West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Dec 1898, p. 8

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ll " cii%hihihi1lGiitiii 1iiiiiiiihiiiiN%h; John Collins. sworn. I mu lmlf hm- ther of Mrs Lindle muthm- of the child- ren Ada Maud Hill and Olive Lindle, She has not any menus of tmpporr for herself or children to my knowledge. She has been hanging at my place 'even.. al times. I am satisfied that Mrs. Lin. dleis notaproper person to have the care of these children and has not the means of support. I know that collec- tinns have been taken Ill to supply Mrs. Lindiennd the children to keep them from starving. James Carson sworn. I have heard the evidence of Jas. Lediard justgiven and can corroborate it in every par- ticular is I was present with him and arrested the children. , l John Calvert sworn. Iain acquaint. !cd with Mrs. Lindle and know both 1 she and the children viz , Ada Maud : Hill and Olive Lindlc. I was an Ex. , ccutor " some property in which Mrs. _, Lindlc was eoneepned. I tiltl certain i, that Mrs. Limllu has not an); menus of '; support for herself or the children inanied. Mrs. Lindlc is not " capable V person to have the children under her l care, and it'she had the menus would i not cure properly for the childieu. l She has come to my house and asked I for assistance for herself and children. Samuel Neal sworn. I have seen Mrs. Lindle crying on the road for what I believe to be want of support. Have seen the children, they looked neglected and tilthy. Alexander Dodds swurn. 1 am a miller near oreluwdville m d lip. Queen has been buying flour from me for Mrs. Lindle. He bought the lust bag about two weeks ago for her. He says he is the guardian of the children ot the said Mrs. Lindle. He has bought two bags of flotw during the last month. Any ilot1y which has been said to go to Mrs. Lindle hos not been paid for for nearly a year. Mrs. Cnthrine Hocfiin sworn. Mrs. Lindle has been in the habit of coming to my house und getting assistance in the way of milk, bread, potatoes, meat, butter and clothes. She stated to me that she had nothing to live on. Some times she brought the children and their appearance indicated that they needed clothes very badly. From my knowledge of the ease and statements made by Mrs. Lindle, I am satislied that she is unable to support the children, qR5 ARCHIVES TORONTO _ Samuel McGowan sworn, I am an :unclc to the mother of the children 'imentioned, viz., Ada Maud Hill and (Olive Lindle. I am well acquainted gwith the mother of the said children i and know that these children iarc hers. She told me that she was not getting enough support for the children from Mr. Queen who had been guardian of the children, Iknow that Queen has been discharged from gunrdhnship over a year ago and that the money has been stopped since that time. Mrs. Lindle came to me a year ago last June and told me she was not gettingsr1ftieent then to support her and the children. From my knowledge of Mrs. Lindle's surroundings she has nothing to supnort either herself' or children at the present time. i Aswe intimated lust week, these children Were arrested and brought to Durham by the above named Agent t the result of this trial jastims the action. The evidence will explain itself. iard, Agent of the CJhildreu's Aid Society, o. Sand, v. S. Ada Maud Hill, and Olive Lindle. Before Wm. Calder and H. W. Mocklcr J. P's in Town Hall. on Mon- day, was tried the case of James Led- EIACISTRATE NEWSPAPER PosTArsE.--At. the he- ginning of the your postage is to be reimposed on newspapers outside of a certain limit. Ivithirut gmng into the righlsor wrongs of this action We beg to remind our readers that the [differ- ence it will make. to publishers compels them to demand payment in advance invariably on papers at a. distance. Will renders at a distance kindly re. member this and keep their label in; advance. l Terms.-- $1.00. _ Pedigree may on application. Tim m‘dersigned has a first-cl lhmnnghln'ed Durham Bull for Sen on Lots 58zt_l_1¢153. 90112. Huminck. Fila' EiitDiriiDiiir1aPTiGrUpor. ' '" - - “"' - llllpoon mica" Prop". "rt-sur-mir- all Non-van. Dun-es. Failing Memory N Punk. Simple-anon. Nightly Emis- 1'p,pf,tp, canned by put aha-en. give. cor and size to shrunken organ. and ",rAr..rrtstorxys W Maw iiGidFr' ', Wear and size to shrunken organ. and quickly but surely “more: Lad Manhood mph or young. Easily carried in not pocket. Price 81.00 a package, Bis for (5.00 with a. written guarantee to we or money "funded. Dow"! BUY AN Inn-Anon. but ttyr. on P.t,IM 11939290. 1;, your drumrut has not Full part‘lcn'ars in College Ammunco- man and Journal, Free in any ad- dress. Semi for one tcs-iw, tu The Magisiruh-s nth-r hearing the evidencedw-ndvd tocnnnnil the children Ada Maud 11111 and Olive Liudle to the (any of the l‘hillm-zm' Aid Hm-iviv of Owen Sound and that, a rate of $1.50 per week for each at tho children he grunt- ed to the. said Hark-1y so lnngna the said chihhvn are undvr the mrv of 410 said Suck-13' to lo paid by the (‘muzly of Grey, By Mv. Lc-xliurd. lam (wt-min that, I lmyonnt lwen notified by tLe Oiiiriul Guardian nfmy n-mm‘nl of Guardian- ship. I smut lrw it few pounds of “our the day [winn- the vhihiru-n \wx-o an cigt- ed, (at gum-din): fur Ada Linn} Hill il- bout. 5 ye-u-s ago. [mu still guardian. I gorili50dutaurg the Inst <nmuwr. The last youth payment of $150 was made to me about March 1896. I got 8150 in March 1807. Igot nothing timing 1897 ov98 with the exception of tral during 18%. I Wm ttotifftut alum! It munth ago that, In: fllt'tllt‘l‘ otlu. ciusld he granted by Hoskius. lexpm-t lo he in n posi- tion to pay the llltltll‘y myself fur the support of the chihlveu. By Mc. Lc-tlinrd. Ian: (wt-min that, I John Queen sworn. I have provided Mrs. Lindle with tmff1cient support foe Ada Maud Hill and Olive Lindlu hy giving her thuw mnney and clothing; necessary for hrr and the children's sup- poet. Ihavegiven Mrs. Lindle 100 lbs of Hum about every 20 m- 28 da.ysduriu,v, thelast year. I have given hev uhuut. 20 pounds of oatmeal per mun! h. I have given her two three pouud lmxvs of his- Cuits Pei' mum h during the last year. I hru'vgivvn hm alum! ll, IIs of tea per mumh. [have gin-n htu. niumt c, Pos of sugar nor mouth. I have gin-n hm- mnnoy fur mm: my about 25 Hr sums. {haw givvn 'iuw lrrumL l wuc,V,t!roitit. e----rf _ / we" [I "",, 5 rr,d,,.t2" if, 4 y 'lr .427 , i' 'W/Alfl/zyy ; C ya tf \ I - " Dr " , Net a: l ,2 ail. Other very valuable c, tniire " :cuts are harmoniously com- blticsd in Hood's l'Ttggillt and it is I. 9» Lily m :'y'wred un er the personal F ': F 7.1) u: ol ik regularly educated 3h h‘lllant. Kn mime; thaw facts, is the abiding faith the people have in Hood’s Sempnrllln a mama-.0! surprise? You can seewhy Hood’s Ssranparilh cures, when other medicines totally, absolutely tail. “as E’s Pills Ii 1 1m hm --itt fact the One True Blood Purleer. Sal i 'vy an drugtzisis. :1; six for " 3:32.545: Sarsaparilla OWEN SOUND, 0n MAGFARLANE & 00., DRUGGISTS, .‘ _ tri:uc'epttrilli1 is not merely a simple , epsmdon of Sarsapnrilu, Dock,Stil- :1, " x and a little Iodide of Potassium. f _ P than excellent alteratives, it also CC:. 321.1. than great anti-bilious and 1521:: remediev-a, Mandrake and Dande- lisa. It also contains those great kidney remedies, Uvn Uni, Juniper .8 rugs. and Piprissewe. My Grounded Upon Real Marl: -Thcy Knew Hood's Samaparma Absc-iutely and_ _Perrtyrytnttr ', Lacs w hen It " the very Canada in gr: BULL FOR SERVICE. ATTEN l) THE "h-NORTHERN/ / Business Educuliun, brtitf THUS. M IGHTON. W. ('.\LI)ER, J. P. H. W. Mm'KLEn, J. P, let one 'vu-Joy, tu FLEMING, 'L’r7n ‘ilml Durham, Out pdl Others Fall. I have given hm" wt y about 25 or SOCKS. (r? wad. I w.“ :lmmint- C, Ada mud “in u- t; [am still guardian. I. V'g. last cunnnvr. The 'Ti ll of 8150 was made St' 18:76. I got $150 in k) nothing during 1897 i;) Ttion of 850 during "d (I alum! " month ago ss?; are the beat after-dinner bills. aid digestion. 25c OPEC it a.» has.“ cies': 3 titll Thai «ugh 'e-_-ro-t_ n " first-class lil 3e 590" ice 3 142:49, concession 2, Glenda. With. fin two miles of the town of Durham. ‘Tllis is a good farm. Good Mane house. 'frmno barn. good ovchav0, “1-H watered 'trottvenient to market. Will he sold E cheap. For particulars apply to , __ .. -- “YORKSHIRE BOAR" for season IMB419, The undersigned will keep vice at Lot. IO, Con. 1, S. D R. Roh Roy Hotel) a. thorough-hm ' JOHN Mcriirrc'ji',.'Gi, or to Rocky Hangman GEORGE H. TECKER. Box 257, Portage La Prairie. Mun aired2 yams, plu't-hrm-d from the hold of H. Harker, Durham. Pt-dim-ce may he seen upon application. Terms "h"wts, payable Feb. lst, 181K). The llndPrSlgnPd will keep foe service, season 1898, at lot“), can. 2, H. D. IL. :1 thoroughluvd Dun-hum Bull. Crune to the premises of the under- signed, Lotsi3and 0, Con. 3, N. Ur. It., Glenelw, one fat she.'p. Owner. will please m ow pl'OpCl‘l y and pay expenses. 3 JAN. MtG'iLLih'iti. . W hen improvements ( now being made are completed,) about, the Ist of January next,’ they will be prepared to execute all kinds of custom work in their line....... l C. M'sG. WATSON. _ beg to notify the Public that the business here- to-fore conducted under the firm name of P. & G. Watson, will henceforth be known as C. & G. Watson...... FAIRWELL MILLS. Thorough-bred Boar. (iRANT i9 NEXT BA NR. INXto2tts'p',ykJe ii; And will In: plmlsvd if) to quote prim»: and if,',' show you samples: at ii, any time. 63' Our stock is complete {by In all lines, and you rt will find the prices, pg very low in every case. x; :'?, a)m. J)faeftartam, g; The undersiylml VHF": ct'rye.eeey- jf~ We have) THOROBRED DURHAM BULL T? l R TERMS t--V00, 1mm FOR SALE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVERWA RE, SHE E P ESTRA Y, -THRES'NN A LFRED ”INKS, P: GEO. RYAN, Proprietor. -._l- ---os--e ------- o-rr-o-r-'-""-". ”mania-4.3mm , " r is " _ - 'ep for ser- R. Glenelg Pup Mun. tl' Mace-ease: '.'." England d; Russia M, JY. Jj).0ttil.1at. friu Jifaaowr GOrwcyancer, ,,‘_. -..-vr.uuln "" in? Hall'- more and Ohio nulroad track came to a mile post. when one of them exclaimed ~‘Tread my. Pat: here liesta man who way' NE your old- Mt. --~- “W “" uuvucy w man at I) per cert. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. (Kwan Tickets for sale. Debts eolleetcd, all business attended to quickly and promptly. -"e ' ...' Alillllld-‘l'. .‘H‘Hll' j " acres. good building. (‘IN- I]: I’m! Imiee, Store, Church and N'hw l. Will sell at a great bargain I-l'H‘mlv. LEWIS Elms FARM, townshipoflrrilar," good form in German slevnlvm. Will Sell cheap or exchange. (1-H- taine 100 acres, We" impruvul. A 100 ACRE, FARM in Heminck. pretty good lot, at say 9851) should luringr 81200. Who speaks timt ? HOUSE AND Lor at Allan Park. In be given away. comfortable dwelling, good Stable Money tn loan " 5 per cent. Fire, Lifennd Accident Insurance, Ocean Wt! for "te. Debts mum-ma a" v. -.. “In. tIII.‘ ulll' 1U” acres for but little morn alum “as gym a few years ago ltciore Mr. casdalc built on it a large brick dwelling which he says cost $1le. Hosmcn Punt; at Lamlash, “how 17gtteeuttodit building, Clt-M- n: Post ili,, "ttttover (“mu _ " offers the fouinvine bargains: Trauma: Punt; lot 30, can. 2, W.G. ll. Bentinck. Will sell this tine IOU non-Au- 1'»-- . -- .. - At each others throats would probably raise the prices, ', ." ?lllllllilllMg PILLS Mtuutraetu'd on Honor & Sold on Merit Two 1tiiiiifaiiilaiiiniGii- iii; ruiii, worn and "ht., ....|._-_ j . . THY. ONLY ABHUIJ'TELY HELIAIHJC PREPARATIONS oh THE MAIthryi' PLEAS‘NT, PURE AND HEALTHI'UL Mlllitlllill Guaranlm-d In l Ill t' . leunuuiun. a t 'iciatira, Lutiiir.ucrr. iilram In Gout and Spmmc 'A'autthlc;a. The Workmuushin Unsurpauwl Fine Choice in Vallses, Grips, Horse Blankets. ae., &c. We do the trade In Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. CALL & SEE OUR Heavy Wellandle everything in tlu. “M m , line, at right prices. Only by ti. PARKER, Durham Sf?’ 4mg 'l, C. LEAVEN , an Nrr't%h'fflrii' f 61 high: 3E; TO SUIT YOU. Medicines -MlLa.:.3 ,__‘_-- x -. IWIIIIW It t here lies a man who 1.. lil- nnme was Miles 'Coilars: BIKES, ités. Ti, Brights Disease. Diabetes. Puvalyris Convulsinns. Ill-ml Disease. etc.. l'h'. A fttl'e cut-o fur Headavhe,roizzuuaw, t'ot:tsripNtiott. lndi trttfiop, MIL-"sues: Guaranteed to run Rheumatism. Scintim. Lumlmgu. Gout and Neuralsria. fillly.1ij; n AL Hm The ll the hum Highest r wood lit [In oN (Mun: "nuunl'v. afrect inn. cover. Tina-Ml cotttttul ll tnkem The u Clwi, fin" test" Hi Libra Fvido lm'ul t tttt with u Mi 'ro i ll HI ilmlnh- l Mttorttt'.v u l mud" NW he mun: to imittcte tite G Me. 1vhitttt'.x Haw. Thot In tto" " flu (Slum stationm I ‘m'nm'. highest 1 gr tin. I Pauties l mu inn. he tdope (N Bt one gmlmr} ()V “yumm- is mm- the old [mu-H functional mm We my “hum mule it mess) wary. unless l lam Hum Hui 'me Toronto reedingrtt 'ii') M our ott [Minted Film ll "ook" N gown“. the IN Post was tte non of the.ht hefon- " um tho Poet mad mullin- an awn- tat keep Ial'ym-u in 1)t ‘llngnnul. 1 M the Judy- vainly m-il it It. awn I use ll "ttt n "write! gum paper 1 Dr. Land hogs“ of t umuug whai worthy RP": ed peculiar“ Inn "wtt [ml trieod. I f the doctor a on“ he has hemetit. In teot his aid "stair' move! qua-I of fri VOL-r ---,' 'etpot Sl'xm-m m ,t'looo 62.m f, "I which I ll yams. Boxl would am! I writes Mr. ( tttnt, rapidly ttor's tsuttiw " it! " welt" mm Ily. “In; Mrs, -Auul her w hwy. “ll home mp1! '5'. K. Nun-u LOCAL A who is nnw ’(anAI law-nu M. van we mid wottte ' 'f ost "w" Pap"' nertuinly we herehy and fot' A right hot more Rats at the , twdttet . " " " wiser" man-kt" pork. wishiu will tit as his 1 llll IV ' In tl m

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