West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1898, p. 4

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Couu. Iiastie reported that he had pre- sented on behalt'of this Council, to Mrs. Thos. Ferguson the memonid of her late husband. and um late cl-lluugne Titos. Ferguson, and would convey to tins Coun- eil her warmest thanks for their very kind action iit this Input. Huuter-- 1ieunis-That the claim of C. Gray be considored when we examine the place referred to. Carried. The Reeve reported grading lull on Bus Lute, Con. B, by P. Harper. can $16; Grading l7 rods, by Z. Grimslmw at "JO- road ".60,jobs computed, payment roc- owmended. Hastie-ioaeer.---T'ut room's report be adopted and orders trrtutted.--thtrrud. )lr. Binnie introduced bylaw 550 to confirm a bylaw passed by the council ofthe township of Bentinck closing a road allowance. described as on side line 15 concession 14 of the said town- ship. The bylaw passed its first and second readings, and it was not until the council was in committee as a whole, that the members discovered they were unaware what road they were closing. They thereupon decid- ed to proceed no further until a more definite and accurate description of the road had been obtained. The council then adjourned until 2 o'eloek Wednesday afternoon. Council met Nov. 21st, Minutes con~ firmod The following communications Wore read, An acknowledgement of re- coiyiug the Annual Report of the Bond of Health from Prov’l Sec‘y. From C. any to damages to a buggy, From Clerk Prat-in " out. let of water. The report passed as read, although Messrs. Gordon and Bishop fought hard in committee ot the whole, to have a grant of $25.00 given to the Poultry Association. Mr. Anderson and the warden were however, their only supporters. eordance with the amended provisions of the Municipal Act; (7) that the application oi W. T. Robertson for blank forms used in the oftiee of the clerk of Surrogate Court be granted. The report aiso commended very high- ly the work done by the Children's Aid Society. 215; (5) that the application ofthe Owen Sound Poultry Association for a grant he not entertained ; (Mthatthe account of $13.00 from the township of Syden- ham " medical examination of an in. digent lunatic, and expense incurred in conveying the same to the Hamil. ton asylum be paid; (7) that in ae, col-dance with the suggestion made by the clerk, bylaw 419, regulating haw. kers and pedlars licences be repealed, and a newhylaw be prepared in ae- smul report No.1 of the finaneiol (a mmittce. which was as follows:--, tE at the new unis of the Copp Clark Co. (4' s'.i"g) " jury hooks, and of ll. Breckenridge & Son of 87.50 for bury. ing Thos. Moi’l'ntt, an indigent, bepnid; (thhnt the treasurer's statement of auctioneers and pedlar's licences issued during: the year be printed in the minutes; (3) that Mon examination of the treasurers stationery account, we tind that supplies have been distribut- ed as follows; jailor, 5.46.48; judges chambers, $32.20; Sheriff, 81.32; Clerk ofthe Peace, $7.57; Clerk of the Surrogate Court, ie.1.80; county auditors, $1,836; county treasurer, $11.78; North Grey Registly oftiee, $1.50; value ofamount on hand, 812- 20t (lithat orders be issued "or the payment of the following accounts t--. P. H. Adair, $5.40; Jos. Doust, 820; Thos. Weir, $1.25; It. J. Edgar, SI].- (I 2tmaoar Autumn. The warden renamed the chair " 2.15 Tuesday ahemoon with the mem- bers all present. After the eoetitr. mation oi the minutes of the last meet- ing, the lollowing communications were reads-tmm the township of b'entinck, refusing to pay the expens- Ce' in connection with the bridge on the County line near Hanover, on the ground that it had not been consulted with regard to the expenditure; from the residents of Hanover, asking to be created into an incorporated village; from the sheriff', setting forth the necessity of improvcd ventilation in the mart mom, and suggcacing certain improvements to the judge's private room; from the sheriff drawing " tention to a recommendati: n made by the Inspector of prisons. that a safe be provided in which to keep the jailers keys, hundemfrts. ete., from the sheriff, mking that a quantity of stnnc be supplied for jail purposes, and also l“ " EGREIONT COUNCIL. ll COUNTY COUNCIL mt a quantity ot same be for jail purposes, and also mention to the unsafe con. he southern stairway in the " 00. - - nun: Mr. Binnie pro. of the finaneiol f any .unts M r. J. Lobsinger’n lace wears smile. It's . gill. The C. E. Society here have decided to hold these weekly meeting on Thanks- giving. After the meeting refreshments will be served 3nd a social time spent. Rev. Craig" will be present and a very enioynble time is erreeted. Mr, and Mrs,Alex. McLean arrived home from B. C. last week. They have been living there for the past three years. They are " present spending 0. few days with Mrs. McLean's parents here, after which they wilt again take up farming on their farm in Beutinck. Tho Misses Little of Blair are at pres‘ out visiting friends and relatives here, Htuater--MeQueen--Tbat the road Com- missmmers for the current year be paid 8 not cent on all monies expended out of their respective appropriations and all special jobs to be paid as agreed by Coun- oil. Carried Reached that the following accounts be paid t--Juhn Hinks gravel 18e, John Mc- Donald do 02.16; Mr, McCannell do 91: J, Ellis 500.:H. Ham express charges Me, to P. Dickson on road Comr's account " C. Melanie do tlft; D. Hunter do 97.75. D. McQueen do tio; W. Hastie do " Me1nnu---Htustie.-Tut we adjourn to meet on Dec. 15th to receive the Financi- ll Statement and other business. McInnis- McQueen-hat this Coun- cll congratulate Mrs. John Morison who han lately completed the lull period of Une Hundred yams of age. Believing she 13 the only one who has over attained this age in our M anusipulity. Carried. McInnis - McQueen - That we notifv the Mortgagor of Mortgage No. 7 to settle the balance due on said Mortgage, after which the discharge will be given, -Car- tied. Ilastie--MeQueen--TInt Mr. Melunis' reports be adopted tunlotder grauttsd.- Carried. Mr. McIunis reported the repainng of the mad at Bromore as followtc--1'o J.lm Rocks 20 rds stoning $20, and 22 his gravelliug $16; John Wilson impect- iug $1,totalW7, The following coutu- butious toward the paymot ol sun] wonk J. M, Findlay M, C, McMnlleu 32, Dr Sueath 92,Juo. Wilson " Total $10. Balance $27. cucQueeu--Htvstie--That rceve’s report be ad; pteal and order granted.--. Cnuied. The team reported a. job at G. A., Con. ll, c-xteuuhugeclyerti', i'. and putting in two posts With railing and 'filling in sides of culvert to A. Hamilton for $3,puyweut received, 11uuter-Htuittt--That foregoing report be acopted, orders granted. Curried. [Instie __ McImns â€"-- That Conn. Mc- Queen's report be adopter l. Curried. Mr. Mclnuis reported road improve- mculs as fullmvs C-- To D. Robinson ditching at lot 26 27, con 18, 11 when 20e, ttcult; rds. M Mk, total " Also 40 his. ditching at 55c per rod. and a culycrt at 'i3.75, an the eulvrrt at. tot 26, con. 17 is not completed he retained 750 until it be tinitshed, total $25; Also 20 Ids gravellivg to Mr Mchnnell m. 60e per rd, $12; Also r. rile ditching at 25e per rd, and one cul- vert and 3 rds ditching for M at lot IO, con 17 to Wm. Hays, total $6.50; Also repairing bridge at iot M, con 16 to Jun. Mason for 66 and clearing culvert and sum“ 1ittch on aldeioad at lot 25, cm. 14 to Jun. Mason. for Tlie, work done, pa;- ment recommended. y! spun p Hastie--MeItsuitr--Tlvat foregoing re. part be adopted. orders toauted,--Cttrril Reeve Ilunte: "sported gruelling and and work by James Dy et. on Proton. Town- line " ; gruelling on do. by And. Dyes $18; Egt's share $12.50; Also to GPO, nah-u repairing cuiver! lot ll, can 12, SI ; 1illiv.c, i, ies lot IO, Con 12 te, tttttttttml; MeQuren---Haatie-ahat Mr. Molunu attend to request. of chailmnn of Board at Health. Carried. Conn. McQueen reported that he let the deepening of when at Lot 29, Con. 4 t , Fred Cook for 76e, and cleaning water- comw tlxruugh when at lo: o', con 5 to 11.0" Ferguson for 70w, payment. lec- o.umcndeul. Hutater--5feqaeen-prut Mr. Katie‘s report he adopted and engrossed in the minu‘ms. Curried. M r, Jan. Reuwicx, chairman of Bond of Health requested the deepening ot ditch at Lot ll, Con. 14, in tho interest of the health of the village, recommended by c. Mcluuis, Rum! Commissioner, (1mm. McQueen reported tlrht he was III-.lnlc to repair the mud at lot 21, Cu!) 7, y mason of the money available fur that :ulpo-e mt being sutfieient for the work equ‘red; but recommended mat action .0 tukeu ut an early date tho Coming McQueen-- Hastie-That tl reuomg rc U'I' h “an HAIPDEN. D. ALLAN, CLERK. ., _ UNTAFEIO -Aittrtii/itiii TORONTO and orders stante a broad paymnc 03mg some ration. T of mthi "iust as Cot and pupa five years c should not] the intellie N. B.--Tendetsave not required for the supply of meat. to the Asylum in Toronto), London, Kingston, Hamilton and Mimiconor to the Central Prison and Mercer Refot'matory Toivnto. Be sure you (at SCUI‘T’S Emulate»). I, that the man and an: a! I"' the mm. The lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Two sumrivnl surcties will be t'vquir. ed for the due fulfllhuent of each con- tract. tipecificarions and forms of lender can only be had hy making application to the Bursars of the respective immu- tions. because he knows tt has been of untold benefit, should not for one instant think of taking the risk of " A 11sltyt WWW mn- At the Asylum for the Insane in To, rontn, London. Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brockvilleand ()rillin: the Gun- tpal Prison and Mercer. 1tet1Truatrusy, Toronto; the Refotwuttory for. Boys. Penetanr,ruishcne; the Institutions for the Deafand Dumb. I3elleville, and the Blind at, Brnmfm-d. of Cod-Liver Ott with Humpbac- ta"tt,,t of er, handgun“: It, S t w Skim trt 9mm “standard” The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to 11mm on MONDAY. DEC. 5, 1898. fur the supply of huh-hms’ moat, butter, dairy and t'r'eatnvry, giv- ing pricv of each. tiouv, oatmeal, pum- toes, t'ordwood, etc., fm the folluwing institutions dttriusttheyeav1s'w. viz,..-- A gloom of amines-m was cost over our entire couvmnnity by the sudden and un- expected doath of one of our most highly esteemed and beloved friend and neighbor in the person of ms. I', Millignn. She leaves to mourn her less a sorrowing hus- band and family of five children. one sister, Mrs. I". Torry. and two brothers Mr. M. and J, Campbell, to whom we e.N- tend our deepest sympathy. bho passed quietly away on Tuesday morning at the early age of thirty-eight. On Thursday afternoon a large number of friends goth- ercd at this bereaved home to pay their last tribute to one so dear. The service was conducted by Rev, Mr. Jansen who spoke lor c. short time on the happy and useful life of the departed wife and mother. From thence the remains were taken to the Strum-en Ceme'rr wbele they were l:-nl to rest, busi to thnse of her eldest son James. The Iunoral srrmon WM preach- ed on Sundny but by Roy. Mr. Jtsnsrm, and tt very Com! 1-:ng dist-nurse waugziven. The Clltll'f? sympathy of this and other cmnlnnnltiea is extended tn the hero swd fri: nds, cheaper," in a staiGGGirne" "iiiiG made by the dru ' t when Scott’s Emulsion is M53. This shows that the druggists themulva "an! Scott’s Emulsion "Just as Good Mrs. Rider of Proton Station, is the guest of her partuts, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wright. We are nan-v to Mate that Mics H. Lawseuee is seriously ill but is unprovmg. Mr. T. J, Hutton me bis ThacAsigivin,r.r, turkey at the parental home. Mus C. Wells Is engaged with Mrs. Limin of Durham. Mr. George Noble's family are summing from that weil known disease, measles. Miss G. cum, who has been visiting her sister Mrs, J, Metcnlfo of Lamlarib, return- ed home lately, Miss C. Hutton who has been ill is, we are pleased to report, speedily recovering. Mescrss. W. Armstrong, A. and W. Ho! - kins gladdened the hearts If three maid- en»; by returning home hour Milton whtre they have spent the summer mouths. Miss B. Alexander who spam " short. time enjoying Toronto sights IF home " present. soc. nnd has. att annulus. SCOTT & BOWNB. Chemists, TI ( and: " You nonrknow you . have taken. pint!!! an: am over." as. C. I. Hood & Co., ll s Ptoprietors, Lowell. Mass. The on): pills to an with Emma-rm Amfeat-reotrttnrottoe"ttt_ - 'tm,taaet-,edBi$uertrtgh. noun Filood's TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES. 1899. ration. The substitution of somethin said to be "iust as good" for s shod. ard peeparatton twenty- five years on the market; should not be permitted by the intelligent purchase. my to Take . any to Operate BUTTON HILL. .5: bei. w. -r b. "gr . f {94135 v',Y) R ’ "-eitR, kt "wt‘S; . MW orT'rcdr-afe I ntyre Blade. “YORKSHIRE BOAR” for season 18984)0. The undersigned will keep for ser vice at Lot lo, Con. I, B. D, R. Glenelg Rob Roy Hotel) a. thorough-bred a'l'he only Int-clan - in town Undertaking and Embnlmlng on latest prin- ciples at reasonable rates Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business camb- lished by her father in Durham in "" end will endeavor to give all old and new custom ers the same entire satisfaction. Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPEGIALTY ILm C. felt when the 01:1 man was: (:imainglum around the, barn with the lantern. Guess he wasn’t long going home when he got started. Miss Mary Edwards returned house some time ago irons the forth line “here she was employed tor a couple. of months. What we would like to know. Which of our boys it was thet went to lookfora job, and night coming on he preferred sleeping in the hay rather than return home. Better start; earlier next. time J. Mr. DuteBrowu got home trom Mus- Koka looking hale and hearty hriLgiug with him two tiuo deer, one of which dressed nearly 250 lbs. Mr. Archie Campbell is Lusy foaming hislately purchased hum. Archie is a htr,tler and milsuuu make a good farm ofit, Miss Emma. Swallow of your town npeut nweek Usnling {Hands In cur bung recently. We Leur that, Bunetou P, o, now under the: management. of Mr, Thos. Gray is to he muyml to our end of the line. This being the case somebody will have a Lnger walk, but, We slnouid Hunk It fair to have it unwed for a wlule. Mr. Wm. A. Bail who spent the summm‘ in the sunny wuth [ms returned home looking better than he ever looked belore. More than one will be glad to see Wir, hack. arristor, Jfoear , Gon- vcyancor, etc. , an. . . . lone to Loan at reasonable rates andy on terms to suit borrower. v . l _ Mm W. E Clnt-h “(WWW p;.hl “w 'etOte'.e<yeAiratto qt.et.et....e-itrto I' / McComb familiar; " Ll‘ict visit lust week. l I Mr. Gvo. Uyzm'a Him ol farm stock mini t ' _ implements went off wry well. The HARDWARE I, \ I' stock especiallg, Wm": mid at u good price, I . At [ 1htragh-hrtd Boar. Remember the 'rt_artdroppoaito the Market. Durham, MISS SHEWELL W. l DAVIDSON. osi,cuussrsp5ll5sa woiyiy,sc:uivccitiys4u'l'"i'-' "fr E3154 1t't'ga'1'ci1 E”: I' Li! ' 'ii1c'GiJdlrr;llui,' ' ”all .. 1ei23ikUGl'SiT.r42 tsilaFiil, war 3‘2? fi*rfi‘r1+h4‘fi-fir$r1rfl’Vm“5r#fi$Wr1'râ€"1 tF:TFy?.?ii5rir,tif,er"t,'irS, *‘iiuY’-I¢Wr1¢'zr# a . ... MISS SHEWE L, t TERMS t-81.00. an: A}: IE: 17R EREADY-MADE (U'flilliiL, GEO. RYAN, Proprietor. ROB ROY. Cash and OPM, Price (am the Bank.) RAMSAY & MORLOCK. Do Yon Require-" and style, with Linings equal to any tai- lor-made garment, you can rely upon get- ting the best quality for the Least Money at the busy store of T All ran-payers and others who have not id their flrnrt instalment of taxes lltl'l'ul'l"entd'tUt! that. 8 pet cent will he added for collection. Pay up at once and save the costs of collection. Be ORDER. A" second hand. platform ocrat. Almost new. A Second hand bu g in Can he seen at E Ull, riage Shop, Upper Ilown. A good hand-made now very desirable article. now being made are completed, about, the Ist of January next, they will be prepared to execute all kinds of custom work in their line....... Ch 'ldtiG. WATSON. G. Watson beg to notify the Public that the business here- to-fore conducted under the firm name of P. & G. Watson, will henceforth be known as C. R. The undersigned -- - -- -. -v---VVWW _eee"------- “’ ---- -"-_ --i- finâ€"u.â€" " iall58aailkiiggtit x. HF m a AR%' " Ti, w. iii "Hut; 'ri,',sffl"? 'A19tlkiMilf9tihtu A E B.gilW. Slaiit ttME B1mtmtridiiTiii,E Calder’s Block, Lower Town, TAX NOTICE. When improvements KW ' , Ir, V/ ' in Rood order. [cFarlune’s Cur. Spring dem. 6-9 Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. 8. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST GF the Durham' Pharmacy Calder" I Block. Rennie-nee that door west. of th " I Post once. Durham The uvdemi u thonoughhred E', on Lots 58 and lip, Term,.9i.hii.' on application. Swan's!) from Lot 21 con. 3. w. G, " Bentinck. five ff,), Sheep. a ram. 2 ewes and 2 lambs. nformmion may be lef t at this othe or MCFM‘lune's drug sun-v. R. MmFARLANE. Prom That desirable residence pmpvrly otr anhtou Street near the Station. lately occupied by the underui ned. tt 'uter of [and in connection. 'l',','. futhi-r in formation aprtltto DENTISTRY House tad Lot to Rent. BULL FOR SERVICE. , 9:}101-‘1' L. D. s. K. snap mm Y, I to - 7. u" EEO. RUSSELL. Tues. MIGHTON, ed has a fhst-clas,. Wham Bull for Servin- [ can a Bentinck. Pedigree may he seen rre.h'tce.' "ep-V- ”with tar-1 r1 "tit- 7.17 TI. 31'. 71 J" 9,5 It Prop. (Ott th pnce l Novel for lis We stock tl fering 111C SO bil T“ it t " TIN The {110“‘11 ran hurl In M NE BO sii" The in P', loin 'I'ud HE " Kipliw n CI‘I'F. I!!! We ru o " Itt ll

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