West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Dec 1898, p. 8

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" " Ct I ----'-- ___, "ONTARICS -Aittticrii/itit TORONTO I 1ltth1ii1au--1rtrtli--Tut cheques issue for the sum of Mo for Wad appropriation Wiillamo---1icaruiau-iu the. County ilenaurer be paid Mr, hr. land: bought at adjourned eaie by the Reeve in behalf of the Township at less than taxes, and that the Reeve be paid " as expanses. Curried. 'Twas a merry household at the home of Mr. D. Stewart last, Sum-day and Sunday. as Mr. and Mrs. J. McNally and family of Trzwel'ston were gumts there. Me. John Covlett had the misfortune last. week while attending to stable duties to fall, iuvaking a couple of ril s and otherwise bruising himself. Me. Ivan. J Wtule arrived home last {Saturday flom the vicinity othit. Mary's where he spent a prMituhle summer. Hume last week from Munitoha came handsome Hartm- Lench, v. here he had been to help Inn-vest and garner the golden grain. Mr. Nicholas Meloslt is again an on- (-upuul. of the home circle ttftee an alrsence of three years spent in Algmnn and Manitoba. The C-vuucil mel Soy. 7d) pursuant to adjournment, all the membem present, the Reeve in the chair. bl'uates oi lamb meétiug read and upproyed, report of yard expenditure in mm! il, was handed in, read um} Maybe}, “Gemini: rad"? from C. [Lungs and "Municipal World" also a receipt from Treasurer of Arteuzeam for many paid on tkuliue account. Miss Murjmie (‘mnphell left last Mun- day for Toronto where she intends to spend the winter' munth He isa tough hardy customer ls Mr. Ed ward P. Walsh, but the pesky uneasi- es has him fast and Ed. is forced to take I: pwlonged holiday, Last week Mr. J. Cross of t'hesly moyvd wut nf his belongings lo the mill and premises of A. F. Smith. but latet. we learn that the property is sold to Mr, Jos, Truax, who is to take pnscssinn shortly. Uottunistriouee Binnie passe-d through the village last Saturday from Owen Sound where our august, reproseniatives met in session, By the way municipal matters are very quiet at present, Is our ward again to go without a repre- sentative? Surelyuot. Me. Mac. McDoumid and sistel Miss Maggie visited prospective relatives of the former, east, of Dun-hum the be- ginning of the week. Miss Maud Dnvgavel is u visiroy in the Royal City at present. Miss Maggie (huueron who has been seriously ill of a few-r in Chesley is, we are glad to say. inmrnving rapidly, and is expected home this week. Mr. Edward Bray left on Monday last for London to accept " position in a cur shop there. Since writing uur lust, budget Mr. Dan. McDonald arrived home from the vicinity of Braunpton, his pockets bulg- ing our with hard cash, the result of eight, month's labor. A pair of busy men are Messrs. Sclwur- man and Cauuplrell who have the con- tmct. of cutting and drawing the Limlwr in Mr. Thus. Steaviut's swamp foe Messrs. Spat-ling & K inneo. A scene. of bustle, and activity presents itself to the eye a couple of miles south west of the village where a genuine lumber camp in in operation. tttt what is known as the Stewart farm, but what is now the property of R, Truax, M.P,P whose employees are converting the trees into logs and ties. Last Friday evening the village was bombarded hyahout two score of loyal Foresters who without, preliminaries took possession of the town, The goat was pilguncious and aggressive, but the muscles of all Liornoch boys are. hard- ened and well trained. and sixteen managed to get astride the delusive brute without any very seeious%uuage, Court Bannockhurn l. O. F. No'1265 is in n prcsperous way, new members are. being initiated monthly. the results of the labors of organizer Tinck ot Toronto. All covered With ttrupttorte-Goutd Not Work, the Suffering Was " Great-Mood" Has Cured. “Iwu all run down with complaints pceuliar to my sex, and I broke out in sores on my body, head, limbs and hands, and my hair all came out. I was under the doctor's treatment a long time without beaeilt. They called my trouble snags. Finallyl began taking Hood’l t.isr.s:apari1la,atld after I had used three or four bottles I toand I won improving. I hop: on until I had taken several more hm: {<3 and the sore? and itching have dis- appeared md my hair has grown out." M m. J. G. BROWN, Branttord, Ontario. "I was all run down and had no uppe- tits. I had a tired feeling all the time. I was advised to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. i did so and it benefited me so much that I world not be without it." MES. G. I. Bumrm‘r, Ccntral Norton, N. B. Head and Limbs GLEN ELO COUNCIL. DORNOCH. .1-.- One True Blood Purl.'1er. art harmoniously with Hood‘s Susannah. m. parilla The Council adjourned to per mum. McMillan-Williams-Tat the Itoeye, Trcasurer and Clerk be instructed to draw the eipkmg fund from the titanium! Bank ‘nd'pny Rail", Debentures when do. Curried. The Treasurer was kahuna: to [no- pare iluancial statement of Receipt. and Expenditure, and submit the scum to the Gntneil “next muting. By laws Geo and 881, appointing: polling places. and Deputy Returning (hikers and appointing John Mclums us all-whet of the Luca! Board of Health, "a" to"sso4 oul oulereil W be signal, waded am} un- gl‘CSatd ou by, Jaw boob. i 1s'u1l1---Willistuss-rhtd Juliu McKnizie i be paid " for flour tor James Dil'un and ‘that M. Campbell be ynid'lbc tor repair ofroud at in". EC amu- 6. Carried, Further cheques Were imam} as full.“ Q. M. Neil repair of bridge at lot lo, can. 4, N. D. It., 81; J. Mehttlutr, revue“ on Durham tom] 60e; L 31ckeehuie, repair of Culvert. con 4, S. D. it., Cri, John Mer Donuid. work at lot GO, con 8, S. 1). it., $1; J. ManchL-u. removing jam. Int. GO, con 2, N D. It., $2; J. Firth, letting and inset-Hug rondjubs, M; The clerk (3-H.- yojn-viciing no. McColmick Diriniiou, $2; J. . Jilliams, letting and inspecting. N.dO.’1'hos. McFadden, lemma and its speeting $1.50; John Hellman. letting and insprclihg SI', The Reeve. Clerk and Assessor, treleetiug jurors, " “an”: and $17.87 " speci-d jut“ in wsrd th Curried. Mer?tuldtuv.--Williatus--Tl;ttt the acct. of C. Ramage for ()3.80 fur [muting and the Municipal World, 51 cents fur Vo'em‘ Lint Book he paid. (buried. MeMillau--MeFtchuts--.'i"tsut Commis- sioner for wart 3 be insuuctcd to s-xmuine hill " Baird's Mill, con 12, and haw the same reputed. as it is said to he in . dangerous eonditiou. Can ied. Williatttts--Firtu-'1'hat the Reeve and Commissioner for ward 8 bu inatructed to examine On 's Bridge, and it found necessary. have the same put in a rate state for travel. Carried McMillan-Firth-That Mulcolm Me- Milluu be paid $160 fur building bridge at lot ti, can 2, K. D. It., and " extra for to- pair of abutment, and that the Reeve and Coautn%siuner McFadden I-u [mi-l Sli each for letting and inspecting the same. Cut tied. Ftrth--Wiilituus--Tiuit kpeciul nepmt for ward 4, showing: an expeu.htute of t88.10 he adopted and that cheque isms for the same. Carried. ct,) And will be pleased i} i) to quote prices and IQ _'j] show you samples at I": 31w any time. 31:) {A} Our stock is complete ", 'N, in all lines, and you " r; will find the prices, Jd 'pi' vcrylow in every case. i':']., 'td Ut' :,'/) mm. J)faeftaruru, f) ,c , NEXT HANK. f». bttxMpatp,2th'p?A.N.t,N ma 'VN . wt.“ #1.!!! 't--hqratr.am-".seaBtn-_v=sPVi"r.Naq_", WA TCHE8. CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVERWA RE, have.) ___'.') i) ""UIni)gt l MIRACLE i The Hanover Couv:-yarccsr Ver, the following bargains: "I‘msmu: FARM; lot al am. 2, W.G. I R. Bentinck. Will sell this tine IOU acres for but little more than was i aid a few years ago before Mr. “ Rh/ld built on it a. large brick ( dwelling which he says cost SKID. IIOSBACK Fun; " Lamlash, about l 97 acres, good building, close to Post (Knee, Store, Chumh and School. Will sell at a great bargain or trade. LEWIS Ema: “an, tomttrhipofHoGiik l good form in German settlement. I Vill sell cheap or exchange. 00n- _ min: 100 acme, well ImpnoVed. a 100 40:3 FARM in ..18titltteii, Pretty ttood lot, at any .850 should brink Ft'200. Who apex.“ titat? Home molar " Allen Park, to be given any. comerable dwelling, f')tltg'gt,h a Pi my to an a cent. 'ite, Life and Accldont Ignace, Ocean Ticket- for sole. Deh- oolleetod, all “no. attended to nukklw “A At each others throats won probably raise the Max:341 H. H. M t LLER, CALL d; SEE OUR England & Russia To the Phrmmlinr Medicine Co., Ltd. ()(lmra. Grr.x'rtaswex,--l hardly know how host, to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatir remedy. l’ln-onoline. My son Goidon. who Is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from ittthutiutatory rheu- matism for the past. two years l was so lmdattitnes that he had to he carried alum, on a mam-am; was attended by two city doctors apparently without the slightest benefit: spent. 10 da " at. Caledonia Springs. came home with no marked im wement l took three bottles of a. Tll'f,'l'lfitlli remedy now being extensivelv advertised. which did not relieve him in the least. I was he- gmning to give. up all hope of his recov- ery. w en y chance. I mentioned the case to a friend who strongly advised me to give Phreuollne a trial. I did so. with the result that when my Iso had taken only half a hunk he was G,'re to Ret on his lucvcle and rude like any other boy Manna the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in ”use of your medicine. and shat]! do a"! I can to make known its value. to ushers: Yetytt ATIT sincerely, Worknmuship Unsurpassed Fine Choice in Vauses. Grips, Horse Blankets. Ae., to. We do the trade in new Furs. Highest Price Paid. Wit 3 Bites, Whips, l 320., &c. Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. We Handle everything in the Harm 3 line, at right prices. C. LEAVENL , Jr. '. 3rottaar. Jinan“- QOnWyamr, , (um-m. , nuns Veta' hinwn-ly. (Signed) TtRUBEN CLARK. 'gatl1ill, OTTAWA. Sept. 9th, 1800. Collars, Pads, collected, all quickly tad but In the meantime would Culvndor fr, TO RES” ham. Furl Fun HAL! cutter. Ca per Town. [aspen-Hr ductmg the 28 Candida“ Will Ilm nu subs, Get you! Review "tth t this widely " tio penny I ChtGto U. Me 1): m audit vot c ilupm and t " ofla " 'III'H usm m. ' who c-arr luminous. eighl In death wi he int-9m chum: whirl Il mun-tum grcin. pork. Parties wioitti Italian. will fir ho 03¢an his , um ' ‘m-m-r. w stunt highc The Turn Forhes. thet of a Rtrat r and the syn chief part 01 Ginsu-r. "I- e'aN"Ptt" how u Hail IN " Pt "icy "" Nent min gum " whirl Tm: “DAILY Hi. A alums! nod WW wee. Wot “III BL: tous it In!" mun full of tset'tttoHti npe .gious upli feature wot church is ittt of music [not On has it J. to F " tit Ul al tUst il Il " LOC AIR "w. " " nmmr been. " ti " d mm M

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