TON chu BULL " (N CA " I, f. ['PPER TOWN “FF†'h' "Mr Infyre Blotk. II' horucs [rm-r mmh' moi-1' ufh'lu'lirr //, r: mm!!! by tetrets young mm hung- in]; urnun.‘.’ the rm'nm‘s Hume lung (PW- â€Mugs. l'nmr and mm what we run do I.. lu'lln you. "'0 have dureeettt parlor t.ltttrirs with (M C'rokiaute, Fort, Pillow [Ian iM bright and wiring new game, mail/1 plum-(l) ttsul " mnnhrr of othera, m- [Mr/Hip†flw bugs or girls are musi- "ttl/Y indium! --NO much the better-trg flu-m will: one of our new Autoharpa, "r u l'iuliu. u-r have u "ire range from 3.1% [0315111.01‘. THe ulso keep Accord mum. {'mu'rrfuum. Piccoloa, and a big shy-l; of Mouthorittttta from o" to TSc, also mum'rlnmksqfull kinds, in tttet, any~ Ming in the mmn'r [inf we have. or can gr! you. on shorfwu' ..Aiee, at lowest privr. Cty" 7arrisdar, diary, Gon- L vayancer, tc., eta... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower.. L1 snap E/or','-,'?" ieur them out before Xmas and mend giving you the entire sr..,--)"" of this purchase. We 11'. L' only one of some lines, two ' others, three of others and mr of a few, so come and make :2: '," selection early-first come 25L choice. macFarlane tt 00. DRUGGIST S & BOOKSELLERS. HERMAN, ONT.... JEWELLER. - Walches, (Rocks. k Jewellery. Nilverware, Flatware, & Specs. m Repairing a Speciality. W. S. DAVIDSON. IN [.31 .'\ have just received a job of 75 albums-mo old stock ":1 this year's goods-at a ulur sacrifice. We want to n A. 39390", M BUMS ttractfons came 2H1" Hi; ‘45- 1.13 te near appt bulk of C tmas Go -e arf? bus making ttt mt mln New] this on our pat- :.’ .ut"ti' and jimmI it (I ill"i'i'tt.s' --- 1'.rt't'Y' mm e trho Irv/z» /,et/evp/etrsed - Pfe- . t'url,y slumping "tef/i/tt 't" Val/Hm. lieftwr tt'tteitlimt. can hardly realize that " the case but if you are H and happen tobe pass- MIT store just drop in 1‘. will soon be convinced 'curvy-rc-tch at any rate. clk of ("at Holiday and mu Quads are now in ‘:;:'»'})IIS_‘.' making room '11:g::x:1 immense stock, '4: {130111 which we are i;‘: phase and satisfy you. nt you to come and see y}; anyway whether you l, 1_\’thing or not. I an ‘a , :2 3. (ir l fl 5 a L. inn 3 ld "lliTuilo _i'i,ij'l"),l),/'W'"f; N (0mm Iht' Bunk.) tCT". {an DURHAM. l The new Governor General has safe ily arrived and has been installed at Government House. So far he has been mercifully permitted to attend to his personal affairs, but already a lengthy list of public functions are be. ing arranged for him, beginning with the othYial civic reception today. The Earl and Countess of Minto start their gubernatorial term with the distinct advantage ot having come amongsta people to whom they are wetland favorably known, and the outlook for their term of oftiee is ex- ceptionaliy bright. The Alien Labor Law. The old cry has been raised again this week, that the Government is not entoreing the Alien Labor Law, but is allowing the importations of American artisans under contract to work in Canadian shops and factories. "rhe, Met is that there was an explicit un~ derstanding between the two govern ments at Ottawa and Washington that he law in both countries should be held in abeyance until the whole question has been dealt with by the Joint High Commission, and the Can- adia n Government has faithfully honor. ed this undertaking. Iftheccmplaints are well founded that United States oftieials are breaking their side of the compact representations to that eifeet will be made at once and in regular term to Washington. 21)ets, 30crs, mets, 80ets, 90055, ti3, and :51. Tluwe appears sill.“ to be consider- nlrlc ignomucut ll the fact that the Dev pnl'tlllé‘nb will no longer redeem pos- tage stamps, and iiptns whose methods oi' business have led to the accumula- tion of stamps in Large quantities will therefore welcome the new postal notes asa great eapvenienee. To some the new reform may not seem in areal; mutter batit is another instance of the practical intelligence with which the affairs ofthe country are now being tulntinistetml. I 7 rem..." Il’rovince ofthe Dominion, anxious to give timely expression to the high esteem felt toward their leader enter- mined the Aw rney General at a ban. ]quet which is described by friend and (the alike as Hilllbat without; parallel in Inagniticenw and liiatorie importance ; and tlie.Cunnissiocu,s, of the Joint High Internationnl Commission new pe. assembled in Washington prepare for the resumption ol'tlieir arduous delib- '; crations by participating in a banquet. [ A Universal Fa vorite. _ While no speeches of importance were made, at this lattyiuunctiin, other public gatherings are being arranged, apparently for the puroose ot allowmg the American people to become better acquainted with our Canadian repre- sentatives, ond as one Correspondent has renmrkeil, "lt'he remains much longer in Washington, St' Wilfrid Lnurivr will become as great at favor. ite as he was in Englamh during the Jubilee. Wherever' he goes he _is re- ceived with the greatebt y'yth,1osiatsyio." llverylmly across the line today ls a mura- _thortrugirgoiiigr Britisher than sit 2m w _ -- .1". lb“. I Even in these democratic times. din. ners and other varieties of 'state Ifunctions appear to be inseparable to I the proper cam ing on of national and ) international business, and it is some- , what curious to notice the importance "hat has Come to be attached to these occasions through the prttistiee of public men of making them the occasion for momentous utterances. The Lord Mayor’s dinner has come to be looked upon, not only in England and in _the Empire, but throughout the world, as the occasion upon which weighty se- crets of suite are likely to be revealed and Imperial policies unfolded ; the great Liberal party of the. Dpcnthav Our New Governor. ._, m nugmnu and in .the throughout the world, as upon which weighty se- am: likely to be revealed licies unfolded; the my of the. prumier mninion, anxious to leader mate!" epal ata ban. by friend and ut parallci in : importance c, of the Joint .. . new»: Tere; "V , I 't'i,'rt?.j, 'es Capt l g, _'"- , F'.fi"1CU'"-. _ .1" C'if " l '. _ Si %' . b5 sm a". . il The Leading 1 Il- K1235 ( a MN I " I tii WE CIR' e, i B, Thousands of t 5 . V 1atrnstotroa.bltu e .' ummnssiougly. A o in; sensatjon. e or." sharp cuttmg f w ' charge. ditgicgllt " l c". organs. 6111131401 v, of nervous debi Ml TUBE. Dott'tl m you. by gutting K you. 1'higwilr, 1 - turn. Our NE t = C:, MENT absorb . V heuceremovcstl S > T, It can never ret y ., ins. no dotcutic $ttt method. These ' I 'l and. Tho non . 5 the bliss of man 1 ,5. WE CU! . f.', 'Thousandlpf t Le men are hum: , 2,t1.%tgtig,f " K one. or no a ofutststsugirott1 , - Weakness, Unm " f in: Manhood. N , K ory. Irritability, . nation. Sunken ' g 1 Weak Back. Go 8g of Ambition »- Parts. ate. (it) K maybethecauu doctors, " they I ' these mock! , L " tttthe, urn 'e, t'g'ltl,1t,tg a! s '.s Dimscso Men: #1. PIETHUD TR] l & tively care you. I _ for a. case we no b a cannotcure. Te: ' , " . . ( Sl cunts ti l a ’v - We treat am , " {ARICQCRLE ' é V , ,-;1-:;u:11vm:. r: ' I Cu": ',iy,'v,ji:i8sl.ihr-Ns I '; k: If?! Iâ€; 'r,iriij'iy, y! sl tr Jur- ..L‘:'. S . i if} TEN! " 1211:. . 1 " 05:1â€, (IF-(2:! B. . j ili1 TREATMENT. , f ’3: E: (i)., irititiiiyi,iiyty,', KERGAN I' w i . Hugs? Then: Was an (-xrvptimmlly hrnvy run. there being over 2.500 hogs inthonnm-x. The prices for choice wow about. 5c higher, with the other qumulimw ruling steady prices. ('imim- \vvre mum-(I at $4.27) to $4.38 pm- cwt. Lightmrl think fats lmmght $1 hm] saws \H-rv stvady a? 8", lo $3.23 lwr Calves Good veals, weighing over' 160 pounds. wow in gnmldomund ul tiptu prim-s. which wore quoted at. 8.'t to $6 Filth. l'mnninml unvlrnnged at $1 in $1.25 pm- ewt. Thom was a Kiln-ml supply of hnvks, which wvre- quuwdnt $2.50 to82..- 75 mm turt. Mild) Cows -A munlmrnf gum] cows were disposed of early in the day nl pl iros [singing flmn $25 $401un1 $50 for selections. Export Cattle -- (‘ahles hum Grout Briluin show a slight improvement. and prim-s wvre a little higher, Heavy ox- pnl'lms worrqnnlml at $1 to $410 por r'wt. There wry-o a few light oxpm'teare whit'h sold readily M $3.60 to $3.70. Bun hers' Cattle-The “Wt-rings warp hvavy and tlu. demand fair. Quile n nnmhernf chtsive went quickly at We "dvaiuv. which were quoted at 83.75 lo 81. Cautunon were in gum] (ll-mnnd. with pricvs unchanged. JJulls,--The light supply [mule who“ it little higher. Heavy vxpttviets were spiful at $3.30 to $3.75 Light, bulls were slow at $3.00 to $3 ,50, Smrlwrs mid I’m-(hrs an exription. ally heavy ttude was done in smokers fur Mullah). The prives remain thm, at i at $31.27) io $3.10. The supply of tTeilevs l was light and â€ID deuruud mmlwrntt'. Thvy wvre qualwl at 8h',50to $15.75. Hlutp aud L,sttuls---Thc oft'etu'up,s wvro lteuvy. hut thvdtnuaud wnsgnml. Tht Pit was n, slight tttttrt-tttent in prirvs for th-p fur "h'pot't and hnlrhm's' UNH, which sold u-udily at $3 to 83.2G pm'cwl. Spring lambs warn quiet and the prirvs ricid"' ..__. "T.. ""iCT.."r'""a"'"tC"C.r 4% Tit, T . pr, a; it 1LY2 i'ii1satfi'di/ll, sky‘s 'lhvuleirieatth, and hogs Wt tn-daynnd there was a slight tnent, m values in each luanch. "mud for good barf mule w strong and many steers sold “h The I’m-rims were ill) loads. incl hout1,00o sheep mu] Mum's. " hogs. Eggs. per. day. Chickens reri ihras .. " lat-keys, pev " (Jame. z er lb â€Me-5.1).." ('fo Calfskius ... Shnqnskins ... Hay, per ton i‘lruw, .. .. Px'K-‘UUPE. pm / pple-, 1191' 1mg SURES,j'di0 (we, live Wham Lard perv- ... Tullnw' PM l'" ltntter pH‘ ttr, Tub " [full - We treat and I'm-I3 _E1_fIE$IC-NS. il,1llyT,9cfrth', (ite.y:Vrlti, wig!" 'r'r1'Ji1tiT..r'? 1-7. fMi‘o-13.1-. as. Lilif'JWh' ',i,'ir)j,'i1u.9f-NAyLhTc1rrIy,i3ry0Rir, Flour low bid ......., 0.1th pH‘ "tek ... Bran per cue ... .. Sllnrts nor owl .. Fall \Vhwn ppr Lush Burk-y, .. Peas, " Duh. .. Dr'd Hugs. per ttwt fl ._ - l 'Thousandspf 5'02pr and t.ttitidlettzed. men are hwy]: then- :exual Vlgor and 2tlit%gt2.fN,r, mapped by this dis eaao. " no frequently unconscimm of the can†of them rmmoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Disclmmes, Fail- inz Mmhood. Nervousness, Poor Mem. ory. Irritability at time} Smarling ten. mlion. Sunken Tires. with dsr.k each». l Weak Buck. General Ihrr.trsasiyt, Luck _ of Ambition Varicocele. Shrunken l Parts. m. GLEET and ts', may be the â€use. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no ewe-meme in these spoon! piimssyses--da't allow Quaqkqto “Remnant. on you. Consult Spanish“? w ohu'e made a life study of Djmscso MenandWomen. ourNEW METHOD TREATMENT will tr,!; tively cure you. Ono thrmsand do lays i for a. case we accept for treatment and l cannotcurc. Iermymcd9rate forncuro. '."i7.:11'f',',, :95: C-.".. it; gift-i Am a; Kid-3&1}; tyd-Nr'"-,:'.":';'):, ’ Thousands of young and will!†"and man no ~troubled with this JJsetrse-umiuy unconsciously. They may have n. smart- ins sensation. small. twining stream. sharp culling paiirs at times. plight dis- charge. dllfxculty m commencing. weak organs. emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debiiity--thrr have STIMU- TURE. Don’t let doetorq experimenton you. b1? putting, stretching. or tearing you. his will not cum ynu. as it will re- turn. Our NEW METHOD I'tt EAT- MENT absorbs tho stricture (Esme; hence removes the smegma pennanently. It can never return. h' o pain. no gutbvo. ing, no detention from business by our method. 1hooxrraloriryns.arosttreiitsrih; and. . The norms are invigorated. and tho blua of manhood returns. WECURE GLEET 1llEtls'REST,tiiCtig'?t'i'i, The Leading #tr?iell.ys' at America 20 Years In l)tirdl, 250,060 Cured. "weipts were ill) loads, including JV 1.600 sheep mu] Mum's. and 2.550 :rrr:ito':t #4334153: Shelby tt, GETROIT, MIC". (Y.jiirillr'lLiiji,r,j.sjUttTsiiiiii... L‘:'.T§{(.\ Midi}. BOOKS DURHAM mnmri ive, Stock Markets Dims. JJ. H. TORONTO slight improve- lo W" . - would lwr for, ll‘ghvr. HS The ue, N unit» is JllPll()lli?,.)?,llr/om The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 32, Con. 9. Bentinck a thorough- bred Itupeoved Yorkshire Boar for the spasm: oflWfr99, from the famous herd of J. E. Bethoue. Pedigree may he seen on application. TERMS: Atf.tet 00 " N) To 42 ll) The undersigned will keep foe service at Lot 17, ton. 2, Normanhy. seam)†of 1898-99. the thoroughbred Berkshire, "North Star." Alana thorough-Mud Tamworth Boar. Bunessan. Nov. 18th, 98. BERKSHIRE BOAR. _ - The linden-signed will keep for Fiet'- vice, season 1898-99 on Lot, 23, Con. l. S D. It., Glenolg. " Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. ()htnined from the "Gold Medal Herd" of J. G. Snell. Edmontnn. TERMS t--i?f./et DON. MCARTHUR. l , the l)urhmn Phavnsacy Walden-p Block. Rmnlmwe first door. wr-st. of th" Post. Office, Durham. Charges nmdoralo. ' Fire Insurance Secured. Oh'1ct., mvr Giant’s stay-v. Luwm-ann. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT, NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. BA RRIS TER. Cvolieeutrvs and .~\pa-1.»cyprnnpll) attsv.tdesrl to. Pills. howls. Mnrtguwzs, Inms ti,sAs'rcetitPtitri, Sta, tul'rmztly prepared. Estates ot dxt'euse-l perm“! looked attcr, um! L'xeeutors' Mu] Ad- tstittist,yrttorrs' Accwunts [In-pure! um] passed. Sum-gum Court BlHil)PS::, Pro‘mw of Wills. Letters of Adminiu â€(inn mm murdinusnlp (manned. Smu'cuca uth :u 1usistsy tttttce and Tide; mporteu on. Company and )Eiutn b'uud, to Luau un M nx'rgvg mu low 5' mum of hum-I‘M. Valuations mum: ' y tsctoiupe,trmttrus1 ('ztruful Vulmuur. NO‘TRY PUBLIC, CONY‘YANCER. ‘c. 0tfiee LOWER TOWN. DURHAM. At Durham Ollires, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE, CALDER'S BLOCK, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER CENT. 03?". Durham Pedigree-i HWY be uvan on apphcation. s--'-tgrts-st.rqttus-Cs-ie-' :1 '3' Tr . LUCAS, WR‘SH! a BATSON. GARRISTERS. SOLICIT'ORS. NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS, ae. MONEY To LOAN 10w unis EASY TERMS (Entrance next mm ') GUN, g Pr. T. G. HOLT L113 All Charges :NdCodbr.exate. FFICF. FIRST DOOR EAST CF J. P. TELFCRD, DENTISTRY. is'. LEE'JA‘JY MCCAUL. tlllllllMlNlllflll RIMES. TERMS / BARR! l E r , SOLICITOR, A Full Line of the best Cough Syrup always on hand... (tune for It. Never (nil keep away :he chap". SOLINE†Another Celi n plmnt, but, 0111' " Cold Sores and 'Ghappesi Mpg†will cure it. A Common Complaint that always comes with cold weather. Why suffer from it? Our "NASA INE" uvlnlu-x Price, l5 cents a box,, JOHN MARSHALL Jr.. Proprietor. Price. Iii cents a box. Prepared .0111)" by CALDER’S BLOCK DURHAM. ' t, DVRUA M. rt.irut" Fumh to Luau un mum of iutm'nm. Valuations 'ttt and ('ztruful Vulmuur. [Jill w, T. COOK. ti , {SPRING fl, 1/ s _ 55.33;: umber com Ni“ " LIP- Dental (mice) M It Ldulc and tcud SHIT to Collector Arrowsm'th of Glenn-lg: connection with his other Lusiuew ii t ins? orders for the Family Herald and killing two birds with one stone. Mr. John Meinnes who drove 1i;r hearse for Mr. Simpson for the hut, thrw years has reaigned and Mr. Dun Lamina“ ofthe North Line takes his pince. Mr, Mel'nnes will In: missed in more than mic rooeet " at the nervices commend] With the occasion at funerals. Mr. “chum was [useful in leading the singing. Mr. Mathew; has chuuged the setyicea from thi. ttttte till next spring. there will be only one service in the morning. Gaelic every alternate Sunday nu 1%ng0h the name wav. each at 11 o'ct.ock m the morning. English Services eyery Sabbath evening at 7 o'eloek. . OM Mr. Gin is back again Mum ville. The old gentleman prefer: living a lonely life than to live with his daughters or any hue elm. Mr. Dam-M McLean is busy attending my†mmmmun oat-manners making annex. Chas. McMillan timsutmt the wagering ot Mrs. McIntyre)": mouse Ian “wk. and made u good and siulrrtatttitl jotv. A large Immlwr of those who takel, deliglltin iltstitroyinst tit lite " the excl-i tum; of the forest urn seen dnih' “mud; with their nms'luh and dogs in search of} illinocent blood as the case may be gamer-‘1‘ a ly, 43mm; & SUMMER 1illll)ji. arriving daily it Miss. Bella. McKIquu returned home after an absence of six arm-m mouths Visiting her brothers in the North West. Mi..' and Mrs, Hubert Shannen] returned from their wedding tour to (salt and uthcar places. W" wish aha happv young couple long life and happiueis together. Wehwehrul snow fur a week, whieh lo this Hue has muqu a.“ (inappearcd. Sleight; wcrerunnmgfora few days. but “in"! are Lari a mount muddy and sloqpy. Hi: Liz-f. ,"iir {ï¬t It?" #31: Fi1fre' ELIE- CI Lt" all all» E "--ii--da-. " [ADAMS 'WAGGONS .." A full Car/om/ mi, 13E )TV‘V no yrghrrl. .'Pt', 'Fa'&Mrl,AUG' ," - bl GUI 1th: A fgll.s1Clcy,..,tjt.' $5335.32 Ahhl'i',bi)SG'v1fyts,",:,ti HARHows and the very best you can huy at right prices. The RAYMOND sewirtgtuaohirae and llw best nmkvs of PIA NOS and ORGANS. r"rMoney m loan at 5 and Gr, payable on ynur own “This. 'erInsurnnre plump! - ly attonded to, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WM. CALDER. 185.6 H,,PARKER 1898 P.-. OLD ESTABMISHED 55S'Wc' rr'lt"tu,t,tr-'1"rcte tNe-'put:MMte'eteAee ','-regee2-a.-a,iH-t LJ.‘:,8“'::2!‘HJ‘l-J"|-‘.-1"‘-.-'~Ljé'"‘c:",i1'-'" I "rti7srr7h'iiFi'i 'tiriiiiiic.? '/,i;iii;i;t'"'e',.;'t, m’fï¬ngrmmï¬â€™ï¬m ili-/ircrirri Hmfrnfrï¬â€˜rn'r-i‘rï¬gmt‘ i) si.. L%Ga.? w,, A ' ' It _ 'b'"""""----- Best, Tab)» Uilclulh 4.3 in-hes wide at, 23c a yard. leuu want“ good pail-0f lf'inlvr ":me ol' Show: 'lo not buy before you are our "and Hum- Bantu and Show: for Man. Women, Buys, and Girls. â€My mum-i hr brat. "re run girr you a/mir o.tlvwrh Kip Lung Ihmlx, Em. It’nxinu Sole, Hand Mudc a! Nth/III. (JIIEMIST and, 12/2111;st T. DURHAM ,':ijif a: iii?, we: we; AhilL/a,'ldsil 1,cc'.it'iryA!si-')lFi?s'h'iA!cu,ciu' 's--AVtlVAt-Au'gyutsr,q: __ was: l m F .~11!F1Â¥T;:!I'Mjgzï¬rmlï¬$11’1F‘lrfflhï¬fla.m.r'17r'1 erh"rHi, ',z4ieife'4vpi'i,cai'i'ie'ilr'tf Sh- Msw Huts Walnuts.. THE BIO 4 LPP NEW GOODS’ Aaa- Lai-au-, MUSICg--Nioritw, .m! H mm Accordwns, (Tonecrnmu‘, J, 'i'A I GAMES Illustrated Catalogue of New York Jeweller from. SU>CH AS- yanr)‘ '1 XMAS dt NEW YEAR'S NOVELTIES I sazej/iiiiiji,"i, TtiiGt cloLee prices, and can sell rhcaper (Izqn other Agents. Kt? Full Lim, c" all kinds of repaias, L3. Binders, these are Photo Albums in lwutlmr . Autogrupu Albums do Toy Hunks. Alth Sllvyr mounted Pipes Cigar Cases.: Jhsgttieries, we always Lead. _ Jrevor Under-302:1: Lumber Tmlet. Ben Celluloid COMM, a Latins" L-mdneI Ladirs' but! Fancy figured Mack Lustre-s. . . . . ..: Heavy plain Mack Lustre (a sump). Fine all wool Sarge: 40 in wide. l . _ Nice "mun-d Drops Goods. . . . .. . . .. Heavy winter Dress Goods drutisle fold......,.....; We "ave n few nice Iheto, hmglhs . and $450 each. b'LANhiLblTTESwr [turn " gum! liur'frum for u wry [wary fun/I .,',' int-hrs wide, PRICEVILLE Don't forget to call. In all ll) CHOICE XMA - _-_ - "'"'"__m...-98B. -""'"'"'"""""""""ab' 'S', Mowers, Ltrills, Rakes, Barrows, 6:0. Fanmem, m the Best and ('lmapost Goods Jott can buy. tk ml---------,---", .et",!1VrtT,tTi.t5Cii'Ti'"ii'i."lrii"i"'i" MACHINERY. BlBl.I-l>§ H. PARK E R, me Lower hm Wifihin Warerooms fir-w Film l’lming Cards, Checker Hoard: CruckinolP. Pa F--rtutt'y tom-L Cases. anunesv Toilet Sets dot. Bet-6 Leather Trtwellittg Cane: Cellar-,mul C'nfr Boxes Fancy Purses & Wallets Lumber [landlm-chief Wallets. Silk Lined o,' luau.†Hdkf. and Glove Wallets. Silk Lined s in Leatlyu., Plush and Celluloid Albums do do do is', Authors, Fancy Lamps mounted Pipes All kinds of Pipes r Cases Cigarouvo Ca gm, he.. te. letdmg I'll Ato call. It will pay yum to come up town . i 39am & l :00... macaw-n: AYE]: BOOKS, HYMXAI a (‘IIO In sir. Elli] _ ,_-._. wan; u:- web 539' I. fatuily of two sons and three dulghttra th to mourn tho loss of n beloved mother. G Her remains wane Itid to rest beside her hushaml in Prieevilie cemetery on Sun:- in , day the an; HM. and the funeral w“ 'ei Inrueiy ttttetpled. Rev. 1ntu.oa, can. igoducml the funeral '"trdeea It the In“ fund grave. wads " RIGHT PRICES. Ilatp . V- v...vuuu. "OT maiden name was Min: Stewart. She was (me of those open he me I women who was liberal in all lmr Awnings towards, mankind. Her mm! m th, church. of which she Rae a consistent member was seldom ever vacant, and truended setyice the Sabbath befuro her death. Sholeu'es n [nu-ilyof two song and three (lumbar. to mourn the loss of a beloved mother. Her remaim- wne hid to rest besido her [Nahum in Prioex'ilte cemetery on tu-.. day the 6tF. P5 Hel the, funeral urn so ES GRUCERIES A large quantity of grain is going in to Flehherton Sudan " present. Hog buy- em are again In march of pol-ken for which they pnv or are otrering 3.75 per cwt. The belt at Top Cliff school was again put in ringing order on Sunday hut. It has been silent since the non-ion. Mr. Arch Ale-(funk: is busy at present fixing Huh a“ "uderveatit " lug baru. Rev. Mr. “uracil will preach tt union Thanksgiving Service in the Presbyterian church on Thursday the 24th iot " 2:80 o'clock in the albumen. Mr. Neil McDonald who is sli,uuru4 fur some lime with p 'ratyttit, is not, any better KIM-nu itopest of his recovery. m m ' Dates. Prunes. A', All kinds of Confocti Pnrcln-nsi. ms from $1.50 to $25.00. Sm mm amok of Month Otqt UPPER TOWN, DURHAM V F fl- . "7.... who Watt riufrerituv, for some "ttte, " panese Toilet. Sen: RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO .530. a! Ceylon 5 l m'l (In-ire this week-- :50. up in In. 1:3. Duluinur u); ah. u yam. Mc .. . $31 " $3.25 moulds. may. ' Cltooes 2E it 331: JE if?“ V" if