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Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1898, p. 2

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The Royal Geograpttooa1 Society of London. offers 825.000 to head a sub- .ription tor fitting out an Antaretie ”Omen. TM British and American flags were tl land Iogathor at tho launch ot fill,'. Formidah‘lu The Government have declined to no. oopt any of the lenders submitted for the two year etenmehip service bo. tween Canada and Great Britain. Itis t,",',th't that new proposals will be nviM. Enngh maoutaetarors of armour pinto hue placed heavy orders in Bel- gium for new material. The stators of the Hotel Diem of Quebec. who are the owners of the Plains of Abraham. contemplate di- viding tho property into lots and sell- lme It. as the law. to the Dominion Government is about to oxplire. The Government will be petitioned to pre- nrvo this historic battle field. prod W. Johnston, coloured. hashe- gun suit ago Int ' B. Sparrow. los- sodof the Academy of MuiuxMontreat, for .108 damages for having been re- fund admission to the theatre on ac- count of his colour. Hybrid purchased tickets for reserved orchestra senator him-rel! and Indy. Lord Lnrr-dowuo haaannounced the Mopt‘on of in improved urmanent for British dobnoos. It is rumored in Winnipeg that the Northern Pacific will build a direct line from Winnipeg loDuluth. bonus or no bonus. and that other impor- tant extensions on the Manitoba di- vinion are In contemplation. Indore Bacon. who was arrested " Montreal for drunkenness. on Saint-i day, not. Into a tight in the police will} with some other prisoners. and receIVy ml such injuries that he died in a few; hours. ; A company has been formed in To- ronto wlih the clam: of dealing in municipal debentures on a large and eyetemedc scale. The company will be known as tite Home and Foreign Se- curities Company of Ontario. and the upltnl will be 01,000,000. Incorpora- tion in being naked for. John Gait. of Toronto. hats been ap- puiuusd city engineer of Ottawa. on a third vote of the Count-kl. John Arlen, of Ottawa. had [on votes and Gait thir- tee-n on tho final vote. Mr Gait is I natives of Glasgow, Scotland. The officers of tho steamship Welt- math. abandoned It sea on Nov. 6, opened the no. cooks in order to link lot, " they decided it was hopeless to “tempt to an the vessel. and the fiontiatt hulk would be u menace to uvwauon. John Hui]. Hoe-president of the North American Trading & Transpor- tation Company. and one of the pinn- oorn of the Yukon diatriot. now at 0t- tawa. ls reported to have made 86,000,- W out of the Klondike business dur- lng the put your. Tho London. Eng.. County Council I” prohibited Sunday concerts. Mrs llurrell. who killed her three chlldren in Toronto, and Miss Minnie Sexton. of Newmarket. who shot her sister (loud in August last. have been ute- F0 the Humllton asylum in cha rue of two keepers. A man named anolburg was nor- luuqu injured in a trmMor-atl tight n Caswuh- City. B.C., by a man named Lamb. He went to an hospital, where he dim. and Lamb in now under u- rut. "men A. Smart, Deputy Minister of the interior. hui a conference in Win- nipeg with thu C.P.R., land officials ro- gnrdlng the exchanging of land in oth- or parts of th, province for land: held by the C. P. R., in the timber reserves. The Danin on Government bulgrlnh ad '200 to the widow of Francis Moa- nnrd. of L'Islat County, Quebec. killed while ompluyevl on the Government cruiser. Aberdeen. A large» hardware manufacturing concern of Clavel "sd, Ohio, is treating wth tbs assessment commissioner for location in Toronto, in order that the Import duty may be avoided. The Royal Canadian Humane Society " Humiuon. has nwarded a Ttt.hyl P! Robert Darling for risking his life. in! “Win! Wilfrid Storm from drowning " mutton in Oct. OI)” arrangements having been tut- -tlalaotory. mails between Shaun! and [human wiil be carried by the Mounted Po ice. A rogu'ar service will be maintained. Col. McMillan. Provincial Treasurer Of Hallioba, has left Winnipeg tor the math. where he wilt spend the winter, In the hope of recuperating his health. William McDade. a young Irishman. who recently came from Ballast, was orlushod to death by the collapse of a tgt derrick gt Montreal, on Satur- M. ' " [about Envoy In. found but in her bed " Hamilton, on Sat- urday. From appearances the woman lust have bean dead fully in week. Mr. W. J. Martin, BS.C., one of the loam-or. at the People's Palace, Lon- dem, Bligh, Is to addrou neural moot- ht. " Ottawa. The Winnipeg Board of Trade are taking to have ttte method. and equip- - of quarantine " Halifax and St. John Improved. THE VERY LATEST FROM AU. THE WORLD OVER. Mltilllllillalll. mmamgwmm‘ m, o. P. R. has announced cheap "to. from Xaniroha and Northwest wish for the Christmas holidays. In. Ireland, wife of the aiming Trenton physician. is applying for the teetnmi on his life, smounting to loro artillery men for Enquimalt. B. U. {ad Halifax. no on route from Eng- I. V Toetzel. Q. C., is a candidate for the Inyornlvy of Humilton. mutton Locomotive Works will tend, 511.conpound looomotivu fer Al Pun- "ttrout...-.-.-" Mun-lying“... GREAT BRITAIN CANADA. The United Skates is determined that 8min will evacuate Cuba before Jan- trrtry l, and will not defer the time any longer. The Spanirh Government has been notified of thus conclusion. i The United States transport St. Pnul will trail Friday from Ban Francisco for Manila with about 2,000 tons of ‘aupplies, of which 200 tons are Christ- imvis presents for the soldiers in the 1 Philippines. ' l Edward A. Kimball, inventor and me- clnnical expert and former 'svperin- tendrnt of the machanical departmentt of the. l'nivexaity of Illinois and We rlllinuie Industrial Home for glue Blind iln Mileage, Le dead. _ United States Collector of Customs Ive, is under arrest at Juneau, Alaska, on a charge of criminal libel. Lawyer John Hyde. of Seattle, Ween. lays Jvey connected him with a whiskey "v't,u/"limr ring in e published inter- v w. _ Edward Beilstein of Pittsburg. Pts., Ibrother of Bertha Beilstoin. who kill- led her mother and attempted to kill herself six weeks ago, added another :chupter to the trugmly which sur- ,'roartds the family by killing himself Ion the grave of his mother. 0 The French Steamship Lino has l"" tored suit against the Cromartrshiret for $2,500,000 for the loos of La Bour- gogne,. and the Britiwh ship has been mixed at Philadelphia. Jesse T, Gates, of the Unite}! Staten Artiunr , who lost part of ttis. upper lip in tin West Indian campaign, has been awarded the first pension on no- count of the Spanish war. It is said at Berlin that Germany is eeek'ng to acquire the Portuguese oolony of Angola, on the weat coast of Africa. At an auction of old coins in Frank- fort, a gold piece on which In. the portrait and inscription of King Ptol- emy IV., brought 2020 marks. n ls said a! Lomton "nd Parirsthai Spain will yield. though under pro- teat, to the American demands. The Russian Br “We of state is made of solid gold three feet in length, and contains 268 diamonds, 360 rubies and 15 emeralds. Orders have been issued for the en- rolment of a battalion lot 1,000 Chinege James McNaughton. former presid- ent of the Tradesmen'a National Bank, Now York, has filed a voluntary peti- tion in hankruptcy. There are no ae- sets mentioned in the petition, while the amount of liabilities Is placed at $1,121,180. Prince George of Greece, the High Commissioner of the pom-re in Crete, has gone to the island. Admiral Dewey has contracted with a Hong Kong firm of wrecker: to raise three of the Spanish war vessels sunk in the battle of Manila. Luccheni, the murderer of the Em- press of Austria. has appealed from the judgment of the court condemninl him to imprisonment for lite. A train on the Pennsylvania-Railway near the Hm-kensack bridge ran into I can; of railway laborers. The to- ault was that eleven were killed out- right. one fatally injured, and only 'hr,.t' out of twenty men 06011de tut- art. Another discovery of gold in an- nounced in the Malvern dis'riot near Canal Dover, Ohio. The latest find is at Augusta, a few miles north of Mal Vern, n here M, o. Leyda has discovered on his farm an ore which. he claims to he richer than the Malvern pro- duct. Extensive Japanese military manoe- uvre. are in progress naur Kobe. Berlin papers anucunca that Hm Ger- man army will be gradually increased by 15.000. Advooutes will he seal to Cayenne to help Dreyfus in the preparation of his defence. Herr H. H. Meier, founder of the North German Lloyd Steamship Com- pany. is dead. He was R) years old. The periodicals publishad in Paris number at present 2.587, of which 186 made their first appearance last year. An elephant escaped from the win- for matters of a circus at Argentine, Kas., on Thursday. He was given the freedom of the town, and later 80bul- lets. He will live. It in reported at Battle Creek Mieh., that Miss Kittie Ken. of that place.J is to marry Lord John Eyre Nelson, of Norfolk, Eng., n descendant of Lord Nelson. Dr. Wm. P. Senaohaugh, a dentist of Port Byron, Ill.. is In apreearuoly' condi‘mn. the result of pranks while being Initiated into a lad!"- Over 91.00am: changed hunda on the election in Now York city alone. The betting wan the. heaviest on record. Rev. Tuner Rhonda. Mrthqdist. was arreated in his pulpit at Wiehita, Kan., charged with being an outlaw and horse thief. I Admiral Sable, has been promised the command of the European mind- ron which will exhibit the American flag to the European nation. The report' that Senator MoMil}an_. of Michigan. is to become .thtena States Ambassador to Great Britain Is revived. ttPP ' me. " wGiGirk ?tlttrirt & Para] was committed tor tn“. " London, Eng" on the charge 9“?"“193inz , libel oontained_in . letter “dug-ad to survivors end Pri lathe. of victims of the lobes” tur; Inter. intimating that her cant“! Ina bribed to wreak the wee-e1. ( UNITED STATES. l John W. Keeley the inventor of. tturl Keeley motor, died at Philadelphia. I Fred Beebe]. auditor for 181er of the Pacific Express Company, " ottBrtr- ed with embezzling 8150.000. A riot occurred in the waitentiuf! at Columbus. o. Ono guard m killed and two convicts fatally shot. The atrih of the soul minors " Virdon and Auburn. tlt., bu been ut- tled in favour of the miners. Recendy an order mu received ft Peoria, ill., for a large an”!!! of IPIT’ its to be Shipped to Groat Britain. The tugboat Plymouth wok at her dock in New York with two of her crew. Sir George Baden-Powell. If" who 39 I fibrin: Son oommimioetsr "ts G ENFaRA L . UNTARIO -AtteHNES TORONTO of Ono of the largest {twent- In the world rests on solid ice. It is tsituated between yaks Ural and Lake Okhntsk. When recently an attempt was made to dig a well in this region it was found that the soil was frozen to a thickness ot 350 feet. Seven thousand Spanish soldiers in Cuba mutlniod and demanded ttwir pa! before they will return home. They have threatend the life of General March. The General promised they would be paid. The Bel-ll" Pre," Fttvotgr an Fmtet"e-Att “Iva-mule to Ruth. Adolph Lowensteln, tried on charges of usury at Hlnnver. has been smtenc- ed to serve 32 months' imprisortnrmt, to par a. fine of Moo and to lun'fer loss of rights of citizenship tor five years. The Russian Government has order- ed the construcLiun at the Nevsky ship building yard of twenty-lhree torpedo boat destroyers of the Sokol type. The Sokol is of Nickel steel and aluminum. Hon displacement is 240 tons; bur coal cznpuclty, 69 was. and her speed 30.28 knots. A deapulch from Berlin si'.-)) aspirin ionc of Mr. Joseph C'ttamberlaia... the British Colonial Secretary. for an AnglopGeruturt entente, to which he gave utterance in his speech at Man- cheater, are well received hr the press here, which, however, contends that the relations between the two countries would never have been otherwise than friendly but for Great Britain's dtster- mined opposition to German colonial development. The National Zeltun any: that an amicable settlement , differences would be welcome. but a change in England’e attitude in necee- any. - __ _ - An American Navel Belmont-Inna]: Wttt Fallow a It'll-ml. A despatch from Washington, D. C., Bays:-Unl_s.ss Turkey makes good the indemnity which the United States has exacted on account of the damage done to American interests and to the pro- party of American citizens in the Ar- menian massacres, trouble may result between the Government 5nd Turkey. While th~m are possibiliti.n of danger in the situation, there is, however, no particular occasion for alarm. Minister Straus, in his recent advices to the State Department exprPBse", hope of success in his prosecution of the mis- siunary chum. The Cologne Guette declare. that it soes no ground for refusing the hand that Mr. Chamberlain extend; but it adds that oo-opentlon in only possible on the basin of equal rights. The Grlnd Duke of Mecklenburg- Strelitz has just celebrated his seventy- ninth birthday. He in five months younger than the Queen of England. Next in age comes the King of Den.. mark, who ls eighty years old. The Grand Duke of Luxembourg is lhe oldest of all European rulorsr--ninerty- one revs. During the troubles in Asiatic 'l'ur- key in 1895 and 1896, American nusswn- ary propuny valued at, $100,000 was de- stroyed. Repeated demands on the Sultan to make stood the amount have been urged by this Government. Fug- land, Italy, France, and Russia have made similar demands for like claims in larger amounts than that of the United States. and the demands of those countries have been rejected as those of tttr, Pulled States have been. The Philippine insurgents have oo- rupied three supurhs of Ilnilo and are expected to attack this town. Busines- ls paralyzed, and the inhabitants are In B state of terror. The truslneas men hare asked the commander of the United Shuts cruiser Charleston to remain in port. '1‘th Tageblltt syn that an antento would be extremely udvantagooua to both oountriu. In the neighborhood of Chtunberrr, .in Southern France, a family consist- mg of husband, wife and nine tshiidreh was found, all of whom had six tin- A father who has been in a. priaqn in Zurich in Switzerland. since April, 1895, serving a life sentence for the murder of his daughter, has just been proved innocent. The 'lurks are the most warlike na- tion of Europe. From the beginning of the century to the end of 1896 there were thirty-amen years of war and titty-nine years of peace. Tho mother of the Czar has directed Gen, Behwedoff and 20 offiwrs to con- voy who! provided by the Red Cross Society to the famine suffore'rs in Asiaiio Russia. ' laid that .Estorhnzy. at J: Ting?“ the Z " UL}. . stated that Goa. Billot. former Mung“ of War. give him 816.0000 for torgnngthe bordereuu. Fern on ea/h hand and six toes on each oot. The German armoured cruiser Kail- or. flagship of the squadron under command ot Prince Henry of Prussia. in Chinese waters, is ashore in Sam- Sah Bay. The Metro any: tint the mania for statues in the Paris street! has roach. 0d on acute phaso. It is now Prom oven to erect a monument to the Env. peror Julian, who governed in PM! in Roman times. Kline: Wilhelm has presented the police constable who I. few days ago and Count Arco Valley from murder by n madman, with a specially engrav- ed watch. The Hsdrid newspapers discuss the Carlist agitstinn. but express ttelied that the ollowsrs of Don Carlos will not isms a revolutionary msnifssto. The death is unnouncod, at the use of eighty-one. of the French can]?! general Michel, who distinguished him- self in the 1t'rttntsiPrutsaiut war in the command of the culrmiors in 'dttt tip moan chug. at RssiehshoNn. Besides the large expulsion: of Dane! from Norihern Schleswig d.ttrirt,.tr, the last fortnight, may Austrian Slaves and Polish Jews have boon expelled from Broslau, as m" u Dutchman from Westphalia. tp, defend tho British port at Wei Hal Wot. GERMANY AND BRITAIN. TURKEY MUST PAY UP. the hotel escaped. They were slow to awaken. Many were dazed and stum- fied by smoke when the police. file firemen and hotel employee. hurrying through the hallways. kicked wp doors and notified the people of their great denger. When they marttstpsd to reach the windows and tire escapel. there were no ladders. Many attempted tojump ti om the windows to the streets, hut were warned not to do so by the crowds below. RESCUING THE GUESTS. Then the firemen got up theirlad- dew and commented taking pnople to the ground, rescuing many in this manner. In the interior of the hotel an explosion in the theatre caused that portion of the building to cave In. This explosion also extinguished the electric lights throughout the build- ing. There were many people in the upper halls and corridors at that time, and firemen and policemen were try- ing tolead them tothe Market and Powell street windows. THEIR AWFUL POSITION. The entire top of the hotel was a blazing mass. Those in the street be- low could see, through the rifts in the mane along the attic corniees, forms WHiTR'S DRAMATIC DEATH. The death of White was most drum- atic. Three women appeared on the cornice of the fith (floor on the Mar, ket street side of the hotel. The fire- men could not reach them with lad- ders and they stood helpless. scream- Ing with terror. Suddenly White came out ot a window carrying a small rope, With thin he lowered the we- men into the arms of the firemr-n who were. waiting at the windows of the next floor. Then he started down the rnpa hand over hand. Half way down the rope parted and the man who had just saved three lives was dashed to the pavement 100 feet below. THE RESCUE OF CHRISTIE. One of the moat thrilling incidents of the fire was the rescue of A. II. Christie by firemen Keough. Forufew minutes Christie ran to and fro on the cornice of the fifth floor, seeking in vain for some way to escape the rapidly ap- proaching flames. Fireman Keough, af- ter runny efforts, managed lo reach Christie and bring him down in safety. A 88,000,000 HOTEL. The building of the hotel began in 1873 and “as finished in 1877, its to- tol cost. including ground and furni- ture, living 88,000,000. The building Wag in the French renaissance style, with (‘urimliiun columns. and mansurd roof. six shreys high, end with a principal dome 162 feet in height. The hotel occu- pied tip; lot at the cone formed by the intersection of Market and Powell.. strects, extending about 200 feet on terrible “N In in Timber Hm " MEI. Prtersmura. A despateh from St. Petersburg tmrtr.--In a large fire, which corn- plately destroyed an extensive timber shed here on Friday, 10 persons were burned to ashes. The Halwin Theatre was completely demolished by the falling of the fifth floor. The entire effects of the "Secret Service" Camp-any. which was filling an engagement at that theatre, was destroyed. Naming whatever was sav- ed. The scenery and stage settings were very vnhnhle. A great deal of jewelry and money hPIunginR to mem- bers of the company was lost. of men and womr'n crouching and clinging to the woodwork, whieh was already beginning to smoulder. SA roams from Mengiugss wen: [gt-ingyoured 11p- Market, 400 feet "t Pawall and 800 on Ellis. In the building was the Baldwin Theatre. The street floor of the build- ing was occupied by the hotel offices, imrrmm and a number of stores. In the basement. was an elaborately fitted mfe. A despatch from Vancouver. Barr.-- Wty-two Japanese were drowned off sgghallon, near the Siberian coast, in . storm while fishing in IN-ton boats for almon last month. A large num- b” of fishing smack; were wrecked. on the blazing building from every point of vantage. but without any ap- parent effect. Explosion followed ex- plosion. The .oof of the huilding col- lapsed, taking with it hack into the building a number of these who had been clinging for life to the attic gables. ittrm he gave up his lifts. the gallant fellow eaved the line of three women. The fire is said'to have started in the kitchen. located in the bucment on the .‘Ellis street side. It worked its way ’up through the flue to the aixth floor and before the alarm was sent in had gained great headway. The tirnt alarm was followed by others in rapid (i,'a'",ii','ii"t"i,ii,i.'i'i'i",, until five calls had been eent in. summoning every piece of ap- Plrutue at the command of the de- 'partment. Thousand] of people were §attracted by the auocession of alarm! €and the glare in the burning building and before the police etretohed repel almost blockaded Market, Eddy, Pow- all and Ellis streets. A DANGEROUS FIRE TRAP. For years the Baldwin has been re. garded by the fire department as the most dangexous firetrap in San Fran- oiseo. Built of wood, nix storeys high, with a narrow and tortuous hallway. it i.t a yonder that half ot the people (f/ he'll-tunic! as 8.18 1.... m WI III-(rod People We": Asleep In the 'lhstutatq--Ma"V Nan-ow Ind-apes. A desputch from San Francisco. Cel. att:--Thas mam Hotel taught tire at 8.Mtcm., on Wednesday, nnd it THE BALDWIN AT SAN FRANCISCO m TOTAL RUINS. Ill AWFUL Bllrlilh haa been entirely destroyed. There were 800 people, guest: and 'unpiorests, in the hotel when the fire broke out and a number of these people no thought to he" lost their lives. A. J. white is one of the victims. bat be. IIA LDWIN THEATRE GONE TEN BUttNED TO DEATH. 1rrsmtRMEN-DRdwNED l f,', , od MOST NOURISHING FOODS. Butter and bacon are declared by I rnetlieut writer tobethe most nouriuh- ing of "ll foods. Tnlnnr n.“ mlner lull Mono-s new" Isl-dc After III-tor]:- the. rage. A dospetch from St. Louis, Mo.. says: --.Behind the scenes at the Standard theatre Sunday night, Trainer Hall wan altacked by Prince, the liiggrst of the three trained lions, and nearly killed before his rescue. Hall was in the cage blushing the lions off tnr pre- Rental ion to the nudio-ncv. . Prince was evidently in u had humour, {urns soon as the trainer entered the (engi- his mane began l0 hrist lo and iv who“: el hi,, big 1eeitt sl iou: ly,: my p n l' “Pk- edly at Hull whenever he npproaciwd, The trainer gave Prim-ms a prod with his sleel rod. Quick " " flash Prince sprung forward in defence oft his royal consort, knocking Rallrto the floor of the cage. Hall punched the lion furiously with his steel rod. Hrinre struck at him uni", and the trainer threw up his rip", "ttt to ward “tithe blow. The lirm', , . i cut deeply in- to the flesh of Hull , .‘nenrm, ripping open his hand, and tus, trainer We: " 3'2“: never 111e Mad-nt- rm- ,,,. 7... _ A manual M Prince's mercy. The allnndants ed to Hall's asaintance and once in heating the animal off with bars. Hall's injuries are swam not nevassnrily fatal. on his horse, which then broke away. Capt. Karma and Corporal Swarbrick then came to his assistance. and enabl- ed him to rejoin the regiment. which had begun to opeuuhoavy fire on the engmy. Captain Paul Aloyslul Kenna, gut Lanoers.-At the battle of Khartoum, on September 2, 1898, Captain P. A. Kenna waisted Major Crolo Wyndham, of the same regiment. by taking him on hiq horse. behind the saddle (Major Wrndharn's horse having been killed in the charge), thus enabling him to reach a place of safety: nud,afterthe charge ofthe2lst Lancers. Captain Kenna re- turned to assist Lieutenant de Mont- morency, who was endeavouring lore- cover the body of 2nd Lieutvnant R. Glrrenmt1. I,ieutrmant the Honourable Raymond H-irvey Lodge. .Toeph de Montmorency, 21ct Ltrneera.--At the battle of Khar- toum on September 2, 1898, Lieutenant de Montmorener, after the charge of the 21st Lancers. returned to assist 2nd Lieutenant R. G. Grants”. who wauly- ine :urroundod bya largo ho'lyof der- viuhes. Lieutenant de Montmorency drove the dorviuhes off, and. finding Lieutenant Grenfell dead, put the body the Victoria Crow for their conspicu- ous bravery during the recent opera- tions in the .. Floudart, " recorded against their nterTM5tr.-- Private Thomas, Byrne fflnt Lan- rors,--At the battle of (Khwrtnum. on Replemher 2 1trttt Private Ryrne turn- ed; hack In the middle of tha charge of the Mst Lancers. and went to lha as- sistant-e of Lleufemnf tho R "mur- able R. P. Molyneux. Royal Elm-o Guards. who was wounded dlsmnumad diml"med. and being altarked by sew-r- al (leverthes. Private Ryrne alt-9nd, Beverly wounded, attack-d these dur- srichea, rennin-d n second savers wuund. and. by his gallant conduct. enabled Lieutenant Molyneux to escape, Canlaln Nevlll MnSkPlyna gml'h,2nrl n.uurrvm (Martha-At the httffte of Khartoum. on San'emher 2. Tftf'tt Cats. tuln Rmi‘h gallons-d forum"! and " lm‘kwl an Arab. who had run tun-wk 'ttttonR surma ertrttrt-6moievse. ("ant-II“ gmvlh revolved itrs Arnh'n "h'N‘QA and win-ll him helm: w-mmlnd ""trth 1 W'” in Ihn arm in no dwimr. fr, thus '4“er thas lifts of one at Lxant of the ramp-fal- lowers. ' A “no 0-1-0" and an "vau- lulu-ed for fan-plenum unwary Burl-c the la.- dun “unplug". A despatch from Landon, "rs-The following is a list of those on whom Inn been conferred the decoration of on the make at Beaver Bay. In! - eut of Duluth. She went ashore shoot two o'elook Tueedey morning in the fearful gsle tint ewept Lake Superior all of Monday and Tweed”. Her crew ere are at Been: Bay. The Tempe wee owned by 1)"M Whitney. or Detroit. She we. built In 1890. and la of 2.0” (one refiner- Btter In atotul loss. and we: insured for 0100.“. mr oer-go wee Insured to: 328.000. l ARTHUR ORR WBECKED ALSO. The tug W. B Gentle returned on Wednoeday night from the - and Che brought news of the wreck of the Arthur Orr at Baptism river, ntne miles east of the 1km. She went on at about the name hour as the Tempe Wee wrecked. She in not in " had shape as the Tempe. although nhe " broken in two. The Orr left Duluth Monday morning just before the storm broke. She had a cargo of flour and Cropper, bound for Buffalo. The Orr la owned by C. W. Elphicke, of Chicago, and in valued " 8150.000. She is only three Years old, end in one of the best te." on (In lakes. A wrecking expe- dition left (hie morning to rescue her if potreriblas. A demetch from Duluth. mam. aye: The More Tempe and Arthur Orr ere wrecked on the north allure of Lake Superior. The two veuell represent about 0450.000 with their eel-sou. and they lie within: nine mile- of each oth- er. The Tampa. Duluth-bound, with coal. from Buffalo. in . complete wreck A [elm] (ale TWO Hunks was“!!! LION-TAMI“! ATTACKED. VICTORIA CROSS MEN. Liomt to sun...- set and wounded off with iron b. but PRICES IN NFAV YORK. New York. Nov. 22.-Coftss-Ahrtiono. clo ed shady. unchanged to five; point. lower; mks, [2.250 but; including De. oemlwr, 5.400.; January, Sak: May, 575 to 41800; June, 5.83 to 5.90r". Aturtcst, c.- 000: Orlomr. K05 lo 6.100. Spot coffee -.Itio sluiet but Mandy: No. 7,invuinu, fit-ft to f'tl-4c; No. T. jabbing. 65-8 to 68Ac; mild steady; Cordon. tt to 15e. Fu,zar--1taw strong. held higher;rUr refining, 4c: coutritugat. 95 lost. 41-20; molasses, 334m refined Ilium: hm quiet. lulHY PRODUCE P,uttpr--Lihorat rertertst_ and slow de, demand has catttge.,1 th. murket to ito easier all round (mutations are m- f?llowtr.--rhtir.v, tum-5 pmr to medium, 10 to 120: choitte, It to the: large rolls, 13 t" lie: small dairy. lb. prin1m, about I?) to Hitt; cronnnery. tubs and boxes. hi to 181411; "by, l9 to Mc. Cheetsts-Virm and unch'mgud. Early makes are nulling " 9 to 9-14e, and late makes at 91-1 1091-20. RIDES, SKINS AND WOOL, Ail lines unchanged on the local mar- ket. with dealers quoting a: follow-. 'rui--choioe steers. Do; No. I emu, 81-20; No. 2. 7 I-ar, No. 8, til-2c. t'urod all at $40. “iv-ace on the foregoing. lambskin. and ahmo pelG--'ms,and (or chiooe. Mts. 2 lit,.'""-"'. No. 1, tic ‘. and No. M.reyfrtraprrah.et tths; fleece. 150, for null Iota, 4.1mm; pulled, 18 1-2c, for "%lliet 0 to Mo hr oxtru. but] “a buy barrel tal.. low " ' to ' t-4o hr rendered. and my all. " "a to "a.. Sugars hold firm locally and un- changed. Montreal keeps away and New York had a strong upward len- denor on all refined to-day. Urn-mad Wan quoted at 513-101;. and granu- lated a! 55'86. "uwri are slronnmud held higher. Cables report European mm‘kots firm. 'tard-Tia-ts, Te; tube. T 1-2 to 73-40.; pails, 78-t to 8c;rouupound, 6 to 6140. Honey-About steady. Round lots ot choice. delivered here, will bring about 5 1-2 to 6e.; dealers quote from 6 " To. per th. {or 10 to 60-lb. Lino. and u: comb at around 01.25 to $1.50 par doa- en sections, ' [ Baled lsar--Mkrrement slow. Strictly choice. in our 101., is quoted at 86.50 to 07.50 per ton; No. ttat u. t"straw-uMUrtr.t fat-letra. Car Iota are quoted, at .4 to 34.50 on track. Smoked meats-Hams, heavy. 10 i-bv, medium, 110; light, ll 1-i.W, breakfalt bacon. ll to IN', rolls. 00; backs. ll lo 11 1-20.; picnic human be lo H 8Mc. All meats out of pietrle le lens than prices quoted for smoked meats. I Quotations are u foliowir.- Dry salted shoulders, tkr, long dear bacon. car lots. 80; ton Iota and one lots, 8 140 bucks. 9o. - DRESSED 8068 AND PROVISIONS. Liberal rmipta to-day of droaaed ham: and mild weathar weakened the market. Dealara were paying about 85.30 to $5.40 for choice Weights. mo to 180 pounds; and about 05.25 to 85.80 for heavy fat hogs. car Iota delivered. On the attest values ranged from 05.40 to 35.60. according to quality. Pron- sions not so active and Value. un- changed, A h Dried arppuir--Unettttrttr.d. Dealer: pay 8 1-2 to' 40. for dried mock. deliv. ered hero. and small Iota resell at 4 to 4 1-20. Evaporated. 8to 81-2c. fog mall Iota. Hops-Wo change. Market holding firm. Dealer. hare quote choice On- Grio slack to-day at 16 to 18c, and mn- alder this an0 outside figure, while holders have still higher ideas. and‘will take nothing lees than 200. There are some of last year's crop on the market, and this in selling now at around no to 120 for yearling; Poultrr--Lartm receipt. and bad weather bu demoralized tho market Prices are uwuy down and only at rial, choice dry picked mock bring the price. given. Quotations nre:-Chick- enI per pair, 25 to 500.; ducks. 40 La 60c.; gem. per lb., 5 to 60.; turkeys per lb. 7 to 80. ' Btsamr.-Desmand limited, Choice hand- picked beans, all It $1 to $1.10. and common " 70 to 750. par bub. _ PRODUCE. Etrtro.--ateadr to firm and I go 'd average demand. Quotations are t--Nevt laid. 18 to 20tr.; cold dorm. 15 to m. and “mod 14 to " 1-20. Poutoeo-D.rtvorien ample for the tit mand. Cu iota, choioo Ontario stock on track. In quoted at shout 50 to 550.; and doalora sell out of More at " to 650.; tormara' loadl sold tu-duy at 50 to 65e (nights. .12; 1nd shot-tn .14. Pieter--) and steady. Export agent- bld tbs mall null emu! ttt “.10 for Insight roller. in wood, north and welt; mill- uk 88.18 to 'that. Naar- anon. Offerings light; on Iota, north glad want, tov, and out. 610. ' , corn-anon. Ameriotn yellow; (moi Toronto, sold (0-day at 4Ar, 3nd mixed at " lah. . ' an timer. Toronto. Nor. su-wheat-ash"' mrhu all stronger; Ioonl prices fir. mar. with me. bid for rod tndwhill wheat, north and wont; come “but, outside, Tle; Munitohu no firmet, sup plies being ample. No. I bird. ’Dnmm. and mratat, a hold at 810; and No. tyhrrd and No. 1 Northern at We. o-ri-Cnr lots of rolled out: in has. on track here, $8.80 “or bblitresd in bbll, “.60. M1ltfbed-aearra and in slurp de- itri-artrm. Cu lots, “It. sold at 500, and out It 610. Six can luld at that to-day. MEETS Ill 8139mm tMtn-tNr-r, white OI“. north and mt. cold to-dny " Wo, and mind an 201-30. “ msoewhiu-atromr and scar-do. Ex. porter. quote 450 for cu lot. out. Barter-Offerings light No. l, outside, 500 bid. sunken. Higher a any Stroll!”- R" G R00 F. I HES. ", our lots ot H. " p Grant is emit“... mind it We have print, but ho mad with mum with -tiort for in only tair. In shown In WILL Ol' “I whirl, hr m the to follow ' ml dq "In the ad Indivluihlo 1 Glut, unto _ names-or- " um ot and "Tho Au-rt, hold our lift' huh; roerui mutations, d In ulk-d u our ail is upon the, f, thin portion preaching . tudo. From (In he and] ot people run: and our inva I. . them In. dandy mu Empil [urinal "The on North in l Nile. whirl with its l Bapt- , tivubt. WI river. Our III ecu-a. whole od I cum. in then, the I can! guedit W“ elt TIN It")! “an good midis] oermiited [15!va I W I“! It: The copy 0 permuted I "fruit the hvourubk will .dvasa and war tt the emu] Blush. urn“ Runs“ ot ol he I] gm [ls III order " ot ' ki prowct ttt "in ob.iet Imam the cord with fr, Take and, Donn to to mun pl" gonna; u the iner Germany owl and “(a IS 00K “one Curt “all." 1 mm rho world. Bb"t In commcm gum lOWl will not to. Cu! ‘uurin. will moi minim o, up thet min-l t .1 Euro]! by (item oo-s'" aka Incl imam dd H, Huh 7 It’. Aha “bin-maxi 'Tune"' centre a! minim " dotal rul this I“ anon“ It. and ’MNC Gd m other In 3. like I inc no» III fr permit Emma y. why Draw a. kn Ito l) M inf vido due Ind m "I

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