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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1899, p. 2

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'rTil The News Briefly Told Interesting Happenings of Real! Duo-TI. Latent Nu. I of Our Own Cowttry-0+ In the Mother Land-what Is Going on In the Unlud states-Notes Pro- the World The, estate of the late Robert Hamil- ton of Quebec pays 855,000 in succes- sion duties to Quebec Province. The réport th nx-Mayor A. D. Smwart of Hamlin L lied on his war to the Klondike sot-.44 to be authen- tie. Mrs. Eliza Farr of St. Catharina, while visiting relatives in Hamilton, fell and broke her neck. Lord Strathcona has ordered a new organ for St. Paul's Presbyterian church, Montreal, as a Christmas gift. Three Italian brothers numed Cubelli have. been Sentenced at Montreal to three years m the penitentiary for counterfeiting. J. D. Lewis, foreman in the Brant- ford fire department, has been ap- pointed chief. - It is reported from Winnipeg tint the Galician murderer, Simeon Caubr, la dying at grief. Edward Hardy, out of work, discour- aged. attempted suicide with a razor in Hamilton. He will live. F. X. Choquette, Q. C., Montreal, has been appulnled police magistrate of Montreal. succeedin'z Judge Dugas. Charles Stevens, 3 London hon!- heper, paid a find of $20 for neglect- ing to unscreen his bar-room window at night. Th. returns from the recent ship- CANADA. Tho Quebec lee bridge has formed. Drifts on the Free! Line road, Lon don are 15 feet high. Th. returns trom the recent ship- 'ncul of Damned poultry to England Ibuw tlrtt it was highly profitable and Incceusful. Four Hamilton shoe dealers were fined 25 cents each for breaking the , o'clock Closing by-law on the evening of December 23. -ut Montreal the sale of inter-Im- perm postage stamps has been enor- nous. Prof. E. Stone Wiggins announces that he has gone out of business as a weather prophet owing to the lack of popular appreciation. Ricciottl Garibaldi, who speaks Eng- lish well, was the guest of honor at a recent dinner of the National Liberal Club. and startled the club by a toast he proposed. "And now, gentlemen," I. said, "I drink to the health of Mrs. Grundy. that is to say. the great puts lic opinion ot England." Ireland’s telegreph department re- cently proved that it could manage Geelic by taking the speeches delivered at an Irish festival at Letterkenny, County Donegal. in the native tongun and receiving them " Dublin, so that My could be printed in Gaelic charac- ter: in the Freeman's Journal. A delegation ot the civil servants waited on the Premier and Hon. Mr. Fielding at Ottawa to urge the restor- ation ot the statutory increases in their pay. to rec-I to Put to re, Henry Tho Canadian Bank of Commerce has advised the Dominion Governun-nt that it is sending officers to establish a branch of the bank in the Atliu Lake district. John Hrnderson, a conwct at King- ston l’vnitentinry, serving a fifteen- year scale-me for the shooting of Constable Tidsburr, near Toronto, has capo The Mounted Police are sending a patrol to Red Deer country. Settlers report that tho Blackfeet are killing cattle. The Indiana are short of meat, " the antelope have not come south, owing to the mild winter. During the past navigation season 21,231,664 tons of freight were locked through the Canadian and American canals at Sault Ste. Marie, an increase over last year of over 2,000,000 tons, and the highest on record. Solicitors for the Bank of Ottawa hm: issued a unit against the Ontario Central Railway Company, claiming 8806,759.78, the amount due as Interest upon certain coupons to debenture bonds issued by the compnny. Arrangements have been made by the immigration branch of the Interior Department to send Mrs. Sandford " Portage lsPrairio to Great Britain to conduct a. movement for the emigra- tion of servant girls to western Can- tSheffield, Eng., has made a profit of $1,000 during the past half year in running its own street. cars. The Bishop of Bath and Wells was flooded out of his palace at Bath re- cently by an overflow of water trom the old moat. Th, Department of Trade and Com- merce hive received notice that load bullion rad dross mar be imported in- to the lnited States and refined in bond, subject to a duty of 2 1-8 cent: per pound gross weight. A case ot bubonic plague is report- ed to have been discovered on board the steamer Golconda at Plymouth, from Calcutta. Johann Schneider is to be hanged in London, Eng., for the murder of Conrad Berndt. whom he killed with tn axe and burned in an oven. Engl :nd's oldest royal post Loy, Jonas Miles, is dead at the use of " years. He served as {Ostilion for George m., George 1V., Villiam IV. and Vio- toria. Emperor William has sent a gold watch to the London policeman who caved Count Valley from an assassin outside the German Embassy in Lon- don. Mrs. Saunders. who was the claim- ant for the sum ot 8:l0,00),000 left by in uncle, named Leake, who died intes- tate in America, died recently at Porteawl, Wales. 'l'hn Militia Department has decided I rem” the issue of Snider rifles given I Public Schuol and cndeL corps, and l replace them With the Martini- been caught attempting to es- GREAT BRITAIN. I Michael berrando, charged in New i York with having decoyed a Greek sail- 'or, Nicholas Zoutzoubie, to his room and there beating and robbing him, has been identified as the Greek bri- gund Boleros do Sarantos, for whom the Greek Government has offered 5,000 ! francs, dead or alive. I The Portland Steamship Company has ‘token advantage of the Limited Lia- l bitty Act, and has petitioned the -l, United States District Court to enjoin all persons from bringing suits for damages through the loss of the Port- i Land. The company declares the loss ‘ of the steamer was the act of God. It in reported that the big wire trust has purchased the Cleveland Rolling Milt Trust. The uni authorities have been om-. cially notified of the Intention of France to replace her obsolete war vea- eela engaged in the fishery protective nervloe on the Newfoundland coat with modern cruisers. Great Britain will also put out of commission the obsolete gunboau Pelican, Buzzard and Cordelia and substitute for these vessels of sufficient power to cope with the Frenchman. . Mrs. J. Weller was burned to death by the explosion of turpentine " Oma- ha, Nebraska. Senator Justin S. Merrill, author of the Morrill Tariff Act, of 1861, is dead at Washington. He had been in Con- gress 44 years. A report from Wichita, Kan., 'er? an old soldier, thought to have died remained buried two days, and when resurrected was living. Joseph Churchill, aged 80, and his wife, aged "l2,are in the Divorce Court at Janesville, Wis. They were mar- ried in l’eterboro', Ont. Inspectors of the Board of Health have confiscated 1,500 pounds of horse flesh at the depot of the American Ex- press Company, New York. Edward J. Ivory, the Irish agitator. arrested in England a year ago on a charge of conspiracy, has filed apati- tion in bankruptcy in New York. Burglars entered a New Jersey jail' and robbed the sleeping Sheriff, George Litterest. of 8500. - - ___ Aduiirzil Davey is now the senior of- fieer of the American navy, owing to the retirement of Admiral Bunce. Police raided three pooh-coma In Louisville, Ky., arrested operators and bettors, and carried away 818.000. K. F. Bailey, cashier of the National Bank at Colebrook, N.H., is under ar- reat charged with stealing $60,000. - A voting machine, invented by Mr. P. A. ‘Macdonald of Winnipeg, “as used at the elections held in several Manitoba municipalities with good success. A mysterious robbery occurred at the American National Bank, Sunday night, at Lima, Ohio. Gold and paper money to the amount oi nearly 350,04) was car- ried off. Another suspected murderer ot Amos J. Snell has been arrested at Chicago and discharged .He is the 4lst thought to be Will 'luscott, the murderer, who Ins eluded detectives now for ten years. The New York Auto Truck Company A satchel was stolen from Mrs. Wm. L. Smith, at East Liverpool, Ohio, con- taining money and diamonds to the value of 81,510. while en route to New York in aPullman car. Governor Ptugree, of Michigan, says that every American soldier sent to Manila should carry his coffin on his shoulder, as that would be one of the mod neceaaury adjuncts to his outfit. with a cupitm of $1,000,000, has been incorporated. With this capital it is proposed to place auto-tructra, operat- ed by ecanpressed air, in the streets ot that city. Pulice oi Columbus, Ohio, believe they have. James C. Dunham, for whgm there is a reward ol' $11,000 otfered, dead or alive, at San Jose. Cal. He is charged with the murder of his wileyher pa- rents and brother. Marion Taylor was lynched at Scott:- hurg, lnd., on Saturday morning by a mob. He was taken from the gaol, where he had been since November 3rd, Prof. Henry T. Rowland. of Johns Hopkins University, has invented a printing telegraph instrument, which rnalues several messages to be sent and received at the same time from the sum or separate points over the same wlre. Joseph W. Pearson the man who threw a brick through a window of the residence of the British Ambassa- dor ut Wazhingwn, and escaped from an insane asylum there, has surrend- ered hunch-1f to the police. Jn-tu/UL-ge ot' having attempted to kill his wife. An international commercial con- gress is to be held in Philadelphia next June. To this congress repre- sentatives of South Africa, India, Aus- tralia, China, Japan, the South Am- erican Republic, and other countries will be invited. GENERAL. Civil war seems inevitable in Bolivia. Lawlessness is increasing in Havana. The Crown Prince of Sweden is ill. Dusseldorf, Germany. is linking rgggly to hold a World's Exposition in l -. Leprosy is reported to be spreading in the provinces of Livonia and Court- land, Russia. The Austrian uuthurties are alarmed over the increase of arsenic eating in the Austrian army. It is reported that the plague has broken out in the district of Delagoa Bay, South Africa. The Czar will visit Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary, and King Humbert of Italy, early in January. The City of Besancon, France. has de- cidvd to erect a monument to the Inn:- cry of Victor Hugo. The quarrel between the Hungarian Premier and M. Huranszky is likely to lead to six duels. King Humbert has granted amnesty to or reduced the sentences of 2,700 persons concerned in the riots of the spring. The Swedish Government exp dition sent out in search of Andree, the Arc- Lie! explorer, has returned to Stock- n m. An important conference of Bone- partists has Just been held " Brussels under the presidency of Prince Victor Napoleon. ' Part of the Red Rook mountain in Switzerland has fallen Into the Villas. a. .'--- -_,...Ls.Hg~...-...~ua UNITED STATES. ‘ Michael Rossi, who was arrested in ‘connection with the murder of the ‘Empress of Austria and discharged, his been re-arrested in Italy, whi-re he ', was working under an assumed name. A prominent Berlin surgton suggcsm th _.t the coming peace conference (would, be a good time for the powers to lconsider the proposition to give first aid to the injured instruction to sol- diers. , Grand Duke Cyril, of Russia. was _anumi', the passengers of the steam-r China, which resulted San Francisco fun) tho Orient on Monday night. The Grand Duke is on his way toSt. Peters- burg. I Lieut. Gems von Keglevitch hasbenn armour-ed by court-martial to mili- tary imprisonment for five years tor (urging on bills ot exx-hange the name of the Austrian Crown Princess Ste- ph-inie. of Airolo, destroying I hotel and sev- eral houses. Owing to the revolt against Turkey in Yemen, Arabia, assuming serious proportions, 30.000, Turkish troops have been sent against them. "The Congress of Miners, held " Cberlerm, has decided to prepare for a general strike. according to a des- patch from Brussels. It is reported from Cairo that the Abyssinian flag has been hoisted at Galabat, in the Soudan, about 200 miles north of Khartoum. It is alleged that the Spanish Roy- alistl are torturing Carliat prisoners to tome them to swear allegiance to King Alfonso and to reveal Curlist ae- crels. The Berlin University base larger attendamas of tstudents this year than any other year in its history. 'lhe numbnr of undergraduates is 6,151, nearly, mu more thunlast year. Ttie oldest prelate In the Catholic Church is Cardinal Martel, who is now in his ninety-firth yearfund so active and energetic thit he bids fair in see tho twentieth century ushertd in. The will of the late Baron Roths- child leaves the estate in possession of the family. Lord Rosebeiy has be- queathed several valuable pictures. The first woman to receive the de- gree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Berlin University, is Miss Elsa Neu- munn, who recently passed a most successfui examination. L'elgrade's Svski Dojek h 13 suspended publication tor a time, as the sixteenth editor it has had in two years has joined his fifteen predecessors in goal. Emperor William proposes to spend 812,000,000, In embellisbing the Imper- ial capital. Part of the neighbouring river is to be made a. magnificent avenue. Galileo’s manuscript of the treatise "On the Ebb and Flood of the Sea," written in 1616, has been discovered in the Vatican library by Father Luzai, the sub-librarian. 'the. priests in charge of St. Peter's Church in Home were not a little sur- prised recently 1obud the parents and rletivus of a child candidate tor bap- tism coming tome sanctuary all rid- ing bit-yclea. The I'etit Bleu, of Brussels. points out that the Belgian cities and vill- ages excel thrse of any other county in the number of taverns. In Chis- lenghien, there is a tavern for any thirteen inhabitants. A French watchmdrer has made a microscopic repeating wateh that weighs a little over sixty grains. He intends to exhibit it at the Paris World'" Fair. after which it will he for sale for 81000. An exceedingly clever Japar'se workman of 'l'okiu his curved a tigure in Wood that is so like himself lblt when the two are placed side by aid. it is impossible to tell even at ti short distance which is the living tigure. John Townsend of Philadelphia told a party of friends that he had drawn the {ital card at a meeting of asuicide club, and would end hisl.fe that even- ing. 'rlva thought it a. Joke, but he set-retly poisoned himself while th , were pl;.ying cards. A Russian officer hats been making expeiimcnts with very successful r:- sults in the use of tayeys,irysyed of There is trouble in the Dutch navy. Despite a law recently enacted which pn-hibits commanders of vessels from compelling their subordinates to be present at divine worship on board ship, some of the commanders insist on all men attending the Sunday service; Russia has been pleasantly surpried by a ukas of the Czar ordering the Academy of Sciences to make prepara- tions for a fitting celebration of the hundredih anniversary of the poet Pusrhkin’s birth. 'Ihe University of Moscow is arranging tor a Pusehkin exhibition next year. A Russian farmer sought to smuggle his son across the frontiers near Pink- ullen in order to help him evade mili- tary service by hiding him in a load of h y. The young man was so badly in- jured by the hay fork of the cumoms ottir-er. during the inspection of the w ggon. that he died in a few hours. nun: Au nay - v- _V, ___ pigeons as carriers. He tinds they can ily much faster. A pigeon covers ten or twelvel eugues in an hour, while a falcon can do fifteen. Home has gone poker and. A num- ber of anions of nobility hue recently hazarded their fortunes on the game, " hich is being played in nearly all the large cafes of the city and has invaded the private residences. The police are determined to slop the nuisance. A subject of much comment. is the ex- treme wildness of the weather at M03- cow and Kazan, Russia. where intense cold usually prevails at this season, The temperature hts been so genial for some time that the trees and bushes in the parks are coming out in bud. A bond of robbers nine men strong, recently attacked and robbed thir y peasants on the border of Kwais Province, in the Caueauaua. They were followed by a detachment of Cos- sacks and mounted men aster an Ad- jxria, where the brigands opened fire on their pursuera and retired into the forest. A perilous feat was recently per- formed by e Cossack in a menagerie at Moscow. He was directed to clean the cages of tame beasts and sponge the animals. By mistake he entered the cage of a savage tiger with a bue. ket of water, and coolly proceeded to wash the brute. The tiger liked the age! sensation and quietly submit- t . Il‘uuo-Iuov don"t-u.-- IEwes, per cm. . . . . 1 Bucks. per cwt. . . . MARKETS ill? Tl WORLD. fries: of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, ate. tn the Leading Inns. LIVE STOCK MARKET. T Toronto, Jan. 6.--We had a market here to-day of rather unexpected pro- portions; there were, all told, so loads of offerings here. and moat of it sold at fairly steady prices. We had no export cattle worth spe- cialising here, and prices are nominal, at from 84 to 84.50 per owt. Tho Mail and Empire special cable quotes cattle unchanged and steady " the re- oent alight advance. The market has not yet recovered from its holiday character, and sales are mostly in small mixed Iota. Here are some of the larger transactions to- dar:- Butcher cattle are quoted at from 81-2 to 33-4 to 42 per pound; of course the latter price is for choice selections; medium and common stuff nous down to 30 per pound. Sixteen cattle, averaging 1,150 lbs. sold at " each. A load of 20 cattle, averaging 1,075 lbs.. sold at 40 per pound. Seventeen cattle, averaging 1,0601bs.. sold at 88.65 per cwt. Milkers are quit t, few coming In, and an easy demand; but a few choice cows will sell at from " to 850 each. A load of 22 cattle, averaging 1,050 tbs., sold at 81 per owt. A lot of ten cattle, averaging 975 lbs., sold at 81-4e per pound. Stockers are worth from $3.75 to 83.10 per owt. Sheep are unchanged; lambs are firmer at 4 to 41-40 per pound. A few choice veals will sell. Nine hundred hogs came in, and prices are a shade better. For the very best selection 41-20 was mud to- day; light hogs fetch 41-80; and thick fat hogs are dull at 33-40 per voynhi. _Stoge Irgs will apt ts.ell. . _- Following is tus" range of prices to- day: Shippings bulls are worth from 83.40 to $4 per cwt. Shipping, per cwt. ....... . .8 4.00 $4.50 Butetasr, choice. do . . . . 3.50 4.00 Dumber. medium to good ... 3.25 3.50 BuLcher, inaeriur. . . . . 8.00 3.25 bleep and Lambs. - M _ -.. With the lapse at the holidays ant! the renewal ot colder weather, the of- ferings ot dressed bogs have increas- ed, especially in the heavy lines. W'eat- ern hogs were quoted, on track, in car lots, at about 85 to $5.10. mixed weights; and Northern at about 85.10 to $5.15 for select lots. 0n the street farmers' loads were quoted at from 83.25 to 85.40, according to quality. Market for provisions dull. . Cows, each. . Calves, each . Choice hogs, per cwt....... 4.25 4.50 Light hugs, per ch. . . 4.00 4.12142 Henvy, do., per cwt. V . . 0.00 8.75 DRESSED HUGS AND mtovisrot Lambs, ier cwt. . . . . . . Mike“ and Calves Quotations are as tollows:--Drr salt- ed shoulders. T 1-2; long clear bacon. car Iota, 7 1-20.; ton lots and case iota, 7 8-4c; or backs, 81-2 to 83-40. Smoked Meats --H:tms, heavy, 91-2 to 10c; medium, 10 to 10 1-20; light, Ile; breakfast bacon. 10 1-2 to Ile; picnic hams, 7 3-4 to 8c. All mails out of pickie lo less than prices quoted for smoked meats. Istrd--'riertsea, Te; tubs, TI-g to T 3-40: pails. 7 3-4 to Sc; compound. 8 BREADSTUFFS ETC. Wheat-The (hicago market opened strong, but closed at about! lo, decline from beat prices. Local trade was quiet. Rod wheat sold at tSte, north and west, and whlte at 69 1-204 goose, wheat,out- side, was quoted at 70 10 71c; Mani- toba were easier, at 800, asked for No. 1 hard, and Thr, asked for No. 2 hard and No. 1 Northern, Toronto and "ihau-ouir, straight roller is held at " 20. middle heights, and $3.10 is "isilnG1-r'ir:'m. Car. lots of rolled oats, in bags, on track here, are quot- ed at 3.140 per bbl, and in bbls., at bid Millteed--Continues Scarce; demand is gcod; ton lots of bran at the local mills bring 814, and at shorts 816; car lots, middiy heights. are. qioted at " for bran, and 815 for shorts. I "Km - Firm. Car lots, noreth and west are quoted at ctrt,_ayd east at Wts. Oats - Firm tone. White oats, north and west, in car lots, sold ab 29c, and there is firm bidding at, 290, for large quantities; -.. . In” -- Firm. Car lots, north and west, "e. and east, Me. - to 6 1-20 Cusn-Lower. CanulLan yellow, chu- h m. is quoted at 85e. American yellow old, on track here. At Atic; and same new, at 42 I-M. Bait, ,-F'irrn. Car lots of No. 1,0ut- side, are quoted at 48 to 50:3. "Bu'ckwhmt - Quiet, but firm. Car lots, outside, A8 lo 48 l-2c. Eggs-tlo special feature in the mar- ket. New-laid stock scarce. Ch ics boiling stock sells at 20 to 23e; held flesh or cold stored at 16c. and limed at 14 to 150 Potatoes-Steady, and plenty h re for ths present ban nd. Choice sold to- day on track. car lots, at 55 to 58e. Dealers sell out of store at 65 to Toe; farmers' loads tell at around 50 to Poultry-Ver, qu'et. Quotatiim are: .-Chiekens, per pair, 25 to 40e; duvks, 40 to 600; geese, per Ib., 5 1-2 to 60; turkeys, per 1b., 8 to 9e. -Bly iriL-"Betterisoz. Choice hand- picked Dawns sell at 81.10 to $1.25: agrl Common at 60 to 700 per ytrlr D:ied opples--Very some: and firm Dealers [my 4 1-2 for dried stock, de- livered here, and small lots resell at 5 to 5 l-‘lc; evaporated, 8 to 8 1-20; for small Iota. TORONTO PRODUCE. CATTLE. Hogs. . . . . 3.50 4.00 good ... 3.25 3.50 . . . 8.00 3.25 Lambs. . . . . 3.00 3.50 . . . . 2.50 2.75 . . . . 4.00 4.25 L..... 4.25 4.56 . 25.00 50.00 a Derby hat " Gouverneur hospital. . 2.00 6.00 New York, is one of the smallest 4.25 4.sl [babies in existence. This mite of 4.00 4.12142 humanity, when he stretches himself 0.00 8.75 i his full length, which he very seldom tovisros% Ar; preferring to curl up and stick mlidays an!” tae in hia mouth, measures only her, the of-labout six inches in length. Bouer-thesadr. Round you at emu-w delivered here, will bring about 5 1-2 to 60; dealers quote from 6 to To per Ib., for 10 to 60-11). tine, and in comb It around 81.25 to $1.50 per dozen sec- tions Baled tnr-UNO and easy. Strictly Chico in car lots, is quoted at um to $7.50 per ton; and No. 2, at u. iit1Gr.ujuetvuypsA. Car lots are quoted at 34 to $1.5). on track. . Hops-Outside holders ty Iittieeatsier In their ideas owing to the tallinlgI off - - '__- L..-“ .x " In lneu- luau um... w --'" -- -e of the demand. Dealers here 0211 at 16 to 200, and outside huldorn are uk- ing 18e, for choice. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter-Not naive. Receipts fair. and composed miinly of large dairy rolls. Creamery butter steady. Quot- ations are an tdnowa:---DairT, tab, Mr to medium, 11 to 120; choice, 18 to UI-br, large rolll. 14 to Mic; small dairy, 1b prints, about 15 to 16c; cream- err, tuba and boxes, 19 to 200; lbs. 20 to Me. Cheese-Market -firm, hut quiet; choice stock sell: " from 10 to 101-20. Buffalo, Jan. tt.--spring Wheat-Do- mand light; limits steady; No. l bud, WI 140; No. 1 Northern. " 3-40; No. 9 Northern. " 3-40. Winter Wheat-- liull, offerings light; No. 2 red. 74 1-20; No. ' extra red, 730; mixed winter, 74c; No. 8 red, TM; No. 1 white, 74 I-M, on track. ciun-.Fair enquiry; firm; No. 8 yellow, 430; No. 4 yellow, 42 1-20; No. 2 corn, tits; No. 3 corn, 40 I-N. out- Quiet but firm; No. g white, 32 8Ae; No. , white. 31 I-N; No. 4 white, 310; No. 2 mixed, " 1-20; No. 8 mixed, 31c. Barley-Firm. Rre---Dull; No. g, in store, 620 asked. Ftour-Firm, un- changed. - - n ‘ImAAb "tr-A .-- q yellow, 1m. nu. - ,--._.., 2 corn, 410; No. , corn, 40 I-N. Otrttr-. Quiet but firm; No. 2 white, 32 8-40; No. 8 white, 31 I-N; No. 4 white, 810; No. 2 mixed. 81 1-20; No. 8 mixed, 310. Barley-Firm. Rre---Dull; No. g, in store, ten asked. Flour-Firm, un- changed. Detroit, Jan. tt.-whsrt--C1osed c-- No. 1 white, cash. Tlo; No. 2 red, cash and December, 70 5-80; Mar, 72 1-40. Duluth, Jan. g..-whart--NM. 1 hard, trash, 68 58c; December, 673-40: Mar, 69 5-8e; No. 1 Northern, cash, Me; Do. Camber, 65 8-4tr, May, ti86-8e. " - .. gqrC ,AA, A , WWWI, our-n». "'"""J' v__ -- Milwaukee, Jun. b'.--N'heat - No. 1 Northern, 681-2 to tBe; No. 2 North- ern, 661-2 to 671-2c. Bro-No. l, 54 l-2c. Barter-Steady; No. 2, 491-20; sample, 481-2 to 490. Mfnneapnlis, Jun. th-Wheat - De- cember. 65$4c.; May. 67 8-ge; July, 87 3-46: on track, No. 1, hard, 67 8-4e; No. 1 Northern, 6634c; No. 2 Northern, 64 34c. liiiour--Unebanged. Bran-- In bulk, $5.75 te 8.9/2,5. u n L Lu uu-n, VIva m. 7-...-. Toledo, Jan. tt.--Wheu-No 2. cash and December. 711-40; May, 726-tks. Corn-No. 2 mixed, 88e. oats-No. 2 mixed, 28o. Itro--No. 2 cash. Me. clover-d-Prime, cash. old, 34.171-2; new. cash and December. 84.60 bid. Oil Inf-It In. New York Hospital Healthy Dunne " sue. A deapatifrom New York t5artr.- Inxtalled in a cradle little larger than .UUitetvuured. At his birth, two months ago, the in- fant weighed about 16 ouncus, but has grown, until now he tips the beam at 32 3-4 ounces. The diminutive young- ster is in excellent health, and is per- fectly formed. His lungs are in splen- did order, and are used considerably. The child is kept snugly tucked away between funnels during this grip weather, and hot water bottles are placed in between the layers of flun- nel to keep the temperature up. This vest-pocket edition of mankind was born in the hospital. and was left there by the mother, Mary Albert, 25 years old. The mother left the hospital ten days after the baby was born, say- ing she would return for it later. She has not been Been since. The hospital officials have tried every means to lo- cate her, but in vain. So next week the baby will be sent to Randall's u- land. The doctors say the child will grow into a normal size with proper "tervtew With "Ire-President slaugh- nruy, oldie " P. I. . A despatch from Montreal "rc-- ViIe-Preeident Shanghnessy, of [the Canadian Pacific Railway Company speaking on Thursday of the general condition of the Dominion, expressed his conviction that the country. as a whole, was in a most prosperous state, and that development was being pushed forward rapidly. Referring to the fruit industry particularly. Mr.Shaugh- nosey quoted some figures this morning which indicate how alive the people of British Columbia are to the possibili- ties M the fruit trade in the Pacific Province. For instance. in 1897, the C. P.R. carried 5,700 packages. which weighed " toms. Last year 55.000.pack- ages were carried. which weighed 380 toms. and this is only a beginning. In the near future the development of thin industry will assume more marked tenures. A despatch from Rome, tSars-Al.. though mm to the knife is common enough here, the Roman press is ex- cited over a duel with knives which has just taken place. Tllglt Duel lawn-n mm- Work-en Two workmen, rivals in love, met by appointment at mid-day by the Tiber side, to fight for the hand of a woman. Silently they began their desperate encounter, thrusting and pit-tying with demoniac energy. At 1.m one! made a desperate blow! at the other, breaking down his adversary! guard and inflicting a fearful wound (in the throat. 'lhe windpipe wan out :hrough as was also the carotid artery. the victor fled, leaving his knife in thy neck of his dead rival. l The duel is characteristic of the "Mu‘lu Vita" sect. The girl for whom 'hr, duel was fought promised to marry ht winner. She will have to wait Home time, torthe man has been "rented. and will have to undergo I [engagin- prisonmeast. FOR THE LOVE OF A WOMAN. CANADA MOST PROSPEROUS. A BABY SIX INCHES LONG. ' is quoted at mm ; and No. 2, at u. aged. Car lots are OLE), on track. holders tt iittieeaaier rim: to the falling off Bound Iota of choice 11 bring about_5 1-2 A d-tnts from Berlin saynszmi tar hu yet another conquest to record. It threatens to supplant the indigo tro- dlndib and Java, by supplying an W Mow]. identical “ill: and infinitely purer than that hither- to on the market. A. long ago as 1882 IGermau chem.. int. Dr. A. You Buyers. discovered 30w- oral methods of obtaining indigo him. from cinnamic acid and bitter-ulnmud oil, which therntelvea ureaprudum " Git iar,. but all were too 'coslly [of ooenrnereial Purim!“ _ Other chemiatl took up the urrrk where Buyers had left it, and after yen-sot toil it was announced tOhio-n inontha ago that the "Baden Alnlixm and Sod: Works." at Ludwigsirareu, itil the Rhine, were in a position in supply indigo obtained by an imprr,venr m of the prooequ disoo.vertsd by Dr. [cu-yr”, The raw material for the new pro- duct is naphthaline. a constituent part of coal tar, known to the public as an excellent remedy for moths, etc., and excellent remedy against mol Iss, aux, and which, by 8. series of olnburum operations. is converted into indigo blue. They factory has gradually In- creased its producing powers, and hopes noon to be able to export to oth- at indigo-using conntriec. It may be mentioned that Germany already supplies seventy per cent. of the world's oonaumption of dye-stuff from coal tar. It “on”I Slept-d and rel-led " loll "as-A larva-lieu Perle use". A despatch from Vancouver, B. c., says :--A former British naval Uitlt'er, Lieut. lnnes. has for some time been secretly at work in Australia on a new submarine torpedo boat. A trial of the invention has just taken lilac. before the tsommander-in-cttief, Admit. al Pearson, in Sydney harbour. 'llsvrtt were few persons at the trial. An aye- witness of the experiment said :--" I he shape of the boat is like that of lhe torpedo itself. It is cigar-shaped and pointed at both ends. The modes “is made in seven different engine Shula: to insure secrecy, The performance ..1 the craft was marvellous. The tinting power was electricity, and Compressed air was supplied for the occupants. ’lhe boat was only fifteen feet mug. but now that its success is assured a model to hold six men will he built at once. the man in the conning tower can u. lll‘ ipulate the vessel, or it can he mumm- lated from below. The submarine " " machine is built of brass. and is thirk- er on the underside than on top to give it trim. The engines are placed amid- ships. They drive a shaft which toms the stern wheel. In addition to this propeller is another which works at the end of a vertical shaft directly un- der the centre of the craft, and muses the disappearance and reappearance of the boat.' The ere-witness, who is close to Admiral Pearson, and is sup- posed to voice his opinions, trdded:-- " The submarine invention is the‘uiust remarkable of modern times. The model Will not fitted with torpedo tubes, " this was a matter of detail. The trial was to attest the efficacy of the central screw in submergim: "nd raising the vessel. The experiment was eminently successful." GUUt . low priqe enoukh to conipclé with natural mdgap._ . - Hunk-Ii“ un“. Quadrup" ton-Ir)" “an". A munch from Canal Duver Ohio -.-Four daughters of Jame: Bochntasttler, of Trail, celebrated New Yoarb day by marrying the four mm of John Summers. a neighbour. The youngest bride has just turned her nineteenth year. and the ohms! in twenty-tour. All are handsume bru- nettes. Their name. in the order of their use: are Elisabeth, Gertrude, Mary Ind Anna. Their mpective hus- band. answer to the names of Jnmea, Gooryrarcconrtui and Jesse. Everyone in the neighbourhood “an invited to the weddings. The (mun- lhlpl of this double quartelte ftirnoili- ed no end of amusement to villain”. At the horns of the sisters the only available room for iove-mpking was the little front parlor. Ah the four mu- plea could not occupy this at once, twin brother and his sweetheart used the room every fourth night. On nu night during the int two years has this mun bash without 1 light. VIII Ilvlu . Fore!" Ihlplulllolvr The four pair were married at 11): home of the brides st noon. Rm: Ar- thur Jones officiated. beginning wnh the eldest pair. The cereumnies ot't'U- pigd forty-eight minutes. The father- of the brides and bride-- groom- will divide their lands alumna their daughters and sons so as to gm: each couple ncompetency. Even pun-Dive Japan is cummin- ing a. when for mnkimt "m armament of her ftetrt n) lam-wr dependent on foreign dockyards uni arsenal. u it is now. The new [m Ir"- union in that of inviting a (mm!!! firm preferably from the United Shh-s to locate In Japan. and give a In; >u':- aidr. Tho Japan would derive 71m benefit, capital and experience, mm at ths lune time make her no hm"! wholly dependent on foreigners. The Fiji. t prominent Vernacular paw". "FF- "In the put for receiving and 1m proving our naval resuunae, arm t,lie late war, our Government had 1m. ly time to devise any Permanent dung" tor the building at home of all the " It ships that Lbs mods of our navy wu- demd mom tad more urgem. 'lhww- tore, all ordoru were given in tun-um firm. It in not yet too late to offer me firm 3 pal-couture subsidy on he capitll to opal-Ito works for building anal and merchant vessels. The, sub- Iid! need not he continued after {he tprofits rouh ' no: cent. This quantum spout! you!" more prompt attention um tho o"G%iuirtTrGGitrirr ol railroads FOUR BROTHERS WED SISTERS. JAPAN RAS A NEW SCHEME. ARTIFICXAL INDIGO. NEW TORPEDO BOAT. tl Two of the mos men are cripples- the grealuf livil Ind Dr. Jam Mn who in said to h Scottish preacher NOT CRIPI’LI‘ st; " IL dim! to !lr, It Bruckvil Ing two ho provemen' I In troms on until I In" though heft aixth I foul good nittht' mum by ot In all the amnesia from but after m: ttd um Pills, When national Parts Igo. I fitted for work, with pains in t down my shun through my body of astinging mu the hack of my could not bend cot the whole of when in hedthe and with a la 'shoulders, than bukward. I Ind to roll or twi umy spine tum-m medical ndviSorp 'teura1gia and r which he said h whole uyhh-ln. H but the medicinu tried various who. were of no avail. to he timeless l for my hour in R ring of the train agony I was com; trip ll Pestertaoro' up for three woe made a hert'ulmu home. As my um like an old man when stae mm mt. lid of two heavy the carriage Io the n Tl I tau througl Mr also on on my Inseam.“ in contg her of people, I It Toromo, Muir “Wt. Morrishul and at one time travelling 8. A, following is I "I! 01¢“!th Nightly troubled tor sew-ml p the .up the Arm Minna on m the I mm k"? mach-ad tth has held the p the put tw Brukvnxhim. t From the Post. " is the lot oi M [Maple to on. ”011 an exetesed friends and m. John A. Broken wllurviewud In home of Ills l Way hnmiet mi Balsam riverin the eldrr Mr. I II- My lat-Incl Ihou-ulr am PM: in“ MI; Again. l STORY TOLD SALVATION l THRILLI: " " (In garcon. " English! I Naive. are Englishman tr tune. Two uhore a! Te Spanish. as Ill The Spanish In dared for a m in exmllw! E gentlemen. we) haul" j w h " And what l ml. .. have n at! lumuage. nation under The German, Ind ohwrved “on and com to repair [he li it Ethel. tim III-in in Faurli wherever lingl haves loaned an mailman. th In her lmurdi daring I dinne the garcon. .. lk Each-bl I a At Cape Co. omltr aputreet l not think it I a howled“. 1 at the negro“ his mistake. ll German minim tad his many him from all An English I no. at align " Nine Year. how " antic: find by the :1 Hour}. Even In... ma " rmin My n tt war It Illa on Ibo 'statiooeyd “to. l he " u SIRE. n WE I won nq fri tr " th IN bi PHI

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