West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1899, p. 1

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HNE h 81.75 I'm m:- ’38 rips. Morse raw unused Yer, collar , s. Highest Pads, 015$ lll'lltit we hips, ttt $1 wou it, pr. $5.") , Jr. H to up an ll !d I) 81.13 WEEK oh' PttAxErt.-Last. week the Methodist. Baptist and Presbyterian churches olw,erved the international weckut pruycr by holding union Ser. vices. Inclement weather interfered owrth the attendance at some of the ariidiiiiiks, but thete was a gctwrous Christian fellowship feeling at all. A copy of the "Canada Sittings" of Dec. B, published in Russell. Manitoba, has drifted to our office. It contains " warm and characteristic account of M. Andrew's celebration which included a banquet. and fine literary program. Wonder if druggist Will Ledinghnm was there? amung friends and relatives tor the past six llllllltlh‘. Burn,,-' birthday will he luynlly rele- brated in Durham on Thursday Jan. 19th hy the grand Scottish com-mt in the Town Hall. Citwutnstanees prevented it bring Iseld on the 25th, the exact day, Al't'TIUN sNALE.--Dir. John McQueen. Boothvillr. has hills out, foe an t-xten- sive sale of Stock and Im tlenwnts on \Veduestlny Jan. 251899. ll"f,1t.' credit, usual terms for rash. Sale at l p. m. Dugald McPhail, Auctioneer. Lost-Between Lot 29, Coo. 2. N. G. R.. and Durham, nu the 14th inst.” a arse with a sum of money wh.eh is Known and a trunk keg" The finder will he suitably rewardu by returning to Ibwiew office ur to A meeting " the Dina-tors of the Durham 1'etueto'y Company will he hrhl m the Clerk'" "nice on Monday, the 16th inst. at 7.30 o'clock sharp. GEORGE RUSSELL, Secretary. Scottish songs will receive full justice at the Fons of Scotland Contertmn the lllth by the famous Scottish sipgysGeo. Miss Mary Bun-not. we omitted to nwnlinn in Inst week's issue. (-mne home t'rmn St. Gnu-go wheve she has been mum“: friends and relatives for the Dr. P. C. Park who has been in Lon- don. England for the past four month's taking a SEEM-vial course in the disease of the Ear. ye, Nose and Throat, has re- turned home. The Dr. who has made the treatment ofdiseases of this nature "specialty, may be consulted at his ottbe. A STORMY D.tx.---Lvat HaturM,h was mien! the wildest of the sensual. In addition to the high wind and blinding snow. the mercury kept about zero all day, making it impossible for country pedple to Att, 1,rn,""ls, in???“ t,tyt,ls, It V‘"r" _ Ww WM reported a dull day for - husin'psg The train got through an time however but the northern 'urttre was blocked iii a while. Churches on Sunday were sparsely attended. Prat: BRED s'rrolmK.---Mt. A. S. Hun- ter, now proprietor of the fine herd of Hrremnh. late the property of the Jackgani estate. made a sale 'he other day nl'8 pure hred. pedigreed hull calves to Mr. McDonald. Toronto. who is making up " car load of likely animals to take to Texas for hrco‘tling purposes. We trust this is the first of many such sales Mr. Hunter may he able to make to reputable buyers. 3133. JOHN RrrcmE.--On Wednesday of this week all that was mortal of Mrs. John Ritchie, 2nd con. Glenelg. was laid to mt. She and her hushand,- who died over so yrs "o- were amongst, meal-lieu of Glrnelg settlers, moving in there In the earlsy Ws. There remain u chic! mourners sons. Wm., Andrew. MS; John (inJ Hangout: Samuel, Miss Mary McCroy, teaeher last ymr in No. D. Egremont, veceived n warm address and a valuable present on having hee school at C'htisttuus. .. Paradise Music" at the Sons of Ncotland Cancer: by Piper E. McDonald of “'inghaln. Jan. 19. Fancy Dancing by L. Galbraith. Mt. Forest. Miss Maggie McDonald, who has been the gnu-st of friends in Toronto and Wooulrridge for a con le of months. returned home Tuesday fast. rnTii."iitAGu, 'ind two daughters, onis Tgssie, at home. (h-anl'amd Miss MeNichol or?toronto. Fax for fun. at (Ruhr! on 3lond a minis" salt the Fax fur fun. pure and wlmlosnuw. is rccoe,.r,nized all m'er Ontario. At the Suns ot" Sunland Concert on the 19th. Annual meeting ricultnrul Society week. See notice. 2GrrrcE.-This is Lu-cuums. All tho Al'tlnu will please Icemants at once. -. It you want good porridge mall at Grant's-and get. the EIIIIH'O meal 12 lbs for 25c. )I.\ll( a nu May a "aN0ar006" Dana ‘l' - - n l 2 3 4 5 " Tot?- J. To RENT. Butcher's Shop. in Dur-l For 2 20 59 22 32 17 21 vi ham. Enquire of H. Parker, Durham. I Against, 88 74 73 8t 90 88 a; . A great surprise for everyone at J. A. 3 N cDONALD. 'i" _ Hunter’s Departmental Store Sale. i Nagg'231'5: 322.01; 1hif,) Com, (£95. "our Fax on the 19th inst. in "Hoola- olg, there passed away Mrs. John 3 - hank- Mule," and "Past 12 o'clock" in Donald at the age of 62 years. pl)? the Town Hall. 'leaves behind her Ile,' gonghonq of . ' ' ' , ritis Hate Fun but), s'ttttpyl good, y,w,horye-Ily,'g'aWg,'lf lrehr'etottf.,'-. son at home y,yeyy,ttt,r'1. ,1l',illbecs,lold cheap. Ap- is Anmm ant] three daughters wire ply to It. MacFatslime.S'r. fnear thear mother in her last hoitrs. The talk is FAX in the Town Hall on 1 Her husband died about twelve Year‘s Thursday the 10th. Tickets at, Mc- l nRo, and came to this country with his Furlunc's. wife from lnvernessshire. Scotland 3- le . , .. .. j hunt 40 years ago. The fttnyr'ttl 1oe?k Don't fail to attend the (trt.""""""' Htore's l0 day's Mammoth " e. T0 RENT, Butcher's Shop, in Due ham. Enquire of H. Parker, Durban). A great surprise for everyone at J. A. Huntet's Departmental Store Bale. Heat. Fux on the 19th inst. in "Honin- hats's Mule," and "Past 12 o'clock" in the Town Hall. "---' A. Hunter's 10 day stock taking will he the greatest on record. Read "lvertisetuent. ". Mr. .1 Ial'vilk LOCAL-hy?-?, GENERAL; 1r0L.---ax1. N O. 2 tyl This is the time to Mtu'u'e Ill those imh-hu-d tot'. Mc- “we" is appointed for duty l’rc-shytorian Fungi-mu! ion on“ at at, the otdination of ILEX. McMuthx of the S. Grey Ag- Wednesday next I” and settle '. MCAR'rmrn. their @213 'r" iiiitit A yitttt.ssrtr. Douxoeu Bo\'.~Mr. _ Alex. M. Watt, :lfler n sojourn of 11 yrs. 'pt'incipitlly in Seattle. Washington, is on an extended visit to his parental ‘home at Dm-noeh. The following is a flipping from the Seattle Daily Times 'of recent date. "A. M. Watt, who dis- Ieovered what is now the propeity of ‘The Clurin's Peak Copper Minining Co. 1 and the Index Petcoek Copper' Mini It'o., near Index. leaves to-day fora 'IM ll" his home in Ontario. Ile will all) visit. some of the principal cities in the ‘l‘Inst before his return in the spring. er. Watt is president of the above- (named companies, and thinks he add _ his associates have a fine piece of prop- '; mty. which, he says, will he develope/d I as soon in the snow goes " the ground. l It is expected that an electric line will 'pass through the Index country early l in the. coming year." a; This body met for the first time in reduced numbers on Monday last and took the usual declarations. The council is now a body of seven mem- bers, presided over by the Mayor, the old saxon title of “reeve " being top the present laid aside. Mayor Calder still keeps his seat at the head of the table and at the table (for they ean't surround it now) sit Councillors Gorslinc, Hunter, Kinnee, Livingston, Moore and Sparling. At this mom . . n r tl :' l - iill.etl and the 'e; Iftown oftiees are Count . w, . 'ollowine a “WWW "I ll . Rollntecs for 1808 . ri, . re the ap- In 1807, but wig. lef It? Libel?“ interest h'ussell; 'E,nsiii,i'e.' Jj‘el'k, George 1//al?,'Ji't,)"e%av'c,"e'dt,,l"i "y Um 'iii/iii Health Officer E? , dines Carson: .cytse.d, t'tune to M Pti. In1870thede, specmr I , 1 (Jun . Beam 1 , identified l . h ontreal and bee,at ticm" il l .MCDunald . , Tra I Il-Vader. In 1"s1t,..,1 the wine nnd IthP'ne- VUIIéLtL cell: Sn; AS’SCSSor a? (a? I Haines, Ja'fJii/d'. Ttiultliivd Harriet Mi; r , aretaker . , . . ‘Mnuhi- '.' , "9 New? of The fit ' a q " W. And .. ' q as,Kensin,stton , C) tit. and tl/yet',"', cf Constable, A5223: c'l,i'1,'e,1,'1.lr",,'ft' 'lei,)),)',",,',"-';,,,',,'):',' 3-“ "ar' " ' Cel' hav . I ' 'Arn Pd at, vds'e P" F t Ittt. ltmfd. though by n: 1265,6131] shgpcly gzvl'rltory, u, v:c,,.Trnitm,i.hl2'rt,iyieg,, Cldtlc yet. . bans ammo-1 le, of the original met ii ' 'lgl'Sh was DAnditors N W c _'il',";,1'cs/il,""t/,'el this ”awn“ '1!” St. t v'..- , , t ' . ams , “Inge to ' . F,',' e also I .. sl,ei'ii//.so1,", Fenee "idi'gj,thd/',e: {“9 WMS' ae'/,i,,,,'i,nei,',"'oPt'i; of Que”: Pound '/t'i,pep,vi,t'g) A. iidyJf,"l; ifih,,upihti/)g,l, lfor many vet,. e1t';tl,itel titsaili l Jame , . ili' " edralinthit Ic',"" et1ae0 tipailing, (Chaim). 3 t).Ukingham., {immune attached his city.‘ mummy he 11oove, eompose tl an), Kinnee and l,Jarttes the Arum?“ the Church of tlt nu...“ ye1.rfl1.1yoy,'f) of Works. I lumber still I'vsiglesfiin E13“? Dalglish's --____i__ --" ninety-two JCi"l1ei't"ll'/f tnd. She is Auditors, N. W. Camsbell, Arch. Davidson? Fence Viewers, S. Arrow. smith, Jas. Davidson, A. McComb; Pound Keeper, James Falkingham. Spmling, (Chairman), Kinnee and Moore, compose the Board of Works. Hunter, (Chairman), Sparling and Moore, are Finance Committee. RtTcmR.--an Glenellg on Manda ' Jan 9th, 1899. Ann Kel y, telict of tie late John Ritchie, aged 72 years Applications for the "like of Assess- or for the Township of Ganelg, for the year 1899, will he received by the under- signed up to noon on Monday the 6th of February "ext, _ - __ - The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Electoral District Agricultural Society will he held in the TOWN HALL, Durham WEDNESDAY, Jan. 18, ’99. at one o'clock p. m., for the election of officers and general business. JAS. EDGLE, A. MCKENZIE. The Annual Meeting of this body will be held on Friday of this week, arid an excellent series of papers is promised on subjects of great interest to Agricul- turisls and Horticulturists. The topics for. the evening meeting are of general interest and will as usual be largely at- tended, as Musical features of great ex. cellence are provided, Among others, Miss Jean Ilenwick and Miss Wilson of Drmnore. two capable vocalists, have kindly consented to appear. Miss Ren. wick is an old favopite. " J. S BLACK, Tp. Clerk. Glenelg. January 9th. 1890. l ttet' hllShand (“Pd atrnut Pveivt Yeats l Mr. Trs. Hutton with his kiGiFiGiGii I "Ro, and came to this country with his l filled in frequently between other sel- wife from Invernessshire, b'votland R- Nations. Some of the acting was of a hoot 40 VHH'S "go. The “WV”? t/rlk high character, that of Maud Caldwell, place on Tuesday last, te,S'.t. John stem- l Nathan Swallow Forbes Hind. Willie etery. Frttluu. Hauvk officiating. l Brown and a few others being particw Plum 11ANIToUA.-A lettcr revolve-,djlmly good. . Miss Pearl Warner is a from Mr. John Acheson. Burnside [ sweet.httle Singer. .Hev. Mr. 1fcCrregoe Manitoba. (lately of tin-20mm. Esrt:er',gr'Ipltf the chair and Ml. J. L. mom l gives a sketch of good crop? by l Brown s choir gave good serVIces. Mrs. old H. (tn-v people. "hiv. Jas. Eetot, J. L. Browne was one of a hand of will- hml ltlti‘J 1.1.4.. of wln-ul. and would "PF wovkvrs m getting In) 2!. fine enter- have bud nun-h more. but he was one of l tymnment. Proceeds 818.00. those that tho hail storm sttuwk, Oats] -"--------------- 556 ltush, lull'lt')’ 451. Jos. I.'.e!,tet,"son,,( ROBERT DALGLISH. forum-Hy of Er,ovornt, illmlfllliil husli. --..-. whisut, uutl (Wt-rill) NP} J' oats am 1 Last week's ”were contained an ttt'- l'."'-l"y' 1t'YT,try/y..t,. tourney); [lgflcount of the ilehth of this prominent 1.ilyrsyiss “131., I rim-UH“ "ll “a“, I; men-hunt of Montreal at the age of U4. lllll'll “no le?' 'Ye,' "t:',"d/.20'u),1 12 hush ,Bnck in the 00's ho occupied l promin- Cy/l., “(hum It‘ll Ita, [Willi v l L' 40 n 9'" trlace lit Durham 'and hS. (he); life, PM" te, i S " ‘ ' ' '..' ' ._ . "Y at Petttettt ”at egeuia melt- f.,",',:",",:,):"',:'.',,.."'"" John who """"Toanvr/i grain buyer. who venue intoi ttl' P It' . e . "_.......,.. --- N e,, - , A. FF A ..,. , Harm: or REhtoE IN fyCrrtEMONT.-- Our Holstein correspondent kindly lup- plins the following figures of the reheat pletriscite which shows a t1eterrpinpdpp, position to the proposal. We don'hhe- lieve this cpl him from hard heartodngsg, but from an undefined fear of being “a. died with more indebtedness. Here, are the figures ' La Grimm has struck town and hiRun with the mayor. The citizens wilt follow APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. TOWN COUNCIL. NOTICE. DIED. i Mr. Dnlglish was born In Glasgow, Scotland, in 1835. and was consequently in his slxty-fouvth year at, the time of his death. lie attended the Glasgow High School when a hay. and it was there that he received his education. When nhont twenty-one years of age ‘he came to Canada and settled in the I town of Durham, in the County of Grey. Ontario. In the years that followed he succeeded in huilding up the lumber in- dustry in the (minty, and became the owner. of large lumber mills on Georgian "tny. He ran foe Parliament tor the A'ohuty of Grey, in the. Liberal interest. In 1867, but was defeateu by the small majority ol three votes. In 1870 the de- ceased came to Montreal and Immune identified with the wine and porter , trade. In 1872 he married Harriet Nay The presents were of a costly and varied character, comprising among other. things not here mentioned ..-3 pr. blankets, 2 prs. curtains, 2 [ll"'; dado Mind’s. 2pr towels, table clot , sailor spread,crazy patch work table rape. hand painted silk cushion, herlin wool worked doilies, celluloid album, l doz. room chairs, bedroom suite, jelly cake stand, extension table. silver butter knife, sugar zpoon and desert spoon, crystal ten set. card receiver, bouquet receiver. pr. vases, three china cups and saucers, fancy colored cream pitchel, euaunelled cream pitcher, syrup pitcher. china cream pitcher, china egg stand, crystal bread tray, photo stand tireen dish. preserve dish. fruit stand, gdoz. dinner plates, and a complete tea, set. Rev. Mr. HuruphrTy's, of Priceville. performed the marriage ceremony at the panonage, Miss Vinis Harrison. niece of the bridegmom, acted as brides. Enid on the occasion, while Mr. H. Falconer, Mono Road performed a similar service for the groom, The bride was attired in an elegant dress ofnavybluenetge trimmed with white satin, and all wearing pretty clover blossoms. Among those present were the broth. ers and sisters. and the more immediate relatives of the contracting parties. while on the Thursday pvening follow- ing the nieces, nepheWS. friends and neighbors attended to do honor to the newly married couple. We Atend our congratulations and wish them health, wealth and happ> A very pleasant and enjoyable time was spent at the residence of Mr. Joseph Moore, Egremout. on Wednesday even- ing the 4th Inst. on the occasion of his arrival home with his bride, Miss M, Falconer of Mona Road. The Montreal Star has the following account, of the deceased: "The death occurred Wednesday Jan. ft, of Mr. Robert Dnlglish. for many years one of the roininent business men of this city. Mr. $aiglish has been ailing for some few months prior to his deceUse, but it was only on the 24th of November that he ‘HI'B obliged to take to his bed. Since gins he has gradually grown worse, and “Hume. was not expel-ted. The ini. aliate cause of tlvath was choloinia, to (Wait-h was added heart failure. "Y yet, rememlct thegenial men-é chum. and grain hnyer. who canto into great prominence in the flpst, political campaign after :'onfederatiim when he. as c;rndsdateof the Reform party, run against the "erloulttalsle Geo, Jackson. The contest Was 'l memorable one as the Reformers utter efforts thatshould have been rewarded with victor . were beaten by a very few votes. Il,, "built ' the large granary removed last year-‘11: Mr. ArthnrJackson, and at hi, dent still owned the corner property in _ Upper Town so long known I) ' his name and now occupied by C. 'lic',It'r't"tl'f/' 1 Last weok’s papem contained an ttc- (‘ount of the death of this prominent men-hunt, of Montreal at the age of 0'4. Buck in the 60's hr occupied a promin- mlt vlace lit Durham and A, (he): life, -‘_...‘..-. -___ .v.‘\u.u5 In " JuleIBl; IT" R. After several relays had feasted at, the sumptuous tables down stairs, a fine program was rendered above. The ex- cellence of dialogue, Bong &0 was ad- mittedly good. and must have cost a r,tyr a great deal of work in preparation. 1., m , VI . A u. u n . - BAPTIST SocrsL.--Last Friday nit ht LheTown Hall was aatir with a happy mixture of young and old to enjoy the ennual Teit Mee‘ting of .tht Baptlsg, S. Mr. Arch McKenzie, Jr., Buffalo came hom‘dlast week for a brief visit to home frien s at the Post Office. He leaves to-day. Mr. Will Harris left last week for To- rnntn. He intends to take a Business College course there, His sister May accompanies on a visit to friends there, Miss M. Gun left on Saturday last to , Miss Violet Blackburn left last week resume her studies in Toronto, l for Brantford. Misses M. Gordon and Allie Grant, 1 Miss A. Burgess is visiting Southamp- lleft, last week forOweu Sound Collegiate t ton friends at present, nstitute, i. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1899, HYMENEAL. tttii, Miss Lizzie Perry, who has been a. long unvatient trufrerer. at the home of r. m. Bell, has succumbed to her disease, and died last week. She will be greatly missed for her Winsome attract- nve character. Mr. John Ramon. whose death was noted in the REVIEW last. week at the advanced aged of 82 years was a native of Roxburghshire. Scotland. He was one of the class of rugged early settlers who amidst many trials struck into the wilderness to make a. home for them. selves, He was of a quiet reserved nature. taking no active part in public affairs, hut in all domestic and social re- lationships was kind and considerate. He wasa man of avigorous constitution until after the allotted span. but for some years back his vigor was giving way. and he has passed to his fat hers at a good old ago. To cherish his memory there remain his widow and four sons. James and Robert at home. John at Dromore, and William in Durham. national features that enabled Mount Forest last November to draw an 8140 house. No such galaxy of performers has ever been in Durham. Secure your seats early. Plan at McForlane's Drug Store. Durham has not, yet; heard the famous Jas. Fax. The Sons of Scot- land have secured this talented per- former in combination with the Scotch Vocalists Miss McNieol and Mr. Geo. Grant of Talonto. The same combin- ation with same grand musical and With such a popular nmjority and 12 out of 22 municipalities voting "yes." estuhlishmentofthis important lienev- olent, institution will he proceeded with as soon as the necessary preliminaries. selection of site. ke., have. been settled. The sire will likely cause some differ. ences of opinion, but the. claim of the south to a central position can not be. ignored. All the members of the new council have already served In the county council. Only two members of the last council were defeated-blesses. Quanta and Binnie both able "ten.--O.sound Sun. NOW FOR FAX. It now is oer: 1in that the vote for the House of Refuge has resulted in itsfuvor by a. vote of nearly 2 to 1. The following is the Tote by munici- panties. No 7, (St. Vincent, Meaford & Euph- vama)---Geo Brown and Thos Gihay, (defeating Rem Agnew and Jas Howes.) No 8, (Sydonlmm & Hollatui)-John McDonald and Thos willisct'oft (defeat,- ing Francis Quanta; No 5, (Artemesm, Proton. Markdale and Dundalk) w Matthew Richardson and Geo Watson (defeating Jus Chwhet t. N06, (Collingwood. Thornlutvy and Osprey )aDnnivl K Preston and Neil McCohuan (defeating Wm Kerr.) No 7, (St. Vincent, Meatyd knliuph- No2, (Koppel. Derby and b'ullivan)- Wtn Tutton and Jos Pringle (defeating Alex Dalgavno ) No 3, (Bentinck, Glenelg and Durham) -Uhas McKinnon and Henry Brigham (defeating Geo Binnie and Geo Ities.) Not, (Egronmnt & Novtuanh.vJ-J Allan and Andrew Schenk (arch) Division No. 1. (Owen Sound & Sam- (wakl))wChas Gordon and J w Frost, ace . BUSINESS Cd B.--Mr, C. L. Hart, for some tune. "vane Secretary to Grand Trunk Manager Hays contem- plates starting at business College in town, and has t1,ectuedtht1der's Hall for the purpose, opening next Mon.. day. We hope he may be successful, as many of our young people would he greatly 1renefittiad by och a course. He as re utives in Mt. Forest and Holstein and has at sum ll class in the latter place. \VANTED AT oscE.-Good general Servant. Ap 1y at Mus. Wtu. Black's Lower Town, _ilrg.led'.' Returns from the whole County. RIO" Arte TORONTO THE NEW COUNTY COUNCIL. Total maj. against, 1852 Total maiority for 3073 M AJ()RITIES AGAINST. Art emesia 9 Bentiuck 57 Egrenuml 229 Euphrasia 173 Holland 169 Normanby 121 Osprey 31% I Proton 448 Sullivan 316 0N JANUARY 19TH. WapptIryes F98. Collingwood 2 Derby 2 Durham 1 Keppel t', Owen Sound Ill Markdale é Dundalk li Neaford T, Sarawak " hit, Vincent. 2/ Sydonham ( Thornlnury " HOUSE OF REFUGE. MAJORITY IN FAVOR. DROMORE. an? 'fiitoittio. 378 303 21 2 05 102 436 87 108 220 “6/ as We take this opportunity of thanking our customres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." The Gas}; System " " Durhan’l. Aug. 9th. " sl Stoves {AT Pureist tones. Do ygyngvant a Sewjy.g.Myhirys? Gutters At prices that will surprise. We beg to inform our Custom. ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be UPPER TOWN IlijIFl.EllMillli' WAREROOMS. Our Piano and Organ trade is .1! established. Best makes. want 9. Sewing Machine? Sr? the New [.ituns-r- Highest tt" pai for Wood 1n exchange for goo s. O. MCKINNON. C. gdEINN0N'8, Corsets . L.. GRANT ADOPTED BY REMEMBER we are agents tor KING'S SHOES, and they fit your FEET and your game. That's all t tyt's necessary. with shoulder straps, easy to wear, graceful fitting, and ONLY ., G. 86 J. McKECHNIE. of all kinds, 0 Dress Well Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. . McKechnie. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES $1.0m- AND FEEL COMFORTABLE BUY A PAIR OF OUR SENSIBLE WHOLE N0. 1087.

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