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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1899, p. 4

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- -- "pq"""""'".'..'.' """""h Millur. Kincardiuc; Smith, Beach- ville, and me well known D. Lerby. ahire will speak on allied dairyin' tnpics, Miss Laura Rose of " "‘1 College sl" nks on "Nethof d‘uelpll ing Hulk, while, F'. C' W" "f of C1yyy samumllegc dee' . Harrison ot t.ht of bacteria P" oti with the mysteries: On " .ud pasteurization. tiome of our friends and neighboh, we are sorry to say, have been having a great manv up! and dawns lateiy in conne- gnome. of the my condition of the roads. ,'olletre sl" nks on "Melina!" 7‘ uuelph Hg Hulk, while, F'. C' W" ..s of Cream nine college dee' . ital'l'iSUn of the t bacteria P" ..s with the mysteries On " .nd pasteurization. r ..c whole for factory and milk . .uducers and fnrmcm in general this meeting should present great attrac- tions. Ileld in Guelph, with oppor- tunities oi inspecting College Methods, it is such a mocing as does not occur every day. It is to be hoped that patrons of oteameries and Cheese Factories will take the opportunity of attending the Convention. They will come into con tact with the brightest minds among those in the dairy business. We are l requested to state that those visiting Guelph any time time from Jan. 12th. to 10th should procure tron) the local Ticket Agent Agent a 'Standard Certificate." When this has been signed atGuelph, by the Secretary ol the Convention, a return ticket can be gr:,','"'.).,';') tree ol'chargc any time up to Han 21th. The two beautiful gold medals, value $7000 each. for best exhibit ot cheese al the Industrial and Western Fairs will be presented to the winners at one of the sessions of the Conven- tion. Goodfor one of our local sports. E, (Judd unaltered ont [nicely with Ilia gun tusd (lugs-ad succreah-d in Inns Ilmn an how’s hunting in capturing a tiue as. We haw Iniszml Mr. G. Petty'" cheerful conmmuuce these lam. tew (law. L'e has been rngugod nth the Eden Bros. tim- bumg. Miss Hannah Fee Was spending a few drtys m u-wn lately and "polls th good time. Mr James Wutson has been Iddmg to his Inve Muck by the recent purchase or n cow from Mr. E. Fee and no now Mr. T. Wallace. The young people of this section have decided to replenish the funds in the "gay-my [at therr [mute picnic Ly lasing a pie social on Jan.. 27th. The lilenuy pan. ot the entertainment is under the supervision " an energetic committee and is maul to he a success. The contemplated Temperance sun“, has collapsed. not beeatve it is snpmmed ttntteet'trtrary. but for Want of a odfieient mum-er of members and enttuvirm two very esgeutml thunk in the formalism: of tho society. Mrs. J, Morice returned last week from Fen-guy, when) she has teen am an extend- ed van! ot name weeks. We ure pleased to “MIL-”ll“! bu bark. but sorry to know that from a fall pheglmlninod whl'e awav. we l.s running a dislocated wript. She was twcosrspauied home by her daughter. Mrs. Cr. Moon. Teoswaler. Miss Marian Scarf is home after a lengthy stny in England visiting friends and relatives. A sleigh-load of young folks from these farts attended a party at Mr. George iilchw's on Friday night. they bad a and lime tripping the light holistic till the wee sum hours. My. Dan Wade and his sister Maggie visited the Ewen famil) last Sunday. I wonder it the guy horse was warm when it ttot home? Dom. Minister a Ag., Fisher; sont. Ministers of M., Dryden, Ballnntyne, and McLaren, of Suauord, and pat- tallo at Woodstock, or We cheese and butter Association. Mr party time. A number of our young mm “mulled '11 party at Mr, Banks on \Veduosdny night. They repute a good time. What mull! have been a bad fire at Mr. Banks on'l'hursday morning but for Mrs. Bank» who got an the bonus and with the assistance of the gull: put it om "tter " burning a big hole in the roof. There were In men at home. Mr. Nell and Archie McLean attended a party at Mr, Cameron's. They had a Mood The Secretary, George Hately, Branttord, will gladly answer any in- quiries. Mr. James Banks has returned to his {arm in Proton, .Dt-p. Min. otthgricnltnre James. We have received the ottieial pro gamma of the Thirtrfkeond Annual mention ot the Cheese and Butter Association of Western Ontario, to he held in Uuelph next Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, the l7th, 18th and Huh. This is the one great re- union ofthe year " all interested in Dairying, ands glance at the pro- gramme shows that the provisions made for getting the beat and latest intormation, through addresses and discussion, on subjects sheeting the interests of duirymen, far exceeds those ofany past year, as the following list of speakers and subjects sh?" 3 l E CHEESE AND BUTTER ASSOCIATION. Convention To Be Held Next Week - - o o - -----. NORTH EAST NORMANBY. - . - ROCKY. Councillors It W33 uh" Width] te elm Coors-, u_\...1|A The Election is now a thing of the past and conuiuerablo interest was mam- testedin the run for county councillor; between Mr. Geo. Watson and yu.. Jas. Corbett. Mr.Corbett wasdropped. Mr, Wr,t.son took by far the largest' vale am! m elected lr, a large majority. The strung pull was for vae here between Mr. D, Mcszic and Mr. P. Shaw. Mr. Me.. Kenzie was elected Irs 75 "minritm Re.. Ci;',',",:',','" who a ioreuone oonéiuuuu r. told .e electeu and the result. is: “omit. MeArdle, Vt'ilsots and Wright. Mr. Gil, McAnhur, biacksmizh, hrs thrown down the hammer here and game bo Mich. where he is empecnng a good job, And. Dem-s has accompanied him, CuxnstuHu Moore o'. Dumlulk was out here lately selling goods on a chattel mortgage. 0n Totsday evening the 5th, while the Rev, Mr, McDonald was holding a wager meeting in the new church, his nurse ant out of the shed and could not be tuned for two hours, tLen he was found In a barn yard near by, everything ulhight. The truck had been traced north Iowalds Hopevitle, hnthe must have came back the same way or went around a block. There is something mystermus. some think that there was foul play about It. we"... corn ic say that line, Zeuus Clark is very poorly' tt present. We hope to hear other spew; recovery. . Mr. T. Petty is ("mug at"! mater-ml bums for a new house'. Mr. and Mrs, James Eden spent Sun day with Mr. ond Mrs, John Carson. The Esplen church people are prepar- mu for a tea party on the 16th. The Dnndalk Herald seems to feel Ind over the election of Mr. McArdlo to the Cnnucil. Is he afraid of losing some of " big pulls , We are sorry to chronicle the death of 51-88 Lizzie Perry who mun-HI awuv " the home of Mr Wm Bell on Sunday Jan 8th alter a itngeriue Illness of nine monlhs. The young mun that goes home mth the gn-ls from prayer meeting better not. lenve Ins gloves at, his hast girl's next tune or it may give him away. Parties are all the no this week yet. A few young penpla 'spent an enjoyable even- mu in, man Lizzie Lauvduton'r, Friday night while a sleigh load of the "Upper 10" went to Mr Jan Swamtou Hm sun‘s night. and mm: have bud a good time, we hear them singing. “We won't go home till morning." m Sam Oliver our anteqrming barber and shoemaker is: doing a rushing trade as he has pureosetl a horse and Johnny S‘Plgll to tuteotuodate lais customers. Mr Peter Hay has secured the jot, as caretaker of the school for 1890 " a salary ot 014.00. The Eudenvor held their uruml business meeting Itrt Thnrsoy evening when the following cffieers ,vereinstalled: Pres., W boar, Vice Pres" Miss Ann Reid, Sam, M.» Lizzie Laughton, Treas., Miss Bella Wilson. We would like to know wh'o. was taken suddenly ill at Melbourne Hall Tuesday evening They are kept busy af the saw mill Just now. Them are some \ery large lugs (mining in. Too big Bill thinks as he says he will jump the job if Human does not “up fetching such large logs. Miss Agnes Renwick who was feeling slightly indispo~cd a few nights last week we “re glad to see is feeling lyuter now. Mn Jno Snell has returned home after Visiting: rick relatives at her old home near Sarnia. One of our villagers went to Glanelg to vote. Mr sud Miss 1luthertord who have been visiting at. Melbourne Hall returned to. their home in Gait last Week. Solve mischievous youths annoyed the election offieials when they were counting the lmllols in Allen's Hull on election night. Mr. and Mrs. J umes Gordon were the guenta of their daughter Mrs. ll, J. Eden on Sunday last. .VIrJnmes Laughton who was to have returned to Owen Sound to resume has studies has teen detained with a sore face Lester Bros. have taken the contract. of calling an acre of swamp for Mr Jno ll Rocks. Mr John Brown of Holsteion who has l-em visiting friends here for some time has returned home. Last week being the week of prayer there wnre three prayer meetings held here, mo in the church led by Rev. D. L, Campbell. and one in Russell Hall led by Mr. Robt. Renwick. Mr Murdock. weight inspector gave Dro- more a business Visit last week. Eden. W. M ; J. Ahlred, D. M; o. Petty, Chap; J.Sharp. Rem-Sec; S.Caldwrll- Trev..; R. J. Eden Fin. Sam; E. Birr, Dir.. Cer Was. Caldwell, Stacy, and E. Fee, P. MeEwen, N. Eden, J. Carson, and James Petty, committee. Mr and Mrs Chas Baguell of Owen Sound ate waning at the Ialtor's uncle Mr John Wilson. Mrs Amos was taken very ill Saturday afternoon and at time of writing is in a very dangerous condition. John Leslie of Mt Forest has returned home for the winter. Watch out girls. m Colin mmillnn who has been very ill we are glad to see is able to be around a gain, V m John Benton our stalwarthlaelrtrmith who has been off work with a sore hand we are pleased to see is at work again. The Var-nay L. o. L. No. 689, held their annual election of ofBeers. The following soPetrt.yor, Irleeted:---inrno Mr. Bertie Carson left on morning for Gndd's Hill. Mr. John Carson left. on Tuesday morn- ing for Canary where he intends to re- mam for some time. I, 7 -. --__. - ”unsung on Tuesday night forghe purpose of arrang- mg for the New Year. The} “up” s. B, HOPEVILLE. - -0- DROMORE VARNEY. O.--“ held a. angering on T neulay . Mc- I li'ru, l A sleigh I, at] " “Marin maple drove up to Mr. Wm. Allan's, Friday afternoon and spent. a wry mciahle tune. Messrs. W. and r. and Miss Elm: Sir-rs drove out Friday eyimine to attend u party at Mr. Wm. Brown's. Greenulde. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Alb" t Guelph Honda Xmus Musk. VICKERS. ' I ' ' _ git» 7’ an 'tttttttb." C MFG M -.f Slut”. _ days Ins! Week Visiting: Green and way , of blends. Mr, Harry Edmunds is " present In Toronto Hospital undergoing medical trcattnent for a lump on his neck, Mr.Wm, Grierson and Robert Johns- ton httye takett a contract. Iron; Messrs. Sparliuu& Kinuie of hauling ties from their mill In Beutiuck to Durham sult‘ion. On account of increasing business. Mr. ll. Lindsay has found it necessary this year to enlarge his stables which, he thinks, are now almnt cnmpleto. The Joluvitou Bros. having completed a successful sonann‘s threshiug have now m- vested in a. Worlmun 6 Ward grain chop. per, and are kept busy every Friday attending to the wants of their neighbors, They are damn: evm better work than some of the large milk. "YORKSHIRE BOAR" for season 1898-99. The undersigned will keep for Bets vice at Lot, lo, Con. l, S. D R. Glenelg Rob Roy Hotel) a. thorough-bred Mr, Isaac Sirr who has spent, the last three years In British Columbia and Dakota returned home a few evenings "More Xmas to cheer up the folks at home t, warmly welcomed by a number In; -A> That desirable residence property on Lamhton Street. near theStation, lute-1y occupied by the undersigned. 8 :u'res of land in connection. For further in. formation apply 'o GEO. RUSSELL. Prop. Mr. John Mayor of Wosbm spent Year's day at the home of his sister. Wm. Derby, The undersigned will keep for service at Lot 17, Con. 2, Nm-mnnhy, season of 1898419, the thorough-hved Berkshire. "North Star." Alsoa thorough-hrvd Tamworth Boar. Pedigrees' nmy he 5rettt1 on appheation. TERMS t--1.00 Mr. and Mrs, D, P, Coleridge, Green, side, Mr. George Ind Miss Rem. Sblrpo of Dundalk, Mr. and hire, W. J. and Miss Ethel Sharp of Holstein visited Mrs. D. Sharp and family during Xmas holidays. Mr. Bert Budd is at present spending his Xmas holidays at S. T. Orchards. Mr McLuhan of Venlry, is at present engaged With his brottrer.iu.lttw Ned Me- Leod. D, is a guod man and the fairouea daily think so too, Mr and Mrs McLeod of Snunidale vim- ed his cousin Mr Neil Mr-Lvod and also Boothville triend.a hut week. Mr Graham is now in charge of No. M, and will continue the good work done by Mr Nichol. We are very sorry to chronicle the death of the infant of Mr John Campbell alter an illness of a tet, days of croup and sore throat. Miss Eva Booth spent Christmas at Dro- mote and attended the Chrnstma: Tree Entertainment. After a long delay we will pen a. few Items, as the snow tit, rm was so severe we cauld not get. out to get any news. Mr and Mrs Hugh Wilson of Siughamp- ton spent Chrnstmas with the latter', father, Mr William John Wilson. Mr W J Wilson made his daughter Mrs II Wil- SUI] the present ofa hue young colt pur- chased from Mrs Booth, Mr John E McQueen has been cunfmed to the houue for the last three weeks with a severe attack of b'matie, We hope he will soon be out again. Miss Mary Wilson is also cm,fiued to the house with Plenrsy, Christmas Day was beautiful and Santa Claus delighted the children with prete enls. One at the happy people 'n this part that day was John McMillan, his wife presented lmn with a tine bouncing boy. Congratulations Jack. Miss Maggie Mchunol of Top Cliff, nt- tended services at Swinton Park last Sab- bath and visited friends in that vicmny. A number of the young people from here and near Brownsville enjoyed a pleats- aut .urprise patty to M: A McCauuel, Proton, on Friday night. we: “Yumverknowyou . Inventor“ ptBtt1tittaatt ,"r."rtr.er.Boodactr., Pills rumours. Lowell. Hus. 'ttoorttrpiiistot-tta Mam Fllood's Aritrrm-ttartisBooesrttt.. mu 'irts,taatFttittion$,tttoermgh. ”can. Thorough-bred Boar. ln/rmlnd for last owe):. House and Lot to Rent. tlllllllllNrllflflll WES. Intended for last week. Intended for hut week. TERMS ..--82.0tl. asy to Take 'rr.? asy to Operate JOHN MARSHALL Jr.. BOOTHVILLE. MURDOCH. GEO ‘. RYAN, Proprietor. wore gnéhis of raw pleasant ...qi1e ftirnds. s)" I Hutu ‘Hnonl'v 1...: TORONTO New Mrs. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharnmcy Caldor's Block. Residence first door west of the Post office, Durham. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICE. CALDER'S BLOCK. Entrance next door to Home Dental 0tticesl oFWCEi5--tbt Owen Sound. Mnrkdulo and Durham. Office, over Giant’s store, Lower Town, DURHAM. LUCAS, WRIGHT d BATSON. BA RRIS TER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. Collections and Agency promptly attended to. Villa. Deeds, Mortgages, Letters. Agreements, (to. correctly prepared. Estates of demand persons looked after, and Exeeutotw and Ad-. tuiuistrtrtota' AeeotttttR prepared and passed. Surrogate Court Blnint-ss, Pro‘mle of Wills, Letters of Admiuitttration and Guardiunst1ip" Obtained. Searches made ttl Registry Otttee and Titles reported on. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgug ’s at low, at rates of interest. Valuations made "y a. competent and careful Vuluntor. MONEY TO LOAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOATRY PUBLIC. convznuczn, ac. 0mee--L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. OFF” w- -hlo I " tyve Block. MONEY TO LOAN-cow "rss-EASY TERMS Undertaking and Embalming on latest prin- ciples at reasonable “awe. (IITIM only Hui-clams “our" in - Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. MISS SHEVM’ELL Mon? to Loan at reqsonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. All Charges Maderate. DENTISTRY. "iiiii_nvrneNe,vs,esne,es,vi,vsxvwevi'i:i, Remember the 'etttnd-oppoMtp the Market. Durham. J. P. TLFO RD, G. LEFROY McCAUL. W. S. DAVIDSON. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS: NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS. do. A member of the firm will attend ar-rister, A'otary, Gon- veyancer, etc” eta... MISS' SHE WE LA (Over Me Ba nk. Mouth Organs..... Curry Comlm..... Tin Dippets ....... saw Gauges. . . . . .. Snow Shavela .... . Half String Bells.. Full String Bells.. Home Blankets. . .. " WIN: 1U Int: RUSH OF BUSINESS I hau- m"- (i) been able to write an advertisement for the 1.51 two weeks, still our customers have been hm fitted by the bargains we were offering. , Just opened out aiery fine assortment of Scissors MP9 Razors, unequalled in this Country. Another shit ment Mitts, Gloves, Horse Blankets, Bells, Whips, just to limit Fancy Colors, Bott Trnmm'd’ and , once and set-urn burg/mun. Full I prices that trill surpriuc you. PULPERS A largo stuck of Iftrmwteffttcvis Rollcrand Ball Bearing Pulpcru. Primm Rmmmablr. Sewing Mackinaw and Organs the wr best limr 1.. [my trit . Organ or Sewing Machine is just before K'max. To W ",' H. t _ demand I will reduce prices Jo per cm! for Mr Mart It, Mm» Money fo Loan at .6 per ton! on Good Security. . Insurana‘ of all kinds promptly alleuded to. Marriage Lice'nstw issued either during day or awning. Hardware... My W'arerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Go.ods.....Ca1l without delay and get your pick of choice goods and secure bargains. . . . 314% M set £11: Slllilh Slllik an: tQ?liit SCE tSitSh .e. Lu,'. . gll That Touches the SPO---------. Ji' CUTTERS dl ROBES ”Lillian! t,1,ottyt..,the largest ttiurlc evor khan-n in Bur/mm Come in and sm- our Goods when in Town. FIVE GALLONS COAL OIL FOR 80 CENTS Wlh'0. T(_)_THE RUSH OF BUSINESS I BELOW w: L as FOUND A FEW OF OUR PmtMttB.-.-..-,. winter Goods WM,, BLACK WM. k:rjiLiSiiiii:re (5nd ttf ,,e'17"A','.o't $2.1m} i/h/tloud.'-"--", f'u/‘I’ n] Full (men of ur Overcome and Rufus mm (It My} Hockey Skates......... .-._ Lanterns...,..,... r........ Tea Ket.tles............ .r..r 3X-Cut. Files............. Two kegs Tncka............. Tin Boiler, copper hottmm Steel Enamel Chumlnel Sens 1WI .---Ltteott tttylrs "Ma.---- ! 'trl/ u! lil ttl on 4tk 00 Tw tii9t (bagqitrrici ii, BEAN a$$$¢*;e Genuine at Sacri fi. a Clearing Sale January 2nd we will have Tuesday, Commencing Macfarl Druggia TICC and Company 5 fe: I)" rim n Bl fut-go! l bv u WM DU w u ll " “In a b; 1 N w t

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