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Durham Review (1897), 22 Dec 1898, p. 1

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ttx tor cert. Fire, "Trance, oeean is collected, all h quickly and lush“ clams impmv Jeutine I: we draw HMS t " tir an RACLE " Grips, Horse rroats would rices, Yy/l/h,',' Lit, Durham. nvoyanccr, LLER, ous tlt ll max MARK. t.vs am Hal cu. Furs. Highest 118813. H121 rpasseil 'f11er. -mml_\' now . which uid I was he- f his remov- nium-d the tly aulviwd lit wk, to be dwol'ing‘, t whert my tle he was 1 tole "k? " ot Si:)’ too ciiic, and .nnwn Its miucerelr, I School. or trade. f Holland ttlement. "rr how t of yullr H-nnlilN’. , old, has wry rheu- : was so . rank-cl tuleat by without days at. with no L three , Jr. Marne! 11688 mm [W :m was "‘0 Mr. P, brick t #1000. , about , to Poet (I 8t.P3 $5.01) pretty brine W.G. m 100 1.13 I ll'. lstlti, - 'on- h, crr'_elsT MAS 1898 t mm more the joyous season is with 1‘. "minding all men of the great Mg!“- gilt whose advent to the world marks the beginning of our era 1898 ' will“ ago. In line with the prevailing “m N1 feeling, everywhere happily pre- valent we wish all readers of the “gnaw Very heartily l 'Atttttt, Christmas" iIIN'i. Miss Snupa‘un, Beamsville. is the guest f Miss Elvidge. Rural School meetings on Wednesday. v!) inst. "t lon. In. Mr. John Md'nul. came home from Vi, iktwt l m, Tuesday for Xmas holidays. Miss Blanch“ Hunter came home Mou- V w; to ”mad her holidays at the shortest Day. Christmas on Sunday. syrup. sugarssrups Monday holiday for all H iytpitovE3tFDi'TM. --_-. Tue I hum- proprietors, intend --mmodato farmers and ot' Inn't want to unhitch their t Ilirit.s" proprietors. intend to ac-l wmmmluto farmers and others Ji2l Inn't want, to nnhitch their teams. the' V want space Imtween the stables and! :I..- hotel has been made into an open' [ mm, with dlihng sheds on two sides. link will be found a derided advantage. Miss Maggie Scott. of Glenelg. came Mun-last week from Ottawa Normal M haul. At, a presentation Junkie to i, My Miuto at the closing exercises, she Si',', chosen hv her fellow-students to :|t‘\t'lx[ a banquet to her Excellency. lr. mm well holieve Maggie would do was a hardworsing industrious Ina-1.4 honest and upright in his dealings, ob! lining and generms to those in need.) The funeral on Wednesday morning was largely attended notwithstanding the drifted unto of the math-Anon , Adam. Dean-ed is ndimntrelative m the Manydena of Glands, aid is known: to a number In thisdistrict. Be lave- two mothers and two am one ot the aim is Mrs. Malcolm McPhee, 'Nonnanhy. " r. J. T. Traynor', tn other or Eul'yr’ u. I“) ".vrtot'. of Dundnlk was a guest at the Knapp House last Sunday. He left Monday morning for \ankertnn from " Iwnce he goes to his home in Florida 'lute he cultivates pine apples, and 'lu-r tropical fruits. It was an over- o,rt mm-ning but he expected in 48 mums to see them plucking ripe ":Inutut-H in the open aw in the sunny mm: A VOL. -XX. NO. 51. Mv. John McKinnou of Alsfeldt. died; 'll Sunday night of lung and chest/ ,vouble from which he suffered tot) many years past. Deceased Was 67 ws. t 'Id. unmarried and is reputed to have, in“. an estate worth about '30,000. He‘: was a hardworking industrious man. honest and upright in his dedings, ob. lining and seam-ms to those in need. The fallen] on Wodneaday morning was 11me attended notwithntaodintt A“ hand an; of the roadie-Ayn»: log train. LOCAL AND GENERAL to spt Inn-nu. . u. .-. Y, _ great activity in the Lumber woods, I a steady growth in unning oven»; a, He expects the Railway planned _ m to Font Frances will level down', present high prices. The ice ati, a of writing was "uflt for horse tut-Ii and mail is taken to Rat Portage by l graceful manner. 'iugar Syrup 3c. lb at Parker's holiday for all sports and pus- in other of Surveyor The Middaugh _iiii'ji__tt iiiittrtt 4 pounds choice Valencia Raisins 2.50, So much depends upon the purity ot at Parket's. the blood that hy taking Hood's Sarsap- Notninationt, on Monday for town and . arilla mar.y different diseases i.t'e cured. township councils. i . FRoy. '.I'messt'xTyrt N 'tws-r-SI fel Miss Lizzie Bonk, of King Tp., is waiting at Mr. Chas. Brown's. TO RENT. Butcher's Shop, in Dur- ham. Enquire of H. Parker, Durham. Only one week after'this of sharp campaigning and then out with the vote. Mrs. Renton is visiting friends at Woodland and elsewhere for a. week or two. Mr. A. McLachlan is attending to his timber interests out. west, this week. a Fun BALrg.--Beveanu good, new, home- made cutters. Will be sold cheap. Ap- ply to R. MacFarlane. Br. Mr. A. Laidlaw is spending the holi- days at home after a term at the School of Practical Science. Toronto No wards in town now. Tie whole council may come from - - Upper town. Trustees in wvnls as before we under- stood some one to say. Goon BHowisu.---The Financial state- ment issued this week shows the town’s finances to he in a ftatterittg condition. Get one and examine it, A ItvsswAY.--Avehre Galbraith is tt goodhovsetuau, but hut week on the hill he had a I un-n-way which stuashed " cutter, luckily escaping himself, C. o. EV -ThN Hociery is onjuying a run of pumpm'ity at. present having initiated 9new tv.emlivs at their last two "wotings and " more for "ext night. _ do you treg?' asked " kind- hear ted woman. " can't help it, ma'mu,' said the beggar. 'My wife's a widdee with five children, and they looks to me for support.' Mrs. Jas. Burt came home last week, accompanied by her sister Mrs. Wallace. Thelatteris recovering nicely other a. severe illness, and a. stay round her old hmue will restore her to her tanner good health. The Dumlnlk Herald advises the adop- t,ion of Initial titles after the names of ouvCounty Commissioners like M. P. and M. P. P., and suggests "C. C," as» goodone. Do put C? Try it.---Geo. Binnie. C. C., C. McKinnon, C. C. Reads all right. Mr. P. G. Morrison, of the Pharmacy College Toronto, came home to spend Christmas holidays with his mother and brothers nom- Edge Hill. He has just completed his first term at College and has passed a. creditable examination coming out with honors and well up. PROPERTY UHAY0K.- -M r. Alex. Mc- Lachlan has sold his present Mote and -.,.." unduhml to Mr. B. McCracken, I Oatmeal. 11 lbs. UMmezu .5017. m l Parker’s. I Priveville Presbyterian Sal). School elmld their Annual Anniversary. on ( Wednesday evening of next week. In t addition to excellent Music, Recitations, :Fancy Drills. &c., they have engaged Miss Annie E. Snyder, of Toronto, for the occasion, " reader and impevsmmter .who has acquired a good reputation. ‘Ten from 6.30 to 8. ‘Admission 2720 and 15c. l’ttnLn' ItEniusus,-Ott Friday of next. l week, Jun. 30, will he held the tirst, of a fl series of local entertainments in aid of i the Puhlic Liln'zuy. This town has n lot of talent. which it is the intention to I develop. The nominal charge of 10 cts I is made, and some really excellent work i is in preparation. Plan of hall is at. the i Phau'nmcy. Reserve your seat.no extra, ( ( charge. I i tnu'rwleo "rvRovwaxEsr.-My face i l was covered with pimples and lilzlck- : , heads when I began taking Hood's Sars l . snpnrilln, but after the use of this l medicine a short time I was entirely 1 . cured. I cannot recommend It too high- t ly since it, has done so much for me," f l May Ryan, North St. Ounmih. Ont. y ’ Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Snrsaparilla. 250. il, A lower town gentleman relates an t : experience he had in pig killing in early >1 'ldays in Durham. As he was living 3. I close to town, " tailor, then in business. 13 asked him to come and help him to kill tel“ pig. Mac. accordingly came, every- t, l thing was tsf, ready. and the tailor was sue do theln ling, while Mar. was to dol I the holding. The weapon produced l PL l was a half inch chisel and a mullet. tho. lg ; swine was held standing, and the tailor kite: pointing to the gigs side, "the heart " about, there?" es! The chisel m l was pointed for the vital spot. and a n'mndiggl blow from the mullet drove is'the chi into the pigs side, hut as it la did not reach the vital spot. the pig no took lave for upper town with the both men in hot pageant. How long it took It. handgun”. or no}. further infor- ' _ - u- I .v PROPERTY UHAsus.--Mv. Alex. me- Lachlan has sold his present Mote and gmuml attached to Mr. B. McCracken, whouext Hummer will build a brick "lock on the spot. Mr. McLuchlam will occupy his own store now twpvoaching completion. Score another for Durham. Oatmeal. 11 "is. Oatmeal 25c. at , . . f J,'lt nil". mick? DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25.1893. FROM TEESWATER NEws.--On Sun- 3 day of this week the whole community 3 was saddened by the death of Mr. Geo. l Moore of Teeswater. A little over a l year ago Mr. Moore contracted a. cold which settled on his lungs and despite the efforts of medical skill developed, into the fatal disease which at last laid him low, in the prime of life and in the midst of his usefulness. Though it resi- dent of the village for many years the deceased took little part in public affairs. preferiug a quiet home life to the worry and excitement that must be the lot of those who indentify themselves with the interests of the public. He was, [however for a. term of years a. memh'g of the Public School Board. the duties of which position he discharged honor- ahly to himself and with advantage to the municipality. He was a. member of the Presbyterian church and for u num- ber of years taught at class in the Sun- day Sc tool, Quiet and unassuming in nmnner. straightforward in business I transactions, careful in speech, generous by nature, he was It mun that any com- lnmnity could ill afford to lose. Was held last week in the County Town, and exhibitors from Durham were T. Hmwn, B. B. Moore. T. G, Hoit, C. heavens, T. Swallow and Con. Knapp. (hwlph. Listowell, Brampton and other places sent contingenls. and the local men were out in fox-w. The Owen Sound Sun has this to say '. “In point nfalunbty of exhibits the show is fully up lo and probably alrove the standard of past, years. There are not. however, qnitu an many entries us at mine previous exhibitions. In addition to the usual elassvs of poultry. nosrly all of which are well re- presented. thet e are several special feat- nn-s. Fred “(nights has on exhibition an eagle which was ('slpturvd on the Manitoulin Island by "Kid" McCullough and measures nv:wl six feet frmn tip to til) of wings. lt is film-11m! 1..,1iyl'! 911’. -- .. , . |__ I‘M» .,. ".., .. ._., LII! \ll 'tlllh-y. nu [>1 -V-_.Â¥,,, - Dangerous," xuul huly looks like a tot. midnble bird. Thereavea lot of very pretty cats and young kittens l a. great. many pigeons, guinea pigs, rabbits, can- nries, etc. A 1mm from Durhaut shows a pure white gobblor and turkey, which me a rarity in this section. John Col- pits has a fine lot of hound pups on ex- hibition. They are playfully quarrel- some and give ton up uticeisingly. Right above these iii-nu}; McKnight shows a number of fox ton-tier pups which look vory pretty as they nestle against then mother. The "wooden hen" and the exhibit of dressed poultry. which were un lmndlalst year are missed from the present, show. The officers of the show are: L. G, Jarvis, of Guelph. Judge; J. c,, Benin-r. Owen Sound. supeyintendettr; N. B. Horton, J udge’s Clerk. {1" Crrr l'll I ._F...._. .-.... n - ' __ men captured u lot of the prizes. Ive, give u. list of these and congratulate the parties on their success t Thos. Brown, in Black Javas, got lst and 2nd on cocks, Ist, 2nd and 3rd on hens, and 2nd on pallets. In White Holland Turkeys, he got, Isl, and 2nd & special. This feature was much ad- mired. T. G. Holt's Barred Plymouth Rocks secured lst on coek. 2nd at tie and three 3rds on hens. C. Leavens got Ist. on Single Cotuh, Brown Leghorn cock, and two specials. and lst. on Brown L.tir,h.yg1tlltt.; singly conth. Also Ist, on 1trhitetftvsted Black Polish hm), 2nd and 3rd on Hose Comb. Brown Leghorn tJockerel. 2nd on pulh-t same class, 3rd or Huff Leghorn puller. T. swallow got lst on White Leghorn mullet, 2nd on Black Minovcn cockurel and 3 an puller same class. Fioin the sheet issued by the County _ ('ouncil, we take the following para- l graph. relating to the Expense of these, institutions ", l "The question of the Expense ps, no doubt. a feature of the Scheme whwh will influeuce man'y Incoming lo a de- cisiott. The buildings already erected in the Province. have cost from $5,000, in the County of Norfolk, to 8at,000, in Oxford County. Under chapter 78 of the Statute of 1890, the Legislature. in order to encourage the estalrlishtucut of Homes in the various Countiesthrough- out the Province, undertakes, where a CountyspcTtds, in acquiring a certain quantity of land and erecting buildings at a cost of say 816,000, to make a grant of $4,000. by Way of partly reconging the Conuty for its expenditure. T ere is no knowing how long this vrant may he continued; it has been hinted that it may not be continued much longer. Then as to the annual payment by the Countg to meet this expenditure. An expel) iture of 820411) for buildings and land. less the 'Moo rec‘guped by Lil): At.0wen Sound last week our local A -- . . II? _ Inna. less nu: €01,U\N “my“..n. -.r H" Legislature, spread over 20years. Would require any 81,200 {JET annum to provide a. sinking fund mu pay interest at 4 per cent. he cost of maintenance is vari- ously estimated in the existing "Homes" running from IB.h cents per week for each inmate, in the County of Huron, to $1.78 per head per week in the cm. of Brant. With a piece of Rood land. and a compeu-nt man as manager, to which would doubtless be ad " the labor of the inmates, the Institution. 1once established. could he run very i cheaply, and meninmag‘es could he Innin- - . 7~â€"- --b- .- nan-Inn'- gt. I. Cllcayo’, unv- --- "V, mined in It comfortable manner, at a. moderate charge to the County, The “Home" is real y a cooperative institu- tion. where the inmates, each doing something towards the maintenance o the whole) lose the thought of pnuper- ism and really help in their own main- iG%we." Owen Sound Poultry Show. HOUSE OF REFUGE. - --- -0- -c" The aim Of this Society is to provide thelumher-meu in their shanties. the miners in their camps and the sailors on their boats, with good, Religious Tracts and Books. Also by means of the :1- gents of the Society, Religions Litera- ture and the Word of God ape freely distributed among the settlers in Algo- tua and the other new put ts of Ontario and the North West. Besides this Home Mission work, the ', Society isulso carrying on Foreign Mis-i sion interests in China, there, under the: Presidency of the Rev. Dr. mnfnth, five i, native Chinese Christians are busily en- E. gaged in doing work for the Master. t Therefore. on behalf of the Society. 1 we reSpentf ully request. all interested in 3 such work to give Miss Maggie Cmneron, I Lower Town. the collector for the Soei- i, ety, a very cordial welcome when she ' i calls and solicits aid for such a good pur- i l pose. Let our motto he “Freely we have re- ceived. freely give." THUS. ALLAN, Tuos. hwmm SIL. GENTIO'.Myi.N l Religious Tract and Book Society. l lit-g veupectr'ully to intimate lo you my inlculiion of presenliug mysclt’ again for your support as a candidate lm- the council at, the coming clcction. and solicit your vote and iuterest in my lit-hull. My record in the past, is the bust, evidence of my uliility toscl ve your intraves'trs whet'eyet' economy and eff1ci- cncy in public ulfun-s mc conceorued. I have to thunk you for very warm Itll',," pol-L in the past, and again respectful y solicit your vote and intiuetwe. You, ti very sincerely Der. 12, 'W. Joux WILLIAMS. (2) Council iitanetl. Hunter" McQueen “Flint upon en- quiry we tiud that aim-mud lretwecu lots 14-15 can. 2, is in a safe condition for travel l thevefore no action be taken in C. Gray’s case. Carried. hL.It,uis--Huntev---Tltat, the "walnut 3Icinnis--Hunter---That, the amount of Dr. Brown fur attendance on Mrs. Barclay and daughter be laid on the table, as we do nut, consider ourselves liable fursuch accounts when no cun- tagious disease exist ti, thuwied. McIuuts--Hastie--Tuat w. Wilder he paid 813sy) atnouttt, due fur board for W. Williams up lo Dec. 15, 1898. Cats vied. By-law No. 107 for nppniutmg D. It. o. am for Murucipal llectiuns passed the usual loadings tcc, Tlieonly change from former years being P. McIntyre D It 0 for sub-division N06. and Polling place at, house of D McLachlan, E oruf.5 base line. Mr. McInuititepiwtt1d, that he let the: job of ditching at lot 22, con 13 Lo l'hos. ( Watson at 18).c per rod to ".the amount l of 85; and also a culvert at said place" for $3. Work done, payment received. l Hustie -.-- McQueen _---- Tlmt foregoing l, report he. adopted, and order m-mntml.l Carried. _ Cotttt McQueen reported that he ens gaged the following men and teams and ' shovellers for one day to grave) approach _ to tJrewrey's bridge; J McPluw and team $1.50; c, Drewrey do $1.50; w Patterson do $1.50; Duncan McQueenI l do $1.50: and A McPhee, D Mclmydeu, l D McPhee, J McQueen as shovellers at ) l 75c a day. Total $9 00. l 7 Mclnnis »- Hat,rie--'i'luit Conn Me- Queeu's "apart be adopted, orders granted. Curried. Conn Hastie reported that, he let, the johof repairing approach bo bridge at, lots IO, 11, con. 21, to Wu, Rmnuge for $1.50 work done, pay mom received. McQueenr-Mcl.nnis --ee That fmegoing repost he adopted, ordn- grantud. Car- I'iod. luclnnis--Mcuueeu- That the petition, of w Main and 20 otheis in funn- of Chas Keri-he sustained by n. gram of $5.00. Cat ried. Hastie-Hunrer--Thar the petition of Jas Brown and 13 others, asking aid to Geo Reid he sustained l) ' a. grant of $1 to be expended by U Mcfnnis. Curried. ---_ V . III I, ‘l .i Jiui DI'UWII nun MTF _'.'.'"-"'. .n, u Geo Reid he sustained I)? a grant of 8t to be. expended by U MC unis. Curried. Hastie--Huptee--Thttr the Clerk, Mc- Inuis, and John Ross be paid the sum of $2 each, for mpeeial services re mort- gage No 7. Curried. iiuutev--Mcpuite-Tutyt Jas Slessor’s account. he laid on the table for further mtorrnation. Carried. xr,us,-Hastie--ThU J Swanswn Mcoaeen-Hpw,tie-c,TYt J Swnnston be paid $10 balance. of salary as 'assessor'. Carried. Mernnitr--Iontt-Tlet we remind Mr Sitzel that the pathmayt.e? of his road division has returned his road- work as unperforyed. and that we instruct him to settle the same before the end of this year. Carried. ",i,.,,u-...Meaueen--Tbat the Treas- Mernnis---McQuernr-T.uttt the Treas- urer be instructed to forward to the Hamilton and Provident Loan Society 825(1) to redeem Debentures Noh, I, 41, 42 and afurther sum of $141.65 to pay Interest to Dee 31st, 18% on our unpaid dehent urea. Curl ied. Mcaueen---Hasstie-nTtytt. the Financial Succulent as £10:de by the Reeve and Treasurer adopted. Carried. Meinnu--Hunttcahtf. Mr Mime primal) copies of the Financial State- ment on mg: sheets for distribution “mum the may. over sud alggve_his iiiiiiiy, the meet-non it President. TO G LEN ELG ELFlC,TOit'ri. EGREMONT COUNCIL. met, Dec. 15th. Minutes con Kin the newsptper- l Continued on Mm +oow - Tuna. LAUIHCR Sm. Hem-Twas" rur. 3The CgNiiiiiit,siiiiat, System " " EWE take this opportunity ot “banking our customres for 3;;past patronage, and we are 'vjscp.vincet) that the new system 2"W111 merit, a continuance of -i the same. "Large Bales & Small Profits." Or (0. The Directors of S. Grrey Farmers In- stitute met. in Durham Tuesday and made arrangements for winter meet- ings. IIIsD- New Blacksmith shop-Mc. Tim Moran, wall known in Aytnn, where he carried on blacksmithing for a long time. has rented the McKechnie shop on Istmtttop_tit-, and will ask for a iiiiGi, Bf public patronage. Annual B. S. Entertainment will be held on Wednesday 28th inst. m the Baptist Church, Mnlock. Rev. J. B. McKinnon. Pt. Elgin. Rey. w. Mc- Gregor and others will give addresses A good time expected. Admission 15c mid 10c. 3'} H ELECTION CARD. 1 To the Electors of Div. No. 3. _ GENTLEXEN. I am before you again as a candidate for the County Commission- ership for mid Division. Having had several years of experience in County affairs. if elected I will do my "ttermotrt to serve you and the County Jenna!” to the best of my ability ot Mini able to meet with you pemnllly i do hereby request your vote and Uiflu. ence. i I remain yourObedient Servant. I Hun? 3mm): Allen M. Durharu. xkug'. 9th. ' .3 tt Dr. Shepherd was in town yesterday. _rf)iijtoyttg l, Gutters - AT Our Piano and Organ trade is firmly established. Best makes. Purest tones. We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be Do you want il Sewing Macnn Williams----- Highest gm in exchange fir goo s. tittrittt). At prices that will UPPER TOWN ilgPl.ElgEllli WAREROOMS. ADOPTED BY ' goEINN0N'f), - fl Sewing Machine? Tray the New "T"'"""" nghest price pai for Wood ., G. d; J. McKECI-INIE. . McKechnie. of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. . MCKINNON. surprise. oFFrCh'-3fr In tyre Riggs. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST up the Durham thnm-y Calder" Block. Jtesut1rnc.e fitst door west. of th" rainrdia Durham. That desirable residence property on Lambton Sheen near the Station. lately occupied by the undersigned. 8 acres of land in connection. or further in- formation “’pr G . RUSSELL. Prop. WOOD Jltttftlte" REVIEW OFFICE - arristcr, otar , Gon- vaganccr, te., tom. Ion? to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. WHOLE N0. 1084. Dr. T. G. HOLT Lrp._ir. "ijTifffittrsTEt't Ill, S. DAVIDSON. House tad Lot to Rent. TORONTO (Over the Ba " big

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