to come up town Bean & 80.... WM. CALDER. l The season for towing logs from Ctttt. ‘adu to Michigan has practically closed. It is estinmted that. there were rafted to Bay City and Saginaw 151.M.l7l feet board measure MCanadian logs to Al- pena. 40.000,000 feet, and to Chehoygnn 54,000,009 feet. The complete figures for the different pcints hare not yet been given out. The Spanish River Lumber Co. sent 40,000,000 feet rto But anm, where they were manufactured by bauct Tawny Mar Lumber Co. [The author. 'Rev. Mr. VL‘CEEC'K‘I occupied the Presbyterian pulpit here Weeks ago.l God bless you Gootuhe and the class And why ir never come Lt pas-a Taat oollege heed should Rpm n a glass O' auld guiul barley hrm‘. P. M. Mt-EAouERx. Sept. Ist, 1898. Wtsterdown. [The mug-hon 'Rev. Mr. McEacheIn. mun-“L“: 5 - on”: __& . - - _ Wei;,iateai'ie But. knowing as I do your hem. On muhiplying allure-"lent You’ll make a Chalmers l'ttt content O' mn- dear t',ltairlie, a? HOWARD'S UPPER TOWN, DURHAM .18, 20. 25c .. fo foe G, $3.00, 83.25 25c " -fiiiG “that In. TORONTO a yard . than 77E i.ly.li. tik

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