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Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1898, p. 2

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[H It is announced that Sir Thomas J. Lipton, will eonvert%is tea, coffee and provision business in the United Stuns into a stock company in February. Ono hundred and forty-four baskets of the augments that remained trom the Lord Maror'a banquet on Novem- ber 9th. were distributed among an1 own! number of hungry persons. The British Government will Add a generous sum to the Mansion House and ot $220,000 for the relief of the distress and damage canned by the recent hurricane in the West India. A---,, . - 7â€"- _. - lam Anonymous donors Awe paid to the Olliciui Receiver in Bankruptcy the cos: 0'. the gold communion pl rte which Mr. Ernest T. Hooley, who is now in with ostaGruiiie2 'rhiotlr, it is said. throl tion in the U. S. tariff. 11---,“ Japan's cruiser Kasagi, l Cramps, of Philadelphia, is Hugh. en route to Neweaa bu. Armstrong, ann- V..." uva an: completed his treatise on the art of singing, in which he expounds the secrets of the old Italian methods. Rar, Dr. Kane, rector of Christ's Church. Belfast. and Grand Master of the Belfast Orangeman. is dead from a' “who ot apoploxy. ( arrvlw! he was created baronet dead at London. Sims Reeves has completed treatise on the art of singing, in w he expounds the secrets of the Italian methods. d: "any... m "f""aetpttia, is at Shields, 113., en route to Newcastle to ship "r Armstrong guns. British exports for the Fear ending ith October. decreased moment», may, it is said. through the altera- on in 0):. " D a--..- Galician detective. are now engaged in the work of unearthing the Stuart- burn, Manitoba. murder mystery, in which a Galician uttler and his four children were found slaughtered. A bloodamined cont has been found some distance from the house. i The Btevena’ Manufacturing Com- pany! building nl. London was dum- uged to the extent of 'ltl,000 by fire on Saturday night. During the blaze some of the policemen were called off their boats. and burglars took advantage ofI the occasion by robbing about half at dozen placed. railway Sir C W-.. "ma In """tr"' OI being serioaslr injured when rescued. The Locomotive hh orks of Kingston but now thirteen engines under con- tract, two building for the Intercoloni- al It. R., six for the ORR. Company, and now live more have been ordered byllHun. Mr. Blair tor the Government rm - "'Nr.M.e m. "uncanny. an. w1"oautrht on the horns ot the cow and thrown (war its head, and was in danger of being seriously injured whnn "mu“; an cum-sue protest against the city of Brandon pursuing any course which wuuld lead to arepudiution by the city ot its fitraiiai obligations. Mrs. Thomas Wright of Hamilton was attacked by acow in from ot her home on Wednesday. 8h. wnscaunht Tim Winnipeg ation 1 diun Bankers’ Association an emphatic protest ugui) Five shares of th Brunswick stock. par dud dollars each. u tiun in St. John. on Th per mare. The high fore reached was "280, ,n_.__-..._ \vuut’, AN. a. John Medium], an emplbye of the Earn Organ and Piano Company, at Woodstock. is undor arrest there on a charge of “hunting hie tour-year- old ward, Charles Skates. Thu Government has decided to or tend clemency In the $$ttrie of Henry Davidson, who wu Bentwood to be hanged on December " for murder in Antigonish County, N. S. F J. M. and C. Glass, commercial tra- vellers ot London, lost all their sum- ples and personal ottocts in the fire which destroyed the C. P. R. station gt Virdee, Man. the “and exhibition of the Ontario and Toronto Poultry Associations in connection with the American Poultry Association will be held in Toronto in January. b: Mr. James Marshall struokatlow of natural gaswhilo drilling awelt on Mr. Wm. Bethune'u farm, near Rack- man's Corner- on Wednesday. Tbs Elder-Dempster Co., ilinereaaing its Montreal Atlantic fleet by the ad- dizlon of a; new veaselsnowv in counsel of construction. , l English bondholders of I Water-works ”stem have 0137.500. the eitr's offer for ”stem. Helium. ntepayers have voted in favour of the bylaws to bonus the came: factory and ro'llng mills there. L . Anthem and Mount Royal. the (human High Commissioner in London. has "rived at Ottawa on a brief visit. Mr. Thomas MeDrrugan of Hamilton was killed by the socidental discharge of his gun white dueir-ahooting on tho buy on Thursday. The body at Samuel Burns has been found inunnmp near his home at Wermouth, NS., Foul play is; sus- peeled. American Himilton Police Commissioners hare finally refused the, Vern] Transfer Company's .pplioation forn license. ' Bellevilb ratepayers have voted in John Torrance, of Montreal, basal,- acribod “W towards thedetrt of St. Jame-{Methodist church there. - --i_i.."Nw- 9v any-As -. Lord Minto has consented to become Patron of the Amattnr Skating Asso- ciation at Canada. The cost of the recent plebiscite in Eunilton mounted to about 81,300. Intending Items About Our Own Country Ont! Britain. (to United Sinus. In All Pun: of the Globe. Condensed un- Anon“ hr Easy Reading. g NEWS IN 1lloffll, GREAT BRITAIN ttt VERY LATEST mom AU. THEWORLD OVER. Ifaaatti, built by the nlnLL. t, . N. 'riuts-Atiantie lystem have acceptid city's offer for the whole of the Bank ot New . par value, one hun- "h. were sold " and. on Tuesday for 8800.50 highest fitrure hereto.. CANADA. serious floods in Of the Can:- Speaker of rr, is dead in Lon- Winnipeg's 9dopted Line is Marriage brokers are doing a con- siderable business itf, now in Berlin by Promoting the trothals between army ofrusera and rich Jewesses. In fifteen Fears Russia has sent 624,- 000 pertons to Siberia, while fully 100,- 000 relatives have accompanied the exiles of their own free will. Nimes. the native town of Alphonse Emma, is to erect a magnificent monu~ meat to his memory? Already over g0.000 francs have been contributed. A man has been arrested " Man- tau, Italy, on suspicion of his com- plicity with anchesi in the murder of the Empress of Austria. Fishermen to the number of over 1,000, on the Island ot Stump, north- ern Japan, are reported to be on the verge of starvation. Byra, a town in Africa, is built on- tirely of zinc. The public buildings and residences did not cost mom than 880,000. ( Twenty-one persons are reported to have benn killed by an explosion in a rocket factory at Nikolanf, Russia. T h, French Cabinet will raise a loan of 270,000,000 francs with which to push Indochina railways on into China. ltr, BU.ish resilems in Mania ob- served Thanksgiving Day as a holiday oat of compiiment to the Americans. dummy has made a contract w the, Krupps for the construction of large floating dock for Rina-Chan. An American naval demonstration, it is said, will follow Turkey's refusal to make good the indemnity which the ‘United Stance has exacted on account of the damage done to American in- terests and property of American citi- sens in the Armenian massacres. The grand jury at Philadelphia In returned true bills Against United States Senator Quay, his son. Richard Only. and one-State Treasurer Benn Jamin J. Haywood, charged with 'rea-i,' unitary P' unlawfully - use publicI TP" -'--v "' """"'t"""* ."f" The food of the Sultan of Turkeyis' ONE HUNDRED LIVES LOST. terests and property of Amerioan our: pmpared‘ by one man. It Is oooked in - mu" m the Armenian I.'?:"?"."'.".'. isllver vessels and sealed in banal-[human seen-er Portland Totally The grand Jury at Phi9dtohAa Ml 'rally closed dishes, which are opened "not“ oanuuhun ugh, returned true bills agamst United in the presence of His MsOsatr by the A demhrh from Boston, Mhasr, says: Slums Senator Quay, his son. Richard High Chamberlain, who takes a spoon- --A ial to the Herald from North 9tra.r, and tax-Stats Treasure; Ben-z rut of one) vlund. W ppm J. Haywood, charged with cos-g The Sultan has ordered the teluurin “but. says the steamer Portland. 'f "rtraer to palayvfully I'l'1, ”mimic: an orphanage at Zeitung. t"J,1'lf the Boston sad Portland steamship money? f/Yeti/ed m the Peoples Bank,,;,';,,',';',,,," sixty homeless victims of the Company, plying between Boston and of Phi adoiphia. _lii'iaiii,iii'i)i,' troubles. Pt "iltnitgt,ig,t Portland, was totally wrecked " 10 GENERAL. f s Mm m ly manage y mar can 0.01 E ' ff i bland Madrid is threatened with a mm ot J,','.";",?,':,'?,??,;,,. Itiyr ohUtlr supported '/e,1'tfyyyr “Pm”! o H g lamplisrhtura. , " "' " " .__ John Wagenblaet, aged 20, is in St. Catharina Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., with both eyes, cheeks, nose and lips Cone, but the physicians say he well In]? He had accidentally shot him- ne . T, It is estimated at Duluth there there is between four million and five mil- lion bushels of wheat, now under com tract to go forward before the close of navigation. . The French Line summer La Nor- mandie, at New York from Hana. u detained at quartine owing to walk pox among her ateerage passengers. Eleven men were injured, tour grab- ably fatally, in a fire in East amn bridge, M/yrs., on Tuesday. The watch-J mm of the destroyed factory is miss-1 Eng. F ‘Eight pGGiiCTveri, 'i'JEEZd in a wreck caused by a cow on the Big sour Railroad near Alton, Ill., on Tues- ar. An ex-tax collector ta charged at gauche. Man. with embezzling 0115.- Nearly 3,000 operatives in the cotton mills at Augusta, Ga., are on strike aggjngt a reduction of wages. The widow of George M. Pullman, the car magnate will receive 89.000 3 month as her share of the estate. Franz Abel, an Austrian artist, fell dead while finishing a picture in New York. He was working there in pover- ty. His sister is a enamels living in, Vienna. I Rausas, Minnesota and ‘Wiscouin ban been visited by a blizzard. A trust to control the peanut Undo of the United States. is being formed " Norfolk, Va. The Wilson Bank at Utioa, Ohio, hats) boon robbed of $6,000 in currency and i 37.800 in bonds. UNITED STATES. Col. Barry Lee, noted banker, u dead at Boston. The Bruce can, in which a Mrs. Draco claims the Dukedom of Portland for her son, has taken a sensational turn through a decision of the court permitting the exhumation of the al- leged remains of her father-in-law, known an Thomas C. Drum. but said by her to have been the fifth Duke ot Pon-i land. Appeal has been entered. l am. This is supposed to be due to the nu importation of frozen nests from Ann-.11.. and “we cattle fro- Ameraea. Statistica show a decided increase in the consumption of meat in Great Brit- ain. In twenty years it has risen trom 113 to J..e pounds per capita pgr an- the yvar ending with Oetotsir had decreased dkM00,000, chiefly through the alteration in the United States tariff. Right Hon. Charles T. Ritchie. dis- cussing the subject. of British trade be- fore the Croydon Chamber of Com- meme, regretted that the exports of of the distress and damage caused by the recent hurricane in the West In- dies. The Mansion House fund tor this purpose is inadequate, only £44,000. be- ing realized. The British Government has decided to Rake. 'aAgenerong grant tor the whet the Bankruptcy Court, presented to gt. Paul's Cathedral. " Germany. umbrella-mak- made ONTARIO a contract with RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO His Lordship's desire, which is gener- ally mmmeuded in Montreml, is ap- parently to give his relatives that. as- sistance which is often required by worthy heirs before a. teatator'n death. Lon! Mon-utopia: Shares Ills Wealth Will! "Is IPMIITCS. A dospatch from Montreal 1trtrrt- Lord Mratnttuephen has just made a handsome donation to his relatives. Be V has tranterred the sum of $2,800,000 to io. W. Sterling, of New York; Robt. Meighen and John Turnhull, of Mont- real, as trustees. Amongst the bene- lficiaries are his brother, William1 Stephen; Frank Stephnn and his tour daughters; Mrs. Robt. Meighon and her three children; Frank Meighen; Miss Margaret Smith Meighon; Mrs. R. W. Renford. Mrs. James A. Gentile and her ehildren, George S. Camila, James A. Cantile,Jr.. Lieut. W. North- rote Gentile, Francis P. Gentile, Mrs. Adami, George Stephen and his four sisters, being the children of the late James Stephens, Mrs. G. S. Pelton,and six children, J. C. Covington, and five chiidren, Mrs. Stephensan. besides] other relatiyes‘ in. England. Vi The French Government proposes to {sell tor building purpuses the chateau , and park Villenouva .‘Etang, near St. 1Cluud, where Napoleon III. and the [Empress Eugenie' passed their brief ; honeymoon. The Parisians Pil/et/tty,',- jing that this is but the " step itoward the disposal of many of the (worded parks and history resona- Itious about the city. WAR IS OPENLY SUGGESTED. Father Felix, the head of the mon- astery at Mount Carmel, in the Bbly Land, recently visited by Emperor Wil- Ham, was for twenty years a rear. dent of London. m, was the first head of the Carmelita Monastery in Reusing- O-.. ton. (also m the Circuit Court at Anderson, North. . . JInd., insist on the right 'o present No. 1 Northern. {and argue their side of the suit in No. grade. . ipoetry. The judge penning In tui.. Rejected. . ' journment, is looking up precedents. It is reported [rem Bombay that 3 Total. . . n'nive, mendicant. arrested at Patia-i The farmers 1 H. while eating an exhumed corpse of hotd their whe 3 child, has confeseed that he and two 331d it. in thong comrades have subsisted for years on tity. will be em corpses exhumed from village ceme- Sprmg than eve: terries. l of grrnht..srrn,art; Attorneys foe the dofendanf in I 1ralMt in the Circuit Court at Anderson, Ind., insist on the right 'o present and. argue their side of the suit in poetry. The judge penning In ttd.. journment, is looking up precedents. HAS GIVEN AWAY $2,800,000 The rebellion of the native forces In the Spanish military nervlce on the Visayas Island, he: been subdued. Twenty-five rebel: were that and sixty-nine were sentenced to imprison- ment for life with hard labour. The projected birthday audience of the Dowager Empress of China to the ladies of the diplnmtio corps has bean abandoned owing to the difficult!" raised hr the Chinese in regard to uromonlal matters. The number of tires in Paris during the year 1897 was 1,190, and the loss of life was 185, all bat five of the deaths Inning occurred In the the of the Char- ity Bazaar. The former Spanish cruiser Maria Teresa, which was at out of business " Santiago, and inwards raised to be towed to New York, has become a total wreck on Cat Island, and has been abandoned. The Libertas, ot Path. can that the winner of the capital prize of $100,000 francs at the last drawing of Pan-in Exposition bonds of 1900, In a chimney sweeper named Louis Hervbu, living at Coon. A London medical paper has teen lol- emnly warning its read.” not to wear old boots. It declares that mar n time the leather harbours microbe. which prey on the Net of the wearer. A young female clerk named Jennie Dyk has been sentenced to two months' imprisonment for making fun of a retro.“ of Emperor William displayed n a store window at Bruleu. Electric tram lines have been laid our e portion of the street our eye" tam in Liverpool, and experimental ears lave been run, though the route Is not yet open for public use. Lapland has just begun to publish its first newspaper. It is dated in I. town with In 'utprmtotutoable name. is writ.. ten upon a single shut. and is issued - Sunday. The Italian Government has sent an ultimatum to the Sultan of Morocco on the ttutri et of the ill-treatment of Italian allergens, and a warship has been "pointed to bring the reply back. Prince Henry of Prussia, unveiled " Shanghai on Mondaf. the monument to the officers and sai ore of the German third-elssa cruiser Illis. lost in a ty- phoon on July 28rd, 1896. The Philippine provinces have ttuf-. tered from the severest typhoon in years. Malolos, the headquarters of Aguinaldo, has been damaged. end many villages have been destroyed. or has been untamed to three your imprisonment for boating that he had been chosen by lot to ”sandal“ the: German Emperor. city. Ia ten d to thr out t in oe init 11d “I was FEEDING 9p POULTRY. ' - v “M“, ' The priests finally lying the panic, but girls were more or les od by trawling. The (”h-my Baratttrrtre Nearly Repealed In Park. A despatch from Paris says~Them was a very narrow escape to-dar from _ repetition of the terrible disaster of the Charity bazaar tire. While a re- ligioug cerem'my was in progress in the vestry~room of the Church of St. Germain dos Pros, where many girls trom the schools were in attendance, the eintsmiuotrraot, lamps were aud- denly extinguished. and a fearful panic ensued. everybody instantly re- calling the Charity Lazar fire. 'r " _‘X,,A u _, Sir Thomas Lipton is a who responded to the im claring a willingness to i £1,000,000 if independent in warranted it. ation of several aiding-L: i? land in reviewing the sugar ind of trose islands. A despatch from London 'rartc--In addition to inducing the Treasury to make asuhstantial grant to the Bri- tish West Indies, Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, has incited the co-oper- ation of several Carma“... -4 WM-, I r. LIPTON WILL INVEST $5,000,000. It is thought here that the Portland took the storm outside Saturday night, causing her to break down and finally " drift on to these lee shores and to destruction. ,._-__. t_PV -w. u- nuku, at. last. The Portland was built in Bath in 1870. and was a‘side-wheel steamer of 1,817 tons net burden. Harlength in 280 feet; beam, e; depth, 15 feet. She was valued at $250,000, and fully in.. sured. The crew of fig-P631533 'iiiiiiiitred " and her passengers 52, or a total of lol, all of whom, so far no known, are [Ant _ 1,- --N. “an“, .. a special train, as communication with Boston by wire from points on Cape Cod is impossible on account of the havoc wrought by tho storm. the Boston end Portland Steamship Company, plying between Boston and Portland, was totally wrecked at 10 o'plock Sunday morning off Highland Light and the entire orew and ptMMM?n- gers perished within a short distance of land. A large quantity of wreck- age, including trunks and other ma- terinl. has come ashore, and at dark on Monday night 34 bodies had been recovered from the tsurt by the life- saving crew at High Head station. One body was that of a woman. The news of the disaster was brought to the Herald through the agencypf A FEARFUL PANIC ENSUED. . "ttuutrertnt. [amen Cagrttttttsta " " Mnt " Reviving the West Indie. Sun! " lush-y. w _ - n-1, --.. -..... “mm”. Prices in the country range from 50 to 60 cents. No. 1 hard, spot. Fort William, afloat, TO rants; December. 66 IA? cents: Duluth, spot. 70 1-2 cents. Prices to oonlorm with all-nil freight rates will be made on Monday. V 7â€""-.. ...V ullll auryvnw Iv hold their wheat tor higher prices, and it in thought that alargor quan- tity will be carried over until next spring than ever before In the history "t,,ty..te,troayintt in this country. f The following table shows how the wheat in posted intothe elovolora oom- parod with the inspection In 1897 to November 21stt-. Crop. 1898. 1897. No. 1 hard. . . o . 51.30 78.45 No.2hard. . . . . 09.62 18.70 Ntr:.81tard and No. 2 I Journal Gunilla» (nan-led Over Thu liver Brroee. I A despatoh from winnipeg, Man., 'raras-The receipts of wheat of this year's crop at Fort William and Port Arthur elevators to November 2Ut In- [ elusive amounted to 4.500.000 bushels, camper“ with 8.250.000 bushels reoeiv- ed to “no date of Int you. The amount shipped forward to Ontario tad: Ionics"! was “GEM bushels, Against I 6,8?0000 ayur no. the boxes were tar too wall. This experiment opens up quite I. fUld of work for the Canadian farmer. It shows that as regards the dairy and poultry feeding Industries one is the oomplemant o the other, skimmed milk, the brcprodact of the dairy inn dmtry. being the one essential to tho) success of the poultryrhttening bust-i . Coven-en; ambush-en“. _ A “notch from Ottawa ayes-Row ! markable results have been achieved iby the Department of Agriculture in I connection with the poultry-feeding es- tsblishments which were opened . short time ago. At Carleton Place, where the station was placed in charge It! You“! and Son, ordinary (owls were purchased from the farmers; pieced in Coops, and put under a spe- cial feeding process. The rations con- 'sist exclusively of oatmeal ground as fine as flour, end mixed with skimmed milk. In two end a half weeks the first lot of birds, which were not chosen specially, but were taken from ordinary tar-yard stock. made tUah so rapidly that when killed they ranged in weft from 7 to 811-2 pounda each. Even of. Robertson was astonished at tho result of the experiment. Spe-n cial boxes had been nude in which to peck the birds for export. twelve birds to each box, but after allowing even for a substantial increase in the weight of the birds. results proved that FARMERS WILD THEIR WHEAT. lemnblc lea-m Achieved by the yDody instantly re- r ananr fire. ly amended in " “It not before 40 least .eriotui, Injur- talists of Eng- Bugar industry B among those invitation, de- . . 100 100 'still_dtsposmd to invest about investigations [oath Farmsr-i I can't get Pays to sea I can We"aTMbr--1 don't no how we're to [at along this winter. No no.” In W. thing. " 1vitb--wutu the ammo Warn-Ari "WA -- " _ "V _ "' WHO "ll I Broauae your brain 1 with your stomach. It tat Well, it am... judgment. , Doctor, why in it that so when Pve come off I D_____ all ,,V_ -. -..v cur-u year, said the German pedagogue. Why is that ' t Our emperor has simplified matters to such an extent that when you ask the name of the world's greatest poet, painter. musician. general, traveler or monarch. there is only one answer to all the "tt_'-... LEARNING 32AM: 1 I don't know that there of my keeping my school than a month or two each the German Dedmmmm s SELLING J 1rtme.r--r don't no. Expedition Wu Wrecked " has". "herb. A special despsmtvh to London from Yeniseisk, on the the River Ymisei. in Eastern Siberia, announces the arrival at the mouth of the Yenisei of an ex- pedition that had gone in search of Herr Andree, the “tenant. The ex-i medium) was wrecked while crossing from the delta of the River Lena to the River Olenek which flows into the Arctic Ocean Southwest of Bennett and Belong Islands, but managed to much an uninhabited island about 120 miles from tho mouth of the Olenek. There tha party was icelound tor Inven- toen days tretire it was sieroured. of Dose DGiGiir.- . - - ,4 V ... L.“ n; “gurus. Leo xm., alone has Psmp'ui it, and the 32m: ca'culutiun, if ii. “are one: in his Passe, would assign him ten years more of existence, which would make the Pantift surpass even the ego. of Drum humid“ Leo xm. has not gone out of the vast enclosure whim surrounds the Vatican in twenty years, and yet has surpassed the yelrs of life of Pius IX., who alone of all the Popes had exceed- ed the years of Peter. In the eyes of superstitious Romans Loo xm. has performed another mir... acle of lungevity. Re hla escaped a critical date, one determined by a cabalistic calculation, which set. the and of his life for the year1892. It is said all his predecessors in; this "pig,uT,i Pius IX., Gregory XVI. Pius 'llI., Leo XII., Pius "h: 'tt,Te,pbtr,ttl th_‘ law of figures. 5 1 Ten years later, when he was apos- tolie delegate at Benevento, he came near dying of a fiver. It was thought that he mu! lost. He was saved by the act, then thought foolhardy, of Dr. Volpis. phy- sician to the King of Naples, in plung- in: him into a. bath of cold water at the mutant of the most violent at- tack of the fevér. the ildGicuinii.' About his twentieth year he believed;' that he was wasting with phthisia, and f wrote an eloquent piece of Latin verse I on his approaching end, "Why flatter thyself t" f I CBltturuttr-Cltoioe No. 1, llc; and No. strong constitution. 72, Sc. . About his twentieth year he believed ,1 f h'g'e/'i'/gttt.'; bt? ngse.18:5f . . .. . aroma 0 s, e were ' ' -2c that he m wulmgfvuh phlhlms, and ffor Buyers; and. 20 to 21: for extras. wrote an eloquent $MtMM5 of Latin verse. Tallow-Local dealers hay barrel tal.. on his approaching end, "Why flatter how at a to 814k, for rendered, and thyself f" resell at 81-2 to 88-4as. I Ten years later. when he was 8906-, Eg N d',h,'is"i,5, . . B d . 4 tug.--. 0 My .1 coming ut. el tolie delegate at Benevento, he came ftresh are plentiful and slow of mle near dying of a fever. It was thought ‘Quotations arc:-Now laid, " to ma; Chat he was lost. loom storage. 18 to 150. and timed, N He was saved by the act! thonjto 14 HR. :huught foolhardy, of Dr. Volpla. phy-l' Potatoear-nemoud fair and prirer, 'itsian to the King of Naples, in plung- , steady. Deliveries fair. Carlo“, chain; as him into a bath of cold water at. gcnmio stock, on track. quoted at about he moment all the most violent " 'liO to tilic, and dealers sell out of More ack of the fever. _ at 55 to 6%; farmers‘ loads sold loamy Leo XIIII. has 1:91 gone out otthesi 50 to 65e. ms. nun aunt-A an Iv“- “---~“"*“" .. [ The Pope appears to have reoovereolel.a1'tf 5.0301123: "'idl from the serious inditspossition which tsell at 8-40. advance n gave rise to the recent alarming re-iI Lambskina and sheei port. His Holiness has never had e ,-:' '"utiticltiu,. No strong constitution. .. A The Pope has In. " Dwar- Door Severn “In". MISPLACED SYMPATHY She was somewhat deaf, and partially blind, and it is supposed she becwme confused, and misjudged the distance of the engine, Mrs. Huddleaton was one of Broekvi'de's oldest inhabitants, being 66 years of age. She is survzved by a large family. had changed her mind and decided to wait until the engine had passed, gave the (signal to proceed, and the t uineer, turned on steam again. As he did so she stepped on the track, and before the engine could be brought ton stand- still the second time the tender struck her and knocked her down, the wheels passing over both legs, cutting them off at the knees. The unfortunate wo- lllllankdied in a few minutes, from the B oe, . . p. “UV, - mm“ It 00 1’30. " “d - '"'tl.'t,tt.." T. . “m . l '.uPxtroPsrime light and durum”! A despatch from Brockvme, "rr-A l quiet. Car P, ot No. l, outside, itrt. aad fatality occurred on Tuesday morn- quoted nominally " 4tht. ing in the Grand Trunk railway yards! Ive-statute. Otrr iota, weat, are must at what in known as the Will'am street ( od at 500. and “It It tite. crossing. by which an old lady named) Buckwheat-Firm. Exporters ”we Mrs. Geo. Huddleston lost her life. She} " to 4tie, for our lots outside, started to walk over the track a short Corn - t"trmer. American rah.“ distance in front of a light engine., track, Toronto, hold to-dar at 42c; and Itt fgrtig taking in the situation,,mixed at 41 I-IK. gun a t a engineer. who Mapped. Ari DRESSED OGS T . ' that moment Mrs. Huddleslon drew' Dr d I: tll', {Pius 1ti1ONS', Pack, and .ttys “region, tripitiiiss "m cabana“? tty. ff') A "idy “WU SEARCHERS EOR ANDREE. Mr. Moody lost five months by going to Quesnelle for horses, and before he could get back to Fort Graham, who” his party were wintering, Ilsa ice had broken, blorking his passage. “Show through thes Rocky. ana Wolverine mountains bonnet: Port St. John and Fort Gtahtum _ Inspector bloody " satisfied that there is scarcely a crack in Northern British Columbia which does not con- tain gold. The Indians are wholly un- reliable " (aisles. 'lomert9telr any Inspector Heur- "veott.att-' in Ker-ll em Brunt rein-Me. A despatch from Ottawa, "ras-rn- spector Moody of the North-West Mounted Police, is daily expected here. Mr. Moody was despetohed by the Government on the 12th of September, 1897, to locate a trail from Edmonton lto the mouth of the Polly river. The party met with hardships such u are fortunately rare even in the West, but the information obtained is certain to prove of very great value. From Fort Graham, in British Columbia, to tiel.. kirk, at the mouth of the Pelly. their Joyner occupied .in fli three nyrnlut. RON OVER " A LOCOMOTIVE. a mm“ In "tted, and ' prio- n dt Emu, "in!" to tmm. , HIS CRITICAL DATE. ALL CREEKS CONTAIN GOLD. nausea wnuo crowing of the River Lena to the which flows into the 'Southwest of Bennett ' senool open more two each Fear, said there}; much V my head “M , spree! . mitrhtr Poor fn EASY, managed to Id about 120 the Olenek. ad for Invpn- Then the door was thrown um: " the Frenchman, who was Povered “In. blood from head to foot. Waving hos hand, in which he held a dripping knife. he invited the women to "may Jennie Andrews was lying on the bed, meg-ally out to pieces, the murderer hm denim-nu” mtttilatod the girth, body the: “to m utinct. It in mid “It in CM not the (it! in Australia. 8h “luau him and owned the out. 0- my “other man. who re- fund h by Man pmmiu. and aha M b h. " pinning, pad obs W in I." van. Perrier is a an. tte1tiai7Gitti.' and in rt iiiiil h H. to I. autocratic 8rd edition A deapate.tt from New Westminvxm. B. C., trartr.--Don Perrier, a young Frenchman murdered his former mm“ - heart, Jennie Andrews, an English girl here, on Wednesday night. 1).- shadowed her to a place known as tho ‘Green house. and was shown to hor ‘room. He. entered and locked the dou, The inmates of the bowie heard a Marv in: shriek and attempted to foree tlrr, door. Perrier culled from inside; "I've not quite done the Job; just a moment." limit" Maul" by i Thmer-arair movement in the ordin- ar, war. Round lots of choice. deli- Tered here. will bring about] 51-2 to (w; ,dealera quote from 6 to he, perl h. for iy? to 00 lb. tins. and in comb at nrnund 81.25 to 81.50 per damn feelinnh'. Ruled My - Mowmgm here light. Strictly cho'ee, in our lots. is tannin-d at 86.50 to 87.50 per ton; No. 2. at eu;. t9traw.-No sales of conuquenca 1w- ;inz made. cur lots am quoted at $41“ “.50. on track. Hops-abate,, here quotv choioe (hr (aria stock 10-day at It; to 1tle. 14ml rousider this an outside figure, “hi!- hqlders have still higher ideas, an". will take nothing less than 20c. Dried apple Dealers pay 4 l delivered hem at 4 1-2 to Ce. for small lots. 75c, ,,___, -_. - .m, um nun and «use iota, Bo; been, 8 3-4 tosc. q Smoked meats-Hams. heavy, to to 10 bee; medium, 10 1-2 to tle; light, Ile; breakfast bacon. It to lee; 10.13. tt " to 90; bucks, 11 to 11 Fat,' Memo hams. Be. All meats out of pichrie 1r less than prices quoted for mohd meats. Iefr1-r/riesroeir, Te; tuna, Tre to 78-4c; pails. 78-t to m: cnmpmnd. 6 to 61-20. RIDES. SKINS. AND WOOL. There is no change in any line. on the local market. Dealers here quote as follows:-.. mdesr-Choieay steers, 9e; No. l hows, 'I-dr, No. 2, 71.2; No. a. trt-ge. Cured say It, Me. advanm on foregoing. Am max..- --" " _ w-, f Dressed " market holds: one...” and deliveries both on track and on the street no free. Western hugs- aold on track.to-day, on lots, at $5.30 to 85.40. and Northem at $5.40 to $5.45 On the street (ax-mar loads sold at .550 to .5.“ (or the better quantum. Provisions are not native and prices w- mail about study. Quotations are u follows: - Dry New Widen. Tl-ge; long clean bacon, cu} lets, 78-4e; ton lots and " I'VE NOT QUITE DONE.' ih, White can, north and wont, sold mag;- " 270. and mind st " l-2c. Pesao.-aearo. and higher. Car lots, north And west. 61 to 611-2c. and east, Muifeeub-atocen at the mills light; demand good. Cur iota of bran, mui, die heights. .12; And shorts, .14. mam ietmdr-attttrottd sum l and Wanted-thtm 'iitrtter--Pro. ttttttF-U-tttt Toronto. Doc. '.--w_-arut- here was about My to-dny. Exporter- bid tm, for red and white. north and lies! and holder: liked gg 99 tBe. Mani. can» fairly “and: at me for No. I hard, Toronto and west. and tms.tr.i.t. No. 2 hard And No. 1 Northern, Toron- ito and west. Ths. Goo-o wheat, out- aids. mr, 1ftour--49traigttt roller. in MO., north and not. offered at ".10, an! exporter. bid " 1 'bueMsai--Roued can, in In“, on track, here, one per bbl.; and in bhirr. Jennie Andrews. an English '0. 0. Wednesday night. He d her to a place known as the must. and was shown to hor le. entered and locked the door. 19ato-rat fllilill illlll OATS ARE FIRM [ Mani --eee ”u" Ea% N apple. ~Market unchanged pyf to 4 I-h, for dried utovk here, and small kits. Hal-.31 P. las. Evaporated. 8 to 814%- "5! I I‘m-urinal a! 4ete Won-mum. sheep be“: E'nnd ton, Vstes um not and G 6 BUSINE hli Ittendd Bor n an ill " the , Croy. (Incl Brick I building " Iota. Alan township in; To“ 'fdCl) The Hus Deputy-R Q‘Nitl it "Ithm IOTAuI' - MON EY Baum, J A 't5tuHgrt '" upturn in “cried out“ ‘Iluml Balm “In! county! _ "and um " Onum. . III lubed. means ’15 W. F. Conn. OAPITAL. A Standan RBIs: "NOS. 0v. '00qu .1 [GENE in and voyauc HU GENTS i I mu (4 "0-)- LI HIS DURH Bond " Tr,' “Inna

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