West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1899, p. 4

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tl Hastie Hunter McFadden McInnis McIntyre McQueen Phifo Robb Sharp Returns for House next week. to secure tho division will be well represented, by the hero of the " hub." m good vote in Glenelg and Durham. Mr. lines is not tstiffer/tly known out of Bantinck, but where known he pulls heavy. The following directory can be clipped out : DIVISION NU. 3.--Chas. Melinmon. c. C. Henry Brigham, ( DIVISION NO. 4.---James Allan, C. C. Andrew Schenck. C. ( DIVISION NO. G.---) Richardson. C. c. Geo. Watson, 0. C. DIVISION NO. 1.--Gordon and Frost. I'rl'srlNu---Mayor l Wm. Calder. Couneu t Wm, Gonline, A. 8. HI n. Kinnee. J. Livingston, G. Moore, G. Sparlmg. GLENELG--Reese : James Staples. Council: G. Lomb. N. McCaani McMillan. J. Williams. EGrlEM0N'r--.ateeve: P. Dickson. Council: Waller Ratio, Chats. Innis. D. McQueen, W. Sharpe. NORMANBY--Ree; R. Notice. Council: Bruno. Drier, O’Roilly, Block and Bowls 1 tie for fourth place. BENTINcE---Reevi.. Dickson. Council: Adlun, Brown, Hastie. Leah Below will be found Mil-nylon"! -.-6--__. " Mondsy lest was en eventful day for meuy cendidetes, and night brought the ususl quota of successes and defeats. It wee only seen thst Mr. C. McKinnon, wss to be a winner and for the second time he hands the poll in his division, A result decidedly flattering to our townsmsn. The hold he has on the people is a growing one and we congntulete him on his success. Two years more in the County parliament. We are not in the prophecy business. but we can't help ssying. that the men that tackles " Charley tF in: future even for higher honors. has his work cutout for him. The defeat cf Mr. Binnie, after eight year's of fuithful and able work is on: of the regrettable incidents of an election figlu. Mr. Binnie by his testes and experience was a valuable municipal officer, and his work and record in t'ounty Councul is exceedingly worthy. However, his successor Mr. Brigham, is not new to County business end tlu- thvvsion will be well l'enl‘pspnlml In. it.“ l...., -Pat, .- , ' .. --- Binnie 22 Brigham 30 McKinnon 108 Ries 35 Acton Adlam Brown Hastie Leslie Dickson Jacklyn MCKINNON AGAIN HEADS THE POLL WITH BRIGHAM SECOND Great [Diana Binnie Bri ha m J'/J8)2',,, Rina THE ELECTION Black. . . . 24s I :ardiner .216 Baird 13 Firth 76 Lamb 88 McCannel 53 McCarty 6 MeFa'dimi34 Mclnnis 29 McMillan 66 Williams 95 Binnie 106 Brigham bt McKinnonl20 Ries 6 Allan’s Robert Moriee. . . .397, 47 13 House of Refuge l7 Recapimlation of Co. Full Returns of the Voting in Division No. 3, by Wards Spar] ing Whicmore Binnie Brigham McKinnon Ries a" _ _-_vuv. unlvr' UDIHIy, wt" and Helplo 3 tie for fourth place. -dteeve.. Dickson. Council: Adlam, Brown, Beanie, Leslie. will be found tabulated statements " far as we have been able Toby Uorsline Hunter Kinnec Livingstone Moore Ititehie's Glen 47 74 18 l7 Dromore Helstein Yeovil 72 78 60 /i Al M Glenelg 536 101 It? 10 47 62 tto, For Reeve r ll Hill A Pk Han S Ban N Ugh Lou'e 73 68 70 93 105 93 9 80 34 43 44 18 For Councillors of Refuge vote are 87 66 67 72 27 29 H N, Wd. E. Wd. W. NORMANBY EGREMONT For Councillors Vote 118 109 61 108 ll 21 Brusso.. . .417 IIeipel .. ..248 87 100 119 39 28 23 36 29 14 70 "t'l For Reeve l8 " 57 31 41 76 DURHAM BEN TIN CK Council vote by Municipalities : Durham Bentinck 101 60 115 TAR GLENELG l 23 " 16 83 26 24 47 73 70 61 47 Yes, 317. 109 13 still incomplete 37 26 10 142 106 si., 25 2 23 60 11 124 186 111 128 in County Contest' 10 - Koenig.. ..342 21 2t 32 12 91 47 41 130 73 78 91 118 89 61 57 ’. Wd. Total 748 321 737 61 57 103 72 65 S W Cor S E Cor Total 32 37 311 41 50 176 19 18 180 38 50 314 7 I 143 11 105 17 26 75 25 D 17 48 15 Drier.. ..377 O'Reilly.317 No, 438. Henry Brigham, C. C Andrew__$chenck. C. C. t new to County business and of the " hub." He took I Geo. "'atsodn,r.2i' 15 93 74 18 6 154 101 115 156 174 167 222 IW, 16 We shall furnish Drier, O'Railly, wjth 75 69 118 14 135 Hutio. Chas. Ne. Ehn'd Total 32 19 28 37 _ 328 25 457 44 601 62 91 18 32 19 1168 785 Total 697 . Methanol. J. 748 321 737 514 252 536 101 276 183 274 . Hunter, 149 199 . _ - "l'r'J W JOHN MCKECHNIF.‘ or to Rocky S; Gsongm ICltTrcrm, Lot 49, concession 2, Glenelg. With- in two miles of the town of Durham. This is a. good farm. Good stone house, frame barn, good orchard. well watered convenient to market. Will be sold cheap. For "Nt1tulty_typpif to he is 'br tis. 50. 1Gii cad 'sivrtiiie"iii'/i' worry by buying one. We Sell all kinds at' all prices. . Also a Full Line of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, and STERLING SILVER NOVELTII'B. “Call and see for yourself}? “Prices are right. W. A1McF34RLANE . I." ' 'h'. irfi.'(lfimiil f2tLf....tocrnd Its., 4;“ M CFarlane’s The Wheels rtP"-a, i) Dinner Spoiled-Insured Mad--- Servant Girl Ugly. The ancxent clock did its best-d-It is old enough to rest. Its going qualities have gone, you want a Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them 'or $3.50. . Yon can save time and or to Rocky Sun eon. GE IL TCCKER. g Box 257, Pot tage La Prairie, Man. Wm. Goraline. the other new two votes ahead of Whitmore. 1 working harmonious council for to trust. ed his canvass. Livin-i/ALi',",",, his bow from the top of the list as will be seen, while at the other end, is FARM FOR ”SALE. In Durlmm, the one man to drop proved Wm. Whitmore, who might have changed this result had he push- The veteran Reeve Dickson in Ben.. _tinck proved too much for Jaeklyn who is weak in the east and north. Brown is a strong man, while old man Leslie has a splended grip on the public pulse. well. The defeat of T. McFadden in Glen- 'rw-his first defeat-ie generally re- garded as caused by overucottfidenee in his "lends, Lamb was believed to to have suffered from the same cause last year and is on top this year. Jno. Williams and J. McMillan made a close run fur Ist place, the fcrmer lead. ing by two. In the crush of candiu dates a good man fell in Mr. J. Firth. The new man, Mr. Neil McCannel, takes the largest ward vote, except one by T. McFadden. Neil is a com, i ing man. Close running in Egrement where the three highest candidates come within nine votes of each other. Hastie polled well at his first fight and has a very even vote. MeFad. den was very near the winning mark. Reeve Morice in Normanby has won perhaps his most notable victory. In a. mixed township Bob holds his own Pfltrytdttsoemoitr. K, - 1l"tattottmririiir. P'illlls Bunk. mm 2yett.'tEiiiiiofik...,y%GuT. Hood’s . ’V‘r'r'q um, *maTo. nation, - stomach, Indigestion m MW: mod by Hood’- rim. They do their work " b cum tl',',',',,,' Ite. #439889?" km. emu. Liver Ills I Next to Bank. m . ..- a; THIN ll Ttsw'" usband Mad-- Norm. ew man, . Agood for 1899 ONTARIO At the last regular meeting of Court I Holstein, No. 174, C. O. P. held on Tues. day, December 27th. 188. the following i ofBeers were elected for the ensuing term t Bro. w. J. Sharp, C. R.: Bro, Wm. Main, V. C. R.,. Bro. W. r, Brown, R. B.; Bro. w. S. -Horshurgh, F. S.; Bro. Wm. Wallace, Treasurer, Bro. D. Paul, Chap.; Bro. W. Orchard, S. W.: Bro. G. Calder. J, w... Bro, J. G. Randal, ti. B.: Bro. W. Petti- grew, J. B... Bro. Dr. Brown, physician I' A James Crow and wife, of Drew, ed " John Ross’ on Monday. Rev. A. E. Burrows, of Chicago, preached in the Methodist church on Sabbath, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Magwood. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Magwood are apeddmg a few days this week with lutter’a parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy, of Southampton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MARI Tii/ii friends at Motnfteld New _rear's Day. Willie Orchard and sister, Miss S. J. of London, are at present visiting their uncle, Thou. 9rchard and other friends. “YORKSHIRE BOAR” for season 1898-99. Theundersigned will keep for sor vice at Lot IO, Con. 1, S. D, R. GleneIg Rob Roy Hotel) a thorough-bred Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Bushman camb- liehed by her (ether in Durham in I”. and will endeavor to give ell old and new custom era the some entire satisfaction. Furniture of i,injkst Make MISS SHEWELL ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALTY TORONTO TERMS :4100. HSIgllOd will keep for o, Con. 1, S. D, R. Gle; tel) a thovoturhmrod HOLSTEIN. --PULL LIKE ov-- G EO. RYAN, Proprietor. ', visit. -muam auu nolstem meetings will be addressed by W. W. Hilborn, Leamington and Nelson Monteith, B.S.A., Stratford, and meetings at Ayton and Hanover by D. C Anderson, Rug- by and T. H. Mason, _s'trairordvia. An entertainment of Speech and Song will be given on the evening of each day. Non-members charged roc.,or I 5c. a couple at the evening .meeting in Durham. Come and bring your friends, W. J. YOUNG, President- . -- The Winter Meetings of the South Grey Farmers' Institute will be held as follows : Durham, January Isth. Holstein, January Nth. Ayton, January ast, Hanover. February lst. Durham and Holstein meetings will be addressed bv W W Hi'born. Leamincrtnh “'1 " , - __ ARE COMING IN FAST Have You Renewed I I FUL PERS A large stock of Massey-11¢ Roller and Ball Bearing Pulpcrs. Prices Ramon Sewing Marhincu and Organs the t bent Organ or Sewing Machine is just before K'mau. demand I will reduce prices 10 per cent for the Money to Loan at 6 per cent on Good Security. Irwurame of all kinds promptly attended to. Marriage Licenses ismmd either. during day or owning. Without doubt the lar Fancy Colors, Best 'r,',",,"",",)',) once and secure buroaina. prices that will surnrimv mm My W arerooms are Winter Goods.....Ca1 of choice goods and , 'yfttilMih 11M: go?» " lim - ,. A q rr > 7 . . , "" ___ lltFiWtt l.att :4. . in): mix 'tar"' -.' I All m1.-1. mAh,‘ aR ‘_ M'. ctlllhG 2 cf) CUTT§ 13$ ' Roaiiss--s-srs--rs-ss, Come in "V. ...v nuwll Cl am, Bra! Tnmml'tr and at p ecure bargains. Full lines will surprise you. EHAREES IS are now fully stocked with all kinds of .....Call without delay and get your pick Is and secure bargains. . . . and see our Goods Wfnter (heels FOR T .‘ E WM. CALDER rent ttock ever. REVIEW Ir 15c. a couple at the evenilig and bring your friends, . GEO. BINNIE, Secy. ttt price; GLENELG‘ shown in pttrhettst.-.--L,tet,t Mylrt, n “at... mgr “.1 - owning. s when in Town. tram 89.5.00 upwards. Hr Overcoat: and Ito, of Massey-11mm- Prices Rmuonablr. ‘- 3rd, 1PtrxVda.-----Cut? at and Rob“ and "I To merit]: in new: 30 dar, "e: fo bu 1/ " " l ‘ $lt Mu H. "All" The undersigned will I: vice. use-awn "ll-Hm nu Lot D. R.. Glow-lg. " Thoroughbred Berkshi Obtained fro." the "I nerd" of J. G. anll. lithium TERI/N 2 N: " l The undersigned will kee on Lot let, Con. ff. Brmim‘l heed Improved Yotktihitw, man of MIR-m. form the ot J. E. Bethour. IMPROVED Yi) The undersigned will In at Lot rr, Cort. 2, Nnrnmu I“. the thunmghrlnrn - - Berkshire. “Nora ed 2 you”. Til Parker, be Keen upon payable Frlu. Peditrtttetyno, he Keen on The tutder,iwt crap-on ISM at I. thorouOt"vd " Pedigm-s may he we!) :.1. gin-d by paaiGiria I. on. to odsrxinue, on- m Led HIM n tr untried in an porhet h "tltedltd'e, Ill ' iNet. ., . ms? an ittt.'t PJit, 1"!de g!) . t 'tu.'s"a'giil m: plc,'.".'," m For Sale 1 y Atsok iiilGaiii-trra" ,,,___-- .._,_.__ . , I” 0cm nu AIOVI 63.'lWi'fghU'l'. (‘um te News»). In“. kulnm _. 78100910.“; Nut. III“ 0 r,ei'ii;tk,,) III “It! "1:29:52 as MAP' tr,, BERKSHIRE N38" THOROBRED DUR fe, 'l-IRMN TERJIS :41m w. T tlllllllllMrN MACFARLA Drteggatx "i", I!" rhtu Macfa Sacrif1 B( A" at Clearin JOHN MARS we will hay January 211] Tamworth B Tuesda l jenunu reces and Com 'ommenci DON. “(All Dthgxg Du burl TH RESTU, A LFtt K" s'fiiiii?, I I. km: pet ohm {It

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