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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1899, p. 8

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a! voting lwcple of this.section gathered together. Swintnn Park was represent toil hy the Misses and Mr. A. McMillan, (Hem-lg by the Misses and Mr, B. Scott, Durham by Smith Bros., the old survey by Ali-awn. and Miss Sirr and Mr. Clark. “mums of the teaching profession Misses Maggie and Sarah Scott. Miss Mary Scott, Miss Eliza Wilson, Miss Nettie McMillan, Mr. Robert Scott. little Mary Brown gave a very nice recitation in an attractive style. The: rhoir contributed several impromptu pieces during the evening. Miss Bella Wilson and Thos. Duly gave instrumen- tal selections. After an elegant supper, and thanks to host and lie-tenu- for their hospitality. “Auld Lang Lyne " closed an agreeable evening. We are very pleased to report a moot! appy incident that occurred to this quiet 31 MI M Attended for last week. ll 2!itA, iii I! (551-? Il ll M hn Rustic is again in our midst , Xmas holidays. Robert Renwick left Tuesdav It by Adam " It tt Wil gh w ll ilson's where the all! hours of morn Scott is home af ZION. " um near Ill lh DROMORE. lt the n md Mrs. John Nelson plt n tge paid a visit Hunter u Ill London left mfast on the we to divide l Ly night ther mt. liinnells, ll had a home after three of study in Mount homo from Toron- loft wrontn was another load htlt'alo, Lu quit unt of Monday m is visiting at tjoyabl mother no W n Saturday and spent is visiting the the mvita ljoinin a time slippery Tuesday time in went to danced a young up their n- were l where 1- hex Mr Robert Edwards occupied the post cf honor, and kept the audience alive with his wit in the intervals. The receipts were about 315 which go to school funds. I Mr uuun ummlus acted as groomsmnn and served his brother in a most graceful g manner, but feels badly leit, that he fail. I. ed to get; the fhrst kiss off the bride's 1. most. Winsome check. The happy couple lure now at their own cosy home, on lot fNo l, con. b', when) they will be pleased di tn we any old friend who wishes to call a on them, Here we should like to give e hutt our well wines and hope that they Y I mayI boils livc'a happy, long and prosper- “nr- .rn Mr Willie Greenwood made champion old man. We heard one or two my that Misb c- had no need to advertise for a husband. though they had no Idea she could use the broom so will. To say that the No. 5 S. S. concert was u succcs.~. would nut he doing justice to that noble institution, for, although most ofthe children were kept at homo With the measles and snow blocked ram]. tho Mr Wm Firth had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week, the cause is not known, and maidens are bitmgtheir toe nails. now that bachelor Bill has got married, and We would say, that, now that the waters are troubled who will he the next to step in ' Mr Joseph Firth, Sr. of Edge Hill, who has we" eighty eight christman days, had tho pluzwzre ol dining with his son Wm. _ this Xmas: l Mr John Timmins acted as and served his brother in a n mi Mo. We he thatquite a few of our men " just a the Mr Jno Marshall attended Mildmay horse hit lashweek. Mr and Mrs Wm MoIlvsade and famxly Craighurst. are spending the New Year with the Marshall and McIlvride families. Mrs Bliss, Detroit, visited her,sister Mrs J as Watson last week. Miss H Kain, Guolph visited Miss L Gadd for a. few days last week. Mr David Marshall arrived home from Mamon the 28rd ult, looking hale and hearty. "N . Measrs Jas and R Metrics and Jas Mar. shall attended Moltke shooting match last week, each securing one or more turkeys. They broke the bank. Knox Church C. E.electud the follow- ing off1eers for '90 .'---Pres,, Mrs Jno Mar. shall, V106 Pres, Miss N Stewart. See'y., Donald MoIlvride, Trens., Miss_June Mar. shall. Several meetings have been In this sec- tion with a view to organizing a Temper- ance Lodge, but fate seems to be against the undertaking. puts lunch was partaken of chit chat mdulged in. Knox Church Annual meeting was held Fridoynight. The various reports pre- sented show this congregation to be in a very promising condition. Between rc- ports lunch was partaken of and social I Closing exercises were held in S. S. No i 1, on the last day of schoor, and the sec- tion turned out in force. The examina: tion over, a. pleasing programme was gone through with, with which the visitors were highly pleased. The hearts of the pupils were in turn made glad by the splendid lunch provided by their friends. Mr Redford is doing good work, and the trustees deserve credit for securing his services for another year. Happy New Year, to REVIEW, staff and readerir, Mrs Wm Kenny is on the sick hst was: days. We hope soon to hear of her re covery. . Miss Jennie Warling accompanied he sister, Mrs Wm Timm'ns, to this part and is staying a few days. Jennie is one of the most charming of the sex and has " ready sot more than one heart a whirling. Half a hundred or so of the beauty of Zion attended a pa the Glamorous home, In hon Mary Gloncross, who is at ho: days. NORTH EAST NORMANBY. - so of the youth and led a party held at , In honor of Miss l is at home for a lew ONTARTU ARC TORONTO _ Miss Chisletl; of Fleshenon Station was the guest of Miss Ethel Hogarth during Xmas week. The anniversary in connection with the ' Presbyterian Sunday School came off on a member of the metbndist church Price- ville, He was buried in the Presbyterian cemetery in the village- on Saturday the Blet nit. The Rev. Mr Humphrys offiei- ating at the house and at the grave. Died suddenly at his residence old Dur. ham Road, Artemosia, on Dee. 28tl. 1808, Mr David Henderson at the age of 77 yrs. Mr Henderson was in his usual health, partook of a hearty dinner and laid down for tho purpose of taking a rest and when called by some member of the family he was found dead in bed. Mr Henderson wast). long residéut of Artcmesia and was Saturday hurt the thermometer went down to 30 degrees below Zero-vid enough to be sure." t ' The year 1898 will in a few hours he no N more and (N we Slt down to you r. few (A V the events that transpired since Its eotn- menoement a thought suggest" itself unto i us which we cannot avoid o.xpresising. f i The new year to many a. home brings joy . ' and sorrow acting in a double cnpucity, ' I lit; it brings joy to many a home for it t ( brings together in many instances those of . I one, household and one family who have not met for the last twelve months. The mother eagerly watches the door of her) humble cottage to bear the old familiar l rap of her long absent son or dunghtorl who she expects to adorn the festive table at the old home on this new year mom. The long expectations heing fulfilled, we find once more an unbroken family sitting around the old fashioned table to partake of a sninmnons feast prepared by the hands of the demand ever faithful mother and joy and happiness are once more found within the walls of the parental home. 2nd, on the other hand new year's mom brings sorrow to many a home that I was full of joy and happiness at the begin- _ ing of 1898. Tho old mun chain where t sat the dear mother 12 months ago, on , this new year's morn is found meant, the father who sat at the end of the table and I who attended to All the duties required of l him as the head of the family, his seat is , also vacant and when the son or daughter . I visits the old homestead on this quiet new t years day they will only do so to tind it as a ship stiippedpf her sails by the f1eree f gales of time for those who stood so faith. ft fully at the helm for long and weal-v your: a in the past are gone to their long home. I 1 Hood’s Barsaparilla is prepared by ex- perienced pharmacists of today, who have brought to the production ot this great medicine the best results of medical re- search. Hood’s Barsaparills is a modern medicine, containing Just those vegetable ingredients which were seemingly in- tended by Nature herself for the allevia- tion ot human ills. It puriflea and en- rIches the blood, tones the stomach and digestive organs and creates an appetite; it absolutely cures all scroiula eruptions boils, Pimples, sores. salt rheum, and every arm of skin disease; cures liver comgiaint, kidney troubles, strengthens and ullds up the nervous system. It en- tirely overcomes that tired feeling, giving strength and energy in place of weakness l and languor. It wards ott malaria, ty- l Ehoid tever,and by purifying the blood it I eeprthe whole system healthy. WeiUYade Makes Well PRICEVILLE. Died at 1'rieeville on Saturday the 24th Dec. Mrs Wright mother of Mrs Dr Hutton of this place at the age of 77 years. Mrs Wright was amongst the first residents of Priceville being here about 86 years. She wuss. woman who was of a quiet disposi- tion and adntiful mother, during her ill- ness all {was thieflr attended to by her daughter J amlma. She leaves alamily of At the time of mating we hear tlmtjAn- gas McLeod Is very low and cannot live many days. Mrs Whiteside and sou of Owen Sound are spending a few days with friends in Gleuelg this week, i Mr Michael Bailey will ably fill the of- iiee of Trustee in our section in this town for the nequ years, He. has also been appoi std. a; fill the foremau's chair for 1899 m the A. o. U. W. Lodge. Mr Rei.‘ ley in L th the will and the talent inf filling th tere two important offiess. As} we are wrieinRalittle too soon to know) the result of the election we cannot say! anything about“ who is in or oat, bat we hope the proper man will be put iiil odiee for 1899. f uuucub (”H.155 wt we summon and also for the ear, All enjoyed themselves well as the program me was of the highest order meeting elosed. recexpts $17.00. On Monday evening the 26th Dec. The Methodists had their entertainment in connection With their Sunday School here and Stone Settlement. The turait. was quite a success, as we were unintention- ally detained from being present we do not know the proceedings but one thing we are assured that our methodist friends are always to the trout in preparing ex-l ccllent things for the stomach and also: I Wednesday the 28th, and was a success k in every respect, Tea was served from s 6,30 to 8.30 by the ladies who are never a behind in domg their part of the work. were it not for their amiable qualities and t noble disposition our social gatherings. to '. say the least would be found wanting in many respects. After being done in the I basement everybody went up stairs. when Superintendent Currie took the chair with i a lengthy programme in his right bend. The committee secured the services of Miss , Snyder of Toronto, who kept the crowd in good cheer " intervals during the . meeting. We can only give a synopsis of the programme which consisted of F irst-- l recitations by Master Hector McKinnon. I Maggie McMillan, Singing by the Choir. ' recitationn by John McArthur. Donald Gilles. singing (Gaelic) by Myer Mehr. _ F thur, done in style. recitation Sarah Me, Curtis. speech by Rev Mr Matheson, dis- [ tribution of Prizes. Miss Mary Nichol was the recipient of a beautiful presenta- i tion and addres ably read by Alex Camer- I on. one of her class. the present was an l Autograph Album. Miss Niehol much to l the regret of the whole school leaves tor other parts in n. few days carrying with her the best wishes, not. only of her class but ofthe entire community at large. Also the school is at a loss in losing its Secre- tary Mr Walter Nichol, brother of the a born imly. as he is to take his departure this wcok to enter his studies at the Out-n I i Sound Collegiate Institute, hoping success I muy follow but!) in their future unnlerluk ll ’iiigs. riotvud---isecitation Willlie Cituirus " I on, singing by It dozen little girls, (llilli‘ trained by Miss Gertie Meleod ten hell it grown up girls which was one of the best _ order ull the programme and must hovel taken considerable time and patience ml} practicing as the drill was periOI-nied tel perfection, speech by Iley Mr Humphryslf in his usual manner full of good sound i sentiment, singing by the Choir and thel prenouncing if tho benediction brought in the evenings Jrcp,ramme to tt close. Re- i _- (‘eipts of the evening 643.50. " 250. 5; in.27c, ,nd6 in........... " in, all wool hosse(plairt). . . . . . . . .. " in. all wool hose (ribbed)... ... . . Men's plain all wool hose... . . . . . .. Extra long. heavy. ribbed stock- ings suitable for boys' wear up- wardsfrom.................... Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose up- wtu'dstrotu............,......1 Ladies' plain rashmere hose double sole and heel worth 40e to NK westartat. ..'.'............... Children‘s Ix l ribbed hose 5 in. Our Stock of Corsets is Ccmplete. Girls' Tam O’Shanters Sc [CALL EARLY; 5? Merry Shrz'stmas To all our CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS. But while we are extending good wishes we also desire to draw your attention to some of the prices with which we are leading the XMAS TRADE " " .. -- Happy and Brosperous "-0tav: Year, _ --- V..\)uu l) u: nuvw ', 81200. Who iaifii ii/il')""" mo}: :ai'lHoqsa AND Lor at Allan Park, t out, u gwen awa ' H I nut h, cl', Rtnhlo y, comfortable dwelt and a five daughters and one son an of a deer parent. She Priceville Cemetery on 'I ended the earthly pilgrim, christian Indy. Rev Math the funeral sermon; _ ,__. mm "an '"tt'tea in Priceville Cemetery on Tuesday. This ended the earthly pilgrimage of another christian lady. Rev Matheson preached the funeral sermon. ' Wishing the Review and all interested the compliments of the season. ,7 V..._,, wnullll' good stable Money to loan at 5 l Life and Accident Ini Tickets for sale. Debt, business attended to promptly. Arie. ummwr (‘onwym offers the following bargains: TEASDALE FARM; lot 30, con. 2, ll R. Bentinek. Will sell this fine acres for bat little more than l rid a few years ago belurv easdale built on it a large In dwelling which he says ttost.) HOSBACH FARM; at Lamlash, al 97 Rel-es any] kn:l.a:..A . - fManufactu'd on (, PHRENE LINE _ PILLS LEWIS EIDE FARM, tc good form in Ge Will sell cheap or tainq 100 acres, we k 100 ACRE FARM in good lot, at say Fy 81200. “7110:va At each others throats wou!d probably raise the prices, ‘, t l .. England d; Russia L_ L. GRANT.. Tlllu UNLY Anrumt"rrsh'.y I PREPARATIONS (IN THF. M PLEASANT. PURE AND A PHBENULINB “Inga-,1? Bheumatm my: flptillt Air; w acres, 20m fhtiee, Store, Will sell at a The use C'hoice in Valises, Grips Blankets, &c.. Ike, We do the trade in Raw Furs. 1 Price Paid. Fine Choice in TO SUIT YOU. Worknmnslnip Unsur _ Collars, Pads, ' I Bites, Whips, _ &c., dm, Heavy d Light Harness We Handle everything in the Marne line, " right prices. CALL d; SEE OUR 'Men’s Overcoats (skim-m calla l good frieze, worth $6 Xmas pr Ii'ianneiettet, upwards from . . . . _ . A few pairs of Boys' Long Boots left, these are well worth $1.75 to 82.00, we are selling them alc- cordmg to size at. . . . . . . .7Gc to Ladies' Button Boots m Xmas price............. Ladies' Doturoia (human .. v . - , Jinx-Lover Gonveyancer l she. Miller. Mies' Dongola Oxiords reg. $1.10 Xmas prire...........C.T . LEAVEN , Jr PHHENOLINE Toodttliidirii, The Ha in an a per cent. Fire, dent Insurance, Oecan b, Pebbs eol.hteteu, all re, Church“ gnd , great bargain, zap or exchange. (Mr es, well improved. um in Bentinck, pretty say 185P should brim: - MILLER}, t. She wasnitTiiid T on Tuesday. l pilseimatre of not Medicines unurcn and Selim]. rent bargain or trade. I. township ofHoHnml German settlement. Honor & Sold on Merit A sum- curls ft, Heudnchvmizziu t'otoytipatiod, h gostinn. Biliuum Brights Dim?» Diabetes. I’m-.1!) f)mtvuisions, He, Disease, to.. tl Guarantoml leunml Scuttle“. Lu AND HEALr quickly -r aiili Unsurpa med (Soul Noun mourn the Jose t Tr. 81.50 collm ) . Hitrhest t0 in , Horse -- P., $6.tto ... 41 moss Indi- mess lf $1.13 1.13 laid to "wt. she and In who died uvor 3tt.vtm “up. the earliest of Gtettelg 3911 in there m the early 50‘s. ‘ IR chief mum-Hers 8 mus. I Gmrge. John (in 11min Char. Thomas. and two d: We. at home. " to Ink We Ir Mus. J if this w H Tl " u h tt ll " I) " ll " M in at (In tot h I ll " M " A “we”! Durham ('. livid In the the 161 h ills PM lll'l th, w, of " Sun hut by I Wttt on I Sou! tish sun Mi M " “t mu ply " Th ll HN hut the H Hunih TU " ham. " 'itz" " Th1 _ ll - M " anuc. 4 ut that was “It “ALI h ll M M h "its dl In of the fir w I LO "" VOL. It” " ll Ml!" helm} Ilul Il "

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