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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jan 1899, p. 5

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{0ch and of have not 'the last tn bene- sors and mi w to buy on To In"! " it I 30 days. Labs! at I L---- mart: aer ship- to hand., $155 ttl Mt It?“ a.) a is BEAN a co t o'iewseestiyretee4st4sa3siMMe .i FLANNELETTES iMacfarlane Genuine at Sacrifice Clearing Sale 'Commencing Tuesday, January 2nd we will have a Drug/yids tthtt 'Bookullers. Durham Ont. x? as x J. itsiifFceeiitg T, " BIG goods, 40-in wide, 200 a yard. Black Figured Lustres, Tre, and Me a yard. Heavy Plain Black Lus- trc, we a yard. Ive have, a good line from 3c up to Inc. For a very hvuvy twill, 32-in wide, our 7c tlatuwlctte is a bargain. Heavy Double Fold Dri Goods, 18c, 200 and 25e Yard. c,"ii," 'wi'd'ej '.?.cd a yard. SHELF OIL CLOTH Be a _var0. __ - =% - BOOTS & SHOES We always carry Stork ing Bros. hand made boots and shoes for Men, Women. Boy s and girls. They can't be beat m quality or price. -e i/iG SOAPS from 2 cake up. Dov't forget. to start the Yr'"" right by twink SAMBA CEYLON TEA, Maxi: or Pte, bl] LU“ Inn. 'VlI-‘n v. - nt 25c, '.9)c. 40e a lb. and half lh packets. We sell it. We who sell the best 25e JAPAN TEA in town. DON'T FORGET TO CALL , ttces and Company. Host Table OIL CLQTH. t,Atrtriti' BLACK tloot, MITTS '35 cts. A PAIR 1:er $.36 Figured DRESS 4vuin wide, 250 a DURHAM UPPER TOWN Sea the ES To those who have been perturbed by the apparent increase In expenditure, it may be pointed out that, while the debt was increaSed by $2,416,802, more than that amount has been spent on the St. Lawrence canals alone, and even the most captions opposition critic has not dared to take exception tothis. Expenditures on necessary public works, los:oi' revenue from re ducvions in the burdens cast directly on the, people: as in the cast; ofthe re [titil/te/ii' t'ato, and other outlays are t . ..ey not hitherto recurred. beingr met by the careiul and economical management oi the funds, and by the complete absence of all ex tiavaganec and boodling. A Clyeat Demonstration. The meeting of Liberals in Montreal on Tuesday evening Was a notable gathering in many ways The en- thusiastic and spontaneous welcome given to Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his) colleagues, the splendid reception; given to the addresses delivered, the universal spirit of buoyancy and con- iidence shown by the vast audiunee,' the complete absence of any discord. antnote in spite ofthe reports oi dis. satisfaction so industriously circulated in somequarters. all Went to indicate how entirely the clients to break down the stalwart Liberalism oi Quebec have failed. The entire absence ot eVen a semblance oi truth in the pet" sistent statements that dissention ex- ists among the personel of the Govern. ment, Could not have been more emphatically demonstrated and the proceedings were a titling sequel to the splendid vindication oi Messrs. l Tarte and Sii'ton, which was so point I edly pronounced t y the Premier, and l subsequently endorsed by vast gather. ings ot representative electors in Tor onto, Brandon, Montreal and many other points, not to speak ot the yet l more signitieentendorsation of the bye- elections. The approximate returns for the first halt of the current meal year ending Dee. Bist, show that the country is better off, as between revenue and expenditure, than last year, good as that Was, by $2,855,000. - -i'_.-_M'.__ «an vvvu wwphld, 238 This is the firtst time in the his. tory of the Dominion that the revenue has exceeded $40,000,000 and this growth has been obtained entirely through the expansion of trade, and in spite of considerable reduction in tax- anion. I The statement made by the Minister of Finance at Montreal, that the sur- plus for the tirtst year during which the Liberal Government has had full control of the finaneee, amounts to $1,722,712 is a gratifying indication that however anxious and ready the Government istoembark in any ex- penditure necessary to the develop. mentosthe country's resources, it is determined to keep well within the, ability of the country to pay thereior. I The expenditure chargeable to con-| sohdated accounts has been $38,832,525 ‘r xlglle therevenuerhus been $40,555.l icu gummy; your; The Premier’s pr posed for the reform of the Senate, by bringing the two Houses ol Parliament together and taking a joint vote Upon any question which has been approved by the Commons and thrown out by the Upper House, is exciting very con- sulerable attention, wlizle very much can be said in favor oi'entire abolition, it is recognized that grave constitution- al dittiealties would have to be met, and that the easier way ol'overeotuing the trouble, by curtailing the ability to abuse its power would be prefer- able, it' such can be found. I'he, mis- ehiel was done at Uonlederation. when the Senate was called into exlstauee, more than one Liberal statesman fore- saw the danger and uttered a warn- ing, which unfortunately was not heeded, it is so much easier to make a mistake than to rectify it, and while almost insuperable dittiealties may stand in the way of abolition, it may not prove impossible to so amend the Constitution as to remove the more anomalous features governing the Senate, and thus render it what every part ot the gown-hing machinery of the country should be, a strength and not a Weakness. ---Thc finally tinal returns of the Plebiscite cameout last week in the Canada Gazette. 278487 voted for prohibition, 266571 voted against. a majority for of13916. The total vote pulled is a little over 44 per cent of the enrolled vote, the figures being 543058 out of 1,233,819. Thus, about 23 per cent at the electors voted "yes" which to us seems small inundation to intro- duce a great moral change, however much We might desire it. a..----------" --Bishoo Sullivan, Rector of St. James' Cathredal, Toronto, died last week. The regret at his death is very marked and sincare by all classes of the cummunity. He. did a great work in Alguma .0 which he clung with a dewtiun which refused the Bishoprip of Huron in 1884. when he simply said "My duty to Algomn compels me to decline." He was ot the "evangelical school. eloquent and magnetic, and his place will not be easily tilled. -- “The Frmch "re To Britain rt course. common remark in Since the complete Thursday, January I2, 1899 TMT: ms: OUR OTTAWA LETTER. The Reform Ot The Senate. “much “’ressisagain hostile , rt course. This is gettirg a remark in the despateht a. complete backdowu in the Lent, a. 271;“: with: :rTEZfllg the hy,lu iiwtatstie. Some ot the boy» and girls look in u lance at Mr. Tom McKexinans Where they enjoyed tlumseh‘cs to Mit' heob, content, and hope to be able to $Jitfis another cw wing with the same crowd be. fore the winter in owe. Mr. Hugh McD-quld had a wood hm Ins: “eel: “have the buys worked with tt mll and at night had near twenty cord, We are pleased to be able to courzratu~ lane Mr. Neil McCanual up0u his succum- ful ttitempr to attain the milieu of Coun- cillor for 1899. Mr, Neii Elder spent New Year's week aim " numerous Irieuds in the capilul "t Ihe province. Quite a number from this vicinity took m the annual Sunday School elite-tinn- ment held in the 1'veslryteuian church Ptieeville, where they Wera all well enter. tamed. Mr. Nell McGilvray and sister of Pal-lay Bruce Co, vitated ll Mrs. Rom. MrIntyre‘s last week. Mr. Edward Sullivan of Maple Grow. accompanied by his mother and sister visual at Mr. P. Sullnvan'a on Neg Year',, day. MISS Maggie McCannel, our genial scum-l teacher took a. mp to the Queen city during holidays. Mr. Thomas McDongall and Jno. Mc- Donald area present cutting “mod for Mr.N'cit Cameron and Juo. Campbell pf Ewe-wont. We ex,iu'eb to lsear of M11110 lacuna: breaking. A few of theyonth’n from the Cliff tnok a drive met to Martin titonehousc's one kuing lust "eel; where a wary plcusunL Honing was spent. Mrs. Whiteside rum sou hum me Scum] were the guests at Mr. Roderick 11eEaehern last u-(wk. We [when that than: is still an odd young man or two who, like the herot,s ol old.turouglt hostaud mum: to see their uves they'd go. but we leave it far th., B. V. scribe to describe them better. ago. Mr, Fmdlay Mephuil visited Mr. N McIntyre for a Hunt. time on Sunday, but after uwlnle tltey could be we" driving in he opposite (lilucliun from which the mm! w m blowing. Miss Flora McCunne! is at present en- joyiue her-elf at and "round home, we are pieased to have lurr among tls again. Mr, Franeis McLeod, of b'uuuidale, is vmi-ing at Mr Neil McCanuel‘s. Mr, Jno. McLeéd of Buuuldale visited M his father's and other friends a week Elections are now over for this year, aud everyone around here seems fairly tsatisfied with the result. Althavlgl) late we wsh ye Ed. and tstaff a happy and prosperous New Year. Did ilitrrmury,ttrtns,tct, his feet wet or wing through the wands '? We heard a. young lady complaining: that tne panics were all a failure since anu‘lev went to Trout Lake. What we wank] like to know is where did SlHlle of the boys watch the old year dr-mmu toa claw and the dawning of a m-w um». F-"-'--------------.--- 'Fashoda incident France has been see- lug how tar she could go in China, in (Newfoundland in Madagascar and elsewhere in the irritation of Britain. Backing down is becoming easy to her however, and Britain does not seem to be anxious, but she is firm. Her firm. ness is causing a strengthening of the French forces however, which may be what France is aiming for, in view of a future tussle wiih Germany. Her armingto resist what she chooses to call British aggression. will not offend Germany. but at the same time she is getting ready for Germany. ylvlilv ay! Ipllgd TOP CLIFF. The e\ emu-,5 w Jc-i-eu-ir.."""-""-.-;- '“ ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO RH if? Homr---The suppl in the annex was LP. “" """""F. " t"ii leuvwr than antici’hnH-d and prices for Thoroughbred l Ai), .hoice selections and light were firmer. Ohlnined from (‘5' he former being quoted at. 12c advance Herd” of J. G. Snell. (til md the latter 25c higher. Choice fetch- TERMS ..- - ed $4.50 per cwt, Ii ht brought 84.13. I DON c2. ' Saws were slow at Big to $3.25 per cwt. Bnnessan. Nov. Itkh Gentlemen will find it an excellent article for use after shaving. PER BOTTLE 2Sc CALDER'S BLOCK DURHAM It is not greasy or oily and leaves the skin soft and smooth. For Chapped Hands or Face, Cracked Lips, or any roughness of the Skin, are pleased with the results. G. " It. Ticket Agent and Can Express Money Order Agent. Export Cattle - The offal ings were equal to demand. The prices remained unchanged from Tuesday, [winging $4.- 25 to $4.50 per cwt. Sheep and Lamhts-The offerings were Lleeal and she demand fairly Rood. The prices for sheep tor export and butchers' use were a little easier, while Ian-lbs re. mained firm. Export sheep fetched i3.25 to $3.35 per cwt. Lambs brought $3.75 to 8t.25 per (-wt. Bucks were slow at $2.50 to $2.75. Jas. F,, Gun 63/136363 cs-sts-ls-IF" Butehers'Cattle-There was a fairly heavy subply and the prices were a little higher for. the choicest, which fetched 84 to $4.25 per cwt. Common were slow at unchanged prices. Bulls-The supply was much heavier than expected and the prices fivmer. Heavy exporters brought $3.50 to $4 and $4.25 for selections. Light fetched $2.25 to $3.25 per cwt. Much heavier receipts were at hand at the Western Cattle Market; to-day than expected by local buyers earlier' this week, and with the demand much restricted by soft weather the supply proved ample. Choice cattle were com- peted for sharply. A few lots sold a little higher, but there Ms no general quotable advance for common cattle, and such steers as lacked weight' and quality dragged at barely steady prices. The receipts were about 40 loads, includ- ing about. 300 sheep and lambs and 1,300 hogs and a few milch cows. Sluckel's and Feeders -. Slackers for Buffalo were in a limited supply and good demand at firm prices, bringing 83 to 83.40 per cwt. Feeders were quoted at. $3.50 to $3.75. Milch Cows-There were only a few uttered, which brought steady prices, ranging from 830 to 340 each. Flour per bbl ........... (lumen. per sack ...... Bran per ewt ... ... tihorts per cwt ... Full Wheat per bushel Barley, tb GUN’S TOILET BALM Peas, .. Oats, bt Dr'd Hugs, per cwt Hugs, live weight. .. Lard perlb ... Tallow" per lb ... Butter per ttr, TO ... th Roll Eggs. per doz ... ., Chickens. rer pair Ducks " I‘m-keys, per ll; ... Geese, per lb .. Hides. per owt ... Calfskins ... ... Sheepskins ... ... Iray, per ton ... WNW. '. ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apples', per bag .. mas/am Cb-ts-tbats-w All who has used LWAYS PUT U P BY DURHAM MARKET. Live Stock Markets. TORONTO. DRUGGIST LEASES 0 35 u 0 (33 lo 0 28 to 5 25 to 4 00 to 10 to 03 to 0 12 to 1 80 to 63 to 75 to 65 to 3 50 to $4 00 0 05 to 6 50 to y.5 to 40 to ,5 00 to 0 00 to 60 to 50 to 12 to 14 to M to 40 to 7to 50 10 04 0 18 13 15 75 to co 0 42 64 28 7 00 30 65 6 00 75 " The undersigned will keep for ser- vice, season 1998-99 on Lot 23, Con. S D. R., Clem-1g. a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. Obtained from the "Gold Medal Herd” of J. G. Snell. Edmonton. TERMS t-4t.oo DON. MCARTHUR. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot. 32, Con. o. Bentinck a thorough- bred Improved Yorkshire Boar for the season of 189fr99. from the famous herd of J. E. Bethour. Pedigree umy be seen on application. 'rERMh't--8t.00 Money to loan at 5 per cert. Fire, Life and Aeeident Insurance, Ocean Tickets for sale. Debts collected, all business attended to quickly and promptly. i A?, J24. Miller. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE Ths, Jinnover Gonveyancer, . The Hanover Conveyancerl offers the following bargains: l TEASDALE FARM; lot 30, con. P., W.G. ' R. Bentinek. Will sell this fine 100 acres for but little more than was paid a few years ago before Mr. Teasdale built on it a large brick dwelling which he says cost 81000. HOSBACH FARM; at Lamlash. about 97 acres, good building, close to Post Offiee, Store, Church and School. Will sell at a great bargain or trade. LEWIS EIDE FARM, township of Holland good form in German settlement. Will sell cheap or exchange. Con-l tains 100 acres, well improved. A 100 ACRE FARM in Betitinek, pretty: good lot, at say 8850 should bring'! 81200. Who speaks first ? 1 HOUSE AND Lor at Allan Park, to be, given away, comfortable dwelling, I good stable, - --- l England & Russia WOOD At each others throats would probably raise the prices, s','121i',l',',' tr,' " A 1 Lnnn‘ 111 1481,1165 , \JCIILS 0; l 0111118 SlZCS. l E": That . we . ever . had. {:1 _'jj A. GORDON, - - - LOWER TOWN a LLf'itiifii I" ii2'i'ig'itiS tEif'itiifi i'ifii'iri; i'iT2'iifiia VIN". “Fr'TTI. "EWI’QE i'2ri'Sr *Vaf‘llu glxw‘ It "V t qViqv "h' w ' ths _ or It w s :. "iiTrt".TF.Trtr.'fitThT.". .51". I".."." .u'.v".v".o' Jt.". .I' ' REVIEW OFFICE BERKSHIRE BOAR. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Holiday Purchases .. We have the Largest and most complete Stock of FLAT“ ARE, SILVERWARE, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, - AND - FLATWARE NOVELTIES. Dueber-Hampden, Hampden, and Waltham WATCHES, in Ladies', Gents' & Youths' sizes. That . we . ever . had. B()A Ire. H, MILLER IV. T. COOK. - ON YOUR - Wanted on Sub. scription at the " BY BUYING FROM .. 3 GORDON IC, , Wor1ottumhitt Unsurpassed I, Fine Choice in Vallses, Grips, Horse “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. W. A.McFARLANE. We Sell all kinds at all prices. Also a Full Line of Iylliii'tyrlatt.e's The Wheels .p"Ns, Go Round Lotto, concession 2, Glenelg. With- in two miles of the town of Durhum. This is a glmd farm. Good stone house. frame burn. good orclmrd. well watered convenient In market. Will he sold cheap. For particulars apply to JOHN MCKICCIINIE Blankets. m. ac. We do the trade in ttnw Furs. Highest Price Paid. or to Rocky Baugeon. GEORGE H. TICKER. Box 257. Pmluge La Prairie, Man. WATCH F S. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. and STERLING SILVER NOVELTII'B. CALL 6: SEE OUR qjiit a Bites, Whips, " dx., " Heavy d Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. We Handle everything in the Harne line, at right prices. Dinner BpoileA--rHuslrpnd Mad-- Servant Girl Ugly. The ancient. clock did its best-- It is old enough wrest. Its trome qualities have gone, you want a. Good Clock & Temper Saver. We have them "or $1 50. You can sue time and worry by buying one. FARM FOR SALE. C. LEAVENS Next to Bank. Collars, Pads, of Mime. _ - in. V, L. A 'rits

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