v, A: THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. manning It... About Our Own Country. Urea! Britain. the Unit“ sum. and All Put: " the Globe. Condo-Jed um Usorted tor Easy Regal-3. HE EMS ill ll Ellllll, London hopes for the establishment of glass works shortly by oxpert Bet.. glans. Navigation has closed on the Upper Yukon, and all river steamers hue gone into winter (marten. Fred. Newman, of Winnipeg, has been appointed divisional superintend- oat ol the Crow's Nest Pans Railway. J. B. Tyrrell has resigned hil pod- 'ion on the Geological staff at Ottawa. A party of nave-n Californians 13 re- ported at Victorit to have been lost in the Yukon. It is reported that ten feet of sh’p- pmg ore has been uncovered in the Novelty mine of Rosanna. A report is in circulation in Toronto that the Government is looking around for a sito on which to build s new post odtteo. _ Tho Montreal Corn Exchange In- vnurs the retention of tolls on the Welland canal. Major General Hutton in Immutable to the establishment of a provisional military school at Belloville. J. D. King & Co., of Toronto, are about b, start a new shoe factory at Levin, to employ 50 to 100 hands. A dmen river steamers are reported to be frozen on the sandbars in the Yukon river. All will likely be wreck- Customs collection: for October for the Dominion. total $1,993, Im, In com- pared with $1,744,127 for October of last Montreal truthoritiea are making n determined fight against lotteries. which are said to be making two mil- lion and a halt dollars yearly. Wolves era reported plentiful in the Town~hip of Raglan and Radcliffe. North ltenfrew County. About four hundred sheep haw neon killed. Th. Munimpal Council oi Levis has reg-r t": a proposal to construct wu- terworks on the ground that the tnuns Jeht in already too heavy. «a in former yen“, the Toronto mi.. [liltl will have n sham fight on 'lhnnkqgiving Day. in which tho 13th Battalion of Hamilton, will participate. 'l'he returns of cattle exported from Toronto for 1898 up to the end of 00- toher show . total of 124,225, as com- rred with 120,307 for the same period at year. Tho Customs Department has seven Vessels under seizure down on the Nova scam. and Cape Breton coast tg sumggl'mg tobecoo and whiskey. V Tho Canadian Accident Assurance (‘mnpainy will ask next session for an amendment to their charter to per- mit. their engaging in insurance against sickness. Mr. Thomas Joy, was knocked down m front of his own residence " St. Catharina. Out.. on Saturday night by two men and robbed of his watch and .30. When found he was unconscious. The Dominion Cotton Mills Company are willing to proceed with their part of tLeis agreement with the city of Kingston regarding exemption from taxation at once. The annual meeting of the Consum- eru' Gas Company, of Toronto. was hvlrl on Monday. The receipts were 018,116.03. the expenditure $873,547.52. 'lnm'u was “70,000 paid in dividends. The Dominion Alliance Provincial Executive says that grave and exten- sive frauds were perpetrated in con- neciiort with the voting in the recent plebiscite in Montreal end other Que- bee cities. H. G. McConnell, of the Geological Suney, has arrived in Vancouver {mm the Klondike. He traveled a good portion of the Yukon. and will make an extended report to the Department M ()tmwt. Mm. Colquhoun. wife of the Mayor of lluuunun, and Mia Golguhoun wen bun in a. collision. on Friday, between an ll. & D. cat and their carriage. The Cit' jumped the track and crushed Into their vehicle. Hr,- ratepayers ot Acton have voted m [war viii ngunicippl lighting plpnt: ittrtie tyKeefe, said to be a trained I returned to Phifadeiphia"afttsr an ab- nur‘c from London, attempted to com-l â€use of seven years and surrendered â€1.: su,jte at Detroit on Friday by i to his bondsmen. 'skmsr morphine. i The fishing season for Gloucester, Fagineers investigating the cause of ', Mast. schooners is atom. at an end, tite ten-It Collapse of the New York lFourttwn vessels have been lolt this it on.“ t Railway bridge at corr_twtsTre:rr and 82 men were drowned. The wirt ihit the pier Wis built on hard- monetary loss approximates about p.†“f insufficient strength to stand 1.100900, 'h. huge weight. I Lambert Wilt, the “llegod abscond- ',1 Irina Brown, the one-legged tramp. ing teller. of a savings bank at Jung- w lm Grrutrnlly committed hy Police Ma- hnnaiau Bohemia, was arrested at St. gamut.» Parke at London on FridarEGiui. Mo.. on Monday. He and his " Mi nd his trial at the January A9‘lwife have been stopping at the Rozier .01»: tn " charge of murdering Pty-im/ei. ir., "HI 'tt iLohey l, The combination controlling the .h- Uni-win ArelooiotrieaI sreseumlpa"iotiirii of white, black and atsit Il Ir',1' run) has just been made the "9-‘glazed stoneware in the UnitedStates. “"“"|' of 3 eolteetiort of upwards of l have formed a trust along the lines od inn lbrll'séknll Indio relics. presented the nuil trust. Twenty-six concern! by (Emma E. Laidlaw, of "the Fort," are interested. P.,lsirtt lake, Victoria County. The police in Canadian ttities ttam lilur Mann was sentenced on Fri-11,9911 requested to look out for Samuel dd! to be hanged at Montreal. on De- i, Levy and Isadore Berkenteld, who tire ceus)ser 16 for the murder of his moth-'ettaiired with swindling the Contra- m-in-lml The jury _in the ‘ceee was entail National Bureau“; Chicago out luau.» Maria, a Guelph boy, had his numbing set on fire by u can of benzine exploding. He was In danger of burning to death. who Mr. Frank Cote came to the 1'08ch and extin- gui+hed the flames with hia own coat. Burglars entered Samuel Harem ro- aidence at St. Catharina. Ont.. on Sunday morning. Ind stole forty dol- lars from Mr. Hurd- panta pockets. They also secured some money out ot a child‘s bank, and had I good meal before departing. locked up nil' night. and in the. mommy returned t verdict of “my! Since the Hamilton City Council do- cided to grant partial exemption from taxation to the two pork factories in the city, it is laid various manufac- turers in other lines will hon to be treated aimilarly or there will ho threats of removal A paper published across the border my: ttttt as a precaution mint gunman" the custom: officers at tho an CA NA DA. fra Indian " Boo " pa Hon. J. C. Patterson his announced tint he will donate to the Upper Cam. ada College, the swim. 1'r.toria Crown. and other me'hls of the late Col. Dunn. of the 23rd Regiment. who died '" Ahrsisinia. An Oil painting of the N‘lonel accompanies the gift. Col. Dunn at one time utten led th-. college. E'xrMayor Fleming, of Toronto, has received a letter from a window glass blower of Rausait, Belgium,' saying ttru, a number of his fellow workmen would like to emigrate to (Hulda. He Suggests that capitalists interest them- selves in the matter and open nfac- torr. The workmen, he S'Iys, will guar- ttWee a six per cent. dividend. It is stated in Ottawa ttrtt the life assurance companies doing business m Cutuia have come to an agreument th it they will nut take any more riyks on the lives of married woman. exeept Perttsps, in very exeepticrrtl @898. where the husb'tnd is ineuiraeitated from Work. 'nd the wife i, Ihst tire-ad- winner ct Ili, funny. This. mural in Mid to have been caused by the Katie Toturh and other cases where there was strong suspicions th-xt the wife was got out of the way for the purpose of the husband getting the insurance money. The condition of Sir Heavy Irsimt is orrrieat, reports to the contrary not- wit hstanding. A Frenchman tro been arrested {at Dover for attempting to en.ter the If“; gun turret on the Adrniraity war there. The appointment. as Govvrrver of Khartoum of Col. Kitchener, br-Aher of tho Hirdar, General Lord Kiteheuer, is announced. The Purific cable question is as un-i settled as ever. The proportion of costl was to be: Australasia fouoiwhs nn'l Britain and Canada together five- ninlhs. No progress has been matter since these proportions were fixed. UNITED STATES. The Lotus Club of New York gave a dinner to Lord Herschel! on Saturday evening. l Strung tides restrict the, work of sal- mgv on the Atlantic Tr: Import steam- er Mohegan. wrecked on the, Lizard some days ago. Only a few bales of mertdtanOre. have been saved so tar. John F. Phi lips. treasurer of the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific Rail- road. is dead. The Board of Control of the Joint TrMiio Association have decided to dis- solve the organization on account of the decision of the United States ms. preme Court. Gideon W. Marsh, the fugitive Pre- sident of the Keystone National Bank, returned to PhiLadetphia%atter an " sence of seven years and surrendered to his bondsmen. Many deaths from typhoid and smali.. pox are reported among the United States troops in the Philippines. A postal treaty arranging far a pat- eel post between the United States and Trinidad was signed at Washington on Saturday. Louisiana territory by the United States. Rowland Leigh, son of Lord Leigh, of Warwickshire, and Miss Mabel Gor- don, daughter of Gen. Wm. W. Gordon, were married at Savannah. G... on Tuemhy. There is a scarcity of grain cars at many Kansas points, an! it seems im- pmxaihle to secure enough cars to han.. die the grain. A thorioge of 857,000 has been discov- ered in the books of the late John W. Alderman. mshier of the First Nation- al [kink of Hanover, Pa. A company of Chicago and eastern capitalists is being formed with a cu,.iml of $10,000,000 to build elaotrio railways throughout Japan. ' The combination controlling the production of white, black and salt glazed stoneware in the United States. have formed a trust along the lines of the mil trust. Twenty-six concerns are interested. The Swami: cruiser Intanta Maria Teresa. which was raised by the Amer- icans at Santiago. wandered in a storm while being towed to the United States. St. Louis, Mo., people are agitating for a mum's th in Ars, in honour of the. anniversary pf the purchase of_the Levy and Isadore Berkenfeld, who are charged with swindling the Contin- ental National Bureau of Chicago out of sums of money mid to aggregate 828.560. Lambert Wilt, the alleged abscond- ing teller, of " savings bank at Jung- humiau Bohemia, was arrested at St. Louis. Mo., on Monday. He and his wife have been stopping at the Rozier Hotel. John Dillon. at New York on Sunday closed up a folding hed on which his infant nephew was sleeping not notitw ing him. When the mother returned and naked where the baby was the man tore mien the folding bed only to find the ha , dead. He has been arrested. morally. Because three coloured volunteers of the United States infantry camped at Chicknmauga Park were ejected from the ladieo' our, on the Chattanooga Rn- pid Transit Company's line, they collected neural hundred of their com- panions and stoned all trains on that line, The United States Post Ollice De partment he ordered en innovation in the poets! service by the experlmentel uteblishment of a "poet office on wheels" to operrate in the vicinity of Wentminster. Maryland. lf the experi- ment in mecca-tut, It wt". be extended GREAT BRITAIN In! increase in exports of nelrly 814,- 681,731) as rommred with 1807. The only sister of the glOal German [poet Heinri 'lt Heine, who is familiarly l known as "Ltrttchen," entered on Sun- ‘on her ntnely-uinth year. She is the F'rau Churlotte Embden, a hole and hearty old lady,whn still retains [perfect sight, hearing and memory. i, The St l'etersburg Novoe Vrrmya ex- l pressed jealously of the taeiirries grant- ed to English companies now working in lhe oil fields of the Caucasus. It suggests that the Ameriean Standard Oil Company “mvy be buying Russian competitors at Baku behind an English mask." Some friendly China. of Ban Fun- ch00 have wnrned Rev. Dr. Garner,irs ESE-star of the Chinese bureau. whoil The Clevel ind, Ohio, City Council re- cently passed ordinance imposing a four scent fare on the big and little consolidated street railway system. Both companies have entered suit in the United States Ciicuit Court ask- in; for an injunction preventing the city from carrying the ordiance into effect. The ground tnken by the com- pinies is that the action of the City Council amounts to an attempt to ar- bitrarily seize private property, GENERAL. Salvador, Nivawigua, and Honduras will hereafter be known as the United States of Central America. A Supreme Court Judgment delivered at Washington gives a right to insur- ed people to freedom of travel. The case in point was that of the Knights Templar: and Masons' Life Indemnity Company against E. Converse. Pay- 'ment was resisted on the ground that death had resulted while the insured was traveling outside the limits allow- ed by the policy. making " aim-ens!" campaign tttrtsinat the trade in slave girls, that the mghbinders have decided. mum his life on the first opportunity if he Permits in his crusade. A terrific hailstorm visited Mentone F'rarw.e, Monday. The stones were of immense size. The olive and lemon crops have been ruined as a conse- quence. Fire in 'i%rinagir, one of the Capitals of Cashmere, destrxyed all tho pul.lic builrlingi and many residences. One m'm was krled. The damage is es- mated at half a million dollars. 'ltr, Spuni-h newspapers are venting thvir spleen on the Americans by pu_b- In the Cape Colony Assembly Hon. W. P. Sohriner. the. Premier, intro- ‘luced a lill propusing an annual' con- tribution iy the, Colony of £31000 to (ho Brilish navy. li' hing firtions to the effect that the Univ" States sanitary officers at Ci- Nora insisted Dunn 1he embarkation of dying Spanish soldiers. " h 1 Imperial Statistical Office of Ger- many his issued tables regarding 1he German trade for the first nine un nths of the present your, which shrw lt lo- The Vatteatn ml the Frau-h lluve Annoyed mm Janina lunch-Ma of the Trip to Jernmlrm. A deapateh from Beyrout, Persia, tvor:--)-"" William is much dia- pleased over several jarring incidents othis tripto Jerusalem. The reply of Vatican to his notification of rights acquired at Mount Zion is considered extremely curt; while on all import- ant occasions the French Consul-Gen- eral attended in order to assert France's guardianship of_ holt pircy. The authorities here tried to clear the harbour of all shipping yesterday in view ot the arrival of their German Majeatitss, but the steamers of the Mesmgeries Maritimea, the French Steamship Company, refused to leave. KAISER IS MUCH DISPLEASED. Moreover, it appears that the Sultan practically took forceful pdssession of the hut he presented to Emperor Wil- liam, the owner objecting to sell eo- clesiastical property. . the United States now Ins a prob- lem to inanlve in Cuba. The insur- gents object to lay down their arms, and about 2000 of them are calmouring for office. The majority of them are now living from hand to mouth, and the United States will only serve ra- tions to those who unwarm themsalvea " Attempt to larder the Son of Major Johnson a! Vancouver. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., says :-Attampted murder is the crime which an unknown burglar has added to his list of other misdeeds. The residence of Major Lacey R. Johnson, master mechanic of the Canadian Pa.- cific railway, was entered Tuesday night. Young Ernest Johnson hap- pened to go into a. dark passage when a shot was heard. The boy cried, " am shot!" and the next minute a re- volver was crushed in his face. For- tunately this was the only injury the boy received. as the shot passed through his coat. The burglar got gt. Peter-burg Papers Say the Egyptian Olin-sun: Must be 9mm by a foam“ orthe Powers A desmtch tom 7 St. Petersburg ssrs:--The St. Petersburg newspapers Show great irritation at England over away. the settlement of the Fashodu affair, and agree in declaring that her con- duct will arouse the powers interasted in the free navigation of the Suez canal to a warm discussion of the beat means of preventing the final es- tablishment of England in Egypt. Ths. Nnvosti says that since the To BE RECRUITED IN CANADA. A (Maputo): from Ottawa, Ont., nay:- -rnfoemntimt has been received that the British War ottuer has ordered the 100th Regiment, Ron! Canadians, to b. mounted in “node, and that re- cruiting Mtloer. will shortly be opened In Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Hall- fax, and other eitlee. The recruit; w111 he cant down to Balm: at the aw. pense of the British Government. The Novosti says that since the Egyptian question is purely of an in- ternational character, it must be solv- ed by a congress of the Irrtepp,i..tt . . r. - ._A| --- -- "- W â€I .. _"""'".""'"'"" v- -_Y . can proclaim the perpetual neutrality of Egypt under the protectorate of all the powers. BURGLAR FIRED AT THE BOY. RUSSIANS ARE IRRITATED. THE flllfilllfIlilfl'll SPEECH. LORD SALISBURY SAYS TROUBLE MAY COME SUDDENLY. Iom Neill-2 Will Arlee " - lrneln'n Armin. but she I.“ he - For all Eve-nun “let. A despatch from London ti.--. Lord Salisbury, at the Lord Mayor‘s banquet on Wednesday night, dwelt upon" the guesses that have been made as to the purpom of naval activity in England, including the conjecture that the Government intended to de- clare a protectorate over Egypt, the latter allusion being loudly cheered. Ho mid ia connection with this sub- "I am sorry I cannot rise to the height of the aspirations indicated by the cheering of the audience. If we are forced by others into a position we do not now occupy I do not venture to prophesy what, will take place, but, though, I do not any that we are on- tirely comfortable, we are quite suffi- ciently satisfied with the state of things as they at present exist. CZA R 'S DISA RMAM ENT PROPOSAL. "The position causes occasional trie- tirtt; but taking the situation as a wlrole, and considering the feelings of other people as well " our own, we own reasonably rest for the present with the existing state at affairs. 1 must not be understood as meaning that Great Britaia's position in Egypt is the some nyw as it was before the (all of Omdurmnn. The Prime Minister expressed sym- pathy with the. Czar's disarmament proposal. and paid a tribute to the mo- tives that prompted the reecript. hut he said, while earnestly concurring with his Mnjemy's views, he thought until his aspirations were crowned with success the Government must continue to take precautions to meet the dangers which the present state of the world everywhere revealed. A GRAVE AND SERIOUS EVENT. "I do not think more is any cause at pmsem to modify, and I earnestly hope nothing will arise to necessitate a modification of our position in Egypt for I am convinced that the world could not get on as peacefully as now if such n necessity were imposed on He added:-. "In some respects the are of this great proposition, which I think will be an epoch in the history of man. has been marked by unhappy omens. It is the first year in .which the mighty force ot the American Repu‘lic has been introduced among the nations. I am not refusing rympathy to the citi- zens of the Repu'dic in the difficul- ties through which they have passed, but nobody will deny that their ap- pealancu among' the factors of Asiatic, and possibly European, diplourusy isa grave and serious event, which any not conduce to the interests of peace, though I think it is likely to conduce to the interests of Great Britain." TROUBLE MAY ARISE AT ANY Mo. Lord Salisbury then alluded to the rapidity and unexpectedness with which wars break out, and tsaid:.-"" Great Britain should ever permit her see defences to weaken her whole Em- pire would come 1rlattering to the ground. It is therefore impossible, in the present state and temper of the world, to intermit our naval and mili.. tary pmsctystiorys.l' -- _ He concluded by repudiating "all suggestion that our preparations mean that the country is animated by the lust of conquest or a. love of war," do- claring that Great Britain was only "resolved to maintain the Empire Britons have received from their fore- fnthers. and to support the peace which is the glory and sustenance of our Fanpims." TO BLOT OUT ANARCHY. Tho Premier said a succession of events abroad had occasioned grave anxiety to the Ministry for a year past. He alluded to the murder of the Em- press of Austria, for the. double pur- poee of expressing the universal regret experierwed on account. of the crime, and for announcing that Great Britain had accepted an invitation to take part in a conference which would be called to determine upon the measures which it is possible to trike in order to blot out anarchy. The Marquis of Salis- bury added that at the same time he was bound to say he had no great hope that legislation would abate "this hor- rible. monstrous affliction of human- The concluding passage of Lord Sal- isbui'y's speech revealed apprehension that troubles were likely to arise with great auddenness in any direction, for which reason Great Britain could not 'mtermit her _dtsfepsivtsyrreoautiona. “But what has been impressed upon us is that the subject matter of war is terribly prevalent on all sides. We see nations decaying whose Govern- ment is so bad that it can neither maintain the power of self-defence nor retain the affection of its subjects; and when this occurs there are always neighbors impelled by some motive-- it may be the highest philanthropy, or it may be the natural desire of em- pims--to contest as to who shall be heir to the falling nation; and that is the cause of war." I After referring in a. laudatory man- ner to the British campaigns in India tnd in the Sondan. the Premier turned to the Cretan question and the concert of Europe. He mid he was afraid that the proceedings of the concert were not “my: admired.†At the f."?.' time, he Ina In “W "um-m" t""" -__f.-..9rF_ C:.":,,":.':.';! A d t h t Ott . - to the Cretan question and the concert 6893 0 rom awa, “It In- of Europe. .He mid he was afraid that letructione have been issued by Sir the proeeodiyipt of the “we" were not Louis Davies to Collector Milne " Vie- nlwnya admired. At the seme time, he t l B.C to r are d . . pointed out. patient application, com- or lb, . " p W â€in“ against bined with the more! etrength of En- the Russian Government for the Illegal w;had " lent succeeded in fulfilling capture at the sealing schooner; Cer- the_ promise a?†I? 2,u,?htt,', of melite, Maria, Vancouver Belle, and {3:5 It t'LTuft"d'l." Roea Olsen. which were eeized neer the Continuing. the Premier reunrked:- Commander 1slende by e. Run-inn crui- "The eolution ot thU meet difficultl." in 1892. The three first-named vee- yroblern be Vitae-ed 111371â€: of eels have been rotting on the beech " It',',','.", end new qrsn1 tlea end Ayrtr9rayto"k!, Siberie, ever due. d plume! upo- the put of the admlr- Bum he: already paid damsel for ell. who have ewe-fully MDIIIh- Leisure of two Canadian veeeele. ity." THE CRETAN AFFAIR ed wht the Cebinete of Europe had been unable to do. I have sometimes thought that if the Csbinets were all dismissed and edmirsls were instelled in their places, Europe would get on better." READINESS OF THE FORCES. There were about 850 guests present at the banquet, including memlers of the Diplomatic Corps, Cuhinet Minis. tern, and other distinguished people and their wives. After the format dwell- tion in the library, there was the usual procession to the greatt hall, which served as the lmnquetling place. lhe toasts of the Navy and Army 'were Imrruured, Admiral Sir Wm. Kennedy and General Lord Wolseley responding. They described the respective forces as being in A perfect stete of prepared- ness to meet any power disputing Great Britain's just claims. The brevity of the speeches showed that everyone realized there was general anxiely to hear the Marquis of Salisbury. who, on rising to respond to ‘the toast of "Her Majesty's Ministers," was greeted with prulr"‘ged dheers. “hold-unk- "rreoer " the Sedan-f Den "sho- Krtrortrd. A desmtch from Cairo saysz-After Colonel Collinson arrived " Gedaref. the last stronghold of the dervishes, Ahmed Fodil attacked the Egyptian position at night. He was easily re- pulsed, only two meat of the 12th But- tulion being wounded. (from Dunn-x 5"â€er 1n n 'tr-ttot " Aim-Ice of lulu. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., 'sara:--' steamer Aorangi advices state that there is much distress in New South Wales among labouring men. Several deputnUons have Call- ed upon members of the Government. but can get no relief. In Sydney alone 3,738 children are being rural for by the State. Labour bureaus am asking the Government if it is waiting for death by starvation before doing anything: “UM -- _ The next morning Colonel Parsons discovered Fedii moving towards the Blue Nile. greatly impeded by his wounded. Five hundred Johndieh. with 400 rif- les, under Sultan Abekr Wadel, has left Ahmed Fedil and come Over to Colonel Parsons. The greater part of Ahmed Fedil's force is going back to- wards Gedaref to ask pardon and to surrender. The dervish lender himself. with his Baggams and a small number of other followers, is retiring to tho southeast. His retreat to the Blue Nils, will been! off by Major-General Rundie's force. 1n Melbourne William Puget has died of starvation. He had been liv- Ing for months from swill barrels. On Sunday Island all the grass has with- ered from drought, and many animals are dead. The people are suffering from famine. Throughout New South Wales dust storms and drauphl' are bllghting the. crops. From twenty- five farming stations word comes of the terrible effect of duet and lack of rain. The results will be very disas- trous it rain does not soon fall. Tea-III" "In! the Monarch In "on "ever-- Munro our Disarmament. A despatch from London trays:-"". T. Stead, writing to the Daily News from rkhastopol, after having had an interview with the Czar at Livadia, re- iterates his conviction of the earnest- ness and sincerity of the Czar‘a pur- pose in proposing disarmament. Mr. Stead says it is impossible to repeat the oonveraation. but he adds: STEAD TALKED WITH THE CZAR. " But my opinion is summed up in 'a remark which I made to aprinmss of the court, who. meeting me as I was leaving, asked me: 'Well, what is ygur qpiqioq t' _ _ . - Mr. Stead {adds that he found the Czar assessed of exceptional rapidity of perception. united with a remarkable memory, and a very wide grasp of an immense range of facts. T (flan- For lllrnl (hm-re of Cal-adu- Ioallll. “use“. ' " I replied, simply: '1 thank God tor him. If he is glared to Russia, that yo_u_ng lmn_wjl_l_go Pt.".' - _ .. All" Twenty Tegtrts' Mer- III. by!" Bun“ Into Destructive Activity. A despatch fron, Tirtotiu, B.C., says: --The steamer Aorungi brings advices that another volcanic reuption has oc- cured in New Herbrides. being more alarming then its predecessors. Volcano Lopier after remain- ing quiescent. for 20 years. brake out, and the burnig lava being thrown up could be seen for twelve miles, Five villages were huddled at the base of the volcano pud tthe houses were buried deep in scoriae, at tha first out- break. The sea for miles around boil- ed at terrific rate, and jets of water leaped high, in the air, - - Fortunately awe of the inhabitants at the five destroyed villages were buried under the molten mass. Afew days after the outbreak the heathen: went up to the top of the still smoking volcan. each carrying a bunch of co- coanuts. which they offered up as a sacrifice to "make the tire dead." SOUDAN CONQUEST COMPLETE THE DROUGHT IN AUSTRALIA. LAVA BURIES FIVE VILLAGES. BRINGING RUSSIA TO TIME. . ONTARIO Holders Asians lore for Wtteat-. Fu-mor‘s Produce in Geo: Demand. Toronto. Nov. IL - Wheat - Lou] de-nd was {other better to-dn]. There was a rat er better demand. but holders naked more. Red and whim. north and went. 68c bid; goose wheat. 71c; Manitoba, rather better at 8:50 asked for No. 1 hard, and at 780 asked tor No. 1 Northern. and No. "2 hard. Miiiteed-iree, und in good do- mand. Bran Ella here at .13. in ton lots. and shorts at 814. Bran in quoted in eat lots at 89.60, and ahorta at 818.50 to3U, middle (nights. _ " "Corn-Quiet. No. y. yellow. Ameri- can, tyack, Toronto, as offered by lotsa) dealers at Mt 1-2e, and mind " Flour - Quiet. Straight roller, in wood. north and west, “as quoted " $3.10 to "Ili. V tutpsedi--stotuir, Car lots ot rolled outs. in bugs on track hare. 08.40 per bbli.NP1 in bbls. 08.59. _ - g3uekwhtsat--ateadr, Car Iota, “at. 89e, and wt. {00. 'Dgtttr--Vstues steady and mrket In good condition. ‘Quomtionn Are: --tlew laid, 18 to 19c; cold storage, " to 150; slug limed, " to 150. Pus-so. Ca; Jou, north and weft. tsolf {0-day at 580. - - - Hre--Firm, Car loin, north and "at. Tfr" trold to-dur at 49c, and out at "str-Quiet aid edssc. Car lots at whine sold at Me, north and wont. to- day. and at 270 east. Barley-Firm. (No. 1 sold st 530. il- terior points. Game. at lake poru, " quoted at Mo. Potatoes" - Unvbungad. Steady do- mand. Car lots choice Ontario stock. Poultry-Deliveries fair and good average demand. Price. not firm. Quotations 'uw.-A3hiekenn, per pair, 25 to 500; ducks. to to We; goons. per lb._,_5 to 60; turkeys. per Ib., 6 to M. on truck, are quoted at arottt 50 tis 55e, and dealers sell om of more an 60 lo_70c: same prices for farm“ lows. marur--mieumreir. - Chow. hand. picked beans all at CI to 01.10. and 0013111909 at 70 IO 75e, per bush. 7 - Dried apples-Demand limited. Deal- ers my 81-2 to ie. tar dried stock. delivered here, and small lots resell have at 4 1-2 to 5c.; evaporated. Ste 8 1-40. tor anal! lots. IIortey-Mhrket unchanged. Round lots of choice. delivered here, will bring about 5 1-2 to 6c.; drillers quote from 6 to Te. per lb. for 10 to OO-lb. tins; and in comb at around $1.25 to 01.50 per dozen motions. Boptr-F'irrn and likely to no higher. Dealers here quote choice Ontario: " 17 to like., according to quality, deliv- eamd here. Holders are asking some- what better, about Me. and are very firm in their ideas. Choice 1897‘s, round Iota, anI quoted at 10 to ISe. Toronto dealers are quoting the tot- laying prices on hides, skins rnd wool: Ruled tut-Not much moving. Strict- ly choice in on: lots. is quoted at 86.60 to_37.50 p9r ton: and No. 2. at M. ITidaL-anv-rioey “Peri. 90.; No. Icon fl l-N.; No. 2, T -te, No. , 81-20. Cured full at 8-te. advance on the foreco- mg. Bt"raw-.uarket" holding its dwn. Gar lot: are qyoted at, " tq “.50 on, track. Worrl-Unwashed, MK; fleece, 15e, to; small Iota, delivered: pulled, l8 We. tm supera, and " to we. for ehHrati. Qummi m are as foltowir.--rtry salt. od shoulders. tte; long (3er bacon, on Iota, 80: ton lots and can lots, ft 1-40.; backs, 90. ' Montreal I'Idawn- lion". . " “It Old Chill Who [9!de In In", I II. uni "trtt “than!“ “Idle. A despatch from Montreal sara:-" doulsle lrngedy intruded hy the most shocking eireurmstitrwaus, occurred be tween 8 and 4 o'clock on Wednemiar afternoon in a small house, No " Berri slmel. facing the new 'Pl-nm Vigor hotel. J. (leeau, u binning Fretwhlanadian, 35 years old, shot and killed Matilda Lavigueur aged l7, and then killed himself. The house where the tragedy occurred is a. small two-slutty wooden slrurlure, and was occupied by Wm. Luigueur, a Harper, his wife, and daughter. Croieau, My. was a widower, had been wtyinur a: zen- tion to the girl for some time, but she declined to marry him. This after- nonn he visited her and repeated his offer, and on her refusal he pulled out a 82 calibre revolver and shat her through the heart. He then turnout the. weapon on himself and cheated tho Magma l-y putting a bullet through his body. The affair crcti6usl preat ruin-men! in the ne'urhltourhoo:i, :zntl a mat crowd gathered oumiu‘o the hump. The bodies were remmml lo the mur- gue and an inquest will he held, It seems that Norman Chum“, aliu Cote. who shot Mhtilda Invigo- enr and then killed himwll. eon A. pitted doing some rub act. u on NI - :.- the morgue was In «I a letter written on My, gut: . tttnth.-idtritlh1-1f owing" unrecmtted love, and “an. t. t his body). "at t- nletivee I “a. 'raliow-Loeal dealers buy In "rel int. low at a to a I-ht. foe rendered, and resell at 31-2 to 38-te. Dressed hog market firm and de'iver- ion free. On track our lots, nuld (0-day at 35.25 to 85.35, as to quality. Farm- ers' loads ctrtnttesd hands on the street at 85.80 to 05.50. Provisions steady and unchanged. - - Smoked metMa--mma, heavy, 101-311 medium, Ile; light, 11 I-ee; hmkfnnt‘ baron, ll to 12e: mus, 9c; Inch. ll in lii-2e; picnic bums, 91-2 to 98-40. All meals out of pif-kio 10 less than priced (mated for smoked meats. __ _ Buiter.--sttstu1.r movement and price: unchanged. Bomlpts continue fair All poor and medium stock hard tr, sell Quotations are as follow-Dir. (um poor to medium, 11 to IN; choice, 15 " we; anal] dairy. lb. prints, ulnut " to ITe; creamery, tubs and boxes, lft h 19r; pounds, 'l to 310. thtisene--Hotding firm, Early make: are selling at 9 to 9 l-4c; and lat: makes It 9L4 to Si-er. - Lard--Tierees, Tc, tubs, 71-2 to 78-40; pails, 73-1 in 't', oompwund. tl to, 61:20 Lrnmhskins and Sheep Peitt..-75e. CyiNkias--dehoioet No. l, lor.; and No TORONTO MARKETS. MURDER AND SUICIDE. TORONTO