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Durham Review (1897), 22 Dec 1898, p. 8

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an, . much "es"... " “an, at 'al/ "h"'lli,t do as: 'fi, . , a---“ nu Hunter. o. l. l rown cumin ' . 5.-.... u... an: out we expgct J_ohn Murmur Esq. for w Wining"); $1.2): Reeve, making -e "'-Nr. w.-.“ .0.“ mm l_nnslc attheirtea meeting on Mon- merging; of this village to wept the out Financial statement, &: [We cntiottt, 'rxpertettesrtg h. Gd [ml " choral) day night. T I nomxnahunfor Reeve (my year again top Tniynor paid 31 into Council, expenses collector. The Chairman Was that I-ce- The otheom of our Sunday school are It Township ofArtemaala and the prob..- for “d. for "nttineer lions and amiable My. Hnmrhroyl, th. busy making prean'iona torn Kira tree bil.ititra ttre 1t"Ptr tut.iyiu, will In“ the HetierateOreen - That the Reeve who disebarttot the duties in an nblo ieT1 to be held in Russel Ball Monday 26th. t2,tpre of bung pyealdent of the Council mute the chair. and Dep. Hunter not. Some Rccihtionu Inc also pleasing Mr astd Mrs. N Soon “Dam Visited . of Attenuat- tor 1899, In omen occupy the same. Carried. mm... Last, not 1m: wan the made the latter G Mr 'usd 'ra, Lanli Which he h" an WqW‘ioMblo “lil- 'ih'tttttriPetitey,ntutu,C'i',', f ot W. Choir. Wm. RIM lad". last 'CTI:"'"" ' . . " canon of tilhtttt should he he Sel'lt thionuncilbo extended to the he; who nettle-i “mantel": in approyn‘uoly - ' It " tro' known" '" "hm? 300000310! for the cadet“ lumber in NM?!) be In. Ithaca and well mama music. and Mu. Helen 1aaae "and “b." 1totne D M McMillan will In" My f??.!e,ti,e.on presided over the “ml-m" ‘M" _ ““1“ . hearty vnte " thtrnke. ' " Mann-um. Batt .ttt1" imam“ two , m Priesmia ward or not. tha mm “km“ month: with friends In Gait. "C"GF """"f'""" In“ commencing ad . 10 o’clock morning. Note entertainment followed, . ' - ----. Miss We MCCanuellinte d t There were present in their best moods DROIORE. a few of her ho!idays in Tomlin: $1.13: aud broadcloth Ben?» Fallire, Duudulk. .---- Xmas week. mun-.0... Pricerille, Campbell. Dromore, Our popular choir favored the Methodiat In Muniei a' m . and pastor Humphreys. Bosnian there “finch eonttrtr,eatioa u Swmton Park "td but we tl'l)s',it"ti'y"n'1'tt,2ttetaet was. donnme Blnkostun who routed some With music at theirte. meeting on Mon- wombat of this village to ace. A', canon. experch'oa 9.0 had had us choral) day night. _ I nominniun for Reeve ttth, "If 'i'fi1'i'i', to: :{ulkctogh Th.erfiuirmG was that her The Omen. of our Sand-y school BPe It frown-hip otAttmndailGiiii the prom; I Mmtt , amiable yr,. ENDING”: th. busy making pupa-um): fora Kama tree I bilitim 'tht ttpong that Join, win '-7., “ who 'tiPetraraeet the dunes m an obi. man. to». mm in Russel an: “Ana-.. "a... ~--'---“ - _ ' PSI, 90mg Recitation. was ‘1... ..t-.=...1 The Methodists of this place had their annual teamecting on Monday last. und it was pronounced a great success. T he church was tilhrd, and an” all Ind satis. tied the inner man a plasma! and prom- i able entertainment followed, 1 -'riie Owen Sound Ministerial As; NW Minnie B sociation have passed a series of strong i 11rtl' Where 'tho resolutions. urging ratepayers at the "e' "me. coming plebiscite to vote for the House Miss ':'lartt Sch ot Refuge on January 2nd next. They l of Mt. “rest. w, point out in tiqures vouched for by the I W. S “Ombmgh county clerk, that 120 annually is Mr. and Mrs. 1 what the average ratepayer would I arrived here on have to pay for building and maintain. Xmas and New y ing this worthy institution. . imam fruna., In“. --lt is impossible not to sympathise L. I"? "Ion-3m??? “I” . " . . . fort a "?." ' a ram w h bpam In. her attempts to com “or dwmou No. 4, s, herselt by pointing fPt how hey honor _ gentlemen were vomit is saved it everything else IS lost. Geo. Schema.“ A She has suffered an enormoug loss and caudtdate., had each there are few to sympathize. Jn length, Mr, Merunis, modern struggles tle. de 'eated tlation frmn the contest. The is eompletely humiliated as well as tbeudeclared 1lr,Aila, beaten. {elected by Reclamation -..-Lord and Lady Ninth were in Toronto tor the titst time since their elevation. Of course they were Royalty received and banquet“, a grand ball given in their honor. and many! nice things said on both sides. -Snn(lay last seems to have been used in England to pronounce on the Czar’s peace proposals Many meet- ings and many prominent men spoke out " co operrtion. “Hon. ClWord Silton is " Manitoba! last week and this, and is the recipient ot numerous banquets and other testi, mony as to his worth " a public man. _ --Etrorts, are being made to get the l Prince ot Wales to come to Canada 1 next year to open the new Victoria 1 Bridge at Montreal. He opened its predecessor in 1880. t Edltorial Note and Comment SWINTON PARK. (ii place had their l day last. loud it! n Mucous. T he p: r ttll lad 50.1.5st m and ptotit-i d, an best mood: an? Dominik. .L- I n,, ') wul preach morning an) evening and M then- Monday evening were will be a X! , nnd it! tree for the children. also a. nicely , T he , pared program of speeches. shalom rs , sati,c, mm, -.- -uc .uuu'crsary sernces of the Sabbath ischool of the Methodist church will be; I held on Sunday and Monday next. Rev, J. W. Davidson of Montreal conterencc {will preach morning an.) evening and ',hh Mama-- __ . _ If The anuivursary f {school of the Meth _-- ~...y(lK-1, IJ""'" nere on Muudny to spend tho I Xmas and yew Year holidays with their I many Men tr here. lugs Ste, Miss Chm Schell and Miss ;of Mt. Farms, worn the we I| W. S Horsburgh over Sabball Mr. and Mrs. Tlcs grind here on hi, “a: uuuunnuun tor county eomrtoission. Pt'y washeld at Orchardyille on Monday for divmion No.4. when the Iollowmg gentlemen were nominated : James Allan, Geo. Schenk. Chas. McInnis, After the candidates had each spoken at some length, Mr, Molnnis tinally witlnhew from tho nm-‘nn‘ "" _ Mr. Wm/Harrison left last week for a situation in the east taking out Ship timhen -----_---.-,. . _-- ‘v u gvuu mun. Collector MchHan has been over all the township, and the township treasury is again well lined, A Christmas tree in St Andrews church on Friday next " already nttruclmg all-en- ’tion. You will miss It it you don't. go. Good program we and excellent music. Mr. T. Hargrave has retmned home _ from his summer’s work, nnd has been! welcomed by his friends. Miss some McMillan arrived from Normal Schon) last weak, tr “and: in the section to the ttttgt place. Her mater Mary will tex I Gumfmxu next year. I Our cyn!yc'muossiouur Mr. l is again in the field, and present lions are that he will again "get 1 He had the largest vote In the Conn years ago. A compliment to agom FAI‘A.‘ ‘- _-., :clared Mr. Allan ad/i by acclamabiun. Minnie Brown left for t, 7 . HOLSTEIN. intends “mar a1titlie.tton of the Presbyterian _..:"" Church here, supplied the pulpit of the fit co t l, r." ?resirytrsrian Church, Pvoton Station Same 'll :r,",fd cl'ttJyo't'tan,; day. Although the weather was stormy CTl1i t'id'uc1lt1ey,' and tllef'oads ball he her] , good tin-hum Jul-laced : “mommy ofthe faith'ul to listen to him there, " Ludwig, Arm. the; As will he men the Methmlists intend to in], spoken at some have n. Umon Eutcrlmhzuehl of booh there l nis, finally wilbdlew §unday Schools, at Pricewllg and Szuue’s The nomhiuziug otfieer Ieltriov.t) Monday evumug the 26th ' and Mr. Scheuk lust m tlu, church here. A good lune an. may be expected on the ammo» ml Miss Era Leuge the guests ome. , Sabbath. . Dixon ofChicngu, “UL... A, - mssioner Mr. Watson ' and present irulicw. ll again “get there." vote m the County two mn be a Num.,. ' a nicely pry. 1’ Singing, rend- lust week, and will to the east ot this Mary will teach in hr Toronto but remaining for red home I and will at ot this teach in r. Waaea, at italicw. t there." . Bunny two , pod mun. t over all I treasury I a church v ng ulten- l 10ch go. VI nusm. a.” “H I Our Town Father, Mr Duguld McLean " somewhat eonfined to his private room toe the last few days from the effects. of a bad cold. We hope to see him down into his shop again this week as it is not very easy to Jo wnhont his valuable services at this cold season of the, year. All concerned will remember the Annual School meeting in all our schools on I Iutluerd_a, the 28th iust rt--, _ _ Mr Mathew!) will con Service next Sunday mo What suits the young In to the older ones for all Mule cuildren &c. Our Towp Father. Mr The Anniversary m the Presbyterian on the 28th inst, I: expected, inst, I V_ ....u ,-.v HAUL: over his tumble but while there in lifu there“; hope, so We sincerely hope that he may yet. recover from his illness". Mrs. Alex Muir intends to spend Xmas with her sister, Mrs Walker of Toronto. We hope to hear of her enjoying herself well while in the great city of Towmo. A The Rev Find!“ Mort-, ._ -r Mr' cum may can take the shonust route get wherever they want to without gm miles of an extra round about way. Mr, Angus iuiod who has hum nib for some time with liyer troul-le ty gecti weaker and very little hope of hun mu over his tumble but while there is I there IS hope, so We sincerely 1mm. " I _ -- ...... vul$lll up! travellers will tind it to their that they can take the shod get wherever they want to w miles of an extra mum! aim“ RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The weather has taken a now we inns it u little mli snow banks are lwgiuing tt more passable. The roads t' and south Were blocked until ago when the residents of stations turned out in a. body and horses and luau] them mm Mr and Mrs J Hutton ufOrclmrd the lantern parents Mr and Mrs I lately. A was always a. favorite with t sex Lut he will he more so since madame putehase, E will have, t sharp, Miss M Darby is Spending I With Ltr uucle Mr Aldred. The home ner (i Unpkius cued lust week by the arrival l A public cxu'ninutiun will the tsehool-luouse this after: scholars and friends wi,'! y-ekn of Miss Chadwick their much respected lonelier of the past join in wishing her a Merry and Happy New Year. A numlur from Hutton Hill amended Lamiad) cancerl. and prmmum-cd it a success. Mr A Hopkins and Mr Lawson left Weduesdtw morning: for Milton where they intend spending Christmas with nelntivcs. Mrs. J. Rutherford and hor daughter Mines T Rutherford of Toronto are guest-s of the former',, parents Mr and Mrs S Wright. Don't forget our League meeting Thurs- day nignt. Rev. H. Caldwell will conduct the ser- vnce here on Xmas morning. We are sorry to any that Mr. and T, Hillme on the sick Int. We they will soon be around again. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Holstein were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R..J, Eden on Sunday hut. 1191-10!) will conduct The Annual Entertainment of the Vumey Sundav School will be held on Mnndnytbe 26th “Dec. A good pto- gram m arranged for, Admiiston 15c and IN. j We regret to ehroniel w the death of I Miss Annie liawou. formerly of oromore olUterly of Osprey. To the sorrowing par- i ants and family the louse of their dauehter , at the dawn of wnmaubond is an exceed- 5 ineg severe trial, and the sympathy nf J their umny old friends and neighbors here i goes out tp them in their hour of sorrow. f Mr. Geo. Atcbeson had the misfortune f of getting his toe frozen while away in the , Wost and is home and under the cure Mi Dr. oaneathT care. We hope soon to hear I ofhim better. 5 etld tried to wm the 12130:; of the homopurposc best known to him I was soyerly bitten or the hand. I Mrs. I Sue" " Wiarto". " Ewan! nursingher father Mr. Jam. hawk. who we an pleased to My ttt improving "ter being seriously ill for some time. . Mr. Frank Adams returned to his home one day last week after spebding the summer months in Manitoba. --- - "rooa Stat LOGS WANTED l Yoney "'e"t-o"Nlueett - That the Reeve I . Life and rmum-u. u: we Comm] “at. the chair. and Dep. Humor --- Tickets fa Iain tor 1899, m omen occupy the same. Carried Rock Elm 8 feet longJMaplo. Birch. bushes 'Petstiortuu “it 1PSttettc-:sraatie-mmt tlt. “mhof Ash, Basswood and swarm. all 8, no. mummy. yet whether :Couneiuor for the calcium winner in which he bu an Se on“, w my 1! II have any tt poaiuon presided over the Council duri‘ng the the highest prieelu Cub. or not, the rut'J,'iti't.'ie ' present Fear. (ammr -- " l on the occasion my of the Sand: an Church t'rsail n good time a PRICE V ILLS. H UTTON HILL. conduct a Children‘s morning ttl 11 o'clock ,' may be applicable allmust become as [as taken a change and tt little mlldnr and the begining to be a little The roads running north locked until tt few days irsirle.nts, of the vunioim t in a. body with shovels. ‘2] them opened and now (mun ufUrchnrd vm'md Mr and Mrs R cum, are so since he has E will have, to look VARNEY. mug-:1“: their leave air much loved and the must norm. We a. Merry Christmas Napkins was bright- , arrival of a boy. an will he he“ in i, nfberuoun when S'wsiay School visiting his best il be held and order will: the fair convenience " V on at ll ailing gearing {FHA-nu ...., I Cuttiituted)Vurtt lstpnye. ( Came to the Piamisesot the ttrulers, mu. I y/,'"ti.ts-r.sicsqrtetr--Thiv"ec%rv,,i, l signed, Lnts5nnd ti, Crrt. 3, N, G. It.. I [Mute the tneasurer on the s"/g"i'it1t/,,l (ilellelg, one fut sheep. Owner, will _ to i issue of the collections of our Rani way 'lease nave rn erlvanl w.” Mac, 'nen' I Sinking Fund, the same having Men I 3 I p.128 EU “(Kinny ty,".?"""" ae's collected without any expense to the , th t 4L“ HA. I 6m township, Carvied, _ a”. a - I ----, _ - "~" '"e'ee1-.. -_. "ut cl me sy.,e.rnur.r--tustie--rhai, this Council] __ '""-eec Dietitian ths, lin'unl r ..._: " A . mention te to will}: "tuttert. I Resolved that, the followmg nocmmls he paitl:--W Wallace Roads " mus to Mrs Barclay. 86: Municipal World,, election papers. $8.60; w Lothian nap scmper, 151:; G Freoumu “our 12 mos, Mrs Barclay $1l.45; H Han, express charges on election papers, 40e I Clerk, quarter's salary, 835; do Postage and ( stationery, a was. $5.30; Remur Hull 1 [for Council. 86: Reeve balance of Cam's fees, 81.23: do one trip to Mt Pore Bunk, ($1,. do may? and statmn for the year. $1 l D cQueen haunts Cam's fees, 84 l C Mclnnis, do an 50 l Hunter,do. 31m; H Brown clothing for w Williams, 81.2): Reeve, making! Itut Financial anlnnunnO .0, . Main n itr-Hast ie-Thai. petition the Local begin-la the Municipal Franchise, pm‘sous of the age of 21 y Muuit-ilml law now rm persons are required lo do and we believe' that, such l the right, to vote for ineml cipal Councils. We pm Honorable Body will give your best, consideration I accordingly. And the cler copy of this duly signed ttl the Local Government and local member. n. " halal hawk. who: roving "f"!' 'e. . to his home i "Ming the , I misfortune j hope Hons through this part of the, Ty. Mr. Wm, Watt of Durnnch paw-ed tlircurv', here one Guy hut. week on his Ivt1' to Murkdulc “in.“ is load of '31‘I>?::7_} hogs for the market. l 11mm: has again vi ital our locum-y, claiming for its victim Mr. Micheal I Priul, onenf Holland 'l1r's early pioneers. I who made for liimbeli "ud family a com- , formulae home in his declining yours, L Deceased Wtbt4tt guml neighbour. and u : cousiulent. member of the ll. C, clinrvln, ; i [In retuains were lolluwcd nn Friday 9tls iurt., by many sotTowiur,r “Mann‘s and mighburs to the It C. cemetery. Doruucll l Deceased leaves, behind a widow and eleven um family, nine Suns and two daughters. all gunvu up. tend nll Irt'eteut emetic Patrick “in! Mie'ueal whu wands in , the Western Stutcs , ur. Joseph Boer cunteiuplnlea wishing IMumlui a next mum“. and has thereby lonsml lu-. {arm to Messrs. ll. and W. Moran fol one.)eul'. Jun has allulu'ul far. table a! the West now ha. same tuna, und wishes trr meisly his drain b' by stung I it for himself by locating there for It Femun. "His arlvi-‘u on returning will be much valued, as he will no mum but: u keen 1 eye while there, and Will see many pad, 1 of the e'oulry from 1i'itrciir.s to C Mary. 1 Much iutuzrtislilieiy in is“ tu'm-n in the (timing County and Munioipal Eve. t lions through this "an of the '1’... I Mr John Mciiiunuu M!) be busy tlrrev,- mg brick iron, Ihoton Station this Week as he is gaming up It row and eoudortnlO home which he intends to haye yeueered next sumuwr. Old Mrs Wright hm. Yum) unwell fur muse tune. up; the umrrnlilelwl} is Lu Ming: up to tlu. higherb mark in :|.::(- she tttttttrot expvet to unjoy gun! htrahh ttmelt lung-r. Mrs‘Jns Mohawk] is all, br in: about again and i-a wanna quite Hurt. Noil McDonald who i, rs Dam: bedfmat for Hm la-t 8 months is keeping the mum he suffers no pain but has lust. nll the power of his, limbs. we favurnbie m Ummld to aux-inmatiun. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE, CALDER'S BLOCK. Entrance next door to Balms “-1441 Other) olqrtCEtr-at Owen Scum: Durham. was, WRIGHT ' ransom! if! tWa'gT'f,'lu'lf.hggtmat,. I EGREMONT /iit/iiii, IT Paine new: Foot and Menu-A , Complete our. Accomplished by I I "new. Innepulllo. ." l i “For a number ot years l we- ducted f I with acute rheumetlem in my left me t ' and all the way down my limb into my f ! foot. um ave blocks (mmmwork and , had to atop and rest several timee in going I and coming. Icould get no relief hom f my trouble and was on the point of gh- I ing up my Job when I happened to beer of I Hood’s 8artutparitht. I purchased I bottle .' at this medicine and a vial of Hood’s Pills and began taking them. Before I bed halt ilnhrttett them I was relieved and it wee not lone. before I was completely l cured. I never lose an opportunity to j praise Hood's t3arsaparilits, for my cure I meant 1 great deal to me, u I have I tem- lly and must. always be at my Pat." i, WILLIAM Haturrerr, yen-amen, Grand l Trunk Railroad depot, Brenttord, Ontario. l mw now wads all such l . 1:yrto,tyucesrsion 2, (in: r'required 1ylyttu.u!eiuTii"i,' In .th miles of the town ieve that, such shuhld have Thisisd good fartn. Good , vote for members of Muni. frame ham. good orchard. mils. We pray that your conveniegt to marker. l Body will give this potltinn Cheap. , .u- partirulm's up} consideration and h-gislnle JOHN MIG: l And the clerk fmwurd n ot'to Rm,- sduly signed and sealed to tr... ’ " H. Tccsrme, over-lament and also to our! i.' x237, Pottacre. Let I an Carried. LI. ‘1 .I A .. a Local Iwgislumru to ' ipnl Franchise to all 'he age of 21 Seats. . law now H-mzs all required In dy 8mm! e 'uUlrW--" Owen Scum-i. Murkdale and m. A member of the Brut will attend Acute Rhiiiiiiutiiar/i- i I. ALLAN. ctiii, Municipal World, 60; w Lothian rep mum" “our 12 Inns, 5; H Han, express papers, We; Clerk, 6; do Postage and 85.39% Rem, yrfnll GLAsCOTT. I l ut'etooxtend to all mule M's. _Atethe 'xprees Clepk, :9 and ' f Hall Wt Cam‘s Ro F'ores nu 1ttar if; hing Kiting [smut tenses Tir, been Inter rig-I -- ire, (ducted --. .......K. n :m-' ro n- un two miles of the town (if Durham. ‘p Je', I This is n good farm. Good stone y/tj/ Ii; frame hum. good orchard. well watered " convenient to markm. \Vill Ire, sum f cheap. 731' particulars apply to ' l', Joux MCKl-X‘PNIE 2,1'er ‘n m- lo Bucky Swim-9n. l FEM " Gr 'si' ' " H. Tcmmu. f lt. ' i.' X257. Poltuge Ln Prairie, Mun. I MI I _ l. ‘3. I lit ti e n I " ,. ' ' Hosu I (Pi)ll -lll't ttl'. in; i lr." l ' .. v v51; all Killus {It 2 ' I " Cel/ I Also a Full Line of i. Mr. WATCHES. gm“, I JEWELRY. naucial t SIIJVER WAli to. STERLING SILVER Nt 1:233. i “Call and see for meets. “Prices are right. 00!“- ',-c..,..;, w. A.McFA m and tl Next to Bank. hurt-h, "_--- -, _--i, __ "e y 9th 1323:] FAIRWELL M , and att-ir--.,.-, Jeft' The undersigned de in beg to m ici, Public that the busily il'v te W“; to-fore conducted nude) le,. I name of P. & G. Wat,, huh“ ' henceforth be known 'eluy, G. Watson...... it: When impro km, now being made are co: .th about the Ist of anuax it'i' , . I li, they will be prepared to ;.c_ all kinds of custom l their line....... sed in; Ch dlG. WATS nv- , SH HEP ESI‘HAY. I (mum tn "os “Manda“ 1- 1' leundeigLQI will keep t vice at Lot 10, Con. l, S. D. lt. G Rob Roy Hotel) u. thomugh-ln-ed I “YORKSHIRE sou" .7 and" wat , am. a new years ago lit-lure Mr. ""_""““l fifiu.',d, built on it a large brick dwelling which he says Oust. 81000. ' llosmcn FARM; at Lamlaslu. about Thorough-Bred Boar. ' " acres. Rood building, close to Post F . j ilfiee, Store. Church and School. doqqeqteq Will sell at a great bargain or trade. 'rheutuhsrsimted will keep for sw-lLEWIs Ems FARM, tf.yetliipkr)iii'a"/ii ",e'1t'Lotm,con.i,s.i; It. Glenn-lg gopd form in German settlement. tlt my Hotel; n thovoughmeed F.ill ttell cheap or exchange. Con- ' It" nuns 100 acres, Well impmveu. . YORKSH'RE ttOA IA 100 Amp. Fun. in Bentlnck, pretty spawn 1818-99. ttood lot, at say $850 would bring "2emrsr--4u.oo. 81200. Who speaks titat? Y AN Hausa AND Lor " Allan Park, to be GRO. 'E,y,5,s,,,. given hallway, comfortnble dwelling, J 7 H M. W V VI ,_ goodsta (e - -- -----, “‘" Honey tn loan at 5 per cent. Fine, LOGS WANTED. Life apd Accident Inna-nee. 0cm. -- 1lt!teiGinrGil' Debe- collected, all rick Elm 8 feet longJMaplw. Birch. busing. attended to quickly and ,Buowood and Soft Rim, all 8, 10. MN?- Id " feet long, for which I will pay Mae-c "te,", 0...... . . Miller. Br. Dmmoumwum. She afaa,, Gamay“. now being made are completed) Try about, the Ist of January next, f Rh they will be prepared to execute] e all kinds of custom work in i Rid: their line....... f C. d? G. WATSON. ; _ by beg to notify the'REMEDIESb Public that the business here-g y,ke tltelead to-fore conducted under the firm I :3 ',i,'C"dc','t name of P. & G. Watson, will; Cl'! genial): henceforth be known as C. ti hundreds up. G. Watson...... "A FAIRWELL MILLS, M-.. . aar6 Pr .uuu, and STERLING SILVER NOV KLTIEY “Call and see for yourself, “Prices are right. '53}! 5? Merry Ghrz'stmas We Sell all kinds at _ “"‘W‘EEngland & Russia FARM 3:9}; SALE. 'la, --. A Q9 Round “1 Mirariane'sri' The Wheels iii?"'"?'-:.:, I Dinner '3Yoi.lteHusbaud Mad -- Servant Girl Ugly. The ailment clock -did its best-i-It is old enough wrest. Its gonna qualities have gone, you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them For 't3.50. You can saw: time and worry by buying one. wh'rtiiEi," w JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and Jur “an c,.. w..--, .-- __ um-:.-.u;.~. - - _ . . . . . .wi . _ Men’s Overcoat: (Mm-m mum; mm long. heavy. ribbed utork- .. ' . ings suitable for huys’ war up- I good fume, worth .0 Xmas Pr'. wards from.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .mlFlunnelottes upwards from. . . ' 'w- A -. - A SH HEP EST“ A Y Our Stock of Corsets is Ccmplcte. tiirW Tam O'Slunters Sc JCALL EARLS; I A.McFARLANE. _ Next to Bank. We" When improvements .’ “IAAA A“- - ' q - -"'.... v "'"I Aunts price... . . . . . . . . i n Trim 'plain tmshmere hose dmalvle ‘Lmlies‘ Don he On 3rd I . l. n and heel worth 400 to .100 J Xmas f,'e'.'lfe'.'! . . . . . .". . '.'t.'. 1‘” l . 4 an“. """.............. "MA few win ot Boys" Lmst JK t an's 1x I ribbed hose G in. i ' . . . I no; a in. 27e. unadogn........... JO! My?“ AN well wo-et, '" - “nu (SCHOOL .. "' Be” at a great bargain ortradc. ' wm keep fur ser- LEWIS EIDE FARM, tetttliipiki)i'ii'Ci 1,N.D. lt. Glelwlg (reef form in German Settlement. mmuthnm Will sell cheap or exchange. Con. " min: 100 acres, well impmvw. RE BOAR IA 100 Acrtr. Fun in Bentinck. pretty good lot, at any 8850 should bring At.ou. 8P200. Whospeaks titat? Henna molar at Allan Park. m k- o. RYAN. given "--, - - Proprietor. ,_-_. a..." will Wllllc we are extending good wishes we also desire to draw your attention to some of the' prices wlth which we are leading the XMAS TRADE " " -- To all our CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS. Jhtutey and grasperous (ilvnoig: 0ng Time 'so. m“. Edi: ‘. L.. GRANT. TO SUIT YOU. all prices. , Workmmmhip Unsum “T's-e? Iris it mantra \vmm "I The Hmmver (1 [offers the following human] ..'l‘EAsDALE Rum; 10:30. no f It, Beytinii. Wm an" ‘- 'qWB “an others throats would - fprobably raise the prices, 'i,r'////./.,e: i; H. H.. M I LLER. l I 't n .. angheumatic heeiiie or in;Kidney and Lin-.1 Pills. i' They aw absolutely mm. ' l In...hl I . gAt "l" I -_"N. UV, “JUL 2', W.G. It, lselltinck. Will sell this tine lUU acres for'hut little more than was mid a few years ago bolore Mr. R,'guld built on it a large brick dWelling which he mm -r.-s-- "%--, .EWARE anda {WCALL I: SEE our. THE EPHRENOLINE _ "'""""t"ttthip Unsurpassed “Fine Choice in vwses, Grips. Horse : Blankets, Ae., are. I We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. I! We Handle everything in the Ham ( line, at right prices. i-éeavy d Light Harness Ttfear are a heelusr".!. Rheumatism Lumhago, an and Liver m: Lndies' Button Bums Xmas Price........). --e .-.- urn W’UHH .t.7.5 to 'too, we are selling them nc. cordmg tusiu M..... ..7:x- m -_.-' ... Haunmxim-J m rm e"ttttttusttt, Sciuliv'l. Nvumlgi; ‘ulmgo. and "Ural-ms of Kidnv [ Liver ”mum-rs. or ‘PURIOU. IUIT"“"" q LEAVEN Cot' 'i, ear. Hi“. " W il 't, bargains; 4. But while we Bites, W hips, 0031MB, Pads. U.) 00H. 2, “an may; Am veytsuecr Pure and I ll to run. Neuvnistia wotih 31.75 WK. $1.50 W.G "_.- , Jr. Mm 81.13 1.13 “magnum Ott Hands) age was dist granule an Odin-ted by Singing by I Mons by I Sibley and I he instru and chow we and hi - 331.50. cumin the year. Mac end his hi lie S. B. in an Week ha: If my of mu “lug of rir n will vecor We have 50v “I. had um “takes the a . Master car Railway Lim To 1:15er my to take. Flaunt-2n has way off ', qhiett Mr. , “I plowed hi Mew. The " Tatsmrp' t " cords .mla 99 in. "or Baum Cummrilla " qgho hnyc ill Mood. It ma] amd cures scpo( mtarrh. the you are tt'tr Quad or pl “he Hood's ' Iood‘s Pills Jemima. ll the double a ”as 2 m. “be Pterd ,ediately I all!!! away funeral. and m “lowing his wife's mullwrt i. for a lnmz‘ My ..',',t')',',l'0 A Dummy Wednesday I m theprh View and Sun when is 81.2 TEE WEEKL1 " this paper w On next week Muted with 1 m examine itsil de to Vuzsm' I It held on fe. H. Cult mteiate an BIG Tortsui. tm uey General vote in every I qty. Thus (IN - Hominy de 'attitttt for 6 0 he wards. SICK ('mum .att out readers illustrated tutit m winning I " is deserving l smiling. I L-SA.-- Wei be we to hold ares and w MiKechnie, It M to condetr, HEAVY Incas. we Glenelg. h woelr to lose a nation. A, aeeehtr ago. it in .tnhe Hood's S was mom: Fol: SA LE. .1411: cututs -ediratt your Home of Mug .1wa 4 pounds chat at Mel's. Our thunk: Good trye I“. A Happy New Don't forget rt' C'e on Monday. When you up. Don't have m 1:1th in the Emu: w in it LOCAL VOL. x. Sugar] W M acF ‘m el

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