West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1898, p. 4

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i? fi, '.' F --Spain has acacpted tire .5213!” 5w offered try the United States in ex. changeior the Phillipines. in a very ungracious mood. A peace treaty in a few days will follow' and diplomatic relaticns be again edublished. -- An t xpedition to search for Andree his returned unsuccessful. O’coume. But the search will still go on till more lives are lost and treasure and effort spent to extract the secret or the irtaen north. Man seems built that way. --Wrgrr Bums Ewan x. --G'artx,w, Liberal, Beck, Conservative, comes “if Thursday of this week. On same day lint-her, Liberal, and Realms. Conser- -._..G.c. mi" mun-st Halton. Both sides vmive. will contest Ilalton. Both sides sure, ot course. We will prophecy [ext week. --The Anglo/Canadian-- American Commission is about completing its labors in Washington A treaty is not yet certain as reciprocity rocks are in the way. livery one hopes the Can _ IL... gr,",oa,ickuutety, will show more Cl. --And now the war cloud hovers over the relations ot'Japan and Russia. The former country sees that she is tel. ativer stronger at present than she will be in a few years, and having little faith in Russian integrity would like to strike a blow now that would cripple Russia and strengthen herself. Strange will it be if the two island Kingdoms, one in either ocean should prove effectual checks to Russian ag- gression. She. has spread herself from east to west over the greatest land area on earth, but a sea dog is watch- ing at each extremity, and will pre- vent her from domineering the sea. --WHY humour) Is t"ntrrr.--'I'he New York Evening Post says-What is carrying England along as We have mure than once pointed out, is her in. est, itutions, not her fleet or her arrogance or her mean tricks. She is great, and powerlnl and a sueeesstul grabber and ruler. because shejs tree and well ad- ministered, because her oftiees are iill. ed with Competent men, because an Englishman may speak the thing he 3 " ills because no man can strut about a and give hinselt' nits, and law being l the only raler--these are the things" u hich make a nation great, not fleets tr,iu-mvutltioflust year, and cuswm reecipts already show an increase of ie,tir,t,125. Wu am.- certainly becom- ing a trading people, and whatever may Ire. said Liberalism llasnutremnl. ml material progress, but under its sway Canada is humming much better known to the world. and the develop- ment of its vast resources will go on at an increasing rate. --And now the war cloud hovers over the relations of J npan and Russia. The former country sees that she is rel. " .. ---- ‘L- and betore the l their verdict an of feeling took ph bv the crowds of ofteeling t1 by the crow erg, which l cf Napance slightly as for Ponton, so far fur!!! rhtt Being East and West Parts of Lot Immlwr Fm: (5). in the 2nd Conces- sion, W. G- tl., of the Tp. of Ben- tuteki known as and containing 93 acres. For [Marti In: Inquire of Mt' n tl Mam FOR SALE. lial Rate an THE L‘ORBETT FARM, 151811131111 " Deceml t £32 l, . Pam. Durham. lid 90111123111; t1'li'll'. 20. oo 159 ZC‘I' I) in Prieenile, but any one who h us tl drire to try as will alw-w: fiud Wu here each and all doing their best V? NW ul to their var- nons avocations in life, rvr~h..' aims", Flesusertou, and Mathew". iumiwieii-m. Priceyrle nmi parior Hum- yhrcy's, and the Methodist Fienhertou choir, who gave swat. music at intends. Good speeche~ Ly each of the Rev. gentle- men were given mach one making any ap- propriate remarks on the (cousin: that in-uliuht lie) man) togeehcr that an umg. The cottstuttttu, item-nos much praise for the mauu' I' in which they uisvh,wued l‘wil' dun-s in getting their hem little cditice rvndurned. A vuluutsry colleetiou mu taken up for the ciuiplction of car- peting the platform, amounting to 822. Pastor Simpson, of Markdalr, (L‘SCI‘VCS speeiol mention fur the manner in which he exeried himself in pmsnaiiug the members of the chlu'cl., or any other, to subscribe for the dudmying of the ixpL-uhe n! tlic ehurer. Miss Simpson cf Mail.- drlo :uldwl greatly to the evening's enter. tainment. lser.ro1roWoaru, awn Jean" rr- eeis mi ('ucoi‘cs. which she gracefully te grcuul to. Mr. c. C. Juniws made sumo oitable rtyruarlrsttnvards the cl.ce. The tum-2:14.; With c.,,.toc,1 by Bro, Simpson, We are Hurt}; to say that. Mr. Angus McLeod. who has bun suifcting fur acme months with liver Haul-i0. is getting wonk- ct and not much hopes mt his we nary. . Mr. Ra'oert Rent?)- paid a short. visit :0 me the ohl home here on Ttuxnksweisiutt hay and remnined till the followmg M m- dey. Mr. Pu-ily Is now a. resident of Petrolia and n fine specimen of the human family. lliss Annie Handdy of Nol-letnn. Tp. of Kim; and "when vioted ttt Mr. Iiobt. Firher's for a few days law week. The Methotmt Hellman had a suaurl (-2 urch rm gaming on Sunday the 27m alt. in thi, village, The Rev. Mr. Ward ot !"I--»l;ert.un mum-1m] in the morning ts a large and :nmyrecxmi.e audienee and the Roy. Mr. .‘Jntllrmu ol the Preshyurinu church preached in the evening to a "rowde0 Louw. It " said that some had to lurk. away on account t f nu way of gruiug mar the (hurl-l at the church. G. od ser- mom at bath services were punched, Again on the Munduy evening following number huge meeting mu conducted m the mun-st or the church. The to lowing ll: v. gentlemen were in “aluminum: Rev. M". taluxpmn. Methotust, M Irkdalr, Dar. mg. _l’leut were maki week and n 2mm, tte., we“: taken In Inmrkcl. no: lh ii that the geuelui business m our tum: ie I us'susr up and each and all of our business mm are making their lust "orta to compete [Moran-v with htl.cr tmlm whichlmve more facilities than we have The annual Presbyterian Sabbath selnoltvmtiversary will be held mum limp between Xmas and New Years. Prepar- ation, are being made to make it a grand success. Miss McLeod spares no time in preparing her part of the programme. and we are assured that with such officers as Pres, D. Currie, and Sec. W. Nichol and when It cannot fail to be a success. Mrs, Jus McDunald of the ts'uuth Line Glenda. who was suffering with drops, is Improving aell under Dr. Httttou's, trevtturtit. The oldlanlywlm was hvmg tdonetuoved up with Ixernnphmv, Mr. am] Mrs. Jane. McDonald of Arietuesia, where she receives the best of trvattttetst {rum Mrs. McDonald Jr. A few of the member, of Lodge 140 A. 0, U. W. Prkeville, “Wendell the tum-ml ol the late Geo. Stewart of Flesherton, ml Wtuluerday the 30th ult. he being n mem- laer of that order. Mr. Ron. McDonald, late of the Dar, ham rum]. Glenelg. butnow of Montpelier Idaho, writes to his friend here that he “as Visiting his bother Dunnhl McDonaH ct Lu: 1tockies " while last summer. Donald went there about twenty years mm. and WM employed m heroine sleep for a. number of years, and is now one of the wealtllisn men in the Rockies, he hm 3‘70 horses and several head of cattle, and added 300 acres more to his large ranch this summer. Robert mus he Died, at his son's residence at Fa’rwe l, Mr John Muir, native of Arvylesitire. Seotland,aged85 years. Mr. Muir “at." one of thu tir,t settlers in North Eg 6 went, coming there in the year 1853 from the township ofCaledon. His wife died six years ago. The funeral sermon. Wa, preached by the Rev. Mr Mathewn ol Prieevillo. The remains were laid to teat beside his companion in Pnicevilh come- tery. the woalthisn men in the Rockies, he hm i'l,0 horses and sevcml head of cattle, and added 300 acres. more to his large much this sqmmer. Robert mus he cannot get. None without. the Globe and Ravicw. Mr. McDonald is living with hrs youngest daughter Sarah who Had the misforume of losing her second Lus- baml by dumb. Mr. Norman McDollgall took a hip to Waletho last week mu] :ctnrned on Monday last. Robert Fisher and Jim McDougull fin- "ilstttl Friday inst. bio-sun. Hugh and Neil McLean of Montana write home to Smith East (Hemlg. that they had the first steam threcher m that part this fall, they had to so 20 miles to: hand: and had plenty to keep the machine going. Oats, the only grain raised, which yields abcuo 50 law. to the new axe selling for 840 a A cow belonging to Mr, Simpson wiv, pm m loan] a tew days ago by Mr. C. J,'iOiii)an. MI. Simpson paid the pound- keepcr's fee and Mark the Cow home after- w..n}s. Mr. McMillan engaged old Mr, Gin. as valuator, raluntmg the damages at $3 done to some apples in a pit. Query who is to pay the damages. if any done, the owner of the cow or pound- keeper Badger, for neglect of duty for letting the cow away, or was the law complied with by the complainants , law. to bushel. On l2tti'f,ti: evening of last week an old fashion B eigh I from the vill- age attended the entertainment at Al- ur Gav Plenty now "" " making guori ttyt he mi tine-41 cf eshmg M PRICEVILLE. N“ BOLSTEIN. qnaunlj when t at Jim 1leDott,qall tin- Otto Ronald's on n “IL-r ml)! the a'xnosphere e,-,s,1:'..e " Jew!)- bt. ILL} People tthe rc,ads thil W e' had tine n. Tp. of m----'""""'""'" Inn's School in aid ot' the Snnday School and t't-lmt't having " 1.5011! ttme, Mr. and Miss inasovilu1 of t", nunock, have been visiting the farmer’s son Rev. J. w. Magwoml for the past few days. Mr. Craig of M t. Forest, {watched in the Methodist chureh on Sa math in the absence of Rev. J. w .Mugwond who was in Grand Valley while the Rev, G. Lounds of that place was preaching un- niversau y sermons at. Orchard. Miss May Brown left, on Tuesday for a short visit to het old home at Beach- Intended for last week. Our streets were the went? of "tv,tle on Monday wtth farmers deliyrrmg pigs, cattle and sheep to John Brown who shipped the cuts to Tmontn. Abi, Paul who spent the summer in y. Unhom rem! nod home on Tlnusxhly last. Miss F, E. llawn, teacher. spent Thank - giving at. Gleuedeu with her friend Min: Cora Campbell. ville Mrs. W. S. Hamburg]! and MISS Jennie Donpe have been visiting friends at Hm- riston and hewlnridge tor the week return- ed on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Wallace and children spent Tlusulisgiving at s1iootxrtitv,'tl tsith hor parents Mr, and Mrs. Mnnuvll. Mrs. Hunt-on of Dakota was the must ct Mr. and Mrs. Time. Keith last week. Adam Yoltr. who has been at Regina. {or the past few tnonth's returned on Friday. Mrs: Ira Pannocw visit, (1 her sister Mrs. Wm. Gray of Alma for a. few days last. week. J. H, Brown wasiu 'l'oruuto last week on business mixed with pleasure. Thos. Brown and his daughter MES Annie returned from Regina N. W. T. wmro they have hem] visitia-g fur (In mrt thrco mouths. casual), bad tusce, coated I tongue, sick headache, In- somnia, em. Hood's Pills I ill Ills cure eonstipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. Me. All druggistl. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, M35 The only Pillg to take with Hood’s Susannah. 1m Intended for (Us! tctwk. W., are mrry to my that MIA. Wm, McUu‘mun I. wry 'mmr'ly at presvut. We hope she Will wan he all 'i,'.','" again. Mr. Wm. Ctr-0.1 IS yinimug tiicni, and ttequtdut.aitees in lhesa purt‘ at tn-t't, Mi: tl Tilly birra is lrnne on a. visi'. Sm: in'ends wlurmn: to Hum-lam aLter X t.W' . Tho Yummy Suudav Selma! held a. meetiugou Tues-luv last fur the purpose of arranging f yr the” annual Xmas tree on the 25th. 'pusestu0y half the sick-non in ttte world. It retains the digested food too Ions in the bower and produce' blhousuess, torpid liver, in. - - Mr.ZeLus Chunk i it ing mill in run Aug o goal clumping ootht, A week nu» Inst SUllll-ly the Rev. Cruz- ier, at om- time pm tor of this eougtes,rauon, now of Grand Yaliey ' preached a Thanks- ghing srx‘mou in Amos Church. During the pact summer lhn inturinr of the church has beett painted and mm]; tl,ceorute0 to the “mom” of our $100. Al the clam of the sr-rvice a collection was when up of over 550 uhich goc: towmtls the debt. A numb-r hum {lulstein mrl other places were present, to hrur their old lime mini- stttt', Miss Mary Scam: Spunk a few days t',- round here among her friends last, week. The Post Ofliee, was open unzruing and evening for tt shnrt tune. L"i' wwww- _..-'-'--' . , a s [ll a _--- Tlvauks,eivinrg Day has c-nne oarl gone for '08, there bring no pvt-aching; in the chm-cl: the lay passed rathar dull, Prayer mowing»; thin week Hall, Bahrm, Halt and at Mr. M! A cough which seems to Ire on inppite of all the remedies whk] you have “(aimed certainly needs energetic an sensible treatment. For twentyJive years that stand- ard preparation of cod-liver oil, Emsistent Coughs has proved its effectiveness in cup. Ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why: the cod-liver oil, par- tially diirettetl, sttengthyny and -iil5dnsrtipt.a'ti't?! JM). you think of any combi- nattonsoeffetrttviasthtst ',t,TtitthsfePi'2e.?" some. and madam. Itii5' ARCHIVES TORONTO sac. and 31.00, ill 4!!“ SCOTT & Bowt0. M. Tm scorn? EMULSION [niomlml for lust week. 3|an. 'vitali'zcs the "whole DROMORE. VARNEY. ooo _------ t'.t, got. his new chopp- urder He has got a the l The harvest is pasl, the Hummer is ended and the cold winter [dusts Inve been hit, but still thine. is life In our burg, as thr. jingle of bulls and domcnic laugh is usually hem-(l. Mr. Hugh Mclimmm is bu~ily engnged an wet-em taking mat, limlH-l' for Neil Mc- Leau's barn which Le will erect next summer. We uuavoidaldy omitted to chronicle the happy marriage M Mr. Jnhu Witrnulort In Miss Kulc 'cshu.U " hieh tank place two weeks :agu at the rvsileuee of the hrHe's mullxep. A goodly number of friends were present and enjoyed a happy evening. Nina's Eliza Green paid special visits on the 8tUlast week and no doubt enjoyed the drive home. Mr, Jim and Miss Nell Ledingllam spent Frulay night. pleasantly at W.J. Smith's, What we hear, A \vvddiug tumur! Who? Where? st théLake! what Lake , Shallow, of course. What we would like to know. Who wanna one that started for the concert last Friday awning and was. disappointed on nccount of the postpone- ment , Messrs. Samuel and Robert Boyd mud Slmiiuw Luke friends a visit lust, Week. And if Jimmy the lmchelwr thinks he 15 in it ? M-ss Flora Campbell of Algomn is visit- ing her uncle Mr. W. Campbell of this place. Miss Morrow of ll Brown oi Emu-mum w Mr. A. Bryce Irtnt week Mr. Willie 1hlts who has been atGuelrh lo: the past month‘s has relurmd hotne. Welcome back Willie. . Mr. and Mrs Eih, u'. It have been living in Egrumont, have moved tutheir tltuutltt- era Mrs. Sugcmeu's win-re alley intend to remain on uccoum of ill health. Mt. A. Crahb‘s wand-bee on Friday last pruved to be a failure. _ " . V . . I ' , : H A l mp, ._. . _ FW' FFe ... Fr s' .-. -. "" ..JagA39' tr, 'rw. MEM, '1‘". .; A _ h my - - .. vp' "P' , . u 'rr'f , F /h' ‘ I . Jud-g a y - - ar Eill FP ', _ . " _ .. 4 I” Ci __. 3.... x a a PP' , he xh c.'.-, .. J. " ' gki _ 'shii.ieiil ' “ P, = ' Ittt??,tEIMMElt fig EEiMM 'i' . Mg KI " M t T6 " z "r ' " - N" k . l . , ‘ , ., I .v w, . A ‘ - _ . Cr r» ‘ ‘ A r , r k'BtaheitM18Mte. ”an“ gum“ n NK.., a _,, _ r a . a, “'2. xxx? t.t yr "sit L: . 2 L? iiiii, A- L 'Le' A ---- _ - _ _ _ - P1,! We are sorry to relate the sickness of Mrs. W.cralrl, who is not expected to recover. Dr, McIntosh, MeWrlliatrrs and Mitchell were in attendance, Would intimate that she willcontinue tLe Furniture and Undertaking Business camb- linhed by her father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new cnnu m era the same entire satisfaction. Mr. McGrugm-t (I Egrcmout has rented Mr. David l'ridis' farm of thei9th mm. of Proton. We wish you sv.eeeyslobrrt. Furniture of the Best Make ' ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPEDIAUY ”The onH'9teo-rusitrsr In an I. Undertaking tad Embnlming on 1ataat prin- ciples " rumble at“ raxracrcvay:iigltsf: JI ,7 Jam»; 'rc-Ar-ir)-?:,?,;,'-":,?,),'?;]?,??., _biit1V,'Q"ii.iWye'l, it?!“ mg! -; a u agatfihrfigffimjmmfirmnmimxr-nTn iriji5'i;h"Fliifi'irri'ti'r5.'n', F..i.'tiahu'itrt,ri" r219: :i‘mfc-g t MISS SHEWELL MISS SHEWEL l Manually Atndrotrrroutr the FUR-:73?» ‘44; my: _ ' . 'tWit9 \ - $93" t v:Cz':Csp"e',c?pc.' qc2.h'fyef, Juteuded for last "eek. PROTON CENTRE. --PULL LINE Orr-- CRAWFORD. EEE at? ’35"? 3ifi,i, jjiij 5":,.rf Cash and One Price O 0'- RAMSAY dl MtyiRLt:yCgyt, Dundalk we, 0 the Do You Require.“ and Mr, guests of A SUIT, OVERCOAT, or extra pair of TROUSERS? If so, and want an ab- solutely Perfect Garment, the proper cut and style, with Linings equal to any tai- lor-made garment, you can rely upon get- ting the best quality for the Least Money at the busy store of E (T""nn"'1r2nrtrtnnrlnnrnnnnmnnnnrtunrmnnnnnnnrarmnnnnr- veiti2rialllitumiltsiaitusE 5%dli)tlit ital"; Sir) if?“ ' JeP, Calder’s Block, Lower Town-3f ah hm a Em: number of attitlto in star]: that an to make rod. . 5mm tthtigftttitti agrrsruts . . . . WHAT IS HOME without one oi our FANCY LAMPS ? That Touches the Spot-. galii()l)'() SYSTEM RENOVATOR -----OF--- Weak & Impure Blood, . Liver d; Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, &c Ask Draggim. or write direct to J. M, MaoLEUD. Sold by G'deric) ' Ont H. PARKER. Durham. Our stock of Cutlery is something extra, such as famous. Table Knives and Forks. Pccket Knives, Razors. q-h-..:-lv. Just opened an annulment of Silvvrwm-v that is sure to suit. intending )urclmsols. For quality and prim. ITF. (,‘A‘NNOT. mf l'ifi"i'fti14.' “A new line of Steel Enunwl and (irnnilo just to hand. No woman should [Miss swing this stock. We lend in Skates, Sleigh Belle. Axes. X Cut Saws. Lanterns, Hotse Blankets. Rnlws Lined and Unlined, Mitta.Mrut Cutters, etc. A fresh supply of Winter Whips just arrived. ‘ur BUTTERCUP CHURN is ahead of all otheR (ttttttts manufarturrb... 5 Gallons (lhml (Bil for so as. HARDWARE :El WM. BLACK. V. a, iiih', 11.: a; 'ilk ", _,jl:'i:iii-iya, . , 5.14:1 r1 r "_ff'jt] 'ilif a; t7 E45; , Jll/f); Pansy. Grace TIN I Psi: Duma Ingran Ruth Er Clulauq Christie' O chance I books at By TI t) Sir Ther actam Po TI Mi Ad Jane Ed cr Coo Kin gi Mark Gulla I'l TI Tl It is it my the IN “In: FU " 15 II " th tie ll

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