West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1899, p. 3

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IG o. Iuon to oth- lays 1-0011! at to "cord. the indigo by supplying bnticul with that hither. 1- no. Ls. The anti d after the ll 'a prod a Germany 4*! cent. at ot dye-stub his question into indigo adually in. )oWers. and vt attention 'norship d led u lot. I -.. 0 four son. mil "hood AT. SISTERS. ml Duvet ‘man t "r ue oldest. in ammo bru- the order . Gertrudq active hus- 'lnl. bride- nrls among , u to xiv. n " " red new. h rated Ne uni-o. one. Used lb. 1) an night a this mull HEME, uu to an. works at ireetty un- and cause. nannies of l who I. ad is sup- . added:- the work and alter tho orti, mg was the 'Illlalrr " mes I eighteen n Aniline suntan, on tgr. The" . An (-1.- Quaint, mug w n rging And xperimonl neat part but as an etc., and otha, etc, of Junel. of " i new ur nnts. Tho "ng, but L a model at 0110.. can mun- manipu- rina war is thick- 'V to xiv. ed amid- no shop. nature of I)! as and ID- iter the I tn "I, _ design the val [$110,011, compet. no been u supply man of , mutt- furnish- tt turns a on I A trial n plan u . The torpedo detail. 'n turgtty tho longer ' and pl as tho md " huge: . The paper, urinal Slate. 1y tor Inland D Mu. ficor, t the . Ar- most pro Tho t ha and wad " 'e rs. ina ou- h Two of the moat famous living Scots- men are "ripples-Lord Kelvin, who Is the greatest living Scottish scientist. and Dr. James Mnegregor of Edinburgh who is said to be the great-at living Scottish preacher. Pt, what is a swhernet I can't define it, my sun; but it is something that will fall through quicker than any- thing else on earth. NOT CRIPPLES INTELLECTUALLY The above is a voluntary and correct statement of the facts of my case and I trust that many others nrxy by reading thin. revolve the Messing that llmve. " necessary [would make an affidavit to the above facts at any time. - ,,H-l....., ”u‘. tuU Jas- ring of the train caused such terrible agony I was compelled to abandon the trip at Peterhoro', where I was laid up for three weeks, when I finally made a herculean effort and reached home. As my mother says. "I looked like an old man of 90 years of age when she saw me struggling with the aid of two heavy canes to walk from the carriage to the house." At home I received every possible attention and all the treatments that kind friends suggested. but I was constantly going from bad to worse. In January, 18rfr, after many months of untold agony. I determined to try Dr. Williams' Pink; Pills. having read so much in the news- papers of the great benefits received by others from their use To make sure of getting the genuine article I sent direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. at Brockville, for the Pills. After ttrk-. ing two boxes I noticed a slight im-l provement in my condition which gave me some encouragement and I kept G) until I had taken twelve boxes, al- though before I got through with the sixth I could go to bed and enjoy a good night's rest, such as I had not done for years. I never at any time, enjoyed better health than I am doing at present. Since my recovery I have induced several friends to take Pink Pills for various troubles, and in each i case they have effected cures. _ t " - --_e _ wi. lelulllvll u! SHIN for my home in Rosedale, but the jar vino " 0‘... a.-"., --v . . -- v -- '-"'W".-P “nu anus uuu through my body. In fact I had pains of astinging muscular nature from the back of my head to my toes. I could not bend my head forward It I got the whole of Canada to do so, and when in hedthe only slight rest I got was with a large pillow under my shoulders, thus Idling my hand hang backward. I could not get up, but had torn” or twist myself out of hed, as my spine seemed tube affected. My mediml adviser pronouncadmy trouble neuralgia and rheumatism combined, which he said had gone through my whole system. He prescribed for may but the medicinu gave me no relief. I tried various other remedies but they were of no avail. Believing my case to be hoxeless [determined to start a..- -.._-. "___, . -- -- orcaswns on account of my trouble. When stationed in Morrisburg four yo-ars ago. I became completely un- fitted for work, as I suffered terribly with pains in the bark of my neck, down my shoulders and arms and Ch...»....L ----- I . . - - _ . v ""- -...v..,..uuv luau] "I the leading cities and towns of On- tario, where, during his seven years “nice in Salvation Army work he has com" in contort witha large num- ber of people. He has been stationed at Toronto, Montreal, Peterboro, Ot- tawa, Morrislmrg and minor places, and at one time was a momber of a travelling B. A. string band. The following' is Capt. Bwkenshire'm own statement: - "I had been slightly troubled with rheumatic pains for sewml years, and had to give up the Army work on different occasions on account of mv trnnhln _ --"""""" "nu was recent- lyinterviewed by a Post reporter at the homo. of his parents at Busedale a pretty hamlet situated at the head of Balsam river in Victoria county,where the elder Mr. Brokenshirss, who hag reached thethreeaeore yearsand ten, tvss held the [milieu of lockmaster for the post twenty-two years Capt. fhurkenshire, thr, subject otthis article, is {My/vars of age, is wetlurnown and highly rP-spr-rt-(l throughout many of Oh" hum”-.. ~14: . ' II. Id] be!“ From lead I. loo! With lieu-axle and Meir-, Pnl-n- Would Prefer Dealt to Undergoing Inch "r. forl-x Agni. From the Post. Lindsay, Ont. It is the lot of but a limited number of people to enjoy the eonfidenee of such an exceedingly large circle of frivnds and onurades as does Capt. :70!wa A.. "rokearshire, who was recent- A STORY TOLD BY A WELL-KNOWN SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN. l THRILLING EXPERIENCE. -e"e'-.e'-e-'N..-'- W dered for a moment, and then replied in excellent English, "If you please. gentlemen, we do not speak German here!" Nativee are often perplexed when Englishmen try to speak their lan- guage. Two English officers went ashore at Teneriffe and asked in Spanish, as they thought. for cigars. The Spanish salesman appeared bewil- testaurams, the American girl. on try- ing her boarding-school French in or- daring a dinner, has been answered by the garcon, " Will madame please speak English? I speak it." ,_- ___ .-..... ,uum. The German, who spoke ten years ago, had observed what English coloniza- tion and commerce were then doing to repair the linguistic breaches begun " Babel. Since then, a dialect. whose basis is English, has come into use wherever Englishmen and Americans have located as traders. Even in Paris " And what need," replied the Ger- man, " have you English to learn a for- eign language, when you make every nation under the sun learn yours ?” The German, who spoke ten years ago, 1.-.; -L.-_..-4 ___R, A - .. - - ' truage At Cape Coast, English was so gen- erally spoken that the missionary did not think it worth while to acquire a knowledge of Fanti, the vernacular of the negroes. Subsequently, he saw his mistake, and expressed regret to a German missionary that he had permit- ted his many occupations to prevent him from studying the natlve lan- Inglis. “me. An English missionary, in his detseritr. tion of religious work in West Africa, " Nine Years at the Gold Coast," tells how his national pride was once grati- fied by the remark of a German mis- monzuy. Every lulu- Underlhe an leans SPREAD OP ENGLISH. mother says. "I looked m of 90 years of age he struggling with the " canes to walk from English - colonial: Jofiriog-So out too much. I Accompanying these there is the p Lacs, a mixture of wine cheese, cream, (butter, sugar and raisins, which are 'ull plum-d together in a wooden bowl land allowed to stand for 24 hours. i'ihere is alno the koulische, a cake lplentifully filled with raisins, and ithrn, as a little side dish, are the vari- colored eggs that all good Russians {are expected to eat with salt that has :heen purified by roasting. The even- ]ing meal is composed of great dishes of ‘s'iumges and immense joints of roaat-, Iii', veal. which, together with the (biuek bread peculiar to the country. is eagerly devoured and washed down with plentiful libations of koumiss and vodka. Ptyllrwog-What's the trouble be- tween Van Clove and his wife? I though! shenwaq the liglgt of his life. Ethel-Ma, I want lame water to christen my doll. Ethel's Ma-No, dear, it is wrong, you know: __ 7 Ethel-Null, then [want some wax to waxinate her. tme'a old enough now to have nomethinz done to her. lter than it reads, and after the quant- lity necessary to appease the appetite {is Consumed in the morning an enor- imung punch bowl is filled with the ‘soup and stands uponuside table dur- ing theday. in all well regulated lins- tsian households there is also found upon the same table a roasted pig, dressed with boiled buckwheat, or irate che, us it is called, mingled with the liver, heart an-l other edible adjuncts of the animal. This pig is especially raised and killed for Christmas day., It weighs never more than seven orl eight pounds. i l RUSSIAN ROAST PIG. _ On Christmas day the Russians ad- here to their strictly national dishes. In the morning their breakfast con- sists of bourach. the national soup. or broth, compo ad ofthe fermented juice of beet mm, sour cream, boiled cab- bage and meat bouillon. This ex- traoxidinary mixture tastes much beta "Take it home this minute !" snap- ped the widow, in anything but mild accents, and very red in the face. She alluded to the incident but once, and then she declared that the only mis- take aha ever made was to hire one of "arm tramp furiners, who would not understand anything.” This really happened. l It was. The imperturable Fritz went directly to his mistress and set- ting the cupboard down on the piazza, by signs and gestures and imperfect English, made her understand that he wanted the key to get his supper. "It-it looks-like my eupboard," gasped the tidmtr Sharp. “What's that coming up the road?" asked Sarah Vosler. wnuse quick eyes focused everything. " 'Taint a pack peddler r" DOLLY NEEDED SOMETHING. The tea party was a success. Si's wife threw open the parlor blinds and let her best haireloth chairs be car- ried out on'th" Piazza, unprecedented concessions. which were subjects of comment among the guests while the hostess was getting tea. The widow); in spite of herself, got, interested in’ Betsy James-tshe couldn't call her anything else-aceount of her trip to the fair and the big things she saw there. She even forgot to grumble about the drouth and the low prices.‘ Betsy Jane Frink, that was, had come on a. visit to her brother Si'e, and Si’s wife made a tea party for her. Betsy Jane, or Elizabeth, as she ‘called herself now, and the widow Sharp had been great chums till Betsy moved away to the city. where 'twas said her husband made "a pile o', money." Notwithstanding that the "trdt" of the harvest was on an' the widow had the chores to do, she made time to "smart up," to put new ruch- ing in ttw neck and sleeves of her told standby black silk dress. and a bit of new green ribbon in the button-hole. THE LIGHT THAT FAILED. Very often when invited out to tea She would fail to remember the main thing for: Fritz, his rations. Par, there was a large, green cupboard partitioned off in apartments, in which she kept her "cooked things" under lock and key, and the key of which she always carried in her poc- ket. "Not," she would explain, "that she cared a mite for the victuula, but 'twas flyin' in the face o' Providence to put temptation under the nose’ of hired help. 'Twas the principle she), cared for."- I Among the things the stolid Fritz wouldn't understand were the widow's repeated assurances that berrying on Sunday did not come under the ban of the fourth commandment. and her (daily dissertations on the sin of glut- tony. Wh"n, in plain words, she told him that there was no need of eating so much. and added example to pre- cept, he only grinned at her tantaliz- ingly over the square ot pie he was hoisting to his mouth on the blade of his knife. The widow's pies had a. re- putation for excellence. as, unfortun- utely, had everything eatabIe the widow prepared. In the widow's cel- lar, there was a lame. Rreun cunlmnl l "Well, sir," the "widow would say with a vicious snap of her false teeth, "he was the first tramp that didn't march away lively to that tune; but he set to an' out that wood, an’Igavo him his dinner, and somehow he's stay- ed on. Yes" confidentially. "he'd very well, as such tools go, but he's got his habits. an' there's things he won't understand, an' his appetite la Jest awful." 1 "There's a pile of wood," said the widow, who was in a. most unamiable mood, "if you want to split it up pu give you your dinner. Them as don't work don't need to eat. I have to work for my rations." m was a big, unwieldy fellow with a German cast of features and a big German name, Fritz something-un- translatable. He came along one April day when the widow was mak- ing her garden, and to use her own words, was "jest drove in a thousand pieces," and asked for something to THE WIDOW SHARP'S MISTAKE. she was: but tails-w-GI' _..u.-.. .... .nvuu. v. 11:“; “at, an. 'riiriiierCiCiCid I observed. I pro- ter a. pillar tera high hat. Box-keeper - One of the pillar: is directly in front of that Beat, air. Theatre-Goer looking over diagram-- I will take this seat. pheric air to every part of the throat, lungs and nasal passages and fully warranted to cure. Address. N. c. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. All those suffering from Catarrh, Bronchitis, Irritable Throat, Ke., and who wish for an absolute cure, send tothn undersigned for sample bottle of thnir famous preparation and inhaler, pre-paid. It is neither a snuff nor a wash, nor an ointment, but a pleasant remedy which is carries} by atmos- SALVATION TO SUFFERERS FROM CATARRH. Violet u. No, déar. I often envy you that accomplishment. Constance-What lovely embroidery! Aryl do youigusoi paint! Dodd's Kidney Pills, the only unfail- ing cure for Bright's Disease, are sold by all druggl'sts at fifty cents a box; six boxes 82.50 or sent, on reovipt of pricv, by The Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto. "I tried them, however, and soon had reason to be thankful that I did. 13etore I had taken a dozen doses I felt a change for the better, and the improvement continued steadily until now I am as strong and healthy as ever. Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills did this for me." 'U could get no relief, no matter what I used, nor which of our doctors treated me. I had suffered, with Bright's Disease, for two years, and had tried mnny remedies and wasted many dollars in my endeavors to re- gain my health. When I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, I had no expectation of receiving any benefit from them. Mr. Aikens found a cure, however. And so important does he rightly deem his recovery, that he has given the following statement regarding it, for publication, in the, hope that other suf- ferers from Bright's Disease will be rescued. This being the case, it will be read- ily understood that Mr. Aikens was very heavily handicapped when, some three years ago, he was attacked by Bright 's I)isease--a disease which many physicians claim is incurable. M ata - That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Bright's Disease. HAMILTON PROVES "a -s....,av u-vv bull- sented to provide the necessary courses of instruction, and to recognize the Countess of Warwick's Husrel as a place of residence fur women slu- dents. The full course of instruction will extend over two years, but those who wish to do so may join the, Short courses and special classes. It is hop- ed that the inclusive fees for instruc- tion and board will not exceed Siio a year. An important expe iment will tshors. ly be made in England with the object of forming settlements ot women in dit- ferent parts of the country for the cul- tivation of the land, and thus enabling them to add to their income; by the sale of fruit, flowers, vegetables, poultry eggs, honey, etc. The idea was started by the Countess of War- wick, and an institution will be opened in connection with Reading College in October where they may be trained especially for the work. It will be _ founded for the definite purpose of en- abling women over the average age of sixteen to obtain a thorough training (theoretical and practical) in the lighter branches of agriculture, viz.: FlOWers and fruit growing, and pack- ing for market, espevially bush fruit, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc., bee and poultry keeping, dairy Work. The Council of Reading College hive con- necessary tor the best sdadii%" 1;}: , I Hood tt Sarsaparllla is Canada's ”InnOnpt 11-1! ' - _ I, - -- -'--- in Canada's GreaMst Medicine. Price .1 Prepared by C. I. 11 od & Co.. Lowe“. Mass. ----------, Hood’s Pm; v ---""" “Lumll bias, and to tired, discouraged faring men and womun it is . physical vigor and vitality w necessary for the best auccnm Them constitute the foundation for health and happiness. Without good appetite and good digestion, all the luxuries of wealth and plenty are of little worth. Hood's Saraapaiilia cre- ates an appetite, tones and strength- ens the stomach and gives it power to digest food. It has brought happiness to many a. home by curing dyspepsia. It is constantly curing stomach trtou, bles, and to than Ai--.o _ , - THE MAILED VOICE WOMEN AS SMALL FARMERS A CHOICE SEAT. Gqu Living Wholesome Food: Healthy Appetite, Perfect Digestion. an. discouraged and tiut.. wom-in it is giving the and vitality which are LA I.” A are the only pills to take with Hood's Ear-sparing. the most clerks, is mmereial "nus and ad a man ore than :npabilily ition. be read- ens was ‘11. some ‘cked by _ on many ONrATtTi5 AR'_CHIV'E TORONTO L OBI-TEE & 00., .heh.i+ an": Agyqugngol Manuel] end Quebec to Liverpool in manner. [use and In: twin are! mum-hw- ' [Abrldor ' Vu- couver.’ 'Dominion,' 'Bootaman,' . Yul-hm": Superior accommodation tor First Cabin, See. and Cabin and Swen-age puaongors. Rates ot tyyee--Pirtrt Cubln. 300.00; second Cebln. tll"., Steel-ego 322.50 an grams according to stunner an berth. For n [Information apply to Low Agent; or DAVID Tomuxo: & Co., Golf! Menu. " tin. Sucmment. Bt.. Monroe]. Dominion Line Steamshlgs. .. .lfoett1te.d tetteete P32290199 PPP".. “m Bram. PM. erron.ko. " t"o"l/3"'diu,G"."'rulllt'l' J2l'S'i"ll"l, our. “Co-m (ml in t a Province . on“! now won... w. J ELLIOTT. Isn'ncipnl. ' "r----------.-"----..'...-"',"'", but: Um: anme Ind try. I have mun 40 yehrl' study on this 'ir'i'r"ir,'o'i"iitl'i'tu. Como Mid uni-1y youuolves. No rink W. K, n TE, Special". Mtg College tdt., Toronto. 8tammerers The tut"t!!,..APPufylt tlo., Limited, IF you have my APPLIS, "TTER, EOE! or "In"! to ahip, ship them to mun-"um“ Send {our Inf/tum”. have them nice!) Milling, boum . Bill "ds, bush-mum, Lend Mot. Bttttt= 1ittdspsro,/n' aw k Multanrder. then" 200 And recoin pun-pd Counter duybouk 'ieI1is1.glerrfa'i'str. 0.1L 1e1iimugigtcsnrk Hamilton - - v u - I..- Write for special terms during February. 8. CORRIGAN. 113 y, merging, ) _Send you} m IORQNIOIGUTTING SCHOOL LAW “munch-Ia... - tun-1y mu nurncun Ho Catlin -rql - who; PARK, auckwml'. 0c We will give One Hundred Dollars for any vase of D alum-1 (mu-ed by 1satarrh) that, can- not be cured by Hull's CUtarrh Cure. Bend for circulars ; tree. " . J. CHENEY & CG, Toleio. o. tlo'd by Drumrista, 75e, Hull's Funny Pills are the bent. by int-n1 app.iunlions as may cannot reach the dimmed portion of the ear. There is only one may to cure deafnens. and that is by com-titu- i‘onal remedies. Deafness, is embed by an in. tlrutted tyatdition of the mne'im lining ot the Euatm'hian Tube. When this tube in intl lined you have a rumbling a und or imperfect hour. in(, and when it is entirely cloned. Deafness is the result; and unless the inthummirion can be tuken our and thia tube rest: red to it" normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ton are caused by Catsirrh which is nothing but, an inthunod condition of th.tyrttur.eyur nurfpveu. Author. after completing a new ', --There, that will make me more mortal than ever. There are not good things enough in life to indemnify us for the neglect of a single dui-Madam Swetchine. [ "The Penietone, Stockbridge, Bor- land and Capeltown Express," and "Wadsl-y, Etselesfield, Putrhtibridge, Deepen and Thurlstone Advertiser" of tho 19th August last, in their reports of the Penietone Show speak of the ex- hibit of! awards brought from fields partly dressed, with Alberts' Thoqratr- Phosph‘lte Powder as the moat inter- estingly attractive thing on the show grounds, and the dressed portions show- ed an astonishing development of clov- ers, against ill-developed plants on the undressed portions. 1 ANOTHER WAY TO GO. Miss Biland-er-r know what I want to say, but-er-I don't know how to express malt, began Mr. “bud. Express yourself, Mr. Homewood. Miss Hilund cut in, won't the railroad people let you travel as a first-class passenger! Complem. To be bad only from DI. 30!":le 81 Queen St. lil., Toron 0 Bend luau: for circular sud utopia of cloth before buying oluwhero. Superior 52,731; Four Dollars INEBALS TESTED $5,313,33- MILTON HER<EY. B. A. BC. " 8t. Bacnment Bt., Mounted. Qua. Deafness Cannot be Cured Metallic Telephone P . . ".1 Tablet f/l',','."; 34:?! his: 2150 $i.50. -- -'r_WW__ ”‘1"- Ill“ The OFFICE SPECIALTY "70.00. LIMITED, Toronto Ind New market, Ont Ton-onto. ITS NAME IS LEGION. was. and that is by com-titu- Deafness, is owned by an in. of the mno'lm rminirot the . When t_hia who ilinfl glued "In; mm. 1 Halo. ptutisteeUGGGG2 to Wrsley may. Riot, mend " W.. oronbo. Manufacturers ot Show Gnu-n. (mm. more. Bu ni Brut [LVN Fixtures, Jew elem. Drumml'. and Ill Rigging! Interio_r mum, Wm. Mlllar& Co. Jon-Lau- Yo all others. thrrrn-proot 010th I Every nnmmner ,Igan and In" talk if W. P. C. 953 we! if] e)GiGidi Janna y In} ontm So, I With every Waist we lend . FREE! - . -.. nu. , LL, u. - "my. A. man uoylo. Edvard I. Halo, B. B. Henry . IV . 1'llrillu'l'GT,','l Edgar 2'g,'h'i, 83 I. o. Mariano" Edmund a. man . con mm: page“ o ma g . Cyclopcdla and Atlas mm in to..." mg, mm a new“ co., pttrUed by I. descripflve 'ymtptmdiurn of the various comm-ion; Puhhslu-rs, presenting tsistoricat, political, and commercial information, etc. we, so Lat-nu- m a... -A... 9955;993qu (armor. tiltriiiiiif 156916. Dictionary itiiY,i,,i'iiji,,', Standard Baker's Adjustable Bedside Table 51 Fraud. we"! . I - . ”"""lucm|fll’ "OM Con-u]. . qusslstud (nonhuman who In for but I 931nm] “mutant. .0 Inc cured mu], who " pd chub“ Writ”. W. J. Arnett, I D., Bulb. Ont. $9;th lmpedlments Only fnwtttutiou In Ounudn for the cure at every phan- of apoeuh dun-z. habit-hm) In Thrrnntu‘ 1890 Cure R,yt,n,tg,".ei, CKURCH'H AH?“ vunn “mm-mm"- V - - - v . Carbolic Disinfectants. .4 meat. Too": Powdon_ ate. awarded 1001mm!“ and diplomas 'sxrusllenee. Th, ir regular une pro ou" dinensen. Auk your den!" supply. Lists mailed free on nnnl FOR BALE-E sine, one heavy duty, high speed. Armiugwn & Bimim, pat.- tern. automatic cutoff engine. cylin- der IF diameter. ntruke 30“, th steam connection; this engine In capable ot 2t0 horse aner at IN revolutions per mmuLe; t is engine is in good Working ordar end ban been rcplued by . heavier trngirw of greater capacity. For further particu‘ars upgly at once to The Gutts Percha an Rubber Mfg. cu.. of Toronto, Limited, 61-63 Front " west. Toron'o. 't.,41e,'rhr,y.TJ'.9.tyyp.,TrTmsp'r MIN - - - -- I -- LEAD PA0ttllutEtt- When you are buying " " M, so a coo. Ceylon TEA. 50 Given Away he Ut WEI} Imitation I: e Mt npeculmtn am 500 H unions b . P"'""" qumorlty (inns were t'i0'ai1?,'li,', 01";th thq 'llU "The hi h authority of ta; Standard Irttttotsary in one of imp mun futures F' A. G. JUHyy. s, !.Y, ,1) RECEIVED HIGHE‘T PRAISE FROM THEM: EMINENT AUTHORITIES. Im r. c. CALVERT a co., - MANCHESTER. - - ENGLAND. Paul”, LL. B. In Tbrhnto, mod.’ TiirGiiiiinar"'" CHURCH‘B AUTO V008 BTYM'hr., . Pombruko It. Toronto. “and. 9A..” ER P‘s -. --.. mu . ”(son 100 medals, and diploma: for nupe " or as. Thvir regular use prawn infecti- Ises. Aqk your denier to obtain . Lists mailed free on application. eru we uuuonu, poulpmd, and our prim list. which con- 8 a , " J I bins many amides besides those whown , ta r , here, Iuvh a: Magic Interns, Tool Seu, , h , Work Boxes, Manicure Beta, Motors, 1 "d9 Printing Prunes. Fountain Pom, Sterl- Ek' ‘ . ing mher md Gold . _'. qT GOIURI’W fo"tfo'G"wuie/i"., an, ctr. , ' ‘ Sell the Buttons, return our money, Brad “' 2 .. - we send your premiums promptly and __ ' ,\ , , Film or ALE, ('llAIt-‘Es. Mb. I Fa25i ' ‘ oral (on-minde- " Preferred. Pl 1 our Io"- Wnu-I in of America: l , make, hamlsonm, durable end rubble. l " ' , our uay'. “mu ia . little gem, m1 lg Swiu made, duimy And emulate. The " , Dal-y " Ille end Baker's slink. With 5 thu. speak tor memseh a. our Cameras In of west model, Unnamed tor time or léghtning EXEMUFeI. In fact every . article we offer is thoroughly relin lo. " we tind it to our Frm, UM Guard or Club. has! integu to bundle only what we an gun-mac. lane, fbr Gal/In, 3 tua, nsold utter“ Hie-ll.- thhs y. '%turnatste, Ass, prize you want. "PT '"tPr.ty" 'tttd the a - I'Vl n. titur p, selling our gold-topped, enamel~bwkod (“ollAI 'MlrroIt't1 n 10 ch. each. m REQUIRED. you "I I. risk. Write l wad the butwm, poupdd, and our min lint. Tho w. a. cum-nu. oo.." ’7 General Agents for Canada. "roette, Ont. --M. ____....-.. , .w... . n. In" u- "In" Enamel Nickel or Antique C mp'r Plate Lee! in a! selected on nicely panama. Can be used "or bod, lounge. chair. etc A hounehuI-l "hole ot the“ merit Md utility. Deapriptiers circulnr und prtee 1m lent (roe upon sup Nation. 19orremtrondenee Invited. - an... mom-hm" H'm"".m -.- Unlvemlly lndurwd and highly recommended by the Medical Profequn. Frame of table in glutamate tl of 1etl,1'elt,ir, 'Mthed eyyter in»!}l§ck_or Whit. In Hoopltalnor Sal-39mm P 90mm“. without l one heavy duty, ton & Bimim, pm, Attr 'mite. cylin- roke 3w. 95.1mm ilFIdMn imam Designed annually for Home tr :mfort. . . 301,865 hibif‘oimo Quotations, Mtn lilultntluno, Lt, 139999191. 125.000 Synonyms and Ann-nun; Con 8960.”, " It in the must complete and unknown- .‘bmtmuuy yet Printed. "- N. Y. Herald. _ Mt Spacinliuu no: we Render- for quotes. IritriMrtAttyrtt1tr, tiom were “waged In onmpllll‘ the wort. "The bill: tuthoricy of tho mud“... na...=.._.,-_ - " - *â€" , ever" MEMBER OF f,22,,1,' FAMILY. .. " every man havlnsn family or arc ing Children could realize the vulue ot this icLionury he would not be long with- Otttit. It la worth mnre than tine clothes. jewelery. In h lie. inv, or summer outings, and tends to improve and ennobqe the character, and makes holler citizens of every person who '.1u.dlet.itu"-Niltcayprt, Sc'nlirlll. and probably more than that number will be given this week. Remember we are givmg free only 500 Graphophones in all for the purpose of introducing our medicines throughout this country. . These are the latest improved Edison Talking ta. chinea fit for concert hail " well u parlor, giving you w the latest songs (comic, sacred and locu- hr) greatest band. and orchestras, most noted singers, pianists, violinists, reciterl and ornate If you want one of these machines you will write a letter enclosing this Advertisement For a Few Hours' .WQI'k- .tl.2('iv/;,tl','i',"il'et,'; A tony». on" '""'".-H "------ if a r 6W Hours . , k We in those bum or I utulg Premium- for , 2 " oped, enamel-backed LIE! Fat . LI/ in 10 cta each. no MONEY " II no risk. Write and we for. " ', - 2 ‘ mid, and our primeliut. which mm s B, , . gt 1 l many articles besides those shown , a ‘ G-, , I cuvh A. Magic mum, Tool 821., . W , ' Boxes, Manicure Sea, Motors, 1 in: PM. Fountain Pom. Meri. F-T L' ‘ silver Ind Gold . rT May, an, ctr. _ q our money, And - .. rr a promptly and “\ r l lens. uh- I g” r Preferred. F. 1 I of Amerimn ’ __ le And Mime. l '; ' i a I little gem, Ltd '\ mute, The - ohraN skate. With 5 thu. but Cameras In of linen model, mining ape-urea. In 11ml - I Is the best flattery. Don't buy something just as good, insist on . . . o ar LU DELLA 'EN of my mun. I y.. may, (mi; 3&3}; Is the best just as good, ot "on. man. A. BgtttE.- Edmrd . Mlle, o. 0. " .. -._ _. any Mme; JG THE mal (lllfllllMIt (lllplif 60., COCOA Absolutely Odorless. Fire only required on. In two week: For olrcnhr write to EPPS’S of those Clout. no now in They are GRArEruu-coMrostrma. THE MOST NUTR ITIOUS. .. me 'hiiifriiiiiriiit (h, if Yonge St., Toronto. BR1s'AKrasr--sivpeER. so Lat-yoga“: Hamilton. Ont. Hundreds not to my Address on receipt of sump. "erttt-terattaeatmeat- “PM!" 0m nu Wu“ t r lust a.“ h. ... Bath n; 42120110.. iaq Pamphlet. “a Bunnie- at Mata-is! of our Steel PM. Niagara Vapor "iii FREE BOOKLET. GUIDE To HEALTH. Good for on m. yuan-V iiiir. tt With Batters, a WW}: 7352.1?" " ot' Mining 7

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