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Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1898, p. 1

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[men an“ PER- r bushlan- in " in unit], n It“. Imam. no b. Manda-i. rel -,Mertrert Iriyft'Dk1 " ' Pcit'lit't ,lilham. garner, ll G ou Id Merit IN was he n Thursday, December Ist, s898.liuLTi" init iitttltio grrim.’ Call at the Standard Bank and get a Calender for I”. _ 2 _ ForCheap money or Insurance go to w m. tblderU Ottiee. T Fun swe.-Crood. strong, hand-made eutter. Call at, McArthur's Store, Up- per Town. A pleltiscite is to be lumen at the Jan- uary election to ascertain the feeling of the mtepu) era re. n House of Refuge, The 'vguru' Monthly meeting of the‘ Public Library board will be held in the Library building on Friday, Dec. 2, at 8 p. In. 1 l REVIEW Readers and Santa Claus In the plural should consult REVIEW p ttres tor their Xmas gifts. Buy early too, to have good thoice. \ Egn-mont Council stepped aside frank the usual lunndrum of gruvelling. (ul- vet ts. kc, to congratulate Mrs. John N oeison on the attainment of 100 “my of age. Mee minutes ) ‘091' County Council report, only part of it this week, will show that Bentinck I"). will not. par to: the hunous Co. lime, not haying been consulted. And Winch can’t be blamed, on principle. IN munee.----Mestws'. Jones and Hal- hraith w1ttsttgtunophoue and other in- shamans tvttittoU out Ill Russell "all tomorrow, (Friday) night. . Miss Agnes Renwick. Scotch Vocalist is billed to assist. ' I woorr--Bertutihtl 'Wow, Will those of our subscribers who are in the habit of paying for Review in wood please ac commodawus with a little the titat on ponunity ? Green or Dry. Green pre- ferred in the meantime. Rev, Mr. Ferguson of the Methodist Church kindly took Rev. Mr. Jansen’s service on Thanksgiving Day the Utter being called away by the Millikan fun- eral. Those who heard lulu say he gave an able discourse, THE JACKSON kt,'ALe,---Auctioneer Cats ling the largest. number ot pigs. ac" ae- son's hammer fell over a good deal of 1' tivered in one day for a. long time. Our the late D, Jackson's effects on Tuesday. ' Worthy clerk is having no snap these {the oftiee furniture went very stiff, and i days, for in addition to weigh scale truse some articles were good luv-gains. AU ess he has an immense amount of writ- the farm was ngrent CI'O wd, and bidding it','; and fiiiing up blanks in connection was as lively as If it had been " creditil, with the new sidewalk assessments and Sale. The implements were generally ' other matters. No fem. of him rusting in good order and up to date, even a I out, this faithful town oilicer. old A drag was in a gooihstute of pres“ “”80me CASE.--A very sad affair ervatlon, and brought 50c. Many an ,took place in Egremont, Monday even- odmirintt glance was given at the fine i ing. Mr. James Gor don, a. young man stsetlof. cattle, now the property of ' hf about so years. took a. dose of poison Mr. A. tt.' Hunter. The only live stock " uder circumstances which seem to sold were g horses and some fowls. 'iitiii'itl to suicide. He had been in Hol- An Old and Valuable Servant Retires. stein during the day and on his way --aasst week’s Ayton Advance imam-[home called at Mr. Bradley’s where he ces the retirement of Mr. w. H. It”. took some stuff, making it is illegal a the Trees. of Normanby, who 'tette remark that "this was the end of him." 30 years has been prominent in ttiejgtl'i'l. No serious attention was given to the icipal life of the Township. Having matter as he had on preeious occasions seen the eompletid" of the railway bon- acted similarly as if in joke. This time us period. as it may be called. he feels must hairs been in earnest, as he was that his work isdtine, and as his town- dead in two hours. His familv m well ship is completely free from hobo: ob. known and respected and have the sym- ligntions, and Inmcmlly in me stand. pithr of the community in their dis- ing, in no small {unsure owing to his treaing grief. {Lem}; Coroner Gun good basin“: management of her " held an inquest on Tuesday. and evid- fairs, he retiree with much honor. "tit' ence in» given to. Show that he had inf1aeaee some years ago was much bought utrychnine in Holstein that iur. sought after, end the dictum of the Bit stomach and liver havehheen sent "au. of Normanby” went a long, way. to'l‘oronto for “origination by the put? He has phoivnhimself to he in intell- lie analyst and, tom meantime the in- gentandshnvzd man at manhunt! in quest and! adjourned till Dec. 12. many respect- his examparuriirthr "of who thejuri will meet in Durham to mutilation rennin: your in F 'tr,ittsitu"iet, _ ', 3 Our School Board, thanks to Sccy. Grant's persistence, received a County Check for$50the other day for Con- tinuation Classes in " or School. Good. Could some one tigure out how much our school draws from outside sources, fees Ae , It must be a nice little sum. Mr. John Firth, of Garafraxa Sim having purchased the Boulden property eonslsling of eight acres in the west end of Durham, moved his family and effects there, on Friday last. We Wish Mr. and Mrs. Firth much comfort in their new home. The Pnhlic Library concert on Dec. 9th promises to ho a great. success. Ilhe Station! Hersh! any: of the Star of the ovarian: “Miss Forbes sang with a A NIGHT wrru LtNovELLow.--0n Monday night the Pres. Chris. Endeavor- cars will hold the first of a series of Literary entertainments, and Long- fellow lore is to he dealt with by the numbers. Plenty of material for agoud night. with Longfellow. "Bum...“ _V _ MP" ing, in no small measure owihg to his good business managmuent of her air fairs, he retires with much honor. _ His inf1aeuee émm; years ago was much sought after, and the dictum of the Hear of Normanbr" went a long way. He has shoivnhinlself to be to intelli- gent and shrestd man ot affairs. and In many respect. his exampleil worthy -of ,omulation by glaring young m. _ great deal of expression which was facilitated by her tiexihle voice over which she has perfect command. Miss Forbes has a. large range of Scotch songs, and is noted throughout the Dominion for her success in that line.? VOL.~XX. NO, 48. LOCAL AND GENERAL Fr ‘0 t ,» /hltiiur, otulard Bank and essrs. Jones and Gul- i,iiii',"jtiii) iiittrtlit For a fancy Cutler, Robe, or Fur Overcoat go to Wm. Caldesr's Ware- Epworth League next Monday night leader, Mr, Jones. If you have cutuxh don't dally with local remedies. hut purify and omich your blood with Hood's b'arsaptwilla. Out. Correspondents will please hear with us. No fewer than six interesting budgets have to he lu hi over' as we dont like to condense. We will do them fus- tive next week. .' Ir RENEW --_ rllvfm'e the crush. -Ouy club- bing rates "1'0 now well knuwn, and to secure prompt change with city papers, renewals should he made. early in Dee. Review and Globe $1.50. R. and Mail $1.40. It. and Sun. $1.30. It. and Witness $1.60. It. and Mon. Star, $1.75. all to Jan. 1, 1900, except Montwall Star, which is fun-12 months only. At your first opportunity, and oblige. Leoson. Wanatah, Ind., as will be seen by our birth column me both lumpy fathers of boys. Remittances from both came to us on Thanksgiving Day, pay- ing for R. in one case to Jan. 1901 in the other to Jan. 1000. We wish joy to both old friends, and wish all our sulw sclihel's were blessed with-oem-were blessed. t On Thanksgiving Day everything in the shape of firetuatM' was brought. to the front, and everybody went, shooting tin Bruce Ununty)a.nd aiming the vest went a Wight named Sandy. He says the rabbits I'll!) fearful fast, and he couldn't get ashot at. them, so he cut, down a large maple tree and sawed it off square and painted the inside black. The rabbits were going so fast, and mistaking it for n hollow log they ran plump against. it and hrnined themselves. By Gosh , I got a. bag full. THE LATE Mus. T. tdrLLroAx.---The funeral of this much lamented lady took place last Thursday to the Saugeen Cem- etery and as might have been expecte} was a Very large one. Rey. Mr. Jantti, spoke at the house and also had a mem- orial service on Sunday. He referred in appropriate terms to the lessonsbu he learned from the exemplary life of the deceased, as well as the warning to all, conveyed by the removsl. MORE REVIEW ItEvrErts,---Dv, J. D. Lenh, Inkster N. an., and Dr. Cr, M. Bio maavEtty.--Last, Monday Clerk Russell was kept busy for hours weigh- ing the largest number of pigs, &c.. de- iivered in one day for a. long time. Our tSF' “A a; S Ft I A meeting of the Curling- Club, or1 i those interested in curling, will be held I K at the McAllister House on this, Thurs- day evening, at 8 o'clock, p, in. A full ‘attendnnce is requested. "rtev, Mr. Lediard, of the Chiidren's Protection Society, o. Sound, wan in town yesterday and, with chief const- .ahle Carson went, to Orchardvillo and [took two children in charge whose mother It is alleged sharnefully neglert- Nd them. They will be taken to the i Home in 0 Sound. The party is a Mrs, ( Lindle nee Mr, Donald. I OSIAGISTRATE‘S Cssv.-Collins v J. D. (Gunn, before Mayor Calder on Friday “out. This WiC; a dispute as to wages, [,plnintiff claiming that two months' i wages Were owing her while defendant ‘snid there was only one. A flui- hearing evidence, division was given for plain- tiif with a deduction of one week off for ‘mness. w. L. Mckenzie tot plaintiff, I w, S. Davidson foe Defendant. A Coswrsmi--Judge Morrison while here at the Court, last week infested Mr. Gorsline with constable powers. A re- cent Act provides for this in connection with Libra, inns. Janitors, tee. Mr. C. McArthur made a business trip to Toronto Wednesday. DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER hysggg Friday, Dee. 9th, '98, in the Town Hall. Under the auspices of the Public Lib- I'm-y MISS Ame FORBES the famous Mezzo-Soprano Scotch Vocalist, will up- peavon Friday evening of next week. Otlwr talent has also been secured. Tickets should be secured early. Ihr served seats 2.50m. other seats the same. Plan of Hall at Durham Pharmacy. TO RENT. Butcher's Shop, in Dur- ham. Enquire of H. Parker', Durham. Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod, of Priceville were visitingnt J A. Black's on Tuea- day last. J. A, Hunter's cheap Yarn sale has been extended to Dec. 8. Have you read his big ad. What better Xmas present than the Renew to an absent friend ? Only 81 for a present. every week for over a year. The Toronto Globe says: "In Miss Forbes. there is unquestionably promise of a great career. She has the poise and the sympathetic touch that are tho 'hiet' part of the equipment of a ballad inger. Her voice is rich and of Wide 'ouipass, and her Scotch, is that of one born to the heatbev." In the Town Hall Dee. 9th. PUBLIC LrBRArtt---The regular Mon- thly meeting of the Public Library Board will be held on Friday, Dec. 2, at 8 p. In. Court of Revision was held last Mon. day night and the allocation of taxes on the frontal system was disposed of. The town's shareof an expenditure of about 810,000 is nearly 81,000, hut, as the financial position of the town at present is in good shape. this should not materially raise next year's taxes. The frontage tax to some owners however Rev. Mr. Jansen lectured on Holland,' in Knox Church, Nornmnhy. 01 Tues. day evening last to a. large.' audience. a voluntary collection for the Leper M is. sion amounting to $11.48. Mr. Jensen’s lecture is received with the greatest e . thusitvntt wherever ',iJuC,ri'l'l'llprt is likely to be when it is stuffed full of interesting Information given in an in- teresting way of the Liberty-loving conn- try. He was in Rtratfomi about a, month ago, and is asked to appear again soon. ABOUT CA'ranrtac-. It is causedby a cold or succession of colds, combined with impure blood. Its symptoms are pain in the head, discharge from the nose. ringing noises in the ears. It is cured by Hood's' Snrsaparillu which purifies and enriches the blood, soothes and rebuilds the tissues and relieves all the disagreeable sensations. Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mailed ly A5c, by C. L Honda; Co., Lowell, in no Guut Inmtter. Let us hope the future will show that we have good value for our money. 'N Lerrm-Botm to Dr. and 'Mrs. Jno. D. Leith. of Inkster, N. Dak., Thursday morning,-' Nov. W, a. son. LEESON.~AL Wtsuatah, Ind., on Nov. 2ist, to Mr. and Mrs. (Dr ) G, M. Lee- 'of" LoBavsorm--At Hampden, on the 21tst mat, to Mr. and Mrs. Lobsinger a. daughter. tsAcmrrr.---0n November 22. at. Green- side, te', Mr. and Mrs. Sadie“, a. GRAND CONCERT. iioormrrua. . eased to say that Mr. N. Ding about in almost " Ewen of Muskoka ri y relatives here and in BORN. 'iieid Proton. Miss Hicks was fornwrly a scholar of sew-Linn H. A any from Bnuthville enjoyed themselves at Mr. Patslow's no.“ Swin- ton Park on Monday night. Quite a. number from around here attended M rs, Got-man’s sale last Tues- day. Had there been sleighing a great- er number would have gone. N r. and Mrs. Neil McLeod visited Mr. and Mrs. Hink's of Glenelg. Mr. John Marshall paid his wife a short call on Sunday evening. He is now employed with McKechnie Bros. The last sale of the season took place last, week and payuight was held on Saturday. Ahotus 81000 was divided among the patrons. who are, well satis- fied with the results. This has not been what may he called a cheese season, hriqes rulinglow. but as the make. has been smaller than usual, there are pr/os- pects that 1899 will show an active malket. Owing to illness Set-y. Wm. Itauiap,vsvas regrettably absent, how- ever he had the hooks all made up s-mtisl'artm'ily. 'ie'f, - Wood and stoning hoes was the of the Joy last week, Mrs. Archie McDougall is M New joyiug " visit from her father Mr, Hing of Barrie. An interesting Lecture was given in the Pres. church by Mr. Kerr on his trip around the world, in connection with yiews showing rock pebbles. tlowers and a number of Omar things trout eaiwm couutuiur. Miss Hannah Basile has been re-euung- ed In our school tot the coming year at an ativanecd salary of $75, thus showing past touching satisfactory. The home of MrN. McKinuou is at present enlightened by the presence of Miss Maggie who arrived liume last week, but mine say she is only to stay a week. Mr. Alex. McDonald left lust week to engage in the lumber business as liner with Mr. Neil Wslsou, and no doubt some mnmumth work Will be done, as A. is an experiuced “and. Mr. Ralph Teasdale is home “Her spend- ing the summer months with one ot the Brant farmers. Mr. A. McDonald of this place in busy this week taking out timber for a. large shed which he Will build next summer by eonlracinu' H. McKaduue. Muss Kate McKinuou is home again after two weeks tixiug up the Welbeck ladies in the latest styles, Tourist George Sherman returned to Wisconsin last week to spend the winter sensnu wrth his suns of that slate. Miss Minnie Anderson or. Toronto, is holidaying With her aunt Mrs. D McMil- len and other friends in the section. The versatile. Violet, of Irish Luke, in- forms our kind readers of our invading too for cum-lo our owo h,olet,--thanl" Vio- let-no doubt but you are correct, for if we gave details in all directions as far as innacle. our contributions would germin- ze beyond our control without; we got a oinicnlness associate tor an assistant. Mr. Angus McDonald of Pinnacle Hol- low, is in his usual smiling good health a.- gain, after a. severe attack of inthuntmr. tion, and a. half dozen or more of Job's comforters. _ - _ . . . Mr, Archie McMillan i4 down the coun- try buying up timber if such can be Lad. Archie intended spending 'l'hanksgiving holidays with friends in Toronto. Miss Mary McDonald of Boothvillc. who “spent. the last7 mouths faithfully with Miss Ir. F. McMillan. returned to her Boothville home Rum. Angus says he cares not for the ville Cor. but is afraid that Bahama] catch him when passing. Mr. Alex. McMillan left on the 23rd inst. for a. visit to his brother-, Neil and Mich- ael of Bad Axe, Mich, and other friends there and MI Port Huron. We regret to learn that Michael who has been under treatment with cancer; :o_r the pat two Giiri'rGUviirjhprovius,r if any. - Having sold his farm of80 acres thug. It is ex- Ectedllmt he and family Will accompany Alex. back. We loin in wishing Alex, a good time, as he is njolly good fellow. --__ - _. -. . u,,, 7-“- L. n... by-“ _'"""'-'. -ee' - . .. ., Miss Katie Morrison has gone to the Queen city to lemain a. while. Kate will be much missed from ourmidst " she in afavorite. ,4 -- _ __ , .. Messrs Donald Sr. and Malcolm McMil- len are spending a well earned vacation with their many friends in the Queen city tlns and last week. Congratulations boys. The youth and beauty from Pomona and this burg had a pleasant lime in Priceville one evening recently. The De- tective pulled himself off as the Rev. F. W. and firmly bound all documents. Mr, John c. Benton made the purchase of n tum of ponies from Mr. Rubi. Beaton" of the Island. Bob has made his hat trip for this lenson. m rammed on Fr'day last on horseback. _ Messrs. McRae md McIntyre from Ptuevilie are wood contracting in our burg. The; aye at present in tht employ ot Mr. A grip and suck peddlar Suutlayetl with Mr, Jan. White on Sabbnth last. Mr, Dinnie Dan McDonald left this morning (Monday) for vaes City Mich. tooommence timber making for Mr. N, McIntyrec-f your town. Dinuie will bi, machmilud' in Pomona " well as in Sootoh Town. CRAWFORD. SCOTCH TOWN. Cttf,r,tia'i' the mder Booth- V. will 432: "Large Sales & Small Profits." System " - ADOPTED BY We take this opportunity oi thanking our customres for Lpast patronage, and we are convinced that the new system ivnll merit, a continuance of i the same. The Rev. Chas. M. Sheldon's hooks, now so universally read, make it plain that that writer's hopes of the regenera- tion of the world lie in getting individ- uals more and more to do their daily tasks on Christian principles no matter what the sacriflee involved. In the best known of his books, "In His Steps.” he clearly looks to the neWspuper. carried on upon Christian principles, as largely the hope of the “coming kingdom." In looking about him for a newspaper upon his model, he seems to have hit on the Montreal WITNESS. to which he has ad- dl eased a letter, part, of which we quote? “I have read the WrrsEtm with much interest. [cannot sav that I know of any other daily paper in the United States thatis conducted on such high Christian principles. {wish I did, for If ever we needed such a paper in our country we need it now. ' t me express to you my apprecia- of the Christian helomm and con- ation which make a paper like the "tttsrsv-poaribtlitr. I have always believed it possible for a. Christian daily Or 00 00 1t,tgittti), Durlunn. Aug. "th. '96. SHELDONS NEVVSPA PER. s g @tove an: Gutters Our Piano and Organ trade is firmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. Do you want tl Sewing Machine? S? the New Williams---- nghest rice pai for Wood in exchange for goo s. O. MCKINNON. Tire beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means, Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be AT At prices that will surprise. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMENI WAREROOMS. C. hl[dK1tilNON'f),., N., G. d; J. McKECHNIE. . McKechme. of all kinds, Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and u prices away down. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES txrsucceed. You have [waved that it can. Somuch of the ideal newspaper in ‘In His son-pd is wanton real. I pray that you may continue to be blessed in your work. I do not. know a more glorious opportunity for building up the kingdom on onrth than by means of Christian iournnllsm. l lake the greatest pleasure in sending the copies of the “'ITNEBB to newspaper friends of mine for their inspection." Very cordially yours, CHARLES M. Saunas, Topeka, Kansas. Came. to the premises of the under» named. Lols5 and6, Con. 3, N. G. R.. Glenelg. one fat sheep. Owner, will please ptove property and pay expenses. 8 J AN. MCGILLIVRY. . tssir"TGGi'ra-iiaitidiiatfa. It in mainly otBoo work condqu a home. My straight “I" "a.rfnd, _t1Tytettlet.t.t bgee.t, tto WeEW-dr:21N, TtaNXwoRYrry Phat son- in my may to tmee" oer, Iguana-5 in WHOLE N0. 1081. ONTARIO ARCH-IN“ TORONTO SH HEP ESTRA Y. '91 .. l " a .. i l l, [3‘31 I t I Tf

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