m h HE NEWS Ill R NUISHHL 'rt-ttrag In. About 0n: thm Country. qreqt Britain. the United states. and All M ot the Globe. Cow and Aa-ted It! Buy $teadirt Inbr-Genenl Hatton has gone tn I" Brunswick eariboo hunting. The new Imperial penny postage lumps are now on sale at Ottawa. The Northern Pacific Railway Co will further extend their system in Manitoba next season. The Northwest Land Company re- port. that their sales have doubled themselves during the past eleven months. u ing the 18 years trom 1885t01898 108 persons have been condemned to death in Canada for murder. ot these 60 were executed. and 48 sentences were commuted. The Manitoba, Elevator Company, wh ch owned mun-seven vlevutorsta 10M out to the Northern Dominion Ele- vmor Company and Bready, Love & Tryon. “so Northern Elevator Co., now Own 117 elevators. It is reported that Judge Dugas, who went to the Klondike a couple of months ago to succeed Judge Maguire, m troubled with his eyes. and finds the climate :0 tying to them that he may have to resign. Exports of grain from Montreal during the season of navigation just closed show an increase of nearly 20,- 000000 bushels compared with last yam Harry Morgan. st present in Van- couver. claims to lave discovered a. huge body of ore, a vary mountain of mineral, on an north-east coast of Van- couver island. The deposit, he says, sparingly resembles the Treadwell mine. d It is said that the trustees of Emerald Street Methodist Church, Hamilton, contemplate suing delinquent subscrib- ers to the building fund. The Quebec Harbor Commissioners have decided to grant exempt?on from harbor dues to any line of trans-Atlan- tic steamers making that port its wea- tern terminus. The London City Council and the Bell Telephone Company nave made a new ttttreement for five years and the Peo. ple's Telephone Company has with- drawn from the field. Whether the Government supplies tbun or not the Toronto Public Schoon Cmiats who are now being selected to visit Florida will be supplied with I uniform. They will ttoat .500. A large petition is being circulated through Northern British Columbia asking for waggon roads from Ash- croft. through Cariboo and Omenica. which in being opened up very that. eir at Montreal were 33.7'08345, 54,842,695 tor the some period rear. . Judge MaoDongall has declined to re- It',: Manley Hall, Toronto, from tax- . Ion. A C.P.R. official at Montreal denies the statement that the company is not amply equipped and prepared to handle the western grain business. The report is revived at Vancouver that the Great Northern Railway is to bridge the Fraser River at New Wast- minster, and extend it: system into Vancouver City. A Doorway Whaler, who owns a fleet of Whalers on Norway's coast. is in Vancouver for the purpose of estab- lishing a whaling fleet for the pacific, mth Victoria or Vancouver as ahomo Customs receipts from the lat of May to the close of navigation [an ear at Montreal were $3,708,345, and 54,842,695 for the some period this It is feared that the bqbonic plague has broken out in Chinatown, ban Fulcisco. The marine section of the Toronto Board of Trade is urging such improve menra to Toronto harbour as would make it an ocean port. The corporation of McGill University haa decided to confer the honorary do- (no of LL.D., upon Lord Minto. . Aid. Davies of Toronto, purposes get- ting after the departmental stores stain on the question of taxation. The Governors of Math“ Luiversity, Montreal, have panned a resolution " fiii.atim.r Vancouver College with the annuity. in view of the approach of the Christ- mas season, attention is directed to the (act that no parcel can be sent from Canada to any other country by parcel post unless it bears a customs declara- tion setting forth the nature of its contents and its value. It is reported that the Canadian chitic hm purchaaed a large block of [and in the centre of Winnipeg, fret- ing on the Red River, upon which a hwndsome union depot will be erected next year. the present depot to be utilized " freight offices. C. P. R. [and sales for the month of November amount to 27,000 acres. for which 885,000 was realized. This in a substantial increase over the showing made in October. when 17,000 urea were sold for WMâ€. The Toronto city commissioner re- ports that the total value of the build... ing permits issued during the month of November is $109,000. and the total value for tho past eleven months of the year. 81,611,480. This is an in- crease of almost 100 per cent. Mr. Douglas. Superintendent ot the Bunit National Park, suggetrttsthatthe size of the park should be increased by taking in the watershed of the Bow River. The extension would he used as a game preserva, and would be under the park management. The latest comma from Dawson City bring new: that Frank Slavin, the prize tighter, has secured the right to out tho timber for five miles up the Klondike river, beginning at itsmouth. Any other man living in this tonne must pay tribute to Mr. Slnv'm at the “to of " I cord. Mayor Shaw of Toronto has received I letter from the British War Office stating that the Twenty-First Lan- unr- will not return from Egypt for about a year, and that then they will, in the ordinary course ot events, re- main a: homo for several years. Con- IE VERY LATEST FROM All. THE WORLD OVER. CANADA =equently they cannot pass through Canada on their way to India. Manitoba and North-Western butter will have main to contend in Tran- Power with tho Australian agtlcle. Australian and New Zealand shippers are feeling the market as to prospeots for advantageously laying down slti.rr- ments of butter in British Columbia. Last winter and spring a good price was realized for Australian butter. which took very well. _ The Edmonton District Rallway Com- pnny will ask Parliament for power to build a railway to the coast by way at Yellow Head or Peace River passes, or to connect with the line which the Brithh Pacific Railway Company is authorized to construct; also to build a branch line to the Yukon River, and to change the name to the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway Company. Mr. William Waldorf Astor has Pr, nated, 5,000 toward the (and being raised at theinstaueo ot General Lord Kitchener, to found the Gordon Mem- orial College at Khartoum. There is some talk in England of sending Lord Kitchener, ot Khartoum, to the Cape as the British Governor- General of South Africa, Sir Alfred Milms, the present incumbent. is to Rimmed Lord Cromer in Egypt. .Lord Salisbury's recent reference in his speech at Guildhall to "decaying empires" has aroused the anger of the Sultan. who hasten: to repudiate the ghmse it it was meant to refer to 11rirer. Chicago pork packers have entered a strong protest against Germany's ac- tion in excluding U. S. sausages. Detroit school trustees are wrought up over the discovery that Canadian female teachers have been offered positions in Detroit schools. The Ontario Provincial Board of .Health has adopted a rmlution mak- mg it obligatory on physicians to re-. port all cases of tuberculosis occurring In their practice. If a. physician, is not consulted, then this duty should tall upon the householders; that local health boards should provide for the regular and systematic disinfection of the domicile in which the patient lives. GREAT mUTALN. It is rumoured that Quetn Yictoria will visit Florence next spring instead of the Riviera. “10 people in the Gimme} Islands Were so disturbed at the possible con- sameness of a. war bntween Grtsat, Britain and France thu. fy buried their valuables. Leopo'ld Rothschild won '150,000 in stakes Ln the English racing season. winch dosed this week. The Duke of Wtsstminster made $80,000, Lord Rose- bery 855,000, and the Prince of Wales 8130,1100. Losses to shipping and Vessel owner: on the great lakes for the year are estimated at 82,500,000, the largest re- corded. Mr. Joseph Choate, of New York, is being talked of as Mr. Hays' successor as Ambassador of the United States to Great Britain. A gold-headed cane has been recov- ored from the wreck of the steamer Portland. bearing the inacriptirm: "Nov. 27, Toronto, 1887." Secretary Spaulding at Washing- ton says Canadian commercial travel- ivrs do not com-3 within the provisions bf the alien labor not. and in free to do business in the United States. They weigh the Mayor of Hisrt.wr combe each year. This [ear Liver- pool's Mayor is the champion .heyr- weight of England. His name 18 Onl- ton, pronounced "Wholeton." Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott,whose health is failing, is about to resign the pas- torate of the Plymouth church. Brook.. Un, N. Y. Secretary Long, of the United States navy, in his annual report, made pub- lie on Friday, asks for fifteen more warships at a total cost of over 836.- The Lraneet sais, (he Prince of Walga has entirely recovered from the tM5Cb. dent to his knee in July last. _ l * The Colonial Institute of London, .Eng., has passed a resolution express- ing gratification at the coming Imper- ml penny postage. UNITED STATES. Eight people hava been killed and 51: wounded during the present hunting season in Michigan. .The British steamer Helium. at Liverpool from Montevideo, lost 1,194 sheep on the voyage. -- - The police of Newark, N.J., have been authorized to offer 8500' rewar"d for the recovery of a watch lost or stolen from a wealthy lady of that city on Wednes- day night. The watch is valued at 81,800. During the past fiscal year the gross revenue of the United States Post of- [ice Department was $89,012,618. The gross expenditure was tW8,083,528, This is nearly two-thirds more busmess than was done by the department in 1880. Two east-bound freight trains run- ning together on the Fitchburg rail- road collided near Athol, Mass., and Brakesman Knight, of Williams- town, was caught in the wreck by the logs, and burned to death, in spite of the efforts of his comrades to release him. Mrs. Wynn, the richest resident of Brooklyn, 111., and owner of half the town, which lies across the river from St. Louis, Mo., was murdered Friday or early Saturday morning by robbers, who cut her throat and left her dead in the front yard after ransacking the house. The famous old Indian, Pete Wade- umn, of Prescott, Mich., aged 113, who was married twice to squaws, and whose second wife died only two months ago. was again married Thurs- day to a Polish girl named Emma Jane Swanstephanski. aged 56, who emigrat- ed recently from Montreal. By direction ot the Chamber ofCom- meme of the State of New York its committee on Atejgp commerce can“; Jiiiresiderft McKinley and presented the memorial urging him to conveno an international cpngress " Washing- ia-treusider tho'question of mai- mg private property on the sea true from capture in time of war. _ A Missouri Pacific passenger train was held up four miles west of Sedalia, Mo., Tuesday nightrby three meted men. One ot the men, Jim West, an engineer of the company, was captured. The others escaped. The hold-up wee to have taken place Friday, but one of the men weakened, and it was fixed tur Tuesday. The company was ewnre ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Queen Victoria of this and the train hands were pre- nared. Fully twenty shots won - hanged, - __ The; German Emperor in reported to be planning a tour of England 3nd Scotland next June. , GENERAL. The Spanish authorities are seriou- 'ry alarmed at the indication! of la imminent rising. Emperor William," it is rumoured. in- tends to write tor publlcntion an to- .:ount of his Palestine tour. It ls erpeeted that the Khedive of Egypt will next year visit England to pay his respects to the Queen. is, Sew" South Wales wheat har- vest for this year will be 1Ji90,000 bushels, in excess of that of last you. A plot to assassinate Prince Ferdi- nand of Bulgaria has been discovered at Sofia and numerous arrests In" been made. The Journal Official on Tuesday. in Paris, publshes a decree forbidding ad- mittance into France of fruit and plants from the United Staten. Four Hungarians have been playing chess with bottles of wine. When one moved he emptied the particular bob. tle. A few moves saw all {he players fast asleep. Thirty-seven peoplo on board the British steamer Clan Drummond, from Clyde for the Cape of Good Hope, wrecked in the Bay of Biscay. were drowned. The Bank of Spain has made a fresh advance to the Government of CO,000,- 000 pesetas (812,000,000) to cover the ex- penses of repatristing the Spanish troops in the Philippines and the Antilles. A new star has appeared in the firms- ment ot musical art in Italy. Ilia the Abbe Perusi. over whose latest Composi- tion, " The Resurrection of Lazarus," the Italian papers are profuse in their eulogies. Details of the new German army hill show that the Prussian peace (toutin- gent will be increased by 11,424 men and 2,850 horses, and the Saxony con- tingent by 2,073 men. _ The French Government has decid- ed to make Noumea, ca ital of the French colony of New (Paledonla its naval headquarters In the Pacific. A large deck and naval works will be erected there. A bomb tsurtridge containing 140 grammes at murder and nails, capable of doing JlMfC,' damage was found in the Bourse at Marseilles, France, on Tuesday. The tuna had been lighted, but it did not burn. Spaniards Very Illum- over the Term! Agreed to. A despatch from Paris, saysz-The United States and Spanish Peace Com- missioners concluded their work on Thursday, and finally settled the terms of tho treaty at peace. They will meet once more in formal session. on Saturday or Monday next, when the Spanish commissioners sorrowful- ly, and the Americans with feelings of relief, will write tlrir signatures upon the document which embodies the re- salts of the war, and the preparation of which has consumed eleven weeks, fr is decided that the Russian gar- risons in China and on the Chinese frontier are to be largely increased next year, and constitute a virtual Russian occupation of Manchuria. The S'erar, Lord Kitchener, of Khar- toum, has been "poet struck." He is reported to have told a friand that since his arrival in England ho has re- ceived more than a hundred laudatory LieutAhenerat Cortes, Spanish Minis- ter of War, declares that the Govern- ment has 140,000 troops in readiness to combat a Curlist rising, and will soon have 200,000 available. He does not be- lieve the Carlists intend to move.' A despatch from Tripoli says that a. caravan from the Soudan has been attacked by a band of tribesan near Chat, an oasis in the Sahara to the south of Tripoli and, on the border of Cazzan. Twenty persons belonging to the pat-van were killod and eighty clmel loads of feathers and 380 loads of Soudan skin: were lost. The separation of Goren from the ttN Chinese Empire is already having good? ed results. Porta which have remained: tr: hermetically sealed for centuries: M, against the intrusion of suspicious tor-3 5" eign craft are now thrown open to then ha commerce of the world. RThe Core;an ret Government has notified that it will Q of shortly open four new ports to foreign ', WN trade. l te, a longer time than the war itself. In the meantime, the treaty will be en- grossed under the tsupervision of the secretanes of the respective commis- sions. The Spaniards are exceedingly bit- ter over the result, though observing the forms of friendliness and courtesy to the end. Senor Montero Rios, whose strong and persistent struggle to save for his country every possible asset from the, wreck of her colonial empire, has commanded the respect and admir- ation of his opponents, went from the Council chwmber Thursday to his bed in a state of complete collapse as the re- sult of the long strain and his chagrin over the small fruits of his efforts. Senor Ojeda has been prostrated slnce Wednesday, and was unable to attend thejoiet swim . . .. This. Spaniards charge equal blame upon the European powers and the United States for their downfall. One cf tho Spanish commissioners said on Thureday evening ..--"The European na- tions have made a great mistake in de- serting Spain and leaving her to spoil- ation by the brute force of a Oo'." scienoeless giant. They all know that in the Philippines, Amerloa has taken more than she can digest. She will ultimately sell the islands to England or Germany, and, when the transfer is attempted, it will precipitate gen- eral_Enropeen - strife. - "We ham refund to all my Munch in the Carolina. We went thought of considering an oeBr, Not In. m can- sented to WW“ upon my quantum. seated to not“. upon a: quantum except those outka Nd In the protocol -ned a M" THE TREATY 0F PARIS. SHE FELL IN m DEATH. A WOMN'S TERRIBLE DEATH AT A TORONTO FIRE. Two Other- Were Berle-sly laurel-new Were l-prleenel In an Upper story. A despetch from Toronto says: - A fire broke out in the rear of McLeod and MeElroy's tailor shop, 68 King street west, shortly after 10 o'clock bn Wednesday night. It spread immedi- ately to the stairway; and five women who lived in the flats aboxewerecoop- ed up like rats Lnatrap. One of them, Miss Mary Power, fell from a. third- storey window to the concrete pave- ment, and died from her injuries at the Emergency hospital early next morn- Ing. Another, Miss Kate Barber, was carried out by a fireman twenty min- Utes later, badly burned and nearly ruifocated. Her injuries ere serious. but she may recover. t ed a. repetition of the previous catas- . trophe,and shouted to her to hold on. iMrs. Fierce sat calmly down on the l, narrow ledge, and waited till a ladder ', had been hastily erected. She then sur- i rendered herself to the muscular erms foi Fireman "Billy" Smith. and was Qsoon on the pavement. She was taken to the National Club, where Dr. Garrett attended her, and shortly afterwards sh! was removed to the Emergency. AT THE HOSPITAL. The Emergency Hospital, where the threee victims were conveyed. was tax- iff, to its utmost capacity. Dr. Garrett, I King, Noble, McCrae. and Stewart and 1 three nurses worked with the patients. {It was found that Miss Power's legs had been broken by her terrible fall. fShe was burned about the face and ‘srms. and one of her lungs was de- lstroyed by the flames she had been forced to breathe, Miss Barber's burns iwere concentrated on the upper part 10! her body. Her face was blistered lbeyond recognition. Mrs. F. Fierce is i composed of some such stuff as heroines Iare made of, for notwithstanding the fact that almost every part of her per- .son had been scorched, she remained lcheerful and patient. MISS POWER’S LIFE. The tire was first seen by Joseph Lindsay, of 60 King street west, and R. Weddell, md they rang in an alarm from the corner, of King and Bay streets at 10.15. The reels were quickly on hand, but tho ladders, which were the. most needed apparatus, seemed, to the gathering crowd helplessly watch- ing the frenzied women at the win- dows, along time in coming. The smoke was pouring from every window, and one woman, to get air, crawled on: on the cornice. Overcome by the smoke, Miss Power fell headlong from her window to the pavement before the ladders arrived. FALNTED AND FELL. Miss Power was in bed and asleep wh n the fire started. Whrn she was awakened by the smoke and house, she rushed, in her night clothes, to the stairs, only to find them in flames. She then fought her way to the front of the building, and reached a window, after a terrible struggle through the flames and smoke. As soon as she reached tho window she was seen. and a cry went up from the crowd. They on- couraged her by shouts to hold on until the ladder arrived, but the woman was overcome by the smoke, and, notwtth- standing the fact that she was com- p.lr:2li\'l‘ly safe where she was, she tainted, and fell to the ground. She w ld at one; picked up by eager hands and carried into Lindsay's grocery store across the street. UNCONSCIOUS BY HER BED. Miss Barber, who is employed at Lindsay's grocery, was hardly more fortunate, as she remairrad in the build- ing until the fire was almost extin- ui.shed, and received terrible burns, She was discovered lying insenslble be- side her bed by Fireman WilliannUraw- ford. They picked her up and carried her down the ladder after the tire was practieully over, and took her directly to the Emergency hospital. Her face and neck were burned, and she had en- dent 1y inhaled some of the flames. Her recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Fierce. a nurse. was the other seriously injured woman. Like her two compamons 1n misfortune, she was in bed when the fire broke out. She made her way to the front of the building, opened a window, and crawled out on the cornice. The spectators below fear- ml " ramtitinn of Hm nr-vlmm catas- Miss Power was between 35 and 40 years of age, but looked older. She was born in England, and came to this country a number of years ago. For some time she was a nurse in the asy- lum, but latterly had lived on asmall income from the Old Country. Her only relative in this country is a sister, who lives in Detroit. Tenleon Between Norway and Sweden " lucrenelnl. A deepatch from Christiania. says: The tension between ‘Norway and Sweden is increasing. A bitter feel- ing between the countries was caused by Norway's removal of the emblem of Swedish union from her flag. She ls now seeking openly to break the com- past, between the two countries. War is openly suggested by the newspapers, which print the compare- tive armaments of the two nations. There has been a notable increase of forts on both sides of the boundary. The Norwegians claim they must at- aert their independence. Leroy Beaulieu, an eminent French scientist, is forming a French syndi- cate for the construction of a railroad across the desert of Sehare. He argues that Britain could not have checked French progress in Africa it this nil- wny had been built some years ego. when it no first proposed. The interior of the Royal Paine. " Aatustardaan is to be entirely renovat- od. and the young Queen in ordered 2t', 2Mef,i'i't" the "stings. St. can an t was or. to {All - " I Wht 'ttrage. workwll not Min M min. CREPT OUT ON THE CORNICE. WAR IS OPENLY SUGGESTED. â€one? “mac-II and“ " - A match from Mum» Full- It!“ -.."Thia life in e (not tstuff-nt least it he: been for me. I an neither inn sane, despondent. nor in love, but life is simply not worth the living. The step I am about to take I have contem- plated for eomo time." So wrote Willis P. Bineell, a. teacher in Caton'e Business College. Buffalo, to his brother, Charles B. Biuell, of 1682 Bailey Ave., and there seems to be no doubt that soon after mailing this let- ter from Niagara Falls last Saturday Bissell walked out to the new suspen- [ion bridge and throw himself into the to, flood beneath. This suicide is one of the moat one» countable that has occurred at the Falls in all its long string of gruesome This suicide is one or the mun - countable that has occurred at the Falls in all its long string of gruesome happenings, of the kind. Willis Bissell was a nephew of Thou. A, Biseell, formerly manager of the, Wagner car shops at East Buffalo. His father, Frank Bissell is a retired physician. living near North East, Pa. Be was cheerful. good-natured. and a man of ability, and soon became a general favorite. When Thomas A. Bisaell retired from the management of the car works, five years ago, Willis also resigned, but within a work so- cured the position in Canton's college as instructor in penmanship and other branches of business education. He was as well liked there by Mr. Caton and all the pupils who came under his authority as he had been in East Buffalo. He remained in Mr. Catnn's employment until he left Buffalolast Saturday morning for Niagara Falls with the deliberate idea in mind of taking his life. Mr. Bissell was un- married, and for five years had board- ed at Mt? Swan street. AI Awful (bum-Mk In 33-.“ rentivrrt. YII'II Town. A despatch from Huntington. Ps., aaric--Arnong Bedtord'a population of 2.800 there are about 200 cases of what is said to be genuine smallpox. This alarming condition of affairs was dis- covered on Wednesday, and up to that time there continued an uninterrupt- ed commingling of the citizens of the town, irrespective of their physical condition. Dr. W. B. Atkinson, of Philadelphia, inspector of the State Board of Health, passed through here on Thursday, on his return home from Redford. where he t"speEt t Wednesday in diagnosing the disease that prevail. from one end of the town to the other. The Bedford physicians disagree, sumo prpnounqing it to he chickenpox.. Dr. Atkinson, after a thorough ex- amination, says it is genuine smallpox. He counted 180 cases in the town, and believes there are fully '200 in all. Men, women, and children, he declares, with smallpox crusts on their bodies and faces. have been travelling the streets day and night and visiting from house to house unconscious of the true. nap ture of their affliction. The rapid spread of the disease was due to the inability of the local physicians to diagnose it,. not one of the practicing physicians ofthe town having ever be- fore treated smallpox. Drastic mea- sures were taken to-day to prevent the contagion from spreading further. The whose town is closely quarantined. po- liced. and guarded, and heroic mea- sures will be prosecuted to check the plague. l robo- Found In New â€all“ Supplied try Workman. A despatch from London, BBrtK-- Tho Lancet called attention last week to a new danger to life of poisoning by one's own clothing. The dismvery was made by Dr. Godfrey Taunton, A physician in the Genoa! hospital " Birmingham. man entered, complaining of the same thing, but, in addition, he had the same rash on his knees. Soon after many others. ell in one employ, ap- peared " the hospital suffering alike. Then it transpired the workmen had been served with new overcoats. The cloth was found to contain zine chlor- ide. The day being wet, the men ub- aorboil mine of this poison when it First one workingman came to the hospital suffering mute agony froma severe Taahyrn his wrists. Another was brought iiitriGiiTi,i'" JG skin, causing severe pain and a irritating itch. B'.arteatotyros. the Ilver at In..." and Net Again Seen. A deepatch from Iroquois, Ont., 'sartr.--Three young men, Reuben Cas- aele, Isaac Mayors, and Mason Froate. left in a small boat on Sunday to visit some friends in Waddington. N.Y.. ex- peeling to return in the evening. Ae the wind was very high and the riv- er rough during the night, some un- easiness was felt Monday morning when it was found they had not re- turned. and parties were sent over the rigor to make enquiries. It now transpires that they were Been about eight o'clock Sunday night leav- ing a point on the opposite side of the river. a abort distant-a below (his vii- Then lunged ll-nll’ but of Belarus for In M. it is feared that the. boat was trwtunp- ed and the young men drowned. A despatch from Quosnelle, B. C.. hagr:--A tight occurred among some China. at Cold Springs. on the road between here and Barkervilte, Saturday reuniting in the death of three China- men. Two of the dead men are vio- tima of the third, who hanged himself. Constable Andereon. who left Satur- day night to investigate, has re- turned. bringing with him the bodies and six Chimunen who were mixed up in the quarrel. An inquest in being held. THREE YOUNG iiEii DROWNED. KILLED HIS TWO COMPANIONS. JUIPED TO AN ICY GRAVE. DEATH LURKS IN CLOTHING. 200 CASES OF SMALLPOX. iked there by Mr. Cnon up“: who came under his be had been in East remained in Mr. Catnn's mtil he left Buffalolast ‘ning for Niagara _ Falls Lb the a moat markets lower ngmn. LAWNâ€. dropped bidn tor redand white whor, north and west. to we. and but; .. gated (We. Goose wheat nomintlly m, “tab“ only; No. 1 Grd, Totorro and â€at. Te; No. 2 bird and No 1 Northern. Toronto and west, ",w Flour - Quiet. Straight xozlnl .u bbls. north and wont, offered al .531“, nag! exporters bid $2.95. Oatmeal - Rolled mm in L:‘,'. H†track here. 33.80 no; bbl; and 'tt in L. -ou, - About steady. Whit, U ml north and mt. hold to-day at '.yi. , m1 mixed at Sta. White sold east .n " , mrter-Atuiert. Car Iota ot bo. J, (-1“,- aide, are quoted nominally a. an R’Q-Amut Study. Cur lots. st. the quoted at 510, and east at 51 1 2t) Buurwheat-lkarras. Exporters WM. " to 460 for car lofts, oqtside. all out of store at 60 to ti5c; {an rs loads taold brdur at around 6.312 Ptruttrr-rteoeipta liberal; sum free, and prices steady. Choice dry pilkvd stock brings top quotatxona. Quu' .31 .2 . 'ms:-A?hisskeatr, per pair, 23 to m dunks. 40 to 60e; scene. per lb. 41s... 't 6140; turkeys, per lb. 7 to 812m. Minted - Source. Car lots of 1., tl, middle Heights. .12; and tshorrr, ti; peat-Nate, and higher. (‘n lo N. north and wast, use. and east, 1,;. cham Choc“ - Prices hold firm. I'Lxriy mku are selling at 9 to 9 Nu. an} hm mks: at il " to 10e. ', PRODUCE. Btrtpe--tto particular tenure in :21" market. Demand fair and 'lr 4 “new Quotations um: - .\'-\s laid. a) to 220; held fresh. In" lo a"t', cold shame, 15 to 160; and limed, H to “1-80. "Potato-Steady. Demand gm, appliea not heavy. Cur lots .w H track to-d_ay at arognd 555:. _1\-.-- Bea-maids" tund-picked Loans 5.4, gt .1 to, 01:10; and common at Ta '0 the market holds steady. I)v'.’|l~".~ 4 to 4 lee, for dried stock, dclt " here, and small lots rem-H at . to tie. Evaporated. 8 to ts Hie small lots. Bomsr-Not much doing; prior, un. changad. Round lots of chmw. deli . and here. wilt bring abuut 5 lk. In I0. dealers quote from 6 to " pet 1 var 10 to 60-1b. tins, and in mum at unund .115 to '1.50 pm: dozen "twiionm. bin-c... Ulrhanged. Cnr lots 't'e qugted af, 'l to _84.50 a! track, . - Balsa tur-bun and any. ty m" ly choice. in car lots, is quoted m t- o:d to 87.50 pttorr, No. 2 at " _ Bopts-Mhrket keeps firm. !trmiers hem quote choice Ontario stock to-duy at 16 to te, while holders will ' in nothing less than 20c. DRESSED HOGS ANT) PROVISIONS Offerings of drev.wd lugs "minus very liberal mrL ' -.-. , h i")'- _ ~::x to ho uni-us seller: at ttrt prices. Mnrtret is v "Y, “.33 as†‘10.: a-v . Bold ontrark NH! y "Rt' lots. M if. 0 to 85.20. mined wih ' and Numb trn at $5.20 to 03.30. On the straw. tBrmern load- sold at 3-5.3) In .93 Al, awarding to gummy. Pork prol wt may†apt! unchanged. Smoked 'nrattrHTant, travy, lit ls " 1420: medium, 10 1-2 to lie; Indy. 110: bmk‘ut lmn. It to lee: v" 'c., 8 " m Se; bucks 11 to It 1-20: HI“ I" buns, M. All moat out of like 'r, loss (ban when quoted fur sm k-d meats. Quotations are as foilmvs: - Dry and shouldorl. , Iatst long clear 9:2» - on, on lots, 7 3-lv: 1le lots mi. (“use lots, be: twelrn, y 3-l.c l ', ct'. In.“ Sign of “all" pranrd from land-m. A despalch trom London says" - Angio-Amesrioan trade is showing no - able signs of vitality, presumably [MF- ly as n result of theutew tariff. 'l M High coenrnistsiorter'a office has mum, ed this weak eleven different "nqurt- ies from firms in Doncaster. him-s F, Dundee. Glasgow. Mtmehestsior, Li-tr- pool. Christiana. and Antwerp, and. on“ to buy or sell in Canada vlurt f fabrics. boots, Iprune boards and. mu her generally. wheat. grain, o hum. wool. sheep dip, gluon. woodenwure, antimony, 3nd butter. Scotch Anrrlo- Cmdiun traders strongly urge. Low- over. that on equitable insolvency LIW' is absolutely emutinl. Lard-ali-, Te; tubs, T 1-2 to l" 34 ', pljla. T b4 to 80; cum-mat. ti an ti- Tiottto, are (‘oluy’n I‘m-mun.- for an Im â€All Davy. A “match from Cape Town, up The House of Assn-My has unanim ously passed I bill pledging an nnnu " mtribution of £30000 for the Imperi I any. The [estates of the proceedings new . strongly patriotic speech by Prmm Minister Schwinn, who is the leadct of than Atriknndor Band, and ths Irs" wu unmanned by some of the “up... dot member. that the Tran-van! and an Ounce Fm State would also Cun- tributo to (In lune object. ONE DEPENDENCE. I think I Ml gt. into Easiness In! oythoatr.iyl the _bookkoeper. -.A hook, In the "totini/ii iiomp, this. that on. ho downhd on, ya? Dried - applep-fDemnpd lynitfd. but at Isl-ken Reported Lower.... l Chaos. Holds nmr--Pork PPO. l a" l - - arm-_-A-- ' IInnhn-Nnd Git Stow nnd Unchanged. WILL GIVE £80.000 ANNUALLY. TORONTO MARKETS‘ ANGLO-AMERICAN TRADE Doc. E-Wheat - Outside lower with. Exporter" P"! nd on all r . log " tb' know Than Young il mu BAD mu " mint-ad (-hi ougur (in Apple, thing Ttrat w in he thought lb: puking. and them very mu was “way. pro! but that mad: I may [Div-alum. In tbe first I busy working on did not come whoa: until ttte thea be had LI him lunch “to“ put wuy down to come back. ll ind he ILIrtoC_ It “I I Terr ith, and if you , Tommy Brow Go on an' l" - come on (can rolled ' but the caste: minod in the I bod his toe. MI! Att' " Ill put man "I the run ogMM to Rr. Allvn " Now (rum-In they b the tin ’umped anon down in A h before Toma his Iumh “I wiehea ' down. ' of it. h sad CPI utter hi “one t, rbard Ill what 1 away. y ou the glad Ind tu th ll “. let In (‘VPI ginger!" them in run one! mt th extr wt ti th " TOMM Y " find any rum: tty of the I lookinz the bir tbe da " in I“ Ol g' our p: e no Um two (I: (an of bill an the. rig object tt to bite Iivilul and “I The, giortn I“! u upon on u; exril in from one an all " and I TI wh Tea wttat nr--? mind wher " By-- I h' 100 I: [om te ad! huntr ndwi, rat h! " dell tt h w u " off u em! my u n h w I