West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1898, p. 3

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or " Toronto- y-Rye Sugar maple for tho do . Ontario nook. at about so " out of not. " and: sold today an yollmu (ml '. "La and mini STRONG M TT hen t-- thibith Ind I good , ttrec-m- .. 16 to I”; 83.20 mixed at SI) Id bad market. strictly as the Damien ‘. deliv- II at 4 Export middle sal on fir Id HER for for ‘0“ All: " out- and. and " Id and " est fog " MP In It. " nt " 0 I] " t. IlnlillllilMB8 Ilt0ll0illilll, IT IS SAto TO BE THE Ill "tCR THE GREAT. m vital-Wet to ACQI'M 0-"ch Ina-Ion -- Gaul-elem of the Will " Olen-led. The Copy of the will of Peter the Great is taken from "The Mercantile Gunman." of London, England, who received it from a London publisher. We hue not before met with it in Print. but we print it here that it may be read withpartieular interest in con- nection with the present Car’s sug- I’OBtion for universal disarmament. It 8 only hit, however, to point out, as la shown in the footnote, that the qrsnuinestesat, of the will In disputed. WILL OF PETER THE GREAT (In which he prescribes to his tmonetF Iora the course which they ought to follow in order to acquire uni- ' vernal dominion.) 'an the name of the most holy and lndivisihle Trinity, we, Peter the Great, anto all our descendants and aucoeasors to the throne and govern- ment of the Russian nation. "The Ali-Powerful, from whom '" hold our life and our throne, after having revraled unto an his wishes end Intentions, and alter being our sup- port, permit no to look upon Rue-he In called upon to establish her rule over all laurope. This idea is based upon the fact that all the nations of thin portion of the globe are fast up- pronch'mg a state of utter decrepi- tude. From this it results that they can be easily conquered by a new race of people when it has attained full power and strength. We look upon our invasion of the West and the East II n decree of Divine Providence whieh has already once regenerated the Ro. man Empire by an invasion of bar. barinnn. "Tho emigration of men from 'the North in like the inundation of the Nile, which at curtain seawna enriches with its waters the arid plains of Egypt. We found Russia 1 small rivulot. we leave it an immense, river. Our successors will make of It n ocean, destined to fertilize the whole of Europe. it they knew how to guide its waves. We leave them, then, the following instructions, which w» earnestly rvtwnnlnontl to their con- ltunt meditation:-. I. To keep the Russian nation In con- stant wartare. in order always to have good soldiers. Peace must only be permitted to remit the finances. To recruit the army, chomp the moment fawmxnble for attack. Thus peace will advance your projects ot war, and war those of pom. for obtaining the enlargement. and prosperity of Russia. 2. Draw unto 100,131 all possible means from the civilized nations of Europe. captains during war, and learned men during peter-so that Russia. may benefit by the, advantages of other nations. 3. Take care to mix in the affairs of all Europe. and in particular of Ger- many, which, being the giearest nation to 'rltl. _deurvos your chief attention. 4. Divide Poland, by raising up cun- tinual disorders and Jealousie within its honours. Gain ovor its ruins with gold; influence and corrupt the diet, m order to have a voice in the election of the kings. Make partimns and protect them, if netghboring powers raise objections and opposition. Bur- mount the obat:acle by stirring up dis- cord within their countries. 6. Marry Russian princes with Ger- man princesses, multiply these alli- Incas; unite these interests; and. by tho increuo of our influence attach Germany lo ou_r_cause. 7. Seek the alliance with England, on amount of our commerce. as being the country tho most useful for the devel- opment of our navy, merchants, etc., and for the exchange of oar produce unmet her gold; keep up continued oommunieatioms with her merchants tad sailors, so that ours may acquire ”patience in commerce and navigab- “on. 9. Do all in your power to approach olmely Constantinople and India. Res. member that he who rules over these countries is the real sovereign of the world. Keep up oxrntinued wars with Turkey and Persia. Establish dock- yards in the Itiack Sea. Gradually obtain tho t'ouuuund of this sea, as well as of the 'laltlc, This is net-us- mry for the entire sun-com of our pro- rcu. Haaten the fall of Persia, Open or yourself a route tuwtrds the Per- Iian Gulf. Rar-establish as much as possible. by means of Syria, the ancient commerce of the Levant. and thus ad- mco towards India. Once there, you will not require English gold. - 5. Take all you can from Sweden; and. to effect this, isolate new from Denmark and vice verna. Be careful to rouse their jealousy. _ tr. Constantly axtond yourselves Along the shores of the Baltic and border. ot the Euxine. 10. Carefully seek the allianm of Austria. Make her trelieve that you will second her in her projects for do- minion over Germany. and secretly stir up tho jealousy of other princes mint her. and managa that each he disposal to rlnim the assistance of Ras aim;. and oxerriso mot each a tort of rotertion which will load the way to future dominion over them. It. Make Atvuria drive the Turks out of Europe. and neutralise her jealously by dining to her a portion of your conqucstg. which you will further on It?. Above an, recall around you the ochismatic Greeks. who are spread over Hung"' and Poland; become their centre and 'support-aa universal do. minion over them. by a kind of mar- dottl rule. a.tt..ttratio 'sttrEdPttlti tt “to: Ill-v. -M'ii'e" _-" _ this you will have many friends among“! your enemies. 13. Suede-1 dismembered. Persia con- quered, Poland suhjngstod. Turks beaten. our armies united. the mac: uld Educ Sou sanded by our vouch. tako OF Prepared 'separately sud secretly, first the Court of Versailles, then that of Vienna. to chute the empire of the uni- verse with Russia. If one weept nat... ter her ambition and amour propre. and make use of one to crush the oth- 'rr, hr engaging them in war. The result cannot be doubtful; Russia will be possessed of the whole of the East. an}! [greatAportion of Wuyryy B, A M. lf, which is not probable. both should refuse the offer of Russia. mine a .r',Ti',1, between them, and one which w l ruin them both. Then Russia, Profiting by this decisive moment, will mandate Germany with the troops which she will have weenbled before hand. At the some time two fleets full of soldiers will have the Baltic and the Black fha, will advance along the Mediterranean and the Ocean. beeping France in cheek with one, Germany with the other. And these two 'oTub- trims mnquered. the remainder of Eu- rope will [all under our yoke. Thus can Europe he subjugated.” (The will of Peter the Great. do. epribed in the “Memoiree de its (Then,- here d'Eon" as n. "plan for compass- mg European supremacy," left for his successors. and deposited in the ar- chivee of the palaces of Petvrhoff. near St. Petnmhurg. It advocated "atr- pimmh as near as possible to Constan- tinople and towards the Indies, war! with Turkey and Persia, possession of the shores of the Black Sea and the Halilc," etc. The existence of the will, denied by the (Wars, was first an- nounced by M. Lesiur in his "I‘roges de la. Puissauce Russo," published at Paris in 18l2. In 1865 Dr. Berkholz, of Riga, asserted that the will was a forgery, probably dictated by Napoleon I. Mr. W. J. Thoma, the antiquary, and others, contended for the genuie» ness of the will as recently as June, 1878.) TOLD BY THE EDITOR. I. Found CHI-[OI mo Alto-lam Ill! One of Which Deserves the Wide. Publication hr the - " Mat - " Others. From the Leader and Recorder, To ronto Junction. The editor of the Leader and Recor- der, during a recent holiday trip through the counties of York, Peel, Dufferin and Grey, spent a few days at the old parental homestead where he was born and spent many happy years. The old homestead is in the township of Euphrasia, Grey county, about one and a half miles south of the village. of Heathcote. and about ten miles from the town of Meaford. It is occupied by the writer's y( ungest brother, George J. Fawcett. 'lhe lat- ter was the picture of health, and re- membering that when he came from Detroit, where he had been living for several years, and took possession of the homestead, he was in such feeble health that his life was despaired of, the writer suggested that the bracing climate of tho northern regions tnuct he thn best medicine in the World for DURING A HOLIDAY RAMBLE " VISITS THE OLD HOMESTEAD. at Oattered consuitutiun. The reply} made contained statements so remark-' able that we Consider it a pleasure as well as aduty to give them as wide publicity as possible through the col- umns of the Lender and Recorder. A se- vere attack of malaria, contracted whilst in Detroit, brought the writer'ts brother to death‘s door, from which he recovered only to find himself the vie- tim of a complication of troubles which untitled him for work. He was attended by some of the most emin- ent physicians in Detroit, bat he re- ceived little or no bvnvfit from their treatment. Change of air was finally recommended and he removed wilhf his funniy to the county of Greg. A; slixhi chtngu for the better was notice uhle at first, bw he soon relapsed intof the olrl condition and again sought: hPlp from the lending doctors of thel district in turn. Sieeplnssm-as took possession of him and soon he was wasted away to a more skeleton. Then the doctors declared they could do, nothing more for him, and advised; him to go to California. During all, wat' as well as ever. For more than two years past he has not taken any medicine whatever, and to-day you will not find a sturdier prci- men of mankind in Grey than Geo. J. Filwcett. "Whit do I think of Pink Pills!” be; queried with a smile; "why I think there is nothing like. them on earth for building up the system]; but for Dr. Williams" Pink Pills I do not think 1 “(mid be alive to-day." lrv-d W."___ l‘.-.‘ r” . . 7 o) " V “Inca we AL..." .'Fav.*%-0" li, what he telmud_ the 1m.ir'at.le isms?” Lt Cd','fii'ia.' V wrought by Dr. Williams' Pull! Pllls... "Oh yes, if Hope takes you into par- He had no faith in such ren/tdies, :Indl nership" it was only when the, physicians told) LaboucUre than went to Hope, and him that they could do he more ter, intimated his wish for this arrange- him that, like tho drowning man who! meat. Hope in his turn demurred_ catches at a straw, be .lhough‘t lys!, "But if I marry Marina's daughter " wmlld try a box of thy pills. lo 11151;”id Labouchere. great aeuonirduneast hm alesplessnpss; "Oh, if you marry naring's dauph- had vanished before he had been mung; ter--" the pills a wnok. and tp. slept like: This was enough for Lahouehere. Ho an infant. Gradually . hits . Hu'eugih' concluded his wooing by marrying returned and his appetite unproven!” Baring's daughter. whereupon he be- and soon he felt like a new man. A few, came a partner in Hope's. months after taking the first "t he: - The superb-nor m" yvurH has 'Hoven thot lho-rn- is, nhwlumly no 1iiseatw due tou titan-d conditiun of the blood or shunt-rm nux'va-s thot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will not promptly cure, and tho-u who am suffering from such trouble; would avoid much misery and saw money by promptly resort- inz to this treatment. Get the 'rertttirte, Pink Pills every time and do not be persuaded tolake an imita- tion or nomu other remedy frown dealer who for the sake of extra pro- fit to himself may say is "just on good." Dr. Willmms’ Pink Pills can when other medicines fall. m... w a- -- H_ V_ a, "." these weary months he read in the papers from time to time, and laughed - - _ . A‘ u..-:...._l-..ll Maximilian Harden, editor of Die Zukunft in Berlin, in to be tried on five charges of ieee mojeote for tho publication of utiolee muting ridicule on the Emperor. He in almost sure to be convicted. and my be punished by imprisonment, ranging from nix month. to live you", but tho oirouietion of his paper has increased threefold since the prosecutions. and now mob" I onu- ter of a million. Bow about tho children! “had tho inquisitive neighbour. Oh, aid the Inn who Ind married again to (at uneth- or tar mum}. on“. uh. do-t't mild Gar at an. AN EDI'lDR‘S TRIAL. Caterrh in the head is the result of e cold or succession of colds and is molly e dangerous ailment, as it may lead directly to consumption. It con- eiets of inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages. There is a disagreeable discharge from the noes end this often reaches the stomach, causing nausea. Catarrh is cured by Hood's Sarmparilla, which, by purifying the blood, soothes and re- builds the delicate tissues. Thousands of cores by this medicine after all so. called uteri-h cures bad failed, attest its wonderful power over this disease. If you have any symptoms of catarrh, take Hood’s Sorsaparilla and you may 'sordid-ttly expect a permanent ours. _ " d' Sarca- oo S Parma About catarrh Why It Is Cured by Hood's 8areapariiin A constitutional Dim» Requlm a Constltutlonal Remedy. The New Full, of the laminae may, Is. - " be Proud or. In two years a: the outside, the strength of the Japanese navy will be mpresemcd by about 250,000 tons of displacement. T In (kinds: Groups: Metreirt% at: It: toe ". Pttrtsrts11tfl._r. R_te1A.AsesAttttlluA1ep. l The late Lord Glenely waafond of itelling the following story of Mr. La- jbouchere, father of the first Lord !Taunron, as illustrative of the enter- tpr'uw necessary to the sucuess of the :poor but clever young man: Hood's Pills 'a'itJ2t'i/llya", Japan’a largest and most furmidahlo man-of-war in the Fuji, named after the highest mountain in Japan, hav- ing a tonnage of 12,649, which figures represent the exact height of the mountain in feet. The Fuji was ordesd from the Arm- 'strostg-Whitworth Company, England, with her sister ship Yaahima, in June, 1894, two months before the outbreak of the China-Japanese war, and ar- r‘vod at Yokohama, tha central naval station of Japan, on October, 31. 1897. The Fuii is a first class battle ship with a displacement of 12,649 tons, and 13,687 horse power, with a speed ot eighteen and a quarter knots an hour. The dimeavsions are:-Length, 406 feet 6 inrhes; breadth, at. the broad- est part, " feet; main draught, M.8 feet. Her armament consign-i of four 1-itseh Armstrong guns. ten 6-inch Armstrong quick firing gums twenty 8-pound quick tires, Iour 21-2 pound quick firers_ and five yorved.o.,tubes -‘Snft cums, earns of all kinds removed _withoul pain or sure spots by Put- }nam's Painless Corn Extractor. Thon- wands tettify that it is certain,pain- 'lesett, and prompt. Do not he imposed {upon by sulmtixulos offered for ihe 'Renuine "Puinam's" Extractor. Sure, safe, harmless. _ Few Londoners know that an eel mar- ,ket of a quaint and interesting kind , is held every Sunday morning near the 'south side of Blackfriars Bridge, barr- ing, of course the times when the slip- ‘pery fishes are not obtainable. It ia ‘mid to be nearly three hundred years lold. The peculiarity of the gathering lin that here only you buy sell by the :handtul instead of by weight. Six- pence a tistful is the price. and " ,though thy fighea aroAlgenex-ally small The Fuji is painted a white gray. the color of all Japanese war ships. Ber funnels are placed fore and att, instead of abreast, and there is only one top for guns to each of the masts. Thew masts are fitted with an tuu- munil ion hoiat, which runs inside. She has in hourd Captain Minra, Comman- der Suite, and a crew of about three hundred and fifty offimm and blue- jnckets. . She is the biggest war vessel ever possessed by Japun,--indeed, the larg- oat which ever passed through tho Suez Canal. This monster represent- ed the Japanese navy at the naval re- view at Spilhead during the Queen'a jubilee. As a young man Labouchore was ampluyed in the gruat mercantile house of Hope. When it came time to marry having discreetly made his own choice of the lady. he applied to Sir Francis Baring for leave to pay his ad- dresses to his daughtar. Sir Francis demurrcd, as Labouchere, though a rismg young man, had no fortune. "Hut if Hope takes me into partner- ahip?" sai1Atyhouclitre. . CTI' ink-(:3 aiisiar titan pnrbhuing by night. NAMED AFTER A MOUNTAIN. afuattyr1'rt;rr 74:? tic/W 7! An ”vii - nu., alut, id,ghtme(r, LONDON EEL MAR KFiT BOUND TO WIN. "2${uMme Tender Corns. my. Livor ills: out!» They say the jury hes acquitted thet Spaniard who murdered his employer. Yes. m must have been innocent. He shot him, you know. In What does that prove! Why. the (not that he hit him shows It was neeidatttal. now " JOSEPH mcxnos won ms FREEDOM. Hamilton. Nov. Su,--." Ambitions City is never behind her rival, Toronto, in any enterprise}, c0m1ne_rcinl or otLher- wise, and recently, would seem to have made fair progress towards outstrip ping her neighbor in one respect, viz.; the number of cures of Kidney Diseases effected here by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hardly a day passes without record- ing a cure by means of this famous and wonderful medicine. _ _ hubr- "new lleld mm In a - (in. Wild. Nothing Could loosen TMt Io [Ind Budd‘s Kid-u Pttb'--ir Interest just now is centered in the case of Mr. Joseph Richards, of 184 Emerald Street. Hundreds of Hamil- toninna know that Mr. Rickard! suf- fered for more than nix years, with that terrible complaint, Brignt's Dis- etMTe. Hundreds know also, that he engamd the best medical assimnoe he could suture. but without receiving either "ure or relief. Mr. Ithakards is now hale and hearty, healthy and happy, and his deliverance issylup taitirhto Dodf'ts Kidneg_Pills_. Writing of his case. he says: "I used many remedies that were advertised to cure Bright's Disease, but none of them gave me even temporary relief. I can- not describe the severity of my suf- £erings. They were terrible. .. " was advised to try Dodd'a Kidney Pills. and I am thankful that I took that advice. I used only four boxes. hut they drove every vestige of Bright's Disease from my system and made It man of me." _ -- 7 A P1inne~s,a Countvtm, a Durham! and the dnu'zhtar of a reigning Prince were among the 44100 thieves, profes- sional and unprofssiunrd, arrested in Paris during the last 12 months. A statement like this cannot be light- ly pulled by. It carries a message of hope, and freedom from dismlse, of health and happiness, to every sufferer in Canada. Dodd’s Kidney Pills should be in "very home in the land. Kidney Disease cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used. The Sandwich Islanders are so fond of the Sires that they actually teach their children to swimlong before they are able to walk. The tiniast mites plus am in water well om of their depth. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. m. hum" Irena Quinn). Touts. All Drug- lbh "(and "" money if n lull- to Cure, .0. It is believed in Norway that wolves are frightened away by telegraphed lines. Un ont' occasion a Vin-um voted money to help in the construction of a line pa. sing mar them for this reason alone. A correspondent of the "North British Agrieulturitrt" calls attention to the fact. that an the Cockle Park Experimental Farm of the Nurthum- berland County Council, one plot of land stocked with gray-faced sheep, each having 8-t pounds of cotton seed cake per day, gave in two months an increase of 52 pounds of mutton, whilst another plot, dressed with gave an increase of 67 pounds of gave an nncreasa of 67 pnunds of mutton in nu» months' without cake. The readers of this paper will be blamed " learn that thorn he at. In” one dreaded div-em that Meme pm been Able to our. inns)! It: _ . n - __. .., In. w.-..- that. Qr‘en-u "an urn-n III-v w -_v- .-, m, huge. and that in Cutarrb. Hull'u Catarrh Cure in the only pvultlvo euro now known Ut the medical trateraitr. Duluth toln u 00-- Itl unions] (Show; ro-qnlru a 'ootflah',',','h" trentmont. Halt'. Cum-m Cure in In“ in. ter-ally. angina directly upon P.uee te. H - ALA --.-b--- An. I an. mM, m1 lump m "' you I free "mote of Cunrum'l mam Hal-14M bent preparation for all muslin." of skin, chapped hund- pr face. The Hulohlm Medicine 00.. Toronto. er:.I|’, now-u- ulnvv-r-l _'-.. _..- ,,,, __ mucoua surface: of tho uyrlom. thereby dou- t-roying the foundation of tho diICMO. old liv- In-z the then' than“): by bulimia: " a. oomgtitutlou and ”than. untur- in = In work. The proprietors luv. so min-I tati In u. var-tin powofl. that the! otro OI. Mart. dred Dollar. {or “you. tin to rum to can. Bond for list of Tut'monhlu. Adamo-l, T.3. OH ERIN h CO., Toledo. th Bold t.T,?,,',1tht'lt tlie. 3311'! nanny PM- no the but l HAMILTON BASE. FEEDING EX PEIUMENT YOUNG S WI MM ERG FRIGHTEN “’OIA'ES. ROYAL THI EYES AN ACCIDENT. jirdr3ijtjgti'r'ictrE L COFFEE & 60., "Bram no 30mm: an“. Phi/oe-it-ti brow-on; * King It Wat. NEON!“ no Hold Iron. lug. " mum Brttieh Plan at non to. ti) iimhjid. 9!, l Toronto one: affecting fruit trues. "roubles, mock. ”an”. do" " their "mam vi) lac-lulu treo to MI who mum: thta rm. and up], More Much. MM. Our - , h p we . copy in the hund- of e.ett Dame! ad but Grower baton the min new. opom. " 'retNa'y?IrrPr.oro. pslntiu, whim. LAW i h The Spramotor. fi','g'r,'it 12"»? oouulnLnx pp. 13009; Jrsetrrmatloy an the ir Wa my!“ and Giant-ding “mum. and Inn. rp,tl't, - town cud v3.1”: in It. world. Over 100 [old nodd- nd - . In" boon an.“ on: m which II and II; III America And Europa. 8rl,tlllt,)'l'tr5lkrJG Le', . to at Addy-u- _ An lap-'04.“ index unmet mare-sell. moounu. no. No dud mum. "Send for “Nexus.“ "(I "rum SPECIAL" I'll. 0.. mm. mmnm an “nun-i. on. Insist on gcuing it-once tried always med. Lead pact-as, 40, 50 and 60 cents. v _ e V ' _ W, Mitt 'lNllglll9' " blinds Irv-Intiolnlua “no I'llwrv Cnndltlol " get MIB l ' or "" Country. In nth-plea In .rlvuio realm-um. "'"." - - balm“... bands. who“ In..." and II.-OO "our“. (in be placed II mm or tletter. but rum. nr uni-Mr Inn-hen. or 0- any place where linen In I In. or chi-nay. "" In" bola. luv plum u with In reach “all. A post card will been" “In-Inna! pu-phlol. Adam tmttttuut", In.“ an a “I. In... “All All) GOIIIIIIOI 'tseessssssss-ssssss-tstsstss1ttt-t-ssssssss"""1 Y CARD INDEX SYSTEM . LUDELLA $39 Besrritum.ote..romed to Wale! 31?. Rlch mend St. W.. ammo. Milli. "I". . “I'D! ’OIILM. l WEEK?! The Odorless crematory Closet. NO HONEY REQUIRED. We give this STEM WINDING, STEM SIT- TING. NICKEL PLATED WATCH. AMI.- RICAN MOVEMEN r, A GUARANTEED TIME-KEEPER, for selling two dozen Low Collar Buttons for us " no cent! “ch. and yooroMnu on A pod our! uni-a an. = with to all “nods tor um, ind In w.“ an the .3 down Butte " to you by mall. p .I: ‘p Ad. ‘5 hon “adults money. 01.00. and we will and you the NAME. CHAIN sud l HARM. with .11 an". FREE ar. 5633133,; iG GiG Rhino? of u (than; SIM PLAIN Y Pan one. Adda“... Manhu- tttin Watch In sum Wm! ad Man E Ind 'v _',qntr, to the unchou that wind and not the BAC "is; 1: CU 'CK that pro yt!tF. I!r" -iiGUiiiriiRta' Post one. mam... tasii'"iitim:rr 00., - [l ') r I V “I‘ll. = o. , "__ . til ho Ill B, dlae .. . LN “I and ab.- la . "tth. an ion- ', V) Luvs: Conn Burt- F, _ l [i math)“; ca. I g Sand you: “in” I , J $14.35.. ',ue, i" I tit. T, To',,',?,',,',', I fl gum. gonna“: , 'g'llurfdu 2: y W my.“ '0 to" a. ouch. wen-l4 , i A with. Manon wr ‘ "at. W a ' " ft _ . god “It” Mention In.” IX] who-mm , = 1rg'l'lh, I " .l two 1 .0 - St. B. i Ton-‘0. oi. AWIHIO‘ DIM-nun at Taro-l land-u and “In" Ix- Ilbluoll. "ML CAN TAKE Tn. PLACE or . “and Amohnw Ill. Chin n~nluhlc good-u - m nu. luciwnl a oo., run-u. ”On-menu} Sch: w m the valnu' on“! a... “a an; Ir J ELLIOTT, fraiai", IF you I." An) APPLEI. um. - "0|"! to our. an“. than to Tho Damon Comm‘ssion Tovo‘to. A!“ IAIlm-N or 9mpnm In"! Inc} " COCOA EPPS'S GRATEro.-coMFORTrNG. INEBALS TESTED 00m , a. ' I t ursrsi.rt m I I tilil'iE,il,' N 'dltl'tl't, IL. grow. mt can, for owe-“In cud nmpm aloha Mon but; “when. THE HOST NUTRITIOUS. mum: Ill-LR EY, a A, ac - mu lacuna-m s... noun-i. on TAMMERERS. Watch, Chain Olly Imam h cumin For the was! My vim at much him ”was“ Us Noah, I” (Jun w,r,tp,t,ep,i, CHURCH“ AUTO voct 1N.ra'TC'TF., . Pq-tttrite on, Verona, Out-In. BREAKFAST-SU PPER. Superior 52.9.“; Four Dollars ONTARIO ARCHIVES Dom] Certrnt, fax/2M; MAYFOID. “T. and Charm. '" 3h ti he “ - oh. . “and - - no dou- Li's-Cowlin- gong.» met-5gb. To att nth-n. Gov writ-out do“ wrtG'-.

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