West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1899, p. 7

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an] tig- hting ell-c- " to set in line. shov- oqtld be or thirtr-tieo u cruiser. twenty-two awaken It. 10131 ninety-six Great Brit- battleship. 1-12" cruis- to my that. weight and ritish ships rity of the "gamble ally be depended Franco too of turning ted States. bxtnordinnry mom figrgr" “or for tho Enropo Great ' short notice Let-nu and the nations' 1Ut “.1 " her boast- doptha ot is credited six of the plants an an. In?!" lino superb clan. With a a! onuq bds, i~orn_twenl r- ball, [notw- nndrod 3nd pd lorprdo- ctmsors sn. " boa! do- I eighty-two friendly dirt- and would smrier-Ameri- at a tteTV a! ten but- M Ilu'dmm " ma] boasts tooled crum- INN) NS tVF rtatrrq 38 no IT"! Dal! In to. for t In u when an of “the ‘0“ ‘Iln:l ket hon he wnl salarie mosqu In ha " m u h pr IIIHOI’S tt lbs "o I"). gar ru or, M m otrt nd In " n STORY OF MADAGASCAR. The sad story of the Madagascar cam- paign is told in language which ap- peals to popular opinion. The real con- queror was .. Fever, ' and in compar- ing results with those of the Ashanti and other British expedititats, the startling than of “no h. u...“ "-.L, unumry heirurchy of France is inglor- iously ignorant of German literature, end even of the language. M. Gohier's authorities lie in the extracts from reports by such experts as Generals Thoumas and Galliffet and M. Joseph Reinach. The correspondence of Ad- miral Courbet on the officers of the French navy was so severe that every effort has been made to withdraw it from circulation. The Caffarel. dund.. tau and Thibaudin periods receive a passing mention which only goes to accumulate the terrible indictment. And once more follows a string of names, with charges of iniquity sp- pended which no duel or criminal h- bel suit could wipe out. After this book, the offence of insulting French. commanding officers appears to he an extinct species. A whole chapter in de- I voted to stories of " britrandutrs," and ' the prostitution of that Io-ealled "Star , of the Brave 'u.. the Legion of Honour. -..t mucus receive their weed of condemnation from the author. He compares the want of education, nar- row horizon. and moral depression of the French officer with his German competitor. who reads the numerous French hooks in his library, while the military heirarchy of France is inglor- iously ignorant of German literature, and even at the language. M. Gohier'is authorities lie in the extracts from reports by such experts in: an“-.- The other are too plain prawn, in no commended. per. esulls with those of the thigh“ other British expeditions. the ing figun of one in {brie deaths i, monopolized by a set names, around which th nine lustre of patriotisl is not afraid to mention list at the end ot the h Is it is significant. I g M'teristic passage in the tion of the volume: " Amongst them are th hidden procedure. " Vivel arguments used in came tive insult to the army.“ to pronounce the word 1 quake lest William 11. a Our (Wenty-eight milliarc expenditure. the Russian other specious shame co chapter. endeavours t France the cry of " V a deceiving shihboleth, heel __ -_ .uv uvu This correapondent write M. Urbain Gohier in a I satiriat combined. (l reason to doubt that hi sures are true. The gel the volume is not incrimi hier has in a few MIN-I y-caenl: crisis in the Republic. A very interesting resume of the con- tents of the book is given by the Paris correspondent of the, T.r,r,a.,.. fo-__.,, n that it arGiii the ad corruption of 'la t other. paszgagea on thi mum peculiar conditions. In the crowd of dramatic exposures which have marked the past year in France, a scathing denunciation ot French army methods by M. Urbain Gohier has escaped the attention which, u lean troublous times. it would have received to the full. I These exposures. however, are none) the less startling. and his persecutinn i Into every branch of vice. and the seven] justice, war. the navy, cry administrative bra eminent, appearl to be most peculiar conditinl was man we casual reader can to keep track of them all. Corruption in alleged to hue er into everv hrs-M“ " -. criais follows crisis, with in France Just now that more than the casual r- _“t " N. Better II.- II 1". "--armr nu In, Depart-ell: Declared Conn»! In Every 'l"'"".---. MI! 0 I Another human. flu. of It. Present on.“ In France. M. [mum ooirriiin, EXPOSURE or m common. new THE FRERUH ARE "VIVI Gohier, in in "Wrens: for am to mention these and the e end of the book is " full gnitieant. I give one char- pasaage in the opening por- I? volume: progress, for the authorship of Dec Contra la Nation," " one moat interesting phases of the mg and lying, of unclean moral cowardice, and The surprising vitality of every section or the race requires no ingen- ... h - __. . - due! or criminal l1- M) out. After this of insulting French re appears to be an whole chapter is de- " Iritrandjyrr," and governmental mstrative branch of the gov- appear. to be permeated with st.'.., __ .. _ vours to show that in of " Vive I‘Armeel" ls hboleth. which has been , a set composed at which there is no gen- patriotism. The writer E CARMEE." n are the partisans of . " Viva I‘Armee I" The in camera pre a poul- ', the new, an}! in rmy. We do not Bah word Germany. We his preface and first a London Chronicle, writes : he degradaL a easerne.'" this gubjgct with Inch nipidity the public Ber- dODartmenta of opinion sensation, and it is almost AN IMPORTANT MEETING. MrDe t).csh--"verr sorry, my dear. l, but I can't accompany you trdar, 'I must attend a meeting of the board of director: of the Bamy-Go-Lucky National Bank.” Mrs. a. faalt--what have you to do ‘with that institution P' " am one ot the board of directors." "You never “tended a meeting of the board before, and I don't see why‘ you should break upmyprogramme for that to-day." "But my dear this is important. It in to find out how our cashier man- aged to It“! 0500.000 without our knowing it." n uonl: want any more daily bread. Pd rather have pie and cake, and when we're Prayin' for things you might " well at far what you want the most. ulve us this day our daily pie and cake, and forgivc--. Why, my love, that isn't right, the surprised mother broke in; that isn't what mamma taught you to say. I know, little Archibald replied, but I don't want any more daily bread., Pd rather have_ pie and cake, and when V A LITTLE BOY'S PRAYER. Little Archibald was saying his Pray- ers the other evening, while his mo. (ther was stroking his curly head and Ithinking of something else. Sudden.. ly it struck her that the child had wandered from the text of the supplied- tion that he had been taught to ro- peat. What is that darling? she interrupt- ed. Go over that part again. Give us this day our daily pie and cake, and fartrivoL- fact, was the hiirheFeier' ' n.. 'wat box Iron [action “ price. A longed ' P20 guinc being qui A vase knocked n “we. Anomer, supposed to have be- longed to Mario Antoinette, sold for 320 guinea, bids ot50 and 100 guineaa being quite common at snuff box sales. A use in the British Museum was knocked down at 1,000 cuineas, and two 1ieP..eze, Stradivarius and a Rummri rhich, , revolt "iGiri l idemocracy. Its h'""'),'?,',?).')'; will be ror in France. nonelguotes the In”: ,__-.. uuwlrun wore at nylau was keenly bid for at an auc- {tion by thirtrtwo persons, and was lknocked down at S75. [ Mr. Quaritch. the famous bookseller, recently advertised two of his rarest volumes, for sale for £10250, 3 sum which may seem ridiculous to moat readers. Mr. Quaritch, however, once bid £4,900 for aLatin Paalter and dl3,900 for a Mazarin Bible at an scum .inn ani- tion sale. crept _ lusts-en Where "nuaatttetute Articles 5. lave Brought large sum. - The Zola sale in France, at which a - little table was Sold for more than250 - times its value, recalls many instances g of remarkable bids at auction sales. I Zola’s table was worth £4168., but the ) first bid for it was £1,280, and the aue- tion became probably unique in the annals of sales by being closed after a single bid. It was not the first time that a table has been sold for such a remarkable sum, though it is probably the first time that such an article has fetched such a big price. Cicero's table was put up to auction after his death, but 1 [the highest bid was E750. Another historic article for which an enormous price was paid was Watu's purple robe, which Nero bought for £6,800. The habit worn by Charles XII. at Pultowa was sold for £22,000, and a cup used by I Napoleon went for thirty-seven guin- eas. The hat which Napoleon wore at Eylau was keenly bid for at an auc- I tion by thirty-two persons, and was bum-"- ' _ do. luau-cu on“, uruel'ed all commanding officers to be shot who dared to revolt against the civil power. In such cases no tn- dulgence and no pity could be admis- sible. Where would France be if she tolerated excesses of this kind? There would soon be neither army nor fa- thorland left." I M. Urbain Gohier adds: " This is probably what we shall see if the present group of factions gen- erals is to remain ynpurtished, and if the few who remain with hearts in their bosom do not try to merit the} glory of Vaneau." _--..... 'Tat'""' or the events ,' which preceded and followed the Drey- (tus scandal. The attitude of the ar- =my during the first Zola trial is stig- matized as an aggressive and factions Jrevolt against civil society and a free democracy. Its logical ending, it not 1iiiii7i'L'l will be a reign of military ter- ror in France. The writer incidentally quotes the following counsel on this head, given by the late General Faid- herbe, Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour: " The First Republic, wrote the Gen- eral, ordered all commanding officers to be ehot who dared to revolt against f the civil mum- r.. W“ 'tEhrarurABuarcra" BIDS. 0_bseq u}; W, - unnecessarily "Selfish ambition." he ”jealousy, in its basest to Ian: ignorance, infatuation' obgustr,"i7o...LUC" . ' ,._, _vwnulu8 .. use writer, that the Io-eslled con- quest was s murderous and pestilen- tisl snare, founded upon two financial projects, which he names. Another snd a higher personage is mingled with the mismanagement of the gunbosts. At that period M. Felix Faure, was Minister of Marine, Eith.. er by gross official neglect or monte trous dimension between two depart- ments thousands of soldiers perished miserably and unnecemril- ' 21 :markable bids at auction sales. 3 table was worth £4168., but the bid for it was £1,280, and the aue- becamo probably unique in the ‘u A, -4. . - _ t5 T - 0- lllll tha, writer, that Fitztiardiniriii “a; . made in England. i . P l'r!r, Show. fleet summarises L -- . - . hat was divulge] T0n!on._of which moat. "'3. according IO-callod con- 3nd gunmen- prime (DOV. .tlity 'si/GG Be who seeks only for appluuno from without has all his happines- in an- other's keeping. cha meter - ' vv-‘I‘ n - IIV V": "I. a No Inn-tho Ito-o amino hill... All Duo M Mud the - if uqmn to One. 5-. Chemists have extracted from coal tar l6 shades of blue, 16 of yellow, 12 of orange, 9 of violet, besides shade- of other colors too numerous to men- tion. gig; PAISLEY AMAZED I "It every person who is afflicted with Kidney Disease would use Dodd's Kidney Pills,. they would recover health and strength so quickly and completely that they would hardly know themselves," Dodd's Kidney Pills cost only fifty cents a box, at all drug stores. 1 i Paisley, Jan. 2.--Thia most extraor- dinary and startling statement was made in public by one of our most widely known and prosperous men of business to-day: "I walk about protected from the at- tacks of Diabetes Just as Securely as a suit of steel would protect me from 1 the stings of a. mosquito." "What do you mean t" asked one "i his friends. l "I mean that I am as safe from the: agomes of Diabetes, so long as I use‘ Dodd's Kidney Pills, as I would be from the sting of a. mosquito, if I wore I gaunt-nus made of steel.” _ 4u,ttLib,ha,rwrae,rs. Ila Proves the Truth or Ills "tttm-our. Dodd'l Kldley Pills Absuluely flu-o "tttttste-tree, "eta to Prove In: Cott. “than. 9 glycogp " 99m nun By the Extraordinary Statement of a Resident. ferttikgtlff,leigrtee,a, - - -'--"wV as a!!!“ tie money, and to be out for a short time. _ _ _Wr-... an... A. on a visit? There are so many good chaps who would like to come down here just now. My fellow-guest does not seem to care a farming tor the thi 3 you are so keen on. I find that hemfoes not know the difference be- tween a thoroughbred and an Irish hunter, nor does he look a. person to fancy your portraits.” "You are puzzled, my dear fellow," returned Sir Francis, "to know why I keep him here. I brought him down far his legs." "For what?" "For his legs. You see, I am doing" a. full length of the Duke of Rutlandu the late. He ia weak in the knees and I shrunk in the limbs and lazy. He; will not be at the trouble of sitting] for them, so I have secured X, to sit; his legs are exactly like the duke's.i The poor fellow is glad to earn a lit-l tle money, and to be out at grass here for A chro.' bl.., - --.._ vu‘lh. an“ ul- meals. The Scotch baronet at last could contain no longer his excited curios- ity. "a say, Grant," he said. "what motive have you in keeping Mr. X. on peared, on a visit. He w, old man, who took snufl the other way when ti ran on hounds and horses of afox's brush awoke m He seemed to take no ear COLORS FROM TAR. 2,?, the "magic touch" nparilla. This undid: “he atom-ch mum“ - _-_.-...- - tonal {the stomach, purifies the blood and lput: the whole digestive, “menu" in .healthy condition. Why should you or your friends suffer the pangs and miseries of dyspepsia when e our. may be hunted so easily and BO promptly by taking this medicine. No matter Whlt other remeilu you have tried. Remember Hood's Serlnpurlllo our", absolutely and permanently, when all other preparations fail to do any good. I - - -- jt:iiJii""iiiii'ri"iii"'i"f" anything but Is ttoiin cured awoke no enthusiagm. :0 no earthly interest Lt his snuff and his nor guest, as it ap- . m was a full, flat ok snuff and looked when the table talk touch" of lood's Sur- medicine gout], tone- ..-u:-A 4- . . - only fifty 13:3: 'areemeado' " . ttoat y o: w, 12 KIWI badel W th men- tor: th r cc ' . ttfl m . Iltttp IBM. 0. ', w, Dam l In. use mnubndge Horse Show sam- I ples were shown of grass lands dress- 'om the q ed with Alberts' Thomas-Phosphate " I use Powder and that undrosa‘d taken from 'ould be the same field in every case, from the tl wore; farms of Mr. Flood, of the "Fox & ( Geese," and Mr. Fergus O'Neill, of Mar- 1notlyer, ton, Baldoyle. Them samples set .lose by" , forth very strongly the. value of the mg "ml . phosphate as a fall lop-dress for mea.. . doors; dows and pastures. The strong eior.. wn. Ier growth on the dressed portions was " Ty.!; very convincing. It was lengthily re- rom an ', ported in "The Farmers’ Gazette." of we?” ( Dublin. ' cart-o I, , The sight M1188 and u cure any Io promptly No matter bloéd Girii wacE -iiti%i"ih"tCau Dru lot.- Toledo. o. ; Ffdgllhlrhol1 & mnvg. when...» Dru You. Toledo. o. il'lfk' Catarrh Cumin ntcnintarntllrJa- In: ultra“: upon the you! ttt J'"ll2l"gl'.t ',ay,'t,,tt.i,u?ttjr,tF. .zmu an). no. 7 " w, TORONTO At the Ballubridge Home pies “fire shown of grass 1 In Austria 8. Christian witness is sworn before a. crucuix, between two lighted candles. and, holding up his right hand, says; "I swear by God, the Almighty and All Wise, that I wilt speak the pure and full truth, and no- thing but the truth, in answer to any- thing I may be asked by the Court."\ fl V,_ -. -__." .w-uuuuul mo. bottle. Bold by Oil: '0 :33), Put. no tho but. {TO CONSUMPTIVES AND SUFFER- ERS FROM CATARRH. If you are troubled with catarrh bronchitis or irritable throat, etc., send for sample bottle of our famous Ttl ’paration and inhaler post paid. It is neither a snuff nor a wash, nor an ointment, but a pleasant remedy which is carried by atmospheric air to every part of the throat,' lungs and nasal passages and guaranteed to be an ab- solute cure. Address, N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. In Ancient dieeei.L:rh,, Disciple-- And you teach that we should bear pain and trouble without complaint, I don't think I could do that. The Stoic Ptittop.htr-faoirr" expects you to do it. That is mar-Ala an... .,r..ce__, [ Talking about the play of “Hamlet " fwith Hamlet left out, soliloquizod the Imelancholy looking individual, there iure times when the omlsslon would be a decided boon. He had just attend- ed an amateur performance. So you want to be my son-in-law, do rout asked the old man with a. much fierceness, as he could 'aBsume. Well, said the Young man, I don't want to, but I suppose I'll have to be if I marry your daughter. She paused and sighed, It is merely a revised passion, he calmly replied. I still love you now and then. Talking about the play of “Hamlet " a... no '"rw-ott, Major! Did you [ever go to a military ball! Old Vot- yan-No, my dear young lady ; in those days Ihad a military ball come to me. (t nearly took my log off. The Medium-The spirit of your do- loeased wife is now here. Do you wish i to ask her any questions? Newly- made 1vidPwer--ietr,. tell her I want tolknow when she put my winter flan- ne 3. A Play on Woro.--yetr, she said bit- terly, you loved me then-and now! She pulls“ and ninhnd " e, - . AN EXHIBIT OF GRASSES ‘ ARCWVEE - .4qu I I o a . Y all I in: 'iiiiiiri1'rj.?, "i?,?i,','i?iri, seen I send for er, wan to arrow money o un. Is there any difference between "nick" 'ttttmt 1eerttt/tt end "in!" Why, We just like thin, “tooth hug-5.3 the man who gets sick sends for am- tor, while the man who becomes ill “7 summons 9. physician. I hear our frianclrlld a phenomenally ugly his friends, an Boon a her, want to borrow No Eaoape.-we -ier,, J ulia; also trot out of I Bi the matinee. How can]. to go; she had a ticket SWEARING IN AUSTRIA _ - --__. "?'r'-am., Ila “IIIDQOG' u't subscribe if Iwon't contribute say more. Nervous Employer-a don't pay you for whistling. Office Bor--Tuo all right, sir. I can’t whistle well enough to charge extry for it yet. She. having nothing else to 'rar.---"'. funny how we ever came to think so much of each other. ms-Fanart "I positively ridiculous. Int 1 mnk I could do thatr%i, 11o8tsr-Nobodr expects you That is merely our platform. De Sty le-Oh, Major I friend Meyer has married We are worried shout In sick bed to so to euld she? She had Inc odorless crewman close! so. merely Hundreds “4'3... doom In now tn m Absolutely Odorless. I'll ttigqd one“ up. W,,",',',',,'-,',','?, to a M - V - at!“ -__. _.._%.. Roo INt2 d " . Sh. . . Man i ILATI siii,'ii,r,i,t)9o,tb,', (alongrpzi q " ' oo E !ih?ii if“; 'otrt'i',rii",itilli, was“... "on. lo . oil! I. on! Collin“. Cor iiiii Tin-£2. iiil,'itk out $0.3“ ra "it: omn . no It ’13:". t'urll'ilta'a'.'iif2" m I a? ROUHIG "I‘M-etu- I “not... ILA!- JEWEL? 2'fr'tl Pgtt I: Mbhdln‘ Sold ourm line-June {Inn-tor! Printing 1,ii'iiiiiii, ifs.“ hu?mu;:¢. tit'.?!, e . 'a I. Itockutt' .51:- M MO. 80c an! in“. gonad l'll/i/J) tu',t'ld 9|}!!idflm-yskig;JaineLngnw “299M" LAW lit.ytyt lmpedlments - - - -- - ”nape-m; ttfurrro.nt toil the fruit of ittt.a, boron". Call on W. K. BATS, Especial!“ ' 3H Coiled, St., Toronto ',tantmtsremegi":;.,.r.,, ue, Ill" rr"mtmrtt-a 'r'ie.'t'riti1':tt muhlno and not-manta . Pr'oo aim-"d ll S. 'ap, wanted. The EOWELL BOOK bum Y. ma Adelaide Be. w.. Toronto. HAnnaoN, 6N1: Write for s ;cinl'l;r;u- durinl February. g. CORRIGAN. 113 ,rv?,!lt,ll.rr1l,,errms semi 1tti!Ltr, Illustrated Price mans TESTED 2:.. is unmutchable and always the mm q-----, JUST ONE W712i; ld, . nuns TESTED mama: Munoy Hand“. B. A. Be. 10 St. Bur-mu. at., Manned. Qua. .7 - ,-__-- --- -v I u e count", guru! c qBsittud fel'.',',',:',",': 21gydit a WW. m an any n . n his.“ w. J. nm%.. norm. Ont. 110' v' --_.. "nun nu Irnnv. fly '1tl_tlltpi. WE ' Toronto. cml term. durlng‘ Junny Ci CORRIGAN, 113 Comm tgr. gt Known LE PRICGS "tme Into-hum. nmo Emu 't'fahtriiiifiiiriii " “v. m-u- - - Barri-lorumw. . remand to Wesley 31%;... [Utah Mond at. W.. one-w. nun, um. a "any n. ..-|_. --- - an an}: lr1rJPEL""L"kctir,tn '1' iGGiririiG'i7i rr"ep ._Culi " um Your Ivonne In pen and " mu. d a, nun. [If “any, - -.. v " We all I buntilul Celluloid Iona Or.- lov Ht ._ I 'ttTre, Umtt, n yuan. union-bl. m. only " My.“ Id "tst-mai, 'h. "r "ot, - “W ovum "Ill III. am ma. nu sari. or.yiviitiuiE ii Gi " “#3:: It: at s cart I ' £1. 'irit a [ ilhrtu'ri'ii'iii'ii new”; In In, u A in": ulv . NT AR are I p, BMI, which iNili IN~AU?)5 a I U 11ml“. and also new?) "mo all": fun who“ Aliment. and cum, have I.- l w all other koala-cu; " can"; uh. all other Food b mooted. un- due. I. out In Mel-o. YIARI‘ [NV IIABLI BUCC 60 mono GWh] come " emf”. won. Mic-tea D190.“ Mica-{km c In. 'itlt'ltlt.ti,J',ie. 1tlUr"g"li'teti, l,'Shts . ' ' . II New“ nobility. Show; Dupe-401:2 tt BARRY Ind .(Umludl. " It...» p, m 'thtitlirgditie, 21se an o 9...ett.tiirii, 0m, "iidirt7a"i'vT,TJlU" u.- I. " PP 3" ____,_.._., g . vunvu. bl 3'3. NE Ll VER. BLOOD. MADDEN. KID BRAIN and BM: KT'H by tr ABBY! HIV NT ARA D. B/l! wh_k:h_8A§lfl FAN/ V, a." - ...__l... u. un- “WM‘W'. or l Com t, "ONE: A VAICI. on M In.“ new"; numnt run suntan [Ivor-sh]. madman u to ux'wtuu ' Do I" In “an. ur J. 1ttld'gtm Itrg8,r" 'to1edhauiiiraiG'" - I.“ '"12Wd,',t hum tTau" m to con lh ca, e in k'rGTl.'otue'lt,'t “Ms! 1 £931” In to invent m the [label '"re."Y. e, new“ [scunruuu'ln nu. Paid-up Cult“. . . . . . . .08.0oo.ooo [move Pom'............ you...” " M~~7mnco " Yon-No. M td'll Mm, In... 1mm, " (LANA [M PERMANENT [hhiii1'r!,y,i . , Arguing emu I. COFFEE & 00., 'ee-. m" £2.99!!!“ Loan and Savings Company. .7 You" St, Tonmlo. rains It the UNION.“ It”... (hm. " an. new. I“. lunrucUunln Chemistry, MI 'ea'.utry_ 1troioss . Blown!» Tum“, glad «up no d tosre. .l'rru.nstsetrtni, Mum“, and Den-no mom. For turuier Inform-anion vary to 1 THE E! (TOR. School ot Minlna. jug-ton. Ont. nglnlqn 1.an Stomach! COCOA EPPS’S 0-» tum-u. " S a? u... .. "4:32:93 1ltuta1 on hutw, 'tMt Jhe. (“.9th ,, GRArrirUL--ctmrortrma. haw-manna... THE MOST NUTRITIOUI. _.--uad park-.---; WutAKrasr--surmat. T RIC on ‘WITKOUT H n _'jti'ifi)ti,.hilt'l.rtl':sl,iu; 5A ‘rogpoctlng E Fiiairfa / I t'lt1"e'.Eiiiiiirt' n. F.._ 'hllh1hb'tdtt. "lim m lltiiiiii"iiii7iiit on; W212 am": “(in Vapor lath "I! BOOKLET. ounce To HEALTH. on buy addre- a. Noting“). I’ll cum to MIMIIIUII Ah tilt! Price» Canal-u .1 m. M and Agh De “I “PM OWN." I“.._... Tounto and New market, mk , = ~-- - 'v-uv Tth'i "., _ "td'll'diiJiit?lie'i'ttPtad (lllllllltll - GOUIOI II lmmnummd mach-benmuu‘ a! or Noni»; . 3N7 m r...“ “I.“ Ri,rr, 1liirl, 11mm ”id or to. M, 4et, go&6oas AND list. fllfl

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