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Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1898, p. 5

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of, othe "he pocket, it is a good le 6.75 ‘1 PS M ll Pansy. Grace Aguilar. Agusta J. E St. Elmo Manna At. tho MPH-y Ainsworth. Dumas. Ingram Captain, Marryat Over this Lis Bound Books at Ruth Erskiue's Cloves Chatauqun Girls nt Home Chm-mid» Christmas Randolpbs Little Fishers and thew nets l-Zstlwr Bud Asleep and Awake H: m Different Sundpomts The Poeket I‘lonsure Sydney Martin lit-Imivg and L'e-eeluring, Lord Lytton. Inila The Parnians The Last Days of Pompeii The (‘nxtnns Harold I'anstart.inv' Godolphin Pethintn Ewen“ Aram Falkland Loeretin There never was 5"-11 a chance to obtain such good books at such anominal cost. By Ar:tht.rr The Fugitivv Days of Putt Home [Mine Sir Walter Scptt. ov, fit. Paul'; liockwood [.ancnuhiw Witehttt Tower of London Manchester Rebel t'orvtpirtttor9 Tho Forty-h The Son of I Thackeray Poets; MpmmrI Tee Qcr Adams. J ane Austin, "J""“'"' -e-- v Frank Mildnmy. Newton Forster. Jamh Faithful. Poor Jack. Midshipman Fatty. Settlers m Cana’m. Children ol the New Forest. Pirate and the Three Curlers. Little Savage. The Pnacher. Janhsth in Search of a Father. Edgeworth. fi,ronc of David Limp SH"? Japhuth in f Cooper- Agatha'a Husband. Head of the Family. John Halifax Gentleman. Kin gstorr “on“ Quentin Darward. lie Robmoy. Tl Guy Mannoring. w The Fortunes of Nigel. The Tahsman. l The Heart of Midlothian. The Bride of Lammermoor. The Monastery. I'evmil of the Peak. Fair Maid of Perth. Old i It is impossible to give all the Titles bat from the above you can judge the quality and assortment we have. Barry Lyndon. The Newcomes. Book of Snoba, Edgar Clifton. Emme White Itrunswiekers, Ban-ford Bridge. The Boys at Westonbury The Winborongh Boys. BirtkssTeare. Inguldsby Legend W/,rdswvrth. sever. Harry Lorreqrter, Northnnger Abbey. sttatvetieh1 Park. Sense and Sensibility. Moral Tales. The Bracelets. Make your selection early. Th: hast ot the Mohicans. Sea Lions. The Prairie The Dcerslo yer. The Pilot. ST LUBK Ma;k Sea worth. Gallivcr's Travels. 15c. Each. DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS. HURHA M, ONT.... MacFarlane tl ih f the Barons uthor John Halifax Gentleman. (I news rn or: Taking the Bunk y-fne Guardsman of PH!“ hos 20Yeurs Meer cf R Physician rn's Net-Hare Monte Crista iiyrr. ns Wilson. of Tiberius {others Iiecompenae The Escape ThpEdict Inez Beulah SE Ito . ck we o d rum Mam-ovum. Eminent Soldiers Digby IIcathcote. Rosanna. The, Will. Old Mortality. illar of Fire. Jack Hinton. Ramona. Pendennin. Vanitv Fair. Kenilworth Woodstock. The Abbot. Cloth Emma. Waverley. Byron. Burns. Emu-son. The reports presented were those of the i Road and Budge Committee by Mr, Gor. '; Jon, chairman, and the county rroperty l committee lg Mr. McDonald, chairman. I The report of Roads and Bridges recom- mended the adoption o' the report of speci- 9.1 committee representing the towuuhips of Osprey and Artezuep-iu. respecting.- the opening up of the towulitse bttweem these townships; that the refusal ot, the town,- shlp of Bentiuck to pay their share of a bridge north of Hanover be filed, and that the neeotlut of Nurrcanby re Scott's bridge be treated in like manner. Council went into committee of the whole on this report, Mr. McDonalu in the chair. 1 The tirst clause rassed. Mr. Quauce mov- ed that the Clerk write asking the town- I ship of lienuunk to cholhidel' their tleei, 510D. Mr, Binme gave a history of ing of the bridge at: question, Knumm and himself. who were Commissioners, hanug been it nuy‘ In unl‘ -~..»...- -__ I _ Kinnon and llllllaelf, who were the Itoad Commissioners, haying been informed of the tlnngeittns Condition of the tltl bridge, had inspected it, and had determined to build anew one. There had originally been two bridges, but filling had been put iii iusteod oi one ol them, and the cost ot the bridge WilH charged up to Bentitick Inuit-r Bylaw 303. lleittinck repudiates the Pay-law and refuses to pay the amount. It “as generally believed tout the By-lzw would not hold water, and he felt time that L'vntinck Would not. reconsider the pou- tion they had taken. Mr. Gordon thought them “use. portion at mist. of the 3640 that Beviinck couhi not get. out of paying-thet mm the t: wt t‘l filling; up. but Mr. Binnie contended that wlwu the county took away " bridge they new rvnlmii~ihle to put» another in its place, or elm make the. road pilhetllile in _ some other Way. The tuuuuupitiity would be responsible tor keeping this filled up poitiou in tepair hcucetortlt. Mr, (pounce n'lVISt'd leasing, the mutter l in mimetic-e tor the present nud holding back the money which was returuaila to l the municipalities until it Wait-t seen wheth- er Bentiiick wuuid not pay the amouut. Mr. Allen contended that it would not be fair to hold buck this returnable money, art the municipalities were entitled to it. No mutter what the Council of lieiitinck thought, he believed that the people felt they were morally, if not legally, bound to pay for the bridge. Mr. Bishop said if the paying back ol tiiviiey to the muuieipalititm Watt laid ovei tilt January it would look as if they were anticipating trouble, and no trottLle'wne I threatened. He tisouuhr the proper action was to file the cotnuutuieatton from Ben- was to his the comumuwuuuu luv-u w... Huck. l Mr. McCohn'un was in favor of taking; some action thut would bring the math:- to u focus. By-law 303 suould ie but he urn a solicitor lor Ins t'pliiloir and if it “as nut sound ttshould lye h healed. The Warden Inelwyml lit-thaw 363 had iys origin in the nznruw Hunt which often animated the old c'ounty cnunm lots, who Manually had strong swtiuuul inlets-ts for ninth they fought Thou: (my; were past nut members now rhould rememiur that t my represemie) the County mud no; any [ su-tluu, In the disasuwiun about Ben. Hawk‘s WNW-"19" intentions they shouid Icmcunher that (with u goatnre in Ihe (liwctlou " the wrurlcr‘n tut-la.) A chiel’s tummy, ye takin' notes, Aud faith ha} preut them. mu} same w rd of this discussion may reach the (m5 of Ucl‘tiuzk people. Mr. Binnie moved, Seconded by Mr. Sang. teat the wmvunteo rise, which Wp.h' canned. Warden Richardson replied that the clerk and himself, who were the commit-. tee, had not thought it was in their province to settle this question, as there was a meeting of the Council to be held, audit. was for than: now to deal with it. Clerk Rutherford expressed, the opinion that taking the vote by ballot. would be the best method. ndnnced several reasons for this contention. Mr. Andaman suggested tho possibility of there being element by animation COUNTY COUNCIL. l, artisan rssplittd that {he Llle build- Mr, ide- in son 0 qua would not ie mu] the t Hal the il' Mamie Merssrs, Sing nu! MnDonald we” in fat or oftv.riw, the vote properly and pay- Iug for it. lt “as finally moved by Means. BHIdp and Gordon that the Clank be imam-"cred to procure irallottr be taking a Vote fur the Home " Range, the ques- tton to be of the, form folloming:---"Attt you in fine! of a Hcar e of He'uue for this county T' with rpnco loft lot tho voter to mark yes or nu, The motion was carried. _ On motion of Messrs. Anderson and Me. Colmon the warden and chairman of the road and bridge committee were instinct- ed to procure the opinion ofa solicitor on by-law 363 and report at. this session of council. On motion of Mr, Wataon the council adjourned until Thursday afternoon at. halfpast two. __------. DURHAM MARKET. Flour per bbl ........m. fe 3 50 to " 00 Onmcn per sack ...... ... 1 80 to 2 00 Bran per ewt ... ... ... 63 to " Shun: yer turt ... ... 75 to 80 Fall Wlrral pet' Lush»! ... 08 to 70 Barley, " ... 0 '35 u 0 42 Pens, io ... 0 62 to 63 Oats, " ... 0 28 to go Ih"d Hugs. per cwt ... 5 25 to 5 30 Hwy. live weight ... ... 4 00 to 50 Lard per ll, ... ... 10 to 10 Tallow' per ll, ... ... 0'd to 04 Butter per Eggs, per dor, ... .. Chickens. [er pm? Ducks bb Turkeys, per ll, ... Geese, per lb ..1 Hides. pa cwt ... Calfskim ... ... Sheepskins ... ... Hay. per ton ... tllruw, '. ... .. Potatoos, per bag Applpa, per The run of live stock at the Western Cattle Mavkerwas fair-60 curlomls all told, composed of 700 cattle, 1489 sheep, (il) calves and 2000 hogs. Trade for good stock of all kivds “as au'liyv. while the [morn grades were slow of sale. 1|uuv.-,. Pr...» _ _ 7,, avtiye, while the [worm grades were slow of sale. Quality of fat cattle otuvd to-day generally not very good. but prospects aw fan' for good cattle next, week, as they aw scan-e and wanted. Export Cattle-- Choice heavy export- ers sold at 81 to $4.25, and light oxpoz-t- [ 01's at, $3.75 to $25.85 per (wt. Export Hulls-Export, hulls of choice heavy quality sold at $3.05 to 83.tG. medium export $3.25 to $3.40. Loads of good hutchels and exporters mixed sold ot, $3.00 to $3.851wr cwt. Choice picked lots of hutchws’ cattle, equal in quality to the hast, exporters, Weighing from 1000 to 1100 lbs. each, wetesc'arce, selling at 8t to $4.25 per own, loads of good $3.40 to $3.00; medi- I um $3.25 to $3.40; common 352.8510 $3.10 1 and inferior 82.70 to $2.75. stovkrus--Hun'alo Huskers were easy with prices unchanged, selling all the way hum $2.75 for inferior to 83 fur medium, and $3.15 to $3.25 for steers weighing (too to 700 lbs each of good quality. Feeders-Good heavy feeders of 1000 In 1150 lbs. and) of good quality are scmce and worth from $3.40 to $3.65 per mm. Milk Cows-About 18 cows wow offer- ul, selling from $30 to 848 each, with fuwat the latter price. No (-xtra cowa- Were otiered, but such would havefuuml ready sale at good prices. Calves -The general Hm sold at 83 to :56 can-h. with veals of extra Weight. and quality selling at ti5 per own. Sheep --- Prices for SIH'ED were un- changed. Ewes sold at, $25.22) to $3.10 fur the bulk, “uh choice picnml lots at $3.501u-l my!" imcks $25011) $2,75 per cwt. Lambs -Prices for lambs were un- changed "r83.00to $4.10 per cwt, the hum-r price being paid for ewes and wclheI-s only. Hogs -Dvliveries weveiuit',21l00; prices unchanged. Choice selections of twat, luv-unllmgs. 160 to 220 lbs each, united and uhwauuvtl, 01f vars. $1.375 to $4.50; mick fats, 8i.25; light fats, $4 per cwt. Too mamv light hogsare coming for- ward, and Mr. Harris is very pavticqlay, and is culhtur, very closely. 1' ew deal- H's got the highest price. $4.50. more uonmg about $1.25. '1 hin women was startled sabbath mom mg last by the : en's of the sudden death ot Mr, Henry Roberts of the 12le con- ocssinn. Mr. Roberts was in IlisususU health the tnevious nigh! uul hnd hea-u cutlate that night helping nurse Mrs. John Durant. He remained ml the mi 'dle of the night. are n lunch, retired and was aloud in the morning. He died without a, snuggle, He leaves " wife who is the daughter of Mr, Jus. Durant, but no children. Mrs. John Duxantpnssed away to join the wst. majority bu sabbath morning o_utoo'elocli, after a. licgeriug Blues. aged 2/J years 5 mos. She leaves a. Lus- band and one child. Unarmed “Ms 0. sister-in-law of Mr. Roberts. This causes two breaks in the same familv. They have the sympathy of me entire neigh- borhood. Mrs. G. MeEachern of tLe 10th con. is Aery sick, Mrs. Darant's mother. She has been unable to leave the house fo.. some tune. T. A. Mchcheru is not improving any of late. He in troubled with a. cancer of the bowels Mr. J. McEachern returned last week from the west. where be but] been for the last three months having been nummoned home by telegram in time to see his sister the deceased Mrs. Durant. VP Live Stock Markets. TORONTO, tb, Tub ters, in “bk-h case than an tleetton for oouneil,tors, expense “will be for taking mg ROBB. fill. me n lunch, vetied the morning. He died le, He leaves n Wife who of Mr, Jus. Duran, but 12 to 13 14 to 15 25 to 30 40 to 50 'Ito 0 05 to " 05 7 00 to 7 oo 25 to 30 40 to 65 5 oo to b' 00 5 00 to 0 00 to '35 u 62 to 28 to 25 to 00 to 10 to 0'd to 60 to 50 to 10 04 0 13 13 75 80 70 42 63 29 75 Xmas No'sc, Toronto Sat Night Black 'it White Pear's Pictorial LONDON Graphic With beautiful Supplements. Order early and secere a copy. For Sale by JAB. ll, GUN A large number ol um young men who left here this full fur the lumber mumps, “we home reporting fair wages. 1tuhliug for mesa and tnrlwy am very common at present. Mr. McLeach nrrin-ul here on Sum'day the 19th Oct. um] held two meetings nu the 20th. ile has got tluvugh in Mt Futon. Mr. Salmon, of Toronto, came. here Tnesday, 22nd. and in company with Mr. McLead: hcll a night Mn ice with a business moduli-4 "tet. It is reported they have organized a new church uml rppninwd oifieurs, and may have Mr. McLe-nh installed uver them in spiritual things. Thos, Hall arrived home from the county of Peel. Our- old boy Jim McDonald (-mnelmck from the sunny South of Ontmin. Died-Mrs. Elizabeth Brnhh. on Sun- day the 27th, and was hurled on the 29th at Esplm Church-yard. She was one of the first, settlers here, her hmlmml died some yum-sage. Slu- leaves at large fum- xly of children all married. The Electors of Proton are hozinning lotnlkof the new Municipal Election and is neural] of the opinion that we should have some changes. hut we can- nol say its to who will he the Candida.te. Mavvivd---Mv. John Super to Mis. Jane Supt-r, both [nu-lips live on the 9th Con. Mr. McDonald the young minister is still preaching in the new church and he is likvlv to get u call here and he "pn'- (Mined here. DRUGGIST DURHAM. " HOPEVILLE. Illustrated News My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . FiiiroUFoipi, thi, la eat stock ct'trr shown in Durham .----I f"! ' Fancy Colors. Beat 'rd.tf/fd7 qud y.' prion; {mm $35.04! ii/iii, ",-a'.fr' ft; v',.'h"lg only and tee"..'?' bargqnw. hill (mos of put. Graven!» and Hahn and a! prteee that in” surprwe you. PULPERS A large stock of Jqumg-llm-rix Rollcraml Ball Bearing I‘ulps'rs. Prim»: Ifmuuuublv. Saving Murmurs and Organs the rrr (w! liner t Organ or Searing Murmur in jun! before I,,',",',",,'. To demand I will /edure pritwtt 11/ per cent fur the, mar! .;u Money fo Loan at o" per cent on Good Securily. Insurance of all kinds promptly attended to. Marriage Lirmuu's issued tither during day or rrrning. Come in and see our Goods when in Town. 1856 IyiLPARKliiiR 1898 OLD ESTABuISHEl) 'f "i,lii'r. alll: 'ijil,-'i', HE E: ".i":'ft' CUTTERS d! ROSES _-ji/v-:: 1313 _.':fr, Jr, :31; 333 [lf: 35E '3iL; _7f,, 33:9. 71W , v t if“: CHEM/h 7 am] nftt t'ii.ri?i.tii! "Law,“ Law;- cci:urr.1-r/1r 't:rf?rh'rcrhtrri rc-ir-rat-ini-ri/nerr-In r 'V-tt' BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. w rt) SANTA CLAUS has just arrived with a big ii! Load of Christmas Presents, TOYS, GAMES, it, 6: CANDIES. Amongst them are tl PHOTO ALBUMS MOUTH means it) PHOTO FRI MES STEREOSCOPES W WORK BOXES' PARLOR CROQUET W JEWEL BOXES CROKINOLE 'll Child’s CARPET SWEEPERS DRUMS W COMB & BRUSH CASES WRITNG DFSKS w TOY HANDS SILK HANDKERCHIEFS il) MAGlC LANTERNS PICTURE BOOKS go; And LOTS of Candies . (.5441): W COME AND t2EE HIM MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. Office, ottlee---- dem TOWN. DURHAM. - "__._st. oft, m“. XMAS a :3“ Beam Collections an Pills, Deeds, to. correctly 1 port0P' looked ruiuistrtrtots" d tiuvrogtsto Cott Letters of Ad Obtained. Sew Times report“: SUCH As-runes Toilet Cases. Japanese (one: Leather Trulrt Bus Leather Travelling Cases Celluloid Collar and Cuff Boxes Fancy Purses i. Ludnss Lenrher Handkerchief Wallets. SSH: Lined Lmlits’ [malller Hdkf, and Glove Wallets. Silk I Photo Albums in Leather. Plush and Celluloid Autograph Albums do do tlo Toy Books. Authors. Fancy Lumps Silver mounted Pipes All kinds bf Pipes .(liuar (‘nses Cigal'ellee (View, Na. K" ComplDY l Kortsugai at. lo undo ry ucum Illustrated Catalogue of _ GAMES __ LucAs. WRJEHUL mam- orrFICEB-at Owen Durham. MUSIC , Accm'dlons. Covwertinas. At Durham Offices, F 'WHY do you hog? asked It kinds, Mondays and Court Days 'hemu-dwonmn. " can't help it,ma'am,' idthe lteter. ‘My wKe'e 3 wade!- a nun apnea. cnumm um. “X (games next door to lion'- Dem-.1 one“ llrith tive children. and they look- to met for unpport.’ New Fru’ts Wttlots. CHEM/ST um] inttJGGih"l', gown" PUBLIC. Photo Albums in Leather Autograph Albums do Toy Books. Amln Silver mounted Pipes Cigar Case? Adi Charges et::itt:rrtttttttt:etttt"e'et BARR! Ea Xingu Lanes. U i iedn a Do...- Upper ross 55555155355555555555333? over Giay1':s' sun-c. N4 A member tora' Accvmnlq a Court Busim ot Admiuimmt I. Search“ mud LEFROY McCAUL. any and private Funds to Lo I M low-It. rum of Intern“. Yttltt a competent and careful anuumr tee on . TELFORDs hat gas moderate. and Agency pnmptly a Mortgages. Lulu, i prepgrod. Estates I lawn, and Execgwr CHOICE' XMAS GROCERIES. l Catalogue of New York Jeweller to chooes from. B-Playing Cards. Checker Boards, Dnmimes Hes. Croekhiole, Purchwm. rc--Yiolius and Bows ; Violim from $1.50 to $25.00. coccertinas. Jews' Harps. Sue oua stock of Mouth Org. BllllllES. PRAYER BOOKS. HYMNAIJS : h Nice Stork to choose from. TEF., SOLICITCR. :uc. couvznuczk. ac. always Lead. 1313mm M. 'ts' _ -"' Fire Insurance Secured. Winter Goods H. PARK E R. ot the ttrm will attend New Perk Fillmns. Sim-55. 'l’ru‘nna or ttut nation and. Guurdiuuuhi made In Begun-y Ounce In NE prepare Baum, Mnrkdllo nod Madam/ca. WM. CALDER. Lower Town, " attended to. ti, Agreements. ,5 ot accused new and Ad- , and wee.! “FL: . wins G tnrrxiiuurstt'u] Mg: etitlttte 0 Loan on Valuation! Jrrver Undersold. it Dates. Pumas. Almonds. All kinds of Cunfociium ry, 'ill1iRi)1jli?,l,i.)liPm) at hm 1896442! The undersigned will keep fur svrvice on Lot 32, Con. o. Buntim‘k a lllomugh- bred Improved, Yorkrhitvluertt' fur the swim“ of 1898-99. from the fumuns hard of J. E. Bethour. Pedigrttyyyt pp 59ch mt applicui ior. The underqUrned will keep for nor- vice, season Hills-99 all Lot 23, Con. S D. It., Glenda. u Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, Obtained fman the "Gold Medal Herd" of J. G. Snell. Edmonton. TERMS ..--41.oo DON. MCARTHL'R. Baum“. Nov. Ito. as. The m Pedigree puny he even on upplwnliun. w undersigned will keep fun ,m 17, Cou. 2, Nurmuuhy. an AM. the Ilmruugh-Ivmd Berkshire, "North Star, Ian a thovuusrh-ltt'od Japanese Toilet Sets THOROUGHBRED BEARS. BE', EKSHIBE BOAR. mg Cases Fancy Purses & Wallet ii'EItMs JC.- [.00 JOHN MARSHALL Jr Tls'm’ls: -.St TORONTO Tamworth Boar w the new! 3tt tttttpt. DURHAM bead “mo 101mg an man. To our” thin Ali! w. T. (‘()()K 00 ed ‘JLLIU- BEE It a: 3:2 IE J:t' IE service mm of If If; Ir an: Ir It) a L

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