West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1898, p. 5

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We " Rent "he! 'Imh nan IGHTON “a” y Calder‘ or west of th 'i)ll NEH Ar a first-cue. 3" (or Service "on. 3. w. G. R a ram. 2 ewes ‘" may be left is drug store. 'entimt. * may he tt'l , EAST OF LANE. Prop. ICE It . property on slink"). “tel, “NI. 8 “cm of ll ll furt her in- Prop 8993 't 4 for"]? (On tl, TOUGH known bot ten I'l .lrwit-n‘s First may”. Ethits oi the Dust. . Longfvllmv's Poems. Daily fund fur t'hrustians. t'hestvvttMd's Lemon's. A Wonder Book. Black Beaut y. Evening Thoughts. Queen of the Air. Moving Thoughts. menion. Romance of a Poor Young Man. i'h Ten nglns in A Bur-runm. ' Brecht-r5: mhlressvs to Young Men. The 1'rown of Wild Olive. Natural Law in the Spiritual World. Lamb's Essays; of Fllia.t Byrons Puem's. t'onrsssions “fun Opllllll Eater. John iohutirhuttttt's Pictures, In Meuurviruu. Fri-cert upon Precept. Tanglewood tales. line upon Line. Rowerit-s of a Bachelor. Surlur “want us. Evangeline. l'mlim-. Princess ldle-z nf the King. Innilntiun of l‘ln-isl. Mulvanry Htov?es. Goal Dust. Housi of the Wulf. Pathway of Hafet y. kept forthe Master's Use. Kidnapped. Smirk-t lA-thlu l Window in Thrmmt. tly point of View. Bad Ballads Drnnunmids Addrewses. NEW, BOOKS SHELDON’S The Twentieth Door. Crucifixion of Philip Strong. Robert Hardy's Seven Days. Overcoming the World His Brother's Keeper. IN HIS STEPS. RICHARD BRTCE. in paper Caters, at 20c each 'Uuder Wellington's Command' " At Aboukir and Acre." " Both Sides the Border." HENTY’S' 3 New Books __ L...) you read one--- You will want to read the rest. Kipling's " The Oay's Work." And a Pull Line of the Poets in Fancy Cloth& Fine Leather Bindings Baring Gould’s " UP? ER TOWN We have just opened up a a: of 500 Nicely Bound “in books,, which we are of- ‘ing at the remarkably low it nf iiic. each. No trashy w w,r,,--riir"it,1"G7.f titles---watch ' Tim, mix: week. Among others we have We III MacFarlane 81 Go. DRUGGISTS a: BOOKSELLERS. ”URI/AM, ONT.... Lu in: mull/Ms ofg/our fume. ll V - JEWELLER. Watches, Clocks, & Jewellery. Silverware, 1ttatware, & Specs. -rNrm Repairing a Speciality. ibis i ll m 'lrow if! ha “1110. ty11 . GORDON! the \t rieuds ttht ovuth 0.. ----- ld 'N, Vicavof wuketieltt. . l 2' t'ti Idle Fellow. of Ruin. Skctch Hook. Pay"'". also SOG Ele- in Fancy Cloth :t the thing for mat 35c. each, following .xvell- " es.qt't4. [ Brrukfnst. Tame. . 1'reastweTslarul, yiclurol Days. tit Drmzm Lil' " DI'RHAM. Bome Exchanges proposed! Yukon "airs, Mr. Gumw’s appointment. The ioke of the week, and indeed “Several weeks. has been the recep- tion given in some quarters to a pro- posal made by Sir Jae. Edgar in a letter to the Globe last Monday, in which he refers to the proposal oi Sen- ator Chandler of New Hampshire that the United States should hand over the Philippine Islands to Great Britain receiving the. Dominion of Canada in return. The only proviso that occurs to Senator Chandler as necessary to qualify this modest proposition being that Canadians thmnsdves should be Willing. "which" he adds, "they won will be." After go: (l-naturcdly hunt- erlng the worthy Senntw, Sir Jumps Blgnr humm'ously [relaxes :mntin-r exchange viz r---Jouvttico, for the Son- ator's own State of New Hampshire, adding that no doubt the New thun. shh'itcs Would be just as agreeable to the chahgc as the Canadians, in the previous proposal. 5 Khan: or Fool. How anyone, reading the letter could hare taken it seriously, or in;- agined that there was anything but good natured banter in the letter, passes eo1nprehenssiov,. llut apparent- ly some intelligent Montreal corres- pondent of' English papers has bren badly fooled, for he cabled his pap I' the item in all seriousness. and the suggestion is indignantiy repudiated, in the Old Country as it unquestionably should be if serious. The English pipers are notto blame, ior they ap- pirently have been entirely misled, but it is difficult to get away from the iinpressimi that the Montreal CON'es- pondent is either a knave or a fool, or what is even possible, both. Of course one or two Canadian ODDUSiiiUH papers led by the Mail, have followed along the same lines, it suits their purpose to pretend to believe that the Speaker of the Commons was serious. This enn- ltention hurts nobody, however, and if ‘ it amuses them it is an innocent pastime. He Says Its "All Rot." There is a lull just now in the tor. rent ofcharges against the AdillilliS-i tration and its oitieials at the gold) tields, whether because the alarmists have exhausted themselves or have at length realized how little effect their fulminations Were having upon public opinion. it is unnecessary to discuss. It is however interesting to notice Captain 1Iealey'sviews after fourteen years experience in the Yukon, the last half of which has been spent at Dyea, Skagway, and Dawson. lIe declares that the stories of bribery &e against the omeials are "all rot." lie has nothing bat good to say of ex- Commissioner Fawcett, "I never saw a: man in my lite" said Captain Heady, “who kept his head so well, and though he had bitter enemies, I non-r I heard him accused of dishonesty,” and “I wonder he did halt as Well as he did." As to the charge ol undue favor- itism and so iot'rh, the Captain ab. :olutely asserts that there was none to his knowledge, and situated as he was, he would be among the list to benctit, had any such been gun g. Bat, Captain llculy explains, what did happen “as that he, amongst others, found that Mr. Fawcett had LO sattieient time to make oat Abstracts of titles tor use in sales ot claims in which he was interested, and he paid the clerks to make out these abstracts in their own time. That was done irequently and was the cause ot the complaints. The Sole Cause of Trouble. A similar explanation applied to the complaints against the Poet thm e. "Ridiculous charges,” Captain Healy said had been made, and he farther characterized them as “simply rot," He never heard of anything like brib- ery among the Mounted Police. 'Slow, over-taxed, and over-worked they might have been," "I never saw men in my life do so much work for so little money" he added. As the Captain explained in general critisism of the whole situation," the sudden awcsszcn of population from a couple of thousand to twenty or thirty thousand in a. _ territory where rapid communication l with head quarters was impossble L would demoralize any organization, it was the sheer physical inability to keep up with the tremendous increase of work that. caused all the compla me against the oftieials, The staffs ol t e various departments have been gutti b ently augumented since, and now th t the cause for complaint has been re.. moved everythtng is working smooth- ly. All of which fully satxcantiatetr the contention of all other unbiased ob. servers, 3%"?- OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Can't Please Them Anyway. The old sehool-hoy principle, "E ' ' 'Heads T I win, tails you lose.” largely predom- inates in the Opposition criticism of the appomtment of Mr. Gan-ow of Goderich an. member ofthe Ontario Govern- ment. A legitimate vacancy occurred through the retirement of the late member for Ottawa, ch. lil. H. Bron. ion, some one had to fill it, lor even if there were any grounds for the cou- tention of the Opposition, that there was no necessity for the appointment, it hurts nobody. as there is no salary attached. Mr. Garrow is not only in every respect as thoroughly Wcll rpoalified as any member of the House, but it was universally understood for months past that he was the next for cwbinet promotion. His appointment is announced at the moment he IS seek. ing reelection at the hands of his con stituents, consequently the endorsatitn which. while not required by law whvn tlwro are no emoluments, is gen emlly sought by custom, (could be given or witrdicld. Tlw opposition prpel'sat oncvdwlaw that the "e p"intlm:nt is made just now, for He sale purpo§e of adding prestige to Mr. Garrow's c'uulidaturo, it it had becn withheld till after his election, they would have howled their exeeratiot 5 upon the Government, declaring that it was afraid to seek cndorsation of the appointment. sothe1t ls no pleasing them anyway, ovd after all, Is it worth while trying to do so ? O tum-H per -4 {tr-"1 Put' ttur, Shorts per ttwt lt'ullWheut l" Irariuy, Lain.'. for lu TMMW‘ pvr lb Dunc: per lb, T, Cuts, ik Ih"d Hugs, my cwt EFL"? per tlop, . “mums r" I . . tl NH“ bums "I _ 1'uthoiotret Geese. .er ll, Hid, s. p H" CW Calfskins .. Sheepskins ' Hay, per ton Slrnw, .. Potatoes, pvr Apples, pew 1mg Some urgent buying of choice rattle- took the best oitervd at firm prices early in the owning at the Western Cattle Market to-day. Aside from that trade ruled slow at Tuesday's prices. There was a fair supply of cattle offelod. all " which were disposed of without much trouble. as the butchers were out in full furl-e. buying mostly all the rhuice stock without hesitating at steady prices. Thequnlity was only fair and the de- Imllltl fairly active. There Were 48 loads on the two nulrkels. including uhnut 85/) sheep and lmnhs and 2.000 hogs. Export Cattle--- The offerings wen- light, with an 1 nusually good demand ihrvlwavy exporters. One hunch sold tth' high as 84.25, hut nothing any higher than that. figttre. a ww”“v« _ij,'iiiii'i1t'i?,ii, géaa €115 'hp/tl, . Young Man-yon Fre. pale. feeble . and bland; nervous. irritable and ex- oiuble. You become fonetfu}. Inez-one. 3nd dupondent; plowing nnd pimpletr, [ sunken 'tret'. wrinkled Nee, “Donia: form and downcast countenance reveal ' the blizhtot your ex meme. ._,. s--------"---- -. ..-- .. Ti,., . ,VA“‘v .. ~'~,IJ _ . Fe _ A, " "a CA-mn"', ‘k I. .-;,»=y,' 'p w' New. wt " iuittA_eeit'tai'i my“, = :42: ...:-. au‘&.-2;.-;;_..3 ilrii)hihi'yl 'tit'ais Edit ma: Tire Leading Specialists of AmaricaE 'ill ‘IEAES I?! SHEET. i '_.'ut'sinir can be more dolnomlising to ip.'; " :9: cr middle mm} men than the was: g; were: If that: ' Lirmly losses.” They p. . prodvuisivskytsecr, nervousness. A feeling g," u diagastaadawueU train of sympthuu. r, 1 The-y unfit lb m:-n for basins”. married 9 lifo and social tmppint-‘F. No math! , 45 whether caused by evil hubiftt in youth, ,t'"S "natural wetucrterq or nxnnl exam-m. on F" New Method Treatment will "unholy -, cute yum 4 M . - N0 PAY Aw CORE J lid, wi-iuhb . Reader. you now! help. Early abuse or Qatar excesses may have weakened w,; Exposure may have direatrod you. on are not safe till cured. Our New Method will care you. Yul run no risk. ii'ia"ii"iiiiiiiiiocrit,lli, or DH "",', rah: rm . is F: g-A. l Fax?" " 123515253; _).'i.il, €256,969 CURE! 2’73}??? 'i,ylt/ilSSl0h'":':'tr. DURHAM MARKET Live Stock Markets. pm bog, pvt Mud-HI uck ... ii 253,330 C‘JBEE. Roll TI moNTo .37-. _-.... .-_ - WW .. h "E"! 3.3, it,yj,'A';:tr,ji'yf. -', 1-3. If.“ 'i'biN0 'e.': y .) '. “penis“ 51:5: il $.65 . :,r..iil't,'r'ucL'ia'L1ilAu. L"iil , 3 50 to 1 80 to (‘3 m 0 (30 " 26 25 to 3” 40 to 7,1) 7ro fl 05 to " tr, 6 50 to 6 5" 25 to 3" 25 to CO c, 00 tt 6 (m o 00 In 0 tX) 60 to 75 50 in 75 (38 35 to m to lo In Fl (I 5) (30 6 (m 0 M) 75 75 00 (1:) Tr, 80 T) 60 '16 30 50 10 04 14 ll 14 Toronto Sat Night Black ii. White Pear's Pictotial LONDON Graphic Xmas N0’s.., With beautiful Supplements. Order early and secere a copy. For Sale by JAS. fl. (llhl Buirlwrs' Cattle -No (-lmnge could be muted from the prices Hf Tuesday. A mmlvrale run mm with a ready sale at 84 pert-wt. Common were in fair de- nmml at, $3 to 83.50, Bulls, -Thor9, was a hlteval supply. Pvices Were stvady. Heavy exporters WNW quoted at, 83.75 lo 84, Light were in fair domain! at ft? lo 82c50. Suwkvrs and Feeders __ Hookers for Buffalo were a litt'e easier and were (“unable at. 83 totr3.25. Feedvrsnre still selling slowly at $3.25 to $3.50 pol cwt. Milvh Cowsand Swingers -Onlytt few good cows Wore Offered and they wele 5mm disposed of at h'vut prices. ranging from $30 to $40 (nu-l). Caives--T1uue was a moderate supply and prices were steady at $3 to 80 per head. Sheep and Lattslss---The oifevings were a little heavier than anticipated, but, prices remained unchanged. Sheep for export and butchers' use sold readily at. $3.27)“) $3.35 per ewt. Spring lamhs wet e in fair demand at $3.75 to $4.25per ewt. Bueky were quiet at steady prices. Hogs -- There was an exceptionally heavy supply in the annex. there being almost 2,00) offered at Friday's prices. (‘huice brought. $1.38 per ewt. Light and thick fats were (pint ed at $4 to 4,25. Smut were slow at $3 to $3.25 per ewt. DRUGGIST DURHAM. ""'ir"i,?eo. 22/ i? 22 L.o9. pea 75:] -TCD . - at? 131m: Wea. 7" r'x , v - -_ " b Weo. 3922 :2, 7a t? Juv/tit., eove2e Illustrated News or? a! -- Without doubt the la ed stock ever ehmrn in ourhttm.----r, f f ' Fancy Colors, Beat 7'11.»an and at priceagrom 835.00 ','C,"t'ari,.e-lt11"t?"g onee and secure bargains. Full lines of tr Own-oat; ond Robes and a! prawn that will surprise you. My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . ti'9hf25f,t9., A iarge tttorlt of Mam-mm Roller an Ball Bearing Pulpors. Prime Renammbk. Sewing Machine): and Organs the N best timr to buy an Organ or' Smfmg Mar/tine " just 1',.'d7lc'f1'. To nm'i this (ltmund I trill rrdm-v prims 10 per mm for thr ram-I in days, Money to Loan at, 5 per cent on Good Scrum'Iy. Insurance of all kinds promplly offended to. Marriage Lirmwm ismu'd either during day or owning. Come in and see our Goods when in Town. 1856 HPARKER 1898 OLD EsTABrJSHriD , ';iliji,' mgr. 5! 'ili,,iiii.. CIIEMIST and DRUGGIST. DURHAM 'f/i Mh":rr, 'pi' ""? L-AL-I 'y' marl: It'ir' L: net-J" ',i,1dlii-.' 2Laa',Ui 'luis..' F" "N" ttig'saAhu',ylerth't2ti ' ' ' L4; CUTTE RS a ROBE. 1; B‘RRISTER. .. V . . . SOLICITOR IN SUPREW‘ COURT. The undersigned will keep for service NOTARY Pun-IC- cOquIOIONER. ertt. tlit',', 17, Con. 2, Not-mauhy. season of 1 t419, the lhnruugh-hred MONEY TO LOAN ' Berkshire. "North Star." AT 6 PER CENT. I Alum thoroug1rlrtvd Changes moderate. . Ttunworth Boar, . Fire Insurance Secured. l Pedih'ni'ih',t.r , '.een on application. ' , . _ .00 office, over malttitrt.tryt Lom et Town, JOHN MARSHALL Jr.. iO Chm ges moderate. Fire Insurance Secured. office, over Giant's store. 1gswerTown, DURHAM. J'5JT5',5dT,CC,CCi',r'Ti' li THE BIG 4 VIIIVV -- -. --- - Collection- nnd Agency promptly Attended to. Wills. Deeds. Hui-mung. Lona. Agreements, to. correctly “nuptial. Elam of downed person: look utter, and Exocuwn' Ind Ad- iuinutratori Aeoottttty prepared and own-ad. qrw___R_-m- A I " ”MOI 100360 IIWI, an». u---_v,,, iuinistrators' Accounts prep-rod mud paced. Bun-om“ Court Busittrsm, Prob“. of Willa, Letters ot Adminlllnuou and Guardianship Chained. Sancho: made in Registry Once Ind Titles reported on. Company Ind private Funds to Lou: on Mortgages at low, It row- of interest. Valuation- mldo "y :mmpotent um careful \‘ulunwr. lr, SANTA CLAYS has just arrived with a big (tf W Load of Christmas Presents, TOYS, GAMES, (t.t lt & CANDIES. Amongst them are 'll , PHOTO ALBUMS MOUTH ORGANS in il) PHOTO FRI MES gTE1u',0s00.Hils if) ilj. WORK BOXES PARLOR CROQUET . w JEWEL BOXES CROKINOLE Ir) Ili.', child's CARPET SWEEPERS DRUMS 'll , COMB 8c BRUSH CASES WRITNG DESKS an m TOY PIANOS SILK HAtoKElR0HHilli'S it) w MAGIC LANTERNS PICTURE BOOKS I in And LOTS of Candies 'eiieMt It.t orFICE6--" Durham. At Durham Offices, Ict, Mhoplcns 52:34am} _:id',1'?1t",t,',' - . an e Jump us I I en er --- ' um 'r Mondays and Court Day s ‘Bedad, if ye was to put him In I. “on. can“! annex. camera uocx- Fifi have to put a lid on ut to tape him (Entrance next door to How- Donal thBre ) m I' LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. g,")g,',t,'fte,u"g't'S'2.""a W ts. Bean a (F... up?” gown. 'u.aGs:saa:s:s:iG.s:ss.sa:s.s.sat:s:sa1 MONEY TO LOAN SUCH As r)yw XMAS dl Illustrated Catalogue of New York jewelle from. BARR! TEA. SOLICITOR. non-In value. awn-uncut. ac. JfJeiaroiss-, c, Musto-- GAMES New Fru’ts, New Peels Walnuts. Fxlbens. r..e.k".tvt:r.t.t.t.tt:r:rt:rsit:ieeit . P. TELFO RD, Celluloid Collar and Cuff Boxes Fancy Purses; Lucius: Leather Handkerchief Wallets. Silk Line Lmlir s' Inallwr Hdkf. and Glove Wallets. Silk Photo Albums in Leather. Plush and Celluloid Autograph Albums do do do Toy Books, Authors, Fancy Lumps Silver mounted Pipes All kinds of lhpes Cigar Cases Cigarette-e Cases. ke.. il . LEFROY McCAUL. A mambo! Lumber Tode-t Sets Ceiluioid CCHNI' a Ludlss Lemhel Lndir s' [and Bagntvlles. LOWER TOWN. 0033A! In _tsil the leading goods CHOECE XMAS t1R00IilR1lil& B--Playiug Cards. Checker Boards, Damimws lies. Crockinolc. Parclwosn. t---Violins and Bows : Violins from $1.50 to $2590. Cmveiuxiutss, Jews' IGrps, the can stock of Month Org. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS. llYMNALS : A Nice Stock to choose from, of the tuan will attend always bad. JOv" Undersold. Owen Bound. Haida!» um! H. PARKER, COME AND SEE HIM winter Goods NEW YEAR'S NOVELTIES Mcduate. ‘uncy Toilet Casey. Japanese 'J Sets Leather Travelling Cases WM,, CALDER. Figs. Dates. ‘vnnum. Allkil -i5NTAttitfr-ARe TORONTO " luG11l PRICES The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 82, Con. 9. Barnum-k a thorough. bred Impmved YorkshiretFtr for the season of 183m. from the famous hard of J. R. Bethour. Peditretyyttye soft: on application. Dates. Plumes. Almonds. All kinds of Confectionery. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE The undersigned will keep for ser- vice, Benson 188-99 on Lot 23, Con. l, S D. R.. Glenelg. a Obtained from the "Gold Medal Herd" of J. G. Snell, Edmonton. Bunemn. Nov. 18th. w. Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, BERKSHIRE BOAR. tlllllMllllrllllflll BULBS. Japanese Toilet Sets 'ee may he soon ' TERMS 941.00 TERMS :41.00 DON. McARTH UR. BOAR. '10...." Silk Lined r to chooes kc. l. Wall w. T. COOK. Pt! It it It at at a}; 345; lt t'L (r l? rr?,

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