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Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1898, p. 1

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up " can Nance eolle "surpassed RAC LE mum}: mprnn munch Isl) Mill"! "18813. mats would LLER, ' Grips. Horse un mix ”ARR " vegans”, 0U. :ollected, all ytiekly and ces, Furs. Highest M ,Jr. an tl Harness 'fller. " " I was of his re otioned ll Pads " " 1w "I f H M W "I ot your mmlim‘. old, has ry rheu- ', was so carried "led by without days at with no three 'ly now tich did " Inlvised say too w. and rwn its m-rt-ly. n " I000 TIDE n my , was like add W IS!“ My rov- t he "I re nt on the " w 'e M K” ha Get yuul Sale hills printed at the t'o.view “mus. and sveurewt notice in 'his widely wad paper. Iirstpei'rust' (‘mnpbell is this week con- Ichpm-cor ('nlnpbell is this week con- lucn-Ig the Model School Examination. c, i'andidates are writing. Will those who promised wood on Subscription, bring it along tirst chartce sud oblige. Mess,vvv. Joues and Galbraith were at Humimw' Ian Friday last and had a gum! nulis-m-e to liuten to their fine (-nmhina- mm hf vocal and instrumental abilities. (‘hristnm m-nls and llnusvht 'I'mlil. Sam- at 1 ti Nit-Hm“. Auctione Ht. Auguslim- wine 8t, nu-ntul wine, at Parker’s THE “DAILY Poten"- veipt. of several copies which is the Weekly I tttt iea.iot public opinion spicy pages w claim. "tpre'""" N wt Saws at J. A. Hunter’s. I'tll at thi. Standard Bank and get a ti,,.l,dtwri,vlttrA 2 '14) ItrirT. Butcher's Shop, in Dur- ml. rhcuireof H. Parker, Durham. Fol: yiArnc.--Good, strong. band-made ttttw. Callat McArthurhs Store, Up- Ill hanged NEW Art uwtin, pork. Inuee. w I’m-ties wishing to avoid station, will ftud this a he stores his grain m t stone granary ttt ul tht 4tt.tAT The Toronto Globe eaw: Nn Miss I’m-hes. there is unquestionably promise Ma grout mun-r. She has the poise and the svnmathvtio touch that are the vhiof part of the vuuipnwnt, of n ballad ~ingo-r. Her voice is rich and of nude (-mnpnss. an” hm- Scotch. is that, of one Ixnvn m mp lr-ntlwr.” In the Town " swelling in my feet and limbs. l was: nut able- to walk for tour tnonths. I read about Howl‘s 'iatsavarilla nnd pm- mum] a bottle. vim-o I had taken it all theswNlinurlett nw. l took three battles o" Hols "ml have nnt been troublod with swelling since." He. liver-a Sperm-s. Chatham. Ont. Hood‘s Pills. cure. all liver ills. Pkwy to take, may to operate t reliable. sure. 2.5c. 8 hars of Snap for 2.N. .It. J. A. Hunt. en’s. " Pevfumes via" the choice odors in (ily at. qulwr’s drug store. . CoarPgaMesrARY. -- Late issues oi Fowler. Indiana. papers. contain evid compass. an” nor any horn In the hr-mhm Hall Der. Oth. ho ttty Suns l a swellin nut "ble read aho " 1 Lord ”TINT eutett " I all the m bottles t troubled Tow " {I q t'ovI'r,itir"s".'rlv'1. luv t'ivtzx of Fault-z. 'H-V‘il‘lJI. tutor-rm mm‘m‘n Ovid. “no I'm! “FY. t'. ll. Ltu.ccct. 'rutt. of Vattwy, i, thing '::oiul Work in the mink”); Ho has :ninptml a plan of?) minuh- lull“ hrfurt- tlit' srl'num, which mums to be " m-w and taking idea. We quotc' with pivusun- the following “HUS, which un- " testimony to our old frimd Ind pupil we rejoice lo Net'.' "There. were.trood utulivntrs at both of Rev, C. H. Lee-son's services Sunday. The changed feelings of that. congregation almost amounts to " revival so radical has it been. Mr. Leeson is a young mgn full of vim and learning. a desire to do good and Bee the results. Hts sermons are satisfying and full of re- , you. uplifting. Another especial (may. worthy of mention at the M. E. chad! is it: choir ot strong voice: full of “mat WWII-ulna! stocktmheoo (um-NS. ll :ht hors uh with int-t Special 1 LOCAL ANI) GENERAL A1NST Luv”. owrros.--Granti -y voted nn the question of Lot-all m last week. " has been In force mm d by ht ll " Am: ls (“was Sm'xn AIN Bl‘Yle.‘ Mr, mrd at his old stand pr. where he is prep as! market prices h Mg st on luN tttit ttoil in hand lute at closo ‘H .pinicm." and its ontvrprize and "o'" would sun-m to justify the In the Wevkl.v "DMterin Post?“ to a daily fur the vlectionl It clattttu to he "a live organ of‘ thr I) ll ll'! nto took (‘IIIUII tt tble hy n my LU“ .n Ot ta wn n id [ he is :n-vpm-ml to pay tho " prices for all kinds of hidec, sheepskins. Ae. u: to avoid going to tti7 ml thisn convenience as grain m the well-known n Naming am xilding was rn Hm The t mm rumor: In Hun. Iv:" Pl" u) h Chatha we. "ll li ll Pt In t nth-rs for Fur-n Stu-k. nld Furniturv Hock sharp. Fl) , Salo on at q t will pay P " Mrs it mu: v w. H. Mahinney, aruing and (buying ng was vumed, and found roasted to 0.111240 1s supposed to Loss covered by in- dr'u " me nnw 1nd lint tIett' we are in re- "r this paper Ind at tho titst few days ago, distributed- to 30 Rall., Sacra- i'i0, 49 ch lia in tor Moody " r imperial into wu- on m. Mulock Ont ttN wvdnesalny t a buihlitte. sittt ill Elvidge is mwr Town taken with tnonth H [humid "In Mia”; ale OI lmple 2?. “my " «I otal I" prices Hunt- cnll. uill l'l [ll Wltq ll WP" _"--------, Friday, Dee, 9th, '98, in the Town Hall. Under the auspices of the Public Lih- mry MISS AGNES FORBES the famous Mezzo-h'opvano Scotch Vocalist, will ap- pwu'nn Friday evening of next week. Other talent has also been secured. Tickets should be svcured early. Re- served seats 25cts, other seats the same. Plan of Hall at. Durham Pharmacy. if Fresh Omnges 400 doz. Lemons we at J. A. Hunter's. American Conlon, G gall. for $1.10 at Parker's drr g s‘oro. FUR SALe.--Seveval good, new, home made cut tors. Will be sold cheap. Ap- ply to It. MucFurlzuw. Sr. . Proverb Social at League next Morrl day night. Everybody welcome. Cornel and have some Laffy. I’m": Tuesdayu Globe, in Osgoode Hall notes: Clark v. Galhraith.---C, B, Judges, fur plaintiff, moved for ovdee for mandamus to trustees of School Sew-tum IO of the Township of Helium-k. T.ihmt, for rletkmdants, comm, Motion dismissml without, costs. 'l‘lml'uu'rx-‘I'L ANI? kisrrr,Y,-A mun- lun of the m-iqhhms and friend? of Councillor Firth. lidgc‘ Hill, nth at. his ramble-nu- last, week and lmulo a prvson- tation of " large and useful ditmet. set uft-rm-kcry. A uyu4ul prune-m, nflvr a to it in of (-I-nckory. d' dtsstvuctive thw AN Hum: WITH LUNGFELLUW. ---_. The} mst Literary Meeting (If the C. E. Sod-l [ M y on Monday came off very well. Miss L H. Smith gave a carefully prepared pap- H‘l’tnl the Life of the Poet, while Miss l A. 3lvKeuzie did the same for his num- 1 mums works. Miss Louie Davidson read 1 "The “"urden of the Cimiue Poets.' ', Mr. R. D. Legato gave as a, solo one of I Louglellow's finest pieces "The. Bridge" ‘. with Miss S. Burnet accoiupauyist. Mn Ve. Ranmge gave a running account of T the "Courtship of Miles Standish" with l brief readings from the piece. A quar- l, tette by Messrs, Buchan, McFarlane, I Legnte and Unluernn was another pleas- ', in; feature. Tennyson has been select- ed tor the next occasion. Your Danger Now ls tiom the overworked condition of the livvr and kidneys whirh are unable to oxlu-Il impurities from the blood. This runsvs rheuumtism. Hood's Szlrsupa- "villa has been wonderfully suocessfnl in curing this disease, It nvutmlizcs the-avid in the blood and permanently "villa has been wumlvrfully successnu‘ in curing this disease, It, nvutralizos them-id in the blood and permanently run-vs the aches and pains which other "wdivittvv, failto velieve, Hood's Sm- saparilla is me hes! winter medicine be. runsx- it putifits. enriches and vitalizes thehlood, It givesheln just where it i, “ruled. 1t.tones'tlut stomach, stimu- In”: the liver, and arouses and ostains the kidnvys. It wards " pneumonia, fevtws, bronchitis. olis, coughs and the urn! Buy .votwst'lf a fur 'yoitt or cap for i Run-L» thom J. A, Hunter. l WHY THE Hum: MERCHANT DESERV-i as P 1imr?iAtiiu'. -yitatul by the 11mm“ mm- hunt. lie H the m:=n who helps to pay by the streets upon which you walk: i for tho school in which your childrvn, i or perhaps lou. were educated ', heholps , to km-p up the church in which you wow i ship. He is the 1mm who built a home, I which enhances the the value of you!" property. Every subscription paper 1 that is passed around has his mum: on it: he is the one that cannot afford co swindle yott.---self interest,, " nothing else, would preveut this l he beats his t, share of the burden of the my: govern- ' ment : stays right with Fotrtit yum-mine . and darkness. in days of prosperity and , adversity. These no bot a few' of the Kansans whr.vour patronage should be [given to the home merchant. mrDDrrtr--1st Hepworth, on Nor. 27. se, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Geddes, a son. GRAND CONCERT. I BORN. l Messrs. Harold Hill and Nurnmn Mc- lew. Markdale, attended the party at ’Mrs. McRae's on Friday night. last. Conductor Jas. Laywlle left for \Viar- ton on Saturday evening to take charge of a "New Rules" class m that place. --Pahuerstort Reporter, Mr, J. A. Hunter sold his trotting i mare. Golden Dawn, last week for a i good figure, She was shipped to M P. E I Perine, of Doon, Ont. I Mrs. J. ll. Hunt.“ returned iron Min- , neatpolis last, weuk, accompanied by Mr. iii. A. Hunter. who is just, recovering lfrom Typhoid. Rev. Mr. Jansen Was in onangeville on Monday night, and Strntford on 'Tuesday night giving his well known lecture on ln-lmlf of Lemm- Missions. We were in Wiattou on Tuesday and was much pleased m find A. w, Patter- son, late manager of the Wiarlou Wotrl- ilt-n Mills, Co,, selling pioods in the Mc- I Lawn Block. lie has a full stock of vm-ns. flumu-lv. blankets. etc. -liep- Coal Oil. 5 gall. of water Oil ior80e at. Pavket's. 25 yards factory for 81 at ter's. Mrs. Walkev, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cr. Mighton and other relu- tives around here for a tune. DURHAM, THURSDAY, 1c'Ecyjrirr)je'r llo.\'ons. Aime photo of Hergt. Major i F. Frau-r Hunter well known at home i as "l-‘reo" appeared In lust Saturday's; Globe. A large picture on the samei page-shows the prizes he won at, the Royal Military College, Kingston. and their number and variety form an hen- orahle testimony to a diligent and I hvilliantcatvev, Anappreeiativesketch I of his career accoutparties the illustra- l tious, which we intend publishing. l ----_ -v . V------ llonor Roll of Durham School for November. Hy. Gth class-Maggie Hun- _ tLer. Fred Anderson, Bert Morkler.‘ i Franc Davidson, lya Hyndman. Jr. 5th (-lasstarry Althed, Laura llutton,| \Vist Hutton, Eva. Morkler, Mary Mar- , Shall. Sr. llh~l§nnna Mol‘anl Jessie} IPI""?:"",',' Wtu. Brown, Peter (Traw- i ford, Mable Cameron, Jr. 4tir--Maty I it‘ergusou. Susan :dcCloclcliu, Ethel l 'Sibley, Rosena NI‘SM‘I', Duncan Mc- i Kenzie. Sr. 3vd---Ttsun Nemer. lisdon I Wolfe, Mary McKay, Bessie McKay] Myrtle Sibley. J r. 3rd, John Ferguson _ ‘Etlllll Ereritt. Hugh Nealm‘. Willie iutackev, Violet Willis. Jr. 2ud-tiadie l Noble, Alice Haulage. Loretta Milligan' Jane Wilmer. Alister McDonald, Jr. 2nd -VittoviaPitvk, Hazel Caldwell. Beat- rice McCracken, Jewel Little, Winnie Lauder. SI. Pt. 2nd- Percy Vollet, Archie Davidson, Arthur Fairmun, Arthur Noble. George Lloyd. Jr, 3rd A ---rslay Campbell. James Storrey. Pearl Burnet, Bertie CaIdWelt, Ambroisc Fa- gan. Jr, 2nd B.-Chavlie Crawford and j1s?,':',e.',l, Murdock eq., Willie Campbell, 1 Flora McKinnon, Charlie Vollet, James McLean. Sr. lst-Eva Burnet, Nellie "Becker, Ella Kinnie, Irene Leavetw. ' Bert. Saunders. Intermediate-George Laren Block. yarns. ftatuwl worth Jam-Hal. Park. Hazel Guthrie. Murdock, George Becker. sun Lloyd, Ihmhietraundc Following are the clubbing rates for l the Drum)! REVIEW with other papers. l The balance of tho your is free except for the Family Herald and the dailies '. Review & Weekly Globe. . . .. . . .. $1.50 ".6 Fb Weekly Mail & l‘hnpirc. 1.10 l .. 6b Farm & Fireside. . . . . .. IA0l, " " Montreal Witness. . . . . .. 1.60 l t6 " h'atnrly Herald. . . . . . .. . . 1.75 I .. "Weekly Sun............ 135i nther papers at equally lnw rules: _ V Money can he sent. safely by vegistei'- ed letter, or the new postal note system), or by express. or P. o. money order. All Fotnthutiicatiotv4 should be address- ed to PERSONAL MENTION. The. Eliaasugags m-neral (I “My. - _ There is. \veaxncss of body '.'.' iriv-crtuhrird'.y;t" id. 1:eiit: v.vvuvpr--oCeu pair. -.r “"3” a). ml the heart-tr-teu 'ctcy, carnble. ttuward's Heart Reiiriisnr tau-J clients“. n 1mpr?epe. war . . ___ A -tl mu! check!“- n imprucz. .scri'.' "uh-g on” WHIP. m pan-{M urns; cuutishttrg an "lg-nus, .c,svscu'ss nun-rs; rxstoriug nprclitc. (Egg-dim: aud as siv.si1atlor'. _ __ “J ”an r~-.l “-4 ""'iiCrirdmiss, permanent cure. promptly, and safely where cure pouihie.’ -A . - A-_‘_ -- I... on.“ n. W n: WWIIHCK At drug stores or by mail at 50c. per bc 7., or 5 boxes {0:62. 5. I. ll WARD, TI Victoria tlt., 1mm. Balance of Year Free. CLUBBING RATES. Fanning . . . . . . . . . . .. Daily Globe. . . . . .... Duly Mail & Empire Daily World...... . Toronto News. . . . . .. Toronto Star. . . . . . .. aot many equally low rates CII SS, Kaunas. Durham, Ont. water white Coal assures fer 'N'ti. Jr. A-Herh J r. Ir-Ass-m- who! Mart blood ti' 1 nd a ppcllie h. Hun- he victim of qhm of . iretfut, cal: or at all 4.70 3 M) Luveis of the "Bwlniiful Slow." would lucdclighted on Monday warning when they awoke l!) find that during the night from one to two feet of snnw had fallen. In town there Was a good dealof snow shovel pvactice, In" in a, town with big not -rvsidentinl spaces it, is itupossihie to keep nur sidewalks clean, and an in many places there is nothing to do but "get on top of It.” or "Keep in de middle 'of the Queen's Highway." .1.) Since Monday it has kept adding a little moro- tn the heavy night's fall, and in the storm has been equally severe all over Ontario and Quebec, it will likely he tetueu,lteped by the heading of this article. Hannillml and Toronto have sulfered severely. trains and mails have been de- layed, and it is feat ed that, much dant- ugv will he done to Gulfnf tit. Imwrenco shipping. Our own roads are not as yi-t. drifted, and awry one hopes it will rmnniu with H4 till ufn-r New Yeav. hut "nu tutu't', thank you, at prawn!" is the fouling. All bums of scvofulu, SUI-vs, hails. pimples and eruptions, are quickly and pvrmmwmly run-d lw 11ood's Sui-salm- rilln. THE GREAT SNOW STORM OFi898, New stock window blinds Hunter's. That is the ('m'inns question the pub- thin-rs nfthub grout lupw, THE FAM- ILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR. of Mont rm]. lately asked their subscrib- orx. We know fmm experience that ssonussulrstwilusrs at, times hrrmm-s in- dignant if their names an- st ruck otf the tuaihng lists. but the s,ohscvilrev- not the puhlishcv-is the sinner. THE FAM- ILY HERALD and WEEKLY STAR (luau t'iitHHHtrti.m' su1scviption husiuces owing!” the vast superiority of that wonderful paper. and this year the rim!) is greater than t'W'l'. tuuvsouiwntly they are obliged to warn theie old shbscrlhels to renew early and give the clerks an opportunity to enter. the thousands of new sulw,criluws ohunnrmg m get on the list,. Every su'osccilrov, now or renewal, we understand veeeives liwir premium picture. "THE THIN RED LINE." just, as twived, Notice is hon-by given to the Munici pal Electors of the for the County of Grey. Comprising the Townships of Bentmek and (in-twig. and the Town of Durham. Tlan Meeting of the Municipal El- ectors of said Division will helu-lilut the Town Hall in the Town of Durham on Monday the nineteenth day of Iteeettr- ber 1898 at. l o'clock p. m., for the pur- pose of nominating candidates for the office of County Couucillots pursuant to "The County Couucils Actlt3M." ff more than the nucessm‘y number of (Yunrlidnu-s are proposed for the said of- h'ves a poll will he openvd on Monday the 2nd day of January, A. I). ISN. Commencing wt 9 n'vlm and closing at 5 o'clocii of the same day. Given under my hand in tho van of Durham this in d day of Dru-ember, 1898. GEORGE RUSSELL, Nominating tyttieer. IVe are phased to I) that Mrs, A, flytptturi lllall, .uls, .n. _ '""e" v"... - ,, _ I, tnuttendeu's little boy are almost well after their rec-em severe illuem. Out. S. S. eutenninmenL was it dcrudrul , suecesh The proceeds unmounted to' $14. There is now $27 on hand to iw vest in at new S. S. Library. Mr. Ivm. Allan proposes a change in the Sunday night, keeviees, He would like. those of the young people who will to organize themselves into an [upwart h League, and he will take charge of the service an Sundav evening and the members of the League. in turn the next Sahbath evening alternately, A number of the young people express their willingness to help. Mrs. R. A. Locker, of London Was the client of her aunt. Mrs. D. Sharp a. week Third County Council Division Mrs. R. A. Lock guest of her aunt. ago Monday. . Mr. Jno. “Ball of Normanhy called on his sister Mrs. Geo. Pollock of Murdock P. o. while on his way to assist in pe- vwal services at Shriglt-y. Mrs. Sharp spent Thankssriyitrf1 with her f,',gt,l"" Mrs. D. P, Coleridge of Greensi e. " Much simpalhy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. as. Gordon and family, also Mrs. Jns. Gordon Jr. in them pretent trouble. Mr. B. x. Onion! now rides behind a vents-wither. - FGEJEECTION HOTICE. smm as their subscription is re- WHO IS THE SINNER ? t 9 o'cloek in the fovenoon 5 o'clock in the afternoon sod to he "'irle io report, Chapman and Mr. Benj. _ - ' _ ___ II MURDOCH. 1898. 3"!»1': at J l o wo . . _ a w _ rat 1,..d Si??'.' the pub W" l:; take this opportunity cf thanking our customres for {ngpast patronage, and we are ',(,iii,i,:jbo,ryri.ntoet.i that the new system ('iirivr111 merit, a continuance of 2333;; the same. 'iiiib"srsiiiis.6eistarstx I I ADOPTED BY “Large Sales & Small Profits." i Arthur Brown. Nels m Irvine. Sr. I’m-l l: ll-Jolm Hunt. Eddie McAnulty, Louis i Ken. Jr. Part, II-Earl Iliad. Floss-iv l Mark, Katy Marrisun. Sr. i-Itotdue EWallm-e. Edna Ellis, Samuel Summit} l Jr? 123E}??? IIuer‘.’ “germanium l Peltigrew. - Report isé 0.? - November: Sr. Ir-das, Tribe. Theodore Khmmp, Milford Logan. Jr. H-Irene McFarlen, A .4 'it . \ . Q ' f . , ttl _ " a Mi Ca A l . . ' . g , l e " 3 Ii' " 'I' I _ LI d _ ET, e J = “a 'o, The Guelph Mercury says:---"-)" Forhes was warmly received and de- servedly so. She has a. tnagttitheettt voice, clear, powerful, musical. and at times magnetic. curt-yiugmer audience withher. Asa. proof of the approval of her audience every number was en- thusiastically encored." .2] Every one should hear Dec. 9th. Smut-Jan. Kidney, at tanner nun-5 on the Burwtyriine, about three miles from Arthur village, accidentally shot himself yesterday afternoon a few feet from his own door. and died in a few mtnutm.---Meteurr Durhnnn. Aug. "th. ‘96 , 90.. - :AT a Our Piano and Organ trade is tfirmly established. Best makes. t Purest tones. "teva)------" Cutters of Jr. Dept. of Holstein Stews Do you want a Williams.-- We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be At prices that will surprise. 'her in the Town Hall E. E. RAWN. Tent-her. UPPER TOWN IMPLEMEN, WARERODMS. Kidney, a farmer living -------' (1 -digr'llylqfl()til'f), ra 'kchange, fir g - " Gr. dt J. McKE0mmil. . McKechnie. -$$%‘ Sewing Machine? S? the New - £23113,“ price pai for Wood P. S. for of all kinds Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. COOKING- moms. HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES . MCK!NNON. OFF” 'fs' - Jfr I Mgr? Biotin OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST (F the Durham lernmcy Calder"" Block. Resldonve first door west of th" Post OMee, Durham. ONTARIO ARCHIVES That desirable residence property -.n anhmn Street. near tbeStutiun. lately occupied by the undersigned. tl am s of land in conqection. or further in. iiGiiktion upglg‘ to WOOD J,C.thtPlts'lld REVIEW OFFICE MonayZO Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. g0otle. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. J'HOLE N0. 1082. W. l DAVIDSON. arrister, Jfetarg, Qan- vegancar, etc” Eta... )ENTISTBY. House and Lot to Rent. IGEO. Rl'SSELL. Prop. lover the Bu f, Ty, tfi) r, & m

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