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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1899, p. 2

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mum nan {Francisco 108;: Dr. J. G. Campbell. of lived ton last for his i ,7 -'-'%" “I. -.. "_P "a crc"'turyot (helmerior. Thu, 'teg, tutter retires in February. “183;”: It is said at Ban Francisco that the North Germm Lloyd Steamship Co. h-w nrrrug d to run a Pacific line from San Francisco Inca-"k Hon. E. A. Ili' _Amboauioi. to I Bliss as Svcremr latter retires in Vapo, at M, the English Michael R arrest in Cl ing mur'ng-s possession ol The Carnegie, have der for 40,000 tons of a n-_ -_- ......mu- new In Queen Charlotte ”up So'minilry, Meriden. Conn., have herd of walrusel atta: been expelled for smoking eitrareta. Holds ofmen trom th The New York Board of Health tPs1Ettitiand, and would declared grip to be a contagious dis-JIM“; to mecca and dr ease. and Patients must be isolated. "tad the steamer not Curt Herbal, aged 18, ot New York, w'.T tttrough thtsherd Wot bring awe to make enough money tsailors. . to uui: his futher, drank catholic acid l Tho Prussian c-., Ind died. Four girl student; at Kimball mule Svminary, Meriden, Conn., i been expelled for smoking "igtareta The New York Board of Health declared arin to in - - _. . A report at Seattle, M' persons have been killed the Chilkoot Pass. --. _ _.. .uu, new“ leavmg London, enmpieted A book on " The Indian Fron- tier," and arranged for its publication with the Harpers. The Queen pointed out the impropriety of a book about India by the Viceroy appearing dur- ing the Vicerny‘a term of office. 2tt fore the book has been withdrawn.' UNITED STATES. A " Municipal Ownership League " has heen formed at Chic-mm - - wan‘gUVOrn any Dr. Stanley Kent or London covered a vareine germ. This pry is n! the greatest import: its, use in pure cultures ream impure lymph. which has bl cause of the widespread objec vaccination. Lord Curzon, before leavmg 1 completed n book on " The India tier," and arranged for its pub with the Harpers. The Queen 1 out the impropriety of a book India by the Viper“! annnnr3h -_.. m... ample competence. Mr. Chamberlain has sent adespatch to Sir Hs-rbert Murray, Governor of 1ywryunuiGli,' declining to disallow" the "aid railway contract. declaring Hill he cannot inlay-nun --'sL sq ‘ -"i"'_ u may, WIlll the Thorneyerofis at Popul: It is said that a eombinati, formed intheEnglisb bleach The trust has been started Laneashire. The Lindon Daily Mail or report that Australia will j Canaria in defrayins the ' Pacific: cable. At Liverpool the Marquis of has been fined S20 for bri French bulldog from the Unit to anlund without the nece der from the Board of Agrieu Mr. William Watson, the p enjoyed a small Government ft nierreil by Lord Rosemary, received through the death ot do a legacy considerable enou. Bure him ample competence. Mr. Chamberlain has sent a1 to Sir Herbert Murray, Gore Newfoundland. declinim- .- the uman-mg whether the couhtva able for the tstiblishment of meat of his ftuow-cddGrriiie GREAT BRITAIN. Tho Shamrock, the Irish el for the America's Cup. will In There seem. an influx ot A] 'uia nt an earl Jiron. an Arm way to Mauiml covering Whom ttble for tho est meat of his fel _ - ”Hum 01 nut guilty aitcr if - - “rm" ..e"'s peen J deiiirei‘ating 15 minutes. The case was " Preeentvu wizha beautifully illuminat-I up outcome of the murder of John ii ed address by tho Brotherhood of Lo- Bushman, a well known sheep man, fb t-omntiw Firermm, in ','.t'.t't1yrma<iiC, was killed last September by tid of fourtesbs received at his hands. [band of cattlemen, while moving his p The Toronto, Hamilton & Enffnlo sheep into South Dakota. It] Railway Company Basking the City of! At Chillicothe, Ohio, two mere boys, (ii Huxmltun for 9.50 per cent. decrease tn , Elmer and George Butler, aged r.reairisTr,l,'l, it»: luvs and water rates, in consider- tirely 20 and 13, were found guilty pr)il “tit-n grits constructing a line to serve I manslaughter and will serve a term in I P: tlw factories and other industries in t tho penitentiary for the murder “fed the northeast suction of the city. ’Duisy Browser, a young girl. “ml”! 'lhe, 'lirectors of the Hamilton, Sllel crime was a heinoug one, and in the li, doke & Ancuster Railway will applhtiial it was proven the girl had been gr for an amended charter to build a line If shot down from ambush for no cause p.) h: P-t'tntfurd. to change the name to' whatever. The defence made an 1.triai, the Hamilton. Ant-aster & 'lrJuy/o.ruit'ii'iiii to prove that insanity ran in,” Hut-Inc "illiwily Company, and to I'll-gI tlw Butler lumily, but the jury couldHM Home the capital stock from 'l00,000, not be convinced.' tn 8200.000. . , The Tom; Railway Com Hamilton for its. [alps and Minn ofita cn l5 shillings " ah tenders. P.ulentrer, a m Chicago, on aet 'red hia wife in of Ir, property nave hem the cause of the t The London Street Railw puny threatens to sue the city Malamugea for breach oldul the recent trouble with the at way employees. During eleven months in l homestead were entered in L trad the Ttrritories, an compa 2,383 in 1897. This Fear Winn estate men report largvly i sales of land to non!"- have A handsome new theater, known In the Savoy, has been opened at Van- couver, B. C. CANADA. . Owen Sound has purchased electric fire alarm Kingston is flooded with Strain Sot- tlement coin. Hiram Maxim, the great gunmaker, in talking at building a gram pulp mill at Ottawa. ‘ -. alt-rm! to be a good chance of In: of Armenian settlers to Can., an early date. Rev. Father 'trt Armenian priest. i. A“ b..", mu In. About Our Own Country Om: Britain. the United States, ur All Puts of the Globe. Coeds-Jed an Assorted tor Easy Regain; , NEWS IN NUISHHJ, tra, wills , the Im ms been started in North In Daily Mail credits the Australia will join with] detraying the coat of a: al the Marquis of Anglesey ’ led £20 for bringing a i Hg from the United Stateslt without the necessary or- Board of Agriculture. l n Watson, the poet, who , will 'u,.,-...,,, . of steel, in“: on a eharirroi'"ii, I'i'- t, - J, of Elmer, NJ. his 'uteoum, an. to Sunk titoba as VERY LATEST PROF ALL ms WORLD OVER. A , a Cook -i...._. uaa "een wixh a beautifully illuminnt. by tho Brotherhood of Lo- iremen, in t"Irr.tortedgmJrit rs reeeived at his hands. A Per ton, r, received ntson, the pool, who Government pension Rosebery, has just the death of his un- to , the Irish challenger N Cup, will be built by ta at Popular. , pomplnntion is beimr new with the leg. "if-governor/r col- t, Hamilton éV'IqufaIOI my masking the City of, 50 per cent. decrease in . ...g..- -.-a . Jrtited State- I _ order - ._..u a HUD change the name to master & Brnnlford Company, and to in- _ . , . ' .- i The Home correspondent of 2339::b35i2t123j don paper says that the Pope a book about sponse to another appeal fr Tearing dur- Queen Regent of Spam, han et office. There-ll/ali' written to Day Curios withdrawn] ihxm to stop the Carhst agita CHS. Major Maretrand and his part . " ualed Fashoda during the men hip League December 11, when the Franc] Pluto. .waslowered and the British and ash., says Sll‘tizln flags were hoisted. The i by a slide in detachment started tor the jRiver. Kimball FIB-i In Queen Charlotte Sound, a Conn., have herd of wall-nun n"--“-’ . . - w --.... I bleaching trade. started in North “cred iii?." I " 3rtsw Owner, priest, is GGii, th a view of dis. ' countr_y is suit- a . , - --"R's Itat the l that's a fact Mon has due This discov.. Iportance, as removes the 15 been the Objection In is _untter enough to me the city "for 322;: "aott of duty during ‘-:AL AL _ _ an or- for the under '1 hav- to get I Tabby - Would you R.0., deaths for met and' Tom-No; only nina, a settle. I sailors. 3 Ttr, Prussian Gc 'ed the Rhine Pro hold a lottery, the wrefobe used to: the Rhine from ac ithe hands of man iir.tdustriduiy' p11 {along the mount I Rhine. on his -- ...B-u5 """"u' Swimen on Russian vessels at Port , A: than y.nster 'I tr, Russian Government has ordered ilt by , ten new destroyers for the Pacific ( squidron to be completed within two being years. suicide ather high iuGi Horse Iixpert-.o " Cum. --'---F..r" ”up“: - i onmont for so doing. , The Russian Minister of War, Lieut, IGeneral Keuropatkin, will be dismissed for Tuniyyrlrriing an order given by f F the Grand Duke Vladimir, who is com- ','mnnder of the St. Petersburg military _ , district. i Lord Kitchener is orgapizinga cam- "rpign for the recovery for Egypt of the Soudnn province still held by ‘the Muhdists. Soudanese levies will iformalarge part of the army of com ;quest. 1 Admiral Baron Von Lenden-Bibran, chief otthe German Emperor's Naval Cabinet, ham been banished for four momhs toEgypt for giving away the Emperor's secret Plants for increasing the navy. l Theodore Heine, the artist of Simpli- lcissimus, who caricatured Emperor I Wilrrun's trip to the Holy Land, has I been sentenced to Six months' impns- f onmont for so doino. " Tlr, Russian railroad to Al {tan has been completed to wi rmiles of Herat, the capital. Grippe Is epidemic In New thouswnds of cases being repor [is said to be due to the filthy co jot the streets. The Lower House of the Diet has pissed a bill incr lam! tax. 'CaneHs in Paris, afte I sence. Scurvy is said to be Somme!) on Russian T Arthur. , Don Carlos, the Spams): , is ill at Venice. f The Berlin Royal Orehesf Rpm-ens in Paris, after 80 mer 7,_ "an,” on . - --w----; "tr C . nu we named States. if f' Md 1,,1','itp,. Englanfl, “I Thiriy-“Wo prtaninent cattlemen of} en , an, ".' " " now org h ' Sksuih Oak m, who were indicted by {trans-Atlan ty 1 ne between 'f'i grand jury in Fall River County. K~th Wares, and Patrpebiae, "i.rairii Dakutu. for Papslaughtev, have tc ptred drsignd for the con ibevn tried at Hot Springs. The jury of 1n I "t . h I tt l returned a verdict of nut guifly aitsr I. f e eva Ot {It 1 e a er I n , deliberating 15 minutes. The case mu " mtg-LIA.» A -ldta.,,rr.L.T, - _ N ExPEriCdirikiim, - -v-u LAID I pieces and drowned the men . steamer not rammed her ough the hvrd and rescued the fulfilling the Sums Govern wruid hive Le kopts hut for in the United Thi-wo Sonih Uukvtu a grand jurv -- ._..,....., Ina German Emperor's Naval has been banished for four loEgypt for givingawuy the 's secret plans for increasinu ms LIMIT, euvl' mmself up to the police. Evans: put five shots into his victim before the body reached the ground. The acquiring of the shipyard at Newport News, Virginia, by Vickers, Snug & Alelvl'm J,, '- ry,tne proceeds ot which d to rescue the valley of ram scenic destruction at d manufacturers, who are f plinting factories all mountains skirting the [' PTufily “ avgâ€"g u: uvilue . an omen of the United States Supreme rCourt for their production. Willmm Sims, a soldier, for murder- ing Robert Hortas, at Town Creek, Ala., was dragged from the Jail by a gang led by the murdered man's 'bro.th: er, lunged to a tree and riddled with bullets. Charlotte Sound, a large uses attacked six boat- from the steamer No, Province _ -- C'"'"-"' tt ca In capacity of fifteen words a between the United States and the Philippines, Japan and Ch Two girls have died and the der of a fumiiy of eight, at H Ohio, are suffering and are l to die from t.rictiiiosid, cont” eating pork the familv 1...: L: mm the steamer New would have torn the ',-..a " - The House at Washington is ttt ering a bill to establish a cable a camp“: no nu, mun, worn, he received an Order l from the Midland Railroad of England, ‘for ten mogul freight locomotives. Joseph W. Pearson, who last week hurled missiles through the door and windows of the British Embassy at Washington, has been sent to In M'- [um oudly showing hors.- , don't you think, eh? tuw-s, rather hybrid, fhrs.ernment h, motive W351,” from the Midld for ten mogul . irt?strrh w. p. whenthe officers of the law him for lorgery he Ihot him The Schenectmi- “--- " when the -. ”.mua, ~-~--- "'"""""""P C, F Maxim, is a. condition to their om. at Pg avg the contract with the United A despatch from . Envemmem for torpvdovs,whreh I is rerorted that the We Loon giv n to the 5"hwanz'100m . . mt for the anti-Gerr A feeling I il',',,,'),".""',,',' /1/rhic United States. _ li . n cs Minister of War, Lieut.- l putkin. will be dismissed I Ming an order given by e Vladimir, who is com- St. Petersburg military -..u .--.)c will me of the murder of John a well known sheep man, killed last September by a altlemon, while moving his Smnh Yul-77A hat the Pope, in re- gr appeal from the Spain, has (unfiden- Don Carlos asking Carlist agitations. GENERAL. die a thousand ickemédn "al Orchestra will give ' on“ "m being reported. It' the filthy condition his party evac- I Indfg'} the morning of; hasa to a Frrnch flag I pnrt, h: tinl. ,7 I - - Permission to Spanish pretender, I / and Egyp- DP French the Subat ms Fra nt- the Japanese increasing the of a Lon- to Afyhunig- raging an1ong sunfiden- within 95 years' -atr. ', Nay tia, der.' York. ,,___. - out ‘uuusylvan- ia and Maryland Steel Company for £15,000 sterling below the English ton- der. punt we“. or "Jim. lender Pol-cl by a Search Party. A despatch from Victoria, B. th, says: -Lieut. Harvard, of H. M. & Leander, left his vessel to explore the mainland and became hopelessly lost. After travelling in the woods for two days his signals flashed on the sky were read at the Esquimalt fortification“, and a search party went out and found I the Lieutenant. Lost Lteat. ot IIJIJI. -- -e ARV“- “and w await his trial. While at the pun. however, his illness became more serious and it Was found impossible' fur him to plead. He died on November 10 of brain 1isorder,-romir/iat% by hemi- plegia. and general exhaustion. '\'iciier.s. I human Steamship r,' A desp'tfch from L ndon, my ;--Newa l I [ms been received of a terrible tragedy " whi .h occurred ct the end of October at Marchuros, in the Uganda Protecto- rate. It appears that Capt. Dugmwre,‘ late of the Royil Navy, and an official of the protectorate, owing to the ex- citement and hardship which he hnd undergone during the recent Uganda campaign, lost control of his mental faculties, and in a moment of aberra- tion shot Capt. Cook. The latter "tii 'er died shortly after.. wards, and as lhe result Capt. Dug- more was arrested and taken to Mom- basis to await his trial. While at the pnrt, however, his illness became more serious and it was found impossible' for him to plead. He dint-I "a. v-“ . READ ms sumii, IN THE SKY, (‘nplaln Kills Ill: w: l, The eventual full staff will num some twenty officers. A distinctive uniform probably modified form of thtt worn by Chin troops, will be eventually adopted bothortieers and men. For winter Wt the officers will have a fur kit simi to that worn by Canadian trnnnn Q;.. - (gt after um regimen; wil vice. and will be required, and not alone. "'""-aarudt eludlng .fouftoen . head ser " ("""""tyy:rev" WIII he Furnished "tiUj.uitisilit Jiav",ingi, mauta I Wttt, ”mm" 'hter. prompted the palace service A despatch from LondL-n, Bays.'--The nounce tlv/th. felnv-menikii who newChinese regiment will beknown as, dislike to .the Emgfess as ref the "Isl Chinese Rrgimml. It will new; tfe,",',")')';.);!',,)'":-':,.?.'?),':') about 1,000 swung, and will be divided igeance thut little or no evidenl into eight or ten companies. The men l been required. The amused haw will be collected from the Shantung l give": Apeedy mock trials, and b province, within the ten-mile British ',1rti1ti,:frjiciiri).iiti': have limit. Ci" iii,'),",',', f.,.. ic., " The regimen: mi” “A ‘ CENTRAL ner'tion with luntic and L great bomi ‘i'or 1 pt‘ninsuh, which 505 is ent.irely d Pet'ompuny be G'lspe bus/n. Pasheliinc ed ttt It a the (‘Omnu ,"' intended to build it (iron. Its capacity will b bushils at grain 'ltr, {will bvgin uhortly. The play has also made arrm the trunspun of freight the mm. winter port. T which inaugurated the fortnight ttRo.in 5-041" of an elem is intended iron. Its C; bush-ls cd us that Capt. Dugmwre, Ruytl Navy, and an official :ectorate, owing to the ex- ad hardship which he had .during the recent Unmmln ' Quee- Vlccoru's om. to .0? t A deepatch from London gift of Queen Victoria of t portrait, which her Majest: Mrs. Keveth, of St. Breward in appreciation of the sex-vii Kerveth's seven sons in the had the effect of bringing several other cases of larg who have upheld the flag th' ‘Iand. Whether these asses discovered with s View of al Queeniy reward or merely to there " were others " does nc be clear, but the G... " ‘L . WW 11-00- Victoria}. CI“. to " Soldier I." no If“... “u:'. be Inn.“ " - A deepatch from London "res-The lune- Veueu. Prices of Grain. Rift: oftQue;n Victoria of 850 and her A despntch from St. John's, Nfid.. In the Iatad por rai , w ich her Majesty sent to a "rtc--ca tsin Henr Deacon Barr , - Mrs. Koveth, of St. Breward. Cornwall. iif2ctlt"'fll'.,',d',': 'iid' Departmeni, TORONTO LIVE l n appreciation of the services of Mrs. British Admiralty, has been appointed Toronto, Dec. 2 (erveth's seven sons in the army, has tothe command ofthe British squadron 31“ were thetrttt-.. lad the effect of bringing to light in Newfoundland waters, the appoint- A lot of ten cal everal other cases of large families meat togointo effect next season, with lbs., sold at ”85 p rho have uphold the flag of old But the rank of commodore and the crui- Eight eattle, aold pd. Whether these ones have been ser Comus as his aGiiir. The Squad.. ewt., averaging 1,001 Ascovered with a View of sharing the ron will be increased by heavier ves- A load of 18 catt] ueeniy reward or merely to show that Bela thu., L” . new " were an“-.. , e... ~uuruy. The above com- ts also made arrangements tor nsporl of freight loand from winter port. The Gaspesia, inaugurated the new line a n ago, is again expected _ I on January 7. It is report-. a steamer will sax-n lravelforl puny between Paspebiae Ind; )z152n. This would prove at mn for the lower part of the t, which, during the cold sea-I 1tirely deprived of any cow. vith th, 'n-‘M‘w - v- AFRICAN TRAGEDY, CANADIAN KITS, whith, during the rely deprived of t h th, terminus of Luke Superior mu. a: other cases of la have uphold the flag Whether these one vexed with a View of I Ill-other mes. will be for _,r.\\. AV. en. For winter wear ve a fur kit similar 'anadian troops. ioned officers] who terminus of the At.. Superior railway. available wh never for Wei-Hai-Wei ___ “vu- wnaol "res-The neon Victoria of 850 and her which her Majesty sent to a th, of St. Breward. Cornwall, ation of the services of Mrs. seven sons in the army, has I 'ttect of bringing to light her no.» _. . up l'ompuny Will "ee " Pmpehlar. sh; 'om Montreal, 'iayse--it Ilser the Canada Steamship his which Sir Robert G. 2' l- an. England, is presi- ‘lFra ucrors, are now board the Avoca. for the constnu the latter place ontrer and miter place. It it ot corrugated ll be one million 1131- mpstruc ion now organizing a between Milford general ser- ' "ok'oly a 9.7 Chinese d --__. "nun: nannies can u mil: - ize in the many delicate complica- I. There were ten tions certain to result from Mr.Cham- 3y were all in the berlain's determination to bring about Battles took oft Ifet.t.lement of the French Shore went on fi htin ' question as speedily as possible. da withoutg meeg- Captain Barry will also organize the _ them achieved proposed naval reservenmong the fish- being appointed ermen of Newfoundland. 'indsor. This urn- oiae, has just const ruci ion number t large families "as of old Eng- Cues have been r of sharing the - --- -.e.v Mum to establish patrol posts in bi'irii'i""thff.'. umbls Mn, with a view of aiding in the checking of the truties. A despatch from Nei, York, says: A movement has been set on foot among Methodists to celebrate the incoming of the twentieth century by the rais- ing of a. thanks offering fund to the amount of $20,000,020. Of this sum it is proposed that $10,000,000 be de-l voted to educational purposes. The Methodist Board of Education took action at Thursday's meeting favouring this, and proposed that one of the objects should be found in aid of the struggling institutions ot learn.. ing, both by a loan and a gift. for ,_,,_ “any nu sum is believed that the Indians lead a big party of their f: the new creeks and keep white men. from I Reported That Pam location Fees tn Gold Nugget: 'l'nlun From ('lnlms. A' despatch from Vancouver says _ Seven interior Indians, headed by Taku ’Juck, and accompanied by a Chiiian named Richard Palacio, arrived at Lake Bennett two waits ago, and re- corded all manner of (minis on two creeks, which they cullrd Sheep and Moose. They paid the location fees in gold, which_they claimed had Mann “given speedy mock trials, " ed inside the palace gates. The pleadings of friends ' ed nothing, for th:, Empress mercy to none. Recently t was captured with a long In ed on him. Enemies acrusm he was beheaded in public, t, thousands of assembled sul disloyalty to the Empress WC sented. Torgr Methodists Take "or: Trip. N h Since. then Prompted the nounce lbs-iv f dislike to the ..rpuru-a "an! the It] "vetertatusr, """ I Mail advices from thut the Empress n is maintaining her 1 reign of terror which class of Chinese sucie grams to Shanghai that the Emma-u in " INDIANS FIND RICH CLAIMS To RAISE $20,000,000. i Prof. Wood is a son of the lat Frank A. Wood, who served as lsion-Liry inthe Syrian field inttr fProf. Jessup is a son ofthe Rev. uel Jessup, who for the last f years ttns been in e1Prgeotthe' byteriun mission printing and pu ing estibiishment at Beirui. woundsof thetwo men are consi serious. , can» connected with the American College at Beirut, Syria. Two pro- fessors in the college, Jessup and Wood by name, while passingthrougb the main street of Beirut were set up- on by Turkish highwaymen, and were; [shot and stabbed. 'llw assault was ob! (served by a number of persons, but the! :highwarmen escaped. College at lessor: in Wood by I the main s .m-rroruuora In II" College " I Rel-Inns" Wounded. , A despatch from Constantinople, Sofia,) s'1ys'.--News has Just reg here of an unredressed outrage m'tted a. day or two ago upon Ar cans connected with Ihn n--, Ttro Prong..." REIGN " usage}: or CHINA. Captain Barry's appointment, which is out ofthe regular order of selections, is understood to be due to the desire of the Imperial Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. tohave in command of the squadron an officer whose abilities can be util- ized in the many delicate complies-1 tions certain to result from Mr.Cham- berlain's determinoHn- A, . . l ton will t gels thun tsd here. A despntch from "ras-Captain Henry Assistant Director NI British Admiralty, ha to the command of this «u we command ofthe British squadron in Newfoundland waters, the appoint- ment togointo effect next season, with the rank of commodore, and theorizi- eer Camus as his flagship. The Squad.. ron will be increased by heavier VOS-‘ Sela thu., kn- . - TURKS ASSAULT AMERICANS. - 7 _.‘~-n\.4U A be palace service to l' felnv-menikii whom; the Empress as reform u command of the r whose abilities ca be many delicate :ain to result from determjnation to b. ,__ " .vuu., hptnin Henry Deacon Barry, It Director Naval Department, Admiralty, has been appointed ne Emu-cu Dowager " ' four! Hermann. from Shnnuhni ce'asl, have heretofore 1tsisied T; , wnrlc passinglhrough t of Beirut wereset up- highwaymen, and Were d. The assault was ob- 1ber of persons, but the l, r no evidence has amused have been rials, and behead.. rnulmg and puthiiir. t at Beirut. The men are considered the "ttt. out the “rice to de-li't"i2 .ls whom they ( cold as reformers , at l Empress has! Po re for Fear. nhr... m?u'ar have' have avail.. l J has shown I a. runaway } bat: Just reached 'd Outrage com- ago upon Ameri- the late Rev. l in the 'riiii. p, Itev. Sam- hat fifteen St. John's, Ntid - nonr- "a-toe, u Work-l.llu- The. AMERICAN MARKETS. Before Janene-'5 and. Buffalo. N.Y..Dec. 29.4mm wheat A “watch from Cape Town, 'ia.yr4:-.- -Dtsmand light, limits steady; No. l A new row is brewing for Presuyuu hard, .773-4c: No. 1 .Nort,te.sri, 741-40; Kruger because of alleged outrages (n No. 2 Artft','lij',',/it,i,'" J'ii,itedhii,'t.' British residents in the Transvaal. _it,tifttlt1,itf"'i,iiiiiir,ta,t,'r,is, iar 'very. In a recent disturbance the police Strong: No. a yellow, 89e; :No. 4 yet. opened fire and shot an Englishman low, 381-4 to 881-212: No. 8 corn. 881-243. named Edgar. No efforts to punish pattr--searue and straw: No. 2 white. the policemen who did the shootinc 32 to 8214c; 'No. 8 w te, 811-4 to 81 have been made, and . number of Uitl. I-Se; 'atat 't2ittti,?,0,/-i 33:33-13? Pt': lunar-F521: '12"t?tt to push the ie u rm. . ' .11 use. i o Han 51%;? 61c asked. 'riottrurrGC. fiir was formed 'etu"rgl use? tun demand. 7 7 Jam-on raid. _..\ ' _"atbtu0SD OUT THE l t ctiuuiiui'i'iim. Demand fair. Choice , . -- 0 stock sells at from 9 1-3 to IN. Inrlunur- rink" " In“. I) . . t"'rutgta' Dalian. Marked for dressed hogs keeping . a about steady. The receipts to-day wane A despatch from Lima, O, fair, and prices held as before. West- There was a mysterious rob em hogs were quoted, on track, in car American National Bank t lots, at about 85 to 85.10, mixed: . weights.; and Northern at about 85.10’ night, the .umounl stolen I to 85.15, for select lots. On the street .250” to 8CO,000. The Jam , farmers' loads sold at 85.30 to $5.40, cred the doors of the vault 'l/J'1'if,ify to quality. Provision mar- Monday morning. The in e I . V " [ Quotations are as ftyowsr--Dry Balt.. a"; s0rfl11,t,0,?tiee.t, Jrr ed shoulders, 7 L20; long clear bacon, .rf1'"hfir tl “d en " was 1 car lots, 7 1-20; ton lots and case lots, tl, k U? idle pope; mom 7 3-40.; or backs, 8 re, to 814e, ”in h a eon f'frrltd " Smoked Ptatt-rHams, heavy, 91-2 to u T's-by? "tlt of ' silver m 10c; medium, lore, to Ile; light, iri)'l {113” -d mfmf-g‘.‘ po I breakfast bacon, 101-2 to 11o; pirnic Ill', nee, l" mp (a k” "U.' hams, 73-4 to 8e. All meats out of I' 'i,y11d,'ee,e I: Pn cat pickle le less than prices quoted for on y y ancmg t Cash. smoked meats. 7 7 _ ----. --- aurti-rriertxu, c; tubs " to 7 Ktttr no": 8-4c; pails, 73-4 to Sc; coipound, 6 to GER m [ORE T 6 1-20. been assign- I 11tfr--iJtndenr, for a market. Prices are steady I large. dairy rolls bringing' , ery keeps in moderate dam ations are as fol1owtc--ij C,,','). to medium, 11 to 12c I to 141-gc,. large rolls, 14 u dairy, 1-H). prints, about creamery, tubs and boxes, Hrs, 20 to 210. a mis. Pres- Dried Noplete-neaiert, for dried stock, deliver small lots resell at 4 1-2 ated, 8to 81-2e. for u Betrat tomb {sent and prices are 'tffi-a?ltierrens, per ducks, 40 to 60etgee, 6e; turlreya, per lb. 1 nyytts--4etioiG; hand at 81 to 81.10, and l 75c. per bush. ), (Via Poultry Bent and vulUCK sells at 20 to 22e.; bl cold stored at 17 to 18e; at 14 to 1lic. I'r1at..orur-rffuu, with choi about 55 to 57e, car Iota, Dealers sell out of store tbl farmers' loads, sell at an m. -. -.- ‘uvl‘fu an 616. (eats yellow, old,, on track here, 161-20; and same, new, at 420. I Bariey--.iiiriG but firm. Car No. l, outside; are quoted at 47 'rtnrts-rtstea'y movement. E fair and prices firm. Choice stock sells at 20 to 22e.; held f cold stored at 17 to 18c; and at 14 to 150. citariG"o, low, Chuthim, can Yellow, nl una east at 1561-20. , I Oats-ln good demand. 'north and west, in carlotal at 281-10, and, east at 370. Hre--r'irni. Car lots, west, 520, and east, Me. yuckwhtat-uiiii1' but lots, outside. 48 to 481-91- 9atmeai--rh"Gi. C Oats, in bags, on quoted at "40 per at $8.50. P,e,as-strong and , north and west, are and east at 1361-ch looms, steady at' 79s, for No. 1 hard, rt/ll,'.?,',',',; and west, and 79e, for No. 2 hard. I Flour - Quiet but firm. Offerings ,light, Straight roller, middle heights, (was in demand to-day at 88.15, and ( $3.30 was asked. i M.iliteed-suae and firm. Ton lotsi of bran at the local mills bring 814, I and of shorts 816. Car lots, middle! heights, are quoted at 813 for brani and 815 for tshorts. f 'IChoice hogs, per cwt. 400 " ' Heavy, per cwt. . . . 400 400 Light' hogs, per cwt. . 875 000 TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET. ‘Wheat - Western markets were very strong to-duy. Private rabies from LiVerpoot and London reported that, the other side was not follow- int the advance. Importers here were paying Toe, for white and Coe, for red, north and west. Goose wheat, north and west, 700. and spring, 691-20. Mani- tobas, steady at' 79v, for No. 1 hard. Ltr."" and west, and 79e, for No. 2} ar . (Ewes, per cwt, Bucks, per cwt. Lambs, per ttwt. Milken! 4 Cows, each, . Calves, each . Shipping, per 0 Butcher, choice Butcher, med. Butcher, inferi . large Trade In, Following is the "use of pnm “Fl the mo 1'.- day: . "rpe'c"""oer, " bee; Ma . f" A lot of ten cattle, "enemy 960 65 TAK; on track, No,y1 his the, sold at ”.85 per owt. lt: Vtlftl.ta,diiit,i, No. 2 A . . . our--. ac lunged. Eight (attic. mid It """, per Duluth, Minn., Dec. 29.--wh ttwt., averaging 1,000 lu. . v I hard, cash, 65 8Aks; 00115th A land of 18 cattle, averaging 1.150 May, 68 1Aks; No. anrthorn, lbe., sold at " ewoh.- 'tg 2ra!'tr. 68 8-K, May Three cattle, averaging 1,200 lbe., 801:1: 'l'ay,. Ili/tcried-t h: ‘aold at 41-8c., ten back. To 14c; my 71 8-8c. Corn- (r, As fir as bags were concerned, the ed, Mhs. - Christmas holiday had had 3 weaken- ing effect; for while "timtopperi'am -"------, still 4 1-2e, and light hogs 4c. thick at TRIAL SHIPIENT A SUCCE are slow at 37-80 per pound. - "There is Ingwa'aggm mm of own. Cattle, Choose. &a. L,yf,mgiir.erriii,", MARKETS Ill? THE WORLD. I " In the Leading Marta. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET, Toronto, Dec. 29.--Amontt the few EBU u IO Rio; and hundii p. Dull, with choice bringing 57e, car Iota, on track. out of store at 6'0 to 65e; ds, sell at around 50 to here is no demand at pre-i [cos are easy. Quotations‘ ls. per pair, 25 to 400-1 v-5 .u-uuy. rnvate cables The following are extracts .r,'"g'g',', 8.1311 Londont "'/l1Ud letter from the consignee. zot er Si e was no 0 ow- , . . advance. Importers here were that the “PPR?” were landed Ihr, for white and foe, for, red, class condition, and that a lar d west. Goose wheat, north may be developed _ , TN, and fpring,69 I-ge. Mani.. "l was agreeably surprised :eady at' Tile, for No. 1 hard, ll-r nd lle on of ur 'rl and west, and 79e, for No. 2 a .0“ exce T t yo ts' pertmental slupment‘ of t - Quiet but firm. Offerings capons. On opening the cases t aight roller, middle '/,ieitrlsjh, l were found to be in beautiful u iiiaegd to-day at ".15, audlund presented a most saleable suiiiiiru, and firm. Ton lots- once. After the birds were un t the local mills bring .14, l, hung one to see how long it w torts 816. Car iota, middle l tum Its bright appearance, and We quoted at " for branltlnt it became milky white in " shorts. i as Boon as the bird had dried --Firm. Car Iota of rolled the chilled state; to-day, five du bags, on track here, are er, it is as nice looking' as a ire: "40 per bbl., and in bbls., ed bird. I think the price ol wilt both please and pay you. rang and scarce. Car lots ll fair market price, and on a m ‘west. are quoted at f'ctico., trc, - o ia quoted at eased hogs “keeping rem-mm to-day were d as before. West- “A .~-â€" . . 1ruirere and cicir.' Quiet but firm. Offerings gm roller, middle heights, mand to-day at 88.15, and sired. Source and firm. Ton lots th., I, . .-, Jealers pay 4 to 41-2 delivered here, and t 4 1-2 to 5c; evapor- fro. 1.....-” . per cwt. ; ' 3.6214 ' 425 Commissioner of choice, do. .d. 343912 33 neaday moan-d [ med. to Boo 'd - t . inferior . . 275 325 ef he trgal tttupa Sheep and Lambs. 7,7,...“ ... .-u.. nun "mes. pool, and met a ready sale in Li, 1 . . . 2.3g; 'll? at sixteen cents per pound wh, Ir . . The chickens were Bent pluckm a per T,1 400 ' 425 nut drawn, and Weighed an aver éwt. . . '.' 400 400 5 be. lbs. each. The wholem. per cwt. . 375 btr,','t:'j'.s'iii' was equal to 01.76 M FARMERS' MARKET. 1Prot. Robertson thinks the rem: Western markets were l tseller". Ydar, - Prjvate cabiesl The mumps...- -.--- ' to 48 1-2e, No. 2 white, 811-4 to 81 "ae. Bars tr-No. g, in Firm; an Ite nothing 1633 r a good tau. 'rady, Wiihchnice ink Ilk. Cream- demand. Qum-I :rrDairy, tuba, 130; choicé. m 'e and firm. Ton lots! local mills bring 814,‘ [6. Car lots, middle; .4..J A: A... - a easy. Quotations‘ pair. 25 to 40m} tee, per lb, 5 1-210} 8 to 9e. I' l-picked beans Bell _ common at 70 mi bbl., and in bu}; scarce. Car Iota a quoted at 651-20, t and. White outs, earlota. are quoted at 396. lots, north and! no- kr; choicé, 18 to 150; small , 15 to 16c; ', 19 to 200; rm. Car lots of ted at 47 to 48c. Dent. Receipts Choice boiling .; held fresh or Cattle. Ca nadiap yel.. __ I,“ Irie. Ameri.. firm. Car 1. at 46to 70 mint .25 009 to $0,000, cred the doors of Monday morning. were opened by lh Cashier Kalb whe _ull the {told and . I'lol'. (bummer at Workw Hot." Jam-'5 It tht, A despatch from Cape Town new row is brewirm "m , the Qudu, KRUGER IN KORE TROUBLE. by judge Tascbereau to be March 10th, the same. day his accomplice. Cordelia Vi fthe murdered man, was Be Puter the extreme penahv ' Jinn and "out. Who I. l mum Instant 1 A despatch from Mann 5 Sam Puslow, whose trial In 5 der of Isidore Poirier at E _ has been proceeding Imfnru w. m 15100“ Puirier at St. Canuu, has been proceeding before. the toisizes at St. Scholwtique for the palm wvek, was declared guilty by the Jury on Wednesday evening, and was ts'ertterir'ed by judge Tuchereau to be hanged on March 10th, the same day on “hirh his anon-nun..- n- . .. --- reakesn.. --. rs"aro " fat >0. to. "N A g 425 Com fdl' need 60 of it 'e try: t pool. iql thet 400; Carle i, 5000 god, 600 A The I 420 not d i wave, u cents, per pound. i The, chickens when put up to fatten .were worth about .50 cents per put The food consumed per pair during the fattening cost 81 cents. making " tum] ‘cost of 81 cents per pair, without "l.. 'lowing anything for the labor of .1!- i tending them. The packing Cunt-s rust i at the, rate of three cents per pair. "nd I the transportation and selling charso a _ would cost in the usual course of DUM- ness for such chickens not more thin 22 cents per pair. a total of 31.06. leur- ing 70 cents per pair for the lalre and profit. CLEANED on; THE VAOLr, ”me, n cents, per pt The chickens when r were worth about 50 Tho food consumed per fattening cost 81 cents, cost of 81 cents Der " CANE marlin THE qtly.E ,_-_ r. Im, a the prawn rate for For small weekly arr think the. price ooul but amieipate that la Would bring the figu pence, 14 cents, per 1 WILL BE HANGED TOGETHER ___- 6.23:1 Min: ' a No. l ' 2 do., I Barley- ET, ' , t Me few Mine 950 E TAK, lit £1 . It 9" Dulut t I hard, .150 May, 8-80; It Toledo be" gular. Bl .-.. w nu- nu AIC'IIOI In tonin- patch from London says :--Some It is caused by the annuunw- that the walking stick with Lieut. Pate struck the 1/uot is to be sold at auetion Jun- . Pate, it seems, died Three. I30. leaving considerable f, r- it is tberefore thought bur- that his heirs should take no Drawn-I ”w -- ,uv.\...-nulc Ill ‘nesday received advices as to l of the trial umpmenl of fatten 't try Bent to Aid. Jas. Ruddin. of pool. These chickens were Ben; the Government fattening sun Carleton Place in cold storage to an“: ..-x _7A - remind” Lt . - . 04‘; V as T-ths; on hack, Nail “Lard: a? No. 1 Northern. 65c; No. 2 A'oru/e"/ir' tBe. ?l1oyr-rpttittGirU. ' w h, ‘-"- - tl?""-"", a! 2 do., 65 1-2 to 66e.; Barlerr--No. 2, 48 1.2 a. a to " 1-2e. Ry. " He; No. 2. tue. yo.. I tyithG'n,""E" Detroit. may... Dee ar.LTir=1'et '4; ltd white. cash, 'iiiif2,'t no. "Inn-MN- 'ether, ”1‘20: ii,L' {it errata I” be Develop“ In. lle "V0 (bu-Idea " III- Mm. despatch from Ottawa Bays: niasioner of Agriculture an ' whose trial for the. impala“ member, 1 . ”III. ot' Lima, Ohio, tittri.' he Pfrrpetuation inf by the Milo of Ibis of his assault on Paella. Vinu, “if” .1 t Was sentenced m penalty ot the law. tro. 2, 48 1-2' ii%; " l-2c. Iver-tid. “A n I. Alvllon In c mm: were numbed-I 1 how long it would te- appearance. and found milky white in colour bird had dried out of a; to-day, five days lat. y arrivals 1 Venlurv lo could be ma.intuineei, at large cunsignmenls figure" down to sewn- in beautiful condmu] most saleable appear Montreal guys ready sale in Live, ' per pound whole are sent plucked, Weighed all ave-ran " ' Tten., Dee pay you. ll 1-; d on :1 Par “uh su.rrtr chicken,,. 'tattrgtered "" aurprlsed at the of your small u. amuse. It shows are landed in first- that a large trad: l-2c . --. ~V~-\ " "gay: 6:) 8-o extract a In an " , [res]: kill- , 1-2 to " No. ' ""P um... 04, AK,. May 67 14te Pz1vtiiuc../c's' h and Mulber. Corn-sd 2mil. A Success, My Obtained ”units tr mu r- Canadian the birds Wholesale. "hed, but I ve rage of nys:_'n,. B on Wed. to the “I. '11 'd Pol I. of Liver. “In from Italian " a to Liver. Liverpool no, ps-WLT , tr? 8r4e,. 'it 2 Tring, 640. k: "tra. NA when , um, Air.' ' li8 3.4 to 1' - I “I bnH,.ji't, 'Koo, price, pair. I 65 _, can!) eV when (I; J!" ‘No. 3-80. Jobbing d all ti Ittsndul m Hand-made In the old stand. made shoes. Horse Shoe: ALLAN lik Brick Dwelling. and building Iota. will be sold lob. Aim lot No. no. oo forum], of Bentlnrk. ' lug Town plot Durham. Um taken for FOR th The EDGE P In the Town of Duet Grey. including valinbl. -‘Oouuy of any I“. - a. use...“ (no. S C. REGISTRY " . urar, Regan", Deputy, W. om 0. I. to 4 p. n. Bu opened out a Loan and Innranc voydnoor. Comm: In... Ono-Sod without "cum , In“. In. - " ".atr.tto, IOTAII trauma“ "ONEY To LO, BUSINESS DI 13mm summon 'WS, silowod on saving» u d sound; Prompt nun w canon-u itrsue I'mdoornonhol. final Bum" hula. nun)! collection. and. " "and um! mun-n A.“ f2c,'.tet"""'oo, link DURHAM Al W. F. Cowon. CAPITAL. Authorit. new“: FEMS runs; a p. can nun StandardBan 'ueidone.--Etq O... JAMES L 'IBUII of Karma. new for Con-Nu I Fin Inc “'0‘. 0w. mum's t llflll GREY Thursday LICENSED A OCT! WOODW GENTS in all HUGH M Hand omen; . P. TEL . L. MOW in connectiq A flrtrt-ehum L SAVINGS Apply wJAl for solo (the President. DURA I'f11 "

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